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1、 副词、形容词、连词副词、形容词、连词副词形容词连词 I. adj.(形容词形容词) 在句中的位置在句中的位置1.be动词后面动词后面2.连系动词后面连系动词后面 (look, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, become, turn)3.名词前面名词前面4.不定代词后面不定代词后面(something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere等等)e.g.I have somethi

2、ng important to tell you.5.make / keep / find + sb./ sth. +adj. e.g. The policemen keep our city safe.副词形容词连词 例句例句 1. The maths problem is easy. 2. This is an easy maths problem. 3. It looks easy. 4. Thats something easy. 5. What he said made his father angry. 6. We should keep our environment clean

3、.副词形容词连词 II. adj.(形容词形容词)变成变成adv.(副词副词)的规则的规则1.adj.+ly e.g. slow- slowly2.以以y 结尾的结尾的adj.,去去y变变i加加ly e.g. easy- easily3.以以ble结尾的结尾的adj. 变成变成bly e.g. terrible-terribly4.形容词和副词同形形容词和副词同形 e.g. fast, hard, early.5.特殊词特殊词 e.g. true-truly 副词形容词连词 III. adv.(副词副词)在句中的位置在句中的位置1.实意动词后加实意动词后加adv. 2.e.g. It rain

4、ed heavily.2. 形容词前加形容词前加adv. e.g. Im terribly sorry.3. adv.加加adv. e.g. He ran fast enough to catch the train.4. 放在句首放在句首 e.g. Luckily, he got the first prize.副词形容词连词 Exercises: choose the proper words . ( 注意形容词和副词)注意形容词和副词) 1.Your handwriting is _.(good, well)2. What a _ idea! ( strange, strangely)3

5、. Is there anything _ (wrong, wrongly)4. Then he spoke both _ and _ .( slow clear, slowly clearly)5. Little Tom can _ read the newspapers. ( easy, easily)6. Take it _. The roads are icy. ( easy, easily)7. Its _ cold tonight. (terrible, terribly)8. _, I think you are mistaken. (Honest, Honestly)9.Pla

6、nts grow _ in autumn and winter. ( slow, slowly)goodstrangewrongslowly clearly easilyeasyterriblyHonestlyslowly副词形容词连词 10. The report sounds _ (true, truly)11. What made the children so _? (excited, excitedly)12. The sun keeps us _. ( warm, warmly)13. They tried to get us _ in the idea. (interested,

7、 interestedly)14. Now Walt Disneys dream came _ (true, truly)15. I tried to make myself _ .(clear, clearly)16. The girls made a big cake _.(happy, happily)17. Mary looked _ at the strange man. ( timid, timidly)18. The old man looked _ with his son. ( angry,angrily) Exercises: choose the proper words

8、 . ( 注意形容词和副词)注意形容词和副词)trueexcitedwarminterestedtrueclearhappilytimidlyangry副词形容词连词 IV.形容词和副词的三级形容词和副词的三级 1.原级原级: 2. as +原级原级+as, not as/so +原级原级+ase.g. The steak tastes as delicious as the chop. His school isnt as/so beautiful as ours.副词形容词连词 2. 比较级比较级: 1) A is 比较级比较级than B.e.g. E-mail is quicker a

9、nd cheaper than regular mail.2) 放在表示程度的副词后面放在表示程度的副词后面(much, far, even, a little, still, a bit 放在比较级后放在比较级后)e.g. The air pollution in that city is much more serious than it used to be. His face turned redder still.3) 比较级比较级+比较级比较级(越来越越来越)e.g. The days are getting longer and longer in summer.4) the +

10、比较级比较级, the +比较级比较级(越越就越就越)e.g. You should apologize to Mr. Hopkins, the sooner the better. 副词形容词连词 比较级的构成比较级的构成:1) +er e.g. long- longer2) 以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的形容词,副词结尾的形容词,副词+r,e.g. nice-nicer3) 以一个辅音字母结尾以一个辅音字母结尾(除除x)的重读闭音节形容词和副词的重读闭音节形容词和副词,双写该辅音字母双写该辅音字母+er, e.g. big-bigger4) 以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词和副词结尾的

11、形容词和副词,去去y,+ier, e.g. dry-drier5)部分双音节和全部多音节形容词和副词前部分双音节和全部多音节形容词和副词前+more构成比构成比较级较级. e.g. careful- more careful, slowly-more slowly, difficult- more difficult副词形容词连词 3. 最高级最高级: 三者以上进行比较三者以上进行比较e.g. Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon? 在有范围的句子中在有范围的句子中e.g. The Amazon is the second l

12、ongest river in the world. He runs (the ) fastest of the three. one of +最高级最高级+名词的复数名词的复数e.g. Edison was one of the greatest inventors in the world.副词形容词连词 最高级的构成最高级的构成:1) adj+est e.g. long- longest2) 以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的形容词,副词结尾的形容词,副词+st,e.g. nice-nicest3) 以一个辅音字母结尾以一个辅音字母结尾(除除x)的重读闭音节形容词和副的重读闭音节形容词和副 词

13、词,双写该辅音字母双写该辅音字母+est, e.g. big-biggest4) 以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词和副词结尾的形容词和副词,去去y+iest, e.g. dry- driest5) 部分双音节和全部多音节形容词和副词前部分双音节和全部多音节形容词和副词前+most构成比构成比 较级较级. e.g. careful- most careful, slowly-most slowly, difficult- most difficult 副词形容词连词 V. Choose the best answers ( ) 1. Jack runs as _ as Tim. A. fa

14、st B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest( ) 2. Mother gets up _ in my family. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earlier( ) 3. Cathy is thin, but Dora is _. A. thin B. thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest( ) 4. The next morning Jenny got up even_. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest( )

15、5. Emily sings _ of the five girls. A. good B. well C. better D. best( ) 6. In fact, Delia is a little _ than her elder sister. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ACBBDB副词形容词连词 ( ) 7. Heidi does not jump so _ as Jane. A. high B. higher C. highest D. the highest( ) 8. Of all the stars the su

16、n is _ to us. A. close B. closer C. closest D. the closest( ) 9. Which is _ to the earth, the sun or the moon? A. close B. closer C. closest D. the closest( ) 10. Barbara felt much _ than before after dark. A. cold B. colder C. coldest D. the coldest( ) 11. This jacket is smaller than that one but i

17、ts _. A. expensive B. more expensive C. most expensive D. the most expensive( ) 12. Our country has become _ in the past twenty years. A. more and more rich and strong B. more richer and more stronger C. more rich and more strong D. richer and strongerADBBBD副词形容词连词 ( ) 13. William Shakespeare is one

18、 of _ play writers in England. A. great B. greater C. greatest D. the greatest( ) 14. The cartoon Tarzan is _ film I have ever seen. A. good B. better C. best D. the best( ) 15. I think fiction stories are _ than non-fiction stories. A. more interesting B. interesting C. most interesting D. much int

19、eresting( ) 16. Shanghai is _ than that city. A. more big B. more modern C. famouser D. much modern( ) 17. She is _ than before. A. much healthy B. much more healthy C. much healthier D. much healthy( ) 18. A train runs _ a car and a bike. A. fastest of B. as fast as C. faster than D. more fast than

20、 DDABCC副词形容词连词 ( ) 19. He looks as _ as before. A. weaker B. weakest C. weakly D. weak( ) 20. He is _ boy of us all. A. strong B. stronger C. the much strong D. the strongest( ) 21. Hangzhou is one of _ in China. A. the most beautiful city B. more beautiful cities C. the most beautiful cities D. mos

21、t beautiful cities( ) 22. Its getting _ and _ these days. Its said that this summer is _ of all. A. hot; hot; the hottest B. hotter; hotter; the hottest C. the hottest; the hottest; the hottest D. hotter; hotter; hotterDDCB副词形容词连词 ( ) 23. Li speaks English _, Chen speaks _, and I speak _. A. good; b

22、etter; the best B. well; better; the best C. good; well; badly D. badly; well; worse( ) 24. Jack works as _ as Jane, but his marks are always _ than Janes. A. hardly; good B. hardly; better C. hard; worse D. hard; badBC副词形容词连词 1. Paper catches fire_ .(easy)2. The sick man is getting _ (ill).3. The _

23、 exams usually take place at the end of June. (finally)4. It is _ for an ordinary plane to fly to the moon. (possible)5. On a _ night, you can see thousands of stars in the sky. (clearly)6. Lucy looks _ in Mums shoes. (fun)7. Such cold weather is quite _ in June and people have to wear warm clothes

24、again. (usually)8. Watch _ , and you will find the difference between the two pictures. (care)9. It rained _ last night and the river rose two feet. (heavy)10. The children were _ excited when they saw the two pandas, (real)easilyworsefinalimpossibleclearfunnyunusualcarefullyheavilyreally副词形容词连词 1.

25、The poor child was so lucky that she received many books from Project Hope. The poor child was _ _ to receive many books from Project Hope.2. Nobody else in his class can speak English as fluently as he. He _ English _ fluently in his class.3. The boy is so short that he cant reach the oranges on th

26、e tree. The boy isnt _ _ to reach the oranges on the trees.4. Exercise A is easier than Exercise B. Exercise B is _ _ than Exercise A.5. Jonathan plays squash more skillfully than any other person in our company. Jonathan plays squash _ _ in our company.6. Tony runs faster than Tim. Tim doesnt run _

27、 _ _ Tony.7. Our school is the same size as yours. Our school is as _ as yours.lucky enoughspeaks mosttall enoughmore difficultmost skillfullyas fast asbig副词形容词连词 并列连词并列连词连结彼此并列的词、短语或句子连结彼此并列的词、短语或句子and 和,并且和,并且 or 或者,还是;否则或者,还是;否则 but 但是但是 so 因此因此not onlybut also 不但不但而且而且bothand 两者都两者都neithernor 两者

28、都不两者都不eitheror 或或或或as well as 也也副词形容词连词 例句例句1.The water in the kettle is boiling and we can see steam coming out of it. 并且并且 2.Is he an engineer or an architect? 或者或者,还是还是 Hurry up, or you will be late. 否则否则3.English is difficult, but its interesting. 但是但是副词形容词连词 4.People not only play computer game

29、s on the Internet but also do online shopping. 不但不但而且而且5.You can ask me questions either in class or after class. 或或或或6.Neither the colour nor the size fits me. 两者都不两者都不 7.She likes English as well as French.=She likes English and she likes French, too.副词形容词连词 以下连词的谓语动词单复数形式参照以下连词的谓语动词单复数形式参照就近主语就近主

30、语1.Not only he but also I am a student. 不但不但而且而且2. Either he or we are going to the concert. 或或或或3.Neither you nor he is the manager of the hotel. 两者都不两者都不 副词形容词连词 从属连词从属连词引导从句引导从句, 如宾语从句、状语从句如宾语从句、状语从句 1.If it doesnt rain next Sunday, well have a barbecue. 假如假如 引导状语从句引导状语从句2.The foreigner asked us

31、if we had been to the Tower of Pisa. 是否是否 引导宾语从句引导宾语从句3.Since this is your first visit to Britain, youd better learn something about British culture. 因为因为 引导状语从句引导状语从句4. I need a place where I can read and write. 那里那里 引导定语从句引导定语从句 副词形容词连词 例题(中考题例题(中考题 选择题选择题)1. I enjoy the popular dance “hip-hop”,bu

32、t_my father _ my mother likes it. A. both and B. not onlybut also C. either or D. neither nor 2._ all the passengers are here, why dont we start at once? A. As soon as B. After C. Now that D. When3. Bob spends a lot of money on books_ he is not rich. A. if B. though C. when D. because4.The war was o

33、ver about three months ago,_ the American soldier in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with. A. or B. and C. but D. soDCBC副词形容词连词 5.Some passengers were walking through one of the big halls at Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport_the whole roof(屋顶屋顶) fell down.A. while B. as soon as C. when

34、D. after 6.The doctors tried their best to save the parents lives, _ failed.A. or B. so C. but D. because7.A good friend always gives you a helping hand_ youre in trouble. A. when B. before C. until D. thoughCCA副词形容词连词 例题(中考题例题(中考题 改变句型改变句型)1.Tim doesnt collect coins. Jack doesnt collect coins ,eith

35、er.Neither Tim _ Jack _coins.2.The boy was too frightened to say a word. The boy was _ frightened _he couldnt say a word.3.Put on your coat, or youll catch a cold._ you _put on your coat, youll catch a cold.norcollectssothatIfdont副词形容词连词 1.I must go now,_ my mother is waiting for me . A. for B. so C

36、. because D. but2. Have a quick look at the handbag,_ you will like it. A. so B. or C. if D. and3. You will like the handbag _ you have a quick look at it. A. so B. or C. if D. and4._you are busy now, go next time, OK? A. Because B. Since C. For D. WhenCDCB副词形容词连词 5.It has no feet_ legs, _ it can go

37、 all day _ all night. A. andsoand B. orso and C. orbutand D. orandand6. Work harder, _ youll make great progress. A. but B. or C. so D. and7.Show me _ youve written. A. what B. that C. while D. whenCDA副词形容词连词 8. Call a taxi_ it rains. Its such a long way. A. though B. as C. while D. if9.Lets start n

38、ow, _ well be late for the lecture. A. though B. or C. and D. but10.Please get ready _ the meeting begins A. before B. since C. so that D. for 11. _his sister _his brother are coming. A. Neithernor B. Either or C. Bothand D. Not onlybut alsoDBAC副词形容词连词 1.This answer is wrong. That answer is also wro

39、ng. (保持原句意思保持原句意思) _this answer _ that one is right. 2.2. Only one can go there. (保持原句意思保持原句意思)_ you _he can go there.3.3. If you are strict in your study, youll catch up with them . (保持原句意思保持原句意思) _strict in your study, _ youll catch up with them .4.4.Think it over, or you wont get the right answer

40、. (保持保持原句意思原句意思) _you _ think it over, you wont get the right answer.NeithernorEitherorBeandIfdont副词形容词连词 5.I arrived early in order to get a good view of sunrise.(保持原句意思保持原句意思)I arrived early _ _ I could get a good view of sunrise.6.Erica was ill, so she didnt go to school yesterday. (保持原句意思保持原句意思)

41、Erica didnt go to school_ she was ill yesterday.7. Both his mother and his father are workers.(改为句意相反)改为句意相反)_ his mother nor his father _ a worker.so thatbecauseNeitheris副词形容词连词 宾宾 语语 从从 句句概念概念:句子的宾语一般由名词、代词、句子的宾语一般由名词、代词、 动名词或动词不定式充当,当一动名词或动词不定式充当,当一 个句子充当宾语时个句子充当宾语时,我们把这个句我们把这个句 子叫做宾语从句。子叫做宾语从句。宾

42、语从句的三要点:宾语从句的三要点: 1、引导词、引导词-疑问代词,副词疑问代词,副词 2、从句从句语序语序-陈述句陈述句 3、从句的时态、从句的时态-依情况而定依情况而定副词形容词连词 一、引导词:取决于从句的语气一、引导词:取决于从句的语气1.从句是陈述句时,引导词用从句是陈述句时,引导词用that.Kate will go with Lily. He tells me _.2.从句是一般疑问句时,引导词用从句是一般疑问句时,引导词用if 或或 whether. Is he a teacher ? I ask her _ . 3.从句是特殊疑问句时,引导词用特殊疑问词。从句是特殊疑问句时,引

43、导词用特殊疑问词。 Where is Toms book? She asks _. that Kate will go with Lilywhether he is a teacherwhere Toms book is副词形容词连词 二、从句语序:一律用陈述语序二、从句语序:一律用陈述语序 主句主句+ +引导词引导词+ +主语主语+ +谓语动词谓语动词+ +其他其他wHe asked me when I arrived in Shanghai .wI want to know where they will go.wCould you tell me what you are reading

44、?wI dont know where he lives .副词形容词连词 三、主三、主、从句的时态呼应从句的时态呼应w1.主句是一般现在时,从句可以用任何时态。主句是一般现在时,从句可以用任何时态。w2.主句是一般过去时,从句用过去范畴的时态。主句是一般过去时,从句用过去范畴的时态。w3.主句是一般过去时,但从句表达的是客观真主句是一般过去时,但从句表达的是客观真 理或自然现象时,仍然用一般现在时。理或自然现象时,仍然用一般现在时。we.g: He says that he is reading a book now.wHe said that he would work hard.wThe

45、y said they had been to France.wThe students asked me if the earth goes round the sun.副词形容词连词 1、考虑连接词、考虑连接词 2、考虑人称、考虑人称3、考虑时态、考虑时态4、考虑语序、考虑语序We have visited several countries round the world . 2、主语、主语 变变 theyMrs. Zhou told us that they had visited several countries round the world.1、陈述句、陈述句 用用 that3

46、、主句过去时态、主句过去时态 变变had4、语序陈、语序陈述不变述不变副词形容词连词 1. I am going to play the piano this morning . She says _. 2. You can celebrate it by yourself . I tell her _.3. It must be a spaceship . Kate thinks _.that she is going to play the piano that morningthat she can celebrate it by herself that it must be a sp

47、aceship 副词形容词连词 1.People collect the wood on that day .2. They told me _ . 3. They will tell me _. 2. The sun rises from the east . My mother has told me _. My mother had told me _.people collected the wood on that day people collect the wood on that daythe sun rises from the eastthe sun rises from

48、the east1 1、主句为现在时态,从句时态不受主句约束。、主句为现在时态,从句时态不受主句约束。2 2、从句为客观真理,从句时态不受主句约束、从句为客观真理,从句时态不受主句约束3 3、主句为过去时态,从句改为相应过去时态、主句为过去时态,从句改为相应过去时态。副词形容词连词 1、Tom goes there by bus . He told me _.2. Mr. Zhou is traveling all over the world . Mrs. Zhou said _.3. The twins are going to visit Beijing in May. Kate tol

49、d us _. 4. The cat has been fed by him. My mother told me _. Tom went there by bus Mr. Zhou was traveling all over the world were going to visit in Maythe cat had been fed by him副词形容词连词 中考扫描1.He didnt remember _ his watch. A. where he had put B. where he has put C. where had he put D. where has he p

50、ut2. I dont know _ last night. A. why they didnt go to the movies B. when they didnt go to the movies C. why didnt they go to the movies D. when didnt they go to the movies3. The old man wondered _. A. whether the American pilot had seen UFOs B. whether had the American pilot seen UFOs C. how had th

51、e American pilot seen UFOs D. that the American pilot had seen UFOsAAA副词形容词连词 4. He hasnt decided _. A.if hell go on a trip to Wuxi B. when will he go on a trip to Wuxi C.if he goes on a trip to Wuxi D. when does he go on a trip to Wuxi5. Miss Li wants to know _ next week. A. when my uncle leaves B. when will my uncle leave C. where my uncle will stay D. when does he go on a trip to WuxiAC副词形容词连词



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