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1、PoemsUnit 2 NSEFC Book 6A Few Simple Forms of English PoemsCan you remember any Can you remember any poems you have read in poems you have read in high school,either in high school,either in Chinese or in English? Chinese or in English? Can you recite any?Can you recite any?Step1: Lead in Step II Pr

2、e-reading Appreciation: Enjoy some poems Appreciation ATranquilNightAbed,Iseeasilverlight,Iwonderifitsfrostaground.Lookingup,Ifindthemoonbright;Bowing,inhomesicknessImdrowned.静静夜夜思思-李李白白床床前前明明月月光光,疑,疑是是地地上上霜霜。举。举头头望望明明月月,低,低头头思思故故乡乡。Iseekbutseekinvain,Isearchandsearchagain;Ifeelsosad,sodrear,solonel

3、y,withoutcheer.寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。凄凄惨惨戚戚。李清照李清照 Ode to the west wind - Percy Bysshe ShelleyIfwintercomes,canspringbefarbehind?冬天来了冬天来了,春天还会远吗春天还会远吗?-雪莱雪莱 Listen to a poem in the form of songLittle star Twinkle, twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a dia

4、mond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are.When the blazing sun is gone,When the nothing shines up on.Then you show your little light,Twinkle, twinkle all the night. Step IIIWhile-reading1. Fast reading: How many kinds of poems are mentioned in the text? What are they?Fiv

5、ekindsofpoemsNurseryrhymes童谣童谣Listpoems清单诗清单诗Cinquain 五行诗Haiku俳句诗俳句诗Tangpoems 唐诗fivekindsNurseryrhymesListpoemsHaiku CinquainTangpoems2.Skimmingandlistening: Listen to Poem A and find out the features of this poemPoem AHush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird.If that m

6、ockingbird wont sing,Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas going to buy you a looking-glass.If that looking-glass gets broke,Papas going to buy you a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away,Papas going to buy you another today.Look through poem A and choose

7、 the best answer:1.Whats the babys father going to buy if the mirror gets broken? A. a mocking bird B. a diamond ring C. a looking glass D. a billy-goat 2. What is Papa going to buy for the baby if that billy-goat runs away? A. a looking glass B. today C. another billy-goat D. nothing the features o

8、f this poemNursery rhyme:-a common type of childrens poetry-having strong rhythm and rhyme-having a lot of repetition 3.Carefulreading:Read Poem B & C and answer the following questions Poem B & CI saw a fish-pond all on fireI saw a fish-pond all on fire,I saw a house bow to a squire, I saw a person

9、 twelve-feet high,I saw a cottage in the sky,I saw a balloon made of lead,I saw a coffin drop down dead,I saw two sparrows run a race,I saw two horses making lace,I saw a girl just like a cat, I saw a kitten wear a hat,I saw a man who saw these too, And said though strange they all were true.Our fir

10、st football matchWe would have wonIf Jack had scored that goal,If wed had just a few more minutes, if we had trained harder, if Ben had passed the ball to Joe,If wed had thousands of fans screaming,If I hadnt taken my eye off the ball,If we hadnt stay up so late the night before,If we hadnt take it

11、easy, if we hadnt run out of our energy,We would have wonIf wed been better!Poem C How many excuses did the players make to explain why they failed?A. Six B. Seven C. Eight D. Nine Listpoems:a list of thingsCan have as many lines as the writer likesNot always have rhyming wordsthe features of the tw

12、o poemsCinquainPoem DBrotherBeautiful, athletic Teasing, shouting, laughingFriend and enemy tooMine Poem ESummerSleepy, saltyDrying, drooping, dreadingWeek in, week outEndlessRead Poem D & EWhatsubjectisthespeakerwritingabout? Poem D: BrotherPoem E: Summerthe features of the two poemsCinquainpoems(f

13、ivelines) Brother -a noun Beautiful, athletic -2 adjectives Teasing, shouting , laughing -3 verbs Friend and enemy too -4 words mine -a word Haiku poems Poem F A fallen blossomIs coming back to the branch. Look, a butterfly! Poem G Show having melted,The whole village is brimful Of happy children. H

14、aikupoems(17syllables,imagery) A fallen blossom -5 syllables Is coming back to the branch -7 syllables Look, a butterfly -5 syllablesthe features ofPoem F & GDiscuss Poem H in pairs1.Whats the title ?Poem HWheresheawaitsherhusbandOnandontheriverflowsNeverlookingbackTransformedintostoneDaybydayuponth

15、emountaintopWindandrainrevolve.Shouldthejourneyerreturn,Thisstonewouldutterspeech.-byWangjianA.蝶恋花蝶恋花B.竹枝词竹枝词C.望夫石望夫石D.一剪梅一剪梅望夫石望夫石望夫处,江悠悠望夫处,江悠悠化为石,不回头化为石,不回头山头日日风复雨,山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语行人归来石应语 How many feelings of the woman can we learn from Poem H ?A.lonelinessB.joyC.loveD.trustE.angerF.hateG.sorrow 4

16、. consolidation:fill in the blanks to complete the general idea of the passageIntensive reading :Poetryisusedtotellastoryor_whatwillgiveusastrongimpression.Oritisusedto_certain_._areacommontypeofchildrenspoetry.They _ children because of strong rhythm and_ and also repetition, and make them easy tol

17、earnand_whentheylearnaboutlanguage.Cinquain, a poem, consists of _ lines, wherestudents can convey a strong _ in just a fewwords._, a _ form of poetry rather than atraditional form of English poetry, has _,and gives a clear picture and creates a _feelinginjustafewwords.Tangpoems,aChineseformofpoetry

18、,whoseEnglish_havea_form,issopopularthatEnglishspeakersliketo_it.Intensive reading :Poetry is used to tell a story or _whatwillgiveusastrongimpression.Oritisusedto_certain_._areacommontypeofchildrens poetry.They _ childrenbecause ofstrong rhythm and _ andalsorepetition,andmakethemeasytolearnand_when

19、theylearnaboutlanguage.Cinquain,apoem,consistsof_lines,wherestudentscanconveyastrong_injustafewwords.describeconveyemotionsdelightNurseryrhymesrhymerecitefivepicture_,a_formofpoetryratherthanatraditionalformofEnglishpoetry,has _, and gives a clearpictureandcreatesa_feelinginjustafewwords.Tang poems,

20、 a Chinese form of poetry,whose English _ have a_form,issopopularthatEnglishspeakersliketo_it.HaikuJapanese17syllablesspecialtranslationsfreecopeWhat is the main topic of the reading passage?The main topic is some simpler forms of English poems. Step IV Post-readingSharing (4Ssinagroup):1.Whichkindo

21、fpoemsdoyoulikebest?2.Whyisityourfavorite?3.Doyouagreethatpoemsplayaveryimportantroleinourlife?Whyorwhynot? Learn to write a cinquainBrotherBeautiful,athleticTeasing,shouting,laughingMineaname(subjectofthepoem)twoadjectives(describethesubject)threeverbsendingwithing(action)fourwords(opinionsorfeelin

22、gs)onewordFriendandenemytooWeve learnt several poems, 韵韵, 压韵的词压韵的词 (n.)压韵压韵 (v.)节奏节奏 (n.)诗歌诗歌诗人诗人诗歌(总称)诗歌(总称)poempoetpoetryrhymerhythmPeoplemeetandpeoplepassbySomelaughwhilesomecrySomegiveupwhilesomealwaystrySomesayhiwhilesomesaybyeOthersmayforgetyoubutneverI.Enjoyyourself Life is beauty, admire it.

23、 Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it.Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. List poemLimericks WOMEN If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman If you dont, you are not a man If yo

24、u praise her, she thinks you are lying If you dont, you are good for nothing If you agree to all her likes, she is abusing If you dont, you are not understanding If you make romance, you are an experienced man If you dont you are half a man If you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring If you

25、dont, she accuses you of double crossing If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy If you dont, you are a dull boy .O LORD, tell me what to do. AMEN A Red, Red RoseOh, my luve is like a red red rose, 啊,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰Thats newly sprung in June,六月里迎风绽放Oh, my luve is like the melody,啊,我的爱人像首乐曲,T

26、hats sweetly played in tune. 旋律动听、悠扬。As fair art thou my bonnie lass,我漂亮的姑娘如此美丽,我漂亮的姑娘如此美丽,So deep in luve am I,我深深地爱着你,我深深地爱着你,And I will luve thee still my dear,我将永远爱你,亲爱的,我将永远爱你,亲爱的,Till all the seas gang dry.直到海水干竭直到海水干竭Till all the seas gang dry, my dear,直到海水干竭,亲爱的,直到海水干竭,亲爱的,And the rocks melt

27、 with the sun,直到太阳消融山岩。直到太阳消融山岩。And I will luve thee still my dear,我将永远爱着你,亲爱的,我将永远爱着你,亲爱的,Where the sands of life shall run.只要生命之沙漏依然。只要生命之沙漏依然。And fare thee well,再见吧,再见吧,My only luve.我唯一的爱人。我唯一的爱人。And fare thee well a while,暂时别离,暂时别离,And I will come again, my luve,亲爱的,我还会回转,亲爱的,我还会回转,Though it were ten-thousand mile.尽管相隔千山万里尽管相隔千山万里。fivekindsNurseryrhymesListpoemsHaiku CinquainTangpoemsStep V Homework 1. Surf some websites to find out more beautiful poems. 2. write a cinquain.



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