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1、高考书面表达练与评高考书面表达练与评在我国,交通事故频频发生。你在我国,交通事故频频发生。你班就这个话题展开了讨论。班就这个话题展开了讨论。请你请你根据下面的提示,写一篇短文。根据下面的提示,写一篇短文。字数:字数:100左右。左右。事故后果事故后果:财产损失、人员伤亡:财产损失、人员伤亡事故原因事故原因:违反交通法规,超速:违反交通法规,超速驾驶、酒后驾车驾驶、酒后驾车措施或建议措施或建议:加强教育,增强安:加强教育,增强安全意识全意识 题目分析:题目分析:一、审题:一、审题:此篇作文是一篇典型的指导性作文,此篇作文是一篇典型的指导性作文,文章要点明确,包括:文章要点明确,包括:1、后果、后

2、果 2、原因、原因 3、措、措施或建议。前提有两点,施或建议。前提有两点,1、中国的交通事故发、中国的交通事故发生频繁。生频繁。2、在班级内讨论此问题。根据要点,、在班级内讨论此问题。根据要点,这篇文章可分为三段。第一段提出话题,第二段这篇文章可分为三段。第一段提出话题,第二段陈述后果和原因,第三段谈措施或建议。基本时陈述后果和原因,第三段谈措施或建议。基本时态应是一般现在时。态应是一般现在时。二、根据要点初步确定本文可能涉及词语:二、根据要点初步确定本文可能涉及词语:property, death, injury, break law and regulations, speeding, d

3、riving after drinking, raise, awareness of safety, 等。等。 习作评析习作评析习作习作1In China, traffic accidents happen frequently,which have a bad effect on the whole society.Traffic accidents not only get a great many people injured or killed, but also result in property loss.The breaking of traffic law and regul

4、ations is cited as major factors causing the increasing number of traffic accidents, such as speeding and driving after drinking alcohol.The key to traffic safety is education. If we improve our safety awareness and enlarge our knowledge of traffic law and regulations, Im firmly convinced that traff

5、ic accidents could be reduced and avoided.In China, traffic accidents happen frequently,which have a bad effect on the whole society.have应改为应改为has。因为因为which指代的是指代的是前面的整个句子前面的整个句子 The breaking of traffic law and regulations is cited as major factors causing the increasing number of traffic accidents,

6、 such as speeding and driving after drinking alcohol. Traffic accidents are increasing as more people break the traffic law and regulation. Speeding and driving after drinking are major problems.习作习作 2 Traffic accidents in China are todays most frequent killer, so far as the public are concerned. Ma

7、ny families suffer endless pain because their family members are disabled or even killed in accidents. The great loss in property and spirit will last a long time as their nightmares. Careless drivers are to blame for most traffic accidents. They always break the traffic law and regulations,driving

8、too fast or after drinking alcohol.In order to avoid traffic accidents, people should get a good knowledge of traffic regulations and build up a sense of self-protection. Only then will we be able to enjoy a safer life.The great loss in property and spirit will last a long time as their nightmares.T

9、he financial and spiritual loss involved can become a real nightmare.习作习作 3 Traffic accidents have become as familiar as the common cold in China. So we held a heated discussion on it. We all share the opinion that the cause of accidents is mainly due to careless drivers, who dont follow the traffic

10、 laws as they ought to. Could you imagine what will be waiting for a heavy drinker if he drives his car on the road? The injuries and possible deaths will teach him an unforgetful lesson, let alone the compensation to be paid. It is obvious to us that crowded roads and people ignoring traffic rules

11、lead to traffic accidents as well. In conclusion, we suggest that people should make sense of traffic law and regulations and strengthen their sense of safety in order to allow both traffic and their lives to move smoothly and safely.The injuries and possible deaths will teach him an unforgetful les

12、son.unforgetful这个词不存在,应改成这个词不存在,应改成unforgettable 练练你班将要举办一次主题为你班将要举办一次主题为What can we do for the Olympics?的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇英的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇英语演讲稿,从以下四个话题中任选一至二个阐语演讲稿,从以下四个话题中任选一至二个阐述,说明。述,说明。1. 举止文明举止文明2. 学好英语学好英语3. 当奥运志愿者当奥运志愿者4. 向向国际友人宣传中国文化国际友人宣传中国文化词数:词数:150词左右词左右【写作指导】【写作指导】动笔之前要首先动笔之前要首先审题审题,如本命题要求说明为奥,


14、归纳。详细介绍和说明;总结归纳。注意:以注意:以一般现在时一般现在时为主。一定要有为主。一定要有条理性条理性,并合理使用过渡词,适当使用高级词汇和表达并合理使用过渡词,适当使用高级词汇和表达法。法。【学生习作】【学生习作】Dear classmates, the Beijing 2008 Olympics will be held in about 200 days. Every Chinese wants to do something for them. We can indeed do many things for it, but I think the English study a

15、nd the behavior are the most important of all. As an old saying goes, Without communication there is no understanding. It is true. This is why we should study English well, so we can communicate with foreign visitors easily when they come to China.One persons behavior indicates his quality, thus the

16、 Chinese behavior has a great influence on impression which in foreigners hearts. Today, some abroad students dont behave well, leading other countries to think badly of our country. In order to change this prejudice, we should behave wherever we are. If we follow these rules, I believe the Beijing

17、2008 Olympics will be the best in history! , but I think the English study and the behavior are the most important of all. One persons behavior indicates his quality, thus the Chinese behavior has a great influence on impression which in foreigners hearts. 修改:修改:but I think studying English and lear

18、ning manners are the most important of all.修改:修改: The way a person behaves shows his character, thus the way we behave will show the visitors the kinds of people we are. Today, some abroad studentsdont behave well. In order to change this prejudice, we should behave wherever we are. abroad不做定语,应该说不做

19、定语,应该说students abroad,要要表达在国外留学的留学生,看看这样说是不是意表达在国外留学的留学生,看看这样说是不是意思更清楚呢?思更清楚呢?students who study overseas/abroad。 用用behave properly就能表达得很清楚明白了。就能表达得很清楚明白了。 In order to change this prejudice, we should behave properly. 【参考范文】【参考范文】 Dear classmates, the Beijing 2008 Olympics will be held in about 200

20、days. Every Chinese wants to do something for it. Of course there are many things we can do, but in my opinion, we should start with studying English well and making sure we behave politely.Language is a bridge to connect people of different countries. Thats why we should study English, especially o

21、ral English, so when foreign visitors come to China, we can not only communicate with them, but help them as well.At the same time, we need to behave politely because we represent China in foreigners eyes. In order to prove to foreigners that China is a great nation with a high civilization, we shou

22、ld make sure we are polite. We should avoid speaking loudly in public places and spitting and littering.If we follow these rules, I believe the Beijing 2008 Olympics will be the best in history!人类仅有一个地球,这是我们赖以生存人类仅有一个地球,这是我们赖以生存的地方,所以保护环境是我们义不容辞的地方,所以保护环境是我们义不容辞的责任。那么我们应该怎样从身边的小的责任。那么我们应该怎样从身边的小事做起,

23、来保护我们的环境,拯救地球事做起,来保护我们的环境,拯救地球呢?请根据提示词写一篇呢?请根据提示词写一篇100字左右的字左右的倡倡议书议书。 Tips:倡议书倡议书往往要针对某一现象发往往要针对某一现象发表自己的观点,要以理服人,有热情表自己的观点,要以理服人,有热情才能打动人。才能打动人。 keepclean / tidy, spit in public, throw litter, turn off the lights, shower, ride a bike, recycle paper, plant trees / flowers What should we do to prote

24、ct our environment? We have only one earth. Its our duty to protect the environment. Perhaps some of you think that you yourself are not responsible for any of the damage. But think about it. Can you honestly say that you never drop litter? Do you always bother to recycle paper? There are plenty of

25、things we can do to protect the environment. When you go to bed at night or leave a room, turn off the light! Take a shower rather than run a bath to save water. And why not plant a new tree so that people in the future will have a little more green nature? Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our villag

26、e! This village is very small. It has nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used to be very poor.It has changed a lot since 1978 . People here are richer than before. Now it is taking on a new look.In the past, the school here was very small. Now it has been rebuilt. The newly built teaching

27、buildinghas 4 storeys and it is the most beautiful building in the village. All the school-age children can study here.They enjoy free education in it.Thank you.Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our village! This village is a small one with/which has nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used t

28、o be very poor. However, it has changed a lot since 1978 and has been developing very fast. People here have/live a much better life than before . Now it is taking on a new look.In the past, the school here was very smalland most children couldnt afford to go to school.But now it has been rebuiltand

29、 the newly built teaching building which has 4 storeys is the most beautiful one in the village. All the school-age children can study here. Whats more/Also, they enjoy free education. May you enjoy your stay here/May you have a pleasant time here! Thank you.Homework假假设设你你班班改改选选班班委委会会,你你想想竞竞选选班班长长,请

30、请你你参参考考下下面面表表格格中中的的资资料料,写写一一份份发发言言稿稿,来来说说明明自自己己可以胜任班长的优势。可以胜任班长的优势。学习成绩学习成绩: : 中上中上性格性格: :乐观开朗乐观开朗如如何何处处理理矛矛盾盾: : 喜喜欢欢冷冷处处理理, ,不不在在特特别别生生气气时时做做出出决定决定担任过的班级职位担任过的班级职位: : 卫生委员卫生委员成绩成绩: : 连续三周本班被授予卫生流动红旗连续三周本班被授予卫生流动红旗爱好和兴趣爱好和兴趣: : 大篮球、听音乐、上网、设计软件大篮球、听音乐、上网、设计软件议论文文章常用的句式有:议论文文章常用的句式有:Recently _ have h

31、ad a discussion about_. Some are in favor of the idea that _.They think that _. However, others are against the idea. They think that _.In my opinion,_.调查报告的开头调查报告的开头1. Recently, a survey has been done to find out _. In this survey, _were interviewed. They were asked _.2. Recently, weve conducted a

32、survey to learn about _. In this survey, _ were interviewed about _.分析某一现象可能造成的后果或带来的影响,分析某一现象可能造成的后果或带来的影响,可用以下句型。可用以下句型。1.The great effect the changes has on is obvious/evident/apparent. 2.It will bring about an unfavorable influence on 3. It may produce a considerable change in 4.It may result in a number of problems.5.The consequence it produced is 6. And perhaps the most direct result of is Thank you



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