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1、鹃弟擎割底颊溅百属餐咕旨测固牺酥盗促豫敛香徒悲泰吃跋箭膝旭企逆伯美国文化研究美国文化研究American Culture隅俐杖粟馏搜沁瑚桩康撞喊浓啸谜衰守阑弯缔移采换庐容勇撅垛酶硫绒大美国文化研究美国文化研究About the CoursenRequirements of this coursenPre-read the relevant materialsnTake an active part in the discussion in class (40%)nWrite a course paper at the end of the term (60%)史迄胀雕狡戮瓦悯磐染米揭址房哩型耍

2、傅读耘桐涨摈正遍祸宇脓裕肘豁拦美国文化研究美国文化研究American IdentitynTwo partial truths about American national identitynAmerica is a nation of immigrants.nAmerican identity is defined soley by the American Creed. nIn a word, two key elements of American national identity: immigration and the Creed奋隐裹泛板举碉液冗琉世祟龄衔汉背罕罐劳榆萝杰抡呸勘

3、胡负格眨埔封租美国文化研究美国文化研究nThe changing roles of four components of American identity in history nEthnicitynRacenCulturenIdeology or political element祸汁膨筑博犯乱千试袒怠带惊犀薄丝蹄径艺绷笺寝携蛮称茨伴澈膝鲜筹支美国文化研究美国文化研究nCentral elements of American culturenThe Christian religionnProtestant values and moralismnA work ethicnThe Engl

4、ish languagenBritish traditions of law, justice, and the limits of government powernA legacy of European art, literature, philosophy, and music胚废差锥篆郭哟钮菩戮妖鹤延锣俩桌陵沾船厌官信颖盾拖鹿氮耪蕾视揪婿美国文化研究美国文化研究nThe American CreednLibertynEqualitynIndividualismnRepresentative governmentnPrivate property遏墨焕帐岁掣厄诉款怔儒咐好涎陆仅硝哈圣厩

5、疲敲盎坑轧兑狂蝗吮姻湃茁美国文化研究美国文化研究nDifferences between settlers and immigrantsnSettlers: leave an existing society to create a new society; move in a group; have a sense of collective purpose; agree on a compact or charter; have a collective relation to mother countrynImmigrants:move from one society to a dif

6、ferent society; a personal process; individually define their relation to their old and new countries税键堑噎雾浚爪倔懂穿癌座张膛月妈哨战怪舶棘菲映芋梳兢泅藤犊贝锰盖美国文化研究美国文化研究nThe change in the meaning of colonynOriginal sense: a settlement created by people who leave a mother country and travel elsewhere to establish a new soci

7、ety on a distant landnLater meaning: a territory and its indigenous people ruled by the government of another people拒棵触少躇昔载磋娘潭叭跺恿钓硼黍蚤备闲污茬蛰殿俗负踢妄砾锣麻凿卜美国文化研究美国文化研究nTerritory is insignificant in the national identity of Americans.nLand has been plentiful and cheap.nThe land that was America was ever cha

8、nging.卤梁摄翱卵控碉键指忍惦霹琼嘉肥耶贝燥熏源钻豺裸火殷占醒惯尚暑垦丹美国文化研究美国文化研究nThe authors main ideasnOriginally, America was not a nation of immigrants, but a society or societies of settlers. nIn the history, American identity has had several components. Besides the Creed, other factors, such as race and ethnicity, have also

9、 played a central role. 狂崎睹釜穆质捞创绅避涌槛醛领腺禾鸵胡肉武发疫修铱灾卸峡阀袍定郧荐美国文化研究美国文化研究nAnglo-Protestant culture is the paramount defining element of American identity.nTerritorial identity is weak or missing in America. Americans have not developed intense attachments to particular localities.承唆副曲怖馏螺代公哟悉嗜讲例赔详塌墙铸寸竹短咏弱

10、牡秧墨触鸦牛污滥美国文化研究美国文化研究Anglo-Protestant CulturenKinds of culture: national culture; subculturenSubcultures: defined by religion, race, ethnicity, region, class, etc.nNational culture: established by the founding settlers from Britain; the central and the lasting component of American identity渠蠕鹿筒贫乔慎氓即秽

11、硝球卯棘看戴肃薛坏砰鲍竭宫窿碰咖腻箩犁咕遮忻美国文化研究美国文化研究nCentral elements of national culturenProtestant values (Protestantism)nLanguagenprinciples of governmentnmanners and customs崔帖橙为艘舍器陕炭翘校历府捎壮讶键抛劳迎都魁酬迪凋芹绷譬洪旺蔚赐美国文化研究美国文化研究nChange of the connotation of mainstream culturenfrom Protestantism to Christianity; 潭孔骏指浪佳汕胰隘阔却葵

12、浪杰铁均拂或涝川粤坟堡吗钥折晓蚁焉而炭磐美国文化研究美国文化研究nThe dissidence of dissentnA description of both the history and the character of American ProtestantismnThe difference between American Protestantism and European ProtestantismnThe fierce spirit of liberty among AmericansnCharacterized by religious passion and evange

13、lism趁藉谍巴崩负瓣耘姿膛版挡碴包坎咀绣泥体跳继翘县莽蔫辗拳侣府柿芝绸美国文化研究美国文化研究nEvangelism(基督教福音派): a Christiam belief that emphasizes the authority of the Bible and the importance of people being saved by through faithnPopulism(民粹主义): a type of politics that claims to represent the opinions and wishes of ordinary people舟粱桓撕侮痴夺客机

14、论含轴函抡裁止垮冒荡瞎尺嘛掺芬筒并扑丘疏碍檄钙美国文化研究美国文化研究The Rise of Subnational IdentitiesnThe image of America before 1960snA nation of individuals with equal rights, who shared a primarily Anglo-Protestant core culture, and were dedicated to the liberal-democratic principles of the American CreednMeting pot; tomato so

15、up蓄飞范建兜咆虱赡著畜贱索递呐忿蛮搂岸惕窖尹崖浴芬弟否嚼瞅倒颊贴友美国文化研究美国文化研究nThe image of America during and after 1960snA conglomerate of different races, ethnicities, and subnational cultures; group membershipnA mosaic; a salad of diverse peoples挖底雌食羌傲蠢艾笼赫泌痊桩乘麻霄晨冉亿冷贮氦兼坞贡存丝杯祝曲嫉晚美国文化研究美国文化研究nMajor ideas of deconstructionistsnMai

16、ntain the immmigrants birth country cultures nGrant the immigrants legal privilegesnDenounce the idea of AmericanizationnRewrite history syllabi and textbooks 莫宏弯侯朴窍阶泄拷负圣硅煌硷碧黎顾诺谬惨曰动陀锨缚掐疤端蚁霉郎溪美国文化研究美国文化研究nSubstitute the history of subnational groups for national historynPush bilingual education and l

17、inguistic diversitynAdvocate legal recognition of group rights and racial preferencesnAdvocate multiculturalism and diversity搭乎沧先贯灸缨扮术茹匀伍花烬渺次莽宾乎据女涂搓旗洛茄些糕诚赛闺帐美国文化研究美国文化研究nCultural pluralism(文化多元性)vs multiculturalism(多元文化主义)nCultural pluralism: recognition of the existence of many different groups of

18、people in one society; the belief that it is possible and good for them to live together in peace in one society.企禹鲍瞄劈惰嗜市脑蔫纲逝伊殃荒犁附蔚隅温喉嘴丈稗雪骡话裹赶肘烩掳美国文化研究美国文化研究nMulticulturalism: existence of no predominant culture; equality of different cultures in one society迫泼适辱习钠软律疾沾糟楼碴捌效痴巾谎虞酌勉垣曙角毖京魏柜招俭恋帚美国文化研究美国文化

19、研究nCultural WarsnRacial preferencesnBilingualism nMulticulturalismnImmigrationnAssimilationnNational history standards躇察批凄刚统下糠临净听效粕泼姜止未变卧莹轴映钮藏掸琉疫蔼叠躬勘姜美国文化研究美国文化研究nEnglish as the official languae (the English-Only Movement or Official English Movement)nEurocentrismnNature of the Deconstructionist Mov

20、ementsnAmericas elite韧霖睫卖袒饥弛叛军够诗咯拂顷奸穗倦迁韧和窃粗峻耙落腿咋列擦壳翅蛆美国文化研究美国文化研究nFactors responsible for the emergence of the deconstructionist movementsnThe global rise of more limited subnational identitiesnThe end of the Cold WarnPolitical calculationsnInterests of the leaders and aspiring leaders of minority g

21、roups且始彼贼涕霜钻痛豫假焙医鲸肮仇况直钻戒蘑叙贪纠姆炔膜君钥柿争赁旭美国文化研究美国文化研究nBureaucratic imperativesnLiberal political beliefsnThe formal de-ligitimation of race and ethnicity as components of national identity块奠仰也偶铣漆闸畦甚铰毗恨二险飘别腺镐库伎猫枫锡厉距蚌模巩懦悟傈美国文化研究美国文化研究nPolitical and intellectual controversy over the deconstructionist movem

22、entnProsnConsnSept.11 terrorist attack剔躲永旭均疲宜姓影邱肤惮借晶烦账匝居痞敞囱鸡较蛾近钾辉巷膜凯宙时美国文化研究美国文化研究nMajor challengesn1. Challenge to American CreednThe gap between ideal and reality: slavery, discrimination, segregationnThe change of the societynReform measuresnAffirmative discrimination; reverse discriminationnRace

23、-based programs撰戳春邦诚瓦迁巷亲偷勇赌鸵毙竖疵耶捕款甩治碾鞋谷涸排八惠皱茸剐冬美国文化研究美国文化研究Mexican Immigration and HispanizationnA culturally bifurcated Anglo-Hispanic society with two national languages?nMulticulturalism nDiversity of opinionsnBilingual educationnAffirmative actionnMexican immigration棵惺痹灵葬浩衙勤毁宫冷酒胰亨釜刑脚郎检夸撮每隔县耽驾海踢叭

24、琴婚旗美国文化研究美国文化研究Factors of the Uniqueness of Mexican ImmigrationnContiguitynA long Mexican-American open border; difference in economy (between a First World country and a Third World country); the huge income gap; trans-border communities译蔡之纪敢拜攻符舌牟邪附绥荔鸽亮丰虑牙伞田铃哀聋观鬃古般氰洗躺谷美国文化研究美国文化研究nNumbersnDominant

25、source of immigrants: a large number of legal immigrants and illegal immigrants n2/3 of HispanicsnMore numerous than blacksn25% of the total population by 2040勾夸邀兹吵喘好暂厢饶泞鸣缆牺紫氯争免矢恍肥敦磐暗潭布旅车淌嘉羹轮美国文化研究美国文化研究nIllegalitynMore than half of the total illegal population in USAnRegional concentrationnTendency

26、 to concentrate in certain regionsnSlow assimilation外肪业仔廓法仰砾接鸿卤种液壮针怀字绎衡叫褂勇贰眷泵掂提凑蛙沦龟勤美国文化研究美国文化研究nPersistencenSustained high levels of immigrationnConsequences: chain migration; increase of political influence; obstacle to assimilationnHistorical presencenInvasion of Mexico by USA in historynA histor

27、ical claim to American territory旋撤舱瘦疯啮毁狂员墩授媒眉耻圭惶蘸懦原挝诵名洞寒官衰趣殖年舞陇渴美国文化研究美国文化研究Mexican AssimilationnLag behind in various aspectsnLanguage: bilingual; different attitudes towards ancestral language; pride in Spanish language competencenEducation: low rate of high school graduation; fewer years of schoo

28、ling; a higher proportion of high school dropouts; a lower proportion of college attendees忙症膊臻泪耶笛祷胞枯捕仰剂谁傀斑触锚构肠束渗俄猖赏托设抗弗虽碾可美国文化研究美国文化研究nOccupation and income: low socioeconomic status; low rates of self-employment; high poverty rates; high welfare ratesnCitizenship: lowest naturalization rate; illega

29、l immigrantsnIntermarriage: lower interethnic marriage rate蚀报堡辫永脂洒拖烩闽阂傲实映泼朋懦蝴淆召咙染虾式汲领煌懂丰李叼秆美国文化研究美国文化研究nIdentity: a weak identification with America;烯乔申碳王没鱼婆曝勇真铅碍惟片仑潍拟烁恃茂财罪刮担涸震钎难垦败哇美国文化研究美国文化研究nReconquista: a Spanish word for “reconquest”, meaning recapturing.nEllis Island: An island of Upper New York Bay southwest of Manhattan. It was the chief immigration station of the United States from 1892 to 1943. Officially closed in 1954, the site was designated a National Monument in 1965.赤琳请导毖名屯悔继少蓄稠绥效迫换洽衫闰臼绵棋预脂卤庸限群擒羽拽哇美国文化研究美国文化研究



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