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1、话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点 Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects (such as moons, planets, stars, nebulae(曙光星云曙光星云), and galaxies); physics, chemistry, mathematics, and

2、evolution of such objects; and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth (such as supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic background radiation). A related but distinct subject, cosmology, is concerned with studying the universe as a whole. 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难

3、点易混点点Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Prehistoric cultures left behind astronomical artifacts such as the Egyptian monuments and Nubian monuments, and early civilizations such as the Babylonians, Greeks, Chinese, Indians, Iranians and Maya performed methodical observations of the night sky.

4、However, the invention of the telescope was required before astronomy was able to develop into a modern science. Historically, astronomy has included disciplines as diverse as astrometry, celestial navigation, observational astronomy, and the making of calendars, but professional astronomy is nowada

5、ys often considered to be synonymous with astrophysics. 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点 During the 20th century, the field of professional astronomy split into observational and theoretical branches. Observational astronomy is focused on acquiring data from observations of astronomical object

6、s, which is then analyzed using basic principles of physics. Theoretical astronomy is oriented towards the development of computer or analytical models to describe astronomical objects and phenomena. The two fields complement each other, with theoretical astronomy seeking to explain the observationa

7、l results, and observations being used to confirm theoretical results.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点Notes:celestial slestl adj.天的,天空的天的,天空的 n天人,神仙;天人,神仙;(指封建时代的指封建时代的)中国人,天朝之人中国人,天朝之人cosmology kzmldi n宇宙学宇宙学methodical midikl adj.有有方方法法的的;有有条条不不紊紊的的;井井然然话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点R

8、ead the passage carefully and judge the following sentences true(T) or false(F)1Astronomy is only used for the study of stars.( )2The oldest sciences include astronomy and others.( )3The field of professional astronomy was split into observational and theoretical branches.( )4Theoretical results nee

9、d to be tested by the facts.()答案答案1.F2.T3.T4.T话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars Section Warming Up & Reading 课件(人教课件(人教版必修版必修3,课标通用),课标通用)话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点.阅读理解阅读理解(根据根据Reading内容选择答案内容选择答案)1What began to appear on the earths surface

10、when it cooled down?AWater. BGases.CAcids. DCarbon.2From the last paragraph we can infer that the author is _.Aconfident BsadCconcerned Dangry话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点3What does the word “they” refer to in the sentences “It exploded loudly with fire and rock.They were in time to produce

11、 carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and.”?APlanets. BStars.CGases. DFire and rock.4Which is the right order of the development of life?ASmall clever animalsshellfishdinosaursmammals.BShellfishdinosaurssmall clever animalsmammals.CShellfishdinosaursmammalssmall clever animals.DDinosaursshellfishmammalssm

12、all clever animals.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点5Why were mammals different from other life forms?ABecause they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.BBecause they produced young generally by laying eggs.CBecause they were able to live on land as well as in the wat

13、er.DBecause they lived on grass.答案答案1.A2.C3.D4.C5.A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点.短文填词短文填词(根据根据Reading内容完成短文内容完成短文) As the result of “Big Bang”, the violent earth slowly settled into a globe _1_ (move) around the sun. The gases which were to make the earths _2_ (大气大气层)came into being from th

14、e explosion of the dust ball, with water _3_ (follow) them while the earth cooled down. It allowed the beginning of life. Many millions of years _4_, the first _5_ (极度的极度的) small plants began to appear _6_ the surface of the water,_7_ (繁殖繁殖) and filling the seas and oceans, which encouraged the late

15、r development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点As time passed, green plants taking in carbon dioxide and producing _8_(氧氧气气)came to land and grew into forest. Later the chains of lives continued, such as insects, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs and mamm

16、als, the typical of _9_ is human being. They dont only do _10_ to the earth but cause damage to it.答案答案1.moving2.atmosphere3.following4.later5extremely 6.on 7.multiplying 8.oxygen 9.which10.good话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点.阅读表达阅读表达(根据根据Reading内容完成下列各题内容完成下列各题)1Whats the main idea of the te

17、xt? (Please answer within 20 words.)_2Why was the earth different from the other planets?(Please answer within 10 words.)_3 Why did the dinosaurs disappear suddenly? (Please answer within 10 words.)_话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点4Whats the relation between the plants and animals? (Please ans

18、wer within 10 words.)_5What problems have been caused by humans to the earth? (Please answer within 10 words.)_答答案案1.The text mainly tells us the formation of the earth and the development of life on it.2.Because there is water on the earth. 3.No one knows that, and it remains a mystery. 4.They depe

19、nd on each other. 5.The earth is becoming warmer and warmer.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点.教材研读教材研读一一、重点单词熟记重点单词熟记1_ n天天文学文学2_ adj.太阳系太阳系3_ n系统;体系;制度系统;体系;制度4_ n宗教;宗教信仰宗教;宗教信仰5_ n学说;理论学说;理论6_ n原子原子7_ adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的8_ n大气层;气氛大气层;气氛9_ prep.不同;不像不同;不像话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点

20、难点易混点点10_ adj.基本的;基础的基本的;基础的11_ adj.有害的有害的12_ vi.&vt.乘;增加乘;增加13_ n氧氧14_ vi.生存;存在生存;存在15_ adv.因此;于是因此;于是16_ vt.&vi.(使使)迷惑;迷惑;(使使)为难为难 n迷;难题迷;难题答案答案1.astronomy2.solar3.system4.religion5theory 6.atom 7.violent 8.atmosphere 9.unlike10.fundamental 11.harmful 12.multiply 13.oxygen14.exist15.thus16.puzzle话

21、题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点二二、重点短语探究重点短语探究1solar _ 太太阳系阳系2_ time及时;终于及时;终于3_eggs下蛋下蛋4give _ 产生;分娩产生;分娩5_ ones turn轮到某人;接着轮到某人;接着6prevent _ 阻止;制止阻止;制止答案答案1.system2.in3.lay4.birth to5.in6.from话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点三三、教材佳句背诵教材佳句背诵1 _ _ _ _ become was uncertain until between 4.

22、5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.随随后后它它会会变变成成什什么么没没人人能能知知道道,直直到到4538亿亿年年前前,这这团尘埃才慢慢地形成了一个固体的球状物团尘埃才慢慢地形成了一个固体的球状物。2The earth became _ violent _ it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.地地球球(开开始始)变变得得激激烈烈动动荡荡,不不知知道道这这个个固固体体形形状状是是否否会会继续存在下去继续存在下去。话题美文欣赏话

23、题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点3 This produced a chain reaction, _ _ _ _ for life to develop.这就产生了一个连锁反应这就产生了一个连锁反应,使生命的发展成为可能使生命的发展成为可能。4So _ life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on _ this problem can be solved.所所以以,在在未未来来的的数数百百万万年年中中,生生命命能能否否在在地地球球上上延延续续将将取决于这个

24、问题能否得到解决取决于这个问题能否得到解决。答案答案1.What it was to2.so; that3.which made it possible4.whether;whether话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点1violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 (教教材材原原句句) The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. (P25)地地球球(开开始始)变得得激激烈烈动荡,不不知知道道这个个固

25、固体体形形状状是是否否会会继续存在下去。存在下去。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个复复合合句句。此此处处为为连连词词so.that引引导导的的结结果果状状语语从从句句,其其中中从从句句中中的的it为为形形式式主主语语,连连词词whether引导的从句为真正主语。引导的从句为真正主语。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】violently adv.猛猛烈地;凶猛地烈地;凶猛地violence n暴力;暴行;激情暴力;暴行;激情with violence猛烈地;强有力地猛烈地;强有力地take.by violence强夺强夺When

26、 the man got drunk, he became very violent.当喝醉酒时,这人变得很粗暴。当喝醉酒时,这人变得很粗暴。Whatever happens, we will never use violence.无论发生什么,我们决不会使用暴力。无论发生什么,我们决不会使用暴力。The wind blew with great violence and the climbers had to give up.风刮得很猛,登山队员们不得不放弃。风刮得很猛,登山队员们不得不放弃。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【一言辨异一言辨异】La

27、rry was in violent pain.As a result, he behaved violently and treated everything with violence.拉拉里里处处于于极极度度痛痛苦苦之之中中,因因此此他他表表现现得得很很粗粗暴暴,一一切切都都以以暴暴力对待。力对待。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】It is commonly believed that _ programs and video games really cause people to become more aggressi

28、ve. Afierce BviolentCcruel Dfearful解解析析考考查查名名词词。句句意意:一一般般认认为为暴暴力力节节目目和和视视频频游游戏戏通通常常引引起起人人们们更更具具侵侵略略性性。根根据据more aggressive可可知知此此处处为为“更更爱挑衅的爱挑衅的”。答案答案B话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子为为什么一些火山比另外一些火山喷发得更猛烈?什么一些火山比另外一些火山喷发得更猛烈?Why are some volcanic eruptions _ _ _ others? 他昨天碰上了暴

29、风雨。他昨天碰上了暴风雨。He was caught in _ _ _ yesterday.答案答案more violent thana violent storm话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点2in time及时;终于;迟早;总有一天及时;终于;迟早;总有一天 (教教 材材 原原 句句 )They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere.(P25)它它们们最最终终

30、产产生生了了碳碳、氮氮气气、水水蒸蒸气气和和其其他他气气体体,这这些些后后来形成了地球的大气层。来形成了地球的大气层。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个复复合合句句。关关系系代代词词which引引导导的的从从句为定语从句;不定式句为定语从句;不定式to produce.短语为结果状语。短语为结果状语。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】at times有时有时at a time每次每次in no time立刻;马上立刻;马上at the same time同时同时at one time一度;从前一度;从前at no time绝不绝

31、不(置于句首时,句子常用倒装置于句首时,句子常用倒装)At the same time, tuition continues to rise.(失业率增长的失业率增长的)同时,同时,(大学大学)学费继续上升。学费继续上升。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点Well have that leak fixed in no time.我们马上就把那个漏洞补上。我们马上就把那个漏洞补上。Do one thing at a time and do it well.一次只做一件事情,并且要做到最好。一次只做一件事情,并且要做到最好。考点警示考点警示 at no t

32、ime用用在在句句首首时时,句句子子要要部部分分倒倒装装。in no time相相当当于于at once或或immediately,用于句首不倒装。,用于句首不倒装。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】Im so tired of endless work.Hang on there, Brain! Your career would take off _.Ain time Bon timeCat no time Dat a time解解析析考考查查介介词词短短语语。句句意意:我我厌厌烦烦了了无无止止境境的的工工作作。布布雷雷恩恩,坚

33、坚持持吧吧。你你的的事事业业迟迟早早会会腾腾飞飞。此此处处事事业业的的腾腾飞与现在的情况不同,由此推知飞与现在的情况不同,由此推知“迟早迟早”。答案答案A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子幸幸运的是,一名军人及时赶来救起了这名溺水的男孩。运的是,一名军人及时赶来救起了这名溺水的男孩。Fortunately a soldier came to rescue _ _ _ _ the drowning boy. 我们在任何时候都不能向困难屈服。我们在任何时候都不能向困难屈服。At no time _ _ give in t

34、o difficulties.只要不放弃,你总有一天会成功。只要不放弃,你总有一天会成功。You will succeed _ _ as long as you dont give up.答案答案in time to saveshould wein time话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点3unlike prep.不同;不像不同;不像 adj.不同的;相异的不同的;相异的 (教教材材原原句句)Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars but, unlike the earth, it had

35、 disappeared later.(P26)在在火火星星等等其其他他行行星星上上也也出出现了了水水,但但不不像像在在地地球球上上一一样,这些水后来消失了。些水后来消失了。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个并并列列句句。前前后后句句子子由由表表示示转转折折意意思的连词思的连词but引导。引导。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】Its unlike sb to do sth做做不像某人平常的样子不像某人平常的样子unlikely adj.不大可能发生的;未必会发生的不大可能发生的;未必会发生的likely adj.可能的可能的b

36、e likely to do sth可能做某事可能做某事Its likely that.有可能有可能Its very unlike him to be so late.迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。Its unlike you not to say hello.连招呼都不打,这可不像是你连招呼都不打,这可不像是你(的作风的作风)。Hes likely to arrive a bit late.他可能会晚到一会儿。他可能会晚到一会儿。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点 【助记助记】话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学

37、课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】Which team is _ to win the game?I dont know, but Ive found _ that ours will win. Aprobable; it unlikely Bpossible; it possible Clikely; it possible D. likely; it possibly 解解析析考考查查形形容容词词。句句意意:哪哪个个队队可可能能赢赢得得比比赛赛?我我不不知知道道,但但我我已已经经发发现现我我们们队队可可能能赢赢。第第一一空空为为be likely to do句句型

38、型;第第二二空空为为形形式式宾宾语语it,然然后后是是形形容容词词表表语语句句型型,由此可知答案。由此可知答案。答案答案C话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子有有可能他不参加会议可能他不参加会议_ _ _ he will not attend the meeting.她们毫无相似之处,谁也不相信她们是姐妹。她们毫无相似之处,谁也不相信她们是姐妹。海啸,像大地震一样,会对人类造成很大伤害。海啸,像大地震一样,会对人类造成很大伤害。They are _ _ _ nobody would believe they were

39、sisters.A Tsunami,_ a big earthquake, can do great damage to human beings.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。John _ _ _ be in London this autumn.答答案案Its likely thatso unlike that;likeis likely to话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点4harmful adj.有害的有害的 (教教 材材 原原 句句 )What m

40、any scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.(P26)很很多多科科学学家家相相信信,由由于于地地球球上上长期期有有水水存存在在,使使地地球球得得以把有害气体和酸性物以把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。溶解在海洋里。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个复复合合句句。主主语语是是一一个个what引引导导的的主语从句;表语为主语从句;表语为that引导的表语从句

41、。引导的表语从句。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】be harmful to.对对有害有害harm n. & vt.伤害;损害伤害;损害do harm to sbdo sb harm对某人有害对某人有害There is no harm in doing sth做某事没有害处做某事没有害处harmless adj.无害的无害的harmlessness n无害无害Hard work never did anyone any harm.努力工作对任何人绝无害处。努力工作对任何人绝无害处。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考

42、点难点易混考点难点易混点点【一言辨异一言辨异】This object gives off harmful gases which may do harm to our health.You must make the object harmless before you use it.此此物物会会散散发发有有害害气气体体,这这些些气气体体会会损损害害我我们们的的健健康康,你你必必须须在使用之前让它变得无害。在使用之前让它变得无害。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】Many lifestyle patterns do such _ g

43、reat harm to health that they actually speed up _ weakening of the human body.Aa; / B/; theCa; the D/; /解解析析考考查查冠冠词词。第第一一空空是是do harm to是是固固定定词词组组,表表示示“对对有有伤伤害害”,harm为为不不可可数数名名词词,故故用用零零冠冠词词;第第二二空空用定冠词特指人体的衰弱。所以这里选用定冠词特指人体的衰弱。所以这里选B项。项。答案答案B话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子这这种药对

44、儿童有害,却对成年人没有什么害处。种药对儿童有害,却对成年人没有什么害处。The medicine _ _ _ children but does no harm to adults.这起案件将严重损害我的生活。这起案件将严重损害我的生活。This case will _ _ _ _ my life.答案答案is harmful todo serious harm to话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点5exist vi.存在;生存存在;生存 (教教材材原原句句) They laid eggs too and existed on the earth

45、for more than 140 million years.(P26)它们也生蛋它们也生蛋,在地球上存在了在地球上存在了1亿4千多万年。千多万年。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个简简单单句句。laid eggs too and existed为两个并列谓语部分。为两个并列谓语部分。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】exist in存存在于在于中中exist on靠靠生活生活/生存生存There exists.存在存在;有;有existence n存在;生活存在;生活in existence现存的;现有的现存的;现有的com

46、e into existence产生;成立;开始存在产生;成立;开始存在It is said that the plant is the oldest in existence.据说这种植物是现存最古老的。据说这种植物是现存最古老的。Without air, we cant exist even for one minute.没有空气,我们甚至连一分钟都生存不了。没有空气,我们甚至连一分钟都生存不了。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点考点警示考点警示exist没有被动语态和进行时。没有被动语态和进行时。 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学

47、考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】Earth is a rocky planet where there is liquid water, which is necessary for life to _.Acome Bexist Cstand Dhappen解解析析考考查查动动词词。句句意意:地地球球是是一一个个有有液液态态水水的的岩岩石石行行星星,水水的的存存在在是是生生命命存存在在的的必必要要条条件件。exist“存存在在;生生存存”,符符合题意。合题意。答案答案B 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成

48、句子人人没有空气就不能生存。没有空气就不能生存。One cannot _ without air.他认为自己看不见的东西就不存在。他认为自己看不见的东西就不存在。He thought that if he couldnt see something, _ _ _ .你可能一辈子都要过着悲惨的生活。你可能一辈子都要过着悲惨的生活。You may be stuck with _ _ _ for the rest of your life.答案答案existit didnt exista miserable existence话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点

49、点6give birth to产生;分娩产生;分娩 (教教材材原原句句)These animals were different from all life forms in the past, because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.(P26)这这些些动动物物不不同同于于以以往往所所有有的的生生命命形形态态,因因为为它它们们能能生生产产幼仔并给幼仔哺乳。幼仔并给幼仔哺乳。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个复复合合句句。连连词词because引引导导的的句句子子为原因状语从句。

50、为原因状语从句。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】by birth出出生;血统;天生地生;血统;天生地at birth一出生;出生时一出生;出生时She is English by birth but French by marriage.她是英国血统,但嫁给了法国人而加入了法国国籍。她是英国血统,但嫁给了法国人而加入了法国国籍。The scientists experiments gave birth to a new drug.那位科学家的实验产生了一种新药。那位科学家的实验产生了一种新药。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课

51、前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】It still puzzles the science world why some mammals produce their young _ and hatching while others _ to young babies.Alying eggs; giving birthBby laying eggs; by giving birthCby laying eggs; give birthDlaying eggs; giving birth话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点解解析析考

52、考查查动动词词短短语语。句句意意:为为什什么么有有些些哺哺乳乳动动物物通通过过下下蛋蛋然然后后孵孵化化而而有有些些却却通通过过生生幼幼崽崽来来繁繁殖殖下下一一代代,这这个个问问题题仍仍旧旧让让科科学学界界的的人人士士感感到到很很迷迷惑惑。lay eggs“下下蛋蛋”;give birth to“产生;分娩;引起产生;分娩;引起”;by doing sth“通过做通过做”。答案答案B话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子无无休止的选择让人们在生活中产生了焦虑。休止的选择让人们在生活中产生了焦虑。The endless ch

53、oice _ _ _ anxiety in peoples lives.婴儿一出生重达婴儿一出生重达7磅。磅。The baby weighed seven pounds _ _.他被认为是天生的音乐家。他被认为是天生的音乐家。 He is considered to be a musician _ _.答案答案gives birth toat birthby birth话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点7in ones turn轮到某人;接着轮到某人;接着 (教教材材原原句句)Thus they have, in their turn, become

54、the most important animals on the planet.(P26)于是,它们接着成了这个行星上最重要的动物。于是,它们接着成了这个行星上最重要的动物。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】in turn依依次;轮流;相应地;转而;反过来次;轮流;相应地;转而;反过来by turns轮流;交替轮流;交替take turns to do sth轮流做某事轮流做某事Its ones turn to do sth轮到某人做某事轮到某人做某事It will be in Toms turn to be on duty to

55、morrow.明天轮到汤姆值日。明天轮到汤姆值日。Its my turn to deliver a speech in public.轮到我在公众面前发表演讲了。轮到我在公众面前发表演讲了。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】Dollar bills are made interesting to look at but very hard to copy._, there are 65 separate steps required to make a dollar bill.AIn total BIn orderCIn turn

56、DIn short解解析析考考查查介介词词短短语语。句句意意:美美钞钞看看上上去去被被制制作作的的很很有有趣趣,但但是是很很难难仿仿制制,制制作作张张美美钞钞需需要要65个个单单独独的的步步骤骤。in total意意思为思为“总计;合计总计;合计”符合题意。符合题意。答案答案A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子更更为重要的是,我觉得该是我开始照顾父亲的时候了。为重要的是,我觉得该是我开始照顾父亲的时候了。More importantly, I found _ _ _ _ to start looking out fo

57、r my father. 他们接着为这项计划提了一些建议。他们接着为这项计划提了一些建议。They, _ _ _, gave some advice for the plan.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点所有的理论都来源于实践,并反过来为实践服务。所有的理论都来源于实践,并反过来为实践服务。All theories are from practice and _ _ serve practice.答案答案it was my turnin their turnin turn话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点

58、8prevent.from.阻止;制止阻止;制止 (教教材材原原句句)They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.(P26)他他们们把把过过多多的的二二氧氧化化碳碳释释放放到到大大气气层层中中,这这就就使使得得地地球球上的热量不能释放到太空中去。上的热量不能释放到太空中去。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个复复合合句句。关关系系代代词词which 引引导导的的从句为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词

59、从句为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词atmosphere。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】stop.from.制制止止keep.from.阻止阻止protect.from/against.保护保护免受免受伤害伤害What can stop our going (up from going)if we want to go?如果我们想去又有什么能阻止我们去呢?如果我们想去又有什么能阻止我们去呢?Soldiers have been sent to protect the crew against attack.已经派出士兵保护船员免遭

60、袭击。已经派出士兵保护船员免遭袭击。考点警示考点警示短短 语语 prevent/stop/protect.from.中中 的的 from可可 以以 省省 略略 ,keep.from.中中的的from不不能能省省略略。但但在在被被动动结结构构中中,from均均不可省略。不可省略。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】As you know, it is our duty to _ my younger sisters from being hurt when they are in trouble.Aprevent BsaveCstop

61、Dprotect解解析析考考查查动动词词。句句意意:正正如如你你知知道道的的,当当年年轻轻的的姐姐妹妹处处于于危危险险中中时时保保护护她她们们免免受受伤伤害害是是我我们们的的职职责责。表表示示“是是的的职责职责”用用its ones duty。答案答案D话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子谁谁也不能阻止这个计划的实施。也不能阻止这个计划的实施。No one can _ this plan (from) _ carried out.他们被拦在了燃烧着的大楼外面。他们被拦在了燃烧着的大楼外面。They were _ _ _

62、 the burning building.他戴上太阳镜保护眼睛不受强光的伤害。他戴上太阳镜保护眼睛不受强光的伤害。He put on his sunglasses to _ his eyes _ the strong sunlight.答答案案prevent; beingstopped/prevented from enteringprotect; from话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点9puzzle n谜;难题谜;难题 vt.&vi.(使使)迷惑;迷惑;(使使)为难为难 (教教材材原原句句)How life began on earth is

63、one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.(P27)地球上生命的起源是科学家们难以解决的最大疑惑之一。地球上生命的起源是科学家们难以解决的最大疑惑之一。【句句法法分分析析】 这这是是一一个个复复合合句句。主主语语由由how引引导导的的主主语语从从句句担担当当;在在表表语语中中that引引导导的的是是定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰先先行行词词puzzles。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【用法归纳用法归纳】in a puzzle感感到困惑;不知如何是好到困惑;不知如何是好

64、It is a puzzle to sb对某人来说仍是个谜对某人来说仍是个谜be puzzled about 对对迷惑不解迷惑不解n谜;难题谜;难题Im in a puzzle as to how to get along with him.对于如何和他相处我感到困惑。对于如何和他相处我感到困惑。vt. & vi.(使使)迷惑;迷惑;(使使)为难为难What puzzled me was why they didnt take his advice.他们为何不接受他的忠告他们为何不接受他的忠告,这使我大惑不解这使我大惑不解。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易

65、混点点【助记助记】话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【一言辨异一言辨异】The puzzled look on her face suggested she was puzzled about the puzzling math problem.她困惑的表情暗示了她对那个令人困惑的数学问题迷惑不解。她困惑的表情暗示了她对那个令人困惑的数学问题迷惑不解。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【典例剖析典例剖析】From his _ expression, we can guess that the problem m

66、aybe was quite _.Apuzzled; puzzling Bpuzzling; puzzledCpuzzled; puzzled Dpuzzling; puzzling解解析析考考查查形形容容词词。句句意意:从从他他困困惑惑的的表表情情我我们们可可以以猜猜到到问问题题或或许许是是令令人人十十分分的的困困惑惑。第第一一空空puzzle与与被被修修饰饰词词为为逻逻辑辑上上的的动动宾宾关关系系;第第二二空空主主语语可可以以发发出出puzzle的的动动作作,意意思思为为“令人困惑令人困惑”。答案答案A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点【即境活用即境活用】完成句子完成句子这这个学生对下一步做什么而伤透了脑筋。个学生对下一步做什么而伤透了脑筋。The student _ _ _ what to do next.事实上,困扰你的事情对于中国的父母来说也是一个难题。事实上,困扰你的事情对于中国的父母来说也是一个难题。What _ you is actually _ _ to many parents in China.答案答案was puzzled aboutpuzzles; a puzzle话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混考点难点易混点点提提 示示课后完成课后完成活页规范训练活页规范训练Unit 4(1)



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