外研版高中英语Module 1Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Read the text in “Cultural Corner” and finish the following tasks.True (T) or False (F)1In Britain, most of the doctors and nurses work for the government.()2The health insurance company pays the doctors and hospitals for all the people in the USA.()3The health care system in Canada

2、is similar to the Britains.()答案:答案:1.T2.F3.F.Choose the best answers according to the text.1Which of the following countries has no free health care system?ABritain. BAmerica.CCanada. DNone of the above.2. Whats the difference in the health care system between Britain and Canada?A. British hospitals

3、 are owned privately while Canadian ones are not.BPatients pay for medical fees through health insurance in Canada while its not the case in Britain.CDoctors and nurses work for the government in Britain.DHospitals in Canada are privately owned.3Whats the problem brought about by the health care sys

4、tem in America?APatients cant pay for their medical fees in time.BPatients have to turn to the health insurance company for help.CPoorer people often cant enjoy the health service.DDoctors and nurses cant get full salaries.4. The general idea of this passage is _.Ato introduce the health care system

5、s in Britain, America and CanadaBto analyze (分析分析) the advantages and disadvantages of a health care systemCto tell us which country has the best health care systemDto tell us health insurance helps a lot in paying for medical fees答案:答案:1.B2.D3.C4.A根据所根据所给词性及性及汉语释义写出写出单词1 adj. (人人)太胖的;超重的太胖的;超重的2 n.

6、 肺肺3 n. 喉喉咙;咽喉;嗓子;咽喉;嗓子4 n. 处方方overweight lungthroatprescription5 n. 症状症状6 n. 保保险7 vi.呼吸呼吸 n呼吸呼吸8 adj.可怕的;吓人的可怕的;吓人的 adv.非常;极其非常;极其symptominsurancebreathebreathawfulawfully1breathe vi.呼吸呼吸(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)When we breathe, the air goes into our lung.我我们呼吸呼吸时,空气,空气进入我入我们的肺。的肺。(鲜活例句活例句)Human

7、s, animals and plants all breathe air.人和人和动植物都呼吸空气。植物都呼吸空气。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点breath n 呼吸,气息呼吸,气息out of breath 气喘吁吁地,上气不接下气地气喘吁吁地,上气不接下气地hold ones breath 屏住呼吸屏住呼吸lose ones breath 喘不喘不过气来气来take a deep breath 深吸一口气深吸一口气She was soon out of breath, but went on running.她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍继续跑。跑。We all

8、 when the teacher announced the results of the election.当老当老师宣布宣布选举结果果时,我,我们都屏住呼吸。都屏住呼吸。held our breath 2awful adj.可怕的;吓人的;很坏的;极可怕的;吓人的;很坏的;极讨厌的的(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)In fact, I feel awful.事事实上,我感到非常上,我感到非常难受。受。(鲜活例句活例句)We had an awful experience in the street just now.刚才我才我们在街上有一次可怕的在街上有一次可怕的

9、经历。awfully adv.非常,极其非常,极其(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点Im awfully sorry about the problem the other day.我我对前几天的那个前几天的那个问题感到非常抱歉。感到非常抱歉。点津点津awfully意思与意思与awful意思不一意思不一样,表示,表示“非常,非常,极其极其”之意。之意。类似的似的还有有terribly, badly等。等。1have a 发烧2pick 用用车接接3lie 躺下躺下4be work 休班休班5begin 以以开始开始6pay 支付支付7put . . 将将投入投入8 a result 因此,所

10、以因此,所以temperatureupdownoffwithforintoas 1pick up (用用车)接接(教材原句教材原句)My wifes going to pick me up in a quarter of an hour.我妻子打算一刻我妻子打算一刻钟后来接我。后来接我。pick up常常见意意义:写出下列句子中写出下列句子中pick up 的含的含义。:。:Young children soon pick up what they hear their elders use.She picked up the telephone on the table and began

11、to dial.You can pick up BBC on the radio.After the operation, her health has greatly picked up.I was lucky to pick up some used stamps.学会学会拿起拿起接收接收康复康复买到到2begin with ( start with)以以开始开始(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Begin with some information about yourself.以关于你自己的某些信息开以关于你自己的某些信息开头。(鲜活例句活例句)The teach

12、er began the lesson with an English song.老老师以一首英文歌曲开始了以一首英文歌曲开始了课程。程。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点end up with“以以结束束”,侧重指最后的事情重指最后的事情end up as “作作为而而结束束”,其后常跟身份、,其后常跟身份、职位等名位等名词,侧重指重指“最最终成成为”end up in “结果果 ,最,最终”,侧重指最重指最终的的结果果to begin with “首先,第一点首先,第一点”,常作插入,常作插入语Well, to begin with, you shouldnt even have bee

13、n driving my car.好吧,首先你就不好吧,首先你就不应该一直开我的一直开我的车。Wen Qiang, a high police officer, prison.文文强强,一位高,一位高级警官,最警官,最终入入狱。ended up in 3as a result因此,因此,结果果(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)As a result, more people are using private health insurance.结果,更多的人正在使用私人的医果,更多的人正在使用私人的医疗保保险。(鲜活例句活例句)It doesnt often rain i

14、n summer here.As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden.这儿夏天不常下雨,因此我儿夏天不常下雨,因此我们不得不不得不给菜园菜园浇水。水。as a result of “作作为的的结果,由于果,由于”,后,后接名接名词或名或名词短短语result in . 导致,造成致,造成result from . 因因产生,生,发生;由生;由而造成而造成(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点As a result of her hard work, she caught up with her classmates.由于她努力学由于她努

15、力学习,她赶上了她的同班同学,她赶上了她的同班同学们。His failure resulted from his carelessness.他的失他的失败是由粗心造成的。是由粗心造成的。His carelessness his failure.由于粗心他失由于粗心他失败了。了。resulted in 1句型展示句型展示Go to bed now or youll be really tired tomorrow.现在就去睡在就去睡觉否否则明天你真的会感到很疲明天你真的会感到很疲劳的。的。典例背典例背诵Take the chance, or youll regret it.抓住抓住这次机会,否次

16、机会,否则你会后悔的。你会后悔的。2句型展示句型展示That couldnt be better.那再好不那再好不过了。了。典例背典例背诵I couldnt think of a better idea.我想不出比我想不出比这更好的主意了。更好的主意了。3句型展示句型展示Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government.英国是世界上第一个由政府英国是世界上第一个由政府负担担经费,有免,有免费医医疗的的国家。国家。典例背典例背诵He is

17、always the first one to come and the last one to leave.他他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。是第一个来,最后一个离开。Dont jump the queue, or other people will not be pleased.别插插队,否,否则别人会不高人会不高兴的。的。Follow the advice of the doctor, very soon.听从医生的建听从医生的建议,那么你很快就会好的。,那么你很快就会好的。Work hard, .你要努力学你要努力学习,否,否则会落后。会落后。and youll be well or y

18、ou will fall behind点津点津该句型中句型中陈述句常用一般将来述句常用一般将来时。(2)“祈使句祈使句and/or陈述句述句”的的变化形式化形式祈使句破折号祈使句破折号陈述句。述句。Try some of this juice perhaps youll like it.尝尝这种果汁,也种果汁,也许你会喜你会喜欢的。的。名名词词组and陈述句述句(名名词词组中通常含有中通常含有more, another, further, earlier等等词)。Another 500, and I could buy a car.假如我再有假如我再有500英英镑,就能,就能买辆小汽小汽车了。

19、了。 and Ill get you out of my room.你再你再说一个字我就一个字我就让你你滚出我的房出我的房间。One more word 2That couldnt be better. 那再好不那再好不过了。了。(1)cant/couldnt与形容与形容词或副或副词比比较级连用,常用来用,常用来表示表示对已已发生的事情的生的事情的评价或判断,可价或判断,可译作作“再再不不过了,最了,最不不过了了”。这一一结构是用比构是用比较级形式表示最高形式表示最高级的含的含义。 What do you think of the TV play last night?你你觉得昨晚的得昨晚的电

20、视剧怎么怎么样? It couldnt be worse.再糟糕不再糟糕不过了。了。 What was his performance like?他的演出怎么他的演出怎么样? Oh, it couldnt have been more wonderful.噢,他的演出再好不噢,他的演出再好不过了。了。We couldnt have found for a picnic.我我们再也找不到比再也找不到比这更好的地方更好的地方进行野餐了。行野餐了。(2)cant/couldnt 与与 too 或或 enough 连用,表示用,表示“无无论都都不不过分分”。You cant praise him en

21、ough.你如何表你如何表扬他都不他都不过分。分。You couldnt work to be a pop star.想成想成为一位明星你怎么努力都不一位明星你怎么努力都不过分。分。a better place too hard 3Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government.英国是世界上第一个由政府英国是世界上第一个由政府负担担经费,有免,有免费医医疗的国的国家。家。句中的不定式句中的不定式 to have a free healt

22、h care system 作定作定语修修饰the first country。当名。当名词被形容被形容词最高最高级、序数、序数词以以及及 the only, the last, the next等修等修饰时,后面通常用不定,后面通常用不定式作定式作定语。Surfing the Internet is the fastest way to get knowledge and information.网上冲浪是网上冲浪是获得知得知识和信息的最快方法。和信息的最快方法。She is the only woman to have been elected to such a post.她是唯一一位当她是唯一一位当选该职位的女性。位的女性。她她总是最后一个交作是最后一个交作业。She is always homework.the last to hand in



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