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1、 衢衢 州州 二二 中中潘潘 志志 强强Mar.1.2007英语高考书面表达运用策略英语高考书面表达运用策略tobewithus!tobewithus! 国家教育部于国家教育部于2000年提出了修改中学课程标准年提出了修改中学课程标准的意见,其指导思想是:一个宗旨(素质教育)、的意见,其指导思想是:一个宗旨(素质教育)、二个重点(创新精神和实践能力)、三个面向(面二个重点(创新精神和实践能力)、三个面向(面向未来、面向国际、面向竞争)。同时提出了英语向未来、面向国际、面向竞争)。同时提出了英语素质教育的目的和内容:激发和培养学习兴趣,帮素质教育的目的和内容:激发和培养学习兴趣,帮助学生树立自信


3、国家对中学外语教学所提的要求和目标,也将写的训家对中学外语教学所提的要求和目标,也将写的训练贯穿于日常教学活动的全过程,寓写于听说读等练贯穿于日常教学活动的全过程,寓写于听说读等诸方面的训练中,从而使学生达到真正全面提高写诸方面的训练中,从而使学生达到真正全面提高写的能力的目的。同时对中学外语教师指导学生如何的能力的目的。同时对中学外语教师指导学生如何写好英语作文也极具参考价值和帮助作用。写好英语作文也极具参考价值和帮助作用。前前 言言 目前国内就中学生英语写作课题尚缺乏较完整、系统和目前国内就中学生英语写作课题尚缺乏较完整、系统和科学的研究,更勿论提出有份量乃至权威的实验报告,用以科学的研究


5、样才算是真正实现了用英说,且要说得地道,写得洋气,这样才算是真正实现了用英语进行交际的目的。英语的听说读写四者密不可分,相互渗语进行交际的目的。英语的听说读写四者密不可分,相互渗透,互为基础,又呈螺旋式提高。写的能力要在听说读的基透,互为基础,又呈螺旋式提高。写的能力要在听说读的基础上培养和提高,而写的训练又能进一步提高听说读的能力,础上培养和提高,而写的训练又能进一步提高听说读的能力,因此,今后有关中学生英文写作的研究将会越来越引起重视,因此,今后有关中学生英文写作的研究将会越来越引起重视,并将进一步深化、细化。并将进一步深化、细化。 中文和英文毕竟是两种不同的语言,差异很大。我们在中文和英

6、文毕竟是两种不同的语言,差异很大。我们在写英文的时候经常会出一些错误,一部分是最基本的语法错写英文的时候经常会出一些错误,一部分是最基本的语法错误,这里我们把英文写作中常犯的错误列出一部分,以引起误,这里我们把英文写作中常犯的错误列出一部分,以引起我们的注意。另一部分是由于东西方文化的差异所带来的不我们的注意。另一部分是由于东西方文化的差异所带来的不同思维方式所造成的。同思维方式所造成的。 写写作作研研究究的的现现状状和和发发展展趋趋势势第一章 历年高考作文评析一、1989年全国高校招生统一考试年全国高校招生统一考试 英语书面表达英语书面表达(一)题目要求(一)题目要求一一个个国国际际青青年年

7、参参观观团团正正在在访访问问我我国国某某城城市市,你你负负责责安安排排他他们们的的参参观观活活动动。请请起起草草一一份份通通知知,准准备备向向参参观团成员宣读。通知必须用一段话说明以下几点:观团成员宣读。通知必须用一段话说明以下几点: 1.参观日期:参观日期:7月月22日,星期六。日,星期六。 时时间间:早早餐餐后后8点点出出发发。午午餐餐在在参参观观地地吃吃。下下午午回回来。来。 2.参参观观内内容容:分分四四组组,每每组组参参观观一一个个地地方方:工工厂厂、学校、农场或医院。学校、农场或医院。 3.欢迎每人参加一组活动。请选择好参观地点,并欢迎每人参加一组活动。请选择好参观地点,并在今晚在

8、今晚9点前到服务台点前到服务台(the Service Desk)签名。签名。 满分作文:Ladies and gentlemen,May I have your attention, please? Welcome to our city! Im very glad to tell you our trip plans. There are four choices, including factories,schools,farms,and hospitals.Its up to you to decide which group you have interest. Were suppo

9、sed to get going at 8 oclock tomorrow morning right after breakfast, and you dont have to take any food with you since lunch will be served at the site. Please make sure the place that you feel like going and sign up at the service desk before 9 p.m.! Thank you!其它可用于本篇作文的好句子:其它可用于本篇作文的好句子:1. You wil

10、l be put into four groups.2. We have four trip plans for you to choose from.3. You are supposed to be in any of the four groups.4. There are four choices. Its up to you to decide which one is yours.5. Choose a place which you may feel like visiting.6. Well get going at 8 oclock tomorrow morning righ

11、t after breakfast.7. The trip is scheduled for a whole day, so Im afraid well have lunch on site.8. In addition, you dont have to take any food with you, since lunch will be served at the place you will be visiting.9. Always stay with your guide, just to be on the safe side.10. To make sure that the

12、 visits are well planned, we need you to sign up for your trip by 9:00 P.M.11. Thank you for listening.0404年浙江省高考英语卷书面表达解析年浙江省高考英语卷书面表达解析一、题目一、题目 假设你是李越假设你是李越,你的加拿大笔友你的加拿大笔友Steve来信说来信说,他和他的他和他的一些同学正在学中文一些同学正在学中文,请你推荐两本学中文的词典,根据请你推荐两本学中文的词典,根据下表提供的信息下表提供的信息,请你给他写一封回信请你给他写一封回信.英汉/汉英词典新华字典收词(字)18,000(英

13、语)20,000(汉语)10,000价格52元11元特点大量例子、用法说明,适合初学者中国最常用的汉语字典 不少教师认为本案起点比较低,尖子不少教师认为本案起点比较低,尖子生发挥水平的空间比较少,连生发挥水平的空间比较少,连“初中毕初中毕业生业生”都可以都可以“应付应付”。但是评卷结果。但是评卷结果却让人大跌眼镜:该题的全省平均得分却让人大跌眼镜:该题的全省平均得分只有只有12.5812.58分,满分(分,满分(2525分)者更是凤毛分)者更是凤毛麟角。麟角。二、写作解析二、写作解析、这种英汉、汉英的方式使得学生能更方便地查找参照词。、这种英汉、汉英的方式使得学生能更方便地查找参照词。、这本字





18、/CC/Ewasmorewarmlywelcomedbymystudents.7、Forcommonwordsitalsoincludesefficientexamples.8、Itprovideslotsofusagenotes. 9、Ithasagoodnumberofexamplesentenceswithnecessaryusagenotes.10、Iusethisdictionaryalotduetoitseaseofuseanditscompleteness.11、IhighlyrecommendthisdictionaryforalllearnersofmandarinChine


20、edictionary.1、高考范文高考范文Dear Steve, Im so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese. Id like to recommend the following two dictionaries. The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words. Be

21、sides plenty of examples, it has many notes telling you bow to use a word. Xinhua dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary, and it has a vocabulary of 10,000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECCED is the more expensive, costing 52 yuan, and XD c

22、osts 11 yuan. Please let me know if you want me to buy these dictionaries. (111 words)四、范文欣赏四、范文欣赏2、考场高分范文、考场高分范文Dear Steve, Thank you very much for your last letter which asked me something about how to choose a dictionary for learning Chinese. Here I strongly recommend you the following two which

23、may be useful to you. One of them is the English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary, which will cost you 52 yuan. It contains some 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words. As it has lots of examples showing how to use the words, it will be much valuable for the beginners like you. The other on

24、e, Xinhua Dictionary, which charges you only 11 yuan and has a collection of 10,000 Chinese words. It is the most commonly used one in China. If you need my help with your Chinese please write to me. (120 words)3、教师范文、教师范文Dear Steve, Very glad to have received your letter, saying that you and your c

25、lassmates are learning English. I wish you good luck with your efforts in Chinese learning. In your letter you also ask what Chinese dictionaries to use. Here are the two that I highly recommend. An ideal tool for study, the English-Chinese & ChineseEnglish dictionary collects 20,000 Chinese words a

26、nd 18,000 English words. Abundant examples illustrate how and when a word can be used. As a must-have reference for beginners, the dictionary is worth the price, 52 yuan. The Xinhua Dictionary, consisting of 10,000 Chinese words, has been the most influential Chinese-only dictionary available. The d

27、ictionary is relatively small, easy to carry and affordable, costing only 11 yuan. If you have further questions, let me know. (128 words) 普通高校招生全国统一考试大纲普通高校招生全国统一考试大纲中英语中英语学科书面表达的学科书面表达的“评分标准评分标准”中指出,评分时,中指出,评分时,应该注意应该注意“应用词汇和语法结构的数量、上下应用词汇和语法结构的数量、上下文的连贯性和语言的得体性文的连贯性和语言的得体性”;最高档次的给;最高档次的给分要求中还要求考生

28、能够分要求中还要求考生能够“应用较多的语法结应用较多的语法结构和词汇;构和词汇;尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇,具备较强的语言用用能力;有效地使用词汇,具备较强的语言用用能力;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑”等等。等等。这些要求在上述三篇范文中,尤其是最后两篇这些要求在上述三篇范文中,尤其是最后两篇范文中,都有较好的体现。范文中,都有较好的体现。五、范文评析五、范文评析 范文中能够通过从属连词(第范文中能够通过从属连词(第2 2篇)、非限制性定语篇)、非限制性定语从句(第从句(第2 2篇)、同位语(第篇)、同位语(第3

29、3篇)和现在分词短语(第篇)和现在分词短语(第1 1、3 3篇)等语法结构来构建长句,使多个要点能够在一个句篇)等语法结构来构建长句,使多个要点能够在一个句子中得以表达,从而使意义更为连贯、文章更为流畅。本子中得以表达,从而使意义更为连贯、文章更为流畅。本案的并列信息比较多,如价格、拥有词汇量等,但是上面案的并列信息比较多,如价格、拥有词汇量等,但是上面提到的多种语法结构的运用,使文章摆脱了内容上的乏味,提到的多种语法结构的运用,使文章摆脱了内容上的乏味,变得很耐读变得很耐读. . 范文中也体现了较强的词汇运用能力。在范文中也体现了较强的词汇运用能力。在“考场高分考场高分范文范文”中,中,co

30、ntaincontain、chargecharge、a collection ofa collection of等的正确等的正确运用,无疑为文章增色不少;而运用,无疑为文章增色不少;而“教师范文教师范文”中的用词亦中的用词亦有可圈可点之处,通过有可圈可点之处,通过effortsefforts、collectcollect、abundantabundant、illustrateillustrate、consist ofconsist of、influentialinfluential、availableavailable、relativelyrelatively等词,彰显了作者的词汇量,这与评分














44、stmuch,就有调侃的意味,不够恰当。忽略后者,容易导致文章内容不够充实,比如有同学说Weshouldsaythankstoourparentsandgivethempresentsinstead,接着就嘎然而止,缺乏了细致性和丰富性。0606年浙江卷英语书面表达年浙江卷英语书面表达一一 题目题目当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择电影,有人喜欢读原著。请你以“Filmorbook,whichdoyouprefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:1.看电影:省时、有趣、易懂2.读原著:细节更多、语言优美3.我的看法及理由注意:1.词数100-120,文章题目和开头已给出(不计词数)。

45、2.参考词汇:originalwork或bookintheoriginal(原著)Filmorbook,whichdoyouprefer?Someofusthinkthatitisbettertoseethefilmthantoreadthebookintheoriginal.二二 高考范文高考范文Filmorbook,whichdoyouprefer?Someofusthinkthatitisbettertoseethefilmthantoreadthebookintheoriginal.Thereasonisthatittakeslesstimetounderstandthewholest


47、anstayathome,readingquietlyinasituationofmyown,andwhatsmore,Iamabletobetterunderstandtheauthorsideas.Inaword,toreadtheoriginalworkisbetterthantoseethefilmbasedonit.三三 考场优秀作文考场优秀作文Filmorbook,whichdoyouprefer?Someofusthinkthatitisbettertoseethefilmthantoreadthebookintheoriginal.Comparedwithreadingtheo


49、ppealforthereaders.Ipreferreadingtheoriginalwork.Inmyopinion,booksleadustothink,whileseeingthefilmmakesuslazy.Besides,readingtheoriginalworkcanalsoimproveourreadingskills.四四 教师范文教师范文Filmorbook,whichdoyouprefer?Someofusthinkthatitisbettertoseethefilmthantoreadthebookintheoriginal.Intheiropinion,thefi


51、,Iprefertoseethefilm.ThatsbecauseIliketoseethecarefullydesignedscenesofthestory.Besides,Icanenjoysomebeautifulmusicatthesametime,whichisespeciallyimportanttoamusicloverlikeme!五五 可用于本文的一些好句子可用于本文的一些好句子1.Thereasonisthatittakeslesstimetounderstandthewholestory.2.Thatsbecausewecanmoreeasilyunderstandthe



54、toseethefilmhasmanymoreadvantagesovertoreadthebookintheoriginal.六六 评价与指导评价与指导1.06年书面表达延续了05年的半开放的模式,但在表达的形式上还是有迹可循的。作文的内容是关于看书还是看电影的两种不同意见的对比以及作者的看法和理由,这一形式的书面表达在前些年的高考中曾多次出现。因此,文章可以分成三个段落,脉络十分清晰,便于学生的组织。2.本例书面表达的题干也延续了05年的特点,语言简洁。所以审题环节至关重要。平时应引导学生学会在简洁的语言中捕捉隐含的信息,以进行合乎英语习惯的表达。如若不然,则很容易出现错误。如有学生的文章

55、中出现有Filmrequireslesstime的句子,就是没有分清被比较的是看书和看电影。也正是因为题干简洁,文章很容易被写得过于简单而没有文采,进而不能达到所要求的字数。如第一部分就有学生写成了Seeingfilmsavestime,andisveryinterestingandeasyunderstanding.这需要平时的用心体会和练习。3.段落间和段落中的衔接过渡在这种形式的文章中显得比较重要。而很多学生在一些具有关联意义的词汇的选择上存在困难。如有学生将while错用为副词,将第二部分的开头表达成While some others prefer reading the origin

56、al work。也有学生在第一部分中用above all来表示看电影的第一个优点Above all, seeing the film saves much time。一、故事或人物介绍一、故事或人物介绍 第二章 美国学生习作赏析MyMumMymumis36andshegoestoadultschool.Sheworksathomebycleaning,cookingect.HerfullnameisRobynTracieBall.Shehasbrownhairandbrowneyes,andsheusuallywearsshortsandat-shirtunlesswearegoingout,



59、、事件二、事件 1TerrorismOneTuesday,Iwokeup,gotdressedandhadmybreakfast.Iwenttoschool,thinkingitwouldbejustanotherboringday,butIsawthattheclasseswerenotlinedup.Everyonewascrowdedinside.Why?Didyouhearthenews?Dani,myfriend,asked.Whatnews?Iresponded.AbouttheWorldTradeCenter.IdidnotknowwhattheWorldTradeCenterw

60、as,andIamstillnottoofamiliarwithit.ItriedactingasifIknewwhathewastalkingabout.Whathappened?Iasked.Itgotbombed,saidDani.Isntitsad?Yeah,Isaid,stillnotknowingwhathewastalkingabout.When the bell rang everybody went into the library. The principaltalkedtotheclassesabouttheattacks.Theneverybodywenttotheir

61、normalclass.MinewasP.E. BeforeIknewit,schoolwascanceledfortherestoftheday.IwasprettysadwhenIgottoknowmoreaboutthenews. But I didnt understand why my school closed. I thought thatschoolwasasafeplacetobe.(182words)三、地点或情况介绍三、地点或情况介绍 1MallofAmericaWhenwearrivedinBlaine,weheadedstraighttoMallofAmerica.I



64、od-byetoKelleyandhisfamily.Wespentthreehoursshoppinganddidnotevengetthrough1/8ofthestore.Then,wehadtogobacktothehotel.IhadafantasticdayandIwillneverforgetit.(198 words) 1 The Roller Coaster (云霄飞车云霄飞车)(ByJustin,Grade7,MasonMiddleSchool,Waterford,Michigan,USA)Beep.Beep.,Iwokeup,hitthealarmclockandrush



67、erwegotoff,Iknewthatthatwasmyfavoriterollercoaster.(186words)四、活动四、活动五、观点五、观点 ReasonsForBecomingaVegetarianAnyonewhohasvisitedaCanadiangrocerystoreorrestauranthasprobablyseenfooditemslabeledvegetarian.Thesefoodsdonot containmeat,and people who choose this type of diet arecalled vegetarians. Many dif

68、ferent people of all ages arevegetariansandeveryonehashisorherownreasonsforrefusingtoeatmeat.Somebelieveeatingmeatisnotgoodforyou,somebelieveitiswrongtokillanimalsandsomebelievemeatistooexpensive.Some people do not eat meat because they believe it isunhealthy.Certaintypesofmeatcontainahighamountoffa





73、ehourtodomyhair!OnMonday,wewerequitebusygettingadjustedtoournewyearofschool.Welearned about what the fifth grade teachers called communityservice.Acommunityserviceiswhatfifthgradestudentsmustdowhentheygetintrouble.Someofthejobsincludepullingweeds,sweeping the sidewalks, or picking up rocks from the

74、old soccerfield.Onthesecondday,westartedtoputournotebookstogether.Thatwaswhatwedidmostoftheday.Afewdayslaterwestartedtoplantatree.Nothingtoit-justabitofhardwork.Every Monday after school, you can sign up to go to a singinggroup.Inthespringwegettotraveloutofthestate.Thetripswereablast.Singingandtrave


76、timetothesixteenthcentury. Wewillleaveschoolpromptlyat8a.m.andexpecttoreturnby6p.m.WevisitedKentwelllastyearand,althoughitisalongdayandmoreexpensivethanthe usual school trips, it is a wonderful experience for thechildrenandwellworththeextramoneyandthelongjourney.Everyone will dress up in Tudor costu

77、me, which is verysimpleanddetailsareattachedtohelp!Thechildrenwillalsolearnhowtospeakaspeopledidin1539andwillexperiencelifeasitwasatKentwellinthelastyearsofHenryVIIIsreign(统治). Thatsall.Thankyou.(146words)七、通知、信件等文件七、通知、信件等文件第三章 短文改错考题预测及说明短文改错考查考生对语言的评价能力测试考生发现、短文改错考查考生对语言的评价能力测试考生发现、判断和纠正语篇错误的能力要求


79、错常见如下错误有多词、缺词、错词等,但行中有一行是正确的提高改错能力的关键:一是基本概念清楚;一行是正确的提高改错能力的关键:一是基本概念清楚;二要阅读细心;三要做一定量练习二要阅读细心;三要做一定量练习短文改错不是语法改错,更不是单选的变种,它短文改错不是语法改错,更不是单选的变种,它重在考查考生在语篇阅读中的校验能力这方面重在考查考生在语篇阅读中的校验能力这方面能力强,短文写作中的错误就少一般来说,短能力强,短文写作中的错误就少一般来说,短文写的非常好的同学的短文改错能力也较强文写的非常好的同学的短文改错能力也较强近年来短文改错有如下特点:近年来短文改错有如下特点:(1) 语言材料取自于学

80、生习作或类似学生的习作语言材料取自于学生习作或类似学生的习作(2) 是常见话题或学生身边事是常见话题或学生身边事(3) 选篇的难度与学生高三学段应有的难度相当选篇的难度与学生高三学段应有的难度相当(4) 语言简单易懂语言简单易懂(5) 绝少生僻的语言现象或过于繁难的语句结构绝少生僻的语言现象或过于繁难的语句结构 中国人说话重复很多,代词用得不如英文多。中国人说话重复很多,代词用得不如英文多。比如,我们说比如,我们说“男孩有男孩的特点,女孩有女孩男孩有男孩的特点,女孩有女孩的特点的特点” ,不会说成,不会说成“男孩有男孩有他们的他们的特点,女孩特点,女孩有有她们的她们的。” 而英文却通常是这么说

81、的:而英文却通常是这么说的:Boys have their traits, girls theirs. 因此,我们写英因此,我们写英文很可能在代词方面出错误。文很可能在代词方面出错误。语法错误语法错误 _ 第一节 代词错误(41)第一节 代词错误1. Before leaving the classroom, we usually clean the teachers desk first and our later.(提示提示:注意物主代词的用法。名词性物主代词有:注意物主代词的用法。名词性物主代词有: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its等。这

82、等。这句话中句话中our应是应是ours表示表示our desks。)2. Every one in our dormitory takes the room as the second home.语法错误语法错误 _ 第一节 代词错误(42)3. I am looking for a flat. Id like it with a garden.(提示提示:everyone 与与 every one 是不同的,是不同的, every one 应与应与of 短语连用,如:短语连用,如:every one of us 等。等。)(提示提示:英语中用以指代前面出现的单数名词的代词英语中用以指代前面

83、出现的单数名词的代词较多,如较多,如it,one,that等,而犹以等,而犹以it最为常见。学生往最为常见。学生往往倾向于用往倾向于用it指代任何单数名词。此处的指代任何单数名词。此处的it,实是指,实是指不确定的某一公寓(不确定的某一公寓(a flat),应用应用one来指代为佳。来指代为佳。)语法错误语法错误 _ 第一节 代词错误(43)4. Each boy has himselfs favorite toys.(提示提示:反身代词表达反身代词表达“自己自己”的概念。学生易根据的概念。学生易根据名词所有格的构成规则,生造出名词所有格的构成规则,生造出himselfs的表达方式,的表达方式

84、,这是大错特错的。此句宜改为这是大错特错的。此句宜改为: Each boy has his own favorite toys. Each boy has favorite toys of his own. )语法错误语法错误 _ 第一节 代词错误(44)5. You can sit at both ends of the boat.(提示提示:英语中有英语中有both,either,neither等词,都等词,都是对是对“两个两个”的概念作出不同的陈述。中国学生的概念作出不同的陈述。中国学生易将易将“两两”的概念无限放大,而忽略了他们各自的概念无限放大,而忽略了他们各自的内在意义,如的内在意

85、义,如both表示表示“两者全部两者全部”;either表示表示“两者中取一两者中取一”。根据。根据“一个人在同一时间一个人在同一时间只能坐在一个地方只能坐在一个地方”的基本常识,此句应改为:的基本常识,此句应改为:You can sit at either end of the boat.)中文句子结构是意合,也就是说词与词在中文句子结构是意合,也就是说词与词在意义上合成一句话。英文的句子结构则是形合,意义上合成一句话。英文的句子结构则是形合,它用连词合成句子。比如:中文说它用连词合成句子。比如:中文说“他不来,他不来,我不去我不去”。英文不可以说。英文不可以说He doesnt come,

86、 I wont go,而应说成,而应说成 I wont go until / before / unless he comes. 我们写英文时我们写英文时常在连词方面出一些错误。常在连词方面出一些错误。语法错误语法错误 _ 第二节 连词错误(41)第二节 连词错误2. You can stick to your opinion, Ill insist on my own view.1. Her parents died, so she lived with her grandfather in a small wooden house. However, her aunt was a bad

87、woman and she sold her to a rich family.语法错误语法错误 _ 第二节 连词错误(42)提示提示:however是是in spite of this 或或nevertheless的意思,有的语法的意思,有的语法专家称为专家称为“半连接词半连接词”,然而,可是,然而,可是,较较but意味稍弱,如:意味稍弱,如:Scotlandsometimeshasverystrongwinds,especiallyinwinter.However,thatnightwastheworstoneinhistory.(Lesson42,TheHurricane,Unit11,

88、SEFC-BII-B)显然,此处的显然,此处的however 在连接下面句子时起了误导作用。可以在连接下面句子时起了误导作用。可以whats even worse 来替换。来替换。(提示提示:两句话之间没有连词,只用一个逗号连接,两句话之间没有连词,只用一个逗号连接,是病句。该句应在是病句。该句应在Ill 前加前加but。)3. I have a lot of good friends in the school. We were very close to each other. One of them cried sadly when we left school last summer.

89、语法错误语法错误 _ 第二节 连词错误(43)(提示提示:我们在做书面表达题时,应有效使用语句我们在做书面表达题时,应有效使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,上下文连贯。显间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,上下文连贯。显然这是个较高层次的要求,但它对增强文章逻辑性、然这是个较高层次的要求,但它对增强文章逻辑性、可读性、交际性很有好处,不少学生写出来的短文可读性、交际性很有好处,不少学生写出来的短文虽然单个句子语法正确,但语句间缺少照应和过渡。虽然单个句子语法正确,但语句间缺少照应和过渡。上面这个句子最好能在上面这个句子最好能在one of them前加上前加上Thats why,这样可以说明上下

90、文的因果关系。,这样可以说明上下文的因果关系。下面还有几句。下面还有几句。)4. In the evening I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. Whats more, I can go to bed earlier. As far as I know, everyone is happy about the new arrangement of thee things.5. We have some activities in our school, like English Festival, SBA, that is Students

91、Basketball Association.语法错误语法错误 _ 第二节 连词错误(44)(提示提示:以上是以上是2001年高考书面表达题参考答年高考书面表达题参考答案,如果去掉划线部分的过渡性连接用词,文章案,如果去掉划线部分的过渡性连接用词,文章可能不会准确表达作者的特定心理。可能不会准确表达作者的特定心理。)(提示提示:同样,同样,SBA需要一个句子来说明。需要一个句子来说明。)几乎每个句子都会有名词,在使用名词时,我们常几乎每个句子都会有名词,在使用名词时,我们常犯的错误会有以下几种:犯的错误会有以下几种:单复数及主谓一致问题;单复数及主谓一致问题;同义、近义词误用;同义、近义词误用

92、;按中国意思来修饰或表达。按中国意思来修饰或表达。2. The company will make a lot of things such as computers, machine robots.1. I hope that I can become a member of Chinese country team.语法错误语法错误 _ 第三节 名词错误(31)(提示提示:country 应改为应改为national。country, state, nation应该区别清楚的。应该区别清楚的。)(提示提示:robot 就是就是“机器人机器人”的意思了。的意思了。)第三节 名词错误3. I

93、used to visit his house to spend the weekends together.(提示提示:谓语动词的数只与主语一致,而与介词短谓语动词的数只与主语一致,而与介词短语语如这里的如这里的as well as没有关系。故此处的没有关系。故此处的take应与应与he的数保持一致。常常会有同学因为主谓间隔的数保持一致。常常会有同学因为主谓间隔过长而迷失判断方向过长而迷失判断方向 。)(提示提示:house应为应为family,因为后面说了,因为后面说了spend the weekends。)语法错误语法错误 _ 第三节 名词错误(32)4. He as well as t

94、he other group members are supposed to take turns to speak.5. A womans doctor came up to me and asked what was the matter.语法错误语法错误 _ 第三节 名词错误(33)(提示提示: 汉语中汉语中“的的”有时表示拥有关系,如有时表示拥有关系,如“我的书我的书”,有时不表示拥有关系,如,有时不表示拥有关系,如“红的书;红的书;而英语中的而英语中的“s”则通常则通常不是百分百不是百分百表示拥有表示拥有关系。有些同学学了所有格的用法,往往矫枉过关系。有些同学学了所有格的用法,往往矫

95、枉过正,以为什么样的名词修饰另外一个名词时都要正,以为什么样的名词修饰另外一个名词时都要加加“s”。若此处用。若此处用a womans doctor,则意,则意为为“一个女士拥有的医生一个女士拥有的医生”!如何不令人啼笑皆!如何不令人啼笑皆非!。宜改为非!。宜改为a woman doctor才好才好。)。) 中文语法没有时态一说,各种时间概念是由中文语法没有时态一说,各种时间概念是由状语表示的,如状语表示的,如“现在现在”、“过去过去”、“正在正在”、“将来将来”等等等等;而在英文里,这些时间概念则可以而在英文里,这些时间概念则可以由各种时态来表现出来。再者,英语中的时态很由各种时态来表现出来

96、。再者,英语中的时态很复杂,例如,现在时态不一定表示复杂,例如,现在时态不一定表示“现在现在”的时的时间概念,再加上被动语态和虚拟语气,问题可就间概念,再加上被动语态和虚拟语气,问题可就更复杂了。更复杂了。1. If the library will be built before the students graduate from the school, they can also benefit from it.语法错误语法错误 _ 第四节 动词时态错误(41)第四节 动词时态错误(提示提示:在条件式时间从句中,一般现在时态用在条件式时间从句中,一般现在时态用来表示将来的动作,来表示将来

97、的动作,will be 应改为应改为is。)2. How is your trip to New York?3. I felt asleep while attending the concert.语法错误语法错误 _ 第四节 动词时态错误(42)(提示提示:该问句所涉及到的时间是该问句所涉及到的时间是“过去时过去时”,这,这一点中国的英语学习考往往出错,应把一点中国的英语学习考往往出错,应把is 改为改为was。另外:再看一句,另外:再看一句,“Oh, you are back home, I dont know you were here. 同理,同理,dont 应为应为didnt,是,是

98、“刚才刚才”我还不知道你在这里。我还不知道你在这里。)(提示:(提示:英语中有不少动词的过去式、过去名词英语中有不少动词的过去式、过去名词易混肴的。如易混肴的。如, fall / fell / fallen 和和 feel / felt / felt 便是一组。便是一组。)4. It was Grandmas birthday. Father, Mother and I went to visit her. She lived with my uncle in a village not too far away. Early in the morning we bought some pre

99、sents and took the bus to get there.语法错误语法错误 _ 第四节 动词时态错误(43)(提示提示:这是这是1999年高考题中书面表达题的一年高考题中书面表达题的一段。看上去每个句子的时态很一致,都用了过段。看上去每个句子的时态很一致,都用了过去时,然而去时,然而lived是唯一可以从是唯一可以从“过去过去现在,现在,可能还会持续到将来可能还会持续到将来”的一个动作,它必须是的一个动作,它必须是lives。)5. He had lived in New York for three years when he was a child.语法错误语法错误 _ 第四

100、节 动词时态错误(44)(提示提示:在时态判别中,常常会有同学唯在时态判别中,常常会有同学唯“时间短时间短语语”马首是瞻,而忽略了情景的分析。他们认为这马首是瞻,而忽略了情景的分析。他们认为这里的里的for three years就是跟完成时连用的。实际就是跟完成时连用的。实际上,上,live的动作是在的动作是在was a child(过去时)中间(过去时)中间发生的,而非在它之前发生,故也就不能用过去完发生的,而非在它之前发生,故也就不能用过去完成时。应把成时。应把had lived改为改为lived才对。才对。)非谓语动词是中文中所没有的。非谓语动词包非谓语动词是中文中所没有的。非谓语动词

101、包括现在分词、过去分词、动名词和动词不定式。非括现在分词、过去分词、动名词和动词不定式。非谓语动词用法较为复杂,我们容易用错,其中常见谓语动词用法较为复杂,我们容易用错,其中常见错误是状语动作行为者与主句主语不一致。错误是状语动作行为者与主句主语不一致。1. Studying alone, his attention is concentrated on his lessons.语法错误语法错误 _ 第五节 非谓语动词错误(31)第五节 非谓语动词错误(提示提示:这句话译成中文似乎很通:一个人学习,:这句话译成中文似乎很通:一个人学习,注意力集中在功课上。但是,从英文角度来看,注意力集中在功课

102、上。但是,从英文角度来看,状语的动作行为者应该是状语的动作行为者应该是he。我们可以把句子改。我们可以把句子改动一下:动一下:Studying alone, he concentrates his attention on his lessons) 3. Whenever I got to the market, the first thing I did was look for cartoons.2. In his opinion, get fat is a terrible thing.语法错误语法错误 _ 第五节 非谓语动词错误(32)(提示提示:get是谓语动词,而我们却需要做主语的

103、是谓语动词,而我们却需要做主语的动名词,我们可以这样说动名词,我们可以这样说:Getting fat is a terrible thing.)(提示提示:I did 是定语从句,显然与后面的是定语从句,显然与后面的was 没有关系,但是,没有关系,但是,was后面竟再次出现谓语动词,后面竟再次出现谓语动词,我们可以将我们可以将look for变为变为to look for ,或,或looking for 这两种非谓语动词。这两种非谓语动词。)5. The children made the beds without asking.语法错误语法错误 _ 第五节 非谓语动词错误(33)(提示提示


105、asked。)4. Who are the boys and girls over there? A team called itself the group of learningfrom Lei Feng.不少学生分不清形容词和副词,形容词、副词间的不少学生分不清形容词和副词,形容词、副词间的同义、近义词分不清,所以有必要把它们作为一个项目同义、近义词分不清,所以有必要把它们作为一个项目提出来。提出来。2. Because of the rain in the morning, the roads became smooth.语法错误语法错误 _第六节 形容词、副词错误(31)第六节 形容

106、词、副词错误(提示提示:应把应把 smooth改为改为slippery。smooth是光是光滑的,而滑的,而slippery则是则是difficult to hold、drive or walk, 有个例句可以说明这一点:有个例句可以说明这一点:Drive very carefully, the roads are wet and slippery.)(提示提示:注意副词修饰动词,该用注意副词修饰动词,该用wonderfully。)1. You cant imagine how wonderful she sings. 3. Mary : John says Im pretty. Andy s

107、ays Im ugly. What do you think, Peter? Peter : A bit of both. I think youre prettily ugly.4. I very miss her.(提示提示:pretty可以用作形容词,也可以用作副词。可以用作形容词,也可以用作副词。类似词还有类似词还有hard,straight等。这句话里的等。这句话里的pretty就是就是副词,修饰副词,修饰good。)(提示提示:very 虽然是副词,但它不修饰动词,该虽然是副词,但它不修饰动词,该句可以这样说:句可以这样说:I miss her very much. 类似的句类似的

108、句子还有,子还有,I like English very much. I treasure that very much等等。等等。)语法错误语法错误 _第六节 形容词、副词错误(32)5. Life today is more better than it was 50 years ago.(提示提示:比较级不可以修饰另一个比较级。对比比较级不可以修饰另一个比较级。对比较级的常见修饰词较级的常见修饰词如如even,much,still等等应了然应了然于心。此处宜将于心。此处宜将more改为改为much。)6.The river is very wide to swim across.(提示提

109、示:副词副词very,quite,too等意义相近,用法却等意义相近,用法却有所差别。只有有所差别。只有“too”常用在常用在“tooto do sth”的结构中,表示的结构中,表示“太太而不能而不能”之意。之意。)7.He looked angry at the the couple sitting behind.(提示提示:look可作系动词,后接形容词,意为可作系动词,后接形容词,意为“看看上去上去”。但此处的。但此处的look与与at连用,是个实义动词,连用,是个实义动词,表达一个动作的概念。应将表达一个动作的概念。应将angry改为改为angrily。) 语法错误语法错误 _第六节

110、形容词、副词错误(33)英语中有大量的介词与动词搭配式组合。例如:英语中有大量的介词与动词搭配式组合。例如:to put up with 表示表示“忍受忍受”,只能用介词,只能用介词with,又如:,又如:英文英文“抢劫抢劫”是是 rob sb. of sth.,不是,不是rob sth. of sb.。 这就给我们写作带来不少困难。这就给我们写作带来不少困难。1. Suddenly, a football hit my face and of course I felt very painful.语法错误语法错误 _第七节 介词与固定搭配错误(31)第七节 介词与固定搭配错误(提示提示:“打

111、在某人脸上打在某人脸上”就象就象rob sb. of sth.一一样,是一种固定说法,应该说,样,是一种固定说法,应该说,hit sb. in the face.同类的还有同类的还有:hit sb. on the shoulder, pull sb. by the arm(sleeve)等。等。)3. She is a good example for me.2. By working hard, I can make it reality. (提示提示:“给给树立了榜样树立了榜样”是是be an example to sb. ,同类的说法还有,同类的说法还有,set / follow an

112、example to sb. ,如:,如:Marys courage is an example to us all.。)(提示提示:“将将变成现实变成现实”是是turn sth. into reality,类似的说法,类似的说法,come true, 而一般不能说而一般不能说 be come true。)语法错误语法错误 _第七节 介词与固定搭配错误(32)5. He went to visit one of his friends during he stayed in the city.4. I swear I wont cry even as tears fall from my ey

113、es.语法错误语法错误 _第七节 介词与固定搭配错误(33)(提示提示:此句从汉语意思上看并无不妥。但此句从汉语意思上看并无不妥。但during乃典型介词,后不接从句。故句子应改为乃典型介词,后不接从句。故句子应改为He went to visit one of his friends during his stay in the city.才妥当。才妥当。)(提示提示:from侧重于侧重于“来源来源”,宜改为,宜改为outof为妥。为妥。当然我们也常说:当然我们也常说:evenastearscometomyeyes或或evenastearspressbehindmyeyes。)英语从句的种类

114、很多,有主语从句、宾语从句、英语从句的种类很多,有主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、同位语从句、状语从句等。表语从句、定语从句、同位语从句、状语从句等。2. I always think of what am I going to be in 10 years.语法错误语法错误 _ 第八节 从句错误(31)第八节 从句错误1. I hope there will be more picture books that our children find it interesting to read them.(提示提示:注意定语从句中的注意定语从句中的that, which, who, w

115、hen, where等在从句中起一定成分的作用。等在从句中起一定成分的作用。) (提示提示:what所引导的宾语从句的语序必须是陈所引导的宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。述语序。)3. Its a six-storey building, the color of it is light yellow.4. I cant find him. Because I have lost his address.语法错误语法错误 _ 第八节 从句错误(32)(提示提示:这个句子应该是个非限制性定语从句,这个句子应该是个非限制性定语从句,it 应改为应改为which。)(提示提示: “从句从句”就是就是“

116、跟从别人的句子跟从别人的句子”。此。此处的处的Because显然已经独立于前一个句子了。宜显然已经独立于前一个句子了。宜将整个句子改为:将整个句子改为:I cant find him, because I have lost his address.)语法错误语法错误 _ 第八节 从句错误(33)5.Who wants to go please sign up at the Service Desk by 9:00 AM.(提示提示:who引导名词性从句,此从句可译为引导名词性从句,此从句可译为“谁想要去谁想要去这事情这事情”。许多同学只去关注。许多同学只去关注“谁想谁想要去要去”这一意义,而

117、忽略了这一从句表达这一意义,而忽略了这一从句表达“的事情的事情”的概念。宜将的概念。宜将Who改为改为Anyone who或或Whoever.)许多学生在写英文作文的时候,只考虑意思,对英许多学生在写英文作文的时候,只考虑意思,对英语语言本身却是顾不过来,漏词可能会导致误解。语语言本身却是顾不过来,漏词可能会导致误解。同样累赘也可能会导致误解。同样累赘也可能会导致误解。1. The reason why so many people prefer to live in the country is because the air in the city is polluted.语法错误语法错误

118、 _ 第九节 漏词与累赘(31)第九节 漏词与累赘(提示提示:既然已经有了既然已经有了the reason,就不要再,就不要再用用because了,应改为了,应改为that。)3. The world people live in the future is determined by what we do it today.2. I appreciate detective stories better than any stories.(提示提示:中国学生写英文,由于中文说话习中国学生写英文,由于中文说话习惯的影响,往往漏掉惯的影响,往往漏掉other这个词。这个词。)(提示提示:注意注意

119、people live in 是定语从句,修饰是定语从句,修饰the world, 其中介词其中介词in不可省略。不可省略。)语法错误语法错误 _ 第九节 漏词与累赘(32)4. Today I visited the Smiths-my first time visit to an American family.语法错误语法错误 _ 第九节 漏词与累赘(33)(提示提示:虽然虽然my first time的表达是正确的,的表达是正确的,但但first可以直接修饰一个名词,因此此处要可以直接修饰一个名词,因此此处要将将time删去。删去。)(提示提示:汉语中的连词常有汉语中的连词常有“因为因

120、为所以所以”“虽然虽然但是但是”等表达方式。但英语中的连歌分等表达方式。但英语中的连歌分句只能用一个连词连接。句只能用一个连词连接。Although和和but都是都是常见连词,因此去除常见连词,因此去除but。)5. Although I felt sorry for him, but I was secretly happy.这一章节中所收集的只是很少一部分有关不同的这一章节中所收集的只是很少一部分有关不同的思维方式所造成的语言运用失误,解决这些失误的根思维方式所造成的语言运用失误,解决这些失误的根本方法是本方法是刻意了解东西方文化差异刻意了解东西方文化差异,模仿地道英语的模仿地道英语的表达

121、方式表达方式,日积月累日积月累自然会成功的。我真诚地期待各自然会成功的。我真诚地期待各位同仁能与我一道收集这类题材,因为这个过程本身位同仁能与我一道收集这类题材,因为这个过程本身就在就在polishing our English。语用失误语用失误 _ (101)1. One day I visited the Internet and I opened QICQ. 2. After the talk to the students, I looked around the school. I found great changes in my former school. (explored

122、)( toured )visitedlookedaround3. When I arrived at my former school, I saw students in the school campus, shouting Welcome to our school.5. Sometimes there was a lot of rubbish in his desk or there are used bowls borrowed from the cafeteria on the bed. 4. Dont fight. Now you are required go back to

123、the classroom and wash the windows. 语用失误语用失误 _ (102)( Welcome back)( clean; windows 后加后加as a punishment)(uncleaned)usedwashWelcome to our school.6. The movie Pearl Harbor is wonderful. Its sense of reality is very good.语用失误语用失误 _ (103)( I can sense its reality)7. My family is very happy. 8. Jin Yong

124、s Books. ( I have a happy family.)( Books by Jin Yong)9. The teachers were both kind and strict. They taught us carefully. (patiently)Its sense of reality is very good.carefully语用失误语用失误 _ (104)10. But sometimes I feel unhappy because the study is very difficult.( I have great difficulty in my studie

125、s.)11. Tears sometimes fall down my face. 12. I must grasp the time which belongs to me. (cheeks)( treasure)13. I dont think your plan will be useful. ( work)facegraspbe usefulthe study is very difficult语用失误语用失误 _ (105)14. I was very glad when we went to the country, because of the interesting thing

126、s there. 15. These places gave me much happiness.16. We could not boil the rice ripe.( I feel really happy when I remember these places.)( We had difficulty boiling the rice.)( I always enjoyed seeing the beautiful things in the country.)17. But if I wanted to get home, I must go across a small stre

127、am.语用失误语用失误 _ (106)18. But my curiosity tells me to go on swimming.19. At last, I was afraid that my parents would beat me. That was a problem.(However, every time I wanted to get home I needed to go across a small stream.)( However, I was very curious to have a swim and to see what it was like.)( O

128、ne of the problems was that I was afraid that my parents would beat me.)21. My company will be able to extend all over the world. 20. On the evening of Oct.18, the Chinese national football team got the ticket to the world cup.语用失误语用失误 _ (107)( On the evening of Oct. 18, the Chinese national footbal

129、l team secured their place in the world cup.)( My company will be able to expand all over the world.)23. It is fine Sunday and many people are free. The sly Japanese launch a sudden attach on Pearl Harbor.22. Sometimes there were two or three trains staying in the station.语用失误语用失误 _ (108)( Sometimes

130、 there were two or three trains waiting at the station.)( It is a fine Sunday and many people are enjoying themselves. They sly Japanese unexpectedly launch a sudden attack on Pearl Harbor.) 24. The classroom was very noisy yesterday evening.语用失误语用失误 _ (109)(It was very noisy in the classroom yester

131、day evening.)25.He sent his son to school on foot every morning.26.My bicycle lost air yesterday on my way home.(He walked his son to school every morning.)(I got a flat tire yesterday on my way home.)sent27.Class is finished.语用失误语用失误 _ (1010)28.It has no meaning to get up so early.29.I didnt hear y

132、our name.30.I thanked him and stopped the phone.(Class is over.)(It doesnt make any sense to get up so early.)(I didnt quite catch your name.)(I thanked him and hung up the phone.)1.你走那条路的?你走那条路的?Which road did you walk?2.这本书写什么?这本书写什么?What was the book written?3.我有一个意想不到的东西给你?我有一个意想不到的东西给你?I have s

133、urprise for you.4.论文我还没打完。还有三页。论文我还没打完。还有三页。I am not through typing the paper. I have three pages to go.5.学习语言很有意思。学习语言很有意思。Learning languages should be funny.6.汤姆的生日就在这个星期。汤姆的生日就在这个星期。Toms birthday is in this week.以下以下10个句子的翻译可能存在不同问题。请个句子的翻译可能存在不同问题。请根据本节课所学的知识对句子进行修改或润色。根据本节课所学的知识对句子进行修改或润色。1. Wh

134、ich road did you take?2. What is the book all about?3. I have a surprise for you.4. I am not through typing the paper. I have three more pages to go.5. Learning languages should be fun.6. Toms birthday is this week.7. I didnt mean to hurt you.8. Waste paper was all over the floor.9. He knew what was

135、 happening all along.10. The tea tastes a bit strange.7.我不是故意要伤害你的。我不是故意要伤害你的。I dont mean to hurt you.8.地上都是废纸。地上都是废纸。The floor was full of paper.9.他自始至终都知道事情的发生。他自始至终都知道事情的发生。He knew what was happening from beginning to end. 10.这茶喝起来有点怪。这茶喝起来有点怪。The tea tastes a bit strangely.第四章 模拟作文文句库(课内外句子的欣赏)第

136、一节:事件第一节:事件开头开头:(1)、Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei.(2)、Kunta wondered why the white people had done this to him. Born a free man, he was now in chains. (3)、Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of a number of differen

137、t plates.(4) More than 220 people were killed in the fire which destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th,1974.故事的发展:故事的发展:(1)、 But this was before Annie Sullivan came to stay. She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination.(2)、From then on, Marie and Pierre worked together on their

138、 research. They devoted all their hours to working in their laboratory. ( (3) )、 Amazing as it may seem, Wednesday night was a quiet night.结尾:结尾:(1)、)、Never in all San Franciscos history were her people so kind as on that terrible night.(2)、That necklace you borrowed from me wasnt a real diamond nec

139、klace. It was worth five hundred francs at the most. (3)、Holmes said to her, “ you were supposed to die like that. Im not sorry that I drove the snake back into this room where it attacked its keeper.”课外欣赏:课外欣赏:开头:开头:(1). From todays newspaper I learn that you need a parttime singer. I hope to get t

140、he job. 选自选自新思维新思维(2).Theeast-MidlandcityofLeicester(莱斯特市莱斯特市) has hardly been known as a hotbed(温床温床) of sports.选自选自莱斯特足球目标已定莱斯特足球目标已定(3).OurcompanyrequiresaMarketAssistant(营营销助理销助理) to assist our foreign based sales staff(驻外销售人员)(驻外销售人员). 选自选自营销管理营销管理发展:发展:(1)、Whether youre at a party, dinner, mee

141、ting your new neighbors, in your first day on the job, or in any one of a million different settings(在任何一种背景下在任何一种背景下).Thesubjectsthatyoucanopenaconversationwitharealmostunlimited(无穷无尽的无穷无尽的).选自选自如何在交如何在交谈中打破僵局谈中打破僵局(2)、We are different ; We were different in ways of thinking and behaving(思维方式和举思维方式

142、和举止止);ButIcanstillsaywearedifferent;IftherehadbeennodifferencesbetweenEastandWest;Imafraidiftherehadbeennodifferences.选自选自东方和西方东方和西方-我们能否在两种文化中生活?我们能否在两种文化中生活?结尾:结尾:(1)、Cathy passes away(死了)(死了). However, people sometimes still see Heathcliff(人名:(人名:希斯克利夫希斯克利夫) and Cathy wandering along the moor(荒野荒

143、野)together. They say that it is their immortal love(不死的爱不死的爱). 选自选自呼啸山呼啸山庄庄(2)、Pleasesendyourresume(简历简历) in English Before April 8, 2002 to Jing Guang Center. 选选自自营销管理营销管理一、一、一般性介绍。一般性介绍。1、人物生平的介绍人物生平的介绍(1)、Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky, USA, on February 12th,1809.

144、Hespentverylittletimeatschool.(2)、When the Quaker, Elizabeth, married Joseph Fry, it seemed as if her life would be comfortable and peaceful. But Elizabeth was not content with her easy life and her growing family.课外欣赏:课外欣赏:(1)、When she was 16, living in the Bronx, Mamie Levy (my mom) was known as o

145、ne of the best ballroom dancers(小舞星)(小舞星) in the neighborhood(街坊)(街坊). (2)、Risca was born and raised in Romania. She emigrated(移居)(移居) to the United States in 1991. 第二节:人物第二节:人物2对人物的赞美对人物的赞美(1)、Hes very successful. Whos he? Havent you heard of him ? Hes a very famous singer.(2)、There was once a famo

146、us detective named Sherlock Holmes. Well known for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their personal affairs.(1)、I felt a deep appreciation for Steve Allen. (2)、Tyrone was different.Warmhearted; clever; work hard; devote- to; iron will; be liked and admired; be succ

147、essful3人物的健康状况人物的健康状况(1)、I dont feel well. Ive got a high temperature and my back aches. Ive got a pain here.(2)、 A boy sneezed, he said he had a headache, he was in bed with a high temperature.课外欣赏:课外欣赏:(1)、)、Im built like a Clydesdale: thick, strong, good to go. (2)、)、Mama with health problems mos

148、t of her life, she traveled little in her 78 years. 我最难忘的人我最难忘的人(3)、)、In order to carry out the keepfit program throughout the country, our school has decided to hold 10,000metre race . 选自选自复习备考复习备考(4). Now more and more students are getting nearsighted in schools. 选自选自复习备考复习备考 二、二、人物的心理描写人物的心理描写喜喜:

149、Tears of joy filled his eyes. / I left him standing by the counter so happy that I almost envied him.怒怒:Iwasextremelyangry./HehatedthecrueldeedsoftheFrenchnoblesandthewaytheytreatedthepeasants.哀哀:Looking up at me with a weak smile, the boy left the store. / Four times I saw the boys eager face turn

150、to disappointment.乐乐:He cries out, full of joy. / It was the first joy I had know for years.课外欣赏课外欣赏:(1)、It is an indescribale(难难以以描描述述) moment when a son sees his mother getting the greatest thrill(快快乐乐) of her life. The tears welled up in my eyes. (2)、I wasnt sure what I was doing. (我简直是气昏了头了。我简直是

151、气昏了头了。)三、人物的神态描写人物的神态描写:(1)、外貌描写:、外貌描写:His hair had turned white. / He was a little man with thick glasses. / She pretended to be a lawyer, and her maid, Nerissa, dressed herself as a lawyers clerk.(2)、表情描写:、表情描写: How eagerly he looked up at the sales assistant for an answer, and how disappointed he

152、 looked when the man refused his request. / The bookseller with a curious look.课外欣赏课外欣赏:(1)、Me , tall, blonde(白皙的肤色)(白皙的肤色) and fair(金黄色的头(金黄色的头发)发) with my hand on Uncle Melroses bent back. He is fair, too, but very small. (2)、He was very small, perhaps only about 165 centimeters with skinny(皮包骨的)(

153、皮包骨的)arms and legs 四、四、人物的品质描写人物的品质描写Butsheisalsorememberedforherdeterminationandcourage,herwillingnesstoshareherknowledge,herinterestinwomansrights,andhermedicalserviceduringthewar.(高尚情操的描写高尚情操的描写)Thepeoplehadconsideredhimtobeagreatleader,andawise,kindandhonestman.SuchwasAlbertEinstein.(优秀品质的描写优秀品质

154、的描写)Notonlydodisabledpeopleread,write,drawpictures,paintandcook,buttheyalsostudy,gotouniversity,andhavejobs.(自强不(自强不息的精神)息的精神)Onceshehasmadeuphermind,nothingcanchangeit.(坚定的(坚定的决心)决心)在写作中下列词组会有所帮助:在写作中下列词组会有所帮助:be always ready to help sb. be strict with himself love doing sth be patient with sb. liv

155、e a simple life have a warm heart etc.课外欣赏课外欣赏:(1). He was a great entertainer(艺人艺人), a deep thinker. But he was also kind. I suspect thats a quality that his audiences were drawn to(被被吸引吸引) through the years. (2). Mama took time for everyone. She was really somebody. (妈妈总替别人分忧解愁,她是妈妈总替别人分忧解愁,她是真正了不

156、起的人。真正了不起的人。) 选自选自我最难忘的人我最难忘的人 “一个伟大的艺人,一个深刻的思想家一个伟大的艺人,一个深刻的思想家”,一个多么,一个多么了不起的人。但笔锋一转,有良好品质的人才能真了不起的人。但笔锋一转,有良好品质的人才能真正吸引人。正吸引人。“总替别人分忧解愁总替别人分忧解愁”、“真正了不起真正了不起”这样一些从字面翻译不能理解的词或句子需要我这样一些从字面翻译不能理解的词或句子需要我们多阅读才能掌握。们多阅读才能掌握。1.自然环境自然环境(1). At midnight, the sky became clear and the stars were bright. It w

157、as so quiet in the mountains that night that there was almost no wind, only the sound of the fire.(2). As the sun sinks lower, shadows spread across the courtyard. After sunset, the sky turns pink.(1)、The scenery all the way from the Miao Gao Mountains to the pavilion was particularly fine, with loc

158、ust trees(槐树)(槐树) on both sides dancing in the wind like fairy maidens(仙女)(仙女) .选自选自黄昏黄昏(2)、Several years ago, there used to be only a few small cottages and our school was nothing but a shabby little house. 选自选自黄冈试题黄冈试题第三节、第三节、环境环境2人文环境(1). New York never sleeps. The underground railway runs 24 hou

159、rs a day, and there are allnight cinemas, bars and restaurants. (2). The killing of the bison changed the whole wildlife of the plains. With fewer bison, grass shoots were not eaten so grass did not grow as strongly. 人类在历史的进程中既创造了象纽约等繁华的都市,人类在历史的进程中既创造了象纽约等繁华的都市,同时也毁坏了赖以生存的环境。同时也毁坏了赖以生存的环境。课外欣赏:课外欣赏

160、:(1). A modern school has been build, where all the children in our town can go and study. 选自选自黄冈试黄冈试题题(2).The garden has been carefully designed to mix traditional British skills with the local Chinese environment. 选自选自昆明世博会昆明世博会1.1.交通交通交通状况:交通状况:(1). There is little (heavy) traffic on these roads.

161、 这几条道路行人车辆很少(多)。这几条道路行人车辆很少(多)。(2). Youd better avoid the rushhour traffic. 你最好避开高峰时间的车流。你最好避开高峰时间的车流。(3). The bus was jammed full. They jammed on to the bus. 公公共共汽汽车车挤挤得得满满满满的的。 他他们们极极上上公公共共汽汽车。车。类类似似的的词词组组还还有有:a traffic police box(交交通通警警岗岗亭亭); traffic regulations(交交 通通 规规 则则 ); get stuck in traffi

162、c(遇遇上上堵堵车车); traffic jam(交交通通阻阻塞塞); traffic light(红绿灯红绿灯)第四节第四节 热门话题热门话题2.2.交通急救交通急救(1). Check that the person can breathe.(2). If the person is not breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once. The best thing is to use the mouthtomouth way.(3). If the person is bleeding badly, you mus

163、t try to stop the bleeding.(4). Dont move the injured, the ambulance is coming.(5). The truck driver stopped the truck quickly and phoned the emergency service.3.3.因特网因特网负面影响:负面影响:(1). Getting hooked on the Internet isnt confined to a few computer nerds.(沉醉于因特网(沉醉于因特网而难以自拔的人已不再局限于少数计算机迷了。)而难以自拔的人已不再

164、局限于少数计算机迷了。)(2). A person starts spending more and more time on the Net. (3). Kelli literally became a computer hacker because of her husbands constant online chatting. (4). As more and more offices and homes connect to the Internet, millions of PCs, printers, servers and other devices gobble signif

165、icant quantities if energy. ( 因为越来越多的因为越来越多的办公室和家庭上网,数以百万的个人电脑、打印机、服务器办公室和家庭上网,数以百万的个人电脑、打印机、服务器和其他设备消耗了大量的能源。)和其他设备消耗了大量的能源。)4.4.积极影响:积极影响:(1). New technology marrying the internet with mobile phones will be the next big wave in telecommunications and will have a great effect on the way of life. (2

166、). Home computers are becoming part of the fabric of everyday life. (家用电脑正在成为日常生活(家用电脑正在成为日常生活结构中的一部分。)结构中的一部分。)(3). Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. 常用词汇还有:常用词汇还有:email (电子邮件电子邮件); surfing(冲浪冲浪); shopping online(网上购物网上购物); portable computer(手提电脑手

167、提电脑); download MP3 music programmes (下载下载MP3音乐节目音乐节目); Webaholic(网虫网虫); chat room5.5.污染污染(1). Global warming is becoming a serious problem. (全球的变暖正成为一个严重的问题。)(全球的变暖正成为一个严重的问题。)(2). Beijing has acknowledged its pollution problem and vowed to tackle it.(北京已经意识到它的北京已经意识到它的环境污染问题,并发誓要解决这一问题。环境污染问题,并发誓要解

168、决这一问题。)(3). Wastes from large factory farms are among the greatest threats to our nations waters and drinking water supplies. (大型工厂化饲养场产生的粪便大型工厂化饲养场产生的粪便是对全国水源和饮用水供应的最大威胁之一。是对全国水源和饮用水供应的最大威胁之一。) (4). When people think about air pollution, they usually think about smog(烟雾烟雾), acid rain(酸雨酸雨) and othe

169、r forms of outdoor air pollution. But did you know that air pollution also can exist inside homes and other buildings?(5). The health of many people is affected by chemical substances present in the air within buildings. (室内空气中存在的化学物质影室内空气中存在的化学物质影响了许多人的健康。响了许多人的健康。)(6). The problem with noise is no

170、t only that it is unwanted, but also that it negatively affects human health and wellbeing. (噪音不仅仅是人们不愿听的问题,而噪音不仅仅是人们不愿听的问题,而且对人的健康和幸福有害的。且对人的健康和幸福有害的。)(7). When it is unfit for its intended(想要想要) use, water is considered polluted. 4学业负担学业负担(1).Iusedtohavetoworkevenatweekendsdoingendlesshomeworkanda

171、ttendingclassesaswell.(2).Thegreatdangerthatstudentsfaceisovercommitment(过分的负担过分的负担). (3).Schoolswerecalledontoreducelearningload(学习负担学习负担).(4).Icanfollowmyowninterestssuchasdoingsports,Visitingmuseums,andtakingcomputerlessons.(5).Correctquizzesandexerciseshelptolightenstudentslearningload.5 5地点环境介绍


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