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1、八年级上册英语期末基础语法练习题八年级上册英语期末基础语法练习题一、用括号里的词的适当形式填空。1. If you give me time, I _ (find) the solution.2. If you want to pass, you _ (have to) study hard.3. What _ (happen) if they dont agree with each other?4. Beckham is a famous football _(play).5. My father made a living by _(sell)small toys when he was

2、young.6. Did the children enjoy_(they)in the party last Sunday?7.Thecollegegraduateenjoyed_(teach)inthepoormountain area8. He_(have)a great time if he _(come)to the partytomorrow.9.Ithinktomorrowisagoodtime_(have)theparty,Everyone_(have) fun at that time.110. Half the class _(stay)at home on the wee

3、kend now.11. I will also be able _ (work)outside sometimes.12. What about _(listen)to the radio?13. The_(three)shirt is the nicest of all.14. This bag is much_(big)than that one.15. Most students spent more than one hour_ (write)thecomposition.16. All of us were surprised_(see)how Americans abused t

4、heIraqi prisoners.17.Idontknowifhe_(come)tomorrow,butifhe_(come)tomorrow, Ill let you.18._ (join)the Lions, and you_(become)a greatsoccer player.19.Inthepast,Peter_(spend)alotoftimeeveryday_(play)football.20. If he_(stay)at home, hell be sorry.221. I am learning how_(swim).22. Many of my friends are

5、_(lawyer).23. _watchTV too much is bad for your eyes.24. Could you tell us the _ different between these two stylesof music?25. Mike goes to see his grandparents _(one) a week.26. He spends more than an hour _(exercise) every day.27. He didnt go to school. He could _(hard) read orwrite.28. Its a goo

6、d habit to brush your(tooth) every day.29.To keep healthy,I decide _ (exercise) half an hour everyday.30.Look! Your pet dog is(die).31.Exercise is(health) for the mind and the body.332. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _(buy) one,too.33. How about(go) shopping on Sundays?34. He usually study Englis

7、h by(read) it in the morning.35.We decided(go) to the beach near our hotel.36.I really enjoy(walk) around the town.37.We wanted(walk) up to the top.38.My family(go) to the beach every summer.39.Did you have a great time(talk) in groups?40. Lucy usually_ _to school early. But today she _toschool late

8、. (go)41.-Where did you_(study) last night?-No, I_(help)my mother_(clean) the room.42.Do you feel like(drink) some orange?43.Our teacher often keeps us(read) English in themorning.44. Its very interesting _ ( feed) the pets.445. He is _(bad) at learning maths. He is much _ (bad) atChinese and he is

9、the _ (bad) at English.46. Annie says Sally is the _ (kind) person in the world.47. He is one of the_(friendly) people in the class, I think.48. A dictionary is much _ (expensive) than a story-book.49. An orange ia a little _ (big) than an apple, but much_ (small) than a watermelon.50. The Changjian

10、g River is the _ (long) river in China.51. Sue is a little _ (beautiful) than her sister.50. My room is not as _ (big) as my brother s.53. -How difficult is physics?-I m not sure.- Is it _ (difficult) than math?- I don t thinkso.54.- Annie plays the piano very _ (well).- Sue plays it _ (well) than A

11、nnie. And Sally plays it the_ (well).555. Saturday is my _ (busy) day in a week.56. Her mother is getting _(fat) and _ (fat).57. I think it s too expensive. I d like a _ (cheap) one.58. He comes to school much _ (early) than I.59.This book is not as _ (interesting) as that one.60. Your classroom is

12、_(wide)and _(bright)than ours.61. Practise as _ (much) as you can.62. The _ (much), the _ (good).63. Nowadays(现在) English is _( important ) than anyother subject, I think.64. Most of the students think a lion is much _(dangerous)than a bear and it is the _ (dangerous) animal in the world.65. Itsto s

13、ay than to do (easy)66.Which do you likeof all the coats? (well)67.Theapplesintheothershopare6and .(cheap; good)68. Many of the stars are so away that we cant see them. (far)69.The Yangtze River is very(long) .In fact, itsriverin China (long)70.Did you decide _(visit) your grandparents?71.There are

14、many _ (different) between them.72.I cant stand _ (hear) the bad news.73.Lucy and Lily are the _ (win) of the talent show.74.This shirt isnt as _(good) as that one.75.He is the _ (bad) student in his class.76.The news _ (be) so terrible that we allcant stand.77.I really enjoyed _ (walk) around town.

15、78.It is good to relax by _(use) internet.79.Did you have fun _ (play) at the party?80. Marys brother is as _ (health) as her sister.781. My pen is new, but hers is _(new) than mine.82. Its necessary for us _ (learn) English well.83. The storybook is _ (interest) of the three.84.I cant stand(listen)

16、 to the noisy music.85.There(be) some exciting news in todays newspaper.86.Would you mind(open) the window?87.Did you watch(sport) show on TV yesterday?88.Where do you plan(go) this Sunday?89.Do you want(watch) the news?90.Sally thinks soap operas are(educational) thansitcoms.91.I hope(watch) the ac

17、tion movie one day.92.Yao Ming is a(success) player in NBA.93.I think Xi Yangyang is as(famous) as Mikey Mouse.94.He is(funny) than the other students in his class.895.Did you have fun(learn) something?96.Nelly practiced(dance) a lot more than Lisa.97.His mother often makes him(clean) his room onwee

18、kends.98.Lisa practiced a lot more and wanted(win).99.Its necessary for us(learn) English well.100.He is(different) from his brother. They have(different).二. 句型转换。1.If I go to the party, Ill bring them some flowers .(提问_ _ _ bring _if you go to the party?2.Study hard, and youll pass the English exam

19、.=_ _study hard, _pass the English exam3.Wear jeans, and we wont let you in.=_ _wear jeans, we wont let you in.some95. I will study English hard. I will teach English in a school.(用 if 合并)_6. Mary is eighteen years old.(同义句Mary is _ girl.7.We walked for another two hours.(同义句)We walked for _ hours.8

20、.I go to dance three times a week.( 提问)_ doyou go to dance?9.Do you want to come?(同义句)_you _to come?10.Tom isnt as good as Tim at playing the drum.(同义句)Tom is _ at playing the drum _Tim.11.She is taller than any other student in her class.(同义句)10She is _ student in her class.12.I think my mother is

21、smarter than my father.(否认句)I _ my mother _ smarter than my father.13.Whatdoyouthinkofthemovie?(同义句)_ the movie?14. He is going to go to a cooking school. (提问)is he goingto?to be a pilot?16.Its a good time to make resolutions at the beginning of theyear.(同义句)Theof the year is a good time forresoluti

22、ons.17.Will you make a model plane for her? (同义句)1115.My father wants to be a pilot. (一般疑问句)your fatheryouto make a model plane for her?18.John wants to watch talk shows because theyre enjoyable.(对划线部分提问)Johnto watch talk show?19.Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon SteamboatWhile.(同义句

23、)80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoonSteamboat While.20.What do you think of talk show?(同义句 )do youtalk show?21.The other cartoons are not as famous as Mickey?(同义句)Mickey isthe other cartoons.Mickey isof all the cartoons.1222.I think he is good at playing soccer.(改为否认句)Ihegood at playing so

24、ccer.23.John enjoys swimming. Peter enjoys swimming, too.(合并)JohnPeterswimming.24. The English Study Center needs a weekend student helper forprimary school student.(提问)the English Study Centerfor primaryschool student?25.Larry works harder than Huang Lei.(改为否认句)Larryharder than Huang Lei.三.根据汉语意思,完

25、成以下句子1. 他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。Ifhe_TVtoomuch,hisparents_13_ unhappy.2. 如 果 他 有 空 , 他 会 帮 助 你 的 。 If he _, he_you.3. 如果我们不去开会,会发生什么?_ _ _ if we _ go to the meeting?4.谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。_ pencil is_,_or_?_is.think. _.5.他和他的朋友 Jim 一样年轻。He _ Jim.6.多做运动,你会更强壮。_ more exercise,youll_ _ soon.I147.我的科学很好,但是语文不

26、好。I _ at Science.But I dont _ well inChinese.8.你放风筝比王兵放得高吗?不,我比他放得低。_you_thekite_thanbing?No,I_it_than_.四.单项选择Wang() 1. - _your friend _the guitar at the concert?- Yes, hewill.A. Will; playsB. Shall; play C. Will; play D. Do; play() 2. If he _ go to college, he will have to work.A. toB. doesC. doesn

27、tD. isnt() 3. There are many tall trees on _ side of the street.A. bothB. allC. eitherD. neither() 4. - Why not _ for help when you were in trouble?-15Next time, I will.A. you askB. askC. askingD. to ask()5. If you go to the party, you _ a good time.A. would haveB. haveC. will haveD. had()7. Dont br

28、ing food to school. If you do, the teachers will_A.take it away B. take them awayC. take away it D. take awaythem()8. Please _ your big dictionary when you come here.A. bringB. takeC. carryD. fetch()9. Dont _ jeans to the party. A. put on B. wear C. wearing D. dress()10. Jim asked me _ him with his

29、math.A. helpB. helping C. helped D. to help()11. What are you going to do tomorrow? _.A. Nothing much B. Much nothing C. Not anythingD. No thing()12. If we get there early, we _ things to a shop.16A. buyB.bought C.will buy D.would buy()13. The text is very hard for you. There are _ new words init.A.

30、a few B.a littleC.few D.little()14._of the two new books are interesting .A. AllB. BothC. AnyD.Either()15.They didn t go to bed _ they finished their homework.A. untilB. becauseC. whenD. if()16.Thank you for _ me the news. I m glad to hear that.A. tellB. tellingC. tellsD. told()17.Is there _ I can d

31、o for you?A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing()18.My watch is not here. Maybe _ took it.A. somebody B. anybodyC. everybodyD. nobody()19. This work is _ for me than for you.A difficultB the most difficultC most difficultD more difficult17()20.Lily _ stay at home because of the bad weather.

32、A.had toB.must toC.mustD.should()21.There is _junk food here,and it is _terrible.A.too much,too much B.much too,much too C.too much,much tooD.much too, much too()22.Do you enjoy _ here?No,I want _ there bybike.A.walking,to goB.to walk, to goC.walking,goingD.to walk,going()23.We stopped_and_because w

33、e were tired and thirsty.A.working,to drinkB.to work, drinking C.to work, to drinkD.working,drinking()24.He likes playing_ tennis,and he dislikes playing _drum.A., B., theC.the,D.the,the18()25.Lisa is _ than her sister.A.more smarterB.much smarterC.more smartD.verysmarter()26.She often pratices _ En

34、glish by _to the foreigners.A.speaking,talkingB.to speak, to talkC.speaking,to talkD.tospeak, talking()27.He is different_ his brother,but he is similar _ his father.A.from, fromB.to, toC.from, toD.to, from()28.He often _ jokes and makes us _ .A.talks,laughB.tells, laughC.talks, to laughD.tells, tol

35、augh()29.Thanks _me!A.for tellB.to tellC.to tellingD.for telling()30. _is it from your home?10 minutes by bus.A.How farB.How longC.How oftenD.How soon()31.Parents usually _ a role in _ their kids.19A.play,helpingB.make, helpingC.play,helpD.make,help()32.Students should study hard to make their dream

36、s _.Ae outBe upCe trueDe on()33.I cant stand _ the noisy music,let himit.A. hearing, stopB.to hear,stopC.hearing,to stop D.to hear, tostop()34.Would mind _ Mickey Mouse?No, I enjoy_ it. A.watching, watching B.to watch, to watch C.watching,to watchD.to watch, watching()35.If I have _,I can do_.A.enog

37、ht time, enogh wellB.enough time,well enoughC.time enough, enough wellD.time enough,well enogh()36.We had a good time _because of the fine weather.A.to danceB.at dancingC.dancingD.of dancing()37. _ it rained heavy, _ went on visiting.A.Though, butB.But, thoughC.Though, D.Because, 20()38. In our city

38、, its _in July, but its even _in August .A. hotter, hottestB. hot, hot C. hotter, hotD. hot, hotter()39. JayChous music sounds_. I like it very much.A. niceB. wellC. badD. quickly()40We _ TV when the telephone rang.A. watched B. were watching C. watch D. are watching()41. Its very important _us _Eng

39、lish well.A. of learning B. for learning C. ofto learn D. forto learn()42 The policeman asked the children_ in the street.A. not to playB. to not playC. dont playD. playing()43. I _go to bed _ I finished my homework.A. didnt, whenB. /, untilC. didnt, untilD.wont, until()44. All the people should do

40、their best _ the work.A. to finish B. finish C. finished D. finishing()45.Tara andhersisterquietandtheysports.21A.are both,both likeB.are both, like bothC.both are, both likeD.both are,like both()46.If you want to be a student helper, you must be goodchildren.A.atB.withC.forD.in()47.Tom can playdrums,but Sam can playtennis.A.the,theB.the,/C./,theD./,/()48.Lilys books are new than .A.weB.usC.ourD.ours()49. Have you seen the funny movie Let the Bullet Fly?Yes,it made me _many times.A.laughB. cryC. SleepD. sing22



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