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1、 高考单选精讲精练高考单选精讲精练薯备疡奴仲傀吟盗迟静乳纫择累宋琐蚀赶殿窄勘梗悔悍郑霍节音沸烬迈廖高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 in charge of the shopping center has upset him for quite some time.A. Left B. Being left C. Having left D. To leave【解析】解析】考查非谓语动词用法。本空在句中做主语,表示被动含义,因此选B。 On March 14, violent crimes of beating, looting and burning in Lhasa of Tibe

2、t broke out, _ 13 innocent people and with more than 300 _.A.killed; injured B. killing; injured C. killed; injuring D. killing; injuring【解析解析】考查非谓语动词用法。第一空用kill的现在分词做状语表示主动含义和补充说明,第二空用过去分词表示“受伤”。晕睫剔父硕猩刨杭前蔬冯铅骄价鸣宋烷措毁木肖釜惺矩亥考洪滑院角矩捂高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 Do you know that the first textbooks written for te

3、aching English as a foreign language _ in the 16th century?A. came up B. came along C. came out D. came about【解析解析】考查常见动词短语用法。语境表示第一本教授英语作为外语的课本“出版,出现”,用come out表示“被出版,被刊行”。其他短语的含义:Vi. A发生,被提出,B进展,出现,D发生。 Write down the key words that you _ your students to find in the passage.A. make B. expect C. s

4、uggest D. hope【解析解析】考查常见动词辨析。从搭配看,只有expect能接带to的不定式做宾补;从含义看,语境表示预料学生可能会问的问题,因此选B。趴髓锰啊衫耶俏刽帚旧排果谬英韩值和盼钨措迸慎援湃笆螺噶矾充恍恰陀高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 To _ good relationships with your teachers and classmates, you should learn to be on good terms with them.A. bring up B. add up C. keep up D. take up【解析解析】考查常见动词短语。语境

5、表示“保持/维持”好的人际关系,因此选C。 Wed better set off,or it will be dark we know it.A. before B. after C. whenD. until【解析解析】考查状语从句的连词。语境表示“还不等我们意识到”,用before引导状语从句表示“在之前”。拒荧砧盗茸刊途崩撂钻士镑慌郡钾福诗偶荷霉吉陛证狸塌铂蚌鹰甥言惊雹高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 - Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a bad habit? - To tell the truth,

6、 its very hard. But we on this problem trying to improve the situation.A.worked B. had worked C. are working D. had been working 【解析】考查动词时态。语境意义:【解析】考查动词时态。语境意义:“这个问这个问题还没解决,我们正在努力解决这个问题题还没解决,我们正在努力解决这个问题”,因此用现在进行时。对动词时态的考查历来是因此用现在进行时。对动词时态的考查历来是高考试卷的重点内容。高考试卷的重点内容。 _久幂午病皱脑幻址鬃久莫扮瓜式蛆拥场回砰傍应都靠喂字歧瓦煤炬篮查溃

7、高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 The computer looks old, but it _ just half a year ago. A.has been bought B. will be bought C. is bought D. was bought考查动词时态。本题容易错选考查动词时态。本题容易错选A A项。语境有具体过去时间项。语境有具体过去时间“half half a year agoa year ago”,因此,因此buybuy表示过去的动作,用一般过去时被动语态。表示过去的动作,用一般过去时被动语态。 “I in the room, watching TV

8、broadcast about the earthquake.” I told the policeman who had driven here to question me.A.was staying B. stay C. stayed D. am staying【解析解析】考查动词时态。语境没有提到具体时间,但从语境和和试考查动词时态。语境没有提到具体时间,但从语境和和试题命制形式上看是直接引语,这里表示回答警察的讯问,那么题命制形式上看是直接引语,这里表示回答警察的讯问,那么一定是问在过去某个时候一定是问在过去某个时候“我我”在做什么,因此用过去进行时。在做什么,因此用过去进行时。_

9、_鸭禄衬舜热锰珍觉颓件警氯蘑轨炬耀涩漏姨粉悦悼叮架啃胚氯枢笑唯掉羊高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 Everyone has periods in their lives _ everything seems very hard. A. when B. where C. which D. that【解析解析】考查定语从句。本题的关系词引导定语从句修饰periods,并在从句中做时间状语,因此选A。 What impresses me most is _ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smil

10、e. A.which B. that C. where D that whenever【解析解析】考查表语从句和状语从句。从语境看,本题需要两个连接词,一个是表语从句的连词that,此时that只起连接作用,不在从句中做任何成分,而且一般不省略;表语从句中还有一个状语从句,表示“无论他在什么时候出现”,用从属连词whenever。AD婆蓄汗不灌场隘刮粟礼赋啥玛弘霜芒暮坞感粳赂岭捷枢屑恳漫事唾轿追黔高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 Class regulations require _ is the last to leave the classroom _ off all the li

11、ghts. A. who; should turn B. whom; shall turn C. whomever; turns D. whoever; turn解析解析:考查名词从句的连词和虚拟语气用法。主语从句中缺少主语,故用whoever=the person who, require后接宾语从句,句中动词用(should)do。Where is Bob? I cannot find him anywhere. He have been off long. I heard him make a call just now.A. shouldnt B. cant C. mustnt D.

12、neednt解析解析:考查情态动词与虚拟语气用法。语境表示语气很肯定的否定判断推测:我刚才还听见他打电话了,因此他一定没走多远。用cant have done。阀面刻徊菇葵勿语促啄帖乓汕壁扼闯式歉跌宦俺槐轻酋萄酒翰蓝劈袋类泵高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户一Isnt it a surprise that I happened to meet Francis Mathews at the Christmas party last week? 一If my memory serves me correctly, you _ each other for exactly two years.

13、 A.hadnt seen B. havent seen C. didnt see D. dont see【解析解析】考查动词时态。语境表示在上周见面之前有两年没见面,因此用过去完成时。【答案】【答案】 A the city lies the famous beautiful mountain.A. 40 miles southeast of B. To 40 miles southeast ofC. Southeast 40 miles to D. To southeast 40 miles of【解析解析】考查副词用法。语境表示方位,“城市东南方向四十公里的地方”,用(to the)+方位

14、词,数量概念放在介词短语或副词短语的前面。因此A为唯一正确表达。烦纪狠瞬架垦嗣赠挟暂腻瘴用瘫锌樟恩着楷搔驯耻硝虐卑逗纹阉侯求匝君高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 If the prediction for the earthquake _ more accurate, we would have been more prepared and many more lives would have been saved. A. had been B. was C. has been D. were解析解析:考查虚拟语气。语境表示假如地震的预测更准确,我们就能做好准备,很多生命就不会失去了,

15、主句使用了would have done,因此表示与过去实际情况相反的假设,状语从句用过去完成时,因此选A。Who has made a mess in my room? Who else it but your naughty son?A.could do B. could have done C. did D. has done解析解析:考查情态动词用法。语境表示对过去发生并延续到现在的情况的推测,用could have done表示不肯定的语气。胎鹃狙柒娘欣杉她颜缔哆畦苍翟盆稻蝎真砰嫌忍硒茄悬蒂猜夸肖沦填竣舵高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 It is a great for a

16、 person to be able to drive when he is seeking a job. A. advantage B. chance C. fun D. importance【解析解析】考查名词辨析。语境表示找工作时,如果会开车将是一个优势,因此选A。 the weather, the sports meet will be held on time.A.In favor ofB. Regardless of C. Apart from D. Due to【解析解析】考查介词短语辨析。语境说运动会按期举行,因此这里表示“不顾”天气情况,用B表示“不管,不顾”。其他选项的含义

17、:A赞成,C除了之外,D由于。 I just wonder that made Mark Twain so famous a writer.Of course his early experiences.A.it was whatB. what he didC. how he didD. what it was【解析解析】考查强调句的特殊疑问句和语序。从题干的含义看,本题涉及强调句的特殊疑问句和语序。被强调的成分在原句做主语,表示物,用what,疑问句在本题做宾语,用陈述句的语序,因此选D。讼难均娄县便虞氛贪励屉摘减壶阐敦唬龚准瘸叠请湿碉喇创嵌滨粕柑搜组高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户

18、 I was told that 10:15 flight would take us to Shanghai in time to reach Fudan University.A.the; / B. the; a C. a; the D. /; the解析解析:考查冠词的用法。第一空,用the表示定指,“十点一刻的航班”,第二空是专有名词,不加冠词。 He talked again and again to his friend about careful driving, but _ just turned a deaf ear to his words. A. another B. o

19、ther C. others D. the other解析解析:考查代词用法。语境涉及两人,他和他的朋友,因此这里用the other表示“另外那个人”,即他的朋友。表示两者中的另外一个用the other。表示没有具体所指的“另外一个”用another,other是形容词,不能单独使用;others表示没有具体范围限制的“其他的”,是复数指代。了莉廓迫贫香府链问镊寅拽卓恼疮能拌镜嘶澜轻擅量松啊谭爪窒吕咬恰记高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 Never in my wildest dreams these people are living in such poor condition

20、.A. I could imagine B. could I imagine C. I couldnt imagine D. couldnt I imagine【解析解析】考查倒装句结构。否定副词never放在句首,主句要用部分倒装,再者,表示否定含义时,前面已经有了否定词,句中就用肯定形式,因此本题选B。 -You shouldnt have taken pictures before the carved stones. -_ .A.Pardon me B. Yes, I will C. Never mind D. Dont mention it【解析解析】考查交际用语用法。语境表示责怪及

21、回答。从四个选项看,这里应该表示道歉,选A,表示没听清楚对方的话。摊颂洗耐暗桨价舌狮譬粱声向温缆套痉驶傻呻枚搁碗奉坛姥恋稚溺树怜厕高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户I found my mom not feeling well this morning. Im afraid she is ill. _.A. Dont worry too much B. Its nothing at all C. Im sorry to hear that D. Take it easy【解析解析】考查交际用语。本题的交际语境是如何表示安慰。对方说他母亲生病了,此时应该表示安慰,帮对方分担忧虑,选C,而不

22、是A、D项空泛地让对方别着急,也不是B,没事。 Good morning,Doctor Browns office.Hello, this is Tom Smith. Could you please tell Doctor Brown I ? My car start.A. was delayed, doesnt B. will be delayed, wont C. am delayed, didnt D. would delay, mustnt【解析解析】考查动词的时态和情态动词用法。从语境看,第一空用一般将来时表示对将来情况的预测,第二空用wont/wouldnt表示无可奈何的感觉,“

23、偏不,就是不”。溺夕致笔灵堑豺浮戍实粘弹欢误棋纠墩狐赚衣蝶赤如哭呸剐酿探容襄潜鱼高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 When I saw mum nod _ to me, I calmed down and went on with my acting.A.encouragingly B. amazingly C. increasingly D. accordingly【解析解析】考查副词辨析。词类的考查异军突起,在高考试卷中所占比例越来越大。考查的着重点更多是从语境和词汇的含义去把握和选择,很少考查同义词或近义词的辨析。语境说妈妈对我点头,我冷静下来,从这些信息看,本题选A,妈妈用手势

24、语鼓励我。 In the time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep with the rapid change of society. A. contactB. progress C. touch D. pace【解析解析】考查名词辨析。四个选项的含义:A接触,B进步,C碰,触摸,D节奏。从动词与介词搭配看,这里用keep in contact with或keep pace with表示“与并驾齐驱”。拦毕歉霸辰除赐乓耀仅灭芽尹韭江吸趁郝唆不摄链五樊垂油腰拐龄邵虞氟高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户What do

25、 you think of the blind man?Ive never seen a man with sense of touch.A. the better B. a better C. a good D. the best解析解析:考查形容词比较级的用法。本题用“否定词+比较级”结构表示“没有比更的”,比较结构后有名词时,用不定冠词修饰,表示没有具体限定的“更的”。 The result was far beyond _we had expected, _brought great joy to every one of us.A. that; which B. than; that C. what; what D. what; which解析解析:考查宾语从句和定语从句。第一空用what引导宾语从句,连词what在从句中做宾语,第二空用which引导非限制性定语从句,关系代词which指代主句内容。弄隅副腰宝洪鳞骗系供夯但碘拯核俊耐蔬焉赠瘤灵烫淀缎堰揩烁株妊柜特高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户 Thanks you ! Bye Bye !矢胡挣宦痪柿衙窟偏墟孺扰先苔星俗佛刺凡液竿京侣镭窥脂秉昨审兑贩启高考单选精讲精练中国最广大的教育资源门户



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