Unit 10《Money》Lesson 4 Advertisements课件4(44张PPT)(北师大版必修4)

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1、Lesson 4 AdvertisementsUnit 10MoneyMini camera What is it used for ?It is used for taking photos .Remote Headphones 无线耳机无线耳机Special Jewellery For Your Ears带耳塞的带耳塞的耳环耳环Earplug EarringsearringsFeline Floor Cleaners 猫地板擦猫地板擦1 Remote Headphones 2 Mini camera 3 Special Jewellery For Your Ears 4 Feline Fl

2、oor Cleaners ( )A. attractive, useful in noisy situation.( )B. small ,convenient, reliable, easy to use, attractive, strong, not expensive( )C. good quality, practical, easy to wash( )D. no wires, move easily, top quality sound3241Remote HeadphonesThe remote headphones, which have no _, are _Philips

3、. _ them you go up _60 meters _from your TV or radio. The signals go _glass, doors and walls. They can give you freedom to move around _ top quality sound.Remote HeadphonesThe remote headphones, which have no _, are _Philips. _ them you go up _60 meters _from your TV or radio. The signals go _glass,

4、 doors and walls. They can give you freedom to move around _ top quality sound.wiresfromWithtoawaythroughplusSpecial Jewellery For Your EarsTrue ( T ) or false ( F )1( ) This earrings are made of silver2( ) They appeal to many people.3( ) Many people are satisfied with these earrings.4( )They are qu

5、ite expensive.FTTFMimi Camera 1 opinion 2 fact( ) Its no bigger than a credit card.( ) Its convenient and reliable.( ) Cost 199.99 pounds.( ) has an automatic focus and flash( ) Its very amazing and new.Reading strategies: 1 Opinions : look for adjective ( e.g. amazing / attractive ) 2 Facts : give

6、information which is, in theory, true. ( e.g. The camera has an automatic focus )自动聚焦自动聚焦Mimi Camera 1 opinion 2 fact( ) Its convenient and reliable.( ) Cost 199.99 pounds.( ) has an automatic focus and flash( ) Its very amazing and new.( ) Its no bigger than a credit card.21221 How to advertise you

7、r product ?1 Title ( the products name )2 The problem and the solution3 the advantages ( design, material, convenience )4 The price / How to get it laptop computer笔记本电脑笔记本电脑mobile phoneMP3electric toothbrush电动牙刷电动牙刷e-dictionaryradio alarm clockWork in group, choose a product , regardyourself as a sa

8、lesman, then advertise your product in a shop. 1 Title 2 The problem and the solution 3 the advantages ( design, material, convenience ) 4 The price cheap, convenient, easy (to use), practical, expensive, reliable, useful, useless Key Words:Mini Camera small convenient reliable easy to use attractiv

9、e strong not expensive Remote Headphones no wires can hear stereo/TV up to 60 metres away and through glass wooden doors and walls top quality sound excellent value special jewellery for your ears attractive useful can be used in many different situations a bargain Feline Floor Cleaners made from go

10、od quality nylon practical easy to wash cheap Now read the advertisements again and find some “opinions” and “facts”.ProductOpinionsFactsMini Cameraamazing, new, convenient,reliable, automatic,attractive,strong1. no bigger than a credit card2. easy to use3. has an automatic focus and flash4. made fr

11、om an attractive and strong materialProductOpinionsFactsRemote Headphonesfantastic, exciting,new, excellent1. have no wires2. signals go through glass or wooden doors and walls 3. excellent value at: 80.45ProductOpinionsFactsSpecial Jewellery for Your EarsFelineFloor Cleanersattractive,usefulperfect

12、, practical, easy, cheap1. used in many different situations2. a bargain at 19.501. made from good quality nylon2. easy to wash 3. complete set for only5.99 Post-readingalso, either, plus, tooalso 意思是也意思是也,是比是比too较为正式的用较为正式的用语语,通常用于肯定句中通常用于肯定句中,一般靠近动词。一般靠近动词。例如例如:He also asked to go. 他也要求去。他也要求去。 to

13、o 意思也是也意思也是也,是最普通的用语是最普通的用语,常与常与also通用通用,但不如但不如also正式正式,在口语中它在口语中它用得更多。用得更多。 too通常放于句末通常放于句末,但有时为了不致引起但有时为了不致引起含糊不清的感觉含糊不清的感觉,把它紧放在所修饰的把它紧放在所修饰的词之后。它也通常用于肯定句中。词之后。它也通常用于肯定句中。 例如例如: I, too, have been to Paris. 我也去过巴黎。我也去过巴黎。(这里明确表示人这里明确表示人家去过巴黎家去过巴黎,我也去过。而不是除我也去过。而不是除了去过某地以外了去过某地以外,还去过巴黎。还去过巴黎。)eithe

14、r 意思也是也。它用于否定句中意思也是也。它用于否定句中,而且要放在句末。而且要放在句末。例如例如: If you do not go,I shall not either.倘若你不去倘若你不去,我也不去。我也不去。 plus prep. 加上加上 This work requires intelligence plus experience. 这项工作需要才智和经验。这项工作需要才智和经验。Exercises1. e-dictionaries -small and convenient-useful for homework (too) E-dictionaries are small an

15、d convenient. They are useful for homework, too. 2. electric toothbrushes-expensive-not very practical (either) Electric toothbrushes are expensive. They are also not very practical. 3. mobile phones- small and useful- cheaper than before (plus) Mobile phones are small and useful. Plus they are chea

16、per than before. 4. laptop computers- very expensive- not very reliable (either) Laptop computers are very expensive. They are not very reliable either. 5. radio alarm clock- useful to get up in the morning- very cheap (too) Radio alarm clocks are useful to get up in the morning. They are very cheap

17、, too.Complete the table with adjectives from the advertisements.“-ed” adjectivesinterested “-ing” adjectivesamazingadvanced tired bored satisfied worried relaxing exciting tiring boring -ing形式和形式和-ed 形式在意义上是有区别的。形式在意义上是有区别的。 -ed通常表示已发生的或已结束的动作通常表示已发生的或已结束的动作,-ing则表示正在发生的。则表示正在发生的。 如如: boiled water

18、开过了的水开过了的水,白开水白开水 boiling water 沸水沸水 fallen leaves 已落在地上的叶子已落在地上的叶子 falling leaves 正在下落的叶子正在下落的叶子 当然也有意义上的区别当然也有意义上的区别,在一些特定的在一些特定的词语上词语上,如如interesting和和interested, exciting和和excited这类词这类词, -ed表示个表示个人的感情人的感情, -ing则表示物体的性质。则表示物体的性质。 如如: interesting game好玩的游戏好玩的游戏 excited boy 兴奋的男孩兴奋的男孩Complete the se

19、ntences with the correct alternative.1. I find shopping very _ (bored/ boring). I get very _ (bored/ boring) in supermarkets. 2. I get _ (tired/ tiring) when I have a lot of homework. For me, maths is very _ (tired/ tiring).boring bored tired tiring 3. I am _ (interested/ interesting) in photography

20、. I think black and white photos are more _ (interested/ interesting). 4. I dont find football very _ (excited/ exciting). I only get_ (excited/ exciting) when I watch the World Cup.interested interesting exciting excited 5. The president said in the news that he was very _ (pleasing/ pleased) with

21、the countrys economic progress, but I found some of what he said very _ (worried/ worrying).pleased worrying 6. There was a really _ (excited/ exciting) basketball game in the stadium. However, I was a bit _ (disappointing/ disappointed) that my team lost, though!exciting disappointed SpeakingWork in groups. One person chooses something from the list below or any other products. The others have five Yes/No questions to find out what it is.Example:A. Do you wear it? B. No.C. Is it expensive? D. Yes, it is.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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