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1、高频表达精讲精练北京新东方学校孙炜A与B有关证明因果关系下定义成功通常由知识、阅历和人脉所决定。Success depends/relies on ones knowledge, experience and social circle/connection.幸福通常与一个人的物质生活、情感生活、安全感和成就感有密切关系。情感生活 emotional lifeHappiness is usually closely related to ones material life, emotional life, the sense of security and achievement.一个人的成

2、功往往与他童年所受的教育关系重大。童年his childhood / early ageSuccess largely depends/relies on the education that a person receives in his childhood / his early age.Success is highly/closely related to a persons early education.兼职工作可以使大学生交到一些商界/政界的朋友。使Makeenable / let / allow商界/政界的朋友friends in business / political f

3、ieldcommercially/politically connected friends.兼职工作可以使大学生交到一些商界/政界的朋友。Part-time jobs enable university students to make some commercially/politically connected friends.Part-time jobs provide university students opportunities to make some commercially/politically connected friends.By having part-time

4、 jobs, university students can make some commercially/politically connected friends.国家的经济发展与它的环境保护密不可分。The economic development of a country is highly/closely related to its natural environmental protection.政府的财政投入决定了初等教育的发展 情况。 政府的财政投入fiscal subsidies forgovernmental investment on financial help fr

5、om government forfunds raised by government for 初等教育young childrens educationprimary educationelementary education 政府的财政投入决定了初等教育的发展情况。The development of young childrens education / primary education / elementary education is dominated by fiscal subsidies /governmental investment /financial help fro

6、m government /funds raised by government.老师的科研热情跟他的经费有必然联系。A teachers enthusiasm for scientific research largely depends/relies on his funding.一个人的品位可以由衣着反映出来。衣着ones dressing / ones clothesthe way he dressesA persons taste can be reflected from his dressing.A persons taste is closely/largely related

7、 to the way he dresses.A与B无关反驳因果关系是否礼貌与现代社会的忙碌和拥挤没有任何关系。忙碌和拥挤busyness and crowdedness hustle and bustleWhether we should be polite has nothing to do with the busyness and crowdedness / hustle and bustle in modern society.There is no relation between courtesy and busyness in modern society.Busyness a

8、nd crowdedness do not necessarily mean we no longer need to be polite / courteous.一个孩子的学习成绩与他家庭富不富裕没有任何关系。家庭富裕rich familyparents wealth/incomefamily with good economic backgroundParents wealth/income has nothing to do with their childrens academic achievement.Whether a family is rich or not has litt

9、le or no effect on the academic achievement of the children from it.There is no relation between wealth of their families and academic achievement for children.政府是否该帮助老百姓与老百姓自身的解决重要问题的能力没有任何关系。Whether a government should help its people has nothing to do with peoples own ability to solve important p

10、roblems.孩子在学校的表现与其看电视的时间长短没有关系。The time a student spends on TV has nothing to do with / has little or no effect on his performance / behavior at school.There is no relation between the time a student spends on TV and his performance at school.搬去一个新的城市好与不好同是否失去老朋友没有关系。The consequence of moving to a n

11、ew city has nothing to do with the loss of old friends.The loss of old friends has little or on effect on whether moving to a new city is good or not.人们需要计划与组织的能力,这与社会的复杂程度没有关系。People need the ability to organize and plan, which has nothing to do with the complexity of the modern society.同一时间做很多事情与事

12、情做得不好没有关系。Doing many things at one time has nothing to do with whether the things can be done well or not.Working on various tasks at one time has nothing to do with the working deficiency.老师的工资与其学术能力没有必然的联系。A teachers salary has nothing to with his academic ability.A对B有影响家长的言行与孩子的影响很大。言行words and d

13、eedswords and behavior saying and doing家长的言行与孩子的影响很大。言行Parents words and behavior have/exert remarkable influence on/upon their children.Parents words and deeds profoundly influence their children.政府征税会对某个产业的发展有巨大影响。征税A tax imposed on a certain industry A tax policy政府征税会对某个产业的发展有巨大影响。A tax imposed o

14、n a certain industry has/exerts influence on/upon its development.A tax policy easily influences the development of a certain industry.经研究发现,童年时期的营养对人的记忆力有很大的影响。According to a latest research, the nutrition a person absorbs in their childhood has/exerts influence on/upon his memory.孩子的性格将会影响到将来的专业选择

15、和职业选择。A childs character will have/exert influence on/upon his choice in his future major and occupation.当孩子小的时候,玩伴对他的影响比老师对他的影响都要大。In early ages, childrens playmates have/exert more influence on/upon them than their teachers.任随孩子看他们想看的电视节目会对他们的身心发展有负面影响。choose freelyhave ones own way to任随孩子看他们想看的电视

16、节目会对他们的身心发展有负面影响。Allowing children to choose TV programs freely influences their physical and mental health negatively.Allowing children to have their own way to choose TV programs has/exerts negative influence on/upon their physical and mental health.A促进了/加速了B政府对没有实用价值的科学研究的拨款会加速科学研究的进程。Governments

17、 investment on scientific research that has no practical use accelerates the rate at which science discovery develops.Governments fiscal subsidies on impractical scientific research stimulates the development of science.娱乐节目的流行确实促进了娱乐业的发展。The popularity of entertaining TV programs contributes notice

18、ably to the rapid development of entertaining industry.大量的奖学金一定会促进高校中科研的发展。A generous scholarship policy can definitely stimulate the development of scientific discovery among universities.政府提供更多的就业机会毫无疑问会刺激经济的发展。An employment promoting policy will undoubtedly accelerate the rate at which the econom

19、y develops.有创意的广告可以刺激经济的发展。Creative advertisements can stimulate the economic development.可再生资源的广泛使用对环保事业的发展有极大的促进作用。The popularity of renewable resources stimulates the environment protection profoundly.旅游业的蓬勃发展促进了各国文化的交流。蓬勃发展boomingrapid development旅游业的蓬勃发展促进了各国文化的交流。The rapid development of touri

20、sm accelerates the rate at which the cultural exchange happens.The booming of tourism stimulates the cultural exchange among different countries.要求老师每五年参加一次培训课程必定会加快老师知识更新的速度。Requiring teachers to take academic courses every 5 years accelerates the rate at which teachers knowledge updates.Requiring

21、teachers to take academic courses every 5 years stimulates the update of teachers knowledge.A阻碍了/延缓了B公交免费对城市交通的发展有阻碍作用。A free transportation policy impedes / delays / prevents the development of city traffic.对国外物品收关税阻碍了国际贸易的发展。A tariff policy on imported goods impedes / delays / prevents the develop

22、ment of international trade.A tariff policy on foreign commodities decelerates the rate at which the international trade develops.看电视太多延缓了孩子的读写能力的发展。Heavy exposure to TV programs decelerate the rate at which childrens ability to read and write develops.环境恶化最终会阻碍经济的发展。The deterioration of natural env

23、ironment will finally impede the economic development.团队不和会减缓,甚至阻碍一个项目的发展。Group disharmony decelerates the rate at which a project develops.Group discord delays, or even prevents the development of a project.科学家为科学研究的负面效果负责会阻碍科学研究的发展。Requiring scientists to be responsible for the negative effects of

24、 their scientific discoveries decelerates the rate at which scientific research progresses.A对B很重要教育对一个国家的进步和发展起着重要的作用。Education is important to a nation.Education plays an indispensable role in the development and progress of a nation.Education matters to the development and progress of a nation.政府的

25、行政措施对人们的日常生活有着重要的影响。Administrative regulations play a significant role in peoples daily life.家庭作业对于学生巩固课堂所学以及让老师及时掌握学生对于学习内容的掌握情况至关重要。Homework plays a crucial role in students review / consolidation of their in-class contents and teachers understanding of their students academic achievement.电影和电视已经成

26、为了当代人生活中不可或缺的组成部分。Television and movies have become an indispensable part of peoples life nowadays.Television and movies mean a lot to peoples life nowadays.健康的电影和电视节目对于孩子正确价值观的形成有着重要意义。Television and movies play an indispensable role in the formation of values and virtues for children.老师的工资对教育事业的发展

27、事关重大。Teachers salary matters to / plays an indispensable role in / is vital to a nations education.保持房间干净整齐对培养一个人的耐心意义重大。Keeping a room tidy and clean means a lot to the cultivation of ones patience.Keeping a room tidy and clean plays an indispensable role in the cultivation of ones patience.一个人的性格对

28、于他未来的成功非常重要。A persons character matters a lot to / plays an indispensable role in / are vital to his future success.A比B好从经济角度来看,在国内旅游要比在国外旅游好。Traveling domestically is better than traveling abroad economically.Traveling domestically has a higher priority economically than traveling abroad does.Trave

29、ling domestically ranks prior to traveling abroad economically.年轻人做兼职工作在经济方面会更好。Doing part-time jobs will bring young people to an economically beneficial position.允许学生自由着装比要求他们穿校服更好。Allowing students to dress freely / / to dress at their own will is superior to asking them to dress school uniforms.

30、自助游比跟团游更好。 self-organized expeditionself-funded travelprivate tourindependent travelDIY tourself-driving travel/tourpackage tour/group tour/organized tour 政府更多投资艺术教育长期来看比修建体育馆要好。investment on art educationbuilding gyms and stadiumsin the long run / in the long termGovernmental investment on art educ

31、ationhas a higher priority than building gyms andstadiums does in the long run.要求老师参加培训比给老师涨工资更好。Requiring teachers to take part in the training ranks prior to increasing teachers salaries.要求孩子照看体弱多病的老人或者比让他们照顾动物要好得多。 ill healthpoor healthy conditionThe benefits of requiring children to takecare of

32、the elderly with ill health outnumberthose of asking children to look afteranimals.上网比看报纸和杂志对了解一个国家有更多的好处。Surfing the internet will benefit us more on the knowledge about a country than reading books and magazines does.A对B有好处A对B有坏处政府对于大学教育的投入有利于科技创新。 政府对于大学的投入fiscal subsidies for universitiesgovernm

33、ental investment on financial help from government forfunds raised by government for 政府对于大学教育的投入有利于科技创新。Fiscal subsidies for universities contributes noticeably to scientific innovation.政府对于小学教育的投入会使得全民素质得到很快提高。全民素质得到很快提高Rapid improvement of overall quality of the citizensQuick improvement of popula

34、tion quality政府对于小学教育的投入会使得全民素质得到很快提高。Financial help from government for primary education is beneficial to rapid improvement of overall quality of the citizens.拥有好的教授可以特别有效的提高学校的知名度。知名度PopularitySocial recognitionExcellent professors will remarkably boost the popularity of the university.创造力对于问题的解决非

35、常具有帮助。Creativity is favorable to the solutions to the problems.提高新员工工资对许多年轻人的未来发展没有好处。Increasing salaries of young people is not good for their future development.电视对于孩子的健康有百害而无一利。TV does no good to childrens health at all. 每天都给学生布置作业对学生的身体健康没有好处。Everyday assignmentAssign homework every dayEveryday

36、assignments is not good for childrens health.政府应该鼓励更多的制片人创作出对年轻人身心健康有好处的电影电视作品。Movie producersThe government should encourage movie producers to make more TV programs and movies benefiting young people mentally and physically.A导致了B现代的通讯技术使得朋友间保持联系成为可能。 Modern communication technology makes it possib

37、le for friends to keep in touch with each other. 每天都锻炼很容易(导致)受伤受伤Get injured / get hurt / injuriesEveryday physical exercises will make people get injured easily.Doing physical exercises every day will lead to injuries easily. 垃圾食品低廉的价格导致了许多人蜂拥购买。蜂拥购买swarm / panic buyingCustomers swarming forward to

38、 buy junk food results from the low price.The low price leads customers to swarm into the junk food store.The low price of junk food results in customers panic buying.网络使得我们快速找到我们想要的信息成为可能。Internet enables us to locate / find / acquire / access the information that we need very fast.Internet makes i

39、t possible for us to access the information that we need very fast. 卫星实现了气象预报。Satellites make weather forecast possible.Satellites bring weather forecast to our world.Weather forecast becomes possible due to satellites.油价攀升使得人们不能再开车了。攀升Sharp rise in oil pricesSkyrocketing oil prices People have to g

40、ive up driving because of sharp rise in oil prices.Skyrocketing oil prices oblige / force people to give up driving. 来自功成名就的校友的财力支持使得在校生全身心投入科研成为可能。The financial support from accomplished alumni enables students in the college to exert themselves into / throw themselves into / devote themselves to t

41、he scientific research.政府投资修建铁路和高速公路实现了人们的便宜便捷出行。政府投资fiscal subsidies for governmental investment on financial help from government forfunds raised by government for 政府投资修建铁路和高速公路实现了人们的便宜便捷出行。Governmental investment on railways and highways makes peoples convenient travel / trip possible.Peoples con

42、venient travel / trip has been made possible with the governmental investment on越越,越,越 工业发展越快,自然环境破坏得也越快。The faster the industry develops, the quicker the environment degrades. 教师的工资涨得越高,学校收的学费也就越贵。 The higher salaries teachers enjoy, the dearer tuitions students pay.人口越多,工作的竞争就越激烈。The more populati

43、on there is, the more fierce competitions on work there are. 越是给孩子施加压力,孩子的抵触情绪就越严重。 The more pressure children undertake, the severer resistance / resentment / they will have.The more stress parents impose on children, the more serious resistance children will display.给孩子的零花钱越多,孩子可能浪费得也越多。 The more

44、pocket money parent give children, the more of it children will waste.一个人的工资和职位越高,他承担的责任和压力也就越大。The higher salaries and positions a person has, the more responsibilities and pressure he or she will take.一个学生越注重衣服和外貌,他对于学习的关注可能越少。注重Attach more importance toThe more importance a student attaches to th

45、e dresses and looks, the less focuses he or she will lay on the academic achievement. 越是开朗的人,越不容易抑郁。开朗open-minded, pleasant disposition, sanguine, extravertThe more open-minded a person is, the less likely for him or her to get depressed. 是是A而不是而不是B(另寻他因)(另寻他因)去一个新的地方不好,是由于环境的不适应,而不是失去老朋友。The reason

46、 of being not good to move to a new place is the failure to adapt to the new environment rather than the loss of old friends. The failure to adapt to the new environment, instead of the loss of old friends, leads to no good result of moving to a new place.人们不知道谁说的是真话,不是因为信息渠道太多,而是因为信息本身就是假的。It is th

47、e lack of accuracy of news, rather than too many information channels, that leads us to fail to know who is telling the truth.It is not because there are too many information channels, but (because) the lack of accuracy of news that leads us to stray from the truth.人们不知道谁说的是真话,不是因为信息渠道太多,而是因为这些渠道出于自

48、身的利益考虑,对于信息的内容进行的歪曲和篡改。It is not because there are too many information channels, but these channels distort or falsify the news out of their own benefits that leads us to stray from the truth.学生在学校里学习不好,可能是因为课堂学习没有效率,而不是电视看得多。Poor academic achievements of students would be the result of low learnin

49、g efficiency in the classroom, rather than the excessive TV viewing / watching. 真正对孩子的学习其重要作用的是老师,而不是家庭作业。It is teachers, instead of assignments, that influence childrens academic performances profoundly. 无论个人是否能够解决自身的重要问题,政府应该做的是积极帮助,而不是置之不理。置之不理pay no attention / pass without a remarkturn a blind

50、eye to / not lift a finger to helpGovernments should offer effective helps to the individuals, instead of turning a blind eye to, no matter whether they can deal with the important problem by themselves.通过通过A(使用(使用A),就能),就能 通过社会募捐/提高学费/校友捐赠,大学的资金问题是可以解决的。Through the social donation / increased tuiti

51、on / donation from alumni, the problem of lacking funds in college can be solved. 有了人们对于环境保护重要性的进一步认识,环保工作将会有长足的进展。Via the further understanding about the importance of environmental protection, people will make a considerable progress on relevant work. 有了现代科技提供的各种通讯手段/交通手段,在异地维持和老朋友的友谊一点也不难。Through

52、 the various means of communication / transportation introduced by modern technology, maintaining the friendship with friends in different places is not difficult at all. 通过培养团队成员的理解与支持,我们肯定能够成功。Through enhancing the understanding and supporting among team members, we will definitely succeed. 通过校服制度

53、,学校更好的管理学生。The policy of school uniforms enables the school authority to manage students better.通过听博物馆里对展品的讲解,学生们对这个国家的历史有了更好的了解。By listening to the interpretations about displayed articles offered by museums, students can understand the history about this country better. 微波炉做饭又快又安全。Microwave ovens

54、enable cooking faster and safer.建音乐厅可以增加我们城市的知名度。Building music concert halls provides chances to boost the popularity of our city.培养某种习惯或品质培养某种习惯或品质 兼职工作培养了年轻人的独立能力。Part-time jobs allow young people to foster their independence.保持房间干净整洁培养了学生的耐心和毅力。Through keeping rooms clean and tidy, students can

55、foster their patience and perseverance. 学生通过兼职工作可以培养组织,沟通和领导能力。Students can hone their organizing ability, communication skill and leadership through part-time jobs.在高中开设基础经济学的课程可以培养学生的理财能力。Opening the courses of basic economics in high school provides chances to foster students ability of money man

56、agement. 定期给孩子零花钱可以培养他们存钱的习惯。Giving pocket money to children regularly can develop their habit of saving money. 读议论文可以培养人的辩证思维能力。Reading argumentative essays can foster peoples critical thinking.举办奥运会等世界性活动会培养民族凝聚力和爱国情怀。Holding worldwide activities such as Olympic Games can develop national cohesion

57、 and patriotic feelings.贵贵 对汽油和电涨价会让城市生活变得更加昂贵。 Increasing the price of gasoline and electricity will cause the living cost of city residents to add up.相比国内旅游,国外旅游会更加昂贵。Comparing with traveling domestically, touring internationally costs a fortune. 开设艺术课程可能会使学校收费昂贵。Opening art courses will make school tuition unaffordable to some underprivileged students.精美的校服非常昂贵。Elegant school uniforms charge students an arm and a leg.教授的工资对于大学来说确实是一项很大的开销。The salaries of professors is a big cost for universities for sure.国外私立学校对海外学生收费巨高。Foreign private schools charge overseas students exorbitantly.



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