外研版高中英语Module3SectionⅣGrammar & Writing课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂过去完成时的被动语态和间接引语过去完成时的被动语态和间接引语一、一、过去完成去完成时的被的被动语态 过去完成去完成时的被的被动式表示式表示动作在作在过去某一去某一时刻或某一刻或某一动作之前已完成,且作之前已完成,且谓语动词与主与主语存在被存在被动关系。句中关系。句中常用常用by,before,until,when等等词引引导时间状状语。1过去完成去完成时的被的被动语态有以下三种形式有以下三种形式(1)肯定肯定结构:主构:主语had been done其他成分其他成分(2)否定否定结构:主构:主语had not been done其他成分其他成分(3)疑疑问句句结

2、构:构:Had主主语been done其他成分;其他成分;疑疑问句句had主主语been done其他成分其他成分2过去完成去完成时的被的被动语态常用于以下情况常用于以下情况(1)表示表示过去某一去某一时间以前已以前已经完成的完成的动作,常与作,常与by,before等引等引导的的时间状状语连用。用。By the time he got to the school, the first period had been finished.当他赶到学校的当他赶到学校的时候,第一候,第一节课已已经上完了。上完了。How many buildings had been destroyed when t

3、he hurricane ended?飓风结束的束的时候,有多少座大楼被候,有多少座大楼被毁毁坏了?坏了? 考题印证考题印证11(2011北京高考北京高考)Experiments of this kind_in both the U. S. and Europe well before the Second World War.Ahave conductedBhave been conductedChad conducted Dhad been conducted解析:解析: 考考查时态和和语态。因。因为这种种实验在二在二战之前之前就已就已经进行了,行了,应用用过去完成去完成时,又因,又因为e

4、xperiments 与与 conduct 之之间是是动宾关系,所以关系,所以选D项。选D(2)在在told,said,knew,heard,thought等等动词之后的之后的宾语从句中,若表示从句中,若表示过去某一被去某一被动动作作时,用,用过去完成去完成时。He heard that the tickets had already been sold out.他听他听说票已售完。票已售完。The newspaper reported more than 1,000 people had been killed in the hurricane.报纸报道道说有有1 000多人在多人在飓风中中

5、丧生。生。(3)根据根据语意可以判断出意可以判断出动作先后的被作先后的被动语态,用,用过去完去完成成时。As the work had been done, he went on to search the Internet.因因为作作业已已经完成,他上网完成,他上网查阅一些一些资料。料。He did what he had been told to.他是按要求做的。他是按要求做的。 考题印证考题印证22(上海春季高考上海春季高考)John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it _ seriously.Adamaged Bwas

6、 being damagedChad damaged Dhad been damaged解析:解析: 句意:句意:约翰不得不把他的翰不得不把他的车送到修理厂修送到修理厂修理,因理,因为它受到了它受到了严重的重的损坏。坏。it与与damage之之间存在存在逻辑上的上的动宾关系,关系,应用被用被动语态;又因;又因约翰修翰修车在在后,后,车坏在前,坏在前,应用用过去完成去完成时,故,故选D项。选D(4)用在用在“It was the first/ second . time that .”句型中。此句型中。此句型主句用一般句型主句用一般过去去时,that引引导的定的定语从句用从句用过去完去完成成时。

7、It was the first time that three of them had been beaten in the prison.这是第一次,他是第一次,他们中有中有3个人在个人在监狱里都曾遭到里都曾遭到过殴打。殴打。(5)在虚在虚拟语气中,条件句表示与气中,条件句表示与过去事去事实相反,且主相反,且主语与与谓语构成构成动宾关系。关系。If I had been invited earlier, I would have gone there.如果早点儿邀如果早点儿邀请我的我的话,我就去了。,我就去了。二、二、间接引接引语 直接引述直接引述别人的原人的原话,叫做直接引,叫做直接引语

8、;用自己的;用自己的话转述述别人的人的话叫做叫做间接引接引语。直接引。直接引语如改如改为间接引接引语,必必须在在语序、人称、序、人称、时态和状和状语方面做相方面做相应的的变化。化。1句型句型变化化(1)陈述句述句直接引直接引语如果是如果是陈述句,述句,变为间接引接引语时,用,用连词that引引导(that在口在口语中常省略中常省略)。“I will never forget this interesting lesson,” said Paul.“我永我永远不会忘不会忘记这有趣的一有趣的一课,”保保罗说。Paul said that he would never forget that int

9、eresting lesson.保保罗说他永他永远不会忘不会忘记那有趣的一那有趣的一课。(2)疑疑问句句直接引直接引语如果是疑如果是疑问句,句,变为间接引接引语时,要把疑,要把疑问句句语序改序改为陈述句述句语序序(主主语在在谓语前面前面),句末用句号,句末用句号,主主语的人称、的人称、时态和状和状语也要做相也要做相应的的变化。化。一般疑一般疑问句:直接引句:直接引语如果是一般疑如果是一般疑问句,句,变为间接引接引语时,要用,要用连词whether或或if引引导。主句中的。主句中的谓语动词是是said时,要改,要改为asked。没有。没有间接接宾语的,可以加一个的,可以加一个间接接宾语(me,

10、him或或us等等)。He said, “Can you speak French?”他他说:“你会你会说法法语吗?”He asked me if/whether I could speak French.他他问我是否会我是否会说法法语。特殊疑特殊疑问句:直接引句:直接引语如果是特殊疑如果是特殊疑问句,句,变为间接引接引语时,仍用原来的疑,仍用原来的疑问词引引导。“Where do you usually have lunch?” he asked me.“你平常在哪里吃午你平常在哪里吃午饭?”他他问我。我。He asked me where I usually had lunch.他他问我平

11、常在哪里吃午我平常在哪里吃午饭。选择疑疑问句和反意疑句和反意疑问句也用句也用whether/if引引导。She asked, “Are you going there or not?”她她问我我说:“你去不去哪里?你去不去哪里?”She asked me whether/if I was going there or not.她她问我是否去哪里。我是否去哪里。He asked, “Youve already finished your homework, havent you?”他他问我我们说:“你你们已已经完成作完成作业了,是不是?了,是不是?”He asked if/whether we

12、had already finished our homework.他他问我我们是否已是否已经完成了作完成了作业。(3)祈使句祈使句转述祈使句,要将祈使句的述祈使句,要将祈使句的动词原形原形变为带to的不定的不定式,并根据句子意思在不定式的前面加上式,并根据句子意思在不定式的前面加上tell, ask, order等等动词,其句型是:,其句型是:tell/ask/order sb. to do sth.,如果祈使句,如果祈使句为否定式,否定式,则在不定式的前面加在不定式的前面加not。“Make sure the door is shut,” she said to her little so

13、n.“一定要关上一定要关上门,”她她对她的小儿子她的小儿子说。She told her little son to make sure the door was shut.她她对她的小儿子她的小儿子说一定要关上一定要关上门。“Dont smoke in the room,” he said to me.“不要在房不要在房间里吸烟,里吸烟,”他他对我我说。He told me not to smoke in the room.他他对我我说不要在房不要在房间里吸烟。里吸烟。2时态变化化主句的主句的谓语动词若是一般若是一般过去去时,从句的,从句的谓语动词在在时态方面要做相方面要做相应的的变化,化,总

14、的原的原则是向是向过去推一个去推一个时态。时态的的变化化例句例句一般一般现在在时一般一般过去去时She said, “I need a calculator.”She said that she needed a calculator.现在在进行行时过去去进行行时Jim said, “Im expecting a long distance call.”Jim said that he was expecting a long distance call.时态的的变化化例句例句一般将来一般将来时过去将来去将来时Nancy said, “Ill call again later.”Nancy s

15、aid that she would call again later.一般一般过去去时过去完成去完成时He said, “I took it home with me.”He said that he had taken it home with him.现在完成在完成时过去完成去完成时Paul said, “Our team has won the match.”Paul said that their team had won the match.过去完成去完成时过去完成去完成时He said, “I had finished my homework before supper.”He

16、said that he had finished his homework before supper.点津点津直接引直接引语变为间接引接引语时时态不做改不做改变的情况:的情况:主句的主句的谓语动词为现在或将来在或将来时态,从句的,从句的时态无需无需变 化。化。当直接引当直接引语是客是客观真理真理时,不受,不受时间的限制,因此不需的限制,因此不需 要要变化化时态。直接引直接引语是一般是一般过去去时,并且和具体的,并且和具体的过去去时间连用,用, 时态不做改不做改变。He says, “Im tired.”He says that he is tired.Our geography teach

17、er said to us, “The moon goes around the earth.”Our geography teacher told us that the moon goes around the earth.She said, “I was born in 1995.”She said that she was born in 1995.3指示代指示代词、时间状状语、地点状、地点状语和和动词的的变化化变化形式化形式例句例句指指示示代代词thisthatShe said, “She is coming this week.” She said that she was com

18、ing that week.thesethoseHe said,“These books are mine.”He said that those books were his.变化形式化形式例句例句时间状状语nowthenHe said, “Its ten oclock now.”He said that it was ten oclock then.todaythat dayHe said, “I havent seen her today.”He said that he hadnt seen her that day.tonightthat nightShe said, “Ill co

19、me again tonight.”She said that she would go again that night.yesterdaythe day beforeHe said, “This happened yesterday.”He said that had happened the day before.变化形式化形式例句例句时间状状语two days agotwo days beforeShe said, “I arrived two days ago.”She said that she had arrived two days before.tomorrowthe nex

20、t day/ the following dayShe said,“Hell be back tomorrow.”She said that he would be back the next/following day.next weekthe next weekShe said, “Ill do it next week. ”She said that she would do it the next week.变化形式化形式例句例句地点地点状状语herethereShe said, “He came here to see Tom.”She said that he had gone t

21、here to see Tom.动词come/ bringgo/takeHe said, “I brought it home with me.”He said he had taken it home with him.将下列直接引将下列直接引语变为间接引接引语1He said, “I am going to see a film this afternoon.” 2He asked me, “When will you go to Beijing?” 3Tom told me, “I went to New York last month.” He said that he was goi

22、ng to see a film that afternoon.He asked me when I would go to Beijing.Tom told me that he had gone to New York the month before.4Jack told me, “I have waited for you for a long time.” 5He said, “I came here last week.” 6He asked me, “Are you fond of football?” Jack told me that he had waited for me

23、 for a long time.He said that he had gone there the week before.He asked me whether I was fond of football.7The teacher asked him, “What did you do last night and when did you go to bed?” 8He asked the boy, “Why were you late again?” 9I asked her, “Do you live in the school?” The teacher asked him w

24、hat he had done the night before and when he had gone to bed.He asked the boy why he had been late again.I asked her whether/if she lived in the school.10The teacher said to us, “We will have an English test next Saturday.” The teacher told us that we would have an English test the next Saturday.单项填

25、空填空1At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement_.Ahas been reachedBhad been reachedChas reached Dhad reached解析:解析: 由由“it was announced”可知可知协议已已经达成,达成,故判断故判断为“过去的去的过去去”,用,用过去完成去完成时。另外,。另外,reach和和agreement之之间是是动宾关系,要用被关系,要用被动语态。选B2The kindhearted couple decided to adopt the child who

26、se parents _ in an accident.Ahad been killed Bare killedChad killed Dkilled解析:解析: kill表示的表示的动作作发生在生在decided之前,且与之前,且与主主语parents之之间是是动宾关系,因此用关系,因此用过去完成去完成时的被的被动语态。选A3By the end of last year, another new gymnasium _ in Beijing.Awould be completedBwas being completedChas been completedDhad been complet

27、ed解析:解析: 主主语gymnasium和和动词complete之之间为被被动关系,又由关系,又由时间状状语by the end of last year可知,可知,此此处应用用过去完成去完成时的被的被动语态。选D4The policemans attention was suddenly caught by a small box which _ placed under the Ministers car.Ahas been Bwas beingChad been Dwould be解析:解析: 考考查时态。因。因为这个小盒子个小盒子“被放在部被放在部长车下下”发生在生在“引起警察注意引

28、起警察注意”之前,即之前,即“过去的去的过去去”,所以用所以用过去完成去完成时。选C5On hearing the news that her lost daughter _, the excited mother burst into tears.Awere found Bhas been foundCwould be found Dhad been found解析:解析: 考考查时态。句意:一听到。句意:一听到丢失的女儿被找到失的女儿被找到了了这个消息,个消息,兴奋的的妈妈大哭起来。大哭起来。过去完成去完成时表示到表示到过去某个去某个时间为止已止已经发生或已生或已经完成的完成的动作或行作或

29、行为。选D6I felt very happy because it was the third time I _ as a writer by the newspaper.Awas awarded Bhad been awardedCawarded Dwould be awarded解析:解析: It was the first/second .time后接后接过去完成去完成时态,又因主,又因主语I和和award是是动宾关系,故用关系,故用过去完成去完成时的被的被动语态。选B7My teacher told us that she _ in April, 1979.Ahad been bor

30、n Bwas bornCis born Dhas born解析:解析: 当直接引当直接引语中中谓语动词为一般一般过去去时,且和具体的且和具体的时间状状语连用用时,间接引接引语的的时态不不变。选B8The reporter said that the UFO _ from east to west when he saw it.Awas traveling BtraveledChad been traveling Dwas to travel解析:解析: 句意:那位句意:那位记者者说当他看到那个当他看到那个UFO时,它正自它正自东向西向西飞行。主句行。主句为一般一般过去去时,从句亦,从句亦应用用

31、过去的去的时态,由,由语境可知境可知A项切切题。选A9John asked me _ to visit his uncles farm with him.Ahow would I like Bif or not would I likeCwhether I would like Dwhich I would like解析:解析: 一般疑一般疑问句句变为间接引接引语要用要用whether或或if引引导,且要用,且要用陈述述语气。气。选C10The young man, who by then _ admission to university, decided to do some partti

32、me jobs to gain more practical experience.Agained Bwas gainingChas gained Dhad gained解析:解析: 考考查动词时态。根据句意,。根据句意,获得得录取通取通知知发生在决定打工之前,故用生在决定打工之前,故用过去完成去完成时。选D描述自然灾害描述自然灾害根据以下内容写一篇根据以下内容写一篇100词左右的新左右的新闻报道。道。时间及及事件事件2010年年11月月5日日Merapi火山爆火山爆发过程程此次此次喷发持持续了了3个小个小时,一些地方火山灰厚达,一些地方火山灰厚达5毫毫米。伴随着火山米。伴随着火山喷发,地震也

33、持,地震也持续不断。火山不断。火山发出出的爆炸声在的爆炸声在20千米外都能听千米外都能听见危害危害1.喷发给附近村庄造成附近村庄造成严重破坏,两个村庄的房屋重破坏,两个村庄的房屋被被毁毁2.由于能由于能见度度(visibility)很低,机很低,机场被迫关被迫关闭3.78人死亡,人死亡,130万人万人转移移 The eruption of the Merapi volcano occurred on 5th November, 2010. It lasted for three hours and caused serious damage to the villages nearby. Ho

34、uses in two villages have been completely destroyed. Along with the eruption, several earthquakes happened, destroying many buildings. The explosive sound could be heard at a distance of 20 km away. After the eruption, many places were covered with ash as thick as 5 mm. Due to low visibility, the ai

35、rports had to be closed down. In all, the eruption has caused 78 deaths and 1.3 million people were forced to leave their homes.句:开句:开门见山介山介绍Merapi火山爆火山爆发及爆及爆发的的时间。至至句:句:详细介介绍火山爆火山爆发的具体的具体过程。程。至至句:描述火山爆句:描述火山爆发之后造成的危害。之后造成的危害。至至句分句分别用用caused serious damage,completely destroyed和和现在分在分词短短语destroying m

36、any buildings详细描写了火山爆描写了火山爆发的具体的具体过程。程。句用句用After the eruption引出火山爆引出火山爆发后的危害。后的危害。句中用了句中用了in all作作总结,描述火山爆,描述火山爆发的人的人员伤亡情况。亡情况。 关于自然灾害的短文属于关于自然灾害的短文属于记叙文范畴。在写作中,首先叙文范畴。在写作中,首先要把灾要把灾难发生的地点、生的地点、时间、带来的来的损失写清楚。一篇失写清楚。一篇优秀的文章秀的文章还应包括以下几个方面:包括以下几个方面: 1描写受描写受损害地区的位置、人口及其美害地区的位置、人口及其美丽之之处,与,与 自然灾自然灾难形成反差形成

37、反差对比,增比,增进人人们对自然灾自然灾难毁毁坏性坏性 的了的了解。解。 2通通过描写自然灾描写自然灾难对于人于人类生命和生命和财产的破坏,提的破坏,提高人高人们对预防灾防灾难、珍惜生命和保、珍惜生命和保护财产的意的意识。 3体体现自然灾自然灾难面前,人人相互支持、相互关面前,人人相互支持、相互关爱的的 人人文精神。文精神。 4通通过描写自然灾描写自然灾难的的产生,提高人生,提高人类的的环保意保意识。 黄金表达黄金表达 It is reported that .happened/took place/broke out .A terrible earthquake/flood hit/stru

38、ck .Everything was destroyed.Almost all the houses were destroyed.Thousands of people were made homeless.At present, fresh water, food and shelters are badly needed.Measures have been taken to help .Luckily, the army has been sent to rescue .What are the causes of floods (earthquake/hurricane)? 请根据下

39、列文字提示写一篇根据下列文字提示写一篇100词左右的短文。左右的短文。 2011年年3月月11日,日本日,日本东北部北部发生生9.0级地震,此次地地震,此次地震是日本震是日本历史上最大的一次,造成几万人史上最大的一次,造成几万人伤亡,并造成重亡,并造成重大大财产损失,失,还引引发了核泄漏。地震震中位于太平洋海域,了核泄漏。地震震中位于太平洋海域,东京有京有强强烈震感。地震引烈震感。地震引发的海的海啸影响到太平洋沿岸的大影响到太平洋沿岸的大部分地区。地震部分地区。地震发生后,世界各地的人生后,世界各地的人纷纷为日本灾区人日本灾区人民捐款捐物,帮助他民捐款捐物,帮助他们渡渡过难关。关。 参考参考词

40、汇:9.0级9magnitude;财产损失失property losses;核泄漏;核泄漏nuclear leak;震中;震中epicenter参考范文参考范文 A 9magnitude earthquake struck Japan on March 11,2011. It has been the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan, causing tens of thousands of deaths and injuries and serious property losses. It led to serious nuclear

41、leaks as well. The epicenter of the earthquake lied in the Pacific coast, but people in Tokyo could feel it strongly. Most areas along the Pacific coast were affected by the tsunami following the earthquake. After the earthquake, people around the world donated money and things to the inhabitants there to help them go through the difficulty.



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