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1、William Henry Bill Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor. In 1975, Gates co-founded Microsoft, that became the worlds largest PC software company, with Paul Allen. During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the

2、positions of chairman, CEO and chief software architect, and was the largest individual shareholder until May 2014. 1Starting in 1987, Gates was included in the Forbes list of the worlds wealthiest people and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2014excluding a few years after the Financial crisi

3、s of 200708. Gates is currently the richest man in the world.He discovered his interest in software and began programing computers at age 13. And he started Microsoft at the age of 19, and made a deal that changed the landscape of computing forever.2比尔盖茨 (美国微软公司创始人之一) 比尔盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉亨利盖茨三世,简称比

4、尔或盖茨。1955年10月28日出生于美国华盛顿州西雅图,企业家、软件工程师、慈善家、微软公司创始人。曾任微软董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。比尔盖茨13岁开始计算机编程设计 ,18岁考入哈佛大学,一年后从哈佛退学,1975年与好友保罗艾伦一起创办了微软公司 ,比尔盖茨担任微软公司董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。比尔盖茨1995-2007年连续13年成为福布斯全球富翁榜首富,连续20年成为福布斯美国富翁榜首富。2000年,比尔盖茨成立比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会,2008年比尔盖茨宣布将580亿美元个人财产捐给慈善基金会,2014年比尔盖茨辞去董事长一职并击退卡洛斯斯利姆重回世界首富。2015年美国

5、当地时间9月29日,福布斯发布美国富豪400强榜单显示,微软公司创始人盖茨凭借760亿美元净资产,连续第22年高居榜首3哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称哈佛,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。这里走出了8位美利坚合众国总统,上百位诺贝尔获得者曾在此工作、学习,其在文学、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一 。哈佛同时也是美国本土历史最悠久的高等学府,其诞生于1636年,最早由马萨诸塞州殖民地立法机关创建,初名新市民学院,是为了纪念在成立初期给予学院慷慨支持的

6、约翰哈佛牧师。学校于1639年3月更名为哈佛学院。1780年,哈佛学院正式改称哈佛大学。截止2014年,学校有本科生6700余人,硕士及博士研究生14500余人45678 Today, our group will show you the topic of education. Now, we will talk about three aspects of education. educationThe role of education Family education, school education and social education The difference of ed

7、ucation between China and Ameria9In a lifetime, family is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for the children. Children are the hopes of a nation, and family education is the elementary education for children. To most Chinese parents, the aim is expecting their child to be a d

8、ragon, which is wang zi cheng long in Chinese.Family education10Chinese parents prepare all things for their children in daily life.Chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities.Many children are prevented from exposure to the outer world because their parents worry about child

9、rens being affected by bad things.Family education11Chinese parents have a rather strict attitude toward childrens study. Parents regard the grades as the only standard for future success. Tasks Sea“ strategy is often used in study. So Chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other th

10、ings.Family education12Discussion and SpeakingCan you speak the differences of education from China and West countriesDo you know how many years the foreigner have to attend school in every period?Which eduction do you like better? and why?13School educationTeachers play an important role in school

11、education. They teach us all kinds of knowledge which can be used in the future. School education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive. 14the foreigner class15Chinese class 16The difference between domestic and international educationEducation is culture, and different educations show different

12、 societies culture. Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved. While Chinese education is for foundation education, but students may be not learn much. 17But in other words, different educat

13、ion systems account for the different phenomenon, because different society backgrounds and different culture helps human create a different country in the world.The difference of education between China and USA18The difference of education between China and USA The different society structure plays

14、 an important part in the education system. In China, all those who can enter the University have received an elite education and before enrollment they have devoted themselves to hard studying. Therefore, they are good at getting high marks on mathematics, psychics and so on. 19The difference of ed

15、ucation between China and USA However, they are lack of chances to practice skills in real world thus having no social experiences. In that case, after graduation, most students find it difficult to get a satisfactory job though many of them receive a job through the relationship net. 20Text Avocabu

16、lary 1. education educate v. educator n. educated adj. 受过教育的 a well-educated man 一个受过教育的人212.count (1)Every second counts. 每一秒都很重要 (2)Count these apples. 清点这些苹果 (3)to count from 1 to 100. 从一数到一百3. hundreds of 成千上百 one hundred two hundred4. advice a piece of advice 一条建议 advice sb. to do sth. 建议.225.

17、a .number of 许多A large number of students didnt want to have a spring outing. the number of .的数量 the number of student6.suggestion at/on sbs suggestion 根据某人的建议At/On her suggestion, we went to Beijing by train. make/offer a suggestion 建议,提议We will listen to anyone who makes/offers suggestions for the

18、 theme of the party.23suggest suggest doing sth 建议做. They suggested waiting until the proper time. suggest +that+(should) do sth. She suggested that the class meeting (should)not be held on sunday. 7. lifetime = lifelong 8. discourage; courage; encourage 9.spirit a man of spirit 精神饱满的人 fighting spir

19、it 斗志24in good /high/great spirits 精神好,高兴,兴致好She is in good spirits these days because her son is returning from England.in low/poor spirits 意志消沉,垂头丧气,怏怏不乐He seems to be in low/poor spirits.10.highlyspeak highly of 赞扬,对.给予很高的评价The leader speaks/thinks highly of our work.11.focus v. to focus(ones min

20、d) on work 专注于工作 focus n. (兴趣,活动等的)中心,焦点2512. in short in brief/ to sum up/ all in all/ in conclusion26Grammer Tips Nouns一,表示人、事物或抽象概念的词叫做名词。二、分类:按意义划分,专有名词和普通名词。 专有名词:特定的人或物,如人名,地名,机构组织等首字母必须大写,有的需要带定冠词。 Shakespeare; New York; The United Nations; the Peoples Republic of China 普通名词:表示某类人或某类物的名称。个体名词

21、:a book; two apples; several theachers27集体名词: 可数集体名词:class、team、family 不可数集体名词:furniture、equipment、machinery 复数形式的集体名词:people、police、clothes物质名词:表示不能分为个体的物质,为不可数名词。meat、milk、gold、cloth、land抽象名词:表示人或物的品质。状态等抽象概念,为不可数名词。friendship、hunger28 Vocational School in Germany1. stretch:The procession stretche

22、d for several miles. stretch back to= date back to =trace back to2. chargecharge sb. for sth. 要价.in charge of 主管,负责Mr. Green is in charge of this factory.in the charge of 由.负责This factory is in the charge of Mr. Green.293. arrange arrange for.为.做准备(安排)Would you like to arrange for a personal intervi

23、ew?4. courseWe learned a lot of things from holiday courses.in the course of 在.期间Lee called me in the course of our conversation.305.vastChina has a vast territory and a large population.The refugees came into the country in vast numbers.31translation1. You should be focused on study2. Education does count to young people.3. We study many subjects in this vocational school.4. You should take advantage of this chance of a lifetime.5. The majority of vocational schools in Germany do not charge tuition fees.32



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