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1、Unit9PoliticsUnit9Politics2021/6/161 BarackHusseinObamaIIBarackHusseinObamaIIBirthplace:Birthplace:Honolulu,Hawaii,AmericaBirthdate:Birthdate:Aug4th,1961EducationEducation:enteredHarvardLawSchoolin1988Belief:Belief:ProtestantsAchievements:Achievements:chosenasasenatorofIllinoisin1996electedasthe44th

2、PresidentoftheUnitedStatesin2009;wontheNobelPeacePrizein20092021/6/162He is an American politician who served as the 44th President of the United States from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017. The first African American to assume the presidency, he was previously the junior United States Senator

3、from Illinois from 2005 to 2008. Before that, he served in the Illinois State Senate from 1997 until 2004.2021/6/163Willard Mitt Romney (born March 12, 1947) is an American businessman and politician who served as the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and was the Republican Partys nom

4、inee for President of the United States in the 2012 election.He won the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, becoming the first Mormon to be the presidential nominee of a major party. He was defeated by incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama in the November 2012 general election, losing the

5、 electoral college by 332206. The popular vote between the two major-party nominees was 51%47% in Obamas favor.2021/6/164John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936) is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator from Arizona, a seat he was first elected to in 1986. He was th

6、e Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama.2021/6/165LanguagePoints1.forge:todevelopsomethingnew,especiallyastrongrelationshipwithotherpeople,groups,orcountries形成,缔造尤指与其他人、团体或国家形成牢固的关系e.g.Thetwowomenhadforgedaclosebond.这两个女人结下了亲密情谊。e.g

7、.Backinthe1980s,theywereattemptingtoforgeanewkindofrockmusic.20世纪80年代,他们尝试开创一种新的摇滚乐。2021/6/166LanguagePoints2. Incumbent adj. currently holding an office 现任的;n. 现任者e.g. the incumbent governor In general, incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being re-elected. 一般情况下,现任官员有94%的几率会再次当选。3. stake: n. 桩,棍

8、子;赌注;利害关系;股份 vt. 资助,支持;系于桩上;把押下打赌 vi. 打赌hold/have a stake in sth:与某事物有利害关系e.g. He holds a 51% stake in the firm. 他在这家公司拥有 51% 的股份。e.g. Young people dont feel they have a stake in the countrys future. 年轻人觉得自己与国家的未来没有关系。 This is unlike any time since 1945 because the stakes have never been higher. 这次不

9、像自1945年以来的任何一次,因为风险太大了。2021/6/167LanguagePoints4. swamp:tosuddenlycoveranareawithalotofwater骤然淹没,浸没e.g.Hugewavesswampedthevessel.巨浪吞没了那艘船。5.garner:v.totakeorcollectsomething,especiallyinformationorsupport得到,收集尤指信息或支持e.g.Thepartygarnered70percentofthevote.该党得到了70%的选票。2021/6/168LanguagePoints6.appeal:

10、n.anurgentrequestforsomethingimportant呼吁;恳求e.g.Thegirlsfamilyhavemadeapublicappealforhelptotryandcatchherkiller.那名遇害女孩的家人吁请公众协助捉拿凶手。v.1)tomakeaseriouspublicrequestforhelp,money,informationetc.呼吁;恳请,恳求;+forChurchandcommunityleadershaveappealedforcalm.教会和社区领袖都呼吁保持冷静。+toFarmershaveappealedtothegovernmentforhelp.农场主请求政府帮助。2)上诉;申诉+againstBothmenintendtoappealagainsttheirconvictions.两名男子都打算对判决提出上诉。3)有吸引力Theideaofworkingabroadreallyappealstome.去国外工作的这个想法对我很有吸引力。2021/6/169 结结束束语语若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!



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