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1、素胚勾勒出青花素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡笔锋浓转淡瓶身描绘的牡丹瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆一如你初妆冉冉檀香透过窗冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然心事我了然宣纸上走笔宣纸上走笔至此搁一半至此搁一半釉色渲染仕女图釉色渲染仕女图韵味被私藏韵味被私藏而你嫣然的一笑而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放如含苞待放你的美一缕飘散你的美一缕飘散去到我去不了的地方去到我去不了的地方lyrics 歌词歌词 Jay Zhougreat lyrics优美的歌词优美的歌词I like pop music.Because it has great lyrics.Most people like music, I do, too.Most pe

2、ople like music, I do, too.When I feel tired, it can make me feel relaxed.When I feel tired, it can make me feel relaxed.When I feel upset, it can make me cheer up.When I feel upset, it can make me cheer up.When I feel blue, it can make me happy and excited.When I feel blue, it can make me happy and

3、 excited.When I have nothing to do, it can remind me of the past happy times.When I have nothing to do, it can remind me of the past happy times.Music always brings me pleasure and happiness.Music always brings me pleasure and happiness.But different people like different kinds of music. Listen to m

4、usic and answer But different people like different kinds of music. Listen to music and answer the questions:the questions:What kind of music do you like?pop music.pop music.jazz music.jazz music.dance music.dance music.classical music.classical music.rock music.rock music.country music.country musi

5、c.folk musicWhat kind of music do you like?What do you think of the music?= How do you like the music?I like the music.It is exciting.I like music that/which is exciting.pop musicI like music that/which is loud and energetic.The music is loud and energetic. I like it.I like music that/which I can_.

6、I can sing along with the music. I like it.sing along withI prefer music that/which is quiet and gentle.The music is quiet and gentle. I prefer it.The music is quiet and gentle. I prefer it.I prefer music that/which I can dance to.I can dance to the music. I prefer it.伴随着跳舞I can sing along with the

7、music跟着一起唱It has great lyrics歌词歌词I prefer music that/which has great lyrics.I prefer music that/which I can sing along with.What kind of music do you like? I like music that/which is exciting.I like music that/which is loud and energetic.I like music that/which I can sing along with. What kind of mu

8、sic do you prefer? I prefer music that/which is quiet and gentle.I prefer music that/which I can dance to.I prefer music that/which I can sing along with.I prefer music that/which has great lyrics.Work in groups.Talk about the music you like.You can make conversations about music in any ways you lik

9、e.What kind of music do you prefer?I prefer music that isnt too loud.thatthat I can I can dance todance to. .thatthat has great has great lyricslyrics. .thatthat makes me excited. makes me excited.thatthat is comfortable to hear. is comfortable to hear.A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like mus

10、ic that What about you?A: I prefer music thatthat that I I cancan sing along withsing along with. .thatthat is quiet andis quiet and gentlegentle. . thatthat is loud and energetic.is loud and energetic.thatthat is sweet.is sweet.thatthat remindsreminds me of my me of my childhood. childhood.Which pi

11、cture do you like? Do you like the picture that has a clock?Which girl do you like? Do you like the girl who is working?Why do so many people prefer him?Because he writes his own music.I prefer singers ( who write their own music. 定语从句修饰定语从句修饰singers(人人) 先行词先行词先行词先行词 关系代词关系代词关系代词关系代词)在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句

12、叫定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句e.g. I I likelike quiet and gentle musicquiet and gentle music. .=I like music=I like music ( (that/whichthat/which is quiet and gentle.is quiet and gentle.) ) 先行词先行词先行词先行词 (物)(物)(物)(物) 关系代词关系代词关系代词关系代词 定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫

13、定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句EgEg: He is a man. He is wearing a hat.: He is a man. He is wearing a hat. = He is a man = He is a man (who is wearing a hatwho is wearing a hat. .)先行词先行词关系代词关系代词(指人)(指人)定语从句定语从句who/that 在从句中可担任1.主语2.宾语I love singers who(主语)主语) write their own songsHe is the man who(宾语)宾语) I

14、met yesterday.I like music that(宾语)宾语) I can dance to.I prefer the sandwich that(主语)(主语) is really delicious.先行词是物:物先行词是物:物+ which + 从句从句先行词是人:人先行词是人:人+ who+ 从句从句I love music which is quiet and gentle.= I love music that is quiet and gentle. I prefer singers who write their own music.= I prefer sing

15、ers that write their own music.who, which可以用可以用that代替代替I prefer music which I can sing along with.先行词先行词先行词先行词关系词关系词关系词关系词 做宾语做宾语做宾语做宾语定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句I prefer friend who I can talk to.先行词先行词先行词先行词定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句关系词关系词关系词关系词 做宾语做宾语做宾语做宾语定语从句修饰定语从句修饰music(物物)定语从句修饰定语从句修饰friend= I prefer music that I

16、 can sing along with.= I prefer friend that I can talk to.( (定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句) )I like movies that are exciting.I like animals that are cute.I prefer music that is gentle.I prefer weather that is cool.名词或代词名词或代词名词或代词名词或代词先行词先行词先行词先行词关系词关系词关系词关系词whowhowhichwhich宾语宾语宾语宾语主语主语主语主语省略省略省略省略先行词先行词先行词先行词修饰修

17、饰修饰修饰_的句子叫定语从句的句子叫定语从句的句子叫定语从句的句子叫定语从句. . 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词被定语从句修饰的名词或代词被定语从句修饰的名词或代词被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫叫叫叫_. _. 连接定语从句的词叫连接定语从句的词叫连接定语从句的词叫连接定语从句的词叫. . 如果先行词是人如果先行词是人如果先行词是人如果先行词是人, , 用用用用_连接连接连接连接; ; 如果先行词是物如果先行词是物如果先行词是物如果先行词是物, , 用用用用_连接连接连接连接. who. who和和和和whichwhich都能都能都能都能用用用用thatthat代替。如果关系词在从句中做代替。如果

18、关系词在从句中做代替。如果关系词在从句中做代替。如果关系词在从句中做, , 可以省略可以省略可以省略可以省略. . 如果关系词如果关系词如果关系词如果关系词在从句中做在从句中做在从句中做在从句中做, , 不能不能不能不能, , 从句中谓语动词与保持从句中谓语动词与保持从句中谓语动词与保持从句中谓语动词与保持一致一致一致一致Listen. Check () the kinds of music Tonyand Betty like.Music that I can dance toMusic that has great lyricsMusic that I can sing along wit

19、hTonyBetty1bListen and circle “T” (for true) or“F” (for false).1.Carmen likes musicians who play T F different kinds of music.2.Xu Fei likes the Australian singer Dan Dervish. T F3.Carmen likes electronic music thats loud. T F4.Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet T F and slow songs.各种各样的各种各样的2a2b

20、Listen again. Complete the sentences. Carmen says1. I really love Dan Dervish. I like musicians_.2.The Modern are really great. I love electronic music_.Xu Fei says3. I like musicians_.4. I think The Modern are too noisy. I prefer groups_.electronic music 电子音乐电子音乐who play different kinds of musictha

21、ts loudwho write their own songs.that play quiet and slow songs.一一. 英英汉互互译。1. 随音随音乐起舞起舞 _2. 比比更喜更喜欢_ 3.古典音古典音乐_4. sing along with_ 5. have great lyrics_dance to随之而唱随之而唱有有优美的歌美的歌词prefer toclassical music选择题1.Betty likes dancing_ the music very much. A. to B. for C. at D. when2.The TV play is about a

22、true story_ happened in Zhengzhou in 1999. A. it B. when C. that D. what3.The books _ were written by Luxun sell well. A. who B. which C. how D. what考考你!考考你!考考你!考考你!ACB4、-Which do you prefer, English _ science? -I prefer English_science. A、or;to B、to;to C、to;or D、or;than5、They preferred_in bed rathe

23、r than_ horses. A、to lie; to ride B、lying; riding C、to lie; ride D、lying; rideAC我最我最我最我最棒棒棒棒练一练用who . which填空1. Please pass me the book _ lies on the shelf.2. The book _you lent to me is fun.3. A nurse is a person looks after people are ill.4. The policeman caught the thief is my father.5. This is t

24、he best film has been shown this year. hatwhichwhichwhowhowhichExercises: (1)George Mallory was an English school (1)George Mallory was an English school teacher _ loved climbing. teacher _ loved climbing. A who A who B he C which. D whomB he C which. D whom(2) The police caught the man_ stole my (2

25、) The police caught the man_ stole my handbag. handbag. A he A he B that C which B that C which D whomD whom(3) The dress _ she is wearing today was a (3) The dress _ she is wearing today was a birthday present from her aunt.birthday present from her aunt.A. what A. what B it B it C this C this D th

26、at. D that. (4) Have you read the book _ I gave (4) Have you read the book _ I gave you yesterday? you yesterday? A. thatA. thatB. when C. whereB. when C. whereD. whoD. who(5)Is that the student _ the teacher is (5)Is that the student _ the teacher is talking about?talking about?A whenA whenB whichB

27、 whichC whereC whereD whoD who(6)What kind of stories do you like?(6)What kind of stories do you like? -I prefer stories _ have happy -I prefer stories _ have happy endings.endings.A whoA whoB thatB thatC whoseC whoseD whereD where(7) The girl _ you saw in the street is Mary. (7) The girl _ you saw

28、in the street is Mary. A whichA which B whatB whatC whoseC whoseD whoD who(8)Kevin is reading a book _is too (8)Kevin is reading a book _is too difficult for him.difficult for him.A whoseA whose B that B that C who C whoD whomD whomExercises .Exercises .翻译句子翻译句子翻译句子翻译句子. .1)1)他喜欢他喜欢他喜欢他喜欢晴朗的晴朗的晴朗的晴朗

29、的天气天气天气天气。He likes the weather He likes the weather 2)2)我喜欢我喜欢我喜欢我喜欢那些不会太贵的那些不会太贵的那些不会太贵的那些不会太贵的鞋子鞋子鞋子鞋子。I like the shoes I like the shoes 3)3)我喜欢性格开朗我喜欢性格开朗我喜欢性格开朗我喜欢性格开朗的的的的朋友朋友朋友朋友。I like the friendsI like the friends4)4)我有一个我有一个我有一个我有一个喜欢做运动的喜欢做运动的喜欢做运动的喜欢做运动的朋友朋友朋友朋友。I have a friendI have a fri

30、endwhich/ that is sunny.which/that are nottoo expensive.who/that are easygoing.who/that likes playing sports.Guess your classmates.1. He is a boy who is the tallest in our class.2. She is a girl who is the deskmate of Tina.3. He is a boy who sits between Gary and George.4. She is a girl who studies

31、best in our class. Homework一张小卷做完,要认真!一张小卷做完,要认真!听见没?!听见没?!Unit 9Section A 2dSen, Could you please spare me a few minutes?Whats up? John?My money was stolen, and I cant afford a hotel.Ive got a spare room, if youd like to stay. Heres a spare key.And, could you please lend me some money? I dont suppo

32、se you will refuse me, will you?Im afraid I havent got any spare cash. Maybe you could ask somebody else for help.I havent had a spare moment this morning. I borrowed money everywhere, but nobody lent money to me.Then follow me to the bank to get some. You could have spared us an unnecessary trip by

33、 phoning in advance.By the way, do you know who stole my money? Its your son.Oh. Spare the rod, spoil the child. I wont spare him from punishment!水中花水中花 女子十二乐坊女子十二乐坊The music is smoothThe stone is very smooth.Michael Bay is an American director.Pearl Harbor is a movie about World War Two, and it was

34、 directed by Michael Bay.2d.Role-play the conversation.Read the conversation again and answer these questions: 1. What is Scott doing this weekend? 2.What kind of music does Scott like? 3. What kind of movies does Scott like? 4. Does Jill prefer movies that give him something to think about? Hell li

35、sten to this new CD he bought. He likes smooth music that helps him relax. He likes movies that are funny. Yes, she does. How many attributive clauses can you find in the dialogue?What are they?1. Ill just listen to (this new CD) I bought.先行词先行词定语从句定语从句(省略了关系代词省略了关系代词that)2. I like (smooth music) th

36、at helps me relax.先行词先行词定语从句定语从句3. I only (like movies) that are funny.先行词先行词定语从句定语从句关系代词关系代词关系代词关系代词4. Ill ask (someone) who likes serious movies.先行词先行词关系代词关系代词定语从句定语从句5. I prefer (movies) that give me something to think about.先行词先行词关系代词关系代词定语从句定语从句Role-play1.Practice the conversation with your par

37、tner .2. Role play the conversation.Well see who does the best.2d. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. My mother prefers music that_ (have) great lyrics. 2. Beethoven was one of the greatest_ (music) in the 19th century. 3. More and more people prefer_ (send) e-mails to writing letters to their friends. 4. Henry

38、 likes the_ (Australia) music best. 5. I like to listen to different_ (kind) of music in my spare time. 答案答案: 1. has2. musicians3. sending 4. Australian 5. kinds. 单项选择单项选择1. Can you dance_ the music? Yes, I can. Its easy. A. with B. in C. at D. to2. How wonderful the music is! Lets try to sing along

39、 _it. That sounds good. A. to B. with C. for D. on3. Lucy loves singers_ are creative and energetic. A. which B. whoC. whom D. what4. The action movie_ I saw last week is really exciting. A. when B. whoC. that D. what5. Mr. White prefers_ at home rather than_ out. A. read; hang B. to read; to hangC.

40、 reading; hanging D. to read; hang全品练习册:全品练习册:Unit9 SectionA1Unit 9Section A 3aWords:stickstick todowndialogendingdocumentarydramaplentyplenty ofshutshut offsuperheroonce in a whilev. (stuck stuck) 粘贴;将粘贴;将刺入刺入坚持;固守坚持;固守adj. 悲哀;沮丧悲哀;沮丧n. (=dialogue) 对白;对话对白;对话n. 结尾;结局结尾;结局n. 纪录片纪录片n. 戏;戏; 剧剧pron. 大量

41、;众多大量;众多大量;充足大量;充足v. (shut, shut) 关闭;关上关闭;关上关闭;停止运转关闭;停止运转n. 超级英雄超级英雄偶尔地;间或偶尔地;间或Someone stuck several pieces of paper on his back.Stick the fork into the tomato.a pile of dried sticksHes holding a stick.Shes old and walks with a stick.Stick to your dream, youll succeed with your hard work.When shes

42、 down, she always smokes.They bent down to pick the cotton.Their houses are down the hill.When you feel upset you should do something to cheer yourself up.Cheers!“The Story of the Stone” is a tragedy, it has a sad ending.“A Bite of China” is a documentary.Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous d

43、ramas in the world.plenty of bananasplenty of muttonplenty of = a lot of = lots of 许多;大量许多;大量既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词a number of、a great many 修饰可数名词修饰可数名词a great deal of修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词The boy is shutting the window.The shops are all shut on Spring Festival.Shut off water when you brush your

44、 teeth.The spider man is a superhero.Once in a while they are seen to sit in the tree, chatting.Read the new words again:stickstick todowndialogendingdocumentarydramaplentyplenty ofshutshut offsuperheroonce in a whilev. (stuck stuck) 粘贴;将粘贴;将刺入刺入坚持;固守坚持;固守adj. 悲哀;沮丧悲哀;沮丧n. (=dialogue) 对白;对话对白;对话n. 结

45、尾;结局结尾;结局n. 纪录片纪录片n. 戏;戏; 剧剧pron. 大量;众多大量;众多大量;充足大量;充足v. (shut, shut) 关闭;关上关闭;关上关闭;停止运转关闭;停止运转n. 超级英雄超级英雄偶尔地;间或偶尔地;间或There are many kinds of movies.There are many kinds of movies.When I feel down or tired, Id like to watch comedies.When I want to learn something, Id like to watch documentories.When

46、there are many friends around me, I would like to try a thriller.Sometimes Id like to watch an action movie.Old people, like my parents, like watching dramas.And of course Children like cartoons.What kind of movies do you like?Whats the name of your favorite movie?Why do you like it?I like / prefer

47、/ movies thatItsBecause its. 快速阅读全文,注意每段话的首句,快速阅读全文,注意每段话的首句, 有利于理解每段的段有利于理解每段的段 落大意。落大意。把含有定语从句的句子划出来,把含有定语从句的句子划出来,帮助你理解并完成阅读任务。帮助你理解并完成阅读任务。Fill in the chart. List the different kinds of movies and the movie names.Kinds of moviesMovie namescomedies, cartoons, dramas, documentaries, action movies,

48、 scary moviesMan in Black, Kung Fu Panda, Titanic, March of the Penguins, Spider-ManRead the passage again and answer the questions:1.How does the writer describe each kind2. of the movie?Comedies: funny and happyDocumentaries: interestingDramas: sadAction movies: excitingScary movies: scary2. What

49、kind of movies does the writer prefer to watch when he or she is sad or tired?He prefers movies that can cheer him up . For example, comedies and action movies.3. How does the writer feel after watching these movies?relaxed4. Does the writer like scary movies? When does he or she watch them?Yes, he

50、/ she does. He / She watches them with a friend who isnt afraid of watching scary movies.What kind of movies do you like to watch?When ImI like / prefer to watch movies that/ whichExamples:(movie names)happysadtiredbored. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. My uncle likes to watch_ (documentary) that are funny.

51、2. Do you enjoy_ (listen) to music that is loud. Yes, I do. 3. Pete, the famous football player, was very_ (intelligent) when he was young. 答案答案: 1. documentaries2. listening3. intelligent4. Mr. Black dislikes people who talk much but always_ (shut) off their brains. 5. Have you heard of the song_ (

52、call) Yesterday Once More? 答案答案: 4. shut 5. called. 单项选择单项选择1. He has a friend who _the piano very well. A. playB. playingC. playsD. played2. Fang Fang failed in the singing competition. Lets go and_. A. call her up B. wake her upC. pick her up D. cheer her up3. Teresa is _nervous _talk in front of

53、the class. A. such; that B. too; toC. so; that D. too; that4. Alice prefers _to_. Lets ask her to take part in our dancing club. A. dancing; singing B. singing; danceC. singing; dancing D. to sing; dance5. Sorry, we dont have the coat _you need. A. who B. which C. what D. whom. 完成句子完成句子1. 像像天下无贼天下无贼

54、这样的电影让我感到更安全。这样的电影让我感到更安全。Movies like A World Without Thieves_ me feel_ . 2. 你可以在网上搜寻大量的信息。你可以在网上搜寻大量的信息。You can search for_ _ information on the Internet. 答案答案: 1. make; safer2. plenty of3. 你怎你怎样描述描述这首歌曲首歌曲? _ _ you describe the song? 4. 你更喜你更喜欢哪种哪种乐曲曲? 能随着跳舞的。能随着跳舞的。What_ _ music do you prefer? Mu

55、sic that can dance_ . 答案答案: 3. How do4. kind of; to本单元全品本单元全品A2A2部分全做完!部分全做完!Unit 9Grammar FocusWhat kind of music do you like?I like music that/which I can sing along with. What kind of group does Xu Fei like?He prefers groups that/which play quiet and slow songs.What kind of movie do you like?I pr

56、efer movies that/which give me something to think about.What kind of musician does Carmen like?She likes musicians who play different kinds of music.Grammar Focus Choose words from the different columns to make sentences.I/you/he/she/we/theylike(s)/love(s)/prefer(s)food/clothes/people/music/singers/

57、moviesthat/which/whois/arefunny/comfortable/inexpensive/slow/sweet/salty/loud/interesting/intelligent4a1 I like food that is salty.2 he loves actors that are intelligent.3 she loves clothes that are inexpensive.4 they prefer movies that are funny. . Read Jennifers CD review. Then complete the senten

58、ces using that, which or who.1. Its the kind of music_.2. Its a CD_.3. She likes musicians_.4. She doesnt like the songs_.5. She likes singers_.that/which you can dance tothat/which you can take to a partywho write their own lyricsthat/which are too longwho sing the words clearly4b Make conversation

59、s about the kind of things you like and dislike.What kind of food do you enjoy?I enjoy food that is sweet!4cLets do more exercise! 单项选择。 1. I like singers _write their own songs. A. who B. what C. when D. which 2. Tom is the man about _I talked yesterday. A. why B.that C. whom D.where3. He likes the

60、 movies _ that have monsters. A. / B. which C. who D. where4. She is the person _hair is black. A. that B.whom C. who D. whose5. I dont have the book _you need. A.who B. that C. when D.which6. This book is for the students _native language isnt English. A.that B.of whom C.whose D.whos7. The robbers

61、shouted, “Hands up!Ill shoot anyone _moves!” A.whom B.that C.who D.whose8.The dictionary_he paid 50 yuan for is very useful. A.which B.for which C.on which D.about which9. The boy _ parents died two years ago lives with his grandpa now. A. whose B. who C. his D./10.The man_ is smoking is a bus drive

62、r. A. whom B. who C. which D. what 根据汉语完成句子:根据汉语完成句子:1.This is the engineer _ (给我们作关于计算机报告的给我们作关于计算机报告的) the other day.2.My necklace is not _. (唯一不见的东西唯一不见的东西).3.The man_ (在这间房子里工作的在这间房子里工作的)is an English teacher.4.The old building_ (我们住的我们住的) has been here for 30 years.5.The history book _ (封皮是黄的)封

63、皮是黄的)was lost.who gave us a talk about computersthe only thing thats missingwho works in the room(that/which) we live inwhose cover is yellow 根据汉语完成句子:根据汉语完成句子:6.Here is the pen _ . (你昨天丢失的)你昨天丢失的)7.This is the best book_. (我读过的)我读过的)8.I have lost the pen_. (我父亲给我买的(我父亲给我买的9.Wheat is a plant_ . _(中国

64、北方(中国北方 种植的)种植的)10.I dont like the people_. (说得多说得多,做得少的)做得少的) (that)you lost yesterday(that) I have ever read(which/that) my father bought me which/that is grownwho talk too much but do littlein the north of ChinaHomework Write about your bobbies in your exercise book. You can use :I prefer because

65、My favorite is for the reason thatUnit 9Section B 1a-1dWhat kind of bands do you like?I love bands thatplay different kinds of songs.play their own songs.make us happy.What kind of books do you like? I prefer books that give me something to think about.I prefer books that1a Fill in the chart. Write

66、names of your favorite book, movie and band. Movie BookBand Share your different answers.1b Listen and write the three things that Michael likes in the first column of the chart. What Michael likes Why he likes it jacketHe likes clothes that are unusual.He likes writers _.He likes movies _.bookmovie

67、 poster 1b Listen and write the three things that Michael likes in the first column of the chart. 1c Listen again. Write why Michael likes each thing in the second column of the chart in 1b. What Michael likes Why he likes itjacketHe likes clothes that are unusual.bookHe likes writers _.movie poster

68、 He likes movies _. who explains things wellthat are scaryYour favorite Why you like itMovie: Titanic Book Band A: I like movies that are sad. I love Titanic. B: Oh, I dont. I like movies that are scary. I really like 1d Discuss your favorite things in 1a with your group. Say why you like each thing

69、. Discuss your favorite things in 1a with your group. A: I like movies that are I loveB: Oh, I dont. I like movies that are A: I dont mind movies, but Your favorite Why you like itMovie: Titanic Book Band A: I like books that are interesting. I love Journey to the west.B: No, I dont. I like The Scie

70、nce Book for Girls and other intelligent beings. It helps us know how much fun science can be. A: I like bands that play fast and loud music. Then I can dance to it. I like The Cool Kids.B: Yeah, I like them, too. And I also like bands that write and play their own music. I like the Beyond. 用所用所给词的适

71、当形式填空的适当形式填空1. Do you know the_ (direct) of the movie? Yes. Its Feng Xiaogang. 2. Karen had an_ (usual) experience while traveling in Europe. 3. Sam likes movies that_ (be) really funny. 4. The ship_ (sink) quickly after it hit the big iceberg. 5. Please tell me why your mother_ (like) this movie. 答

72、案答案: 1. director2. unusual3. are4. sank5. likes. 单项选择单项选择1. Frank wants to be a basketball_, so he practices basketball every day. A. playerB. actorC. writerD. singer2. I like friends_ like to do the same things as I do. A. which B. whose C. what D. who3. My parents got the piano that_ very expensiv

73、e for me on my fifteenth birthday. A. to be B. is C. are D. was4. Steve likes to wear clothes _look really cool. A. what B. who C. that D. where5. I dont know why Laura _books about how to keep healthy. A. likes read B. likes readingC. like reading D. like to readHomework全品作业手册全品作业手册B1部分做完部分做完Unit 9

74、Section B 2a New words :sensesadnesspainreflectmovingperformlifetimepitytotalin totalmasterpraiserecallwoundpainfulv. 感觉到;意识到感觉到;意识到 n. 感觉;意识感觉;意识n. 悲伤;悲痛悲伤;悲痛n. 痛苦;痛苦; 疼痛;疼痛; 苦恼苦恼v. 反映;映出反映;映出adj. 动人的;动人的; 令人感动的令人感动的v. 表演;执行表演;执行n. 一生;有生之年一生;有生之年n. 遗憾;怜悯遗憾;怜悯 v. 同情;怜悯同情;怜悯n. 总数;合计总数;合计 adj. 总的;全体的总

75、的;全体的总共;合计总共;合计n. 大师;能手;主人大师;能手;主人 v. 掌握掌握v&n 表扬;赞扬表扬;赞扬v. 回忆起;回想起回忆起;回想起n. 伤;伤口;创伤伤;伤口;创伤 v. 使受伤;伤害使受伤;伤害adj. 令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的He sensed danger, so he ran away quickly.She sensed someone moving behind her.The boy sensed that the man who is wearing a pair of glasses didnt believe him.I have a s

76、ense that she is worried about something.Zhen Huan has a strong sadness.No pains, no gains.This kind of medicine can help relieve the pain.The old man has a pain of separationHe thinks separating from his brother quite painful.His face is reflected in the mirror.The building reflects the bright afte

77、rnoon sunlight,Many people have heard of He Yues moving deeds A computer can perform many tasks at once.Liu Qian is performing magic tricks.He always gives an impressive performance.He is an excellent performer.How lucky I am to meet you during my lifetime!What/ Its a pity that I have to tell you, y

78、ou are dismissed!Nowadays, Few people feel pity for beggars.For Gods sake, pity meThe world has a total of 6400000000 people.The total cost of the car is 380000 Yuan.The car will cost you 380000 in total.They are master and servant.Its a painting by the Chinese master Qi Baishi.How important it is t

79、o master a foreign language!Mother praised the girl for her honesty.The girl was praised for her honesty.I have nothing but praise for Jason!She recalled her childhood at seeing the photo.A wound in the hand.The wounded dog looks upset.The knife wounded her finger. Read the new words again :sensesad

80、nesspainreflectmovingperformlifetimepitytotalin totalmasterpraiserecallwoundpainfulv. 感觉到;意识到感觉到;意识到 n. 感觉;意识感觉;意识n. 悲伤;悲痛悲伤;悲痛n. 痛苦;痛苦; 疼痛;疼痛; 苦恼苦恼v. 反映;映出反映;映出adj. 动人的;动人的; 令人感动的令人感动的v. 表演;执行表演;执行n. 一生;有生之年一生;有生之年n. 遗憾;怜悯遗憾;怜悯 v. 同情;怜悯同情;怜悯n. 总数;合计总数;合计 adj. 总的;全体的总的;全体的总共;合计总共;合计n. 大师;能手;主人大师;能手;

81、主人 v. 掌握掌握v&n 表扬;赞扬表扬;赞扬v. 回忆起;回想起回忆起;回想起n. 伤;伤口;创伤伤;伤口;创伤 v. 使受伤;伤害使受伤;伤害adj. 令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的2a How many Chinese musical instruments do you know about? Do you know any famous pieces of music that are played on these instruments? Abing. Erquan Yingyue (Moon reflected on Second Spring). 阅读指导阅读

82、指导 尝试使用阅读的策略帮助学生养成好习惯,培养尝试使用阅读的策略帮助学生养成好习惯,培养自主学习,大胆尝试良好的阅读氛围。自主学习,大胆尝试良好的阅读氛围。通读全文,通读全文,先找出或总结出每段的主题大意先找出或总结出每段的主题大意。 阅读策略:阅读策略:在阅读中注意具体的细节在阅读中注意具体的细节。具体的细。具体的细节可能是举出的例子,涉及的原因,表达的观点节可能是举出的例子,涉及的原因,表达的观点或每段文章中的其他详细信息。或每段文章中的其他详细信息。2b Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. Which musician does

83、the passage mainly talk about? Abing. 2. What is the name of his most famous piece of music? Erquan Yingyue (Moon reflected on Second Spring). 3. How does the writer feel about this piece of music? He feels that it is sad but beautiful, and it not only paints a picture of Abings own life but also ma

84、kes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.2c Read the passage again and use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph. Then list the supporting details in each paragraph. ParagraphMain ideaSupporting details1I was _by a piece of music named Erq

85、uan Yingyue. The music was strangely beautiful.2Abing lived a very _ life. 3Abings musical skills made him very_.movedToday, Abing s Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise. poorHe had no home. He lived on the streets and played music to make money. popular2d Circl

86、e that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Abing played music (that/who) could touch the hearts of people. When we listen to his music, we can _both the beauty and the sadness in it. It makes us think about the _ and _(that/who) we have experienced in the past. For this reason,

87、many people _him as the musician (that/who) has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a _ that not many pieces of his music were recorded. pain, wounds, sense, pity, praisesensepainwoundspraisepity2e Student A is foreign visitor who is interested in Abing and his music. Student B is a Chine

88、se student who knows about Abing. Use the information in the passage to make a conversation.What kind of musical instruments did Abing play? He could play many instruments, but he is best known for playing the erhu.3a What kind of music or movies do you like best? What is your favorite song/movie? M

89、ake notes in the chart below. Favorite kind of music /movieWhy I like this kind of music/movie Favorite song/movieWhy I like this song/movieHow this song/movie makes me feelWhy I think others should listen to /watch this song/movieUse the following expressions to help you: lMy favorite kind of music

90、/movie is .lI like .because.lIt was .by.lWhen I listen to /watch it, I feel.lI think you should listen to/ watch it too because. 3b Use your notes to write an article for a newspaper or magazine to tell people about your favorite kind of music/movie and your favorite song/movie. Writing 1. I have a

91、friend _ likes listening to classical music.2. Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress _ I gave her.3. The man _ leg broke in a match used to be a football player.who/thatwhich/thatwhosePractice.完成下列句子完成下列句子4. My parents live in a house_ is more than 100 years old.5. The boy with _ John spoke is m

92、y brother.6. Kevin is reading a book _ is too difficult for him.7. Is there anything _ you want to buy in the town?8.All _ we can do is to study hard.9. The first one _ stands up is a little boy.which/thatwhomwhich/thatthatthatthat1.这就是救了那个就是救了那个男男孩孩生生命的医生命的医生。This is the doctor who saved the boys l

93、ife.2.正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔。The man who is running is my uncle.3. 我喜我喜欢可以随之而唱的音可以随之而唱的音乐。 I like music that I can sing along with. 4. 阿炳弹奏触动人们心灵的音乐阿炳弹奏触动人们心灵的音乐。Abing played music that could touch the hearts of people. .翻译下列句子翻译下列句子 1 The comedy has _dialogues which are very humorous. 2. Since

94、you prefer music that is relaxing, I dont _ you would want to buy this _ music CD. 3. Christmas is a time for spreading joy, so you should find some _time to spend with your loved ones.4. Although he is an_ who does not have much experience, he did an excellent job in the new_ film.plenty ofsupposee

95、lectronicFill in the blanks with the words in the box.plenty of, suppose, war, electronic, actor, sparespareactorwarA: Hi, Cindy!Would you like to see Sky High in 2050 this weekend? B: Hmm. no, I dont think movies _try to describe the future are very interesting. Could we see City Danger instead? A:

96、 You mean, the new police story_ was filmed in five countries? B: Yes,thats the one. The actor _ plays the hero used to be a schoolteacher!A: OK, sure. It sounds like something _ we both will enjoy!who/thatwhich/thatthatFill in the blanks with who, that or which. More than one answer may be possible. which/thatHomework 1.全品作业手册,本单元做完全品作业手册,本单元做完2.全品听课手册全品听课手册P61实战演习做完实战演习做完.



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