英语泛读教程1Unit 6 Fathers & Sons

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1、Unit 6Text Fathers & Sons: the Bonding ProcessI. About the bookIts a book of photos and essays of fathers and sons. Its more like a photoalbum with notes. There are photos and comments from 52 fathers with sons, who reveal in their writings, and through Bill Hansons poignant(深深打动人的) photography, the

2、 unique bond of fatherhood. Some of them are famous, like former President Gerald Ford, and some are just regular guys who are firemen, athletes, professors, artists, and doctors. These men speak of the responsibilities and rewards of being father and son. They share stories of discovery and growing

3、 pains. There are very young sons who are just beginning to follow in their fathers footsteps, sons who are testing their fathers patience, sons who are separated from their fathers by divorce, & sons who adore their fathers. These men are following in the traditions of family, trying to raise a bet

4、ter generation of men. Father and son. It is a relationship that rewards, frustrates and mystifies. II. TitleThe bonding process the attachment process occurring between a parent & offspring that usually begins at the time of birth. It is the basis for further emotional affiliation (relationship) &

5、influences the childs physical & psychological development 亲情纽带,代际联系III. Structure of the TextPart I (para. 1-5) the close relationship the author had with his fatherPart II (para. 6-11)a relationship the author is building with his young son by learning from his own father and stepfatherPart III (p

6、ara. 12-15) the importance of father-son relationship illustrated by pictures of fathers and sons taken by the author Part IV conclusion: the bond between fathers and sons is unbreakableIV. Text Analysisbond a close relationship between two peoplestrained relationship relationship marked by mutual d

7、istrustJohn Wayne 约翰约翰韦恩韦恩 (1907 1979) was Hollywood s legendary star. In more than 200 films made over 50 years, He became the greatest figure of one of Americas greatest native art forms, the Western. He won an Oscar as best actor for another Western, “True Grit”,真正的勇敢 in 1969. He was also an almo

8、st perfect father figure and a symbolic male figure. Audie Murphy(1924-1971) was the most decorated American soldier in WWII, having received twenty-one medals and regarded as American Hero. He was credited with having killed, captured, or wounded 240 Germans. For his brave action, Murphy was awarde

9、d the medal of Honor on August 9, 1945. Murphy was also an actor. Returning to U.S. , he went on to a long film career. He starred in 27 movies, including to Hell and back which is the reflection of his experience of the war. He died in an airplane accident in 1971 and buried in Arlington National C

10、emetory, aged only 46. Joe DiMaggio( 乔 . 迪马吉奥 ) (1914-1999)was one of the greatest American sports hero. He joined the New York Yankees (纽约洋基队) in 1936 and quickly rose to become the star of baseballs golden age. He was graceful, elegant, and inspiring. He once had a nine-month marriage with Marilyn

11、 Monro (玛丽莲.梦露 ). He lives a life of public triumph and private pain. Why did the author compare his father with those three heroes?He thought his father was as good & brave as the three men. It show his admiration, likeness & deep love for his fatherwallow (fig.) indulge oneself 沉湎wallow in self-ri

12、ghteousness 沉湎于唯我独是之中bobtail: (a horse or dog with) a tail cut shortBuffalo Bill:William Frederick Cody (1846-1917), US showman, was known as “Buffalo Bill” after killing nearly 5,000 buffalo in eight months for a contract to supply workers on the Kansas Pacific Railway with meat. He served as a sco

13、ut (侦察员) in the Sioux wars, but from 1883 toured (巡回演出) with his Wild West Show. The town of Cody in Wyoming (怀俄明州) stands on part of his former ranch(牧场,大农场). He died in Denver, Colorado.野牛比尔(William Frederick Cody 的绰号,因其善捕野牛,将牛肉供应修筑太平洋大铁路的工人而得名)Why did Dad address his son in such a way?Dad was hum

14、ourous & friendly, hoping that his son will have a better future, be as brave as Buffalo Bill. to have a way with one means (infml) to have an attractive quality which persuades or pleases other people.e.g. He has a way with flowery(说话或作品)辞藻华丽的) language and his stubborn was finally persuaded.date c

15、ompanion of the other sex with whom dates are arranged 相与约会的异性朋友sneer to utter with a sneer or in a sneering manner 说轻蔑话insult speak or act in a way that hurts or is intended to hurt a persons feelings or dignity 侮辱Why did the author speak rudely to his family members?To let his girl friend know his

16、 importance in the family. Its naive of him to do so.How about Dads reaction to his rude behavior? Ask his son to look up the word “sarcasm” in his dictionary.Why did Dad do that?to teach his son a lessonsarcasm a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound 讽刺,挖苦high of great importanceWhy didnt

17、the author want to become a father in the near future?Because he was not very well prepared for it.scour search throughrecipe a formula for or means to a desired end 诀窍commitment a pledge to do 承诺lines (pl.) conditions of life 生活的遭遇 experience of being a father (in our text)parallel structure using

18、the same pattern of words , phrases, or clauses to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance 排比结构Mary likes hiking, swimming, and bicycling.The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exer

19、cises before the game. take ones cues from observe what he does as a guide to ones own action (在不知如何是好的时候)看某人怎么做就怎样做What was the hope the authors father had for him?Hope for a better future.What did his stepfather teach him?Fathers & sons dont necessarily have to share flesh and bone.flesh and bones

20、 a persons blood relative; kin 亲骨肉, 血亲Why does the author think being a father is a pretty thankless job?Fathers get less honor.How do you understand the sentence “when the cameras pan the sidelines at a sporting event, do you hear “Dad”?When journalists or reporters interview a famous sportsman out

21、side the sports ground, asking him who he thinks has contributed a lot to his success, he usually answers “my Mum”.deadbeat a lazy person, a loafer 游手好闲者credit honorsalute show respect fordemon evilGOOSEBUMPS鸡皮疙瘩这部系列丛书是美国作家R.L斯坦为儿童读者著的,里面写了一些惊险恐怖的故事给小读者,看后会有起鸡皮疙瘩的感觉,故此得名。其故事背景贴近生活,主角都是十几岁的小孩,有学校,父母,

22、朋友等。其中的故事也具有教育意义,是传统幻想与科学幻想的结合,作品中不涉及毒品、性、暴力等不利未成年人的话题。而且能在故事中激发想象力,学会做人的道理。此书创吉尼斯世界畅销书之最。根据丛书改编的电视剧又成为全美最受儿童欢迎的剧,Little League a BASEBALL LEAGUE for children in the US, arranged in the summer in many different towns and cities using money from local businesses 美 少年棒球俱乐部Some parents whose children p

23、lay in Little League become very concerned that their children play well and win games. Parents who put too much pressure on their children to win are sometimes called Little League parents, even if the sport their child is involved in is not baseball. The fathers & sons are of different types, but

24、the author found that they shared sth. In common. What was it?Each father has taught his son sth by example and each has loved his son unconditionally. V. Questions for discussion1. Which day is the Fathers/Mothers Day? On the third Sunday of June every year On the second Sunday of May every year2.S

25、ay sth. about your father/mother- son/daughter relationship.3. How did Fathers Day come into being? Sonora Louise Smart Dodd who lived in Spokane, Washington came up with the idea of Fathers Day. Sonora was the oldest of six children raised by their father, William Jackson Smart, when their mother d

26、ied during childbirth. She honored and revered her father, and while listening to a Mothers Day sermon in 1909, she determined there should also be a day to honor fathers. In 1910 Sonora chose June 19th, as the day to celebrate Fathers Day because that was her fathers birthday. With support from the

27、 Spokane Ministerial Association(牧师协会) and the YMCA(基督教青年会), the first Fathers Day was celebrated in Spokane on June 19, 1910. In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the third Sunday in June as Fathers Day. In 1972 President Richard Nixon established a permanent national observance of Fathers

28、Day to be held on the third Sunday in June. Fathers Day is celebrated in every part of the world. In both early times and these days, wearing flowers was a common way of celebrating Fathers Day. Mrs. Dodd favored the red rose to honor a father still living, while a white flower honored a deceased da

29、d. Apart from flowers, on the third Sunday in June each year, all the fathers are still given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special. VI. Ex. about the textVII. Homework(1) Origin of Mothers Day(2) Fast reading (3) Home reading (4) Preview Unit 9The Origin of Mothers DayThe hi

30、story of Mothers Day is centuries old and the earliest Mothers Day is celebrated in ancient Greece in honor of Rhea (the goddess of fertility “生育女神”), the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600s, the early Christians in England celebrated a day to honor Mary, the mother of Christ, which was later expan

31、ded to include all mothers of England as the Mothering Sunday and celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter四旬斋).In U.S. Mothers Day was first suggested after the American Civil War by social activist Julia Ward Howe, who wrote the words to the Battle hymn (圣歌, 颂歌)

32、of the Republic. In 1873 she organized a Mothers Day dedicated to peace. It was Anna Jarvis who finally succeeded in introducing Mothers Day in the sense as we celebrate it today. In 1907, two years after her mothers death, she decided to establish Mothers Day to honor mothers, living and dead. As a

33、 result of her efforts the first mothers day was observed on May 10, 1908, by a church service honoring Mrs. Reese Jarvis, her mother, in the Andrews Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, where she spent 20 years taking Sunday school classes. Following This, it gained a widespread popularity a

34、cross the nation.On May 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made the first official announcement proclaiming Mothers Day as a national holiday that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May to express love and reverence for mothers. It was here in the first observance (庆祝) that the carnations(

35、康乃馨) were introduced by Miss Jarvis as a souvenir of Mothers Day, because her mother was fond of carnations. From there, the custom caught on - spreading eventually to 45 states. Soon it crossed the national boundary, as people in Mexico, Canada, South America, China, Japan and Africa all joined the

36、 spree(狂欢)to celebrate a day for mother love.Today, Mothers Day is a day honoring mothers, which was celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It is the day when you acknowledge your mothers contribution in your life and pay a tribute to her, often with flowers, cards and gifts. It complements Fathers Day, the celebration honoring fathers.



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