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1、 lec-5Lec-5的教学内容:2-3.4 比较法视角下承诺概念2-3.5 CISG承诺规则研究p61 1. CISG下承诺构成条件p57 2.承诺的生效 3.承诺的撤回 4.逾期的承诺 5.承诺对要约的修改和添加p63 初摇卵时撕拂饮音寅鸿与祥舜粗萨污庄弄算窜闽徐旷革靡湾蝉踊椽脊卡歧第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效 CISG 我合同法我合同法 4.承诺必须在要约有效期内做出实务问题实务问题:(1) 承诺期限的认定和计算Art 20 -信和电报 -假日和非营业日的计算 (2)承诺做出的时间和地点 Art 21-在承诺期限内做出-在超出承诺期

2、限内做出受要约人在承诺期限发出承诺受要约人在承诺期限发出承诺.Art 29实务问题:实务问题:(1) 承诺期限的认定和计算 - 依要约规定; 如果对规定歧义? - 如果要约没有规定:依合理期间?(2)承诺做出的时间和地点 -在承诺期限内做出Art 29 -在超出承诺期限内做出Art 28杯祭仗矮滁坚弧佬泣婴伶刨露左河吻值绍托贞解丑讨啥者熔不良清意漏言第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效关于承诺期限的认定和计算关于承诺期限的认定和计算The statement of offer “You may accept this offer within 1

3、0 days after this offer has reached you “Suppose on June 1st ,Seller mails an offer to Buyer and telephones the Buyer that:” you have five days to consider the offer” however this mail between the Seller and Buyer takes normally 7days. Please refer to CISG Art 20 间烂出乳嗓摄箕劣定孟锣抖瓷贤吴无摸装泅非掷无长睛俊深或屋瞥罐喘傍第一篇货

4、物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效规则研究之二:规则研究之二:CISG 承诺的生效承诺的生效 CISG Art 18 (2) 我合同法我合同法 Art 26 An acceptance becomes effective at the moment when the indication of assent reaches the offeror within the time fixed or ,if no time is fixed, within a reasonable time.-承诺通知到达要约人时生效。-承诺不需要通知的,根据交易习惯或者

5、要约的要求作出承诺的行为时生效。-采用数据电文形式订立合同的,承诺到达的时间以数据电文到达特定系统为准。(见后面PPT)问题与思考: 承诺的生效与要约的生效荐佩剖层代霹勃私烹竭帜什破熏糠耘儒范簧堂竞尺桅羊姑斜癣葫孤栋蛆简第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效实务问题:承诺到达的法律意义实务问题:承诺到达的法律意义-Firstly, the arriving moment of the acceptance means the time that contract becomes binding ,thus giving rise to starti

6、ng binding moment of the rights and duties;-secondly,in the case of contract being rendered invalid or revoked , the arriving moment of the acceptance is just the time to invalidate or revocate the contract;-Lastly, the arriving moment of the acceptance determines the right moment when the contract

7、is concluded and then determines the issues of jurisdiction and governing law。抠龟锅含溉韦阳瘁淡笑嘛拍怠又烙哲姐姻般婴斩勘佰侥低贯箩日豺史测锑第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效SILENCE DEEMED AS A ACCEPTANCE ?Felthouse v. Bindley(1862) Felthouse wrote to his nephew offering to buy a horse. In the letter Felthouse told his n

8、ephew that if Felthouse did not get a response from his nephew, he would consider the offer has been accepted.Court held: nephews acceptance had not been communicated, as silence could not used as the means of acceptance ,unless otherwise agreed. therefore , there was no contract between them.基刀妈院喊翻

9、陕潭圾唐拷掘明卉舱碍参右欲摈忽雇穴岿由进跟峻腔陀潞搞第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效silent acceptance: 两例比较两例比较Case 1On June 1st Seller sends Buyer an offer to sell the a specified type and quality of goods at a stated price and added: this is such a attractive offer that I shall assume that you accept unless I hea

10、r form you by June 15”Buyer did not reply. Seller shipped the goods on June 16.Contract concluded ? 锭舶贸骄雨滴掺扒帕哇抚垣呆肇赶曼艘缄岸箩尝比畜遭毫艾咆茅蝶必鸿城第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效silent acceptance: 两例比较两例比较Case 2 On June 1st Buyer delivered the following to the seller “please rush price quotation for the

11、 following goods if you dont hear form me within three days after I received your quotation ,consider your offer as accepted ”The seller delivered the quotation to the buyer on June 3, buyer did not respond until June 10.later buyer rejected the contract that seller believed has been concluded.Contr

12、act concluded ?桨嫌欠澜缨糯毕环址俭美陋钡嗓夫揽咱齿衬搐浙固不鞭熟散恋轧题妹让储第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效silent acceptance: 两例比较两例比较Key:In Case 1, the contract is not concluded as Silent acceptance from offeree (the buyer) is not legally valid In case 2, the contract is concluded as the offeree (the buyer ) is volu

13、ntarily willing to be legally bound by the contract if he does not respond to the seller within 3 days after receiving the quotation (offer) 纱簧哭敦导针楚辫饵磕骨鱼酞漳隅乐嵌叙佰骸嗓赢滑愉叔奋租畏甲碳屉棠第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效 CISG Art22 COMMON LAWan acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdraw reaches the offe

14、ror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective POSTAL RULEAcceptance by letter (telegram) becomes effective once the acceptance is posted, regardless of whether the acceptance is delayed or lost in the postal system. However, this rule does not apply if the parties have

15、 agreed otherwise. 道法构迫夏颇贡西超胎畔涣派倦仓柴竹绸季绵里讣印缓贾雌隋娃诧烹早镜第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效 实务问题:实务问题:application of Postal Rulemeans acceptance offerFax/email/telephoneReception rule (到达规则到达规则): The mail of acceptance becomes valid once it reaches the offeror. See: acceptance by fax and email (ne

16、xt slid)Reception ruleLettertelegramPostal rule (投邮规则)(投邮规则):Once letter /telegram posted (mailed, shipped) the offer is accepted, unless otherwise agreed. USA: Mail Box Rule - Acceptance becomes effective on dispatch, unless both parties otherwise agreed. Reception rule矛谁俺噬龟捶谅鞠氏励桓愤辰询边追匿唆沾菌许逻悄翠茂普浑扛眨

17、变疽恐第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效实务问题:实务问题:To become effective for the acceptance by fax and email Acceptance by instantaneous communication generally occurs when it is received- A fax sent during regular business hours is probably accepted when it reaches the offerors fax machine.-In ne

18、gotiations by email, acceptance is likely to be communicated when the offeror “log into ”the system.旭湾饰铺低低涎炽番属橙皱缴主遁呛留忆势雹仟理述氯湛哦椅门印糠泡幌第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效To become effective for the other notifications -Notification of withdrawal of offer;-Notification of revocation of offer;-Not

19、ification of withdrawal of acceptance;-Notification of amendment to the offer (purported acceptance);- other notifications for cancelling or conforming contractual intention either in oral form or writing form.Key: “communicated” or “ reached”燥霄彻减缉咋匀经稚案企挪和琅浦晓遭重广恶鼻贡拢肺睡断丧袱假授吟界第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货

20、物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效规则研究之三:规则研究之三:CISG 承诺的撤回承诺的撤回 CISG Art22 我合同法我合同法Art27an acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdraw reaches the offeror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective 承诺可以撤回。撤回承诺的通知应在承诺通知到达要约人之前或者与承诺通知同时到达要约人。UNIDROIT ART 2.1.10an acceptance may be withdra

21、wn if the withdraw reaches the offeror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective问题与思考:要约的撤回Art17: 要约可以撤回。撤回承诺的通知应在承诺通知到达要约人之前或者与承诺通知同时到达要约人。荫滨事搽耻积鞍采仔诛疵历劳艳办铭绪侦诱呜烘刀废夸怔湖侍啃哩貌那匣第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效规则研究之四:规则研究之四:CISG下逾期的承诺下逾期的承诺CISG Art 21 我合同法我合同法A lat

22、e acceptance is effective if ,without delay , the offeror orally informs the offeree or dispatch the notice 1 一般迟延承诺 Art28受要约人超过承诺期限发出承诺的,为新新要要约约,除除非非要约人及时通知受要约人该承诺有效。If the transmission had been normal it would have been reached the offeror in due time ,the acceptance is effective unless 2、意外迟延承诺 A

23、rt29受要约人在承诺期限内发出承诺,按照通常情形能够及时到达要约人,但因其他原因承诺到达要约人时超过承诺期限的,该承诺有效,除非要约人及时通知受要约人因承诺超过期限不接受该承诺的以外。铬通鹃桅豹隋舌吁情鬃寨距侠薄煞几以熟阎野诱曲氢树腰粹扯圈纽护烷离第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效CISG Art 21/我合同法我合同法Art28一般迟延承诺一般迟延承诺 新要约,除非要约人及时认可新要约,除非要约人及时认可CISG Art 21/我合同法我合同法Art29意外迟延承诺意外迟延承诺 承诺有效,除非要约人及时反对。承诺有效,除非要约人及时反对。实

24、务风险点以及化解之法实务风险点以及化解之法要约人如何知道逾期的承诺是要约人如何知道逾期的承诺是一般迟延承诺还是意外迟一般迟延承诺还是意外迟延承诺,以便采取完全不同的处理方法延承诺,以便采取完全不同的处理方法 ?-出险的承诺的表达方式多半是书面方式(即出险的承诺的表达方式多半是书面方式(即fax、email 、信)中的信件承诺。、信)中的信件承诺。-如何判断承诺信是否正常还是非正常逾期?如何判断承诺信是否正常还是非正常逾期?Key:可以通过对如下:可以通过对如下indicators 来判断:来判断:邮戳、承诺邮戳、承诺函中的日期函中的日期以及信件传递以及信件传递通常所需要的时间通常所需要的时间。

25、颐蛤反卧堂统溺雷傅坍齐丘伦娜欲火窖祸裕潘州咱子讨懂承舱楔下磊肆淑第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效Discuss: CISG Art 21 v. Art 7发价人依据发价人依据CISG Art 21对逾期承诺的接受权利和对逾期承诺的接受权利和CISGArt7诚信原则的关系诚信原则的关系On June 1 Seller mailed an offer that stated “your acceptance of this offer must reach me by June 30”. On June 15, Buyer posted the

26、reply of his acceptance in a letter. Buyers letter would normally have reached the Seller on June 20, but was delayed and did not reached to the Seller until a month later ,on July 20.湖辜昂辗缨怒有胆叉抽产抠估扰视活金咯效爆睬沾桔挺帛悄捕涌熔册试坡第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效In mid-July the price of goods in question

27、 had arisen sharply Seller was glad to terminate the deal and would sell the goods at a higher price than that in his June offer. Consequently on July 22, Seller called the Buyer “In despite of abnormally late arrival of your June 15 letter, which is deemed as an effective offer in CISG, however, I

28、am treating it as an refusal to my offer”Buyer objected on the ground that conditions had changed during the month while his letter was in the mail route.According to CISG is the contract concluded?毋膝触弧他梯鞍黑钦窖主为枝虏奥滦阎淋砚铡幼拴亩际旧畅甫礼这厂签卓第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效Discuss: CISG Art 21 v. Art

29、7According to CISG Art 21 , when the late acceptance becomes advantageous because of changes in the market , the offerors decision may have the effect of speculating at the expense of another. Courts have strongly resisted the attempt by one party to speculate at the expense of another. In the case

30、of the speculation ,the principle of good faith in CISG Art 7 may be applied 么兴蛙硝衫赡灌清危炎耗魂敦谁闰离抢蔷鲤体沙麦粒裙绰荚浩超裕划辙昏第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效规则研究之五:规则研究之五:CISG下承诺对要约的修改和添加下承诺对要约的修改和添加p63 CISG Art 19 我合同法我合同法Reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains Additions, limita

31、tions or other modifications is an rejection of offerand constitutes counter-offer 实务问题:实务问题:1 反要约反要约:新要约新要约-实质性变更实质性变更Art 30-修改和添加修改和添加 ?-承诺有保留或有条件?承诺有保留或有条件?2 反要约的作用?反要约的作用?-Rejection of the offer +-new offer3 反要约生效时间?反要约生效时间?- 立刻生效立刻生效仙萤专并燥堂魄敞谁哆帝钝折宏侯连惦动姓早元瞎母铆执举氰拾还赌泻通第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法l

32、ec-6(上)买卖合同效 - END OF LEC 5 -淫笛还默晌挨冉催畴绊弯灿稳叁叶干厄妻隐远如歌面早善掀荣弹亿万梢蛊第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效 lec-6Lec-6 教学内容:2-4 国际货物买卖合同的效力国际货物买卖合同的效力2-4.1 承诺的生效承诺的生效 & 要约的生效要约的生效2-4.2 承诺的生效承诺的生效 & 合同的成立合同的成立2-4.3 合同的成立合同的成立 & 合同的效力合同的效力2-4.4 订约意图(订约意图(legal intention)& 达成合意(达成合意(consent) & 合法目的(合法目的(le

33、gality)辨析)辨析 2-4.5 合同的形式合同的形式 (form)谜浙黎樊衍蝴贮侩盎勃筏譬还字筐蛊晶碱窒梨劫由慎籍萄韩八铺纂蜡县牺第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效2-4 国际货物买卖合同的效力国际货物买卖合同的效力井母恳雇定懊拉葫垦椽举歹锄拖嘉赫鄂普杯奎薯娠啦诸庙怎既借避渡乡多第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效上周主要内容回顾:国际货物买卖合同的成立 要约 & 承诺(概念、构成条件)理清各个国际货物买卖合同几个的基本关系:-要约的构成, 到-承诺的构成, 到-合同的成立, 到-合同的生效

34、, 到-合同的履行,到-合同消灭或争议 孜浴阂照史趋迁烷版哄幕伏矣窝梦魄咀吠与内简瓜潮蝇瘫瓮拐殊进典吻脖第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效2-4.1要约的生效要约的生效&承诺的生效承诺的生效 1.要约的生效时间、地点和意义要约的生效时间、地点和意义-到达受要约人到达受要约人 (世界法则)(世界法则)-约束要约人和受约人约束要约人和受约人2.承诺的生效时间、地点和意义承诺的生效时间、地点和意义-到达要约人到达要约人(CISG和我法,和我法,postal rule除外)除外)-合同成立,(非合同生效)合同成立,(非合同生效)3.要约的生效和承诺的生

35、效的关系要约的生效和承诺的生效的关系 ?框弱手行铱巫惮旅疹芋黔旷灭循补昼氧辫记铆嚏贯塔俭喀跟梭拦免李袜临第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效2-4.2 承诺的生效承诺的生效 & 合同的成立合同的成立有关承诺生效与合同成立关系的若干问题有关承诺生效与合同成立关系的若干问题1. 承诺如果有效,合同必然成立吗?承诺如果有效,合同必然成立吗?2.如果合同成立,承诺必然有效吗?如果合同成立,承诺必然有效吗?3. 承诺一旦生效,合同立刻成立吗?承诺一旦生效,合同立刻成立吗? 如何理解待生效的合同?如何理解待生效的合同?劲透斥惨捐娥鱼感批微病颤瞄悔稗浚驾坚害相

36、搬区陶块闽浑匀坡骤谓朗拟第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效2-4.3 合同的成立合同的成立 & 合同的效力合同的效力合同成立的概念和法律意义合同成立的概念和法律意义- 在词汇上:在词汇上:formation & validity- 双方合意双方合意 :通过要约和承诺:通过要约和承诺- 合意法律效果:合意不一定合法合意法律效果:合意不一定合法蹭丁选蔚填涡枝竞判呜歼回盾侣钩俺覆俘朵譬量斩砂董廉苍潦古乐汛牌淄第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效合同生效的概念及其法律意义合同生效的概念及其法律意义- 合法

37、,合法, 产生对当事人的法律拘束力产生对当事人的法律拘束力- 合同成立合同成立 + 合同生效的其他条件合同生效的其他条件即:即: 2. 订约意图订约意图 legal intention; 3. 订约的行为能力订约的行为能力 capacity; 4. 意思表示真实意思表示真实 genuine consent; 5. 对价对价 consideration; 6. 合同形式合同形式 form 7. 合同合法合同合法 legality淡杉肾触搀豺遥冕荡驻瓤扑博耗浅敢舰券嚷提提顿邢麻碍咱捏组浅拐舒埋第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效合同生效的其他条件合同

38、生效的其他条件-订约意图订约意图 legal intention Presumption 1 (type 1 of objective test):it is presumed that parties to an agreement of domestic or social or volunteering nature do not intend to be legally bound unless it is rebutted. Presumption 2 (type 2of objective test): it is presumed that parties to an agree

39、ment concerning commerce or business intend to be legally bound unless it is rebutted. 吱庐拨橇汉斜缮拈真呆票哭谴肪油煌林羔了嚏吩贯谨颤痈朗乳诫穗起一玛第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效 (Rose & Frank Co. v Crompton & Bros Ltd) a business agreement drawn up between a British company and an American firm . It had all the sig

40、ns of being legally binding agreement but contained the following clause “this agreement is not entered into, nor is this memorandum written as a formal or legal agreement and shall not be subject to legal jurisdiction in the law courts but it is only a definite expression and record of the purpose

41、and intention of the parties concerned to which they each honorably pledge themselves ” legal intention involved by the parties ? 稀酸俞嚷杰栏轩煽酣廷华腔室啮怂柿羞迂眺型帆卤误情须游之翅狼绷蜂术第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效 “this agreement is not entered into, nor is this memorandum written as a formal or legal agreem

42、ent and shall not be subject to legal jurisdiction in the law courts but it is only a definite expression and record of the purpose and intention of the parties concerned to which they each honorably pledge themselves ” (参考译文:所订立的本协议或备忘录并不是正式文件或法律协议,也不受法院管辖,它只是记载了合同当事人订约的愿望和目的,为此当事人为了荣誉承诺如下) 卓挺革轿奥恕这

43、竭档儡柴疫骨踪域遇乘听贰桅曾拦忱引脉剔翼态莽许雁券第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效the legal effect of honor clause: Contract containing an “honor clause” is not legally effective . The contract is actually regarded as honorable agreement , which has no any legal binding force upon the parties, although the contrac

44、t functions to promote both parties to carry it out morally. Therefore, “honor clause ” in contract rebuts the presumption that agreements of a business nature are intended to be binding.码晕桌卯旅同临酋啤符抖被拓锚幅赋焦霞滥转琳废迟梭明侯跑追哇推夷忠第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效Rebuttal of presumption 2 TEEN RANCH PT

45、Y LTD V. BROWY (1955) FactsBrown was a volunteer worker at a non profit Christian youth centre. He received accommodation, food and the use of the camp facilities and was expected to obey camp rules but he received no wages. While working at the camp he was injured and claimed workers compensation.

46、Question: was there a contract of employment that would in return entitle Brown to workers compensation ?队喜薪帽哀刨闭翻在裙伺殊河烹蓉亥青皆邢膊哩型撑副鳞梅吴谚营曰歪迫第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效Decision: No, contract existed because both parties had no legal intention as Brown s work was voluntary.In China volunta

47、ry contract is not regarded as legal contract as is of moral nature , and thus should not be governed by our contract law. 邢奥篙记派胸遣求济尽尝货凶抒顷羚钠授框株花死痈丰膜帜颊检釜泡众谚第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效 合同生效的其他条件合同生效的其他条件-合同的合法性合同的合法性(legality) 货物买卖合同合法性可有如下含义:货物买卖合同合法性可有如下含义:出卖人转移标的物(货物)的所有权与买受人和出卖人转移标的


49、买卖标的物合法,即法律允许标的物(如钢材)交易,则不允许毒品交易;(如钢材)交易,则不允许毒品交易;- (5).买卖买卖行为效果行为效果合法,即买卖行为所导致合法,即买卖行为所导致的直接后果法,如果所买卖卖的钢材直接用于的直接后果法,如果所买卖卖的钢材直接用于制造恐怖工具则非法;制造恐怖工具则非法;-(6).还有交易还有交易主体资格主体资格、代理资格代理资格、等其他、等其他合法性问题。合法性问题。合同能够的合法性主要是合同的法律目的合法性合同能够的合法性主要是合同的法律目的合法性 诬映袒垢睦系首柿浅痴葱杰英寸烫泻捐粥洼衡穿脏诅划丹锐根焊还尖段钮第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货

50、物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效2-4.4 解析与合同效力有关的几个解析与合同效力有关的几个概念之间的相互关系概念之间的相互关系合同生效的七大条件中,如下三个条件似乎合同生效的七大条件中,如下三个条件似乎相互有关联,容易搞混,应当区别:相互有关联,容易搞混,应当区别:达成达成合意合意(meeting of minds :offer & acceptance)订约订约意图意图(legal intention) 合法合法目的目的(legality:contractual end)阉感其怨弹猎趾闽蚌跋坡规齐那柞恩甥胞兹洪赞伟诅祥蹈留袜刺柑臻赶徊第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买

51、卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效达成合意达成合意 & 订约意图、合法目的订约意图、合法目的达成合意未必具有订约意图,没有订约意达成合意未必具有订约意图,没有订约意图也可以达成合意(如:图也可以达成合意(如:honor clause)达成合意也未必符合合法目的(如:达成达成合意也未必符合合法目的(如:达成抢劫合同)抢劫合同)视硼览搽媒槛耳芍任咎回疤膘迫弹饼咕占周距铂荡匹售妻毡峻僻魔汹无柿第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效订约意图订约意图 & 合法目的合法目的订约意图订约意图: 强调当事人主观上是否愿意踏入法律平台,强调当事人主观上是否愿意踏入法律平


53、述当事人在具有当事人在具有订约意图(订约意图(legal intention)的前提的前提下或平台上,经要约和承诺即下或平台上,经要约和承诺即合意(合意(meeting of minds)以及其他法律条件(如:具有订约行为能以及其他法律条件(如:具有订约行为能力、意思表示真实、和对价),通过实现法律目的力、意思表示真实、和对价),通过实现法律目的(legality)来达到其商业目标。来达到其商业目标。换句话来说:换句话来说:均具有订立国际货物买卖合同均具有订立国际货物买卖合同意图(意图(legal intention)当事人当事人A和和B ,经,经合意(合意(meeting of minds)


55、立:强调私法层面上的契约自由;-合同生效:强调管制法上的合同法制,依法自由和合同生效:强调管制法上的合同法制,依法自由和法律约束效果。法律约束效果。问:我们订约目的是追求合同成立还是合同效力?问:我们订约目的是追求合同成立还是合同效力? 对国际贸易实务而言,何者对我们意义较大?对国际贸易实务而言,何者对我们意义较大?兄昏遗挫锗洱艇帧驴元堤侮侦瀑勇牛绞捆忧亥惫如还事蕊偷敏纠闲效研载第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效英美法有效合同条件:一句话英美法合同有效的七大条件可以用一句话概括:一个具有订约资格的人(capacity),内心想与他人订约(leg

56、al intention),他必须把他内心的订约思想通过要约承诺的过程(agreement-as procedure)真实地表达出来(genuine consent),就某种交换事项(consideration)与他人达成一致(agreement as meeting of minds),这样才能以某种合同形式(form)达到建立合同关系的目的(legality)。微文鹊颗厌谆翅撮警仿愁畸灼定铀樟眶诛奴沈邱点驾邀卓缴拌苞天坎簿门第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效the 7-requirements of valid contract manif

57、ested in one sentenceA man with contractual capacity (capacity), who legally intends (legal intention) to make a lawful contract (legality) with other people must express it out genuinely (genuine consent) through offer-acceptance procedure (agreement-as procedure)to reach sort of (form) a agreement

58、(agreement as meeting of minds) on exchange of something valuable (consideration)拽膊琵盟雷挞贱爸魁赣笑咙拆阑娇锈壶届贰笛蒲宙呀酶雏过兰狰瑟粹谴川第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效the tree of validitybirth of contract-from formation to termination 阶段3: 合同完全生效完全生效 合同无效无效或消灭消灭 可撤销可撤销合同 阶段2: 合同生效生效 待生效待生效合同 阶段1: 合同成立成立 邢隐尹察棵碑奄述蚁颖外鸡枪则勿祭纂无遁熄栏透丝推巢跑逼尸冯镭渤闭第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效STOP FOR THE TIME BEING翼缅某赌律撼狈蘸辩营壤武授把重凭庇锗硒雌沧褪恰牡铆茵寡我茶蝉份莉第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效第一篇货物买卖法lec-6(上)买卖合同效



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