外研版高中英语Module 5Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂时间状语从句和原因状语从句时间状语从句和原因状语从句一、一、时间状状语从句从句 除了我除了我们在在Module 3学学习的由的由when, while, as引引导的的时间状状语从句外,常从句外,常见的引的引导时间状状语从句的从句的连词还有:有:after, before, since, ever since, till, until, as soon as, once, whenever, no sooner . than, hardly . when, the moment, every time, each time, next time, immedia

2、tely等。等。1before引引导时间状状语从句可表达多种意从句可表达多种意义:“才才”;“就就”;“还没来得及没来得及就就”等。等。It was two weeks before everything returned to normal.两星期后一切才恢复正常。两星期后一切才恢复正常。It wont be long before we meet again.不久我不久我们就会再就会再见面。面。He had left before I could say something.我我还没来得及没来得及说点什么,他就离开了。点什么,他就离开了。(2010陕西高考陕西高考)John thinks

3、it wont be long _ he is ready for his new job.AwhenBafterCbefore Dsince解析:解析:“It wont be long before .”意意为“不久就不久就”。句意:。句意:约翰翰认为他不久就会他不久就会为新工作做好准新工作做好准备了。了。答案:答案:C考考题印印证12表示表示“一一就就”的的连词有:有:as soon as, the moment, immediately, no sooner . than, hardly .when。I told him the news the moment I saw him.我一看

4、我一看见他就把那个消息告他就把那个消息告诉他了。他了。No sooner had he got to the station than the bus left.他一到他一到车站,站,车就离开了。就离开了。3表示表示“经常性或常性或习惯性性”的的连词有:有:each time, every time, whenever等。等。He is busy working each time I see him.每次我看每次我看见他,他他,他总是忙着工作。是忙着工作。Whenever I see her, she always wears a smile.无无论我什么我什么时候看到她,她候看到她,她总是

5、面是面带微笑。微笑。4till和和until(till不可以位于句首不可以位于句首):在肯定句中,主句的:在肯定句中,主句的 谓语动词是延是延续性性动词,而在否定句中,主句的,而在否定句中,主句的谓语 动词是瞬是瞬间性性动词。He waited until/till his mother came back.他一直等到他他一直等到他妈妈回来。回来。I didnt go to bed until/till I finished my homework.直到做完作直到做完作业我才上床睡我才上床睡觉。(2011上海高考上海高考)If a lot of people say a film is not

6、 good, I wont bother to see it, or Ill wait _ it comes out on DVD.Awhether BafterCthough Duntil解析:解析:考考查状状语从句。句意:如果很多人都从句。句意:如果很多人都说一部一部电影不影不好,我就不会去好,我就不会去(电影院影院)看,或者我会等到它的看,或者我会等到它的DVD出版。出版。由句意可知正确答案由句意可知正确答案为D。答案:答案:D考考题印印证25since引引导时间状状语从句从句时,从句中多用一般,从句中多用一般过去去时,而主句中而主句中谓语动词多用多用现在完成在完成时。I have li

7、ved here since I came here.自从我来到自从我来到这儿,我一直生活在儿,我一直生活在这儿。儿。It is/has been five years since I last met him.我已我已经五年没五年没见他了。他了。(2010辽宁高考辽宁高考)As is reported, it is 100 years_Qinghua University was founded.Awhen BbeforeCafter Dsince解析:解析:考考查状状语从句。从句。since conj. “自自以来,从以来,从以以后后”,引,引导时间状状语从句。句意:据从句。句意:据报道,

8、自清道,自清华大学建立大学建立以来已有一百年了。以来已有一百年了。“It is一段一段时间since从句从句”表示表示“自自从从以来已有多以来已有多长时间了了”。答案:答案:D考考题印印证3二、原因状二、原因状语从句从句 引引导原因状原因状语从句的常用从句的常用连词有有because(因因为),as(由于由于),since(既然既然),now that(既然既然),for(因因为)等。等。because语气最气最强强,表示的是直接,表示的是直接的理由。可用来回答的理由。可用来回答why引引导的的问句,可用于句,可用于强强调句型句型它所引它所引导的从句常放的从句常放在主句后在主句后as语气气较弱

9、,弱,较口口语化,表化,表示示较明明显的原因或已知的的原因或已知的事事实它所引它所引导的从句常放的从句常放在主句前在主句前since/now that语气气较弱,所表示的原因弱,所表示的原因为人人们已知的事已知的事实。常。常译为“既然既然”since常和常和now that互互换,但,但now that可用来可用来说明一种新情况,然明一种新情况,然后加以推理后加以推理for表示的原因只是表示的原因只是对前一句前一句补充充说明理由或推断原因,明理由或推断原因,与前一句不存在因果关系与前一句不存在因果关系它所引它所引导的从句只放的从句只放在句末在句末I do it because I like i

10、t.我做我做这件事是因件事是因为我喜我喜欢。As it was raining, I stayed at home.由于下雨,我便待在家里。由于下雨,我便待在家里。Since youre not interested, I wont tell you about it.既然你不感既然你不感兴趣,那我就不告趣,那我就不告诉你了。你了。Now that you are well again, you can travel.既然你恢复了健康,你就可以去旅行了。既然你恢复了健康,你就可以去旅行了。The day breaks, for the birds are singing.天亮了,因天亮了,因为

11、鸟儿都在叫了。儿都在叫了。(2010辽宁高考宁高考)The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _ he wanted to sit next to his wife.Aalthough BunlessCbecause Dif解析:解析:考考查连词辨析。句意:那个老人辨析。句意:那个老人让Lucy去坐另一去坐另一张椅子,因椅子,因为他想挨着他妻子坐。后面的从句表示原因,故他想挨着他妻子坐。后面的从句表示原因,故填填because。答案:答案:C考考题印印证4新闻报道新闻报道 5月月1日,高一日,高一(3)班的学生志愿者班的学生志愿者Li Yu

12、e 和和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活开展志愿者活动(送水果、打送水果、打扫、聊天等、聊天等)。假如你是校英。假如你是校英语报的的记者,者,请按下列要点用英按下列要点用英语写一写一则100120个个词的新的新闻报道。道。 1时间、地点、人物、活、地点、人物、活动; 2老人老人们的反的反应; 3简短短评论。Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three,

13、Grade One, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work.Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits.Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor.Everything done, th

14、ey sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness.They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy.What they did has brought joy to other

15、s and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Newspaper 本本则新新闻报道包含了道包含了标题、导语、主体、主体、结语四四个部分,个部分,结构完整。构完整。时间、地点、人物、活、地点、人物、活动等新等新闻要素要素齐全且叙述全且叙述简洁、客、客观,符合新,符合新闻报道的要求。道的要求。亮点一:亮点一:句句Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with . 为独立主格独立主格结构;构;句句What they did has brought joy to .主主语从句的使用使文章充

16、从句的使用使文章充实而富而富有英有英语特色,高特色,高级语言的使用言的使用显示了作者深厚的示了作者深厚的语言功底。言功底。亮点二:在亮点二:在语言表达上使用了言表达上使用了did some voluntary work(句句);be warmly welcomed(句句);present sb. with sth.(句句);chat with sb.(句句);thank sb. for sth.(句句);enrich ones life(句句)等高等高级词汇和和现在分在分词作伴随状作伴随状语等高等高级表达,此外表达,此外句句还使用了使用了such . that .状状语从句,使文章从句,使文章

17、语言丰富言丰富多彩又不失多彩又不失简洁。亮点三:使用了亮点三:使用了upon ones arrival(句句);then(句句);everything done(句句);When it was time for the volunteers to leave(句句)等等衔接接词句,使文章句,使文章过渡自然。渡自然。英文新英文新闻报道通常包括下面四个部分:道通常包括下面四个部分:1标题:标题是新是新闻的的题目,是目,是编辑对最有新最有新闻价价值的内的内 容的容的浓缩、概括。、概括。为了了撷取新取新闻要点、要点、诠释新新闻意意义、 吸引吸引读者者阅读,好的,好的标题应该简洁明了。明了。A Terr

18、ible EarthquakeA Sandstorm Hit the NorthwestChina The First Spacewalk2导语:导语是消息开是消息开头的第一段或第一句的第一段或第一句话,它扼要,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。地揭示出消息的核心内容。On March 11, 2011, a worst earthquake struck Japan.On Sunday, September 28, 2008, three Chinese astronauts landed safely back on the earth.3主体:主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事主体:主体是消

19、息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表表现主主题,是,是对导语内容的内容的进一步展开和一步展开和阐释。主体要根。主体要根据不同内容运用适当的句型据不同内容运用适当的句型对新新闻细节进行描述。行描述。The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province.The government sent 3,000 firefighters and policemen there to help them move to a safe place.4结束束语:一般是最后一句:一般是最后一句话或者一段或者一段话,

20、通常,通常对全文内全文内容作概括性的容作概括性的总结,有,有时作者根据作者根据报道在道在结束束语中提出中提出令人深思的令人深思的问题。In a word, it is necessary for us to learn to protect ourselves.I feel sad. If we all do something for them, things will be sure to get better.I believe we can certainly overcome the disaster with the public and the government workin

21、g together.黄金表达黄金表达1陈述事述事实常用的句型:常用的句型:A terrible storm hit/struck .It was a cool autumn night .With the help of .2陈述述观点常用的点常用的词组(句型句型):clearly/obviously; in my opinion; It seemed that .3揭示原因的表达方式:揭示原因的表达方式:because ./because of .; since .; as a result of .; thanks to .4总结全文的句型:全文的句型:In a word .To draw a conclusion .I believe .



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