七年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Section A (1a-2d)课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 6An old man tried tomove the mountains. Section A (1a-2d) . 短短语连线 1. take away A. 代替;反而代替;反而 2. work on B. 有点儿;稍微有点儿;稍微 3. keep doing sth. C. 继续做某事做某事 4. a little bit D. 从事;忙于从事;忙于 5. instead of E. 移走;搬走移走;搬走. 句型展示句型展示1. 这人一人一说完完, 愚公就愚公就说他死后他的家人会他死后他的家人会继续移山。移山。_ _ _the man fini

2、shed talking, Yu Gong said that his family could_ _ move the mountains after he died. 2. 这个个故故事事提提醒醒我我们, 你你永永远不不会会知知道道什什么么是是可可能能的的, 除除非非你你尽力尽力实现它。它。This story _us that you can never know whats possible _ you _ _ make it happen. 答案答案: 1. As soon as; continue to2. reminds; unless; try to3. 我我认为有点愚蠢有点愚

3、蠢, 移走一座山似乎是不可能的。移走一座山似乎是不可能的。I think its_ _ _silly. It doesnt _very_ _to move a mountain. 4. 除了移走那山除了移走那山, 愚公愚公还可以做什么呢可以做什么呢? What could Yu Gong do_ _ _the mountains? 答案答案:3. a little bit; seem; possible4. instead of moving5. 每个故事都有每个故事都有许多方面多方面, 也有多种理解的方式。也有多种理解的方式。There are many_ _a story and many

4、 _ _ understand it. 答案答案: sides to; ways to1. As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died. 这人一人一说完完, 愚公就愚公就说他死后他的家人会他死后他的家人会继续移山。移山。【自自主主领悟悟】(1)as soon as意意为“一一就就”, 引引导时间状状语从从句句。例例如如: He said he could write to you as soon as he

5、 got there. 他他说他一到那儿他一到那儿, 就会写信就会写信给你。你。(2)continue作作及及物物动词时, 后后接接动词不不定定式式, 即即continue to do sth. 意意为“继续做做某某事事”。例例如如: After he finished reading a novel, he continued to play games with friends. 他他读完完小小说后后, 继续和朋友和朋友们做游做游戏。【温温馨馨提提示示】as soon as引引导的的时间状状语从从句句通通常常用用一一般般现在在时表表示示一一般般将将来来时。例例如如: I will visi

6、t you as soon as I arrive. 我一到就拜我一到就拜访你。你。【活学活用活学活用】 I will tell him the good news as soon as he(come)back. After dinner, my father continued(write) a letter to my grandma. 答案答案: comesto write2. This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen. 这个个故故事事提提醒

7、醒我我们, 你你永永远不不会会知知道道什什么么是是可可能能的的, 除除非非你你尽尽力力实现它。它。【自自主主领悟悟】(1)remind及及物物动词, 意意为“提提醒醒; 使使想想起起”, 常常用用结构构为remind sb. +that从从句句“提提醒醒某某人人”。例例如如: She wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment by showing us the beauty of nature. 她她想想通通过展展示示自自然然之之美美来来提提醒我醒我们应该保保护环境。境。(2)unless“除除非非; 如如果果不不”引

8、引导条条件件状状语从从句句, 相相当当于于if not。例例如如: You wont pass the exam unless you work hard. =If you dont work hard, you wont pass the exam. 如如果果你你不不努努力力学学习你将通不你将通不过这次考次考试。【归纳拓展拓展】remind的不同搭配的不同搭配(1)remind sb. to do sth. “提提醒醒某某人人去去做做某某事事”。例例如如: My English teacher always reminds me to study hard at English every

9、day. 我的英我的英语老老师总是提醒我每天努力学是提醒我每天努力学习英英语。(2)remind sb. of sth. “使使某某人人想想起起某某事事”。例例如如: It reminds me of my best friend. 它使我想起了我最好的朋友。它使我想起了我最好的朋友。【活学活用活学活用】 昨天昨天, 吉米使我想起了他的哥哥。吉米使我想起了他的哥哥。Jimmymehis elder brother yesterday. 请提醒我回复那封信。提醒我回复那封信。Pleasemereply that letter. You will achieve nothing if you do

10、nt work hard. (改改为同同义句句)You will achieve nothing work hard. 答案答案: reminded; ofremind; tounless you. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. The fox ran away before the hunter(shoot)it. 2. I tried(open) the door, but I failed(失失败). 3. Although little Tom failed many times, he continued(do) the experiment. 答案答案: 1. sh

11、ot2. to open3. to do4. The Smiths visited the Science Museum instead of(swim). 5. As soon as Jack(finish) his homework, he will go out to play basketball. 答案答案: 4. swimming 5. finishes. 完成句子完成句子1. 天开始下雪了天开始下雪了, 孩子孩子们都很都很兴奋。It _ _ snow; the children were very excited. 2. 杰克星期天没有去看杰克星期天没有去看电影,而是去游泳了。影

12、,而是去游泳了。 Jack went swimming on Sunday _ _ seeing a film.答案答案: 1. began to2. instead of 3. 如果你想要成功如果你想要成功, 你就你就应该继续尝试并且永不放弃。并且永不放弃。If you want to succeed, you should and never give up. 4. 你看起来有点儿累了。你看起来有点儿累了。You look tired. 5. 除非我被邀除非我被邀请, 否否则我不会参加晚会。我不会参加晚会。Igo to the partyI am invited. 答案答案: 3. keep trying 4. a little bit5. wont; unless励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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