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1、专升本英语核心语法(一)句法知识点汇总第一章:英语复合句第一节:主语从句第一节:主语从句主语从句指的是在主语的位置出现的不是词或者词组,而是一个句子,这样的句子就称为主语从句。例如:what he said is true .That he did so much made everyone puzzled.1) 引导主语从句的词有:that,whether,who, what,which,when,where,how,why 等。例句:1. When and where we have this meeting has not been decided .2. Whether he will

2、 come or not was not very clear .3. Who had stolen the gun has not been known .4. Which one will be our teacher is a secret .5. How we solve this problem is very serious .6. Why he didnt kill her has not been known 2)有些时候由于主语太长,可以用 it 作为形式主语来代替主句。很多考生对于 it 作形式主语代替主语从句存在一个误区,即所有的主语从句都能用 it 代替,这样太绝对了,

3、应当说 that,whether 引导的主语从句都可以用 it 作形式主语,其余的尤其是 what ,whatever,whoever 引导的主语从句,基本上都不用 it 代替。如:It is said that there are 300 people killed in the accident at least .据说至少有 300 人死于这场事故。1.It is estimated that in some of the biggest cities of the Third World , more than half of the water entering the system

4、 is lost through leaks in pipes .据估计,在第三世界的一些大城市中,有一半以上的水由于水管漏水而流失。2.What acts as a reinforcement for one may not for another .对一个人来说是激励的做法,不见得合适另外一个人。3.It is not always the case that new things are promoted because they have good impacts for the majority of people .因为对大多数人有好的影响, 故而新的事物会被促进,情况并非总是这样

5、。4.Whether he will accept our invitation doesnt concern you .他是否会接受我们的邀请与你无关。5.It doesnt matter whether they are learning Maori or German or Chinese or any other language .他们是否在学习毛利语,德语或者汉语或者其他任何语言都无关紧要6.Its not surprising we see some effect .解析:第一句,类似表达有:It is +动词的过去分词(said,estimated, reported , be

6、lieved )+主语从句;第三句是另外一种类型:it is +名词(always the case, a fact , a pity , a shame, an honor)+主语从句It is +形容词(fortunate,unlikely, obvious, necessary , strange, natural)+主语从句;第四句与第五句, 应当注意whether ,if 均表示“是否”, 但是 if 不能放在句首,可写成:It doesnt concern you if he will accept our invitation .第 6 句中把连词 that 省略了, that

7、引导的主语从句如果放在句首不可省略,但是如果放在后面用 it 做形式主语,可以省略,但是经常不省略。Tips :在主语从句中 that 作为引导词不可省略,无意义;其余引导词有意义,不可省略,疑问词引导从句时,从句用陈述句语序。第二节:宾语从句第二节:宾语从句宾语从句指在宾语的位置不出现词或者词组,而出现一个句子,成为宾语从句。如:I suppose (that) her bag has been stolen .Henry wanted to know if she will come .引导宾语从句的词有:that, whether, if, who, whom , whose, whic

8、h, when, where, how, why .如:Everyone doesnt know where it is .Henry wants to know when Bruce will comeSherry is studying how to use this machineTips: 注意这是代词+不定式作宾语从句的现象。The teacher asked me why I was late .Bruce showed which one is better .Lets see whose shirt it is .I know who did itTips:宾语从句中的 tha

9、t 作为引导词可省略,无意义;其余引导词有意义,不可省略,疑问词引导从句时,从句用陈述句语序。如:I think (that )we will land on the moon one day .1. They and the other monkeys must be followed still longer , however , to know whether low-calorie intake can increase both average and maximum lifespans in monkeys .要对他们和其他的猴子观察的时间更长一些,才能确定是否低卡路里摄入量能延

10、长猴子的平均寿命也能增加他们寿命的上限。2 . I was wondering if you could give me some information about membership and facilities .我想知道你是否可以给我提供一些关于会员以及设施的问题3.Please note that provisional bookings from overseas visitors will be held for 14 days .请注意海外临时预订可以保留 14 天。4.He is clear that the present situation will not last

11、long .他很清楚目前的情形不会持续很久。5. It focused on what would be most appropriate for the inhabitants .它重点关注什么是最适合当地居民的。分析:放在动词后,介词后,形容词后。第三节:表语从句第三节:表语从句表语从句指在表语的位置不出现词或者词组,而是句子。如:That is why he was late .Its how we solve this problem引导表语从句的词有:that, whether , if, who, what , which, when, where, how, why .例:The

12、 difficulty is that we couldnt speak FrenchThe question is whether (if) they will come .The problem is who will take over this subject .That is what we are anxious to .The suggestion is which one go to American is better .The last question is when and where we hold the competition .The problem is ho

13、w to solve the affair .Tips :表语从句中 that 作为引导词时不可省略;无意义;其余引导词有意义,不可省略,疑问词引导表语从句时, 从句用陈述句语序。和表语位置一样,表语从句放在系动词(be, seem,look, appear.)后。 如果表语从句是 that 引导的, 在口语中有时候是可以省略的,在正式句子中最好别省略。经典例句:1. One encouragement is that the results of similar studies about other environmental issues suggest that older child

14、ren seem to acquire the ability to appreciate , value and evaluate conflicting views .令人鼓舞的是, 关于其他环境问题的类似研究的结果表明, 大一点的孩子似乎能获得重视,评价和评估相冲突的观点的能力。2. The reason is that nobody associated the reaction principle with the idea of travelling through space to a neighboring world .原因在于没人把反作用原理与漫步太空到相邻的世界联系在一起

15、。3. The main difference between a tree and a building is a tree has got an internal mechanism to keep the pemterature regulated .一棵树和一栋建筑的主要不同是树有内在机制去调节温度。4. It appears that the sediment-free water emerging from the Aswan dams picks up silt and sand .看来,从阿斯旺大坝流出的不含沉淀物的河水能卷起淤泥和沙石。5. Other unanswered

16、questions are whether the nose is the only part of the body affected by odors , and how smells can be measured objectively .其他未回答的问题是:鼻子是否是身体唯一受气味影响的部位;怎样才能客观地测量气味。注意:其他的表语从句的格式:It seems that -It seems as if -It looks as if -第四节:同位语从句第四节:同位语从句同位语指的是前后两个名词或者名词短语相互说明,不分前后,不分主次。Beijing , the capital of

17、 China , is a very big city .句中 Beijing 和 the capital of China 就是同位语关系,他们是相互说明的关系,而且前后位置都是无所谓的。同位语从句指在同位语的位置不出现词或者词组,而出现一个句子。一般在(fact,idea, news , way, promise.)后面,用语解释前面的名词。The fact that he has broken the windows has been proved .引导同位语从句的词有:that, how; when ; where如: He had no idea when and where sh

18、e was dead .The way how we cope with this thing has been not clear .Tips :在同位语从句中,that 作为引导词时不可省略,无意义;其余引导词有意义,不可省略,疑问词引导从句时, 从句陈述语序。经典例句:1. There is no doubt that the new genetic and dental evidence provides strong backing for his view .毫无疑问,新的遗传学证据和牙齿证据有力地证明了他的观点。2. There is some physical evidence

19、 that the ancient Egyptians were interested in flight .有物件证据表明古埃及人对飞行感兴趣。3. Nobody can explain the mystery why he suddenly died yesterday evening .没有人能解释那个谜-为什么昨晚他突然死去。4. This attitude altered with the realization that marginal communities can survive and adapt in spite of partial integration into a

20、 notoriously fickle world economy .这种态度随着下面的认识而改变,即尽管边缘社会已经部分融入了众所周知变幻莫测的世界经济中,但是他们仍旧有生命力和适应性。第五节:定语从句第五节:定语从句1.一般来说,中文的定语从句放在修饰词的前面,英语在被修饰词的后面。英语中,用来做定语的句子称为定语从句。跟同位语从句不同,定语从句起到修饰限定的作用。如:The man who you are talking with is my brother .2. 几个重要概念:The book (先行词)which(关系词) you bought yesterday (定语从句)ha

21、s lost3. 关系词的用法1)who 指人,在句中做主语。The woman who is wearing a red coat is my mother .The girl who is standing under the tree is my daughter .2) whom 指人,在句中做宾语,可以用 who 代替。That man whom(who) you were beating is dying .The woman whom(who) you talked to just now was a thief .3)whose 用于指人,在句子中作定语。Henry whose

22、 mother is a physician has gone abroad .Bruce whose brother is a famous scientist wanted to be a doctor .4)which 用于指物,在句中做主语或者宾语。The radio (which) you wanted to buy is sold .The house (which) you lived in was destroyed by a terrible earthquake .The element which made you upset was dismissed .Tips :

23、当 which 引导物在定语从句中作宾语的时候是可以省略的。5)that 用于指人也可指物,在句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时可省略。The mobile phone (that )you bought is of no use .This kind of deer that lived in China has decreased .Who is that boy that is fishing now ?6)when 用于指时间。比较:I never forget those days when I lived here .I never forget those days which I sp

24、ent here .Tips :lived 是不及物动词,所以先行词做状语;spend 是及物动词,先行词做宾语,用 which .7)where 用于指地点,在句中做状语。比较:This is a house where I lived before .This is a house which I lived in before .Tips :lived 为不及物动词,所以先行词作状语,用 where ,而lived in 是及物动词词组,所以先行词用 which ,实际上 in which 相当于 where .8)why 指原因,先行词一般是 reason =for whichThat

25、s the reason why I wanted to join the army .Who told you the reason why they didnt want to come here .4. that (不止最两序)和 which 用法比较这是定语从句中最重要的内容。1) which 用于非限定性定语从句中。He said he was busy , which was not true .2) which 用于介词后做宾语The room of which windows are opposite to the sea is large .The chair in whic

26、h you are sitting is made of iron .3) that 一定用于不(不定代词),止(only),最(最高级),两(人+物),序(序数词),which 不能。All that you need is help .That is only thing that I want to know .A lot of things and children that are full of the car were lost in the district .The last book that you bought is that I wanted to buy .What

27、 is the size of the largest map that you have seen before ?5.定语从句的种类定语从句分为非限定性定语从句和限定性定语从句They dont like that person who is noisy .Tips: 非限定性定语从句和先行词关系紧密,不可省略。They dont like that people , who is noisy .经典例句:1.Those that have disappeared were destroyed by fire as a result of lighting or civil war .由于

28、闪电和内战引起的火灾的破坏,那些已经消失。2.In many cases the glossy brochures , article reprints and prescriptions they deliver are primary sources of drug education for healthcare givers .在很多情况下,他们送来的精美的宣传册,印刷的文章以及处方都是医疗保健工作者们最主要的药品培训的资料来源。3.This is a direct result of the way that we have produced our food in the last

29、 four decades .这就是过去四十年我们生产粮食的方式产生的直接结果之一。4.The rain washed away the track , which prevented the train from running .大雨冲走了铁路,使火车无法行驶。5.However , they also agreed that there were still too many problems in the experiments which could lead to positive results .然而,他们也同意在试验中仍旧有太多问题可能产生积极结果6.The document

30、s for which they were searching have been recovered .他们在寻找的文件已经找回来了。7.They are backed by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes .技术人员设计收集运动员数据的仪器来支持他们。8.This book contains more than 100 poems , most of which were written in the 1950s .这本书有一百多首诗, 大多数写于 20 世纪 50 年代。9.Greenber

31、g is in a minority among fellow linguists , most of whom favor the notion of a great many waves of migration to account for more than 1000 languages spoken at one time by American Indian .Greenberg 的观点在他同行语言学家中属于少数派,大部分语言学家倾向于赞成多次迁徙是美洲印第安人曾经同时使用1000 多种语言的原因。10.There were several reasons why original

32、 science continued to be written in Latin .原来的科学文章一直用拉丁语写有各种原因。11.During the fight , sailplane pilots routinely search for places where heat rises from such-baked earth , creating hot air currents called thermals .在飞行中, 滑翔机的驾驶员例行地寻找有太阳照射,有热气产生上升热气流的地方。12.I shall never forget those years when I lived

33、 in the country with the farmers , which has a great effect on my life .我永远也不会忘记我在乡下和农民们一起居住的日子,那对我的生活有很大的影响。13.The atmosphere at the college is that of an adult environment where a relationship of mutual respect is encouraged between students and tutors .学院有种成人的教学氛围,这里提倡老师与学生之间互相尊重。14.It was felt t

34、hat the Museum should acquire materials representing people whose art or material culture , ritual or political structures were on the point of irrevocable change .一个民族的艺术或者物质文化,典礼仪式或者政治机构将面临着不可逆转的变化,人们觉得博物馆应当获得这样具有民族代表性的材料。第六节:状语从句第六节:状语从句1)时间和条件状语从句If it rains tomorrow , we will put off the sports

35、 meeting .在 if 引导的真实条件句中,从句用一般现在时,主句将来时。As soos as she comes to home , I will ask her to call you .When he goes to the theatre , the film will startUnless I die I will struggle with you forever .2)原因状语从句I can not go to school because I caught a terrible cold .We could do whatever we like since they

36、did not care for us .As he was old , he cn not lift the stone .3.让步状语从句Although she was too old , she still did well in drawingIt is cold though(although)it is still fall4). 结果状语从句和目的状语从句Bruce got up so late that he could not catch the first train .Bruce got up early so that he could catch the first

37、 train5.)方式状语从句He looks as if he is very happyIt looks as though it is going to rain6). 地点状语从句通常由 where , wherever 来引导Put it where it wasYou could go wherever you like .7)虚拟语气(与倒装句强调句一起单列讲解)第二章:强调句和倒装句第一节:强调句1.)强调句型的基本结构:It +be +强调部分+人(who)/物(that)+其它成分例句:1.It was him who carried the box to go upsta

38、irs .2.It was the box that he carried to go upstairs .典型例句:1. 只有美国的闹剧成功地发展了短小并且具有自己鲜明特色的电影。(剑4p112)It was only American slapstick comedy that successfully developed in both short and feature format .2. 关于蜜蜂之间说了什么, 今天的大部分知识都是来自于他的成果。(剑4p124)It is from his work that most oftodays knowledge of what bee

39、s say to each other derives .3. 有了联邦航空局之后才有美国全面的领空规定。(剑 8p23)It was only after the creation of the FAA that full-scale regulation of Americas airspace took place .4. 现在正是成品占据了贸易的主流。(剑 6p22)Today , it is finished manufactured products that dominated the flow of trade .5. 我才是这里最聪明的。It is I who am the

40、most intelligent one here .课后检测试题:1. 最后是美国发展成为现如今最大的电影市场。(剑 4p111)In the end , it was the United States that was to become , and remain , the largest single market for films .2. 正是这些微小的,逐步的改进最终产生了震惊世界的结果。(剑 6p18)It is the tiny , gradual improvements that add up to world-beating results .3. 正是由于这快速流动

41、的水,这个地方才是制造业的自然位置。(剑 4p131)It was because of the fast-flowing water that this site was a natural place for manufacturing works .4. 正是根据一种期待的心理有些观察被认为是相关的, 而别的则是无关紧要的。(剑 3p24)It is in the light of an expectation that some observations are held to be relevant and some irrelevant .5. 最后一种引起了健康人员的最多的关注。

42、(剑 4p85)It is this last category that is attracting the most attention from health researchers .2)被强调部分为从句或为含有从句的名词。基本句型:It is/ was not until +时间状语/时间状语从句+that -经典例句:1. 正是他在会上所说的话让他生气了。It was what he said at the meeting that made her angry .2. 正是由于病了, 他今天上午才缺席了。It was because he was ill that he was

43、absent this morning .课后练习:1. 直到 1791 年, 伟大的法国解剖学家 Georges 才推断说翼龙是种飞行的爬行动物。(剑 6)It was not until 1791 that the great French anatomist Georges deduced that the animal was in fact a flying reptile .2. 直到我们检查了所有的物品,我们才知道损失有多么严重。It was not until we examined all the items that we got to know how serious t

44、he loss was .3. 只有那些达到职业顶峰的人才能获得这样的巨额薪水。(剑 7p173)It is only those who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries .第二节:倒装句1)谓语提到主语的前面的语序称为倒装语序。2)常见的倒装的形式2.1)由引导词 there 引起的完全倒装e.g. There is a pear in the box .2.2)由时间状语(now, then)或地点状语(here, there, up, down)位于句首引起的完全倒装。e.g.1

45、. Here is a dog .2.Now comes your turn .3)由 so; neither; either 位于句首引起的完全倒装。1. You can swim , so can I2. The first one is not good . Neither is the last one .3.I cant swim . Nor can you .4)由分词短语位于句首引起的完全倒装1. standing by the table was a beaufiful lady .2. Sitting in a chair is a fox .5)某些否定副词(never,

46、seldom, nowhere),否定短语(no sooner -than; hardly-when; not only -but also -)位于句首引起的部分倒装。1. Never does he realize how important the meeting is .2. Hardly had he gone out when it began to rain .Not only does she speak English very well , but also she speaks Japanese very fluently .翻译练习:1.我很少看到这样美丽的画。Seld

47、om have I ever seen such a beautiful picture .2.人们并非总是能做他们想做的事。Not always can people do what they want to do .3.直到六千五百万年前,恐龙神秘地灭绝, 我们的祖先才能大规模地在白天活动。Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the dinosaur about 65 million years ago were our ancestor able to emerge into the daylight in any substanti

48、al numbers .4.地球上的语言以前还从未以这样的速度减少过。Never before has the planets linguistic diversity thrunk at such a pace .5.没有一种有效的方法可以在时间的不断推移中捕获或者存储它们。There is no effective way to either capture or store them over time .第三节:动词不定式动词不定式的用法:1)作主语To see is to believe注意:当作主语的不定式短语较长时, 常用 it 作形式主语, 而将真正的主语放在谓语之后, 常见的

49、形式主语 it 的句型有:1.1)It +be +adj+for/of sb +to doIt is useful for us to know how to drive .1.2)It is +n+to do sth .It is time for us to show the spirits of our team .1.3)It takes sb . some time to do sth .It took me ten minutes to get there by bus .2)作表语作表语时,跟在系动词后,如 be, seem, remain 等,用来说明主语内容,这时的主语常是

50、wish;work;job; idea; plan 等。My work is to clean the room every day .His wish is to become a teacher .3)作宾语I hope to be a guideMy mother promised to buy me a bike .总结:下面词后面只能跟不定式做宾语Want; hope ; wish; would like; plan; prepare; agree; promise ;offer; refuse; ask; beg; decide; make up ones mind manage

51、等4)作宾语补足语4.1)常见于以下短语中ask ab (not) to do sth .want sb (not) to do sthorder sb (not)to do sth .tell sb (not) to do sthadvise sb (not) to do sthinvite ab to do sthallow sb to do sthhelp sb to do sth5)作定语作定语时,具有形容词作用, 放在被修饰词后。He always has a lot of meetings to attend .He is looking for a room to live in

52、 .Mary is the first student to get to school6)作状语6.1)作目的状语, 常构成:in order (not )to do ; so as (not ) to doHe got up early in order to catch the early bus .6.2)结果状语,常用于 too-to -;-enough -to do (足够-可以-)He is too young to go to school6.3)原因状语,常用句型:sb +be +adj+to doI am happy to stay with students .课后练习:

53、1. 西方科学家开始利用这个智慧。(剑 6p28)Western scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom .2. 学生们没有集中精力背单词。(剑 7p26)The students do not pay attention on trying to remember the vocabulary .3. 你有很多到那里的选择。(剑 7p127)You have a number of options to get there .4. 伦敦的当地政府正在为获批执行反污染法而努力。(剑 4p65)Local authorities in Lon

54、don are campaining to be allowed to enforce anti-pollution laws themselves.5. 几乎没有人会设法保留像住在山洞里那样的传统。(剑 3p162)Few people would seek to preserve such traditions as living in caves .6. 它可能会帮我确定在这个课程之后我要怎样发展事业。(剑 6p130)It might help me decide how to develop my career after the course .7. 为何有些人选择过不健康的生活?

55、(剑 6-54)Why do some people choose to lead unhealthy life ?8. 一些朋友周末会来看我,但是我的房子太小没法让他们全部留宿。(剑4-120)Some friends are coming to visit me for the weekend , but my house is too small to put them all up .9. 为了增加每亩的粮食产量,农民最简单的选择是多使用现成的各种投入。(剑 3-43)To increase the output of crops per acre, a farmers easiest

56、 option is to use more of the most readily available inputs .10.很多专家认为对抗此趋势的最好办法就是按照供应的实际花费来定水价。(剑 6-110)Many experts believe that the best way to counter this trend is to impose water changes based on the real cost of supples .第四节:虚拟语气虚拟语气是条件句的一种,之所以单独列出来,是想强调其复杂性。 但是本讲义试图以公式的形式帮学员总结, 希望学员能化繁就简,快速掌

57、握。1.虚拟语气的定义:虚拟语气就是假设与事实相反或者假设根本不可能发生的非真实条件句。2.虚拟语气和条件句2.1和现在的情况相反If 条件句 = if +人称+were/动词的过去式结果主句=人称+would / should / could / might +动词原形2.2和过去的情况相反If 条件句=人称+had +过去分词结果主句=人称+would / should / could / might +have +过去分词2.3 和将来的情况相反If 条件句=动词的过去式 ; 主句=would /should +动词原形If 条件句=were to do sth /should do s

58、th. ; 主句=would / should +动词原形经典例句:1. 如果我现在有时间,我一定会陪你去看电影的。If I had time now , I would certainly go to the movie with you .2. 如果他在这里,他会生你气的。If he were here , he would get angry with you .3. 如果电子计算机没有被发明出来,那么宇宙飞行的很多问题就不可能得到解决。If computers had not been invented , many problems on space flight could not

59、 have been solved .4. 如果我们当时轮流驾驶的话,你就不会那么累了。If we had driven in turn , you would not have got so tired .5. 如果他明天回来,他就会带我出去。If he were to return /should return /returned tomorrow, he would take me out .第四章:综合测试题(50 分制;答题时间 30 分钟)第一大题:选择题(10 分)1)_he said at the meeting astonished everyone presentA.Wha

60、t B.That C.How D. Why2)_is none of your business .A.I shall take what measures B. What measures shall I takeC. It is what measures I shall take D. What measures I shall take3)_is not surprising that we see some effect .A.It B. That C.What D.Which4)It has alwayd been a mystery _the bridge was built .

61、A.what B.that C. how D. It5)It should be remembered _not everyone is motivated by the jobs .A.that B.what C. how D. which6).people were perhaps more honest a long time ago when life was very different from _it is today .A.that B. as C. which D. what7)First airlines , the roads and railways were free

62、d from restrictions on _they could carry , _they could haul it and _price they could charge .A.if; how;what B.how; what; if C.what; what ;how D. what; where ; what8)You can not imagine _when they reveived these nice Christmas gifts .A.how they were excited B.how excited they were C. how excited were

63、 they D. they were how excited9)I walk to my office every day , _is pretty good for my health .A.that B. which C. this D. when10).Environmental education offers an arena(舞台;竞技场)in _these skills can be developed , _is essential for these children as future decision-makers .A.which;which B. that; that

64、 C.that; which D. which; that .第二大题:填空(10 分)1._(虽然)the inuit may not actually starve if hunting and trapping are curtailed by climate change , there was certainly been an impact(影响)on peoples health .2. Hardly had we got into the country _it began to rain .3. The researchers _launched (发射)the rocket

65、 had worked together on other projects in the past .4. I can lend you two books , both of _are very interesting .5. The aim of this course is _(provide) a thorough(完全的)grounding in business-related skills .6.Overall, I think an ability _(keep) clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in

66、 achieving happiness .7.The purpose of instruction is _(make) us even more different from each other .8.In 17th-century Britain , leading thinkers combined their interest in science with an interest in how _(express) ideas .9.If the glass were kept hot enough, it _(flow) over the molten tin until th

67、e top surface was flat.10.Only in the case of that _another country , Italy , come close .第三大题:英译汉(15 分)1.We are amazed at what has been accomplished by humans (宾语从句)2.The new world will largely depend on human creativity , and creativity flourishes where people come together face to face .(状语从句)3.B

68、reeding seasons in animals such as birds have evolved to occupy the part of the year in chich offsprings have the greatest chances of survival(定语从句)4.One interesting correlation he uncovered is that better-educated people are likely to live longer .(表语从句)5.Obviously , education systems are based on

69、the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills .(同位语从句)第四大题:汉译英(15 分)1.他在这场事故中幸免于难是一大奇迹。(主语从句)2.如果他明天回来,他就会带我出去。(虚拟语气)3.我很少看到这样美丽的画。(倒装句)4.只有那些达到职业顶峰的人才能获得这样的巨额薪水。(强调句)5.由于员工们把时间都花在了流言蜚语和相互支持上面而非集中精力工作,所以生产效率常常很低。参考答案:第一大题:1.A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7.D 8. B 9.B 10. A第二大题:1.while 2. When 3. Who 4. Which . 5.to provide 6.to keep 7.to make 8. to express9. would flow 10.does.



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