4 Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A 2a-2e课件

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《4 Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A 2a-2e课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《4 Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A 2a-2e课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 3How do you get to school?第二课时第二课时(Section A 2a2e)一、核心词汇。一、核心词汇。(102分分20分分)1六十六十 sixty2. 七十七十 seventy3八十八十 eighty 4. 九十九十 ninety5一百一百 hundred 6. 分钟分钟 minute7千米;公里千米;公里 kilometer 8. 新的新的 new9每一个每一个 every 10. (表示方式表示方式)乘乘by二、核心词组。二、核心词组。(44分分16分分)11每天每天 every_day12骑自行车骑自行车 by_bike

2、13一百零五一百零五 one_hundred_and_five14二百二百 two_hundred三、核心句型。三、核心句型。(46分分24分分)15你怎样去上学?你怎样去上学?我骑自行车我骑自行车/乘公共汽车乘公共汽车/地铁地铁How_do_you_get_to_school?I_ride_a_bike/take_the_bus/the_subway.16你骑自行车到学校花费多长时间?你骑自行车到学校花费多长时间?花费大概花费大概15分钟。分钟。How_long_does_it_take_you_to_get_to_school_by_bike?It_takes_about_15_minut

3、es.17从学校到你家有多远?从学校到你家有多远?大约大约10千米远。千米远。How_far_is_it_from_school_to_your_home?Its_about_10_kilometers.18在学校过得开心。在学校过得开心。Have_a_good_day_at_school.四、根据句意及提示写单词。四、根据句意及提示写单词。(54分分20分分)19Thirty minutes is half an hour.20One kilometer is 1000 meters.21Mary wants to buy a new iPad.22He gets up early ever

4、y morning.23How far is it from his home to school?五、单项选择。五、单项选择。(54分分20分分)24It takes D two hours the English story.AI, readBme, readCI, to read Dme, to read25It is 4 kilometers_B_my home to school.Aat Bfrom CforDto26A is it from here to the city?Its about 1200 kilometers.AHow far BHow longCHow often

5、 DWhat27She usually A to school.Atakes a bus Bmakes a busCtake a bus Dby bus28There are B people in the classroom.Aone hundredfive Bone hundred and fiveConehundredfive Done hundred five一、用所给词的适当形式填空。一、用所给词的适当形式填空。(54分分20分分)1Forty and fifty is ninety(nine)2How long does it take to_walk(walk) to the t

6、rain station?3The bus ride takes(take) about 30 minutes.4There are over nine hundred(hundred) students in the school.5My sister has(have) a good breakfast and goes to school.二、写出下列数字的英文表达。二、写出下列数字的英文表达。(65分分30分分)643 fortythree752 fiftytwo874 seventyfour9987 nine_hundred_and_eightyseven10102 one_hund

7、red_and_two11114 one_hundred_and_fourteen三、单项选择。三、单项选择。(54分分20分分)12Her mother goes to work A bus every morning.Aby Bat Con Din13A takes me about 20 minutes to walk to school every day.AIt BThe CThis DThat14B does it take from your home to the park?About an hour by bus.AHow old BHow longCHow far DHow

8、 much15Its two A and thirty meters from here to my home.Ahundred BhundredsChundreds of Dhundred of16Will you get there by D train?No, Ill take _ taxi.Aa, a Ba, the C/, / D/, a四、补全对话,每空一词。四、补全对话,每空一词。(103分分30分分)A:How does Jean _ _ to school?B:She _ _ rides a bike, but sometimes she _ _ the subway.A:H

9、ow long _ they take her to go to school?B:It takes 25 minutes by _ but 5 minutes _ subway.A:Why does she sometimes take the subway?B: _ sometimes it _ a lot.A:How _ is it from her school to her home?B:Not far. Its only about 6 _go/get usually takes do bike by Because rains far kilometers 励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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