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1、GSIGuest Satisfaction Index客人满意指数调查By NFOFacts about GSI 对客人满意指数调查的介绍-Monthly Report generated by external company named NFO 由叫NFO的公司每月做此报告- OSAT target is 8.30 OSAT的目标是8.30-100% email generated.100获得邮件-Send to all guests with valid email address in their guest profile根据客人资料里的有效电邮地址给每位客人发邮件-Part of

2、the BIG 5 of the hotel 是酒店五大项目之一-Indicates our main satisfaction drivers 指出我们满意的地方-Indicates our areas for improvement 指出我们需要改进的区域-Scores are considered a realistic measurement of your performance with a minimum of 50 responses. 分数是根据真实的情况并至少有50个提问EMAIL ADDRESS CAPTURE IN GUEST PROFILES IS CRUCIAL.!

3、获取客人的电邮地获取客人的电邮地址至关重要址至关重要How do we read the GSI report?Lets walk through it.What do we do with the results?根据结果我们怎样做?-Identify main drivers per department 每个部门确定主要的行动-Recognize negative scores in GSI report 总结GSI报告中得分低的地方-Hold a GSI action plan meeting within your teams 和你的团队召开GSI行动计划会议 - Analyze o

4、ur processes to find out why the scores are low分析并找出分数低的原因- Improve the processes 改进工作程序- Set up action plans + targets per department 各部门设定行动计划和目标- communicate action plans to the team during shift briefings 在交班会时交流行动计划- daily control of action plans to see progress 每天根据行动计划- Monthly review of GSI

5、report to check on upward trends 每月回顾GSI报告并检查改进情况 LRALashner Rush Associates检测员工What is LRA?什么是LRALRA performs over 3,000 annual evaluations and surveys on every continent. LRA helps clients by developing customized processes to measure brand integrity, operating performance and key drivers of quali

6、ty. 在每个地区LRA每年会做3000多份评估和调查。LRA用发展和定制的程序帮助客户衡量品牌的完整性,运作和主要品质。What does it measure?它测试什么内容?Brand Standards 品牌标准Cleanliness 卫生Competitor Performance 竞争者的表现Customer Service Delivery 客户服务转交Customer Satisfaction 客人满意度Facility Conditions and Maintenance 设备情况和维护Functionality and Usability 功能性和可用性Training 培

7、训BASED ON?基于什么?基于什么?SHERATON 2006 BRAND STANDARDSKnow the standards that comply to your work.get a copy?How does it work in the property itself? LRA内部如何运作?Goal is minimal 90% overall compliance.目标是最少达到90。Individual areas have different goals based on previous years scores and BIG 5 objectives 各部门不同目

8、标的制定是基于去年的分数1 visit per year by an LRA inspector 每年由一个LRA检查员检测Visits are unannounced to testing and scoring is based on “real” guest experience 用暗访的形式来检测LRA inspector will announce herself at check out the day after arrival LRA检查员将在离店时告知真实身份Together with GM and DOR, the inspector checks the rooms, p

9、ublic areas, brand compliance, hart of house facilities, sales & marketing collateral and compliance, training complaince 检查员和总经理,房务总监一起视察酒店的客房,公共区域,品牌程序,主要的设施,市场销售部,培训At the end of the inspection there is a feedback session to the EXCOM on overall performance 在视察结束后根据整体表现和行政委员开反馈会议Within 2 weeks af

10、ter inspection the official report is sent to the GM of the property. 在视察后两周内将把正式报告发给总经理2005 ResultsWhats Next? 接下来做什么?Master action plan compiled by hotel EXCOM 由酒店的行政委员做出主要的行动计划LRA feedback sessions within department和各部门开LRA反馈会议Individual action plans on how to improve service encounters制定分部门的行动计划

11、来提高服务质量Re-assure brand compliance where necessary through investments, process changes, etc.重新制定品牌程序并做必要的投资和更改Daily testing of brand compliance on service encounters through LRA testing programs in Rooms and F&B 房务部和餐饮部根据LRA的测试项目每天进行服务测试Next LRA inspection is expectated within the next 2 prepared! 下次LRA测试将在两个月内进行,请准备!LRA MASTER ACTION PLANLRA DEPARTMENT TESTING PROGRAMMANAGEMENT - LOBBY LIZZARD



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