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1、职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyUnit 4职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyContentsListening & Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 M

2、oneyWarm-1Task 1 Task 1 Match the following currencies with their names. (Notes)Japanese YenUnited States DollarPound SterlingEuropean DollarKorean WonCanadian Dollar职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyNotes-1Pound Sterling 英镑European Dollar 欧元Canadian Dollar 加拿大元United States Dollar 美元Japanese Yen 日元Korean

3、 Won 韩国元根据中国银行根据中国银行2010 年年12 月月31 日外汇牌价日外汇牌价1 英镑 10.31 人民币元1 美元 6.62 人民币元100 日元 7.97人民币元1 加拿大元 6.66人民币元1 欧元 8.58 人民币元100 韩国元 0.57 人民币元职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyWarm-2Task 2 Task 2 Complete the table with appropriate currency codes and symbols.GBPEURJPYCNY/RMB¥HKDHK$职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyNot

4、es-2Notescurrency code: 货币代码currency symbol: 货币符号职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-how职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText A-1 The First Credit Card1 1 Charging Charging forfor products products and and services services has has become become a a way way of of l

5、ife. life. No No longer longer do do people people bring bring cash cash when when they they buy buy a a sweater sweater or or an an appliance, appliance, they they charge charge it. it. Some Some people people do do it it for for the the convenience convenience of of not not carrying carrying cash;

6、 cash; others others do do it it so so they they can can purchasepurchase an an item item they they cannot cannot yet yet afford. afford. The The credit credit card card that that allows them to do this is a 20th century invention.allows them to do this is a 20th century invention.Reading A职业综合职业综合英

7、语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText A-2Reading A2 In the early 20th century, In the early 20th century, charge accountscharge accounts became became popular. With automobiles and airplanes, people now had popular. With automobiles and airplanes, people now had the the optionoption to travel to a variety of stor

8、es for their shopping to travel to a variety of stores for their shopping needs. In an effort to needs. In an effort to capturecapture customer loyalty, many stores customer loyalty, many stores and gas stations began to offer charge accounts for their and gas stations began to offer charge accounts

9、 for their customers which could be customers which could be accessedaccessed by a card. Unfortunately, by a card. Unfortunately, people needed to carry dozens of these cards if they were to people needed to carry dozens of these cards if they were to do a day of shopping.do a day of shopping.职业综合职业

10、综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText A-3Reading A3 A credit card that could be used at A credit card that could be used at multiplemultiple stores was not stores was not invented until 1950. It all started when Frank McNamara, head of invented until 1950. It all started when Frank McNamara, head of the Hamilt

11、on Credit Corporation, and two of his friends went out the Hamilton Credit Corporation, and two of his friends went out to supper to discuss a problem customer in 1949.to supper to discuss a problem customer in 1949.4 4 This particular customer had lent a number of his charge This particular custome

12、r had lent a number of his charge cards to his poor neighbors who needed items in an emergency. cards to his poor neighbors who needed items in an emergency. For this service, the man required his neighbors to pay him back For this service, the man required his neighbors to pay him back the cost of

13、the the cost of the originaloriginal purchase plus some extra money. But purchase plus some extra money. But many of his neighbors were unable to pay him back and he was many of his neighbors were unable to pay him back and he was forced to borrow money from the Hamilton Credit Corporation.forced to

14、 borrow money from the Hamilton Credit Corporation.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText A-45 At the end of the meal, McNamara was shocked to discover At the end of the meal, McNamara was shocked to discover that he had forgotten his wallet. To his that he had forgotten his wallet. To his embarrassmentem

15、barrassment, he had , he had to call his wife and have her bring him some money. to call his wife and have her bring him some money. 6 6 MergingMerging the two the two conceptsconcepts from that dinnerthe lending of from that dinnerthe lending of charge cards and not having cash charge cards and not

16、 having cash on handon hand to pay for the meal, to pay for the meal, McNamara came up with a new idea: a credit card that could be McNamara came up with a new idea: a credit card that could be used at multiple locations. He discussed the idea with his two used at multiple locations. He discussed th

17、e idea with his two friends and they started a new company called the Diners Club friends and they started a new company called the Diners Club in 1950.in 1950.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText A-57 Instead of Instead of individualindividual companies offering credit to their own companies o

18、ffering credit to their own customers, the Diners Club offered credit to individuals for many customers, the Diners Club offered credit to individuals for many companies. The companies who accepted the Diners Club credit companies. The companies who accepted the Diners Club credit card were charged

19、7 percent for each card were charged 7 percent for each transactiontransaction while the while the subscriberssubscribers to the card were charged a $3 annual fee. In the to the card were charged a $3 annual fee. In the beginning, progress was difficult. However, the concept of the beginning, progre

20、ss was difficult. However, the concept of the card grew and by the end of 1950, 20,000 people were using the card grew and by the end of 1950, 20,000 people were using the Diners Club credit card.Diners Club credit card.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText A-68 The Diners Club credit card conti

21、nued to grow more popular The Diners Club credit card continued to grow more popular and didnt receive competition until 1958. In that year, both and didnt receive competition until 1958. In that year, both American Express and VISA arrived. The concept of a American Express and VISA arrived. The co

22、ncept of a universaluniversal credit card had credit card had taken roottaken root and quickly spread across the world. and quickly spread across the world.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-Trans-1Reading A第一张信用卡第一张信用卡1 记记账账购购买买产产品品和和服服务务已已成成为为一一种种生生活活方方式式。人人们们不不再再带带现现金金去去购购买买毛毛衣衣或或电电器器,而而是是记记账

23、账消消费费。有有些些人人这这么么做做是是因因为为不不带带现现金金很很方方便便,另另一一些些人人则则是是因因为为可可以以购购买买自自己己暂暂时时买买不不起起的的东东西西。人人们们之之所所以以能能这这么么做做是是因因为为有有了了信信用用卡卡一项一项 20 20 世纪的发明。世纪的发明。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-Trans-2Reading A2 2 2020世世纪纪早早期期,记记账账账账户户流流行行了了起起来来。有有了了汽汽车车和和飞飞机机,人人们们可可以以选选择择去去很很多多不不同同的的商商店店以以满满足足购购物物需需求求。为为了了赢赢得得顾顾客客忠忠诚诚度度,

24、许许多多商商店店和和加加油油站站开开始始为为顾顾客客提提供供记记账账账账户户,账账户户通通过过一一张张卡卡来来使使用用。遗遗憾憾的的是是,人人们们要要想想逛逛一一天天街街,那那就就得带上许多这样的卡。得带上许多这样的卡。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-Trans-3Reading A3 3 能能够够在在多多个个商商家家使使用用的的信信用用卡卡直直到到 1950 1950 年年才才问问世世。这这一一切切都都起起源源于于 1949 1949 年年的的一一天天,哈哈米米尔尔顿顿信信用用公公司司老老板板弗弗兰兰克克麦麦克克纳纳马马拉拉和和两两位位朋朋友出去吃晚饭,商讨一个问

25、题客户的事情。友出去吃晚饭,商讨一个问题客户的事情。4 4 4 4 这这位位客客户户将将多多张张签签账账卡卡借借给给了了他他那那些些急急需需购购物物的的穷穷邻邻居居。为为此此,他他要要求求那那些些邻邻居居除除了了偿偿还还所所购购物物品品的的原原价价之之外外再再给给点点额额外外费费用用。但但他他们们中中大大多多数数都都无无力力偿偿还还,结结果果他他只只好好从从哈哈密密尔尔顿顿信信用用公公司借款。司借款。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-Trans-4Reading A5 5 饭吃完了,饭吃完了,麦克纳马拉发现自己竟忘麦克纳马拉发现自己竟忘了带钱了带钱包包。他不得不尴尬地

26、打电话给妻子,让她送钱来。他不得不尴尬地打电话给妻子,让她送钱来付账。付账。6 6 6 6 那那顿顿晚晚餐餐中中有有两两点点外外借借记记账账卡卡和和没没有有现现金金付付饭饭钱钱让让麦麦克克纳纳马马拉拉产产生生了了一一个个新新念念头头:发发行行一一种种能能在在多多家家商商店店使使用用的的信信用用卡卡。他他与与两两位位朋朋友友商商量量后后,于于19501950年年共共同同创创办办了了一一家家名名叫叫食食客客俱乐部的公司。俱乐部的公司。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-Trans-5Reading A7 7 7 7 与与每每家家公公司司独独自自为为其其顾顾客客提提供供信信用

27、用不不同同的的是是,食食客客俱俱乐乐部部代代表表多多家家公公司司为为个个人人提提供供信信用用。接接受受食食客客俱俱乐乐部部信信用用卡卡的的公公司司每每笔笔交交易易缴缴纳纳7%7%的的手手续续费费,信信用用卡卡使使用用者者则则须须缴缴纳纳 3 3美美元元的的年年费费。起起初初,这这项项业业务务举举步步维维艰艰。然然而而,这这种种信信用用卡卡概概念念逐逐渐渐普普及及开开来来。到到了了 19501950年年底底,已已有有两两万万人人在在使使用用食食客客俱俱乐乐部部的的信用卡。信用卡。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-Trans-6Reading A8 8 食食客客俱俱乐乐部

28、部信信用用卡卡越越来来越越流流行行,直直到到1958 1958 年年才才面面临临竞竞争争对对手手。那那年年,美美国国运运通通卡卡和和维维萨萨信信用用卡卡问问世世。从从此此,通通用用信信用用卡卡的的概概念念深深入入人人心并迅速传遍整个世界。心并迅速传遍整个世界。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Money to ask for an amount of money for goods or serviceReading Acharge fore.g. e.g. What did they charge for the repair?Tran:Tran: 餐馆向这个就餐者收费20英镑。

29、 The The restaurant charged 20 pounds forrestaurant charged 20 pounds for the dinner the dinner. .职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyv. to buy somethingReading Apurchasee.g.e.g. The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.e.g.e.g. Please insure that you purchase your tickets for the film in adv

30、ance. Tran:Tran: 他们花了一百万美元购买了这块土地 . They purchased the land for $1They purchased the land for $1 million. million. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyn. the act or process of buying somethingReading Apurchasee.g.e.g. This company has just announced its $3 million purchase for Park Hotel.e.g.e.g. If you are

31、 not satisfied with your purchase, we will give you a full refund. Tran: Tran: 留好收据作为你的购买凭据。 Keep your receipt as proof of yourKeep your receipt as proof of your purchase. purchase. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneycredit extended by a business to a customerReading Acharge accounte.g. e.g. My father has

32、just bought a new house on his charge account.Tran: Tran: 我习惯用赊购账户购买我的日用必需品. I am used to buying my dailyI am used to buying my daily necessities on my charge account necessities on my charge account. .职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyoptionReading A n. the freedom to choose what you do; something that y

33、ou can choose to have or doe.g.e.g. As I see it, we have two options. e.g. e.g. There are various options open to you.Tran: Tran: 对于我来说上大学不是一个选择。 Going to university is not an optionGoing to university is not an option for me. for me.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyv. to succeed in getting control of so

34、meone or something that other people are also trying to control.Reading Acapturee.g. e.g. The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers.e.g.e.g. The American drive to land a man on the moon captured the attention of the whole world.Tran: Tran: 这家公司已经占据了当地市场90%的份额。 The company has now ca

35、ptured overThe company has now captured over 90% of the local market 90% of the local market. .职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Money v. to reach, enter or use somethingReading Aaccesse.g.e.g. At the moment, the site can be accessed only by PCs running Windows. e.g. e.g. Bank customers can access their checki

36、ng accounts instantly through the electronic system. Tran: Tran: 我无法取出贵公司的文件,因为我把代码忘了。 I cant access the file on yourI cant access the file on your company because Ive forgotten the company because Ive forgotten the code. code. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneya. many in number; involving many different

37、people or thingsReading Amultiplee.g.e.g. I have made multiple copies of documents for the participants of the meeting. I have got a multiple-entry visa.I have got a multiple-entry visa.Tran: Tran: 我申请到了多次往返签证。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneya. existing at the beginning of a particular period, process o

38、r activityReading Aoriginale.g.e.g. The hotel still has many of its original features. e.g. e.g. The original picture is in the British Museum.Tran:Tran: 我觉得你应该回到你最初的方案。 I think you should go back to your I think you should go back to your original plan. original plan.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyn.

39、shy, awkward or guilty feelingsReading Aembarrassmente.g.e.g. Much to her embarrassment, she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing.Tran:Tran: 他的辞职让公司非常难堪。 His resignation will be a severeHis resignation will be a severe embarrassment to the company. embarrassment to the company.

40、职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyv. to make someone feel shy, awkward, especially in a social situationReading Aembarrasse.g.e.g. Her question about my private life embarrassed me in the public. Tran: Tran: 我不想在他的朋友面前亲吻他,那样会让他发窘。 I didnt want to embarrass him byI didnt want to embarrass him by kissing hi

41、m in front of his friends. kissing him in front of his friends.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyv. to combine or make two or more things combine to form a single thingReading Amergee.g.e.g. Fact and fiction merge together in his latest novel.e.g.e.g. The villages expanded and merged into one large town.T

42、ran:Tran: 他的部门和我的部门将会合并在一处。 His department will be merged withHis department will be merged with mine. mine.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyn. an idea or a principle that is connected with somethingReading Aconcepte.g.e.g. The concept of social class is at the very core of his theory.e.g.e.g. It is diff

43、icult to grasp the concept of infinite space.Tran: Tran: 我不能够理解抽象的概念。 I cannot understand the abstractI cannot understand the abstract concept. concept.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyclose by and ready when neededReading Aon hande.g.e.g. The emergency services were on hand with medical advice.Tran:Tran

44、: 如果你需要的话,护士会马上过来。 The nurse will be on hand if you needThe nurse will be on hand if you need her. her.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneya. considered separately rather than as part of a groupReading Aindividuale.g.e.g. The minister refused to comment on the individual case.e.g.e.g. Treatment depends on t

45、he individual involved.Tran:Tran: 我们采访了社区里每一个成员。 We interviewed each individualWe interviewed each individual member of the community. member of the community.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyn. a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or sellingReading Atransactione.g

46、.e.g. We have not arranged financial transactions with those companies.e.g.e.g. His failure in this transaction was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.Tran: Tran: 你做完这单生意后想干些什么? What do you want to do after youWhat do you want to do after you have concluded this transaction? have conclude

47、d this transaction?职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneyn. a person who pays regularly to receive a service.Reading Asubscribere.g.e.g. Are you a pay TV service subscriber?e.g.e.g. The subscriber you dialed is power-off; please redial it later.Tran: Tran: 这个杂志正努力扩大它的征订者。 The magazine is trying to get moreThe

48、 magazine is trying to get more subscribers. subscribers.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Moneya. done by or involving all the people in the world or in a particular groupReading Auniversale.g.e.g. Such problems are a universal feature of old age.e.g.e.g. Agreement on this issue is almost universal.Tran:Tran:

49、 音乐被称为人类共同的语言。 Music has been called the universalMusic has been called the universal language of human beings. language of human beings.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Money (of an idea) to become accepted widely; (of a plant) to develop rootsReading Atake roote.g.e.g. The concepts of democracy and free tra

50、de are finally beginning to take root.e.g.e.g. Many European customs failed to take root in some Asian countries.Tran: Tran: 没有雨水,植物不能扎根。 Plants cannot take root for lack ofPlants cannot take root for lack of water. water.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-Task 1Reading ATask 1 Read the passage and fill

51、in the table with important events in the development of credit cards.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyA-task 2Reading ATask 2 Correct the following statements according to the passage. An example has been given. 1.In the early 20th century credit cards became popular. charge accounts2. Charge accounts c

52、ould be accessed by cash. a card3. Credit cards which could be used at a single merchant was invented in 1950.4. The Diners Club offered charge accounts to individuals for manycompanies. 5. The subscribers to the card were charged $3 each month. year6. By 1958, the concept of a universal credit card

53、 had takenroot and quickly spreadacross the country.multiple merchantscreditworld职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyBusiness know-howBusiness Know-howHandling Money When Traveling Overseas 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyReading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText B-1 Nanyang Commercial

54、Bank (China) is committed to Nanyang Commercial Bank (China) is committed to providing our customers with “one-stop” banking solution. providing our customers with “one-stop” banking solution. What is more, you can conveniently access a range of financial What is more, you can conveniently access a

55、range of financial services via our Internet banking platform anytime, services via our Internet banking platform anytime, anywhere!anywhere! Free and trouble-free service Free and trouble-free service Simply Simply by by opening opening an an RMB RMB or or foreign foreign currency currency account

56、account at at any any of of our our branches branches or or sub-branches, sub-branches, you you will will be be entitled entitled to to our our 24-hour 24-hour Internet Internet banking banking service. service. With With a a single single Internet Internet banking banking number, number, you you ca

57、n can conduct conduct various various transactions transactions for for all all accounts under your name without additional costs. accounts under your name without additional costs. Reading BNCB (China) Online Banking Services职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText B-2 Convenient and reliable transaction c

58、hannel Convenient and reliable transaction channel With the use of widely-recognized encryption With the use of widely-recognized encryption security technology and mobile dynamic password security technology and mobile dynamic password service, our Internet banking offers you complete peace service

59、, our Internet banking offers you complete peace of mind.of mind.Two-factor authenticationTwo-factor authentication * First-factor authenticationlog in password * First-factor authenticationlog in password The password is required to log in the Internet banking The password is required to log in the

60、 Internet banking website. website. Reading B职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText B-3 * Second-factor authenticationmobile dynamic password* Second-factor authenticationmobile dynamic password With With the the mobile mobile dynamic dynamic password password security security feature, feature, when when

61、 you you perform perform an an important important operation operation through through Internet Internet banking banking (e.g. (e.g. transferring transferring funds), funds), a a text text message message with with a a dynamic dynamic password password will will be be sent sent directly directly to

62、to your your mobile mobile phone. phone. You You must must then then enter enter the the mobile mobile dynamic dynamic password password in in order order to to complete complete the transaction.the transaction. * SMS Service Number: 00852 6450 1333 * SMS Service Number: 00852 6450 1333Reading B职业综合

63、职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText B-4 Service scope Service scope Banking services Banking services Account balance inquiry of savings deposit, fixed deposit, Account balance inquiry of savings deposit, fixed deposit, current account and mortgage account current account and mortgage account Access to ban

64、king transaction details and remittance status Access to banking transaction details and remittance status Money transfer and remittance Money transfer and remittance Fixed deposit service Fixed deposit service Call deposit service Call deposit service Foreign currency trading Foreign currency tradi

65、ng Financial information Financial information Inquiry of deposit interest rates and foreign currency Inquiry of deposit interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates exchange rates Reading B职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyText B-5Account settingAccount settingManagement of your registered Manageme

66、nt of your registered account and other third-party account and other third-party accounts, adjustment of transfer limit. accounts, adjustment of transfer limit.OthersOthersRequest for bank statement and changeRequest for bank statement and change of Internet banking password of Internet banking pas

67、sword Reading B职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyB-Trans-1Reading B 南商(中国)银行南商(中国)银行 南商(中国)致力为客户提供南商(中国)致力为客户提供“一站式一站式”的银行的银行服务。此外,您更可通过我们的网上服务平台,随时服务。此外,您更可通过我们的网上服务平台,随时随地便捷地享用多元化的银行服务。随地便捷地享用多元化的银行服务。l 免费自由免费自由 易用放心易用放心 您您只只需需在在我我们们的的任任何何一一家家分分行行或或支支行行开开设设人人民民币币或或外外币币账账户户,便便可可享享用用 24 24 小小时时网网上上银银行行服服务

68、务。通通过过一一个个网网上上银银行行账账号号,您您就就能能对对名名下下所所有有账账户户进进行行多多种种交易操作,而这一切无需任何附加费用。交易操作,而这一切无需任何附加费用。职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyB-Trans-2Reading Bl 快捷方便快捷方便 安全可靠安全可靠 我我们们的的网网上上银银行行采采用用了了国国际际认认可可标标准准的的安安全全加加密技术,结合动态密码技术,让您倍感安心。密技术,结合动态密码技术,让您倍感安心。双重认证双重认证* * 第一重认证第一重认证登录密码登录密码 您须通过密码登录网上银行站点。您须通过密码登录网上银行站点。职业综合职业

69、综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyB-Trans-3Reading B * * 第二重认证第二重认证动态密码动态密码 通过动态密码安全技术,当您通过网银进通过动态密码安全技术,当您通过网银进行转账汇款等重要交易时,动态密码将以行转账汇款等重要交易时,动态密码将以短信短信形式发送到您的移动电话。您则须输入动态密形式发送到您的移动电话。您则须输入动态密码来完成交易。码来完成交易。* * 短信服务号码:短信服务号码:00852 6450 133300852 6450 1333职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyB-Trans-4Reading Bl 网上银行服务范围网上

70、银行服务范围 理财服务理财服务 查查询询账账户户余余额额,包包括括活活期期存存款款、定定期期存款、支票存款及按揭账户存款、支票存款及按揭账户 查询交易详情及汇款记录查询交易详情及汇款记录 转账、汇款服务转账、汇款服务 定期存款服务定期存款服务 通知存款服务通知存款服务 外汇买卖外汇买卖 财经资讯财经资讯 查询存款利率及外汇牌价查询存款利率及外汇牌价职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyB-Trans-5Reading B账户设定账户设定管理个人及第三方账户、设定转账额度管理个人及第三方账户、设定转账额度其他服务其他服务申请月结单、更改网上银行密码申请月结单、更改网上银行密码职

71、业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyB-Task-1Reading BTask 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.1. When conducting transactions through Internet banking, you have to pay extra fees.2. The Internet banking only works during office hours of the bank. 3. Th

72、e mobile dynamic password will be sent to your mobile phone via a text message.4. Foreign currency exchange rates cannot be inquired through Internet banking.5. You can adjust your transfer limit through Internet banking.FFTFT职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyB-Task-2Reading BTask 2 Match the operations i

73、n the left column with the Internet banking services provided by NCB in the right column. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyListeningListening & SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-Task 1Task 1 Mr. Moor is opening an account at a bank. Listen to the conversation and choose

74、the best answer to each question you hear. Listening & SpeakingScriptScriptA. Fixed deposit account.B. Current account.C. Company checking account.D. Personal account.A. 100 dollars.B. 200 dollars.C. 1,000 dollars.D. 2,000 dollars.A. Every time he writes a check.B. When he writes a check with insuff

75、icient funds to his account.C. If he writes more than 15 checks per month.D. If he writes a check with an amount of less than 15 dollars.声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-1-ScriptTask 1 Script Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Money1. How much unused RMB does Mr. Brown have? He has _ yu

76、an.2. Why cant Mr. Brown take the unused RMB back tohis home country? Because _.3.What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD in Mr. Browns memo? Its one US dollar to _ yuan.L-Task 2Listening & SpeakingTask 2 Mr. Brown is talking with a clerk in a bank. Listen to the conversation and answer the fo

77、llowing questions.42,000it is a large sum of RMB7ScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-2-ScriptTask 2 Script Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-Task 3-1Listening & SpeakingTask 3 Andrew Pound is making an offer to his client. Listen to the conversation and decide whether t

78、he following statements are true or false. Then write key words to support your answers. 1. The offer will be made without consideration of the quantity of the order. True False _ 2. The indication of price is not subject to the sellers confirmation. True False _If your order is big enough, we may g

79、ive you a more favorable price.All the quotations are subject to our final confirmation.ScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-Task 3-2Listening & Speaking3. The buyer wants the goods to be shipped to New York. True False _4. The seller will leave the offer open for 24 hours only. True False

80、_Its valid for two days.ScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-3-ScriptTask 3 ScriptListening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-Task 4Listening & SpeakingTask 4 Mr. Wills is discussing with his client about the offer. Listen to the conversation and complete the notes. 2.5 dollars2.5

81、 dollars3%3%large orderslarge ordersin the futurein the futureScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-4-ScriptTask 4 Script Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-Task 5-1Listening & SpeakingTask 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. A few days

82、 ago, Ivan decided to add some money to his bank account via ATM. After he put $74, the ATM took the money and returned him a slip. _, the amount on the slip was $7,430,000. He got another slipand still the amount was the same. So he decided to go to the bank and tell them about the mistake the ATM

83、had made. Ivan arrived at the bank and told a clerk his story, also showed a slip, but the clerk was not interested in the situation. “_, buddy,” said the clerk to the 7 million dollars account holder. “Come back please some other time, Ive got a lot of things to do right now.”To his surpriseMany st

84、range things happen声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyL-Task 5-2Listening & SpeakingIvan got offended with such a response. He _ the nearest ATM and started withdrawing the cash. He went from one ATM to another _ of each one. He put all the money in big shoe boxes and afterwards took all those boxes to

85、 that bank clerk. He threw the boxes on the clerks desk. “Whats this?” asked the clerk. “Its money. _.” The clerk was really shocked. He called other bank workers and they all got greatly amazed by what they were presented. They took the money from the cardholder, and told him “thank you ” _.went st

86、raight towent straight towithdrawing the daily limitwithdrawing the daily limitMillions of dollarsMillions of dollars for his courteous and unusual behavior for his courteous and unusual behavior声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyWritingWritingTask 1Task 2Task 3职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyW-Task 1Task

87、1 Match each sentence in Column A with the closely related one in Column B. Writing职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyW-Task 2Task 2 Rearrange the order of the following sentences and combine them into the body part of the request letter.Writing Dear Mr. WangSincerelyJasonGiven our moderate cash reserves,

88、we would like to apply for a $200,000 credit line with your company so as to avoid unnecessary transaction delays.Over the past several years, we had a number of large deals with you on cash basis, which, we are sure, have adequately established our credit. If you require further credit data, you ha

89、ve our permission to directly contact Huaqiao Bank at 4567892 for banking and credit history.Your early reply will be appreciated. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyW-Task 3WritingTask 3 Shenzhen Twilight Company provides a scholarship for those needy students to finish their education. Suppose you want t

90、o apply for this scholarship. Please write a request letter to obtain more information (e.g. the qualifications, the application form and deadline for application, etc.). 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyMiniMini-projectWork in groups. Mr. Wang will be on a business trip to Los Angeles and London. His to

91、tal target trip budget is ¥100,000.1.search online the fees of each item in his trip budget below. Complete the budget for him. The following sample business trip budget is for your reference;2.search online for todays exchange rates and figure out how many US dollars and pounds sterling Mr. Wang sh

92、ould take with him;3.Report your results to the class.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyReferenceThe following web pages about exchange rate are for your reference:http:/www.x- Mini-project职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLanguage LabLanguage LabTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLL-Task

93、 1Language LabTask 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. B BJ JA AC CKKD DE EF FL LGG职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Money 1. Cable television companies have launched major campaigns 1. Cable television companies have launched major campaigns to increase their number of _. to increa

94、se their number of _. 2. The big company _ various small businesses. 2. The big company _ various small businesses. 3. The ideas of parents usually _ in their children. 3. The ideas of parents usually _ in their children. 4. Weve discussed all the marketing _ and decided 4. Weve discussed all the ma

95、rketing _ and decided to go for television advertising. to go for television advertising. 5. The _ settlers in North America are the 5. The _ settlers in North America are the Indians. Indians.LL-Task 2-1Language LabTask 2 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the form

96、if necessary. subscriberssubscribersmergedmergedtake roottake rootoptionsoptionsoriginaloriginal职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Money6. The companys new car is based on an environmentally6. The companys new car is based on an environmentally friendly _. friendly _.7. She has her own _ style of doing things.7

97、. She has her own _ style of doing things.8.8.The company is out to _ the EuropeanThe company is out to _ the European market. market.9. We use the hall for _ purposes.9. We use the hall for _ purposes.10.In order to conclude the _ we accept your10.In order to conclude the _ we accept your price. pr

98、ice.LL-Task 2-2Language Labconceptconceptindividualindividualcapturecapturemultiplemultipletransactiontransaction职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 Money1. Our staff are always _ to help.1. Our staff are always _ to help.2. 2. The The government government _ _ supporting technology development. supporting techn

99、ology development. 3. 3. The The database database allows allows you you to to _ _ the the sales sales figures figures in in a number of ways. a number of ways. 4. We wont _ delivery if you pay now.4. We wont _ delivery if you pay now.5. 5. Theyve Theyve been been working working day day and and nig

100、ht night _ _ get get the the products ready on time. products ready on time. LL-Task 3Language LabTask 3 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases. Change the form if necessary. on handon handcommits itself to/ is committed tocommits itself to/ is committed toaccessaccesscharge forc

101、harge forin an effort toin an effort to职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLL-Task 4 model 1Language LabTask 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLL-Task 4-1Language Lab1.1.Ill never forget the day when I met that famous poet.Ill never forget the day when I met tha

102、t famous poet._2. I have seldom seen such a remarkable creature. 2. I have seldom seen such a remarkable creature. _3. 3. We We not not only only lost lost all all our our money, money, but but also also came came close close to to closing closing our lives. our lives. _ Never will I forget the day

103、when I met that famous poet. Never will I forget the day when I met that famous poet.Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.Not only did we lose all our money, but also we came close to Not only did we lose all our money, but also we came close to

104、 losing our lives.losing our lives.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLL-Task 4 model 2Language LabTask 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLL-Task 4-2Language Lab1.1.They didnt fix the old machine. They bought a new machine.They didnt fix the old machine. They b

105、ought a new machine._2. We didnt have a rest. We went on working. 2. We didnt have a rest. We went on working. _3. Tom didnt laugh at me. He came to help me. 3. Tom didnt laugh at me. He came to help me. _ Instead of fixing the old machine, they bought a new one. Instead of fixing the old machine, t

106、hey bought a new one. Instead of having a rest, we went on workingInstead of having a rest, we went on working Instead of laughing at me, Tom came to help me. Instead of laughing at me, Tom came to help me. 职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLL-Task 5-1Language Lab1. 昨天我留下加了一会儿班。(extra)_2. 为了赶上她的同学,她学习非常努力

107、。(in an effort to). _3. 电视提供大众化的娱乐。(universal)_4. 我们怎样才能提高顾客的忠诚度?(loyalty)_Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases.I stayed and did some extra work yesterday.I stayed and did some extra work yesterday.She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up with

108、She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up with her classmates.her classmates.Television provides universal entertainment.Television provides universal entertainment.How can we improve customer loyalty?How can we improve customer loyalty?职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyLL-Task 5-2Language

109、Lab5. 请 你 方 便 时 给 我 们 寄 一 份 你 们 最 新 的 产 品 目 录 。(convenience)_6. 他手头工作太多了,不能跟我们去野餐。(on hand)_7. 这则广告会引起各地读者的注意。(capture)_8. 新闻节目是通过卫星传送到我们这里来的。(via)_Please send us a copy of your latest catalog at your convenience.Please send us a copy of your latest catalog at your convenience.He has too much work o

110、n hand to go picnicking with us.He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.The advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere.The advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere.The news program came to us via satellite.The news program came to us via satell

111、ite.职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyEntertainmentEntertainmentLa Isla Bonitaby MadonnaBackgroundBackground声音声音职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 4 MoneyBackgroundLa Isla Bonita (The Beautiful Island) is a song by American singer-songwriter Madonna. It was released as the fifth and final single from her third studio a

112、lbum, True Blue, on February 25, 1987. It is noted for being the first Madonna song to have a Spanish influence in it. The lyrics of the song tell about a Beautiful Island and was a tribute to the beauty of the Latin people according to Madonna. EntertainmentThank You!职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语Thank You!87 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢谢大家!



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