七年级英语上册 Module 2 The natural world Unit 3 The Earth课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt

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1、Unit 3 The EarthModule 2 The natural world自主预习自主预习一、根据汉语写出英文单词 1. 保护 (v.) _ 2. 报告 (n.) _ 3. 提供 (v.) _ 4. 能量;能源 (n.) _ 5. 污染 (v.) _ 6. 重要的 (adj.) _ 7. 地面 (n.) _ 8. 问题;难题 (n.) _protectreportprovideenergypolluteimportantgroundproblem二、根据汉语写出下列词组 1. 扔掉 _ 2. 把倒入 _ 3. 为提供 _ 4. 许多 _ 5. 例如 _ 6. 保护地球 _throw

2、awayput.into.provide.with.a lot offor exampleprotect the Earth三、根据汉语补全句子,每空一词 1. Some animals live _ _ _(在陆地上). Some fly _ _ _(在天空中). Some live _ _ _(在水底). 2. We _ (燃烧)things to _ _ (制造能量). 3. We must _ _ (停止做)these things. 4. It is _ _ _ (对我们很重要)to protect the Earth for our future. 5. It _ us _ (使活

3、着).onthelandintheskyunderthewaterburnmakeenergystopdoingimportantforuskeepsalive词汇精析词汇精析【1】protect v. prevent sb. or sth. from being injured or damaged 保护保护 We should protect our environment. 我们应该保护我们的环境。 【同根词】 protection n. 保护;保卫;防护物 He wore a thick overcoat as a protection against the cold. 他穿着厚实的

4、大衣以抵御严寒。【拓展】 protect against/from 使免受 You need warm clothes to protect you against/from the cold. 你需要穿暖和些以免受凉。 【应用】( )We should protect ourselves _ heart disease. A. with B. from C. off【2】provide v. supply or offer 提供提供 Who will provide some useful information? 谁将提供一些有用的信息?【拓展】 provide sb.with sth.=

5、provide sth.for sb.提供某人某物 We provide our children with food and clothes.=We provide food and clothes for our children. 我们供给孩子们衣食。B【应用】( )The farm provides some vegetables _ us. A. with B. to C. for【3】pollution n. the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty; the state of being dirty 污染污染 There

6、 is much pollution in our city. 我们城市里有很多污染。 【同根词】 pollute v. 污染=make sth. dirty polluted adj. 污染的 Smoking will pollute air. 抽烟污染空气。 Where are the most polluted areas in the world? 世界上污染最严重的地区在哪里?C【应用】(1)There are many kinds of _(pollute) around us.(2)The river is badly _ (pollute).【4】energy n. the a

7、bility and strength to do active physical things and the feeling that you are full of physical power and life 能量;能量;a source of power, such as fuel, used for driving machines, providing heat, etc. 能源能源 Young people usually have more energy than the old. 年轻人通常比老年人更有活力。pollutionpolluted【同根词】 energetic

8、 adj. 有活力的 He is an energetic boy. He enjoys sports. 他是一个有活力的男孩。他喜欢运动。【辨析】energy与与power energy指本身具有的能量、精力;power是指被赋予的一种力量、权力。 He is always full of energy. 他总是充满活力。 He wants to get the power. 他想得到权力。【应用】 You should exercise more to keep _ (energy).energetic【5】must v. used to say that sth. is necessar

9、y or very important 必须;必须;used to say that sth. is likely or logical 一定一定 We must stop polluting the river. 我们必须停止污染河流。【拓展】 (1)must表示坚定的建议。 You must come and see us as soon as you get to Shanghai. 你一到上海就得马上来看我们。 (2)must表示很有把握的推测,一般用在肯定句中,意为“一定;肯定”;当表示否定推测时,用cant。 He must be ill. He looks so pale. 他肯

10、定是病了。他的脸色那么苍白。 Our new teacher is a man, so she cant be our new teacher. 我们的新老师是个男的,所以她不可能是我们的新老师。 (3)must的否定形式mustnt意为“禁止;不许”。 You mustnt smoke in the public. 公众场合禁止吸烟。 (4)must 用在疑问句中,其肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt 或者dont have to。 Must I clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫饭厅吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你必须。/No,

11、 you neednt/dont have to. 不,你不必。【辨析】(1)must 与与 have to 两者都表示“必须”,但 must 侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要去做某事;have to则侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意。 We must go at once. 我们必须马上就走。 If I buy that house, Ill have to borrow some money. 如果我要买那套房子, 我不得不借些钱。 (2)must, may与与can 三者表推测的程度时,must 最强,can次之,may最没把握。【应用】(1)( )Bob can not

12、come out to play because he _ help Dad in the garden. A.can B. must C. has to(2)( )_ I finish my homework now?No, you _. Your work is over today. A. Cant; must B. Must; dont have to C. May; couldnt D. Couldnt;couldCB【6】important adj. of great significance or value 重要重要的的 Its important for us to lear

13、n English well. 对我们来说学好英语很重要。【同根词】 importance n. 重要性 You should know the importance of study. 你应该知道学习的重要性。【应用】(1)Do you know the _ (important)of education?(2)It is _ (important)to study the history of China.importanceimportant【7】fact n. the event known to have happened or something known to have exi

14、sted 事实事实 We must learn to accept the fact. 我们必须学会接受事实。【拓展】 in fact=as a matter of fact事实上 In fact, this is a sad story.=As a matter of fact, this is a sad story. 实际上,这是一个悲伤的故事。【应用】( )_ fact, he made a wrong decision. A. On B. In C. WithB【8】own adj. used to emphasize that sth. belongs to or is conne

15、cted with sb. (用于强调用于强调)自己的,本人的;自己的,本人的;v. to have sth. that belongs to you, especially you have bought it 拥有,有拥有,有 He bought a new house by using his own money.他用自己的钱买了一幢新房子。 I own a big house with a garden. 我拥有一个带花园的大房子。【同根词】 owner n. 主人;拥有者 I am the owner of that car.=That car is mine.=That car b

16、elongs to me.我是那辆车的主人。【辨析】【辨析】have 与与 own (1)have意为“有”,可用于表示某人有某物。它不但可以表示有生命及无生命的物体之间的所属关系,还可表示部分与整体的关系,或指精神、身体上的特点。主语既可以是人,也可以是物。 (2)own指具有在法律上的所有权。即使不在身边的东西,只要拥有法律上的所有权就用own,其主语往往是人。 A desk has four legs.桌子有四条腿。 Who owns this house?这房子归谁所有?【应用】 I want to see the _ (own) of the company.owner【9】few

17、adj. an indefinite but relatively small number 不多;很少不多;很少 Few of us have been to Hong Kong. 我们当中很少人去过香港。【辨析】【辨析】few, a few, little与与a little (1)few 和a few修饰复数可数名词;little 和a little 修饰不可数名词。 a few/few questions 几个/没几个问题 a little/little money 一点点/没什么钱 (2)a few 和a little 是表示肯定意义的词组,而few 和little 是表示基本否定的

18、词。 His theory is very difficult, and few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,没有几个人能懂。 His theory is very difficult, but a few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,但是有些人懂。 Unfortunately, I had little money on me. 很不巧,我身上没带什么钱。 Fortunately, I had a little money on me. 幸好我身上带着一点钱。【应用】( )He has _ friends, so he alwa

19、ys feels lonely. A. few B. a few C. little【10】problem n. a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved 问题;难题问题;难题 What problems do we have?我们有什么难题?【辨析】【辨析】problem与与question problem和question都可意为“问题”,但用法却不尽相同。A (1)problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它常与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配;而 question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连

20、用。 The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决。 May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗? (2)problem可用于表示数学或物理的习题,而question则无此用法。 Can you work out this Maths problem?你能算出这道数学题吗?【应用】( )The _ of pollution becomes more and more serious today. A. problem B. question C. problemsA语法梳理语法梳理语法精讲一、可数名词与不可数名

21、词一、可数名词与不可数名词 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。个体名词和集体名词属于可数名词,抽象名词属于不可数名词。 可数名词通常有单数和复数形式,而不可数名词通常没有单复数之分,故不能在不可数名词前用数词或a/an修饰,但可以用some, any, a lot of, lots of, much, a little 等修饰。若表示不可数名词的数量时,一般用“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”,如:a piece of news 一则新闻。 常见的不可数名词有: news, advice, information, furniture, water, milk, bread, fun, work(注

22、意:work意为“作品;著作”时是可数名词), housework, homework, weather, fruit, sugar, clothing, traffic, rice, beef, meat, music, rubbish, air, money, ink, tea, progress等。 二、二、there be句型句型 1. there be句型表示句型表示“有有”,表示一种存在关系,表示一种存在关系,be动词后面的名词才是句子的真正主语。动词后面的名词才是句子的真正主语。be动词的单复动词的单复数取决于其后面的名词,若名词是单数可数名词或不可数取决于其后面的名词,若名词是

23、单数可数名词或不可数名词,则数名词,则be动词用动词用is/was;若名词是复数可数名词,;若名词是复数可数名词,则则be动词用动词用are/were。there be句型的疑问句只要把句型的疑问句只要把be动词提到动词提到there前面即可。前面即可。 There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。 There are two pens on the desk. 桌上有两支笔。 Is there any water here? 这里有水吗? Yes, there is. /No, there isnt. 是的,有水。/不,没有水。 2. 句子中有几个并列主语时,句子

24、中有几个并列主语时,be动词与靠近它的第动词与靠近它的第一个主语保持一致,即一个主语保持一致,即“就近原则就近原则”。 There is a book and two pens on the desk. 桌上有一本书和两支笔。 There are two pens and a book on the desk. 桌上有两支笔和一本书。直击中考( )1. After P.E., I often feel very thirsty. Why not buy some_to drink? (2014达州) A. bread B. noodles C. apple juice D. teas( )2.

25、 What a good_youve given me! Thanks a lot. My pleasure. (2014扬州) A. information B. news C. suggestion D. advice( )3. When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a_. (2014呼和浩特) A. notice B. message C. sentence D. informationCCB写作乐园写作乐园话题三话题三 如何保护环境如何保护环境【常用词组】 1. save the energy 节约能源 2. pollute the air

26、 污染空气 3. stop doing sth.停止做某事 4. use.instead of. 用取代 5. provide.with. 为提供 6. make the Earth better 让地球变得更好 7. for our future 为了我们的将来 8. live better 生活得更好 9. as we all know 众所周知【精彩句型】 1. A good environment provides us with clean air. 一个好的环境能为我们提供清新的空气。 2. A lot of pollution comes from. 很多污染来自 3. Its

27、everyones duty to protect. 保护是每个人的责任。 4. Good environment keeps us live better. 好的环境让我们生活得更美好。 5. We should try our best to stop polluting. 我们应该尽最大的努力停止对的污染。 6. Using bikes can save energy. 使用自行车可以节省能源。 7. Riding a bike is better than driving a car. 骑自行车比开车好。 8. It can help us keep fit. 它能帮助我们保持健康。【

28、短文写作】 为了节能环保,方便出行,提高生活质量,你来到深圳东湖公园向市民宣传“多使用自行车出行”的理念。请根据下面的提示写一篇演讲稿。 提示: 1. 阐述空气污染问题,指出保护环境、享受低碳 (low-carbon)生活的重要性; 2. 倡导大家多骑自行车出行 (请列出至少两点骑自行车出行的好处)。 要求: 1. 演讲稿必须包括以上提示的全部内容,并可适当发挥; 2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范,60词左右。演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention, ple

29、ase? Im glad to tell you something about using bikes in Shenzhen._ Thank you for your listening. Have a nice weekend!【范文赏析】 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention, please? Im glad to tell you something about using bikes in Shenzhen. As we all know, a lot of air pollution comes

30、 from the traffic. Good environment keeps us live better, so we should try our best to stop polluting the Earth. Something must be done. I think we need to have a low-carbon life. Riding a bike is better than driving a car. And using bikes can save energy. It can also help us keep fit. Its everyones duty to protect the Earth. So,please join us, try to use bikes instead of cars. Thank you for your listening. Have a nice weekend!



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