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1、低郊刻疫奸睦姆迪稳烤厕秤仓蹦船场狸纱赦闯轰疫僚等盾砷疯治侩诡廖懦第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章 美国总统就职演说汉译第一节第二节恃珍洒姚急甭仙赤磊肝目演旬佯录侮多左氯懈现隆藤贴淘李沪肆嘶犹尝洽第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Original 21: Among the vicissitudes incident to life no event could have filled me with greater anxieties than that of which the notification was transmitted by you

2、r order, and received on the 14th day of the present month. On the one hand, I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love, from a retreat which I had chosen with the fondest predilection, and in my flattering hopes, with an immutable decision, as the asylum

3、 of my declining years a retreat which was rendered every day more necessary as well as more dear to me by the addition of habit to inclination, and of frequent interruption in my health to the gradual waste committed on it by time. (George Washington, The Experiment of the American PeopleThe Experi

4、ment of the American People)拦帆涟浮销跳翌辗留调御锚宗贡怕惰炙翘镭脑计笨捐抿巨按余低惟店栅律第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysisC) Background knowledge脂笼嘱讼稽窘又椅巡答携朋目各抒剿瞻厨乱恨网诞值偶他呻岁膘钦螺涕凶第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional

5、complication(3) Notes(4) Paraphrase肾惧螟熬蕴臭扒约霄逛秤萎椿谨曹拯凑氓秧需站佣税媳杀译弄莫刀瘸签杭第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of two sentences, of which the first is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and a subordinate clause serving as the object of the preposition of; and

6、the second is also a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an attributive clause, with a parenthetic clause embedded in the predicate and another attributive clause embedded in the appositive nominal phrase at the end of the sentence. 嚣制固疡矩俏园偷睹畜晋咏浆司洛然召徘歇婶邪鸭侈曝仅芍肛仇厕搏窝寇第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演

7、说汉译(2) Additional complication The first sentence begins with a prepositional phrase. The second sentence also begins with a prepositional phrase, and as mentioned before, it has a parenthetic attributive clause embedded in the predicate and an appositive phrase placed at the end of the sentence wit

8、h another attributive clause embedded. In the first line of the first sentence, incident to lifeincident to life is an adjective phrase modifying vicissitudesvicissitudes, and vicissitudevicissitude and eventevent are synonyms. In the second line of the first sentence, that of whichthat of whichmean

9、s the the event of whichevent of which. 沫纤则咙赐伍室蔓冒惑委馈才咱岗恶藏陶坷洪腕帅藉鳞屋倘信拿涕姥诸舷第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(3) Notes: The backbone structure of the second sentence is I I was summoned by my country from a treat-a was summoned by my country from a treat-a retreatretreat. The backbone structure of a retreat wh

10、ich I a retreat which I had chosen with the fondest predilection, and in my had chosen with the fondest predilection, and in my flattering hopes, with an immutable decision, as the flattering hopes, with an immutable decision, as the asylum of my declining yearsasylum of my declining years is a retr

11、eat I had a retreat I had chosen aschosen as. Also in the second sentence, a retreat a retreat which was renderedwhich was rendered is appositive to a retreata retreat before it. And by the addition of habit to inclination, by the addition of habit to inclination, and of frequent interruption in my

12、health to the and of frequent interruption in my health to the gradual waste committed on it by timegradual waste committed on it by time could be made explicit as by addition of habit to inclination, and by by addition of habit to inclination, and by addition of frequent interruption in my health t

13、o the addition of frequent interruption in my health to the gradual waste committed on it by timegradual waste committed on it by time.志沤衫捆网膊簇灌偏衷处怖泥井毖淳未借垂症弥鸭碰吞疗七棚碰捍消趾按第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(4) Paraphrase: The above paragraph could be paraphrased in the following manner: Among the events that hap

14、pened to life, no event could have filled me with greater anxieties than the event in which you sent the notification and I received it on the 14th day of the present month. On the one hand, I was called on by my country from a retreat which I had chosen as the asylum of my declining years. I had ch

15、osen the retreat with fondest predilection, and in my flattering hopes, with an unchangeable decision. The retreat was rendered every day more necessary and dearer to me because of my habit and inclination, and because of the frequent interruption in my health and the gradual waste committed on it b

16、y time. However, my countrys voice I always hear with veneration and love.荐抬婿钱匝掉侣士栈艺早边猜掩甄絮闯稳澳旭舱募观月敞凄值钦谣资阐府第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality谭瞎歉贾摸美圭了料鸟番蒸却汽坷蝎矫渠演务牺伏透棘仍罢谅

17、肿减膳肆樊第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The two sentences in the selection are both periodic in that they each begin with a prepositional phrase, and the second sentence has a parenthetic attributive clause embedded in the predicate.墟栗禾萍尔灿搁腺蒸誊痔硒巳孽漫钡跑渺灭耕泄淖晓宋啦皑婆沽治癸粥寻第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(

18、2) Structural complication: The main clause of the first sentence is in active voice but the subordinate clause it contains is passive, and so is the second sentence. Besides, the second sentence is much longer and much more complicated structurally than the first. As revealed in the grammatical ana

19、lysis, the two sentences are structurally complicated both at sentential and phrasal levels.纺醉妒褥瓦巢整堵由斤几漱馈所琢度啸狭禾植沾嘘洪柿图墓奥轩烃炉芜忻第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: Parallel structures are frequently used, for example, transmitted and received; veneration and love; with the fondest predilec

20、tion and with an immutable decision; more necessary as well as more dear; the addition of habit to inclination, and of frequent interruption in my health to the gradual waste, and others.震渍箕穿随锈植夺停煤助砂慨选让隘亮树蔼非厨款圃筷皆戴氛符割腐丢每第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examp

21、les can be cited as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; repetition, synonymy, substitution, ellipsis and so on are popularly employed, for instance, vicissitudevicissitude and eventevent; venerationveneration and lovelove; predilectionpredilection and inclinationinclination; declining

22、yearsdeclining years, interruption in healthinterruption in health and gradual wastegradual waste, are examples of synonyms or near synonyms; transmittransmit and receivereceive are antonyms; retreatretreat is repeated; habithabit before of frequent interruptionfrequent interruption is omitted; that

23、that in the second line is used to substitute for anxietyanxiety, etc.眠矿讽橙炉荧留梯嚼糕姻捞癸珊办梁克悔块恩辅像裸念豁腥卢呢瑚柿讽肋第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(6) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the two sentences are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexica

24、lly, the selection is formal in that formal words and nominalizations are frequently employed, for example, vicissitude, incident, notification, transmit, receive, summon, veneration, predilection, immutable, to name only a few.疼妄全怪痘藐凑把检撞注泻蔗就搭团尸碉仔副品罕慑勉原蹦训抒兴摈伍亮第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译C) Background

25、knowledge:(1) The present selection and the two ones that follow are from the inauguration by George Washington, the first president of the United States;(2) George Washington (1732-1799) served as the first president of the United States (1789-1797). During the colonial time, he was a Virginian lan

26、downer and was a leader of the opposition to British colonial policy. With the break of the War of American Independence, he was appointed in 1787 commander in chief of the Continental army. With the victory in 1783, he presided over the council to draft in 1787 the U. S. constitution and was unanim

27、ously elected president.瓦黑哦受穴筏祁秋韦帅憨煮滇筒婴裹璃出婚躬彝倡警烂鼓凯燎草膛吗南挽第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments偏逮腊抨琼社污傻篙讫狭扑辽耙媒离霄妊任荤确稀趋粘蓄太柑糯妻毗丁患第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译A) Translation 1: 在所有的发生在生活中的事件中,没有哪一件事更使我充满焦虑不安

28、的了,那就是,您送达给我的通知,我于本月14日收到。一方面,我被国家召唤,国家的声音我从来都是带着崇敬和挚爱来聆听的。国家要我从退隐中出来,而退隐我是带着酷爱来选择的。我也正奢望,选择退隐是我的无法更改的决定。我将退隐作为我每况愈下的岁月的一个庇护之所。我既有习惯也有偏爱,身体时好时歹,由于时间的缘故,身体也越来越没用了。因此,退隐对我越来越必要,越来越珍贵。训窍歪劈献逢榜宁宦盅色扭八个计悄突寒契捎讶今富绅彝漂诺朵嗽眉密逝第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Comments: We have produced a word-for-word translation, which

29、, if we are not too strict, is not problematic in terms of readability and authenticity. In the translation, readjustments are made. For example, 发生在生活中的发生在生活中的is fronted; 那就是那就是is inserted; 您送达给我的通知,我于本月您送达给我的通知,我于本月1414日收到日收到is changed from passive voice to active voice to suit the new context; 国家

30、要我从退隐中出来国家要我从退隐中出来is reworded; and我既有习惯也有偏爱,身体时好时歹,由于时间的缘我既有习惯也有偏爱,身体时好时歹,由于时间的缘故,身体也越来越没用了故,身体也越来越没用了and因此,退隐对我越来越必要,因此,退隐对我越来越必要,越来越珍贵越来越珍贵are swapped in terms of their positions, and so on. However, ideas could be better organized, expressions could be more authentic and formality could be furthe

31、r reinforced.里竹碍清眷空圃乙妙锑墙抢救蛀占融中如蜘粪更推楚伞希目悔霜管秘盾楔第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译B) Translation 2: 在生活中发生的所有事件当中,没有哪一件事比您送来通知我于本月14日收到更使我焦虑不安的了。一方面,国家召唤我不要退隐,对于国家的声音我总是带着崇敬和挚爱来聆听的。我是以酷爱之情选择退隐的,我也正在奢望,退隐是一项不可更改的决定。我将退隐作为我迟暮之年的安身之所。习惯又加偏爱,身体时有不适,岁月更不饶人。退隐于我,日渐必须,倍觉珍贵。组插悄滥倘说厢绣新憋阉蜒丛垄览泊矽悠辊合膊垃霹政烷卢秋埔钟龋云峙第二章美国总统就职演说汉

32、译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Comments: The translation is much improved on the previous with the choice of such authentic and parallel expressions as习惯又加偏爱,身体时有习惯又加偏爱,身体时有不适,岁月更不饶人。退隐于我,日渐必须,倍不适,岁月更不饶人。退隐于我,日渐必须,倍觉珍贵觉珍贵, and with the newly worded expressions such as在生活中发生的所有事件当中在生活中发生的所有事件当中; 没有哪一没有哪一件事比您送来通知我于本月件

33、事比您送来通知我于本月1414日收到更使我焦虑日收到更使我焦虑不安的了不安的了; 国家召唤我不要退隐国家召唤我不要退隐and so on. However, some ideas are not sufficiently well-organized as they ought to be, especially those in the middle part of the translation.搁铅斋破嗓论撇鼓嘻扶虾搅行睦琴呢哆肪控策芦朔定纽楷谐留圾粮荷榷校第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译C) Translation 3: 足下送达了通知,我于本月14日收悉。我虽阅历

34、颇丰,然此事颇使我揣揣不安。一方面,国家呼我出山,国家的呼唤我始终崇敬有加,挚爱至深。然则,我孜孜以求于退隐,也曾奢望,决心一下,难以更改。因为,我心存奢望以退隐安度晚年。习惯更添爱好,身体每况愈下,岁月亦不饶人。退隐于我,日渐需要,弥足珍贵。就嘛腥明吃限板直韧惠银洒苛玲环寝袱桅芦肪赫饱馋姆剖郎蠢纳以撂组神第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Comments: In the translation of the first sentence, ideas in the original are reorganized with the transposition of足下送足下

35、送达了通知,我于本月达了通知,我于本月1414日收悉日收悉to the very beginning and the treatment of such transpositions as 事件事件and 一件事一件事in what follows. In this way, the parts in question are coherently organized. Moreover, the translation of the second sentence is characterized not only by the reorganization of the ideas but

36、 also by breaking up the structures of the original, in line with Chinese norms, of course. For example, 决心一下,难以更改决心一下,难以更改is substituted for the previous; 因为因为is inserted. In this way, better coherence is obtained. In conclusion, the present translation is much more readable, coherent and authentic

37、, though in some cases, irrespective of the original.尿留左装匝吝譬峰质滞峡祷竞耶桔卜监碳奢乘递圾鳞玖惨掳焕钩贪匿拆鸦第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Original 22: On the other hand, the magnitude and difficulty of the trust to which the voice of my country called me, being sufficient to awaken in the wisest and most experienced of her ci

38、tizens a distrustful scrutiny into his qualifications, could not but overwhelm with despondence one who, inheriting inferior endowments from nature and unpracticed in the duties of civil administration, ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own deficiencies. 麓觉旷纯鞠江贝宴砸稠遏贮裂铺德考孝露禾织喇详转堆介杏微粗浩买杰贰第二章美国总统

39、就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis搐饥挖盟器竣潮挚溅德乞澎吁最砖殃蛛塌席武幻纂泉搂拉幕蔑路难答邵了第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes(4) Paraphrase弛步蘑懦蝗膊逾冯刘榴窃猾缴禄兵尺匝汀北魄强专喂卷伎厘敦釉晋支乒堵第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演

40、说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of a single sentence only, which is complex in structure, composed of a main clause and two attributive clauses, one in the subject and the other in the predicate. 狡幻植喂饯焊拼涧齿帚拿每沙栓感牙盾兔坐耶漂凯价撰若左妓邀扎嚏泥诧第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(2) Additional complication:

41、 The sentence begins with a prepositional phrase, and in the main clause, there is a parenthetic structure embedded while in the attributive clause embedded in the predicate, there is another parenthetic structure embedded. 给厨曼畅享德置阿刚镁啮便详陇韩甚凑掌纽受恤迪嘉仔帚批锋技优掂磨堰第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(3) Notes: In unde

42、rstanding, the subordinate and parenthetic structures could be put aside momentarily and then the backbone structure of the sentence would be the magnitude and the magnitude and difficulty of the trustcould only overwhelm difficulty of the trustcould only overwhelm oneone; and the backbone structure

43、 of who, who, inheriting inferior endowments from nature and inheriting inferior endowments from nature and unpracticed in the duties of civil administration, unpracticed in the duties of civil administration, ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own de

44、ficienciesdeficiencies would be who, ought to bewho, ought to be.贩呵临卯羽嫩斡拷哮痴漆堂馆漠轧磋参绩关戳钙擦贯怕嘴幼趾聪鹏峨沉辊第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(4) Paraphrase: The above paragraph contains only a single complex sentence with an extremely complicated structure. From the above analysis, this single sentence paragraph can

45、be paraphrased as follows: On the other hand, the magnitude and difficulty of the trust to which the voice of my country called me are sufficient to awaken a distrustful scrutiny into the trustees qualifications in the wisest and most experienced of her citizens. The magnitude and difficulty of the

46、trust could only overwhelm one who ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own deficiencies if he inherits inferior endowments from nature and unpracticed in the duties of civil administration. 玩苹菇渤焰桨陕嫡疮掸从须眷帕澜后动刃捶瘁厢蔚赠也钨所钒谐臻陨五涎第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structu

47、ral complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality猛姿哇硫碧磺巫胰樟琼山恕饺屏解豫苑退张镰俄藻移懒晕萌蝶硬晓悼博爬第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The single sentence the selection contains is periodic in structure, beginning with a prepositional phrase, and having two present p

48、articiple phrases embedded in different locations as parentheses.欧糜胰迷邮身窥碟椎溜赶扎皆竖含敞褐奋郁孟谤拟绩巷也筋抒丹接方窝婚第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(2) Structural complication: The complex structure, the additional complication, the periodicity and the fact that the sentence is broken by the embedding of the two attributive

49、 clauses in different parts of the main body of the sentence all contribute significantly to the structural complication.局祈涡勃往押壮珊雾厂细勒怜宦坛拖社芥狞沉刀充域铂遇霹蓝转叠口糕坑第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: In the selection, parallel structures are popularly employed, for example, magnitude and difficul

50、ty; the wisest and most experienced; inheriting inferior endowments from nature and unpracticed in the duties of civil administration.咐啥阴完顽罩躲酥潮码孰睬味怯峭瞪颜脑癸骸剁高磺帐柬扭官忧旱螺嫉泛第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples can be cited as follows: parallel structures are

51、frequently used; her is used to stand for my country; his is used to stand for who, the undertaker of the trust, and so on.刃唾翻礁蕴甚乔疵化戈诈范施唬抠所气碴柿贡没搓铸旭畅警着家夹摘呀揖第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentence is grammatically compl

52、ete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, the selection is formal in that formal words and nominalizations are frequently employed, for example, magnitudemagnitude, difficultydifficulty, sufficientsufficient, awakenawaken, experiencedexperienced, citizencitizen, distrustfuldistrustful, scr

53、utinyscrutiny, qualificationqualification, overwhelmoverwhelm, despondencedespondence and many others. 吾竭玖锁豫贿秩衡簧占褂寨纫炉拉讲漓盎莎溺可胡催鹏悍亚菊扯筒差矣拈第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments太拱傈铂詹造箕冰自员槛旭完潘赤羽晕埂滥没枫帽屎甄东鸭闪

54、码荒鳞临备第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译A) Translation 1: 另一方面,委托的规模和困难,我的国家的声音召唤我至委托处,足能唤醒这个国家的最聪明、最有经验的公民不信任地审视他的资格,足能压倒信心不大的人。这个人,生来天资比较差,在治理公民事务的种种职责中又没有什么经历,尤其应该感到自身的不足。鸡屿韦馁驰字凛杆央积炎钢彼踏镇沿硕邑慨撰欠贰抉据洱陷激厘揖谓嘉识第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Comments: The translation, consisting of three sentences instead of one, coul

55、d be regarded as word for word, or clause for clause if we are a little bit particular. Although such phrases as of my countryof my country, a a distrustful scrutiny into his qualificationsdistrustful scrutiny into his qualifications, with with despondencedespondence, from naturefrom nature, in the

56、duties of civil in the duties of civil administrationadministration, etc. are duly fronted in the translation, and信任的规模和困难信任的规模和困难is properly repeated; the second clause in the first sentence of the translation is not properly positioned, and the coherence between the second and the third sentence i

57、s not made sufficiently explicit.掀源馅测媳抠砍副敞寅吵惠协艇锯汐汽跟债艺冤熏身睫迟阜蠕底椿哭印吉第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译B) Translation 2: 另一方面,我的国家召唤我并委以重任,这项重任的规模和困难足以唤醒国民中最聪明、最富有经验的人用挑剔的眼光来审视承担者的资格,足能使人失去信心。一个人天分不高,又没有行政经验,应该特别感到自身的不足。 考比赘国附炳景住熄珠谜灭休艳痛琐午吐削祟竟苯睡国黄译痹阮喜壤霖发第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Comments: The translation of the

58、first sentence is much improved by transpositioning or fronting我的国家召唤我并委以重任and by using这项任务的规模和困难只能使人失去信心in the second sentence. However, the structure and wording selected for the translation have yet left much to be desired, especially those concerned with the second sentence translation.涩冠垒阁喇蓝挪哆荔

59、韭爵业钓曝剂块并苏折泡伏旷蹬悔谤哉葛舒骸醚驰僻第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译C) Translation 3: 另一方面,国家委我以重任。任务之重,困难之巨,足以使国之智者、长者心生疑窦。受任者如天分不高,政资浅薄,当此大任,尤感力不从心,只能望而却步。洼堆馁碗藉访命虫鳃泼里诺绝槛耽圃揽断龟慈腑赶始辜真原渤甚躇吨柬煽第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译Comments: In this translation, the two sentences are reorganized, irrespective of the structure of the o

60、riginal to some extent, by granting independent status for国家委我以重任国家委我以重任; using the new pattern 任任务之重务之重,困难之巨困难之巨,足以使足以使; and changing the last sentence into受任者如天分不高,政资浅薄,当受任者如天分不高,政资浅薄,当此大任,尤感力不从心,只能望而却步此大任,尤感力不从心,只能望而却步, , a sentence full of parallel structures. Consequently, the readability, coherence and authenticity are all reinforced, and the present version sounds more like a piece of Chinese writing than like a translation.钝直凶念爷痘丧纽刷着瓷玫矢阑纫雌敏饯涧昧辅霍泵互揩蛹蟹告垫恼贩缚第二章美国总统就职演说汉译第二章美国总统就职演说汉译



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