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1、初中英语知识归纳总结初中英语知识归纳总结第一课时第一课时名名词词一、概述1、名词的属性:表示人或事物的名称抽象概念的词叫名词。2、 名词分普通名词和专有名词。 普通名词是表示某一类人或事物, 或某种物体或抽象概念的名称。 如: teacher,desks, plates, milk, box 等,专有名词表示某一特定的人、事物、地方团体、党派、国家机关、语言、节日等专用的名称。 (运用)如:China, Chinese, Saturday, June, Green, Beijing, Olympic等。 (专有名词的第一个字母要大写)二、可数名词与不可数名词1、 可数名词是指表示人或事物, 可

2、以用数来计量的名词, 有单复数之分。 如: glass-glasses;book- books2、不可数名词是指所表示的事物不能用数来计量。如:paper, rice, water , milk, tea等。3、有些名词在特定情况下由不可数变为可数名词。Light travels faster than sound;(light:光线,不可数)The lights are on.(light:灯,可数)4、不可数名词的量的表示不可数名词一般无法用数来计算, 前面不能用a或an或数词来表示数量, 它的量往往借助于容器来表示。如:a glass of milk-four glasses of mi

3、lka piece of paper-two pieces of papera bag of rice-three bags of rice三、可数名词的复数形式(识记、运用)1、可数名词在应用时有单复数之分,单数变复数有规则变化和不规则变化两种。规则变化情况一般情况以 s,x,ch,sh 结尾的名词以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词以 O 结尾的名词变化形式加-s加-es变 y 为 i, 加 es变 f,fe 为 v, 加 es例词girls; books;classes; boxes; watches;brushescity-cities;baby-babieskni

4、fe-knives;leaf-leavespotatoes; tomatoes;photos; kilos; bamboos; radios2、少数名词有不规则的变化形式少数名词有不规则的变化形式policeman-policemen;man-men;woman-women;tooth-teeth;foot-feet;sheep-sheep;deer-deer;Japanese- Japanese;Chinese - Chinese;fish - fish四、名词所有格(运用)四、名词所有格(运用)名词的所有格是表示所有关系的形式,它也有构成上的变化。1、单数名词变所有格,只需在词尾加 s;2

5、、复数名词的词尾已有 s,只需加 即可;3、复数名词的词尾若没有 s ,则应加 s ;4、如果表示某人或物为两人所共有,则在第二个人后面加 s ;如:Da Mao and Xiao Maos room如果不是两人共有,则在每个人后面都加 s;如:Li Leis and Toms mother5、名词所有格结构通常用于表示有生命的名词,或表示时间、距离、地点等,而表示无生命名词的所有关系则用“of”表示。如: the windows of housethe picture of the familyof 结构也能用于有生命名词的所有格。a friend of my sistersa book o

6、f his第二课时第二课时冠冠词(一)词(一)第 1 页 共 40 页一、概述冠词是一种虚词,在句子中不重读,本身不能独立使用。在汉语中没有这个词类。在学习冠词时,要注意这种加在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物的词表示数量 “一”时,与数词的区别;其表示“数量”的意义没有“one”强,这是学习中注意区别的。二、冠词的定义冠词是置于名词之前,说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词,它不能离开名词而单独存在。冠词有两种:一种是定冠词(the Definite Article);the一种是不定冠词(the Indefinite Article). aan三、不定冠词的用法a 用于辅音音素起首的单词前,

7、an 用于元音音素起首的单词前。1、当第一次提到某人或某物时,用a 或 an 起介绍作用,如:What is this?It is a bus.Who is she?She is a doctor.2、表示泛指一类人或物A snake is a cold-blood animal.A plane is a machine that can fly.3、表示某一类人或事物的任何一个。如:She is a teacher;That is an apple.There is an elephant in the zoo.4、可用于某些词组,是该词组不可缺少的组成部分。如:a long timea l

8、ittlea fewat a timehave a trytake a chance5、表示“每一个”的意思。如:three times a dayfour yuan a dozen6、可用于抽象名词之前,使抽象名词具体化。如:I am quite at a loss;The little child is a joy to his parents.7、用于物质名词之前,使物质名词普通化。如:He drew out a tin of pineapple.They made a fire to get warm.注意:1、不定冠词 an 用在以元音(不是字母,而是发音)起首的名词或其他以元音起首

9、的词之前,不定冠词a 用在以辅音起首的名词或其他以辅音起首的词之前。2、u 和 h 有时在单词中发元音,有时却读作辅音或不发音。如:I have been waiting for an hour.He is an honest young fellow.A hammer is a useful fool.3、英语中有些字母,如 fhlmnsx。由于它前头第一个音是元音,所以在单独使用或作缩略词的第一个字母时,应使用“an”,如:There is an “n” in the word “no”.An MP means a member of parliament.第三课时第三课时冠冠词(二)词(

10、二)一、定冠词的用法第 2 页 共 40 页定冠词 the 有 this, that, these, those 等意思,用于单数或复数名词前。主要用来特指,使一个或几个事物区别于所有其他同名的事物。1、指前文已经提到过的人或事物。如:I wrote an article. The article was about physics.2、指说话人都知道的人或事物。如:Please close the door before you leave.Lets go to the classroom.3、名词有定语修饰时,须用定冠词the,表示特指意义。如:The book on the desk i

11、s his.The teacher who talked with you is her mother.4、用于世界上独一无二的事物前。如:the sunthe moonthe earththe skythe world5、用在序数词前面表示顺序。如:I live on the fourth floor.My mother is always the first one to come and the last one to leave.6、与其他词连用,构成固定词组。如:on the leftin the northin the front of7、在表示乐器名称的名词之前用定冠词。如:th

12、e pianothe violin8、用在形容词或副词的最高级前面。如:This was the most interesting voyage we had ever had.He is the tallest of us.9、用在形容词前面,表示复数意义的某一类人或事物。如:the richthe poorthe youngthe livingthe newthe rightthe truethe beautiful10、在表示江河、山脉、海湾、海峡、沙漠等专用名词之前加定冠词。如:the Changjiang Riverthe Nilethe Alpsthe Himalayas11、用在

13、年代、朝代、时代名词前。如:the Qin Dynastythe Ming Dynastyin the 50sthe spring period12、和表示姓氏名词的复数形式连用,表示某姓氏一家人或夫妇二人。如:the Listhe Martins二、不用冠词的情况1、除一些特殊情况外,专用名词以及抽象名词和物质名词前不加冠词。如:Man is mortal.Miss Smith came in power at last.2、当名词前已有 this, that, my, his, any, every, some, no, those, these 等词修饰时或有所有格修饰时,不必加冠词。如

14、:She is my sister.This article you had written is very wonderful.3、在交通工具、学科名称等名词前不加冠词。如:by planeby boatChinesePhysics4、在节日、假日、星期、月份、季节等名词前不加冠词。如:National DayMay DayAutumnJanuary5、在一日三餐、体育类等名词前不加冠词。如:He prefers milk and egg for breakfast.He preferred to play football and Id rather play tennis.6、在唯一的职

15、务、头衔的名词前不加冠词。如:He is elected manager of our company.People elected him president of that country last year.7、在报纸标题、图像说明、文章题目、标志、广告前不加冠词。如:Workers MindNotes on the Study of Hong Lou Meng8、在一些固定词组中不加冠词。如:at homeby mistakelearn by heartat firstat lastat onceby seaday and night第四课时第四课时代代词(一)词(一)一、概述代词是用

16、来代替名词或名词短语的词。代词的分类:第 3 页 共 40 页人称代词:表示“我”、“我们”、“你”“你们”、“他、她、它”、“他们”的词叫人称代词;物主代词:表示所有关系的代词,分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词;反身代词:表示动作反射到执行者本身或用来加强语气的代词;指示代词:表示能替代名词或替代形容词的词;不定代词:表示不指明替代任何特定名词的代词。疑问代词:表示替代人或物且含有疑问语气的代词。二、人称代词人数格主格宾格称第一人称单数Ime复数weus第二人称单数youyou复数youyou第三人称单数he, she, ithim, her,it复数theythem人称代词在句中可作主

17、语、宾语、表语。1、主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作宾语。She gave these books to you and me;You must look after them;2、当并列代词作主语时,I 放在最后。顺序为你,他,我You, he and I are going to spend the winter holidays in Beijing.三、物主代词物主代词包括形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种,有人称和数不清变化形式。人第一人称第二人称第三人称称类数别形容词性名词性单数mymine复数ourours单数youryours复数youryours单数his, her, its

18、his, hers,its复数theirtheirs形容词性物主代词只能作定语修饰名词,如:my watch;your books ;their names;名词性物主代词在句中可单独作用,可作主语、宾语和表语,后面不跟名词,英语中说:“我的一位朋友”,要用“a friend of mine”。有些结构中常用 the 替代物主代词He had a cold in the head.(the 意思是 his)My mother took me by the arm. (the 意思是 her)四、反身代词单数复数myselfourselvesyourselfyourselveshimself;

19、herself; itselfthemselves反身代词在句中可以加强语气,用作宾语和同位语。He himself has finished it .(作同位语)He has taught himself Russian for 5 years .(作宾语)I did it mysldf. (加强语气)某些固定结构:by oneself;fo oneself;among themselvesThey made the machine all by themselves.He cooked a meal for himself.第五课时第五课时代代词(二)词(二)一、指示代词指示代词有:thi

20、s; that; these; thosethis, these 表示“这”、“这些”,是“近指”。第 4 页 共 40 页that, those 表示“那”、“那些”,是“远指”。注意:在电话用语里面,用this 代替自己,that 代替对方。如:whos that?This is Tom speaking二、不定代词英语中有以下不定代词:all, each, every, both, either, neither, one, none, little(a little), few(a few),many, much,other, another, some, any, no还有由 som

21、e, any , no every构成的代词。1)both, allboth 是指“两者都”,而 all 则是指“三者或三者以上都”,如:Both of us are right.All of you are good at playing basketball.但 all 还可以组成固定短语 all day,all this,all the time 等2) either, neithereither 是指“两者之中任何一个“属于部分否定,而 neither 则是“两者之中一个也不“属全部否定Either of the books will do.Neither of the answers

22、 is right.而 either 还可出现在否定句子里,可与neither 进行句型转换。如:Tom hasnt been to America, Jim hasnt, either= Neither Tom nor Jim has been to America.而 neither (nor) 也可用于表示“也不”,构成“neither (nor) +助动词+主语”的句式。Kate isnt a worker, neither is Meimei.3) little, a little, few, a fewlittle, a little 修饰不可数名词; few , a few 修饰

23、可数名词;little, few 表示否定,“几乎没有”a little, a few 表示肯定,相当于 some, any.There is a little milk in the glass.There are few students in the classroom, theyre in the reading-room.4) every, eachevery, each都是强调每一个,every 作定语修饰名词。如:The bus comes every five minutes.Each of them may come at a different time.5) some ,

24、 any6) 由 some, any, no, every组成的不定代词something, someone, somebody, somewhere, anything, anyone, anybody, anywhere, nothing, none, nobody, nowhere,everything,everyone, everybody, everywhere.三、疑问代词疑问代词用来构成疑问句,一共有五个:who, whom, whose, what, which.第六课时一、基数词基数词表示数量onetwo数数词词a hundreda thousandeleventwelvet

25、wentythirtytwenty-onethirty-eight第 5 页 共 40 页threefourfivesixseveneightninetenthirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteenfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetyfifty-threea milliona billion注意:表示具体数目的 hundren, thousand, million 等均不用复数,百位数和十位数之间通常加连词and;十位数与个位数之间要加连字符。二、序数词firstsecondthirdfourt

26、hfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfththirteenthfourteenthfifteenthsixteenthseventeentheighteenthnineteenthtwentieththirtiethfortiethfiftiethsixtiethseventietheightiethninetiethhundredthtwenty-firstninety-nintya hundred and fifty-third序数词的缩写形式:由阿拉伯数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母。first-1stsecond - 2ndtent

27、h - 10th三、时间和年月日表示法1、时间均用基数词表示:1)顺读法,先说“点钟”,再说“分钟”,如: 2:15two fifteen6:20six twenty2)逆读法30 分钟以内:“分钟数+ past +钟点数”,如: 3:20 - twenty past three2:10 - ten past two半小时用 half,15 分钟用 a quarter :2:15 - a quarter past two3:30 - half past three30 分钟以外要用:“分钟数+ to + 下一个钟点”,如:4:35 - twenty-five to five2:55 - fiv

28、e to three2)年月日表示法年份读法;月日读法;年月日一起读法。四、分数的表示法当分数中表示分子的数只含个位数时一般采用“分子(用基数词) +分母(用序数词)”表示。 (分子大于 1 时,分母序数词用复数)如:one-third;two-thirds;three twenty-seconds五、数词与名词的搭配1)数词与名词连用时,它们的次序是“名词+基数词”Lesson 15;Room 1506 或者用“the + 序数词 + 名词”The Fifteenth Lessonthe third floor2)数词与小时的搭配two hours and a halfthree hours

29、half an hour第七课时第七课时形容词形容词一、概述形容词修饰名词,说明人或事物或特征。在句中可作定语、表语、宾语补足语。The beautiful girl is Toms sister. (充当定语)Three is nothing serious, is there?(充当定语,修饰不定代词的形容词及短语要放在不定代词之后)第 6 页 共 40 页The shoes in the shop were not very expensive.(作表语)The old are looked after well.(有些形容词和定冠词 the 连用时,表示一类人或物,其谓语动词用复数形式

30、)二、形容词比较级及最高级的形式1、绝大部分双音节形容词和单音节形容词的比较等级变化是规则变化。情况一般情况以 e 结尾的词以辅音字母+y 结尾以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾, 而且是重读闭音节变 化 形 式在词尾直接加-er ;-est在词尾加 r ; - st ;变 y 为 i,加- er; -est将该辅音字母双写,再加-er ; -est举例small - smaller - smallestlarge - larger - largesthappy- happier- happiestfat fatter fattestthin thinner thinnestbig bigger

31、 biggesthot hotter - hottest2、部分双音节和多音节形容词比较级和最高级变化形式在多音节形容词前加more 或 mostbeautiful more beautiful most beautifuluseful more useful most useful3、不规则形容词比较级和最高级形式:good, well better bestbad, ill worse worstmany, much more mostlittle less leastfar farther, further farthest, furthest三、形容词的比较等级的用法1、当 A=B 时

32、,则用 as(副)as(介,连),中间用形容词或副词的原级。 表示甲与乙在某方面一样Heis as tall as I (me)2、AB,则用 not as(so)as 表示甲与乙在某方面不一样。He is not so tall as I = He is shorter than I =Im taller than heThe boy isnt as careful as that one = This boy isnt as careful than that one3、比较级+than 形式This lesson is more difficult than that one.She i

33、s fatter than Kate4、the+最高级+(in of)短语Miss Zhou is one of the most popular in our class.He is the oldest of the threeof 常与名词复数或表示数量的词连用。表示“在之中”这一。in 常与表示范围或场所的名词连用“在范围之中”四、形容词比较级特殊用法1)more and more 比较级连用表示“越来越”In spring the weather gets warmer and warmer.He is getting busier and busier.2)The more the

34、 more 越就越The larger the bus is , the more people it can carry.The farther away an object is from us, the smaller it looks.3)比较级形式表达最高级:比较级+than any other+名词单数;比较级+than the other+名词复数He is clever than any other boy- He is the clevest of all the boys- He is clever than the other boys4、修饰比较级的副词有 much,

35、even , quite , a little, a lot等表示“得多”“甚至”,表示程度。第八课时第八课时副副词词一、概述副词是用来修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词,表示动作的特征、状态的特征或某种性质的程度。二、副词的分类时间副词、地点副词、方式副词、疑问副词及程度副词。1、时间副词:时间副词表达的内涵包括回答“什么时候”或“经常与否”第 7 页 共 40 页A: how, then, yesterday, last time, today, just now, later on, so far, ago;B: always, often, usually, sometimes, neve

36、r, hardly, ever;C: already, yet, late, early, soon, at once, at last, finally, at first, since;2、地点副词:表示地点或位置关系的副词。A: here, there, home, anywhere, everywhere;B: above, below, down, up, out, in, across, back, over, round, away, near;注:B 类中表示位置的副词有时也可作介词。如:come in, please- They live in the next room.3

37、、方式副词:badly, carefully ,politely, sadly, suddenly, happily. well, fast, high, hard.4、 程度副词:常见的有: much, a little, a bit, very, even, so, too, enough, quite, rather, completely, terribly, nearly,hardly, not at all。这些副词多用来修饰形容词、副词或动词以加强语气。5、 疑问副词:是用来引导一个特殊问句,有时用来引导时间状语从句或宾语从句。疑问副词有:how, when, where, wh

38、y, who6、部分副词的用法:1)too, either, also都是表示“也”。too 和 either 都用于句末,too 用于肯定句中,either 用于否定句及一般疑问句中,also 放在句子中,BE 动词前,实义动词后。2)so, neither 都可以用在倒装句的开头。so 接在肯定句后表示“也一样”,句式:so+助动词+主语;neither 接在一个否定句后面表示“也不,没.”句式:neither+助动词+主语I have read the book, so has he.Jim didnt win the game, neither did Tom.3)already, y

39、etalready 和 yet 通常用于现在完成时中,already 用于肯定句,yet 用于否定句和疑问句中。He has already finished his homework.Jim hasnt come back yet.7、副词的比较等级副词和形容词一样,也有比较级和最高级,其变化形式与形容词的比较比较级和最高级一样。第九课时第九课时介介词词一、知识概述介词是一种虚词,一般在句子中不重读,也不能单独充当句子成分,但与它的介词宾语一起构成介词短语,就可以在句子中作状语、定语和表语。介词又称前置词,一般位于名词或代词的前面,表示该词与句子其他成分的关系。在学习介词时,最重要的第 8

40、页 共 40 页是掌握介词的用法,动介词组的搭配,时间介词、方位介词、方向介词、位置介词、成语介词以及动向介词和静向介词的比较和区别。二、介词的定义及句法功能介词是一种虚词,在句中不单独作任何句子成分,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词语与其他句子成分的关系。 介词后的名词, 或相当于名词的其他词组、 短语或从句, 称为介词宾语。 介词和介词宾语一起构成介词短语。介词短语在句中主要用作定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。The boy over there is my brother.(作定语)A friend in need is a friend indeed.(作定语)I shall meet

41、you at the entrance of Qianmen Hotel.(作地点状语)To their surprise, they saw not locusts, but seagulls.(作原因状语)Ill be in the office every afternoon.(作表语)He isnt at home(作表语)The farmer made the king out of the water.(作宾语补足语)I found everything in good order(作宾语补足语)三、介词与其他词类的固定搭配。介词和动词、形容词、名词等常构成固定搭配。也就是说,在这

42、些词的后面,常常要求用一定的介词。1 1、形容词与介词的固定搭配形容词与介词的固定搭配有些形容词后面要求用固定的介词,这类介词常见的有:about, at, for, from, in, of, to, with(1)形容词+aboutcareful abouthopeful aboutsure aboutHe is careless about his clothes(2)形容词 +atgood atsurprised atangry at(3)形容词 + forfamous forready forsorry forIm terrible sorry for telling him the

43、 truth.(4)形容词 + fromdifferent fromsafe fromHe was absent from class this morning.My sister is different from me in many ways.(5)形容词 + ininterested insuccessful inHe is interested in making model ships.2 2、名词与介词的固定搭配、名词与介词的固定搭配(1)名词 + forHe made up an excuse for being late.Did you find the cause for

44、your failure?(2)名词 + inHe has some difficulty in translating the bookShe has made great progress in English.(3)名词 + ofShe found another way of solving the problemHe forms a bad habit of getting up late(4)名词 + onThere have been several attacks on foreigners recently.Have pity on me!(5)名词 + withI want

45、ed to have a talk with youHe is always getting into trouble with the police第十课时第十课时连连词词一、知识概述连词是一种虚词, 不能在句子中单独作句子成分, 也没有句子重音, 在句子中只起连接词与词、 短语与短语、句子与句子以及从句的作用。连词分为并列连词和从属连词两种。并列连词是连接彼此并列关系的词。从属连词是用来引导从句的词。第 9 页 共 40 页二、并列连词并列连词用来连接具有并列关系的词、短语或句子。并列连词按其作用可分为表示转折、因果、选择和联合关系等四大类。表示联合关系的连词,常见的有:and, not

46、onlybut also, as well as, bothand, neithernor.Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and American.They were very surprised and I knew that I had done the right thing.Work hard and youll pass the exam=If you work hard, youll pass the exam.While I was in the university, I learned bot

47、h English and Japanese.Both European and Asian speak RussiaYou cant speak both American English and British English at the same time.Neither Tom nor you are a driver.Neither I nor he has seen the play.Neither of us is a teacherYou dont like it, Neither do I .She is beautiful as well as clever.He is

48、a great writer as well as a famous doctor.三、从属连词从属连词是用来连接各种从句的词1、连接主语从句、表语从句与宾语从句的连词只有三个,即that, if, whether。如:Ask her if she will come with me.The reason is that she never wasted her time.I dont know whether he had passed the exam.2、引导状语从句的从属连词(1) 连接时间状语从句的从属连词有:since, until, after, before, when, wh

49、ile, as soon as, whenever.Ill tell you as soon as I know.(2) 连接地点状语从句的从属连词有: where, whereverSit wherever you like.I found my books where I had left them.(3) 连接让步状语从句的从属连词有:although, though, even if, however.Although she was tired, she kept on working.(4) 连接原因状语从句的从属连词有:as, because, since, now that,H

50、e was absent because he was ill.(5) 连接目的状语从句的从属连词有:that, so that, in order that.He raised his voice so that we could hear him.(6) 连接条件状语从句的从属连词有:if, unless, once, in case.Youll miss the train unless you hurry up.(7) 连接结果状语从句的从属连词有:sothat, suchthat.He came so late that he missed the class.(8) 连接比较状语从

51、句的从属连词有:asas, not soas, less(more)than, the theThis is more than I can accept.(9) 连接方式状语从句的从属连词有:as, as ifIt looks as if it was going to rain.第十一课时第十一课时动动词(一)词(一)第 10 页 共 40 页一、知识概述在英语中,每个句子必须有一个动词来担当谓语。说明主语“是什么”或“做什么”,动词是表示动作或状态的词。动词和名词、代词一样,有人称和数的变化。谓语动词的人称和数一般要与主语的人称和数保持一致。学好了英语动词相当于学好了一半的英语语法,可见

52、英语动词的重要性。在初中英语中,动词的分类、动词的时态和语态以及动词的各种形式之间的联系,非谓语动词的构成、用法等等贯穿整个初中课本,包括英语句型都离不开动词时态或语态,因此在学习时特别要注意英语中时态的运用和语态之间的区别。二、动词的分类及作用按照动词的词义和在句中的作用, 英语动词可分为行为动词 (又叫实义动词) 、 连系动词、 助动词和情态动词。1、行为动词 :表示动作或状态,能独立作谓语。如:She took pictures of trees.He is typing letters.行为动词又分为及物动词和不及物动词。(1)及物动词:及物动词后面必须跟宾语,意思才完整。I enjo

53、yed the film very much。I gave the child another piece of cake.常见的能带两个宾语的动词有:bring, build, buy, cook, cut, draw, find, get, hand, leave, lend, make, offer, pass, pay, read, return, sell, show, teach,tell, write, etc.(2)不及物动词:本身词义完整,后面不要求跟宾语。如:Horses run fast.They work in a factory.She curled up in be

54、d and began her book.2、连系动词(1) 本身有词义, 不能在句子中单独作谓语, 必须和表语一起构成谓语。 常见的连系动词有: be, look, get, feel,sound, turn, smell, taste, become.My father is an engineer.My brother has become a doctor.It seems that he was a millionaire.I dont feel very well today.(2)表示感觉知觉的动词可以是连系动词,如feel, touch, sound, smell.I can

55、smell the sea.The customs officer looked carefully at their suitcases.I feel a pain in the arm.She looked worried about it.3、动词与介词的固定搭配动词与介词的搭配主要指下列两种形式:(1)动词+宾语+介词The song always reminds me of my school days.Parents usually expect a lot of their children.I often take her for her sister.He hide ever

56、ything from me.The headmaster praised the boy for his courage.They supplied people with enough food and drink.They presented us with a lot of flowers.The man was charged with mueder.(2)动词+反身代词+介词dress oneself in;prepare oneself forgive oneself topride oneself onHe gives himself to pop music.She alwa

57、ys dresses herself in white.第十二课时第十二课时动动词(二)词(二)一、动词的形式大多数动词有四种基本形式:1、现在式;2、过去式;3、过去分词;4、现在分词;现在式是字典中所给的形式,也可称为动词原形。按照动词各种形式的构成方法,动词可分为规则动词和不规则动词两类。1、第三人称单数形式;加-s 的规则动词一般现在时单数第三人称形式的构成和名词复数的构成法及读音完全一样。第 11 页 共 40 页情况一般情况以 s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾的名词以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词加-s变化形式加-es变 y 为 i, 加 es例词helpsmakesgetsguesses

58、fixesgoeswashesfliescriestriesstudies2、动词的过去式和过去分词:构成动词-ed 形式的规则。(1)规则变化的过去式和过去分词的构成是一样的。都加-ed。构成规则一般在动词原形末尾加 ed结尾是 e 的动词加 d以辅音字母加 y 的动词,改 y 为 i加 ed重读闭音节的,又写最后一个辅音字母,再加 ed动词原形lookplaylivehopestudycarrystopdropfit变化后lookedplayedlivedhopedstudiedcarriedstoppeddroppedfitted(2)不规则动词的过去式及过去分词的形式是不规则的,可以查

59、不规则动词变化形式表。 有些动词的三种形式一样。如:bet ;burst;cast;cost;cut;hit;hurt;let;read;shut;spread 下面是一些易误用的不规则动词bear, bore, bornbite, bit, bittenblow, blew, blowndraw, drew, drawndrink, drank, drunk eat, ate, eatenfly, flew, flownhide, hid, hiddenlend, lent, lentmean, meant, meantride, rode, riddenrise, rose, risens

60、hake, shook, shakenswim, swam, swumtear, tore, tornthrow, threw, thrownwear, wore, worn3、英语动词的现在分词,一般在动词末尾加-ing。规则一般情况以不发音的 e 结尾的以重读闭音节结尾的以 ie 结尾的加 ing去 e,再加 ing双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing先将 ie 变为 y,再加 ing变化形式例词goingaskingwritingclosinggettingbeginningdyinglying tying第十三课时第十三课时动动词(三)词(三)一、助动词助动词本身没有词义,不能单独作谓语,

61、只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示否定、疑问、时态、语态等语法形式,或用来加强语气。常用的助动词有:be, do, have, shall, will等。它们的具体用法如下:(1)助动词 beA. 可用于构成进行时态She is doing her homework now.I asked him what he had been doing all afternoon.第 12 页 共 40 页B. 可用于构成被动语态The baby was put in bed by his mother.The invitation was received yesterday.C. 可与动词不定式构

62、成谓语These books are not to be taken out of the room.She is to arrive at six this morning.(2)助动词 haveA. 构成完成时态I have not seen him for three years.How long has your uncle taught in the village?He had lived in Scotland for fifteen years before he came to England.B. 和动词不定式构成谓语,表示因客观环境促使不得不做的事情She had to

63、go shopping yesterday.(3)助动词 doA. 构成疑问句和否定句Did anyone sharpen this knife?I dont think you are right.B用来加强语气I do want to have a talk with youDo come and see me.C用来代替动词词组Have you finished your work?Yes, I did yesterday.He plays basketball well. So does his brother.(4)助动词 shall构成将来时态,单纯表示未来情况I shall no

64、t be back tonight.We shall pay a visit to the Banpo ruins next month.(5)助动词 will构成将来时,用于第一、二、三人称。如:They will move to a new house.She will not eat any solid food.注意:(1)have to 与 must 的区别must 是情态动词,意思是“必须”、“应该”、“一定要”,后接动词原形。Must 的否定形式为 mustnt.构成疑问句时,肯定回答一般用 must。否定回答用 neednt 或 dont have to 表示“不必”。如:Mu

65、st I do it now ?Yes, you mustNo, you neednt.have to 表示“不得不,必须”,可用于多种时态。I missed the train, so I had to take a taxi.Im sorry I wont go with you, Ill have to go to the bank.We dont have to install this new television set.(2)used to 表示过去常常,而现在不再有的习惯。 其否定形式为: used not to, usednt (usent) to , didnt use t

66、o.I used to go to work by bus. Now I go by car.I used to collect stamps when I was a boy.Used they to have a lot more free time ?第十四课时第十四课时动动词(四)词(四)情态动词(1)情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或表示主观设想。情态动词有自己的词义,但不能单独作谓语动词,必须和不带 to 的动词不定式连用,没有人称和数的变化,常用的情态动词有 can, may, must, will, shall,should, would, need, dare. 情

67、态动词有自己的词义,表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或主观设想。如:You may go now.This bus can seat 40 people.The work must be finished as soon as possible. 情态动词不能单独作谓语,必须和不带to 的不定式连用,没有人称和数的变化。第 13 页 共 40 页 情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式。(2)情态动词的用法。 may 的用法a. 表示允许或征询对方的许可,有“可以”的意思。May not 表示说话人“不许可”,如:You may go now.May I use you typewrite?You

68、 may not go=I do not permit you to go.b. 在回答 may 引导的疑问句时,肯定回答用 yes, you may 否定用 No, you mustnt. No, you cant 或 No, you hadbetter not. can 的用法a表示能力,有“能、会、能够”的意思。b. 表示允许,在口语中代替may,有“可以的意思。c. 表示“可能性”,常用于否定句或疑问句。The hall can hold at least 200 people.The librarian said we could take these books.Today is

69、Sunday, he cant be at school today.d. can 和 be able to 的用法比较can 用来表达能力时,由于只有现在时和过去时两种形式,其他时态要用be able to 来表达。如:I can play piano.He has not been able to finish the work in time. must 的用法a. must 表示必须,应该。如:Must I come to the party?The article must be completed before Friday.b. must 的否定形式 mustnt, 表示“不应该

70、、不可以、禁止”。如:You mustnt get to school too late.-Must I do it now? -Yes, you must.-No, you neednt.She must have gone to Beijing.You must say sorry to me for thatYou mustnt clean only own room. need 的用法a. need 作为情态动词主要用于否定句和疑问句,较少用于肯定句。如:I neednt wear a coat. = I dont think I need wear a coat.I dont nee

71、d things like that. shall用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人的意愿。如:He shall get his money.You shall do exactly as you wish.Shall I turn on the light?Shall I poen the window? would 的用法表示愿望、决心、建议或看法,如:I would like to go there.I promised that I would do my best.表示过去的习惯.He would often come to my house to see me.第十五课时第十五课时动词

72、的时态(一)动词的时态(一)教学重点一般现在时在英语中,不同时间里以不同方式发生的动作或存在的状态,要用不同的动词形式来表示,动词的这种不同形式称为动词的时态。时态从时间上划分,可分为四大类:现在时;过去时;将来时;过去将来时。从行为上,每一类可以分为四种形式:一般式;进行式;完成式;完成进行式。这样英语的动词合起来,总共有十六种时态,初中只需掌握其中的八种时态。第 14 页 共 40 页1、一般现在时(1)一般现在时表示现在的状态、习惯性的动作或主语所具备的性格和能力等。 当动词是 be 时,第一人称用 am,第二人称用 is,其他人称用 are. 当动词是实义动词时,一般用动词原形,但如果

73、主语是第三人称单数时,动词必须用第三人称单数形式,其变化规则如下:变化规则一般在动词词尾加-s,以 s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾的动词加-es以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,变 y 为 i,再加-es例词makesdrivesguessesgoescarriesflies助动词 do(第三人称单数用 does)构成否定句、疑问句及答语,但要注意助动词后原来的谓语动词要恢复原形。例如:I like music.I dont like music.Do you like music?Yes, I doNo, I dont(2)一般现在时的用法 表示经常、习惯性动作,常和often, usuall

74、y, every day, sometimes, always等时间状语连用。如:He goes to school by bus every day.They often play football 表示能力、职业、特征。如:Miss Gao teaches English.Do you speak Japanese? 表示客观存在。如:The earth moves round the sun.Time and tide wait for no man. 表示已经安排好或计划好的事。如The plane takes off at 7:30.Classes begin at 8:00 在时间

75、状语和条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。如:If I see him, Ill tell him to give you a call.Well wait until he comes back.注意:a. 一般现在时的一些常见的时间状语有:always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, ever, never, every day, nowand then, from time to timeb. 现在进行时有时用来代替一般现在时, 表示一个经常性的重复的动作或状态。 这时句中常带 always, forever以表示说话人的某种感情,

76、如赞叹、厌烦等。如:He is always thinking of others.He is always talking big.第十六课时第十六课时动词的时态(二)动词的时态(二)教学重点一般过去时一般过去时(1)一般过去时表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。 当动词为 be 动词时,应该用相应的过去式:am is - wasare - were否定形式为:was not - wasntwere not - werent疑问句是将 was, were 置于主语之前。第 15 页 共 40 页I was in Grade Three last term.I wasnt in Grad

77、e Two last term.Which grade were you in? 当动词为实义动词时,用动词的过去式,过去式的变化有规则和不规则变化。规则变化如下:变化规则一般情况在词尾加-ed以-e 结尾的在词尾加-d以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,变 y 为 i 再加-ed重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母的,双写此辅音字母再加-ed例词workedusedlivedstudiedcarriedstoppedfitted动词过去式的不规则变化需要逐个记忆。见初三教材后的不规则动词变化形式表。go - wentbegin - begansleep - sleptrun - ranI heard the

78、 good news just now.The twins didnt go to school last weekDid you see the film yesterday ?(2)一般过去时的用法 表示过去某一时间或一段时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的状语连用: yesterday, last week, aminute ago, in 1998, just now, in those days等。例如:They had a baby last month.My mother was ill yesterday.He went out just now. 用于 since 引导

79、的从句,主句的谓语动词如果用现在完成时,since 引导的从句一般要用一般过去时。如:He has worked in the factory since it opened in 1990.You havent changed much since we last met.注意:a. 表示过去的时间状语常见的有:yesterday, last night(week, year, month, Sunday), then, at that time, just now, afew days(weeks, months) ago.以及由 after, before, when, while引导的

80、的表示过去的时间状语。b. 一般过去时可以用来表示现在的时间, 这主要用于日常会话,使用的语气较为婉转客气。如:I wanted to ask if I could borrow your bike.第十七课时第十七课时动词的时态(三)动词的时态(三)教学重点一般将来时过去将来时一般将来时(1) 一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 常与表示将来的时间状语连用: tomorrow, next week, nextmonth, in a few days, from now on。如Im going to visit the museum this Sunday.Ill be there

81、in half an hour.Well arrive tomorrow.(2)一般将来时的构成 be going to + 动词原形。Be 随主语人称和数的变化而变化, 否定句在 be 后面加 not, 疑问句是将 be 放到主第 16 页 共 40 页语之后。例如:Its going to be fine tomorrow.He isnt going to speak at the meeting.What are you going to do next? will +动词原形。Will可以和各种人称及数的主语连用。否定句在will 后加 not,缩写成 wont,疑问句需将will 提

82、至主语之前。例如:We will have a basketball match next week.Will you come to the party?I sont lend it to you. shall + 动词原形。此结构常用于主语为第人称I / we 的句中,疑问句表示提建议或征求意见。如:When and where shall we meet ?Shall I turn on the TV ?(3) 一般将来时的基本用法。 “be going to +动词原形”表示“意图”,即打算、计划要做某事。如:Are you going to post the letter ?How

83、long is he going to stay here ? “be going to + 动词原形”还可以表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明将要发生的事。如:There are a lot of clouds. Its going to rain.Its 7:50. Im going to be late. “will + 动词原形”表示客观上要发生的事或表示“带意愿色彩的将来”。如:He will help you if you ask him.They will come back tomorrow.过去将来时过去将来时表示在过去将来的某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常用于宾语从句中。其

84、结构与一般将来时类似,只需将助动词改为过去式。am/ is/ are going to + 动词原形was/ were going to + 动词原形will + 动词原形 would + 动词原形should + 动词原形 should + 动词原形例如:You knew I would come.He asked me when he would see me again.Jim said he was going to see his friend the next day.第十八课时第十八课时动词的时态(四)动词的时态(四)教学重点现在进行时过去进行时1、现在进行时(1)现在进行时表示

85、现在或现阶段正在发生或进行的动作。它是由“be + 动词的现在分词”构成。其否定句是在 be 之后加 not。疑问句则将 be 提到主语之前。(2)现在分词的构成变化规则一般情况直接加-ing例词dodoinghelp - helping第 17 页 共 40 页以不发音的 e 结尾的,去-e 加-ingtake-takinghave - having重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母的,stop - stoppingset - setting双写此辅音字母再加-ingbegin-beginningdrop-dropping(3)现在进行时的用法。 表示说话时正在进行的动作。如:What are

86、you doing ?Who are you waiting for ?Im cooking 表示现阶段一直在进行的动作,但说话时不一定在进行。如:He is working in a factory.She is translating look now. 表示不断重复的动作。如:The boy is always asking some strange questions.The children are singing and dancing. 表示位置移动的动词,可以用现在进行时表示将要发生的事。如go, come, leave, fly, start等。如:When are you

87、starting ?Im leaving tomorrow.2、过去进行时过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。过去进行时常和表示过去的时间状语连用。 如:this time yesterday, at that time, then, last night, at 9:00 yesterday,all night 等。其构成和现在进行时类似,只需将be 变为相应的过去式:was/ were + 动词-ing。如:What were you doing this time yesterday ?When I was watering the garden, it began to rain

88、.I was watching TV.I was writing while my mother was cooking.教学难点: 过去进行时表示一个过去的动作发生时或发生之后,另一个过去的动作正在进行。过去进行时也可用来表示过去一段时间内持续发生的动作。如:When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.当我在花园浇水时,突然下雨了。While we were having a party, the lights went out. 过去进行时还可以表示两个过去的动作同时进行,这时可用连接词while 引导。如:George was rea

89、ding while his wife was listening to the radio. “was going + 不定式”表示过去打算。如He was going to be our team leader. 他原打算当我们的领队。 过去进行时与一般过去的区别过去进行时表示在过去一段时间正在进行的动作,而一般过去时表示一个完成的动作。如:I was typing letters last night.I typed some letters last night.第十九课时第十九课时动词的时态(五)动词的时态(五)教学重点现在完成时(一)现在完成时(1)现在完成时表示某个动作发生在过去

90、,但对现在有影响(或结果) ,这个动作或状态可能已经结束,也可能还要持续下去。其构成形式是: have/ has + 动词过去分词否定句在 have/ has 后加 nothavent/ hasnt疑问句要将 have/ has 放到主语之前。第 18 页 共 40 页(2)现在完成时的用法。 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果。常用的时间状语有:already, yet, ever, never, just等。如:I have already finished the work.Have you ever been to Beijing?He has never seen such a

91、 nice car. 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。往往和表示一段时间的状语连用。如:for + 时间段;since + 时间点(表时间段) ;时间段+ago;一般过去时态。如:I have taught in this school for ten years.I have taught in this school since ten years ago. for 和 since 引导的短语都表示“一段时间”,所以谓语动词应该用延续性动词,不能用非延续性动词。延续性动词表示该动词可以延续一段时间,如:live, work, study, teach, stay 等,非延续性动词

92、是指该动词所表示的动作不能持续,是短暂的、瞬间完成的,如:borrow, come, arrive, get, leave, die等。许多非延续性动词可以用意思相同或相近的延续性动词来表示:leave - be away fromarrive - be ingo - be awaycome - be in / atfinish - be overbuy - haveborrow - keepdie - be deadjoin - be in/be a member ofbegin - be on如:He has goneHe has been away for an hourI have b

93、ought a watchI have had the watch for several days have/ has been to 和 have/ has gone tohave/ has been to :曾去过have/ has gone to :已去,去了(不在说话现场,在途中或已经到达)My mother has been to America. 我妈妈曾经去过美国My mother has gone to America. 我妈妈已经去了美国(3)现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较一般过去时只单纯表示过去,和现在不发生联系,它可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用。而现在完成时表示某

94、一完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果, 强调的是现在的情况, 所以不能和确定的过去的时间状语连用。如:We have visited the farm(现在对农场有所了解)We visited the farm last week(说明上周参观农场这件事) 如果询问某事发生的时间、地点只能用一般过去时。如:When did you lose your cat ?I lost it last night.I found it in the garden.第二十课时第二十课时动词的时态(六)动词的时态(六)教学重点现在完成时(二)过去完成时现在完成时难点: 由 since 引导的时间状语,它们的主句

95、通常使用完成时态。He has taught English since 1970.It has been a long time since I last saw you. 只有在 It is since这种结构中,主句的谓语才可用一般现在时,现在完成时或一般过去时。如:Its ten years since I left school.Its a long time since I saw you last. 表示短暂性的动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,这类动词有:begin,borrow,buy,close,come,die,fall,find,finish,第 19 页 共 40 页

96、join,kill,lend,leave,sell,start,stop 等,如:不能说:His father has died for three years.只能说:His father died three years ago.不能说:He has left home for two months.只能说:He left home two months ago. 非延续性动词的否定形式可以表示状态的延续。可与for, since时间状语连用。如:I havent seen him for a long time.I havent heard from him since he left.

97、She hasnt left home ever since she lost her job. have(has) been 和 have (has) gone 的区别。Have been to a place 意思是“到过、去过”,表示曾到过某处,但现在人不在那儿;have gone to 意思是“去了”,表示已经去了某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿。如:Has she ever been to Nanjing ?You have never been there before, have you?I have been to Guilin, I went there last yea

98、r.总之,have been to 讲的是过去的情况,强调去过或没有,着重于到目前为止的一个结果,而have gone to 指现在人在不在,只用于第三人称,不用于第一、第二人称,不能用来代替have been to.2、过去完成时(1)过去完成时表示在过去某一时间之前已经发生的动作或存在的状态。其结构是:had + 动词过去分词。否定、疑问句同现在完成时一样。(2)用法 表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即“过去的过去”。如:The meeting had begun when we got there.He said he had seen the film. 表示某一动作

99、在过去某一时间已经开始, 一直延续到过去的另一时间, 常与 for 或 since 引导的时间状语连用。如:The film had been on for tem minutes when we got there.She said that she had made much progress since she came here.第二十一课时第二十一课时动词时态的一致动词时态的一致教学重点时态的一致时态的一致主要是指在主从复合句中, 主句与从句之间的时态一致通常主句的时态决定从句的时态。 原则是:当主句是现在时与将来时,从句的谓语根据具体情况可以使用任何时态。但是,当主句谓语使用过去时

100、,从句必须使用过去时态。如下表:主句谓语从句谓语第 20 页 共 40 页含义现在进行时;一般现在时一般现在时一般将来时;will,can,may+动词一般过去时现在完成时一般过去时过去进行时;一般过去时would,could,might + 动词过去完成时主、从句的动作同时发生表示从句的动作在主句的动作之后发生表示从句的动作在主句的动作之前发生表示从句的动作在主句的动作之前发生表示主、从句的动作同时发生表示从句的动作在主句之后发生表示从句的动作在主句动作之前发生教学难点1、宾语从句和间接引语与主句的时态一致,符合上述原则。但如果宾语从句表示客观事实和真理,即使主句谓语用过去时,从句的谓语也应

101、该使用一般现在时:如:Our teacher told us a little knowledge is dangerous我们老师告诉我们一知半解是危险的。He said that light travels faster than sound.他说光传播速度比声音快。2、 有些形容词后可以跟从句, 这种从句常看成宾语从句, 它的主、 从句时态也符合上述原则。 这些形容词有:afraid, glad, sure, sorry, certain, aware, confident, delighted, lucky, surprised, worried 。如:Im sure that he

102、will succeed.3、主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句也要与主句的时态一致。如:That is why he was late for school.例题:1. Miss Gao isnt here. She _ to the station to meet Mr Brown.A. wentB. has goneC. has beenD. would go2. _ a letter from him since he left.A. havent gotB. didnt receiveC. didnt haveD. havent feel3. When I came in, they_

103、games in the room.A. were playingB. are playingC. playedD. plays4. Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes.A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. began第二十二课时第二十二课时被动语态(一)被动语态(一)被动语态在英语中, 须通过动词的某种形式来表明句子的主语是动作的执行者还是动作的承受者, 前一种句子是主动句,后一种是被动句。英语的动词有两种语态形式,即主动语态和被动语态。如果主语是动作是执行者,谓语动词用主动语态。如果主语是动作的对象,谓语动词

104、用被动语态。如:They build this school.They school is built by them.1、被动语态的构成“助动词 +(及物动词的)过去分词”构成动词被动语态的形式。助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与 be 作为系动词的变化完全一样。如:This kind of TV set is made in Guangzhou.(一般现在时)第 21 页 共 40 页The thief was arrested.(一般过去时)A new road is being built outside my house.(现在进行时)The man was being

105、 questioned by the police.(过去进行时)Your wallet has been found.(现在完成时)By the time we got there. The work had been finished.(过去完成时)My sister would be taken care of by grandma.(过去将来时)Your watch will be repaired.(一般将来时)教学难点:在英语里,有一些动词是不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语,所以没有被动语态。以下动词只有主动语态,没有被动语态。appear, die, happen, fall, arr

106、ive.2、五种时态的被动语态举例 一般现在时A lot of books are kept in our school library.Radio is used in everyday life. 一般过去时A thief was caught last night.They were asked to speak at the meeting. 现在进行时A new library is being put up in their school now.The watch is being repaired. 一般将来时The class meeting will be held nex

107、t Saturday afternoon.The thieves will be arrested. 现在完成时My bag has been stolen.Many stamps have been collected by me since last year.3、主动语态变被动语态 主动结构的宾语变为被动结构的主语。 主动结构的谓语动词由主动语态变为被动语态。 主动结构的主语变为介词 by 的宾语,组成介词短语,放在被动结构中谓语动词之后。在动作的执行者无须说明或不必强调时,by 短语可以省略。 主动语态、被动语态两种时态要保持一致。如:We repaired the motor.The

108、 motor was repaired by us.第二十三课时第二十三课时被动语态(二)被动语态(二)教学重点被动语态(二)几种不同形式的被动语态(1)含有直接宾语和间接宾语的主动结构,变为被动结构时,可以将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动,一般是主动结构的间接宾语变为被动结构的主语,这样句子显得自然一些。如:He showed me his pictures.I was shown his pictures by him.I was sent a birthday present (by him).A birthday present was sent to me (by him).(2)

109、含有复合宾语的主动句变为被动句的方法。 将宾语变为主语,宾语补足语保留不动。如:第 22 页 共 40 页They call her little Li.She is called little Li.He left the door open.The door was left open by him. make, let, hear, watch, see, feel, have, notice, help等动词后面作宾语补足语的不定式一般不带to, 可是当变为被动语态时,后面的不定式必须带to。如:My brother often made me do this and that whe

110、n I was young.I was often made to do this and that by my brother when I was young. 含有情态动词的被动语态,是由“情态动词 + be +(及物动词的)过去分词”构成。如:They can not find him.He can not be found. 短语动词的被动语态一般说来,只有及物动词才有被动语态,因为只有及物动词才可能有动作的承受者。但有许多由不及物动词加介词及其他词类构成的短语动词,相当于及物动词,可以有宾语,因而也可以有被动语态。但应注意,短语动词是一个不可分割的整体,在变为被动语态时,不可丢掉构

111、成短语动词的介词或副词。如:They had put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived.The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived.They will set up a new public school here.A new public school will be set up here.You must take good care of these trees.These trees must be taken good care of.被动语态的基本用法

112、不知道谁是动作的执行者或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时。如:Paper is made from wood.The house is quite old, it was built in 1950.He was wounded in the fight. 需要强调动作的承受者时。如:Calculator cant be used in the maths exam.Books and newspapers in the reading room mustnt be taken away.He was awarded first prize in that contest. 为使语气婉转,避免

113、提及自己或对方而使用被动语态,或由于修辞的需要使用被动语态使句子得以更好安排。如:The construction of the new lab must be completed by the end of next month.Electricity is used to run machines.第二十四课时第二十四课时非谓语动词(一)非谓语动词(一)动词不定式在英语中,不充当句子谓语的动词,叫作非谓语动词。由于非谓语动词不受主语的限制,没有时态和语态,所以又叫非限定动词。非限定动词有三种形式:动词不定式;动名词和分词。1、动词不定式(1)动词不定式的构成和性质动词不定式是一种非谓语动词

114、,所谓非谓语动词就是不能作谓语的动词。正因为如此,它不受主语的人称和数的限制,没有人称和数的变化,但它具有动词的某些特征,可以带宾语和状语构成不定式短语。其构成是: “to +动词原形”,否定式是“not to +动词原形”。to 是不定式符号,无词义。(2)动词不定式的用法动词不定式除了不能作谓语外,可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。 作主语To learn English well is not easy.To drive fast is quite dangerous.第 23 页 共 40 页不定式作主语时常常用 it 作形式主语,不定式放在谓语之后以上两个例句可以写成:

115、It is not easy to learn English well.It is quite dangerous to drive fast.这种用法可以归纳成这样一个句型:It is (not) + 形容词 + (for sb.) to do sth.It is very expensive for me to buy a car.It is very difficult for a child to do that job.有些形容词之后跟 of + 名词(代词宾语)+不定式。如:It is very kind of you to say so.It is very good of y

116、ou to come. 作表语。如:My job is to teach English.The first thing is to ring him up. 作宾语。如:She wanted to ask you a question.He forgot to turn off the light.We decided to hold a class meeting.常见的可以用不定式作宾语的动词有: like, love, begin, start, try, ask, prefer, hate, find等,有些形容词可接不定式,这种不定式也可作宾语。如:Im very glad to

117、see youHes sure to come. 作宾语补足语不定式是用来补充说明宾语的, 通常不定式的动作是宾语发出的。 可以带不定式作宾补的动词有: ask sb. To dosth.want sb. To do sth.tell sb. To do sth.like sb. To do sth.help sb. (to) do sth., 还有些动词可以跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语。如:hear, watch, see, feel, make, let, have等。如:I often help my mother do housework.The policeman asked th

118、e driver to stop.The teacher asked us not to talk in class.I want you to buy some bananas for me.We saw him play football.We felt the house shake. 作定语:常常放在所修饰的名词、代词之后,如:I have a lot of of work to do.He wants something to drink. 作状语。如:He went to the station to meet his friend.(表目的)She has gone to the

119、 market to buy some vegetables.(表目的)Im so glad to hear that you have passed the exam.(表原因)The boy is too young to go to school.(表结果)(3)疑问词加动词不定式疑问代词 when, who, which 和疑问副词 when, where, why, how 等加动词不定式,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等成分。如:Im dont know how to use the computer.(作宾语)We cant decide which one to buy. (作宾语

120、)The question is how to get there.(作表语)When to start has not been decided.(作主语)第二十五课时第二十五课时非谓语动词(二)非谓语动词(二)教学重点动名词动名词具有名词的特性,它在句子里主要起到主语、宾语和介词宾语的作用。(1)动名词作主语一般情况下表示一种抽象、 泛指的动作, 而不是一次性的具体的动作。 动名词作主语时, 常采用形式主语 it。Swimming in this river is dangerous.It is dangerous swimming in this river.(2)动名词作宾语英语中有些

121、动词只能接动名词作宾语,不能接不定式,这些动词有:admit(承认)avoid(避开)cant help(禁不住)consider(考虑)deny(否认)enjoy(喜欢)excuse(原谅)finish(完成)mind(介意)第 24 页 共 40 页practise(练习)miss(错过)suggest(建议)I cant help laughing.I enjoyed reading this novel.教学难点动名词与不定式作直接宾语的比较动名词与不定式作直接宾语的比较 remember doing sth. 表示“记午过去做过的一件事”。remember to do sth. 表示

122、“记得要去做某事”。I remember seeing the man before. forget doing sth.表示“忘记曾做过某事”。forget to do sth.表示“忘记去做某事”。如I forgot to turn off the lights when I left the room regret doing sth.表示“对过去做过的一件事情后悔”。regret to do sth.表示“对还没做,或正在做的事情感到后悔、抱歉”。如:I regret telling you the bad news.I regret to say Im unable to help

123、you. stop doing sth. 表示“停止正在做的事情”。stop to do sth.表示“停下来,去做另一件事情”。如:We stopped to see what happened.Lets stop talking about it. try doing sth.表示“尝试着做某事”。try to do sth.表示“设法做某事”。如:Ill try doing it in a new way.I once tried to learn Japanese. mean doing sth表示“意味着,意思是”mean to do sth.表示“打算,想要做某事”。如:Givin

124、g up the job means missing a good opportunity.放弃这份工作意味着错过了一个好机会。I mean to help him with it. prefer to do sth rather than do sthprefer doing sth. to doing sth.表示“喜欢做这件事而不喜欢做那件事”。如:I prefer working to staying at home.This pair of shoes needs repairing.The walls of the room want whitewashing.第二十六课时第二十六

125、课时句子的类型(一)句子的类型(一)教学重点句子的类型:陈述句陈述句(包括肯定的或否定的)用来叙述一项事实。陈述句的结构分为肯定结构和否定结构两种。1、陈述句的肯定结构(1)主语与谓语的一致,句子中的谓语动词和主语在人称和数上必须一致。如:I was having dinner when he came in.He is now working at a bank.谓语只跟主语的中心词保持一致,修饰词不影响主语的数:The quality of this kind of bike is poor.There be 结构和其他倒装句中, 谓语通常放在主语的前面, 这时谓语是单数还是复数, 要依后

126、面的主语而定,如:There is no milk in the bottle.第 25 页 共 40 页There are no students iin the classroom.“one of ”结构作主语,谓语应该用单数。如:One of the students is absent.Making things is a good activity.What hurt her most is his words.由 and 连接两个或两个以上的名词, 由“bothand”连接的两个成分作主语, 其谓语动词通常用复数形式,如:Susan and Sally like pop music

127、.The worker and the peasant are going to give us a talk.单数名词后面有下面词语修饰时,主语不受这些词或词组的影响with.likeas well astogether withHe, as well as his classmates, likes popular songs.Mr Li, together with his wife and two songs, is on holiday these days.由连词“eitheror”,“neithernor”,“not onlybut also”,also, nor, or 连接两

128、个名词或代词,谓语动词的形式应与最近的主语保持一致Neither I nor my brother is good at maths.Either you or Im wrong.注意:表示数量、时间、距离、金钱等的复数名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。用于数学运算的数字作主语,谓语通常也用单数形式。如:Ten pounds is enough.Two hours is a long time.2、陈述句的否定形式(1)带有系动词、助动词、情态动词的肯定句,只要把not, never 加在这些动词后面,就能把肯定句变为否定,no 通常否定名词或动名词Im not a doctor.I ha

129、vent got a camera.I have never met him before.(2)若谓语是行为动词,前面又没有助动词和情态动词,只要在谓语动词之前加助动词do( does, did ) not 就行。I didnt go to the concert yesterday.He doesnt speak English(3)no 修饰复数名词作主语,谓语动词要用复数。如果 no 修饰单数名词作主语,谓语动词要用单数。如:No men are admittedNo man is admitted.(4)表示部分否定的词有:not all, not everything, not e

130、verybody, not everywhere, not both, not always.Not everybody enjoys fishing.Not everything goes well.第二十七课时第二十七课时句子的类型(二)句子的类型(二)句子的类型:疑问句疑问句是用来提出疑问的句子,疑问句末尾用问号“?”。疑问句一般分为:一般疑问句;特殊疑问句;选择疑问句和反意疑问句。1 1、一般疑问句、一般疑问句(1) 含有系动词、 助动词、 情态动词的陈述句改为疑问句: 要把这些动词提到主语的前面, 句末用问号。Areyou a policeman?Must I go now?(2)

131、如果谓语是行为动词,它前面又没有任何助动词、情态动词,这时就要用助动词do ( does, did )来构成疑问句。Does he often write to you ?Did you enjoy yourself last Sunday?2 2、特殊疑问句、特殊疑问句(1) 特殊疑问句由“疑问词+一般疑问句”构成,其中一般疑问句又采取倒装或部分倒装的形式。(2) 特殊疑问句的疑问词通常分为疑问代词和疑问副词两种。3 3、选择疑问句、选择疑问句它的结构是“一般疑问句 + or + 一般疑问句“,回答这类问题时要选择其中一种具体进行回答。第 26 页 共 40 页Is her brother

132、a doctor or a teacher?Her brother a doctor.4 4、反意疑问句、反意疑问句反意疑问句由一个陈述句和一个简略形式的疑问句构成,中间用逗号隔开。通常有两种形式:陈述句谓语用肯定形式 + 疑问句谓语用否定形式;He is stupid, isnt he?陈述句谓语用否定形式 + 疑问句谓语用肯定形式;He doesnt like sports, does he?(5) 如果陈述部分是主从复合句,那么疑问部分的谓语应该跟主语的谓语所用形式一样。You never told us you are the headmaster, did you?注意: used

133、to 用在句中时,也可用 usent 或 usednt 来引起反意疑问句。He used to swim in winter, didnt he? =He used to swim in winter, usent he? 当陈述句中的主语为 everybody, everyone, anyone, nobody, none, no one时,疑问部分通常要用they 来代替。Everybody admires him, dont they? 如果陈述句部分已经用了表示否定意义的词,如never, nothing, hardly,那么疑问部分应该使用肯定形式。He never speaks l

134、oudly, does he? 当陈述句部分的主语为everything, nothing, anything, something时,疑问部分的主语要用it.Something is wrong with the machine, isnt it?Everything is in good order, isnt it? 祈使句的反意疑问句部分要用shall, will。Lets表示第一人称的祈使句,所以反意疑问句为“shall we?”, let me 和 let us 表示第二人称的祈使句,反意疑问句为“will you?”,其他行为动词引起的祈使句, 反意疑问句都为“will you?

135、”。祈使句的反意疑问句通常只有肯定形式。Lets go for a walk, shall we?Lets stop for a rest, will you? 感叹句的反意疑问句要用“be”的现在时,对人的感叹,用“he”“you”等,对事物的感叹,用“it”,而且疑问部分必须用否定式。What a clever boy, isnt he?What a wonderful lecture, isnt it?第二十八课时第二十八课时句子的类型(三)句子的类型(三)句子的类型:祈使句感叹句祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等等,谓语动词一律用原形。句中通常不用主语,句末用惊叹号或者句号。1、肯定的祈使句

136、(1) 句型:动词原形(省略主语) 。如:Look at these holes!Please keep the classroom quiet.(2) 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。Do be quiet.Do study hard.(3) 祈使句中如果有呼语,一定要用逗号“,”隔开。放在句首或句尾。Come here, Li Ming.2、否定的祈使句(1) 句型:Dong + 动词原形Dont make the same mistake.Dont look out of the windows.(2) 祈使句与陈述句的改写祈使句=You must Be quiet. = yo

137、u must be quiet.Dont make any noise = You mustnt make any noise.Please + 祈使句 = Will you please ?Please read after me = Will you please read after me?3、祈使句 Let句型Let 作为动词常常用于祈使句,但表达意义不相同第 27 页 共 40 页Let 表示“建议”后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。Lets go to school together!Let me try again.Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。Let him

138、 work out the problem by himself.Let Li Ping be monitor.感叹句表示说话时的惊讶、喜悦、气愤等情绪,带有强烈的感情色彩。感叹句主要有两种:What + 名词词组;What a beautiful day it is!How + 形容词或副词How well they have learned English!How well he swims!注意:What 修饰单数可数名词时,如果这一名词有形容词修饰,也可以用how 来引导感叹句,但是不定冠词a, an要放在形容词的后面。What a beautiful park!How beautif

139、ul a park it is!补充练习按要求进行句型转换1.We have many cakes for supper (变为否定疑问句)2.I would like a cup of tea, please. (变为一般疑问句)3.He is a teacher, (a student) (改为选择疑问句)4.It is a nice box. (改为感叹句)5.The workers are working hard. (改为感叹句)6.Tom is sitting on the desk. (改为否定的祈使句)7.Everything is ready, _ ?(以下改为反意疑问句)8

140、.This isnt your book, _ ?9.Dont look out of the window, _ ?第二十九课时第二十九课时句子的分类(一)句子的分类(一)教学重点简单句及简单句的五种基本句型1 1、SVCSVC 结构(主语结构(主语+ +系动词系动词+ +表语)表语)在这种句型中,动词必须是系动词,在动词之后跟有表语。表语可以是名词(词组) ,形容词(词组) ,副词(词组)等。如:The teacher is kind.She looks fine.My son became a doctor at last.系动词除 be 外,常见的还有 keep, look, feel

141、, smell, sound, taste, grow, get, go, turn2 2、SVSV 结构(主语结构(主语+ +不及物动词)不及物动词)(1) 在这个结构中,动词是不及物动词,动词后边没有宾语,如:My head aches.He is singing.(2) 有些动词后边必须带有状语,否则意思就不明确。如:The professor lives in Beijing.We stayed in China for a few days.常见的不及物动词有:sleep, walk, swim, happen, take place, go, come, work, laugh,

142、stay.3 3、SVOSVO 结构(主语结构(主语+ +及物动词及物动词+ +宾语)宾语)在这个结构中,谓语动词必须是及物动词,在动词后边跟有宾语。第 28 页 共 40 页He can drive a car.They speak English.有些不及物动词后面加上介词或副词可以把它看成一个及物动词,这时后边可接宾语。Please listen to me carefully.4 4、SVOOSVOO 结构(主语结构(主语+ +动词动词+ +间接宾语间接宾语+ +直接宾语)直接宾语)(1) 双宾语结构在这个结构中, 动词是带有双宾语 (直接宾语和间接宾语) 的及物动词。 直接宾语多指物

143、,间接宾语多指人。常用的带有双宾语的动词有:give, send, tell, bring, lend, buy, teach, get, call, do, ask, wish, offer等。He gave the inspector his passport.My father taught us English.(2) 宾语的位置间接宾语一般放在直接宾语之前,但是,如果为了强调间接宾语或者由于间接宾语较长,常把间接宾语放在直接宾语之后,这时要在间接宾语的前面加上适当的介词。如:The old man bought his daughter a nice scarf.The old ma

144、n bought a nice scarf for his daughter.Give the teacher this book.=Give this book to the teacher.5 5、SVOCSVOC 结构(主语结构(主语+ +动词动词+ +宾语宾语+ +宾语补足语)宾语补足语)在这种结构中,宾语补足语是用来补充说明宾语的。(1) 在某些及物动词后,需要一个宾语再加上一个宾语补足语才能表达完整的意思,这样的宾语和宾补称为复合宾语。名词、形容词、不定式、分词、副词都可以作宾补。(2) 常跟复合宾语的动词有:call, name, make, think, find, leave

145、, keep等。如:His mother finds him a clever boy.Please keep the room clean.(3) 在 see, watch, look at, listen to, hear, feel, let, make(使), have(使)等这些词后的宾补,如果是不定式担当的,则省去“to”,但变为被动语态时“to”要还原。如:I heard a man knock at the door three times.A man was heard to knock at the door three times.第三十课时第三十课时句子的分类(二)句子

146、的分类(二)并列句there be 结构复合句1 1、并列句、并列句:由连词连接两个分句组成的句子叫并列句。这些分句平等并列,而且同等重要,能够独立成句。连接分句的有并列连词和主丛连词。并列连词有:and, but, or, nor, for, while, eitheror, neithernow, not only but also主从连词有:so, however, still, yet, then并列句中的前后两句可以根据意思划分为四种关系。(1) 同等关系:and / not onlybut also / neithernorHe could neither read nor wri

147、te.He not only studies hard, but also likes sports.(2) 转折关系:but / yet / still / while / whenTom was not there but his brother was ( there )(3) 选择关系:or / either orEither you didnt understand this, or you were not careful enough.(4) 因果关系:for / soHe hurried, for it was getting dark.He liked the book ve

148、ry much, so I gave it to him.2 2、there bethere be 结构结构英语中“there + be + sb. /sth.+地点”结构表示“某处有某人或某物”。There 是引导词,本身没有意思,be 是谓第 29 页 共 40 页语动词,be 后面是主语,be 必须和主语的数保持一致。如:There is a garden behind the house.There are two books on the desk.如果主语部分是两个以上的并列主语时,如果主语部分是两个以上的并列主语时,bebe 一般和邻近的主语的数保持一致。如:一般和邻近的主语的数

149、保持一致。如:There is a cup and two books on the desk.There are five students and a teacher in the classroom.3、复合句复合句中包括两个或更多的分句,其中一个分句是主句,其余的分句是从句。从句就是一个分钟在主句中充当一个成分,如主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语等。从句在句子中作什么成分就叫什么从句。1、主语从句用作主语的从句叫作主语从句,主语从句一般都是作谓语动词的主语,偶尔也可以作分词的主语。(1) 由 what, that 引导的主语从句What she likes is watching the

150、children play.It is right that you told him the truth.(2) 由连接副词 whether, when, how, where, why引导主语从句。Why the fire broke out at night remains a mystery.Whether we can help you is a difficult question.When the meeting will be held has not been decided.2、表语从句通常由 that, what, where, why, how等连接词引导。(1) if

151、, whether, that引导表语从句。The question is that we must be good at learning from others.(2) what, which, who 等连接代词That is what I want to tell you.The question is which of the classes we choose to be the excellent one.(3) how, when, where, why等连接副词。The question is how we can help him.That is why he has be

152、en late.第三十一课时第三十一课时宾语从句宾语从句知识概述宾语从句就是一个句子中另一个主句中作宾语,即宾语从句是用句子作宾语。宾语从句的位置与陈述句结构中的宾语相同,它可作及物动词或介词的宾语。常用的连词有that, if, whether, what, which, who, whom, when, where,how, why等。教学重点1 1、宾语从句的结构、宾语从句的结构(1) 由 that 引导的宾语从句that 在从句中不充当任何句子成分,只起连接主句和从句的作用。 that 不用翻译出来,在口语中常常省略,这种宾语从句常是陈述句。The trouble is that we

153、 are short of money.(2) 由连词“if”或“whether”引导。Whether 或 if 在句中不充当任何句子成分,只起连接作用,但不能省略。翻译为“是否”。Do you know if Mr Smith is at home?(3) 由连接代词 who, whom, whose, which, what或连接副词 when, where, how, why等引导。连接代词或连接副词位于从句的前面,起连接主句和从句的作用,从句用陈述句语序。Do you know who broke the window?I dont know when I shall finish.I

154、 wonder if the news is true.(4) 在某些形容词之后的从句有时也被看作宾语从句。 如afraid, sure, sorry, glad, worried, aware, confident, angry第 30 页 共 40 页等。They were angry that they had lost the chance.Can you tell me where the library is?Im sorry that Im late.2 2、宾语从句的时态一致、宾语从句的时态一致(1) 主句是过去时,宾语从句要用过去时态;主句是现在时或将来时,宾语从句则该用什么

155、时态就用什么时态。He told me that it would rain tomorrow.No one knows if he will come at all.第三十二课时第三十二课时动词的时态(一)动词的时态(一)教学重点一般现在时在英语中,不同时间里以不同方式发生的动作或存在的状态,要用不同的动词形式来表示,动词的这种不同形式称为动词的时态。时态从时间上划分,可分为四大类:现在时;过去时;将来时;过去将来时。从行为上,每一类可以分为四种形式:一般式;进行式;完成式;完成进行式。这样英语的动词合起来,总共有十六种时态,初中只需掌握其中的八种时态。1、一般现在时(1)一般现在时表示现在

156、的状态、习惯性的动作或主语所具备的性格和能力等。 当动词是 be 时,第一人称用 am,第二人称用 is,其他人称用 are. 当动词是实义动词时,一般用动词原形,但如果主语是第三人称单数时,动词必须用第三人称单数形式,其变化规则如下:变化规则一般在动词词尾加-s,以 s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾的动词加-es以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,变 y 为 i,再加-es例词makesdrivesguessesgoescarriesflies助动词 do(第三人称单数用 does)构成否定句、疑问句及答语,但要注意助动词后原来的谓语动词要恢复原形。例如:I like music.I dont l

157、ike music.第 31 页 共 40 页Do you like music?Yes, I doNo, I dont(2)一般现在时的用法 表示经常、习惯性动作,常和often, usually, every day, sometimes, always等时间状语连用。如:He goes to school by bus every day.They often play football 表示能力、职业、特征。如:Miss Gao teaches English.Do you speak Japanese? 表示客观存在。如:The earth moves round the sun.T

158、ime and tide wait for no man. 表示已经安排好或计划好的事。如The plane takes off at 7:30.Classes begin at 8:00 在时间状语和条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。如:If I see him, Ill tell him to give you a call.Well wait until he comes back.注意:a. 一般现在时的一些常见的时间状语有:always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, ever, never, every day, nowan

159、d then, from time to timeb. 现在进行时有时用来代替一般现在时, 表示一个经常性的重复的动作或状态。 这时句中常带 always, forever以表示说话人的某种感情,如赞叹、厌烦等。如:He is always thinking of others.He is always talking big.第三十三课时第三十三课时动词的时态(二)动词的时态(二)教学重点一般过去时一般过去时(1)一般过去时表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。 当动词为 be 动词时,应该用相应的过去式:am is - wasare - were否定形式为:was not - wasn

160、twere not - werent疑问句是将 was, were 置于主语之前。I was in Grade Three last term.I wasnt in Grade Two last term.Which grade were you in? 当动词为实义动词时,用动词的过去式,过去式的变化有规则和不规则变化。规则变化如下:变化规则一般情况在词尾加-ed以-e 结尾的在词尾加-d以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,变 y 为 i 再加-ed重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母的,双写此辅音字母再加-ed例词workedusedlivedstudiedcarriedstoppedfitted动词过去

161、式的不规则变化需要逐个记忆。见初三教材后的不规则动词变化形式表。go - wentbegin - begansleep - sleptrun - ran第 32 页 共 40 页I heard the good news just now.The twins didnt go to school last weekDid you see the film yesterday ?(2)一般过去时的用法 表示过去某一时间或一段时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的状语连用: yesterday, last week, aminute ago, in 1998, just now, in tho

162、se days等。例如:They had a baby last month.My mother was ill yesterday.He went out just now. 用于 since 引导的从句,主句的谓语动词如果用现在完成时,since 引导的从句一般要用一般过去时。如:He has worked in the factory since it opened in 1990.You havent changed much since we last met.注意:a. 表示过去的时间状语常见的有:yesterday, last night(week, year, month, S

163、unday), then, at that time, just now, afew days(weeks, months) ago.以及由 after, before, when, while引导的的表示过去的时间状语。b. 一般过去时可以用来表示现在的时间, 这主要用于日常会话,使用的语气较为婉转客气。如:I wanted to ask if I could borrow your bike.第三十四课时第三十四课时动词的时态(三)动词的时态(三)教学重点一般将来时过去将来时一般将来时(1) 一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 常与表示将来的时间状语连用: tomorrow, ne

164、xt week, nextmonth, in a few days, from now on。如Im going to visit the museum this Sunday.Ill be there in half an hour.Well arrive tomorrow.(2)一般将来时的构成 be going to + 动词原形。Be 随主语人称和数的变化而变化, 否定句在 be 后面加 not, 疑问句是将 be 放到主语之后。例如:Its going to be fine tomorrow.He isnt going to speak at the meeting.What are

165、 you going to do next? will +动词原形。Will可以和各种人称及数的主语连用。否定句在will 后加 not,缩写成 wont,疑问句需将will 提至主语之前。例如:We will have a basketball match next week.Will you come to the party?I sont lend it to you. shall + 动词原形。此结构常用于主语为第人称I / we 的句中,疑问句表示提建议或征求意见。如:When and where shall we meet ?Shall I turn on the TV ?第 33

166、 页 共 40 页(3) 一般将来时的基本用法。 “be going to +动词原形”表示“意图”,即打算、计划要做某事。如:Are you going to post the letter ?How long is he going to stay here ? “be going to + 动词原形”还可以表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明将要发生的事。如:There are a lot of clouds. Its going to rain.Its 7:50. Im going to be late. “will + 动词原形”表示客观上要发生的事或表示“带意愿色彩的将来”。如:He

167、will help you if you ask him.They will come back tomorrow.过去将来时过去将来时表示在过去将来的某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常用于宾语从句中。其结构与一般将来时类似,只需将助动词改为过去式。am/ is/ are going to + 动词原形was/ were going to + 动词原形will + 动词原形 would + 动词原形should + 动词原形 should + 动词原形例如:You knew I would come.He asked me when he would see me again.Jim said

168、 he was going to see his friend the next day.第三十五课时第三十五课时动词的时态(四)动词的时态(四)教学重点现在进行时过去进行时1、现在进行时(1)现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在发生或进行的动作。它是由“be + 动词的现在分词”构成。其否定句是在 be 之后加 not。疑问句则将 be 提到主语之前。(3)现在分词的构成变化规则一般情况直接加-ing以不发音的 e 结尾的,去-e 加-ing例词dodoinghelp - helpingtake-takinghave - having重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母的,stop - stopping

169、set - setting双写此辅音字母再加-ingbegin-beginningdrop-dropping(3)现在进行时的用法。 表示说话时正在进行的动作。如:What are you doing ?Who are you waiting for ?Im cooking 表示现阶段一直在进行的动作,但说话时不一定在进行。如:He is working in a factory.She is translating look now. 表示不断重复的动作。如:The boy is always asking some strange questions.The children are si

170、nging and dancing. 表示位置移动的动词,可以用现在进行时表示将要发生的事。如go, come, leave, fly, start等。如:When are you starting ?Im leaving tomorrow.第 34 页 共 40 页2、过去进行时过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。过去进行时常和表示过去的时间状语连用。 如:this time yesterday, at that time, then, last night, at 9:00 yesterday,all night 等。其构成和现在进行时类似,只需将be 变为相应的过去式:was/ w

171、ere + 动词-ing。如:What were you doing this time yesterday ?When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.I was watching TV.I was writing while my mother was cooking.教学难点: 过去进行时表示一个过去的动作发生时或发生之后,另一个过去的动作正在进行。过去进行时也可用来表示过去一段时间内持续发生的动作。如:When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.当我在花园浇水时,突然下雨了。W

172、hile we were having a party, the lights went out. 过去进行时还可以表示两个过去的动作同时进行,这时可用连接词while 引导。如:George was reading while his wife was listening to the radio. “was going + 不定式”表示过去打算。如He was going to be our team leader. 他原打算当我们的领队。 过去进行时与一般过去的区别过去进行时表示在过去一段时间正在进行的动作,而一般过去时表示一个完成的动作。如:I was typing letters l

173、ast night.I typed some letters last night.第三十六课时第三十六课时动词的时态(五)动词的时态(五)教学重点现在完成时(一)现在完成时(1)现在完成时表示某个动作发生在过去,但对现在有影响(或结果) ,这个动作或状态可能已经结束,也可能还要持续下去。其构成形式是: have/ has + 动词过去分词否定句在 have/ has 后加 nothavent/ hasnt疑问句要将 have/ has 放到主语之前。(2)现在完成时的用法。 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果。常用的时间状语有:already, yet, ever, never, ju

174、st等。如:I have already finished the work.Have you ever been to Beijing?He has never seen such a nice car. 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。往往和表示一段时间的状语连用。如:for + 时间段;since + 时间点(表时间段) ;时间段+ago;一般过去时态。如:I have taught in this school for ten years.I have taught in this school since ten years ago. for 和 since 引导的短语都表

175、示“一段时间”,所以谓语动词应该用延续性动词,不能用非延续性动词。延续性动词表示该动词可以延续一段时间,如:live, work, study, teach, stay 等,非延续性动词是指该动词所表示的动作不能持续,是短暂的、瞬间完成的,如:borrow, come, arrive, get, leave, die等。许多非延续性动词可以用意思相同或相近的延续性动词来表示:leave - be away fromarrive - be in第 35 页 共 40 页go - be awaycome - be in / atfinish - be overbuy - haveborrow -

176、keepdie - be deadjoin - be in/be a member ofbegin - be on如:He has goneHe has been away for an hourI have bought a watchI have had the watch for several days have/ has been to 和 have/ has gone tohave/ has been to :曾去过have/ has gone to :已去,去了(不在说话现场,在途中或已经到达)My mother has been to America. 我妈妈曾经去过美国My

177、mother has gone to America. 我妈妈已经去了美国(3)现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较一般过去时只单纯表示过去,和现在不发生联系,它可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用。而现在完成时表示某一完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果, 强调的是现在的情况, 所以不能和确定的过去的时间状语连用。如:We have visited the farm(现在对农场有所了解)We visited the farm last week(说明上周参观农场这件事) 如果询问某事发生的时间、地点只能用一般过去时。如:When did you lose your cat ?I lost it las

178、t night.I found it in the garden.第三十七课时第三十七课时动词的时态(六)动词的时态(六)教学重点现在完成时(二)过去完成时现在完成时难点: 由 since 引导的时间状语,它们的主句通常使用完成时态。He has taught English since 1970.It has been a long time since I last saw you. 只有在 It is since这种结构中,主句的谓语才可用一般现在时,现在完成时或一般过去时。如:Its ten years since I left school.Its a long time since

179、 I saw you last. 表示短暂性的动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,这类动词有:begin,borrow,buy,close,come,die,fall,find,finish,join,kill,lend,leave,sell,start,stop 等,如:不能说:His father has died for three years.只能说:His father died three years ago.不能说:He has left home for two months.只能说:He left home two months ago. 非延续性动词的否定形式可以表示状态的延

180、续。可与for, since时间状语连用。如:I havent seen him for a long time.I havent heard from him since he left.She hasnt left home ever since she lost her job. have(has) been 和 have (has) gone 的区别。Have been to a place 意思是“到过、去过”,表示曾到过某处,但现在人不在那儿;have gone to 意思是“去了”,表示已经去了某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿。如:Has she ever been to N

181、anjing ?第 36 页 共 40 页You have never been there before, have you?I have been to Guilin, I went there last year.总之,have been to 讲的是过去的情况,强调去过或没有,着重于到目前为止的一个结果,而have gone to 指现在人在不在,只用于第三人称,不用于第一、第二人称,不能用来代替have been to.2、过去完成时(1)过去完成时表示在过去某一时间之前已经发生的动作或存在的状态。其结构是:had + 动词过去分词。否定、疑问句同现在完成时一样。(2)用法 表示在过

182、去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即“过去的过去”。如:The meeting had begun when we got there.He said he had seen the film. 表示某一动作在过去某一时间已经开始, 一直延续到过去的另一时间, 常与 for 或 since 引导的时间状语连用。如:The film had been on for tem minutes when we got there.She said that she had made much progress since she came here.第三十八课时第三十八课时动词时态的一致动词时

183、态的一致教学重点时态的一致时态的一致主要是指在主从复合句中, 主句与从句之间的时态一致通常主句的时态决定从句的时态。 原则是:当主句是现在时与将来时,从句的谓语根据具体情况可以使用任何时态。但是,当主句谓语使用过去时,从句必须使用过去时态。如下表:主句谓语一般现在时从句谓语现在进行时;一般现在时一般将来时;will,can,may+动词一般过去时现在完成时一般过去时过去进行时;一般过去时would,could,might + 动词过去完成时含义主、从句的动作同时发生表示从句的动作在主句的动作之后发生表示从句的动作在主句的动作之前发生表示从句的动作在主句的动作之前发生表示主、从句的动作同时发生表

184、示从句的动作在主句之后发生表示从句的动作在主句动作之前发生教学难点1、宾语从句和间接引语与主句的时态一致,符合上述原则。但如果宾语从句表示客观事实和真理,即使主句谓语用过去时,从句的谓语也应该使用一般现在时:如:Our teacher told us a little knowledge is dangerous我们老师告诉我们一知半解是危险的。He said that light travels faster than sound.他说光传播速度比声音快。2、 有些形容词后可以跟从句, 这种从句常看成宾语从句, 它的主、 从句时态也符合上述原则。 这些形容词有:afraid, glad, s

185、ure, sorry, certain, aware, confident, delighted, lucky, surprised, worried 。如:Im sure that he will succeed.第 37 页 共 40 页3、主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句也要与主句的时态一致。如:That is why he was late for school.例题:1. Miss Gao isnt here. She _ to the station to meet Mr Brown.A. wentB. has goneC. has beenD. would go2. _ a let

186、ter from him since he left.A. havent gotB. didnt receiveC. didnt haveD. havent feel3. When I came in, they_ games in the room.A. were playingB. are playingC. playedD. plays4. Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes.A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. began第三十九课时第三十九课时被动语态(一)被动语态(一)教学重点被动语态在英语中, 须通

187、过动词的某种形式来表明句子的主语是动作的执行者还是动作的承受者, 前一种句子是主动句,后一种是被动句。英语的动词有两种语态形式,即主动语态和被动语态。如果主语是动作是执行者,谓语动词用主动语态。如果主语是动作的对象,谓语动词用被动语态。如:They build this school.They school is built by them.1、被动语态的构成“助动词 +(及物动词的)过去分词”构成动词被动语态的形式。助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与 be 作为系动词的变化完全一样。如:This kind of TV set is made in Guangzhou.(一般现在

188、时)The thief was arrested.(一般过去时)A new road is being built outside my house.(现在进行时)The man was being questioned by the police.(过去进行时)Your wallet has been found.(现在完成时)By the time we got there. The work had been finished.(过去完成时)My sister would be taken care of by grandma.(过去将来时)Your watch will be repa

189、ired.(一般将来时)教学难点:在英语里,有一些动词是不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语,所以没有被动语态。以下动词只有主动语态,没有被动语态。appear, die, happen, fall, arrive.2、五种时态的被动语态举例 一般现在时第 38 页 共 40 页A lot of books are kept in our school library.Radio is used in everyday life. 一般过去时A thief was caught last night.They were asked to speak at the meeting. 现在进行时A new

190、library is being put up in their school now.The watch is being repaired. 一般将来时The class meeting will be held next Saturday afternoon.The thieves will be arrested. 现在完成时My bag has been stolen.Many stamps have been collected by me since last year.3、主动语态变被动语态 主动结构的宾语变为被动结构的主语。 主动结构的谓语动词由主动语态变为被动语态。 主动结

191、构的主语变为介词 by 的宾语,组成介词短语,放在被动结构中谓语动词之后。在动作的执行者无须说明或不必强调时,by 短语可以省略。 主动语态、被动语态两种时态要保持一致。如:We repaired the motor.The motor was repaired by us.第四十课时第四十课时被动语态(二)被动语态(二)教学重点被动语态(二)几种不同形式的被动语态(1)含有直接宾语和间接宾语的主动结构,变为被动结构时,可以将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动,一般是主动结构的间接宾语变为被动结构的主语,这样句子显得自然一些。如:He showed me his pictures.I was s

192、hown his pictures by him.I was sent a birthday present (by him).A birthday present was sent to me (by him).(2)含有复合宾语的主动句变为被动句的方法。 将宾语变为主语,宾语补足语保留不动。如:They call her little Li.She is called little Li.He left the door open.The door was left open by him. make, let, hear, watch, see, feel, have, notice,

193、help等动词后面作宾语补足语的不定式一般不带to, 可是当变为被动语态时,后面的不定式必须带to。如:My brother often made me do this and that when I was young.I was often made to do this and that by my brother when I was young. 含有情态动词的被动语态,是由“情态动词 + be +(及物动词的)过去分词”构成。如:They can not find him.He can not be found. 短语动词的被动语态一般说来,只有及物动词才有被动语态,因为只有及物动

194、词才可能有动作的承受者。但有许多由不及物动词加介词及其他词类构成的短语动词,相当于及物动词,可以有宾语,因而也可以有被动语态。但应注意,短语动词是一个不可分割的整体,在变为被动语态时,不可丢掉构成短语动词的介词或副词。如:They had put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived.第 39 页 共 40 页The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived.They will set up a new public school here.A new public schoo

195、l will be set up here.You must take good care of these trees.These trees must be taken good care of.被动语态的基本用法 不知道谁是动作的执行者或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时。如:Paper is made from wood.The house is quite old, it was built in 1950.He was wounded in the fight. 需要强调动作的承受者时。如:Calculator cant be used in the maths exam.Books and newspapers in the reading room mustnt be taken away.He was awarded first prize in that contest. 为使语气婉转,避免提及自己或对方而使用被动语态,或由于修辞的需要使用被动语态使句子得以更好安排。如:The construction of the new lab must be completed by the end of next month.Electricity is used to run machines.第 40 页 共 40 页



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