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1、UNIT 5Unit5. Objectives. Suggested Teaching Plan. Background Information. Class PresentationPreview哑清承二糖汀仗纹稍娜畴提耗吃擞鲸傣车菠御宵洗朗醚凸搔剿绚唆裸儡话世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Preview What is most important in our lives? You will find the answer in this unit. In the Listening and Speaking section, you

2、will learn how to ask if someone remembers something. In the Reading and Writing section, the most precious legacy the boy named Jeffrey in Text A received from his grandma is the love notes sent to her by his grandfather; Text B tells a story about how a string of blue beads brought lonely people t

3、ogether at Christmas time; and Practical Reading is about Google search basics.prev.仿鱼爽泄撰蜕留堑窖距卒九睬您喀焕毅惜甭宣正仰绒嘻蔓窒劝寥淄驶瑞银世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 55. read some information about Google search basics;6. understand paragraph development (2). ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the students

4、are expected to be able to 1. master the basic language and skills necessary to ask if someone remembers something; 2. understand the main ideas of Texts A and B, and master the useful sentence structures and the words and expressions found in the relevant exercises of the texts;3. know how to use t

5、he structure of V + V-ing or + Infinitive (1);4. know how to write an envelope;Obj.策英吭节收痊淄喉又惺约娃偿挪瓢虐塑剁磐当闸侩雁北绒佯旭洪苑湛爱毕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5. Suggested Teaching PlanSuggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 5 Time Contents Plan s.t.p.1The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure

6、 that the students have a general idea of what this unit is all about. Then, the teacher activates Listening and Speaking exercises as follows: 2 periodsPreview碧撩狙浩凛聂扎衙奥器洁绢九丫彭蛾拄文亨雪可腊矫尹雷歼骗堵篡作他亿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.2Listening and Speaking1)TheLanguageforAs

7、kingIfSomeoneRemembersSomethingA. Give a brief lead-in talk on the functions of asking if someone remembers something; 玛掏雕锰楚肚眠哥划查三哪套均示陵诲酸操烛江书剪棺撵输辊释焕沃迷翔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.3B. Present the necessary language by doing Ex.1;C. Ask one student to read aloud

8、the talk so students can check their completed answers;颇撮仔蒜洞廖藉筹疥榴抒婆炒厘亚娟紧各瓮屈贷牛掳嫡壶广殆瘩绣碎蝶议世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.4D. Organize an activity for the students to accomplish Ex. 2 and reinforce the language they picked up in Ex. 1.2)ThePracticeofAskingIfSomeoneRem

9、embersSomething艳渡寞豺诽外兑睁拆脉愤势狭长项询搓缝般豹衣倪非思详碳鸣前扮拾玻趁世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.5A. Go through the new words in the first conversation in Ex. 3;B. Have the students listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words;勺悄浆勇忻差二该伸哈从石筏泄豺憋寒壁锌粥勇毛

10、予啊呕母溪憨允芳架圾世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.6C. Ask students to answer the questions about the conversation; D. Now have them look for the language used to ask if someone remembers something;E. Next, students can role-play the conversation;嫉啤肇瓶颜磋闭菏彪剃诫悲愈四颠竟苍相服产坛蓝淄甭锋阂匝

11、且非逮颖钒世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.7F. Then, have them listen to the second conversation twice and complete the short passage accordingly;G. Afterwards, ask students to have a discussion about their responses in order to better understand the conversation; 葛滔呜海丸帛

12、快镀粤盖款皆止瞄缨苍案爱嫌秦酶席律的哄痴珠闻陌判惩颠世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.8H. Now have them listen to the conversation again and complete it as the speaker recounts it;I. Finally, have them check the conversation by acting it out. 绦淡息饶乌辕安骋椽寞淄歉密绍皑芒抄满饥确淬新掩究病傀筑蚀阵僧军距世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元

13、世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.9J. Organize a unique classroom activity for the students to accomplish Ex. 4 to reinforce the useful language. 3)ListeningPractice Before ending, the teacher tells the students to do Ex. 5-10 as their傣掺铜躬幕被说莉痪啤讼勃赂叭咎耶江郭仆区渭绵峙匿藐咬缆棕漾廖挫亭世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元

14、世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.10assignment with the main purpose of reviewing the functional and notional language picked up in the Listening and Speaking section. The teacher also tells the students that they should get prepared to answer the questions in Ex. 9 and give an oral p

15、resentation on吏照痔检疼蛊芭胆徒肇庆忘钝弛鲍悬扑骇龙廷搂诫底忍辛雾噎邻饵缆俱钨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.11the topic provided in Ex. 10 when they come to class next time.3 periods Review of the listening and speakingThe teacher asks some students to answer the questions in Ex. 9 of the Liste

16、ning and Speaking section. skills the students have learnedand invites a few students to tell their opinions on the topic of “How important is memory泄言掸申气从馒易败镶尽瓷稗蕴排砷肩醉挺芥帖锅磅兜搭炬豫轨肚磐侗贡世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.12to learning?” in Ex. 10. After that, the teacher t

17、urns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.)1)StarterText A & text-related exercises After a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacher 宦搞正样鸡啄伟阔免姐滨夜貌汤篷怯抬蛇怂画着琉柴猖灼资延蹬名歌恍朗世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.13A. di

18、vides the class into several groups to discuss the questions in the starter for a few minutes; B. asks some students to answer the questions. (10 minutes)2)TextA The teacher绿梳溺隶来疼垄份典将椰瞬展朵寡盐座举访路佐臂醒胀握戎督锹蜗魏卿絮世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.14A. lets the students answe

19、r the text-related questions, helps them identify the main idea of each paragraph and analyzes some difficult sentences and some language points while discussing the whole text with the students (one and a half periods);径商少麻公跌敞厩姐锗踊解愧厌瘸使弹鹤犹邪绸讥份会盗阵苇专曾避侮顶世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time C

20、ontents Plan s.t.p.15B. guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain items and leaving some exercises as the students homework according to the students different levels of English (one period).买绪嘘鸟雨钎只拈童坪宏谩侗塌莱谰袒蔷崖伊穴坐批帝篮淤贵相倦诬痴玲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents

21、Plan s.t.p.161 period Grammar Review1)GrammarReviewThe teacher talks about the difference between V + V-ing and V + infinitive (1), and at the same time, asks the students to do the grammar exercises in class. 亢洁顺张坏帘闲麓抱女检愁明榨嵌构删群忍盏较饥邻芋秸牵凹咀芬疯呼啸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Pl

22、an s.t.p.17Practical Writing2)PracticalWritingThe teacher tells the students how to write an envelope by doing Ex. 12 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Ex. 13 and Ex. 14 after class.直盘映秦稻许莽矿抱蹋傻沽栅畅罕炙撕惫采篆帧糟谜超稻统堕犁粘鸟葱见世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan

23、s.t.p.182 periods Text B & text-related exercises 1)TextBWhile discussing the text with the students, the teacher makes the students pay attention to the structure of the paragraphs of the text, introducing briefly the concept of topic sentence. Ex.16 and Ex.17 can be done either in or after class.韭

24、吹艾匈持曹加遗怔整凌击医俭袁疤所浆馏尝默促剃燎江园坡呢吵惧续他世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.192)PracticalReadingThis part should either be read by the students themselves as their homework or done in class.Practical Reading刨漳锋枝银驴枢抚姻砰格岳羚倍哪钢怜搏薛肛恶价映涨缀阴亏吾速丈体盼世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNI

25、T 5Time Contents Plan s.t.p.20Basic Reading Skills3)BasicReadingSkillsThe teacher tells the students how to understand paragraph development (2), and asks them to do the exercises in Basic Reading Skills.挑酉泉鬼塌攘萍炼熊苟木沸烂练措邮柬印际萧菠甘计灯朵颧每智膛彻漱挑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5. Background Informati

26、onLegacySothebysValentines Day A Day to Express Your Love BI缅浴匪戳磐碰撼谩鸟喳南革颓狠笋廊旗售埋销命旦枪出叠溜馋逮抹魂匪蔬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5BI-Legacy1Legacy Legacy, in the law of wills, gift or bequest of real or personal property by will. A legacy becomes effective after the death of its author, who is k

27、nown as the testator. The three principal types of legacy are a specific legacy, which consists of a definite article of personal property or parcel of real property; a general legacy, which consists of a certain amount of money payable from the estate as a whole; and a demonstrative legacy, which c

28、onsists of a certain amount of money to be paid the legatee, or recipient, from a specific fund or other definite source named by the testator. 铂剿尿胚产靡粳雇济尼乐巨肃茨啤危继疤暂亢陵为霖膳秧骂拯盒吴勿伟厂世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5BI-Legacy2Examples of these types of legacies are the following: (specific legacy)

29、 “I bequeath to my son A. B. my watch and all my jewelry”; (general legacy) “I bequeath to my son A. B. the sum of $1,000”; (demonstrative legacy) “I bequeath to my son A. B. the sum of $1,000 payable to him out of the proceeds of the securities of company X that I may own at the time of my death.”

30、(From the Microsoft Encarta 1993-2003)舶辨可彰蚜锻虫贰工才俄政盐祸揭甫娇警酒揍瞎府迪键釜避跃透弗遇耽翱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Sothebys Sothebys is a famous auction house with its main offices in New York and London, where valuable paintings, rare books etc. are sold. BI-Sotheby诽铬酬凄椎观泄斧便畦批忱秆痰釉幕蒜喳炬互弘雁蛙诵罗啸瓤欧眶俗忱仙世纪大学

31、实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Valentines Day A Day to Express Your Love BI-Valentines day1 Valentines Day is a special day observed on February 14. On this day, people send greeting cards called valentines to their sweethearts, friends, and members of their families. Many valentines have rom

32、antic verses, and others have humorous pictures and sayings. Many say, “Be my valentine.” 铁斋焦徒佬逆疵亲谐畏屯嗣夺俏层主扒诅套洞孕瑟徐耽华误窃烁赫洲矢广世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5BI-Valentines day2 For weeks before February 14, stores sell valentines and valentine decorations. Schoolchildren decorate their classro

33、oms with paper hearts and lace for the occasion. On Valentines Day, many people give candy, flowers, and other gifts to their friends. In the United States and Canada, children exchange valentines with their friends. In some schools, the children hold a classroom party and put all the valentines int

34、o a box they have decorated. At the end of the day, the teacher or one child distributes the cards. Many children make their own valentines from paper doilies, red paper, wallpaper但甸荆娠绷泅庆崖犊烁米担黔战末情辊挨居炔鲁茸填是敢晚艰言撰贩忱践世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5BI-Valentines day3samples, and pictures cut fr

35、om magazines. Sometimes they buy kits that include everything needed to make valentines. Many children send their largest, fanciest cards to their parents and teachers. Older students hold Valentines Day dances and parties. They make candy baskets, gifts, and place cards trimmed with hearts and fat,

36、 winged children called cupids. Many people send flowers, a box of candy, or some other gift to their wives, husbands, or sweethearts. Most valentine candy boxes are heart shaped and tied with red ribbon. 晤殊享佰绦霞滓奸掠滁介峦蔡狈久船愚恤尔绕努稠忠粕星斡沽叁静瓤舞郝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 In Europe, people ce

37、lebrate Valentines Day in many ways. British children sing special Valentines Day songs and receive gifts of candy, fruit, or money. In some areas of England, people bake valentine buns with caraway seeds, plums, or raisins. People in Italy hold a Valentines Day feast. In Britain and Italy, some unm

38、arried women get up before sunrise on Valentines Day. They stand by the window watching for a man to pass. They believe that the first man they see, or someone who looks like him, will marry them within a year. William Shakespeare, the English playwright, mentions this belief in Hamlet (1603). Ophel

39、ia, a woman in the play, sings: BI-Valentines day4咆外快臃庇挤阎坡胖氟诈教替漠裳胚瑚贫彩上敢绚顾楞百椽布问汉踪绘妊世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5BI-Valentines day5 Good morrow! This St. Valentines Day All in the morning be time, And I a maid at your window, To be your valentine! In Denmark, people send pressed white flo

40、wers called snowdrops to their friends. Danish men also send a type of valentine called a gaekkebrev (joking letter). The sender writes a rhyme but does not sign his name. Instead, he signs the valentine with dots, one dot for each letter of his name. If the woman who gets it guesses his name, he re

41、wards her稗左翱猾浙腿辜构巾担郎赛冬阻隆肝岳敝梦酸件妨屏耕变继蓉粗薄象轿树世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5BI-Valentines day6with an Easter egg on Easter. Some people in Great Britain also send valentines signed with dots. (From the 1998 World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia)哑矢藉旁渡到敢勒豹受邑凤暗邑押喇砂椒喊寸翘又暗老撑控束梅割公淫缩世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世

42、纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Class list. Class PresentationListening & SpeakingReading & WritingTime for Fun竭二澎像染骨什吟墓霉炮忍竟扦局鸭编幌挪亨电传耻颅吱匆骤龄测苫哥盲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5LSListening & SpeakingThe Language for Asking If Someone Remembers SomethingAsking If Someone Remembers SomethingListening P

43、ractice酶啮恨橡此糖汗漓寓捂绥涌竿磐添筋礁医鸭膛账蒋意缄屈挚眺圭颈岁到到世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Lp-main1Listening PracticeListen to the following people talking and then decide who is who. Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers. Listen to the following short story twice. Li

44、sten carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have heard. 沸吧叔骗狠填翅假纠荔筹焙鞠幢囊捌诌诱侥氧旁通配侵碧绒奏宦骆潮扰如世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Lp-main2Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. Lis

45、ten to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. Have an open discussion on the topic given below.Listening Practice苦揽腿妊遭炼溯挠咱龙茸右岔狞郊砷益兰捶伺细扔幽煎狮喇骄晚萧壶暂盾世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL_ the language for asking1You are going to listen to an instructor talking about the la

46、nguage for asking if someone remembers something. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. TheLanguageforAskingIfSomeoneRemembersSomethingInstructor:Everybody remembers. Everybody forgets. A good student tends to . Memory plays a vital role . have a good memory _in learning _呆

47、病垃舟寄戏厘卵舵渔眩慈鲍辙洒很讥饼删刻桌傲逮捷贪膳狼篓陷谆肪捌世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL_ the language for asking2 But memory is selective. Some are good at ; others are good at . In some cases, things are retained(记住住) forever; , things slip without leaving any traces(痕迹痕迹). Everybody, however, at some time ask

48、s someone or is asked . remembering names _ memorizing figures _in others _to recall something _侧盔沟吝榨堵致舍碾还蚁劣字玫骤卯昌碌酌盟设富蹬沂贺莲仅沃癸哲痛瞬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL_ the language for asking3 Pick up the following sentences to ask if someone remembers something: Do you remember ? Can you reca

49、ll ? Can you bring to mind? You havent forgot , have you? You remember , dont you? Do you by any chance remember ?when we first met_what you saw at the moment_my name_what you told me_what I said_what the instructor told us to do_脾稽忧双火全化抠挺帜矫邪辊庄硫淌并同呆起跃严晦户晾余咕也脯妄酪嗜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UN

50、IT 5TL_ the language for asking4 Would you mind telling me if you still remember ? I was wondering whether you remember . the password_your promise_幢被梁灭毛垄沤易洒太芝风对札抵聊善精叁砂靴董扬肾喊拘险搂谆呆狙跳世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL_ the language for asking5 Pick up the following sentences to state you reme

51、mber what has been asked: As I remember, . As I recall, . Its coming back to me now. I recollect . Ill never forget . we first met in 2000_I saw nothing at the moment_what I told you_what you said_染疑湘狐男皆雏梯栽掸悦婪驹池嫁函政露寻辖粉迪挎盒笆酣河逊咱卜舌笋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 Pick up the following senten

52、ces to state you have forgotten: I dont remember. Ive forgotten all about it. I simply cant recall. It wont come back to me. Im afraid I forget it now. Im afraid that escapes me. It slipped my mind. My minds gone blank. TL_ the language for asking6贡泉梦湘晤蛹各逸回邱砍云兜嫉丛市占捍弹耙捎忌室剥稳芝错盲捍栈吨傻世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪

53、大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL_ the language for asking7Now have a pattern drill between two students. One asks if the other remembers something and he or she replies with the language learned in Ex. 1. 剥胜钒或昨比腾须夏锰翌免双笆铡愚锡牛拍鉴匆儒缨刨笆嘉练背狞晶叼拯世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn1AskingIfSomeoneRemembe

54、rsSomething1)Beforeyoulistentothefirstconversation,readthefollowingwordsandexpressionswhichmaybenewtoyou.dare 敢敢tentative 试探性的探性的ring a bell 引起模糊回引起模糊回忆enhance 增增强窗章送羽救拖伴激位帐或铬躯庚僵横节耕昌止宏薄塌病靳啮恐垂眨五忽暮世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn2Listentotheconversationtwiceandfillintheblankswiththemis

55、singWords.Excuse me, Wang Ying, do you remember what to say in English when you want to express curiosity?Youre testing me, ?How dare I?We learned it last week. Dont you remember even one of the expressions used ?Li Ming: Wang Ying: Li Ming: Wang Ying: by any chance _arent you _for that purpose _单肚评

56、株洁缎汛杠哟膳坡缄名挨傅琢鸿役限隆宙沏抠梨协靴滑剃湍载践偏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn3Im afraid lve forgotten it all now. Thats why . You know, one thing can be expressed . As I recall, its common to say: “Im most curious about.” Its direct to say: “Im very keen to know.” Its tentative to say: “I wonder if

57、you could tell me.” Does this ? Oh, its all coming back to me now. Thanks for . Li Ming: Wang Ying:Li Ming: Im asking you _in different ways _ring a bell _reminding me _拴慨甄舟赫瑚应岳轧妄辐迁战稻隅峡椒络料淄锋狗挥辐筷茁箱顽慕奋绒脱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Wang Ying:Li Ming: Wang Ying:Li Ming: Wang Ying:CP-gtn4An

58、ytime. How come youve got such ? Repetition enhances memory. You remember every day helps?I do, but.But what? a good memory _reading aloud _睹进蔬默钎葛彝蛙肪锣勤拉械征稿晶营杭珐姜燥忙溶峨戮绸贷稍执词唾责世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn5Nowlistentotheconversationagainandanswerthefollowingquestions.1. What has slipp

59、ed Li Mings mind? The language used to express curiosity. 2. When did they pick up that vocabulary? They learned how to use it last week. 3. What does Wang Ying do?She helps Li Ming recall the language. 遂龚矩逊哇李县旷呕供岿朝钵尤万耍诽必玖看毁嫁唆桩注饱掏湾泰凹倘皿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn64. How does Wang

60、 Ying explain her good memory?Repetition enhances memory. 5. What does Wang Ying most probably do every day? She reads aloud every day. 晰禽钳忧岸纤汤先闯摘紊袍匿巩剂佑般美衷蕉幼菊蘸北年派蛙卫利刁枣脆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 52)Beforeyoulistentothesecondconversation,readthefollowingwordsandexpressionswhichmaybenewt

61、oyou. CP-gtn7 tee off swing fairway yup(从球座从球座)开球开球挥臂臂击球球(高高尔夫球夫球场上的上的)平坦球道平坦球道= yes张煽齐懦寓详缮卤插厘熊笺探夜缉抿慈探灌谴吗滇他臣绅羹拌步缠裙曰禹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn8Listen to the conversation twice, and then completethepassageaccordingtotheconversationyouhavejustheard. Jacks wife Tracy asked him how

62、 his game was, and he said that he well, but that he couldnt see where the ball went because of . Tracy suggested that he take her brother Scott along. Her reason was that Scott had perfect eyesight even though he was 85 years old. Jack teed off with Scott looking on. hit pretty _his poor eyesight _

63、The next day _坯实摊掌荡糊幂遍钢晌蚁伊救咕部徊掷剁或俏灶译抹猩语猜势眨部壹在届世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn9Jack swung and the ball disappeared down . Jack asked Scott whether , and Scott said yes. But when Jack asked him , Scott said hed forgotten. the middle of the fairway _he saw it _where the ball was _礁漫姨抡意

64、覆颤硕师裳兴忻之轧浪及箩膏肖鸡键扦琳核乎蛤醋阴漏便盘灯世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn10Listentotheconversationagain,andcompletetheformasthespeakerrecountsit.Afterthat,actitoutinclass. Tracy:Jack: Tracy: How was your game, dear?Well, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesights gotten so bad I couldnt see where

65、 the ball went. _But youre 75 years old, Jack. Why dont you take my brother Scott along?鸳隘没昧篆匹骚鸦褥蓝壶胖凯它凹平氓由厕遮俱拘氧魁伦爽珐琵攀温切结世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn11Jack:Tracy: But hes 85 and doesnt play golf anymore. _But hes got perfect eyesight. He would watch the ball for you.郡棠巍儡椭革诣掌铀脱故濒芽稿

66、字鸟巡膳阳斯米丛竣扁遁雪哇碟钻派相僧世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn12 The next day Jack teed off with Scott looking on.Jack swung and the ball disappeared down the middle of the fairway.Jack:Scott:Jack:Scott:Do you see it, Scott? _Yup.Well, where is it? _I forgot.蹦抒畴喝仓玖歌汹迫料饲秆至闹案瞎擒诵李亩孵荔俞租剁娩浪卉董捂亨理世纪大学实

67、用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-gtn13Ask your classmates whether they still remember what they learned in each of the previous four units. Try to use the language youve picked up in Ex. 1.枪咆啡跟翼抑皮拖豌蒙仁辞聂盂迂瘪踞灾眷夕惧耗耕佬坦闰蚌钞淡步咆补世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Listen to the following people

68、 talking and then decide who is who. 1.CP-lp1scriptKEYA) The woman speaker. B) The man speaker. C) David. D) Sally. ListeningPracticeM: W: Q:So whats Sally doing here? She says shes pretty free while her husband Davids here for a conference. And she wants me to show her something of Shanghai.Whos in

69、 Shanghai for a conference?息肤幢爹允搀锋吩屡攒庄阉汝赖拖拈省却斡恳脆种殉智盅旬噬悔风焕硒干世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp22.scriptKEYA) Mr. Kerry. B) Mr. Morgan.C) The receptionist. D) The bellman(旅旅馆服服务员).W: M:Q:Just one moment, Ill check. Oh yes, its Mr. and Mrs. Kerry. Thats right. Who is the man?约副谍嚣啄慕腹惹孝旱誓炊妄埃

70、害尾乱收诅狐王岛渣厉凋逆漱斡俘廉骤所世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp33.scriptKEYA) The womans brother. B) The mans brother. C) The woman. D) The man. W: M:Q:Whats wrong with the job you have now?Im a terrible salesperson. I dont like talking to strangers, and I dont like the product I have to sell. Who

71、s the salesperson?煽燕去粒图描癸肩谦优牛耐维峻浆包复少靛缉料澳摹悸蒜岂蛹蕾忻晕耸粟世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp44.scriptKEYA) The female speakers sister. B) The male speakers sister.C) The male speakers wife. D) Sams wife. M: W: Q:Another one! Sams always talking about starting new businesses. He must have spent

72、a fortune on the last one. Yeah. Judy thinks her husbands crazy, but he insists on it. Whos Judy?谎疲枫瑞详栅爱骤小驾漂橱悉祥蓄馈信场潞饵冲勃矫青蜡梳搐箔儡汞责秉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp55.scriptKEYA) The womans instructor. B) The womans parent. C) The mans teacher. D) The mans doctor. W: M: Q:I really blew t

73、hat test. Dr. Smith told me that he had never seen anybody get such a low grade on one of his tests. He was really angry.What happened? You usually get pretty good grades. Whos Dr. Smith?岿港丙荚蚜骑楚迫卢具跺雨禁穷薄卜栓唐碟墒耀殃露鄙岔天妹修彩花课念世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5A) The conference was held last Wednesd

74、ay. B) The conference was held this morning.C) The conference was canceled. D) The conference was put off. CP-lp6Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.1.scriptKEYM: W: Q:Didnt you say you would go to the conference this morning? Yes, but it was postponed unt

75、il next Wednesday. What does the woman mean?焕耽罕幌明啸营极债味几卫骇姐试裁洽铆场遏糯颊崎吸幢捣碳扭旗纬阎样世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp72.scriptKEYA) The scores are not listed. B) You can read the scores yourself. C) The scores will be out tomorrow. D) The English Department doesnt give out scores. M: W: Q:Do y

76、ou have the test scores? No, but they are listed on the English Department bulletin board.What does the woman imply? 沂买缺傍煮霜沾舷济俏理山檬萍裹颤棵双减均兜吼壬疵惫油卓钮携堪儒恕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp83.scriptKEYA) There is only one thing left to complete. B) Everything is completed. C) That is the righ

77、t one. D) No, it is not enough. M: W: Q:Is there anything else that I have to do to complete this course? No, thats it.What does the woman mean?袖套倪菲拜疾烹甩匠糊沧祝熊集某绞殴绑桃衣诚吕奥摹戮腥骡崭歪误荆屿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp94.scriptKEYA) She can borrow the textbook from the library. B) She had the s

78、alesman order the book for her. C) She has to wait in line to buy her textbook. D) Its too late to buy the textbook now. M: W: Q:Have you gotten your textbook yet? They are out of it in the bookstore, but they put in a special order for me. What does the woman mean?剪驶雾绢仅宰催疤到檀旷纂疥盯吸唉冗碍痰馆帧吃下掸思挺歼寥皂筑世裁世纪

79、大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp105.scriptKEYA) She doesnt want to go the same way this time. B) She thinks a new way will take too long. C) She agrees with the mans idea. D) She has changed her mind. M: W: Q:Do you want to try a new way to get there? Not this time; we dont have enough

80、time. What does the woman imply?燥质审西拨鼓猩秉嫂酵国旺官隔悍踪珍生裤漓蓬赘昆俏锡局自碟础伐黍暑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp11Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have heard. 弛联烯区视掌滞懦版祷忧擅氢遗拿哆栋讽认踢郎犹涉棕谩宾湍者

81、枝农共澜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp12porch门廊廊rocker摇椅椅casually偶然地偶然地obligingly体体贴地地engage订婚婚cheek 面面颊lingering长时间的的wrinkled皱纹的的bold大胆的大胆的kind of有点儿,有几分有点儿,有几分nibble轻咬咬alarm 惊慌惊慌擦纵从讫翁班夹捻挥坡稳吹扁竣焦庙拯盲傲欺仇交峭上藉蹈椿拒归扇翟上世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp131. Grandpa and Grandma had

82、 a lovely talk while the sun was setting. 2. While talking, Grandpa obligingly took Grandmas hand. 3. Grandma gave Grandpa a lingering kiss because of his love and care. 4. Grandma asked Grandpa if he had remembered nibbling her ear before their marriage. 5. Grandpas false teeth dropped out with his

83、 hearty laugh. T_F_scriptT_F_F_亢闺讳蒲碧宜谋甜硕孕挤针敢颜舟恋柏衬拇借烈雍南惦结竣击桩缴畦英魄世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp14 Grandpa and Grandma were sitting in their porch rockers watching the beautiful sunset and talking about “the good old days,” when Grandma turned to Grandpa and said, “Honey, do you rememb

84、er when we first started dating and you used to just casually reach over and take my hand?” Grandpa looked over at her, smiled and obligingly took her aged hand in his. Tapescript鞭流戳轿赢搽巨绘郡富谷诈萨抱勺忧资桂倍她仅淡巡相碉匡泻汾塘急己呀世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp15 With a little smile, Grandma pressed a

85、little farther, “Honey, do you remember how, after we were engaged, youd sometimes lean over and suddenly kiss me on the cheek?” Grandpa leaned slowly toward Grandma and gave her a lingering kiss on her wrinkled cheek. Growing bolder still, Grandma said, “Honey, do you remember how, after we were fi

86、rst married, youd kind of nibble on my ear?” Grandpa slowly got up from his rocker and headed into the house. Alarmed, Grandma said, “Honey, where are you going?” Grandpa replied, “To get my teeth!”壮土巴销助瑚筹日馋僳炊踢锐细睡迷葛慌突民粘话八破订径尧捐魔童嗽红世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp16Listen to the followi

87、ng talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. Can you recite the alphabet(字母表字母表) easily and quickly? Can you write your name easily? Can you play scales(音音阶) ? You would probably say that you memorized all this. But what you actually did was . And the way you learn

88、ed them was by forming a habit! In other words, what was once , such as reciting the alphabet or playing scales, became easy and almoston a musical instrument _to learn them _quite difficult for you _恨恤朗睡蕉站混谷德皂伐茹卉碘匝帅差硬觉衡刀弥津谨呆柄舰吹鲍汝箭诡世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp17automatic when you

89、formed the . So memory can be described as learning by means of . habit of doing it _forming habits_ A human being has a tremendous(巨大的巨大的) number of such habits that enable him to do most of , such as fastening buttons or washing hands. But suppose you read a book and then someone asked you what th

90、e book was about, or how to describe the plot(情情节). Surely, your response cannot be said to come from . the ordinarythings in life _habit _落谭欧嘘里锁沼莎慌迟细顺靡舆爬菲瘴碳涂吟褐校绞邀磷一赁按毖危井供世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5CP-lp18 But if you examine the situation carefully, you will see that something very mu

91、ch like habit does play a part. For example, , you learn how to put certain elements together in the proper order. Now, when you give , or tell what its about, you are doing the same kind of thing. In fact, some psychologists say that all learning (and this also ) is made up of a vast combination of

92、 simple habits. with ordinary habits _the plot of a book _means memory _水珠肥莲琢舞盗疟杯瘤尚著缅近瞩揪攒咎似牵尹溢夫磊所控叠繁罚惶赐胆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 51. What would people say about doing things easily and quickly in life? They would probably say that people had memorized how to do them. 2. What can memo

93、ry be described as, according to the talk? It can be described as learning by means of forming habits. CP-lp19Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. 岂固咋狈扯墅皮厩淮洽娩胎剔岛煌刊综拔闰驻鸯椰疆省统锚康斤党秃贞遮世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 53. What can habits do?They enable us to do

94、most of the ordinary things in life. 4. What are you actually doing while describing the plot of a book? You are making use of something that is very much like habit. 5. What question do you think the speaker is trying to answer? What is memory? CP-lp20蜒拄绑仙刚粪屹套赚莫坠伍疾缴靛处腋猴堕醉捆语编钟茂弘吼芍未穷琶幌世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第

95、5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Have an open discussion on the topic given below.CP-lp21These expressions may help your discussion:Trythisdiscussion连汹津赖缔锁盔洼疙拯戮稀肉雏钒饯闻亏崖港庭寿垛讽螟蠕辆杯巾踪纤包世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5How important? Incredibly so! What can you learn without memory? Nothing! Look at t

96、he good students. Why do they learn so well? They hold on to every single thing they learn. They forget nothing. Right? Sure, memory plays an important role in language study. I know my English is not as good as theirs. Why? The answer has to do with memory. The more you remember, the more progress

97、you make. I agree the better your memory is, the more you learn. But heres the crucial step: the more you learn, the more knowledge you have. And as we all know, knowledge is everything.L&S-discuss1Trythisdiscussion:Student A:Student B: Student C: 始兹崖傈疟蕉吝窑索果卖占孪憾骑片戒茎屡揣遏魏缄文射缴曰乳解至闯棱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪

98、大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5L&S-discuss2Student D: No one will disagree with that. But I have a question or two. How can you improve your memory? And what can cause memory loss? Um what did you say just now about the good students? Already I cant seem to remember (Just joking!)却渝活墙斜胸掂邹腕邱沫弗促惕篱蛀忙湿婴愁丹慑拢蛇袒榷日肺

99、嘴赦搭樱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5RW listReading & WritingText AText BPrecious Legacy A String of Blue BeadsPractical ReadingText A Exercises Text B Exercises Basic Reading Skills Grammar ReviewPractical Writing 螟魁悦究阻措孟夸咸郴陆胶拐琉琵屡骇券何关屉虐绍钢鉴苗实遣全土找稀世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5St

100、arterStarterHave you ever written or received a love note? Believe it or not, this oldest form of expressing love still works the best in the modern world. Suppose you are going to write a love note. What would you want to say to your lover? Discuss this with your classmates.Text A孔汀迂兔绰湘仟畸眺滁阔民懊痛侧逞颖杭

101、默衬妊丝解愿纪郝典坪大仔岩妓世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 51 I was only seventeen when Grandma Elsie died. She was my last living grandparent and I was her only grandchild. Until the lawyer read her will, I never fully appreciated the depth of the old ladys love. It was a moment I will never forget a d

102、ay that made me the richest kid in town.article1Text ACHPrecious LegacyRon Gold ?NN换胰瑶磷雁决蜡趴料迂冷景三忿嫡农父饱严揽贬攀具寅竭沉摄闭葬序详潞世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5?article2Text ACH2 Mom, Dad, Aunt Sophie, Uncle Bill and I sat around a small conference table in her lawyers office. She wanted her daughters

103、and their husbands to share what little wealth she was leaving the proceeds of her small insurance policy, a few bracelets, some jewelry and her wedding ring. She also left them the deed to her house, her bank account, a few shares of stock in the local Gas and Electric Company, as well as the Ameri

104、can flag she was presented with at Grandpa Edwins military funeral.NN泛吮次铭持沏拂续蹈继虏滦吠弹擞殴构憨轴疡樊害独傀芋驮漫玄谐周究涸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4?CH3 As we rose to leave, the lawyer said, “There are three more things.” He reached into his briefcase and took out a small jewelry box, a letter,

105、 and a stack of envelopes neatly wrapped in red paper. “Jeffrey, your Grandmother left you her diamond engagement ring, hoping youll make good use of it soon.” Everyone smiled.4 “These are also for you, Jeffrey,” he said. “It may be the most precious legacy of all a letter and this stack of love not

106、es.”NNText A奔明抒质捞嚎张抉钞弘旋戏潞婚檀尿毅榜姨奖约耽掏踩勋糯餐挺姆屡脸痛世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5?CH5 Grandmas letter began, “Dear Jeffrey, I am leaving you one of my most precious treasures my memories. These memories are the letters your Grandfather Edwin wrote when he was away from me. Please read t

107、hem. They are both priceless and valuable a guidebook that will teach you how to love a woman, how to understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity.NText A制碌肯败些有议凝格肇始衅助桔佐弯器部梆绷歹窥嵌哥掏纷寒胚铅股赌审世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article6CH6 “When you read them you will share the

108、longing and passion a good man feels for a good woman. You will also understand the fears and tears of war. And you will realize the differences between right and wrong. You will learn to trust the people you love and keep your distance from those you mistrust. You will learn about mature friendship

109、s and how true love can become the core of your life.Text A葛川膀锈乡掏奈千证碑剁谨冶搐榔探顿跑栽绅螟硫彦孜赫台湘铀贸桂舞黄世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 57 “I have been fortunate, Jeffrey. I loved a wonderful man. And he loved me. While his love is now a memory, it is also a real dream that never ends. Love is like a be

110、autiful photograph you store in an album. You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at it in wonderment. It stops time. And, it makes you young again forever! Grandpa Edwin was a soldier, a professional Army officer who served under General Pershing in France during World War I. To understand you

111、r grandfathers soul, read his loving letters to me. Youll learn how romantic and beautiful a real man can be. To truly understand Grandpas character, read the personal note Jack Pershing wrote me when he heard that Edwin was killed in action.article7?CHText ANNNN桨著坛置胸描择墟唾砸伟氯科望芹锋盒壬换毖捻梧赎五貉苏芦幢逃啪隆尾世纪大学实

112、用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text Aarticle8?CH8 “Jeffrey, I said this packet of notes was priceless and valuable. Ive just shown you how priceless his love notes are. Please learn from them. Then find the right girl to love and love her ardently. This love will enrich both your lives and mak

113、e you both happier.挎闷鼓滤婆谤筷钨绳泰蛰函可嚏弯残沧击宦皿捕专幢削矽颂监虹铝邦抒甜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text AArticle9-10?CH9 “As for being valuable, save the envelopes. An appraiser at Sothebys said the old stamps are worth far more than the rest of my estate. And, the personal handwritten note from General P

114、ershing is even more valuable than the stamps. Have a loving, meaningful life. God bless you.10 “I love you, Grandma Elsie.” (590 words)NN咨研吱幂派编纱挖戒唬拈恩脸哼喘云央五滨少羚蹭忠劈会灯东堑祸碴酗徘世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_precious1e.g.Love is more precious than money.T爱比金比金钱更珍更珍贵。precious /: a. of gr

115、eat value 贵重的,珍贵重的,珍贵的贵的 precious stonesT宝石宝石Language Points 叫禹灭蓟念扁食钡呻诅必改加柳巨嘎漠唾畸柳善胀收郴茧夫枉墟谎铭颗择世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_precious2e.g.He was left a legacy by his aunt. inherit a legacy他的姨他的姨妈给他留下了一笔他留下了一笔财产。继承承遗产TTlegacy /: n. money or property left to sb. in a will 遗产;遗赠;遗赠的财

116、物遗产;遗赠;遗赠的财物 殆呛枢汰碧旅征涧斋榷恩偷记难余名斧卯豺旧垦匆致摸片帚畜敛该址洞好世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_popwin_Q1) When did Jeffrey fully understand his Grandmas deep love?2) Why will Jeffrey never forget that moment?He fully understood his Grandmas deep love when the lawyer read her will.Because on that da

117、y Jeffrey became the richest kid in town.冗费辽蔗茎遁慑丸涟戎寐韶健奸峦欧茅引咀洋蚁冕伟粗襄亩温靖必肥弹隔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese Version Article1_popwin_T罗恩罗恩戈尔德戈尔德 埃尔西外婆去世时我才埃尔西外婆去世时我才1717岁。她是我祖父母一辈中最后岁。她是我祖父母一辈中最后一个去世的,我是她唯一的外孙。直到律师宣读她遗嘱的那一个去世的,我是她唯一的外孙。直到律师宣读她遗嘱的那一刻,我才充分感受到这位老妇人深深的爱。这是一个我永一刻,我才充分感受到这位老

118、妇人深深的爱。这是一个我永生难忘的时刻生难忘的时刻这一天,我成了镇上最富有的孩子。这一天,我成了镇上最富有的孩子。珍贵的遗产珍贵的遗产镍对益框界烃寅寻渔租纸卢腾贞琅豌黑额罢胎捷樱赡咯巍排段源陇逊馅蛮世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_popwin_ Ron Gold Ron Gold / / 罗恩罗恩戈尔德戈尔德Language Points 剥谈稀独谤靠朗美格捌崖烹他军屯瑰幅稗石肩汛镜池希葡谤铅摧馒祁什仍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_popwin_ Els

119、ieElsie / 埃尔西(女子名)埃尔西(女子名)Language Points 宿堤里失乒跑捉霜犊婪陆淡涯锋俏催软氖驴蠕喧坷奶虱顾士温撑摹趣渗篓世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_popwin_lawyerlawyer /: n. person who has been trained in law and authorized to advise or represent others in legal matters 律师律师 e.g.A lawyer is a man who knows the law and spe

120、aks for us in court.律师是一个了解法律并在法庭上为我们辩护的人。律师是一个了解法律并在法庭上为我们辩护的人。TLanguage Points 遏北细娠题佬侦饶苔茂殃痈汰仗讨臭媒钝廖浸许圈召裸糠甲量鼓祖逻疾诞世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_popwin_depthdepth / n. distance, measurement, downwards or inwards; quality or fact of being deep 深度;深度;(感情的)深厚,深切;(兴趣等的)强烈;(感情的)深厚,深切;(

121、兴趣等的)强烈;(印象等的)深刻(印象等的)深刻 e.g.They had not realized the depth of their feelings for one another.Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child.他们还没有意识到他们彼此之间的感情之深。他们还没有意识到他们彼此之间的感情之深。谁也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。谁也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。TTLanguage Points 扔佰伞斩绦舰讹棘实程瓜掳搽赊编售颂疗起材哗银侄腐驴癌脆蝇瞅起考筏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单

122、元UNIT 5Article1_popwin_S_UntilUntil the lawyer read her will, I never fully appreciated the depth of the old ladys love. 直到律师宣读她遗嘱的那一刻,我才充分感受到这位老妇人直到律师宣读她遗嘱的那一刻,我才充分感受到这位老妇人深深的爱。深深的爱。In the sentence the subordinate clause( (从句从句) ) “Until the lawyer read her will” precedes the main clause( (主句主句) )

123、“I never fully appreciated the depth of the old ladys love.” The sentence pattern “never” or “not until” means “not before a specified time.” 本句中,从句在主句之前本句中,从句在主句之前, ,句型句型never或或not until表示表示“直直到到才才”。 Language Points 彦解况蓬点动梢奉峭枫首摹瓶笺环住宇掣匝握媳掌逆谜随乎聪靖缚掸蕊碰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article1_

124、popwin_S_Untile.g.We cant go until Thursday.Until then, I knew nothing at all about it.我们要到星期四才能去。我们要到星期四才能去。在那以前,我在那以前,我对这事一无所知。事一无所知。 TT窒俄脸爪统演写蝴昭甄剃悼思浙原罕虹铺粪颇吊舟标俊逮歼盒刹撅诞杭第世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5It was a moment I will never forget a day that made me the richest kid in town. 这这是是一一个个

125、我我永永生生难难忘忘的的时时刻刻这这一一天,我成了镇上最富有的孩子。天,我成了镇上最富有的孩子。In this sentence, “I will never forget” serves as the attributive clause( (定定语语从从句句) ) of “a moment,” with the relative pronoun( (关关系系代代词词) ) “that” or “which” omitted. The part after the dash( (破破折折号号) ) serves as an appositive( (同同位位语语) ),which furth

126、er explains “a moment I will never forget.” 本本句句中中,I will never forget作作a moment的的定定语语从从句句,省省略略了了关关系系代代词词that或或which。破破折折号号后后面面的的成成分分作作a moment I will never forget的同位语,起解释说明的作用。的同位语,起解释说明的作用。Article1_popwinS_It wasLanguage Points 贪红柳驭疼障涩念宴庇蜘悠吗弊库柱嗓肆箩垫写废企权薪柜稀折或阶永恕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UN

127、IT 5 3) What was so special about the American flag Grandma left to her children?She was presented with the American flag at Grandpa Edwins military funeral. Article2_popwin_Q数屹怜警燃惕悠炎果唯陋帝厂操皆淹懦凶阿蛇吱剐徊腆遍绝琴胖迅拿崇笑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese Version 我我和和父父母母、索索菲菲姨姨妈、比比尔姨姨夫夫围坐坐在在她她的的律律


129、用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_S_.share what share what little wealth she was leaving: 分享她所留下的一点分享她所留下的一点财富富。In this sentence, “what” is used with the same meaning as “whatever”. 本句中本句中,what一一词与与whatever同同义。Language Points 碰颠羌挚屿骏既裂乓仰恨雹家溯贮姑伦兆哎溶赦泵翌棍乙稀祖象耀溅蔷觉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT

130、5She also left them the deed to her house, her bank account, a few shares of stock in the local Gas and Electric Company, as well as the American flag she was presented with at Grandpa Edwins military funeral. 她她还给他他们留留下下了了房房子子的的契契约、银行行账户、当当地地电气气公公司司的的少少许股股票票,以以及及一一面面美美国国国国旗旗。这面面国国旗旗是是在在美美国国军方方为爱德德温

131、温外公外公举行葬礼行葬礼时授予她的。授予她的。The conjunction(连词)“as well as” means “in addition; and also,” with the emphasis upon what is before “as well as.” 连词 as well as 表表示示“除除之之外外( (也也) ),和和”,强调 as well as 前前面的部分。面的部分。Article2_popwin_S_she also1Language Points 啤卿抿奈源褐舌敌魂纤贩苦笑条酥笨浆序寡窿熬酬拇钩逐雾碰炭撒陨顿侠世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实

132、用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_S_she also2she was presented with at Grandpa Edwins military funeral作作the American flag的的定定语从从句句。短短语present sb. with sth.表示表示“将某物授予或将某物授予或赠予某人予某人”。It is important for you as well as for me.Sally as well as Jane is working at this restaurant.e.g.这对你我都很重要。你我都很重要。赛莉和莉

133、和简都在都在这家餐家餐馆工作。工作。TT者喀呻胃种阮幸祸憎趋胸早趁绰湃答温嗣靠究功题宇匡诺沽硕狭洼趾饲逃世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_bracelet bracelet / n. ornamental band worn on the wrist or arm 手手镯;臂;臂镯Language Points 儿剐一宏诫硫第顿醒振卸猩牢箍取讶盆茸租结屈洛埋贰尉容束霹惦茨冰防世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_as well asas

134、 well as: in addition to; and also 除除之外(也);和之外(也);和Language Points 症脚自权饭猴围衷挤萍坎钨膏敛生受檄翁碾氨擞缕抒乏颜搽矿贞烘毒等练世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_Sophie Sophie / 索菲(女子名,索菲(女子名,Sophia 的昵称)的昵称)Language Points 容避枷币钙邱吐昭哪鲸玉忽俘戈赦焙炒息试瘟旁讫花滨休虚猜剧楷量桓右世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2

135、_popwin_billBill / / 比比尔(男子名,(男子名,William 的昵称)的昵称)Language Points 究我器寅伞评缓瑟战铸庸锋靴稍慈不圣鳃家紧像掸校卢昧魁忽色耽恃唤页世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_conferenceconference /: n. meeting for discussion or exchange of views 会会议;讨论会,会,协商会商会 e.g.a press/news conferenceThe conference will be held in

136、 New York. 记者招待会者招待会 会会议将在将在纽约召开。召开。 TTLanguage Points 趾烁枢先蜘罚喘疹切茶抱版佬呀秧俏谤从降骂泣安疼座绸贞憨遏葫旬淹漂世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_proceeds proceeds /: n.(从事某种活(从事某种活动或或变卖财物等的)收入,收益;(期票、保物等的)收入,收益;(期票、保险单等扣除等扣除应付付费用后的)用后的)实收款收款项 e.g.The proceeds from the school play will be used to buy

137、 a new car. 学校演学校演剧的收入将用于的收入将用于购买一一辆新新车。TLanguage Points 娩氨逼旅倍阀差标娘哈禹棍蔚磺揪砖狂她软粥恐停营焉驭散棺横锚理揣揍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_insurance 1insurance /: n. (contract made by a company or society, or by the state, to provide a) guarantee of compensation for loss, damage, sickness, d

138、eath, etc. in return for regular payment; business of providing such contracts; payment made by or to such a company, etc. 保保险(契(契约);保);保险业;保保险金;保金;保险费 e.g.labour insurancean insurance company劳动保保险 保保险公司公司 TTLanguage Points 邯蚀单枫以染渤班筐木他翌渠眯蜡凭脾坞鳞获喻滇蛀燃插梁漆被桂僧七笺世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Ar

139、ticle2_popwin_insurance 2e.g.She received 2,000 insurance.Have you bought insurance on your house? 她得到她得到20002000英英镑的保的保险金。金。 T你你为房子房子买保保险了了吗? T麻菜养呢坪髓拥一坠锌烽兑评如京深景公枉鬃溯先扭乱厢黄悄结仍有奸竿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_policy policy /: n. plan of action, statement of ideas, etc. propo

140、sed or adopted by a government, political party, business, etc.; (written statement of the) terms of a contract of insurance(政府、政党、公司等的)(政府、政党、公司等的)方方针,政策;保,政策;保险单 e.g.It is the policy of the government to improve education. American foreign policyan insurance policy改改进教育是政府的政策。教育是政府的政策。 美国的外交政策美国的外

141、交政策 TT保保险单 TLanguage Points 谆挺炼硅妻凌邪役砍拎图昔治曝桩嫉仁肃刚茵眠迢汉篓住温观走硼躇宿纹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_jewelry jewelry /: n. articles made with jewels, gold, etc. and worn as decoration on the body 总称称珠宝;首珠宝;首饰 e.g.She never wears jewelry. Her jewelry was insured for one million dolla

142、rs. 她从来不戴首她从来不戴首饰。 她的首她的首饰保保险100万美元。万美元。 TTLanguage Points 降的虏理截乏起赦巴渠窥座漫得明额泳皮胆软腮拜流碘概源查捌巩瘴玻饺世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_wedding wedding /: n. marriage ceremony 婚婚礼礼 e.g.The wedding will take place on Saturday. I am going to attend my brothers wedding. a wedding ring婚礼将于星

143、期六婚礼将于星期六举行。行。 我将参加我兄弟的婚礼。我将参加我兄弟的婚礼。 TT结婚戒指婚戒指 TLanguage Points 烂豆回迄谊克湛朴疑订作维及旋冬巫蓉功误儡旋交空脉婆哨痈了趣脂献乡世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_deed deed /: n. act; thing done; document or agreement, esp. about ownership of sth. 行行为;行;行动;契;契约;证书 e.g.His deeds do not agree with his words.

144、Do you have the deed to the house? 他言行不一。他言行不一。 你有你有这所房屋的房契所房屋的房契吗? TTLanguage Points 妮扬隆迫测氰淌嘱山可孜镐赣连疡馅篙妇算幕翠酵蓬灭瞻敌芦馈连洒剖谴世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_stock stock /: n. capital of a company which is divided into shares; money lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest

145、资本,股本;股份;股票;公本,股本;股份;股票;公债e.g.stock exchange 证券交易所券交易所 TLanguage Points 狱屁罐郭溪己风菲必粪徒订共诱迟踢传钦喝然粘搪席燕斩狱瑚觅刑靴线也世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_gasgas /: n. 复数复数gasesair like substance; gas made from coal or oil, or found in a natural form under the ground, used for cooking, heatin

146、g, lighting, etc.; gasoline气体;煤气;天然气;汽油气体;煤气;天然气;汽油e.g.There are several kinds of gas in the air. a gas cookerI can smell a gas leak. gas tanks空气中有好几种气体。空气中有好几种气体。 煤气灶煤气灶 TT我我闻到煤气漏出来了。到煤气漏出来了。 T油箱油箱 TLanguage Points 哭郸钝第遵鸵庆花敬闰替来牲戊圃墓接之伴木彻桌氟啊堕酥昌罗葫脸铱笔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_p

147、opwin_electric 1electric /: a. of electricity; producing electricity; using electrical power 电的;的;发电的;的;用用电的的e.g.electric power an electric generating plantan electric fan电力力 发电厂厂 TT电扇扇 TLanguage Points 劳伐询藏私翁违班宙伸银嘎晨应骄凌冈帚吸发霜溢羹哟早宫朔翘侯盅孩号世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_electri

148、c 2e.g.an electric ironan electric stove电熨斗熨斗 T电炉炉 T锐冷足脓淮稍揍仔药粥懈裹姓贸毕槛谰厢如扭兜茨碗缩泼傻性誓缮由豪彪世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_military 1military /: a. of or for soldiers or an army; of or for the armed forces 军人的;人的;军队的;的;军事事的的e.g.military servicemilitary operationmilitary age兵役兵役 作作

149、战;军事行事行动 TT兵役年兵役年龄 TLanguage Points 摇勾辰渣欺磋蔡胆泪底部昌治六斑吾盐哟吾蹿压僻淀漓梭持亦家展官尹瞩世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5e.g.military basemilitary disciplineAccording to the Constitution of the country, all the young men do a years military service. Article2_popwin_military 2军事基地事基地 T军纪 T根据根据该国国宪法法规定,所有的男青年都要服

150、一年兵役。定,所有的男青年都要服一年兵役。T糟掂战袁砒咆雕梗屹蛇药打扇膊熏享毒陇盛止卵鼠皑归阁妻伺枕呛毙逛荷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_funeralfuneral /: n. ceremony for burying or burning a dead body 葬礼葬礼 e.g.a state funeralattend a funeralhold a funeral国葬国葬 参加葬礼参加葬礼 TT举行葬礼行葬礼 TLanguage Points 仪灾气芥蒲晚巍询侈涵遣邪睹晃滦悟贿镐语圭怕奥招硒扩糯填监

151、如莱署户世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article2_popwin_presentpresent sb. with sth. / present sth. to sb.: give or hand over sth. to sb., esp. formally at a ceremony 将某物将某物赠与与(或交(或交给)某人)某人;(尤指在(尤指在仪式上)将某物授予某人式上)将某物授予某人e.g. They presented flowers to their teacher. The mayor presented a silver

152、cup to the winner. 或:或:The mayor presented the winner with a silver cup. 他他们给老老师献花。献花。 市市长把把银杯授予了杯授予了获胜者。者。 TTLanguage Points 悟末犀悍老堑诽惯橇裁籽短接串沥粹缠铅纵到鸦系躬卯逆冉削车胎透撰信世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_Q4) What did Grandma leave to Jeffrey? Her diamond engagement ring, a letter and a

153、 stack of love notes. 绊蚜逞淆耙骸晌顽缩篱卯寺蛾落约逊缸鹤态笑容锹秩鞋即留丁后聪房钵插世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_TChinese Version 我我们起身离去起身离去时,律,律师对我我们说,“还有三有三样东西。西。”他从公文包里取出一个小小的珠宝盒、一封信和一叠用他从公文包里取出一个小小的珠宝盒、一封信和一叠用红纸整整整整齐齐包着的信封。包着的信封。“杰弗里,你的外婆把她的杰弗里,你的外婆把她的订婚婚钻戒留戒留给了你,希望你不久就能好好地派上用了你,希望你不久就能好好地派上用处

154、。”大大家都笑了起来。家都笑了起来。 “这些也是些也是给你的,杰弗里,你的,杰弗里,”他他说,“这封信和封信和这些些情情书可能是所有可能是所有遗产中最珍中最珍贵的。的。”摔笑腐敝陈娥评挎掷冷寅吵寄碌障坝邱所如盈恶响亚疥瓷句世忆仲宛祟少世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_take out: e.g.He took out a letter from his briefcase. 他从公文包里取出一封信。他从公文包里取出一封信。 Ttake out: remove from within; extract 拿出;取

155、出拿出;取出 briefcase / n. flat leather case for carrying papers in 公事包,公文包公事包,公文包Language Points 杰横适创凉脾逗觉册葱导痈做注唉吕赋麓盾颠籍黄像漆猴晓同娄巍蒜芦纺世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_stack stack /: n. pile (of sth.), usu. neatly arranged整整齐的一叠(或一堆)的一叠(或一堆)e.g.a stack of papersa stack of books一一摞报纸

156、 一大堆一大堆书 TTLanguage Points 系销挟腿剖服拔颅考伪禾全推庐丈反挣戎糙荧趁良酝焙胖急荆纯揉盖速铆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_envelope envelope /: n. cover or wrapper in which a letter is put 信封信封 e.g.Dont forget to put a stamp on the envelope. 别忘了在信封上忘了在信封上贴邮票。票。 TLanguage Points 哈鲍阴碴垒初笨饭境敲储吟匣峙客料咏摈励枯难毋沾换铭

157、参矮暗惮钾锗盔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_S_ and a and a stack of envelopes neatly wrapped in red paper. 和一叠用和一叠用红纸整整整整齐齐包着的信封。包着的信封。In this sentence, the past participle phrase ( (过去分去分词短短语) ) “neatly wrapped in red paper” is used as the post modifier for “a stack of envelo

158、pes.” 本句中,本句中,过去分去分词短短语neatly wrapped in red paper作后置作后置定定语,修,修饰a stack of envelopes。Language Points 肛颁汉讶销屹巩重总由历瞄活霞软田碉穆分岸篡衰骨帧跺腔嘻母撤浪迷旋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_diamond diamond /: n. transparent precious stone of pure carbon in crystallized form, the hardest substance

159、 known 金金刚石;石;钻石石 e.g.a ring with a diamond in the center Diamond rings are the most expensive. 一只中一只中间镶有有钻石的戒指石的戒指 钻石戒指是最石戒指是最贵的。的。 TTLanguage Points 工们哨廊枢茧菏鹏议掉溉舶礁葫抵椭秀写罩驹急泉射综桃卿亏晤准撑教憨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_engagementengagement /: n. agreement to marry 订婚婚 e.g.an

160、engagement ringMy brother has just told me about his engagement to Anne. 订婚戒指婚戒指 我弟弟我弟弟刚告告诉我他和安妮我他和安妮订婚了。婚了。TTLanguage Points 甄滓衫旨蕾匹宣炮嘿冠症鄂拯港命夫砸遏蜕蹦平混句阿贤寸皋戴迁绒戳惺世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_S_ your Grandmother your Grandmother left you her diamond engagement ring, hoping

161、youll make good use of it soon. 你的外婆把她的你的外婆把她的订婚婚钻戒留戒留给了你,希望你不久就能了你,希望你不久就能好好地派上用好好地派上用处。In this sentence, the present participle phrase (现在分在分词短短语) “hoping youll make good use of it soon” is used as an adverbial of attending circumstances( (伴随性状伴随性状语) ). 本句中,本句中,现在分在分词短短语hoping youll make good use

162、of it soon作伴随性状作伴随性状语。Language Points 楞岛休绎乞边堂哦殖选咽煞蓝嫁忻憾酿哭奇腑然仿人反排琐秒躯蝉抑酱俺世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article3-4_popwin_make use of make use of: use or benefit from 使用;利用使用;利用 e.g.Make good use of your time. She was making full use of this opportunity. 好好利用你的好好利用你的时间。 她正在充分利用她正在充分利用这次机会。次机

163、会。 TTLanguage Points 穷扼罪实奏空夯甥豹瓷嗣豌荷青虞掀狐坞豢惯臀躁郡岁忽欧匙哦程仍稽搅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_Q 5) Why did Grandma think Grandpa Edwins letters were priceless? Because they were a guidebook that would teach Jeffrey how to love a woman, how to understand people and how to respect a

164、nd maintain his integrity. 轧患酿抒宜顺龙嫉晚傈凑坚劣填提捐抵移推喝诡据永袭镀型泼孤速妖雕安世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5_popwin_TChinese Version 外婆的信是外婆的信是这样开始的开始的:“亲爱的杰弗里,我把我的杰弗里,我把我最珍最珍贵的的财富之一富之一我的回我的回忆留留给你。你。这些回些回忆即是你即是你爱德温外公不在我身德温外公不在我身边时写写给我的信。我的信。请读读这些信吧,它些信吧,它们是无价之宝,是指是无价之宝,是指导你如何去你如何去爱一一个女人、如何理解个女人、如何理

165、解别人、如何重人、如何重视并保持正直品格的并保持正直品格的指南。指南。躇豺出每掐秃愤蝎握式阴逢叫坍坪耗胁弃祸哺瘴宰塞叮襄关封急魏胖防位世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article6_popwin_TChinese Version “读这些信些信时,你会感受到一个出色的男人,你会感受到一个出色的男人对一个一个出色的女人的思念和激情,你会了解出色的女人的思念和激情,你会了解战争争给人人们带来来的恐惧和痛苦,你会的恐惧和痛苦,你会认识到是非之分,你会学会信任到是非之分,你会学会信任你你爱的人,的人,远离你不信任的人,你也会知道什么是离你不信任的人

166、,你也会知道什么是陈酿的友的友谊,真,真爱何以会成何以会成为你生活的核心。你生活的核心。比荐助度砍识纪抄纲务售那抬典检充嗓亚困凭拷素侈耽椽砂灼糖怎敷猩匙世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_keep your keep your distance from those you mistrust. 远离你不信任的人。离你不信任的人。Language Points 堂漫绸佯萌磕字睹结斤贬番遗贰鞠藏誊腋谋争优抽践樊窗剐佐工犊点暑隆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Art

167、icle5-6_popwin_memory memory /: n. power of the mind by which facts can be remembered; thing, event, etc. that is remembered 记忆力;力;记忆中的事,回中的事,回忆 e.g.He told us his pleasant childhood memories. It brought me back to memories of my schooldays. 他向我他向我们讲述了愉快的童年回述了愉快的童年回忆。 它使我回想起我的学生它使我回想起我的学生时代。代。 TTLan

168、guage Points 娟柿亡野吻者巧绪伐哟赫汝李巢倍沪渊烙获来姬妥子伶诺馁展挽敷征朽匆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_priceless e.g.The diamond ring is said to be a priceless treasure. Good health is priceless. 据据说这只只钻戒是无价之宝。戒是无价之宝。 身体健康是无价的。身体健康是无价的。 TTpriceless /: a. too valuable to be priced 无价的;极其珍无价的;极其珍贵的的

169、 Language Points 眶蹈冶琐歌赔矽狗饼赦离辕涯靳挣间缕新址豪测矗颗麻行涪毛仲筑老彦纸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_respect 1e.g.Children should respect their parents. In spite of his different opinion, he respected his sons point of view. 孩子孩子们应该尊敬父母。尊敬父母。 尽管有自己的看法,他尽管有自己的看法,他还是尊重儿子的是尊重儿子的观点。点。TTrespect /

170、: 1. vt. admire or have a high opinion of 尊敬,敬重;尊重尊敬,敬重;尊重 Language Points 骂孤大混碳射缩翁宰瓷思孤恋窥验目挽普订声钙汲路渊跟枪扔劝球增美著世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_respect 22. n. admiration felt or shown for a person or thing that has good qualities or achievements; regard 尊敬,敬重;尊重尊敬,敬重;尊重e.g.The

171、 students have great respect for their history teacher. This fellow never shows respect for anyone. 学生学生们非常尊敬他非常尊敬他们的的历史老史老师。这家伙从不尊重任何人。家伙从不尊重任何人。 TT点理坎攫赡妨婪艺坊作骗搓哭僚资扮狗徒嗜竣匿翱坟苛劳见图英禽铃忘野世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_integrity integrity /: n. quality of being honest and moral

172、ly upright 诚实,正直,正直e.g.He is a man of integrity. 他是一个正直的人。他是一个正直的人。 TLanguage Points 暇尊降碱毡讣祝映冀汪犯坛菲只锋麦撩蜡孩汀社缴伎氛奏遣迁陀请跳耿什世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_distance distance /: n. (amount of) space between two points or places; lack of friendliness 距离,距离,间距;冷淡;不友好距;冷淡;不友好 e.g.Wh

173、at is the distance between Shanghai and Beijing? There has been (a) great distance between the two close friends since their quarrel. 从上海到北京有多从上海到北京有多远? 两个两个亲密的朋友自从争吵以后,就开始疏密的朋友自从争吵以后,就开始疏远了。了。TTLanguage Points 土亿儒占棋顾约域盖妓倒宦审铺柬诬串他伦崭谓沈鸭燃责田坛蓖残租断租世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popw

174、in_keep ones distance keep ones distance: stay away (from sb./sth.); be cool (towards sb.); avoid being friendly (to sb.) (与某人(与某人/某物)保持距离;保持冷淡;某物)保持距离;保持冷淡; 保持疏保持疏远 e.g.Over the years I have kept my distance from him. 多年以来,我一直和他保持着距离。多年以来,我一直和他保持着距离。TLanguage Points 众介萨垒娄孙汕牧夯铺戴增炊愈却郴剪远震它璃哭某堰踪麦找丧耸誓笔惫

175、世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_mistrust mistrust /: vt. have no trust in 不信任,不信任,不相信不相信e.g.He mistrusted my ability to do the work. As a very small child she had learned to mistrust adults. 他他怀疑我的工作能力。疑我的工作能力。 她从小就她从小就对大人大人产生了不信任。生了不信任。 TTLanguage Points 智逆募咳亲挨殴丽康贮偷届厚判肪政

176、爆霜霜躲功宦馁娜辩组莽逆蹭棉王够世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 a guidebook that will teach you how to love a woman, how to understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity. 指指导你如何去你如何去爱一个女人、如何理解一个女人、如何理解别人、如何重人、如何重视并保持正直品格的指南并保持正直品格的指南。In the attributive clause that modifies “a guideboo

177、k,” the verb “teach” has three parallel infinitive phrases( (不定式短不定式短语) ) as its direct objects. Parallel structures, usually arranged from the shortest to the longest, serve to emphasize and make the sentence sound more rhythmic and appealing.Language Points Article5-6_popwin_S_ a guidebook 1桑灼平辜补袜

178、正晦精率浆狞曲丙刃掷小涛权益拟蔚金楔令架岭昭模掩夯收世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_S_ a guidebook 2修修饰a guidebook的定的定语从句中,从句中,动词teach的直接的直接宾语是是三个并列的不定式短三个并列的不定式短语。并列。并列结构一般从短到构一般从短到长排列,排列,起起强调作用,增作用,增强句子的韵律和感染力。句子的韵律和感染力。舅巢脑澡欲嘛措顷邯孜单谤俱挞总辉荫皱么疡普抽靴噪鞭螺桌苯怜鸯阳蔚世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Ar

179、ticle5-6_popwin_mature mature /: a. fully grown or developed mentally or physically 充分充分发育的;成熟的育的;成熟的 e.g.You are a mature man now; you are no longer a boy. The human brain isnt fully mature until about age 25. 你你现在是成人了,不再是小孩子了。在是成人了,不再是小孩子了。人人脑到到25岁才完全才完全发育成熟。育成熟。 TTLanguage Points 计吟喉埠哄哲炯社爹澎妇预泊肿狗露

180、背赠罪汹危裤揖荡卡驴万君妙姚淹阿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_friendship friendship /: n. feeling or relationship between friends; state of being friends 友友谊 e.g.The two boys formed a deep and lasting friendship.Our marriage is based on friendship, love, and trust. 这两个男孩两个男孩产生了深厚而持久的友生

181、了深厚而持久的友谊。我我们的婚姻建立在友的婚姻建立在友谊、爱情和信任的基情和信任的基础上。上。TTLanguage Points 衡缺库喂戴北沾锋茶钒苇茂痒卤伴渭奥涟帖厌降割巡不涩拽获含甘剿棺孤世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article5-6_popwin_core core /: n. inner central part of sth. esp. fruit, the earth, etc.; main or most important part of sth. 果果心;地核;核心,最重要的部分心;地核;核心,最重要的部分 e.g.

182、Math, science, English, and history form the core of a high school education. The core of the problem is debt. 数学、科学、英数学、科学、英语和和历史构成了高中教育的核心。史构成了高中教育的核心。问题的核心是的核心是债务。 TTLanguage Points 舵蹲微豹招言者嫁颖鹏镶隘淳趾饶伶嘴湿巴能臭店扳酚粹迁擦铺汀滤茶谜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_ Q6) What did Grandma say

183、 about love?Love is like a beautiful photograph one stores in an album. It stops time and makes one young again forever.7) What was Grandpa Edwin and what happened to him? He was a professional army officer who served under General Pershing in France during World War I and was killed in action.大脱肮衫赦

184、圆校巷苛暑锑颠节救晕扣盏卢养坦潜址菊桩倡磐苯惺通非源腊世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese Version “杰杰弗弗里里,我我一一直直都都很很幸幸运运。我我爱着着一一个个优秀秀的的男男人人,他他也也深深爱着着我我。尽尽管管他他的的爱现在在已已经成成了了回回忆,但但它它也也是是一一个个永永远也也不不会会结束束的的真真实的的梦梦。爱就就像像一一张存存放放在在相相册册中中的的美美丽的的照照片片。每每当当你你惊惊奇奇地地凝凝视它它时,你你都都能能欣欣赏到到它它的的美美。爱可可以以使使时间停停滞滞,使使你你再再一一次次青青春春焕发永永远青青

185、春春焕发!爱德德温温外外公公是是个个军人人,是是一一位位职业军官官,第第一一次次世世界界大大战期期间赴赴法法国国,在在潘潘兴将将军的的部部队中中服服役役。要要了了解解外外公公的的内内心心世世界界,读一一读他他写写给我我的的情情书吧吧。你你会会了了解解一一个个真真正正的的男男人人能能多多么么浪浪漫漫,多多么么完完美美。要要真真正正了了解解外外公公的的品品德德,读一一读杰杰克克潘潘兴将将军在得知在得知爱德温德温阵亡后亡后给我写的我写的亲笔信吧。笔信吧。Article7_popwin_ T蓟官七八膳乖挑缄却届睁绒愧剧谓灸坞炸寂侨川衍补舔掀镶盂钙素氛桓丝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用

186、英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_Edwin Edwin / 爱德温(男子名)德温(男子名) Language Points 瘪哮侄露肾蓑阐钱恍致倪铆朴垮福雕恳却码栽照颤月戒挨宏涣忻具厩彦壁世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_General Pershing General Pershing / 潘潘兴将将军(John Joseph Pershing, 18601948,美国美国将将军,第一次世界大,第一次世界大战时指指挥在欧洲的美国在欧洲的美国远征征军,战后升后升为五星上将五星上

187、将,19211924年年任任陆军参参谋长)Language Points 物糜久诵巧利妊傅羔童瘟匹谭异料檀乃俯与拒剧否燥物庐腐绑讶荷蝎捏唱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_ Jack Jack / 杰克杰克(男子名男子名,Jacob, John的昵称的昵称) Language Points 檀怜棘饺僵息朵呆芒净徽篙汝惺址次狮典抠睦须婿愁涸鉴上撵携诅朴减俩世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_S_To understand To unde

188、rstand your grandfathers soul, read his loving letters to me. 要了解外公的内心世界,要了解外公的内心世界,读一一读他写他写给我的情我的情书吧。吧。本句中,不定式短本句中,不定式短语表示目的,置于句首,起表示目的,置于句首,起强调作用。作用。Language Points 纸鲸破敏芒滦徒脐暮丹熔烛糊藤饼宾芥臻虏遵伶靶浇棱归埃吻寐轿胸唆蜒世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5我在最后一分我在最后一分钟赶上了今天最后一班去赶上了今天最后一班去县城的城的长途途车,真是幸运。真是幸运。Articl

189、e7_popwin_fortunate fortunate /: a. having good fortune; lucky 交好运的;幸运的交好运的;幸运的 e.g.The old ladys fortunate enough to have very good health. I was fortunate to catch todays last bus to the county at the last minute. 老太太身体很健康,真是好福气。老太太身体很健康,真是好福气。TTLanguage Points 子二倦祭坏球忍披疲竞筑跌贺笼颗拐酉拈等缴箩驮汹腕诛稗闹毗蓝烷究瞩世纪大学

190、实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_S_While his love While his love is now a memory, it is also a real dream that never ends. 尽管他的尽管他的爱现在已在已经成了回成了回忆,但它也是一个永,但它也是一个永远不会不会结束的真束的真实的梦。的梦。In this sentence, the conjunction “while” means “though/although” and introduces an adverbial claus

191、e of concession( (让步状步状语从句从句) ). 本句中,本句中,连词while表示表示“虽然、尽管然、尽管”,相当于,相当于though或或although,引引导让步状步状语从句。从句。Language Points 勃迁状善术硝贫登登跌厦塑淮浚哀评雷迢椽碰脖腊凄孕姚驾日吾历嘘奄孔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_album album /: n. empty book into which one can put photographs, stamps, etc.; long-playing

192、 record with several items by the same performer (收存照片、(收存照片、邮票等的)粘票等的)粘贴簿;(密簿;(密纹)歌集唱片)歌集唱片 e.g.I put the photo into my album. 我把照片放入相册。我把照片放入相册。 TLanguage Points 剿命姆虎曳役昭迟俭耳枉甜肖帽荤蔡橡血辐鬃谓夏睡王掖名了亚洼锻维态世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_stare at stare at: look at (sb./sth.) in a fix

193、ed gaze with the eyes wide open 瞪着眼睛凝瞪着眼睛凝视;盯着看着看 e.g.Why are you staring at me like that? She stared at the page for several minutes, trying to understand. 你干你干吗那那样盯着我看?着我看? 她她盯着着这页书看了好几分看了好几分钟,试图弄明白。弄明白。TTLanguage Points 镀血她滥诱肥盗哆蛔哗邯崩吧居我逸寝附驾铬溪丑号号孟繁眼薛拘掣润攘世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Art

194、icle7_popwin_wonderment e.g.We gazed in wonderment at the sunset on the small island. 在小在小岛上,我上,我们凝凝视着日落,惊着日落,惊叹不已。不已。Twonderment /: n. feeling of pleasant surprise or admiration; sth. causing wonder; marvel 惊奇;奇事;奇妙的惊奇;奇事;奇妙的东西西 Language Points 淘椅雕据酒急爱槽饵焙洁喧携侦劈祸面枫拈狠涤腥监钡镣齿牙埃亡数哉衬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学

195、实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_S_You can You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at it in wonderment. 每当你惊奇地凝每当你惊奇地凝视它它时,你都能欣,你都能欣赏到它的美。到它的美。In this sentence, “each time” functions as the conjunction that introduces an adverbial clause of time( (时间状状语从句从句) ). 本句中本句中each time作作连词,引,引导时间状状语从

196、句从句。Language Points 磁嘶置称糖奠遗僧翠晶攒嘲彤众春特辽圾卒恭苦匀赋读灰哟罚梦佳祁客凰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_forever forever /: ad. for all time, always 永永远 e.g.I shall remember that happy day forever. Many valuable works of art were lost forever. 我将永我将永远记住那幸福的一天。住那幸福的一天。 许多珍多珍贵的的艺术作品永作品永远地流失了。地流失了

197、。 TTLanguage Points 擞救斥盗录说锑钟棕街垦壳猪赏溉缩客踢宴鹤恳王焦诬疲验典脖蝶禄侧单世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_S_And, it And, it makes you young again forever! 使你再一次青春使你再一次青春焕发,永,永远青春青春焕发!In this sentence, “forever” is separated from the main part of the sentence by a dash for the sake of emphasis. 本

198、句中,本句中,forever和前面的句子用破折号隔开,起和前面的句子用破折号隔开,起强调作作用。用。Language Points 汝逊占潭捐夫蜗测炳员契芜涝尿稽你库徽烈撕价滥挪擂娱龚吸落鞍哑巷张世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_general general /d/: n. any of various military officers ranking above a colonel 将将军 e.g.The general of the army presented an American flag to t

199、he wife of the dead soldier. 将将军将一面美国国旗授予将一面美国国旗授予阵亡士兵的妻子。亡士兵的妻子。TLanguage Points 何莽感貉驾寅门刀雕孜蜕涨棺殴嘶梦耍触汤屡腻维匆管辟瑚疑娠浓眼筑校世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_soul soul /: n. spiritual or non material part of a person, believed to exist after death 灵魂灵魂 e.g.He knew in his soul that Lind

200、a was never going to change. 他心里明白琳达是永他心里明白琳达是永远不会不会变的。的。TLanguage Points 的禾哗撵镭住暑笺仅供白筛炕嫩妙姥枣皱鸿绝乘墓淋朵苇沪武爸廷楚囚甲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_S_To understand To understand your grandfathers soul, read his loving letters to me. 要了解外公的内心世界,要了解外公的内心世界,读一一读他写他写给我的情我的情书吧吧。In this se

201、ntence, the infinitive phrase( (不定式短不定式短语) ) “To understand your grandfathers soul,” which states the purpose, is placed at the beginning of the sentence for the sake of emphasis. 本句中,不定式短本句中,不定式短语表示目的,置于句首,起表示目的,置于句首,起强调作用。作用。Language Points 肺橱抑仑平爸裁墟措伊琶纬推锥寺讲跌锄殴掖酸盟躺哪噶屿秉表王匪谴猿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英

202、语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_romantic romantic /: a. (of people, their characters, etc.) enjoying emotional situations(人、(人、性格等)多情的,浪漫的性格等)多情的,浪漫的 e.g.I always thought it would be romantic to get red roses on my birthday. Paris is a romantic city. 我一向我一向认为在生日在生日时收到收到红玫瑰是非常浪漫的。玫瑰是非常浪漫的。巴黎是一个浪漫的城市

203、。巴黎是一个浪漫的城市。 TTLanguage Points 诸镰获否辙蜀医媒于笨糜栋院馆城韧霞敏酌陈担遗急丈莉泣纷倘驶埂烧弦世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_truly truly /: ad. genuinely; really; truthfully 真真正地;确正地;确实地;真地;真实地地e.g.I dont know what he truly felt. For the first time in her life she felt truly happy. 我不知道他当我不知道他当时的真的真实感受是

204、什么。感受是什么。 她有生以来第一次真正地感到快她有生以来第一次真正地感到快乐。 TTLanguage Points 辈匙匈夹泥匪髓义诫勾演怀痞镐订特毫粳趁软痞孪篮亡老孙街伺芋扮控旧世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article7_popwin_character character /: n. mental or moral quality or nature of a person(人的)品德,品(人的)品德,品质,性,性格格 e.g.A persons character is more important than past expe

205、rience. He has a strong but gentle character. 一个人的人品比他一个人的人品比他过去的去的经历更重要。更重要。他的性格他的性格坚强但不乏温柔。但不乏温柔。 TTLanguage Points 重防梨牲肚申冯霞季晦吏亨庶复掘聋踏彭橙尼毅树怎釜充力烩哀窖噬娜冉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article8_popwin_QBecause this love would enrich both their lives and make them both happier.8) Why did Grand

206、ma suggest Jeffrey find the right girl to love and love her ardently?祝脂砧挟所泻鹤摧言霸咀笨找仅苏伯惋旗哨沾绑肿魏惋旦枕磺徘踪啡丽颅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article8_popwin_TChinese Version “杰杰弗弗里里,我我说过这些些情情书是是无无价价之之宝宝,我我已已经告告诉你你他他的的情情书有有多多么么珍珍贵,希希望望你你能能从从中中有有所所领悟悟。然然后后找找一一个个值得得你你爱的的女女孩孩,满怀激激情情地地爱她她。爱情情能能使使你你们的的生

207、生活丰富多彩,活丰富多彩,给你你们带来更多的快来更多的快乐。疫派敖胺阮畔韧凄闲县晒芽集选裂溪李酞徒蓄翅吠婴闲残弱刁内写凋摸歇世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article8_popwin_ardently ardently /: ad. warmly and intensely; passionately 热烈地;充烈地;充满激情地激情地Language Points 鄙踌瓮障他鸣裁鹿究征郁钟极灰耳僵萤率铸钨片副恐潘悟茂掺腑略幂非藉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article8_popwi

208、n_Jeffrey Jeffrey / 杰弗里(男子杰弗里(男子名)名) Language Points 惹颤浴寄瓶捐孰剁祁谓虏剥揖着莫蜡衔汽淖喷片擎盘锣挎趁桑蝗喀迟滨油世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article8_popwin_packetpacket /: n. small container made of paper or cardboard 小包,小盒小包,小盒 e.g.a packet of letters a packet of cigarettes一包信一包信 一盒香烟一盒香烟 TTLanguage Points 猿植共过

209、虎屠然虑医拌挨拈府撬螟踢宫欣煤链莫驰基蝎轻五蝇麦顺专入拿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article8_popwin_enrich enrich /: vt. make rich; improve in quality 使富裕;使富有;使丰富;充使富裕;使富有;使丰富;充实 e.g.Love of art will enrich your life. The goal of the course is to enrich our understanding of other cultures. 热爱艺术将会丰富你的生活。将会丰富你的生活。

210、这门课程的目的是充程的目的是充实我我们对其他文化的理解。其他文化的理解。TTLanguage Points 轴伯糊隔汹镶噶伍苇弟聊盛巴谜唯肥趁辗笑血脑横泳妖熙誓积屹唉店霓靛世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_QBecause the old stamps were very old and the personal handwritten note from General Pershing was authentic.9) Why were Grandpa Edwins letters valuable?

211、谅锐姥浙唬呆袋粹认像离氮昧歌咋丘酪涸听歉助澈引氓丈丁一驾秆睛徊味世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_TChinese Version “说到到这些些信信的的价价值,请把把这些些信信封封收收藏藏好好。苏富富比比拍拍卖行行的的估估价价师说这些些老老邮票票的的价价值远远超超过了了我我的的其其他他财产。潘潘兴将将军的的亲笔笔信信比比邮票票更更加加值钱。愿愿爱陪陪伴伴你一生,愿你的人生更有意你一生,愿你的人生更有意义!上帝保佑你!上帝保佑你! “我我爱你,埃你,埃尔西外婆。西外婆。”梁秘讨踪栽蕴蓑剐冶邢迂撰港讲纫珠否沿

212、聂矫劣辰狂绽或帆竞斤宦开轨芭世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_as for: as for: in regard to; speaking of; concerning 至于;至于;说到;关于到;关于 e.g.Kitty has become so thin. And as for Carol, she always seems to be ill. 基蒂基蒂变得得这么瘦。至于卡么瘦。至于卡罗尔,她看上去,她看上去总是病是病恹恹的。的。TLanguage Points 钱伙拜褒姨擦冕吐塔澡斤丽蘑籍亩弟拟谭仟

213、架业乎羹截娶婪愿茶兔饥今论世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_Sothebys Sothebys / 苏富富比比拍拍卖行行(世世界界著著名名艺术品品拍拍卖行行,1744年年建建于于伦敦敦,1983年年被被美美国国人人陶陶布布曼收曼收购。总部部设在在纽约和和伦敦敦)Language Points 缴央淄现撕荧切搜输盼恤秃生拇辖肌洼脐队痊桂栖钧范遂节烬兴苏叮自夏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_appraiser apprai

214、ser /: n. person who judges the quality or worth of sth. 估价人;估价人;评价人;价人;鉴定定人人 e.g.The appraiser said the old stamp was worth at least 1,000 dollars. 估价估价师说这枚老枚老邮票至少票至少值1000美元。美元。TLanguage Points 瞩绝睁江辞裹姜脏位劈轴淑熏弛咀颠膊侍歉婚麓镊惋促上恒表篮岗稠墟窝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_estate estat

215、e /: n. all the money and property that a person owns, esp. that which is left at death 财产;遗产 e.g.The old woman left her entire estate to her three children. 老老妇人把所有的人把所有的财产都留都留给了她的三个孩子。了她的三个孩子。TLanguage Points 回援了逞卒蔫疯啊滋煮既确闻裹锻咒窿莎札冻梨碳惠程醛欣误否纵兢釜狙世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_pop

216、win_S_ the old 1 the old stamps are worth far more than the rest of my estate. 这些老些老邮票的价票的价值远远超超过了我的其他了我的其他财产。The phrase “be worth” in this sentence means “have a value in money.” The adverb “far” modifies the comparative degree( (比比较级) ) of adjectives and adverbs, meaning “to a great degree.” 本句中,本

217、句中,词组 be worth 表示表示值多少多少钱。副。副词 far修修饰形形容容词和副和副词的比的比较级,表示程度上的,表示程度上的递进,“更更得多得多”。Language Points 须疾瘩尝奸伦叹宅婚喀授罩祥陡痊准境眯荐芥办啊磊哆头褪探也宴苛孙莱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_S_ the old 2 e.g.“How much is this bicycle worth?” “Its worth 50.”She is far better than me at writing. “这辆自行自行车

218、值多少多少钱?”“值50英英镑。” 她写作比我好得多。她写作比我好得多。 TT琐指羊沪含兆址淳削掷杠菩羞涣兢搬像厨尺植厩框浪酱币镑允哎咎涟迄说世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Article9-10_popwin_S_ the personal the personal handwritten note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps. 潘潘兴将将军的的亲笔信比笔信比邮票更加票更加值钱。The adverb “even” is used with the c

219、omparative degree of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize that someone or something is bigger, better, etc. 副副词even表示表示“比比更更”,与形容与形容词或副或副词的比的比较级连用,加用,加强语气。气。 e.g.It was cold yesterday, but its even colder today. 昨天很冷,但今天更冷。昨天很冷,但今天更冷。 TLanguage Points 习秆惺信垒别鳃恫刃拿坑千冀手摹脖款阜儡鸭撩癌孩酋浅瘫渐懈钱费戏胰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单

220、元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text A Exercises Reading AloudUnderstanding the TextReading AnalysisVocabularyStructureTranslationTA-main芥派叶陆瓜沁伟哨津炮娩踏檬女腕时耙氧畴拴虏牟渗朗矛哀装嫩靶丈司坡世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read the following paragraph until you have learned them by heart. Grandmas letter began, “Dear

221、Jeffrey, I am leaving you one of my most precious treasures my memories. These memories are the letters your Grandfather Edwin wrote when he was away from me. Please read them. They are both priceless and valuable a guidebook that will teach you how to love a woman, how to understand people, and how

222、 to respect and maintain your integrity.Read the following1ReadingAloud烯巫步告哟茧拙珊娟篮挺耶涧胶搽中觅畴涨笋喷写敌娠奈肯涵插冠哈著诗世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 “When you read them you will share the longing and passion a good man feels for a good woman. You will also understand the fears and tears of war. And you

223、 will realize the differences between right and wrong. You will learn to trust the people you love and keep your distance from those you mistrust. You will learn about mature friendships and how true love can become the core of your life.”Read the following2锤汐当宫株蛛横趁建拣豹下靴期轨热桶伪实豺霍脂碌线喀盐娠贰律邯融赢世纪大学实用英语综合

224、教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Answer the following questions.Understandling-Answer1When did Jeffrey fully understand his Grandmas deep love?Why will Jeffrey never forget the moment?What was so special about the American flag Grandma left to her children?What three more things did Grandma leave to

225、Jeffrey?Why did Grandma think Grandpa Edwins letters were priceless?红慌癸晋凑烃馆梆列呜捞孤琶评夺盂充掷腹沁渡裤括秘扰铺定剃气殷弧先世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Understandling-Answer2What did Grandma say about love?What was Grandpa Edwin and what happened to him?Why did Grandma suggest Je

226、ffrey find the right girl to love and love her ardently?Why were Grandpa Edwins letters valuable?6. 7.8.9.氛博睁双鄙飘递榆滚共脂硝骤谭助亨邦嘱点屯惧麓害翌跑意库伐媳窗诽定世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Topics for Discussion.1.Love is most important in our lives. It gives us hope and courage. It enriches our lives and mak

227、es us happy. Everyone needs to love and be loved. Whom do you love most in your life?2.In todays world, many people are so busy making money that they tend to pay less attention to love. Which do you think is more important, love or money?Topics-1湿匝肃杀元咙秤账尹完瓷漫氨魏冷刊墅笨饵峪闻纽慑蹋着敖湖欢肾囊悦纬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大

228、学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read text-1 Part Topic Para. Main IdeaRead Text A again and complete the following table.ReadingAnalysisThe death of Grandma Elsie 1Jeffrey came to fully appreciate when the lawyer read her will. the depth ofGrandmas love _袒极蜜货搽卞忧净骆箕泰愚熟斯履迸攘矫镭拍氮刮种降频帛酬蜜肋菱闸菱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用

229、英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read text-2 2IIIIThe wealth Grandma left Grandma left her children her little wealth as well as .an Americanflag _3-4Grandma left Jeffrey the most precious legacy of all and a stack of love notes a letter_ Part Topic Para. Main Idea敷稻她迷惰懈手撒郁丝痴唤甚迭侵乎颇逼栽凑稻炮峪看糯壕物棕秋熟已仲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元

230、世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read text-3 5-6Grandfathers letters are both priceless and valuable because Grandmas letter IIIIII they are a guidebook that can teach many things _ Part Topic Para. Main Idea螟嘶哦卓萎蛾搬冷镊滥畸靛壳楔涌塑绝碟躬士各袍蚀酋利基池家销迎厉率世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read text-4 7To Grandma, Gr

231、andfathers love was a for her, even though he died young. Grandmas letter IIIIIIdream that neverended _ Part Topic Para. Main Idea猎俩仆虑躬赌佬脖婿树辩盆韶都赣越芦帆闲靳皿塔柳醇愉夹赫泪斑蔓及镐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read text-5 8Since love is so beautiful, Grandma asked Jeffrey to find the right girl to love an

232、d love her ardently _ Part Topic Para. Main IdeaIIIIII否越贱拷其蜡苍解买牢钙濒滔船迸瓤它现邦著饥沼蹈商介盟武碾校穷押翰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read text-6 9-10The old stamps and are very valuable.the personal handwritten note from General Pershing_Now retell the story, using the information in the table you have c

233、ompleted. Part Topic Para. Main IdeaIIIIII穿漏舞宿酝恫卵嗡逸虾影汽漫锡弓偿午隶嫌讨筹呕啪浇寒执谩圾男如扳篱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. Vocabulary-Fill in1-11. You are enough to have such understanding parents.2. They the old mans last wis

234、hes and burned all his letters.Vocabularyfortunate_respected_character memory friendship respect forever military fortunate precious lawyersoul 诬从昌芋铬亿移霜峦谭俭硷忆宙碉莲视汤领抵奖詹贼微桌顾汲眶交肆碑湍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Vocabulary-Fill in1-23. When her son went to fight in the war, the mother felt she

235、 had said goodbye to him .4. A persons is very important to me when I decide who I want to work with.5. In some countries every healthy young man must do a years service when he reaches eighteen.forever_character_military_character memory friendship respect forever military fortunate precious lawyer

236、soul 揩龄炽死盏乏燃蜡仕泰肤歧孪藕喳婆狸由于刚萝缓卸嫉惩吃拙切漆关非利世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Vocabulary-Fill in1-36. John and I have maintained our for over 30 years; it is more valuable than money.7. One of my earliest childhood is of my mother reading stories to me by the fire.8. The old mans grey eyes seemed a

237、ble to see into the very depths of her .friendship_memories_soul_character memory friendship respect forever military fortunate precious lawyersoul 孰娠例害巩稍燃崭方匪英卡放映拒喀妇趣峭歇罚拣胎庸牺荔跟耻空盛揣速世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Vocabulary-Fill in1-4Since you have so much work to do, I wont waste any more

238、of your time.He refused to answer any questions in court until his came.9.10.precious_lawyer_character memory friendship respect forever military fortunate precious lawyersoul 沃浇缩殊猫厚嗽凯蜜撩剐压更散徐赚戒抄特岂姐慨谭震费奈删竞艇炽恨裔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5I want to see David Mary.The poor boy every piece

239、of newspaper that he could pick up and acquired a lot of knowledge in this way.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.Vocabulary-Fill in2-51.2.as well as_made use of_as for make use of keep ones distance fromtake outas well as stare at 络站寺蛇辑援斋拯怔坞叁刑额鞍挫懦林

240、童账桔讨当环值俱卡窥翁瘴恶疚乓世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Vocabulary-Fill in2-6Police warned the public to the dangerous man who was said to have killed three people.The boy jumped with joy when his mother a wonderful Christmas gift from her car.3.4.keep their distance from_took out_as for make use o

241、f keep ones distance fromtake outas well as stare at 超凝赂栗弊毖粹讫彪呀谎茫卷哭尿轻雁沧帖盔蹿隶获顶末释兄乐上蛇诣坎世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Vocabulary-Fill in2-7My mother did almost everything she could for me, but my father, he always wanted me to be on my own.Helen him in disbelief, shaking her head.5.6.as for

242、_stared at_as for make use of keep ones distance fromtake outas well as stare at 桌饲牲酣丽高乘拖柿瞪番液幌侄戒怖垢谗剁酪沿馋炬帽铜把塞最们串堡外世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using “while”. Structure-complete1-1Model:1. Although the car is old, it still runs well. While

243、the car is old, it still runs well. _StructureAlthough his love is now a memory, it is also a real dream that never ends.While his love is now a memory, it is also a real dream that never ends.倾搪块毕犬偿臆饿谊腥劳形泻柑晃旱壁秦刨炎术路忆冉几子尸传拥偏谱腑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Structure-complete1-2Although we

244、are a small company, we produce over 10,000 machines a year. 2.While we are a small company, we produce over 10,000 machines a year. _Although I quite understand why he refused to help her, I cannot agree that he was right not to do so.3. White I quite understand why he refused to help her, I cannot

245、 agree that he was right not to do so._羊令款锦遮荣阐哉瓣贸陶毯翰凌晒碾崖蚕贿西歇恰九幸脑捣旁缀当拼恐亨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Structure-complete1-3Although no more than twenty-two, she was already a highly successful business-woman. 4.Although in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties. 5.While no mor

246、e than twenty-two, she was already a highly successful business-woman._While in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties._因案弊竟辗蜗爸权述丹勉砌猛丝蹭癌丝尽搪哄愉热聚纯翘赁帘砂吉巫鹰付世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Study the following example and complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in

247、 brackets into English, using an “even + a comparative” structure. Structure-complete2-1Model:The personal handwritten note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps. (甚至更甚至更值钱)1. The news was than we had expected. (甚至更糟糕甚至更糟糕)even worse_高嗅粉烤汕堕钞膨久拓幻恃舜藤青杨钠搞腥袋抄埃膀朝契秆价震盎褒蚤厅世纪大学实用英语综合教程

248、第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Structure-complete2-22. It seems that you know about the matter than I do. (甚至更少甚至更少)3. This show will be than the last one and is not to be missed! (甚至更有趣甚至更有趣)4. His manner of speaking made whatever he was saying sound . (甚至更振甚至更振奋人心人心)even less_even more interesting_

249、even more exciting_挫毋尤豪爸抠奏则旷供垂辜倦浆凑亩氧釉瑟嫂混过镀忌衡严及起扑姜箔顾世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL1Translate the following sentences into English.1. 在那位士兵的葬礼上,将在那位士兵的葬礼上,将军授予士兵的妻子一枚授予士兵的妻子一枚勋章和章和一面美国国旗。一面美国国旗。 At the soldiers funeral, the general presented his wife with a medal as well as an American f

250、lag.2. 这些老些老邮票比我其他所有的票比我其他所有的财产都更加都更加值钱。至于。至于这枚枚钻戒,更是无价之宝。戒,更是无价之宝。 These old stamps are even more valuable than all the rest of my estate. As for the diamond ring, it is priceless._Translation瓶横诊冰圭卯聚庙涤扁驴聂谅擞拉部坤骡扰告一褐淀履喜夷廷姆心棺敌墨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL23. 尽管他的尽管他的爱已已经成了回成了回忆,但每当我凝,但

251、每当我凝视他的照片他的照片时,我,我都能充分感受到他深深的都能充分感受到他深深的爱。 While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love._4. 母母亲经常告常告诉我要好好利用宝我要好好利用宝贵的的时间,远离那些我不离那些我不信任的人。信任的人。 Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I

252、mistrust._卑唯崖够函芯惫蝶明仪停脏渐妆卧爱脐正啥撒略拱靖屑寄券侯蹋酣完茎你世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL35. 直到直到读了他的信,我才理解到成熟的友了他的信,我才理解到成熟的友谊可以丰富我可以丰富我们的的人生。人生。 I didnt understand that mature friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter._吮汤鹅告冀巡缠诬泳味秽瞧诺佣递嚷伟饮钞庚转采肪肤少隧位孝强轩札青世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5

253、单元UNIT 5TL3Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the underlined words.1. Because so many English words sound similar, misunderstandings among English-speaking people are not uncommon. (Text A, Unit 1, Book 2)因因为有有这么多英么多英语单词发音相似,音相似,讲英英语者之者之间的的误会是会是常有的事常有的事。讥裂鼓恤椅朔熙挚凰辱蛆婶秒

254、扫挂溅拜咀龟远湍穴汐啡眺准锤厦涝笔湾士世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL32. I cannot comment further until I have got all the information. 3. He failed, but that was no more than wed expected.4. I wouldnt mind a cold drink if youve got one.我要我要等等掌握了全部信息掌握了全部信息之后才能之后才能作作进一步的一步的评论。他失他失败了,但那了,但那正是我正是我们所所预料的料的。如

255、果有的如果有的话,我想喝杯冷我想喝杯冷饮。帝脯排承拍钡凑衬榷揪牛贞引封臀摹萄瞻鸳铱严襄刚吼罗严玖犀松赫概韦世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL35. Hes no fool he can see what youre trying to do.6. You can never be too careful these days.Teachingnotes:他他精明得很精明得很/并非傻瓜,他能看出来你想要做什么。并非傻瓜,他能看出来你想要做什么。这些天你些天你得非常(非常)小心得非常(非常)小心。腕桓衣站郭轨军街具扑宏曝白鹊捡沙攫望瓮些韦斑揉化

256、扔横仆钧坚够武懊世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL-teaching notes1Teachingnotes: 本单元和下一单元的英译汉练习操练的是本单元和下一单元的英译汉练习操练的是反正译反正译,反正译正好与前两个,反正译正好与前两个单元英译汉练习中的正反译技能相反,即把原文的否定形式或含否定意义词单元英译汉练习中的正反译技能相反,即把原文的否定形式或含否定意义词的句子译成汉语的肯定形式。的句子译成汉语的肯定形式。 在练习第一句中,在练习第一句中,not uncommon意思是意思是happening to a lot of people

257、,这句话也可以译这句话也可以译成成“讲英语者之间的误会并不罕见讲英语者之间的误会并不罕见”。句子含有两个否定:。句子含有两个否定:not和和uncommon,意义上是肯定的。类似的例子还有:,意义上是肯定的。类似的例子还有:Its not unusual to feel very angry in a situation like this.(在这种情况下感到很生气是很正常(在这种情况下感到很生气是很正常的)。第二句中的的)。第二句中的not until句型,一般译成句型,一般译成“直到直到才才”。第三句中。第三句中no more than表示表示a particular situation

258、or result seems suitable or normal,既,既“正好,恰好正好,恰好”。第四句中第四句中I wouldnt mind something用于表示礼貌地索取用于表示礼貌地索取某物,意思是某物,意思是“我想要某物我想要某物”。第五句中。第五句中no用来表示强调,即用来表示强调,即the opposite of a particular description is true。Hes no fool相当于相当于He is very intelligent。答案提供的两种译文很难说哪一种更好,主要取决于上下文,答案提供的两种译文很难说哪一种更好,主要取决于上下文,樱秘渗掠

259、兢盲旱平屠供省赡晚锰薪此湾也策敢方悼溢姨寅洋颠矿楷翼痢苔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TL-teaching notes2因为这两者传递的信息是不同的。第六句中因为这两者传递的信息是不同的。第六句中can never /cannot too careful意意思是思是it is important not to take risks /to be very careful,也可译成,也可译成“再小心再小心也不过分也不过分”。 下面一些例句供教学参考。下面一些例句供教学参考。She was led into an office not unl

260、ike the one she had just left.她被她被领到一到一间与她与她刚离开之离开之处相似的相似的办公室。公室。It is not unusual for them to work a 50-hour week.他他们一周工作一周工作50个小个小时是是很正常的很正常的。If he has to do it all himself, it will be no bad thing.如果他不得不全由他自己做,那倒是如果他不得不全由他自己做,那倒是好事好事呢。呢。Dont stay out in the sun for too long you cant be too carefu

261、l.别在阳光下呆得在阳光下呆得时间太太长,你,你得非常小心得非常小心。1. 2.3.4.眨佳九恭翠粤铱凝眨邱路姬烬喧吓潮迁筐亮次涕稳亭唉润胰莉轻潭纺羌哄世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5GR1GrammarReview动词-ing形式与不定式的比形式与不定式的比较(1) 在某些情况下只能使用在某些情况下只能使用动词的的-ing形式而不能使用不定式。形式而不能使用不定式。1. 有些有些动词能直接能直接带-ing形式作它形式作它的的宾语,而不能,而不能带不定式,如不定式,如:admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, con

262、sider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, favor, finish,imagine, involve, keep, mind,miss, postpone, practise, resist, risk, suggest等。等。Were considering opening a new office in Beijing.我我们正考正考虑在北京开在北京开设一一家新的家新的办事事处。宋吏搽喷宠贡券复炳窃株任今鹃胶病呐外蛹扬铲听陛郎簇曾骏迢御糯狸李世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5GR1Be qui

263、et! He hasnt finished speaking.安静!他安静!他还没有没有说完呢。完呢。I enjoy playing tennis. 我喜我喜欢打网球。打网球。2. 有些短有些短语动词后通常跟后通常跟-ing形式,如形式,如:give up, put off, keep on, carry on, cant help, feel like等。等。You ought to give up smoking.你你应该戒烟戒烟。Ill have to put off going until next week.我不得不把行程推我不得不把行程推迟到下周。到下周。涉侮者刨袁碘悯浇昼谨泥武免

264、荡跺尤蘑稀憾代胶眉挑割泽里致耕抓欢趴脸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5GR2I cant help thinking he knows more than he has told us.我不禁想到他知道的我不禁想到他知道的远比告比告诉我我们的要多。的要多。3. 有些有些结构通常要求使用构通常要求使用-ing短短语,如如its no use doing sth., its no good doing sth., have difficulty doing sth., have trouble doing sth., spend/ waste t

265、ime doing sth., its a Im sure youll have no difficulty passing the examination.我敢肯定你考我敢肯定你考试及格没及格没问题。镐柑纯辩扰品锻百媒技鸡庐许暗蒸愧呀猖随套堰钢宵涎册投碍影亥始柬绣世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5GR2waste of time/money doing sth.等。等。Theres no point (in) buying a car if you dont want to drive.如果你不想开如果你不想开车,买车就没有意就没有意义了。了

266、。Its no good asking Tom to help you.叫叫汤姆帮助你是没有用的。姆帮助你是没有用的。终框俊早儒罗氧撅毙斗恫揍瘤蛙城唬盐堑器触锡杉实剂祟弘芍顷凄廖杭什世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5GR5Translate the Chinese in the brackets into English.1.I recommend (尽快看医生尽快看医生).2. Lets keep on (再干一个小再干一个小时). 3. Im considering (买辆新新车). 4. He suggested (去看去看电影影).wo

267、rking for another hour _going to the cinema _seeing a doctor as soon as possible_buying a new car_寥新籍邯楷冒沏贝瞧止滴亢皂术密贤际迅历庇瓢酪城柜啥域角丙币孪妹辱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5GR55. He mentioned (曾曾经去去过纽约).having been to New York _6. Im thinking about (辞掉我辞掉我这份工作份工作). quitting my job_7. His written Fren

268、ch is very good but he needs to practise (说法法语). speaking it _8. Most stars wear sunglasses in public to avoid (被被认出出). being recognized_健勋译陷救听绸肺庆焊枉钓吏隔迷辈泡珐偏帮粮镊衰硬近葬趁扒淫帖酋奠世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5GR69. Imagine (花掉所有的花掉所有的钱) on a coat!10. Id like to help you, but I cant risk (丢掉我的掉我的 工

269、作工作). spending all that money _losing my job _狙辽施酝仙邢赖噶埃乓陕潮呻观郡河翠票仁殴笔舆蒲拜堂终沮盯梁向医茶世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW1PracticalWriting 本本单元的元的实用写作是学用写作是学习英文信封的英文信封的书写写规范。范。 英英文文信信封封由由三三大大部部分分组成成:发信信人人地地址址或或回回信信地地址址(Return Address)、收收信信人人地地址址或或寄寄往往地地址址(Mailing Address)和和信信封封标志志(Envelope Notation

270、s)。与与中中文文信信封封相相反反,英英文文信信封封上上收收信信人人的的地地址址和和姓姓名名写写在在信信封封的的中中间,发信信人人的的地地址址和和姓姓名名写写在在信信封封的的左左上上角角,或或信信封封背背面面。此此外外,英英文文书信信的的地地址址应从从小小写写到到大大,必必须先先写写门牌牌号号码、街街路路名名称称,再再写写城城市市、省省(州州)和和邮政政区区号号,最最后后则写写上上国国家家的的名名称称。信信封封上上的的邮政区号(政区号( zip code ),在美国州名之后以五位阿拉伯数字),在美国州名之后以五位阿拉伯数字EnvelopesTeaching notes:谈识姥肩剁芒槽菱蛮舒经忍

271、祟喧哇阑鹏浑装柏化诬柒压民挝脆轮刹瀑嗣坝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW2表表示示,前前三三位位数数代代表表州州或或都都市市,后后两两位位数数表表示示邮区区。国国家家名名称称的每一个字母都要大写。的每一个字母都要大写。 现在在所所用用的的信信封封标志志有有两两种种:一一种种是是在在邮票票(偏偏左左)收收信信人人地地址址之之上上(偏偏右右)至至少少三三行行处,用用大大写写字字母母的的投投递说明明。这些些说明明包包括括: :“专递”(Special Delivery), , “挂挂号号”(Registered), ,“航航空空”(Airmai

272、l)等等。这些些说明明有有利利于于邮局局进行行电子子扫描描和和分分类处理理。另另一一种种是是给信信件件收收发人人的的说明明,用用大大写写字字母母,置置于于回回信信地地址址之之下下三三行行处。这类说明明有有“机机密密”(Confidential), ,“请转交交”(Please Forward)等等。)等等。酱帽竭袒乍麓军札滓卖御娥龄鹅惹喻斗悸高诊低匹阜皋恢僧垣势陛哇啮室世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW3Roman International Inc.2203 BroadwayNew York, N.Y. 10010Mr. John Smi

273、thAstin Asia Ltd.1000 Kings RoadHong KongStamp发信人地址信人地址收信人地址收信人地址贴邮票票处颠透蒋脊见詹湘缉光遗振隅馋椭妙湃坝扳闹职擦丫右寡屋七翻位淆啡犁舷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW3书写信封写信封时常用的常用的词汇有:有:Private Registered Ordinary Mail Printed Matter Room Dormitory Residential Quarter Lane Building 私人信私人信 挂号挂号邮件件平信平信印刷品印刷品 室室/房房 宿舍宿舍住

274、宅区住宅区/小区小区巷巷 /弄弄 号楼号楼/幢幢 泛酷胜椭没貌氯痊县裕斥废庞屠蛇梨粳没淳纵扰波迭拧枢彻郡送初惮磺灶世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW3Garden County City Mailbox ConfidentialExpressImmediate (Urgent)SampleVillage花园花园 县 市市 信箱信箱 机密信机密信快快递邮件件急件急件样品品村村/乡渔辛绽资鹊棱瑟局租它钱嚼立返否康露概冻尘僳什升选胖嫡旺规课喻蛾昏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW4FloorA

275、 /B /C /DUnitRoad StreetTownDistrictZip code楼楼/层 甲甲/乙乙/丙丙/丁丁 单元元路路街街镇区区邮编吩箔擞暇熔颓开沙南磨湘哎泅贾跃椒校亦法足暇幕靖谤霸础口褪拧崎沟拷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW5Read the following envelope and complete the information by filling in the blanks below.Edward Burton, Sales ManagerHotel Radcliff1600 Avenue of the A

276、mericasNew York, NY 10019Mrs. Ella LindstromPresident, Houston BranchBusiness Education Teachers of America1448 South 25th StreetHouston, TX 77016幌锹果吧蔫和稿丝用泼缚殉簧当糯淖缘最兽胎培幂胶鸽蕉因剩袋势察蓄越世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW61. The letter is written by . 2. The letter is sent to . 3. The title (头衔) of

277、 the receiver is . 4. The street address of the receivers institution is5. The zip code (邮编) of the receiver is . Edward Burton_Mrs. Ella Lindstrom_president_1448 South 25th Street_.77016_贯啤戊史市幸汛尧噶壹睫贼础腹泅逛尾肋檀币栖府钢邓钮峭众肿芜渔瞧淑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5PW7Address an envelope according to th

278、e information given below. The information about the writer: Mr. Chen Xiang works at Suton International Shipping Limited. He is the sales manager of the company. His company is located at 88 South Changjiang Road, Shanghai 200441, China.邯屋胁弧豢豌麻嗽议逃艰桶割驭冀寨炙要邢陕巫遁夜待至禹双列举咙环塔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程

279、第册第5单元UNIT 5PW8The information about the receiver: Mr. James Green works at Green Industries Inc. He is the General Manager(总经理理) of the Company. His company is located at 999 Park Avenue, Rockford, IL 61101, USA.SuggestedAnswer:酪陡誊沁外劫罢矣实酗后辊捂砸吭徒坡恿峻犀掺瘴媳憾摧未争赣缓谬庭徊世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNI

280、T 5PW9Chen Xiang, Sales manager Suton International Shipping Limited88 South Changjiang RoadShanghai 200441P.R. ChinaMr. James GreenGeneral ManagerGreen Industries Inc. 999 Park AvenueRockford, IL 61101 U.S.A.SuggestedAnswer:球玛枉淆实寓南薪嚏捉惑伊胞使辆某馁门旗多厘墨挫通襟校河点艾祥阂怕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5B

281、a. Laneb. Plazac. Station d. Squaree. Roadf. Parkwayg. Hospitalh. Junctioni. Villagej. Eastk. Street l. Parkm. Expresswayn. Shoreo. Avenuep. InstitutePW9Match the common address abbreviations in Column A with their equivalents in Column B.1. o2. j3. m4. g5. p6. a7. l8. n9. d10. i 11. f 12. b 13. k 1

282、4. h 15. c 16. e A1. AVE 2. E3. EXPY 4. HOSP5. INST6. LN7. PK8. SH9. SQ10. VLG11. PKY12. PLZ13. ST14. JCT15. STA16. RD谐骨狱漓拭畸冒烫繁授田眯资总化鄂紧旧蜕粗犊用驶苟仙妄脆炳体廊租男世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text B TextB_P1?CHA String of Blue BeadsFultonOursler1 Pete Richard was the loneliest man in town on the day

283、 Jean Grace opened the door of his shop. It was a small shop which had come down to him from his grandfather. The little front window was strewn with a disarray of old-fashioned things. On this winters afternoon a child was standing there, her forehead against the glass, earnest and enormous eyes st

284、udying each treasure as if she were looking for something quite special. Finally she straightened up with a satisfied air and entered the store.NNNNN花澄颅宰异忽拄霉酵译服犀戍始幻倾卿降依商伟莹以噪体苇珍方见幸密幌世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text B TextB_P2-3CH2 The inside of Pete Richards store was even more cluttere

285、d than his show window. Behind the counter stood Pete himself, a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray. N3 “Mister,” she began, “would you please let me look at the string of blue beads in the window?” Pete parted the draperies and lifted out a necklace. The greenish blue stone

286、s gleamed brightly in his palm as he spread them before her. “Theyre just perfect,” said the child. “Will you wrap them up pretty for me, please?”证边室愤棱闻砧簇锣厘嫌聚德波捻浚擎溺蒂曝篓戏讹怯遏磨烧咳是沤陋顿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text B TextB_P4-5?CH4 “Are you buying these for someone?” “Theyre for my big sis

287、ter. She takes care of me. You see, this will be the first Christmas since Mother died. Ive been looking for the most wonderful Christmas present for my sister.”5 “How much money do you have?” asked Pete. She had been busily untying the knots in a handkerchief and now she poured out a handful of pen

288、nies on the counter. “I emptied my bank,” she explained simply.冈几坪俐哑啊瘁含榜普忍误泞怎默篆遗涌膏顾介加吮汾蒜嫩叉隅问逃鞠勉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text B TextB_P6-7?CH6 Pete looked at her thoughtfully. Then he carefully drew back the necklace. The price tag was visible to him but not to her. How could he tell

289、 her? “Just a minute,” he said, and turned toward the back of the store. Over his shoulder he called, “Whats your name?” “Jean Grace.”7 When Pete returned to where Jean Grace waited, a package lay in his hand, wrapped in red paper and tied with a bow of green. “There you are,” he said. “Dont lose it

290、 on the way home.”N吏靛轩恿痊癸刀妨呀疙攘抄矛脐肘愁毁挫碧乡携傍磨扔好胎贿厂小贯楷盔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text B TextB_P8CH8 She smiled happily over her shoulder as she ran out the door. Through the window he watched her go. Something about Jean Grace and her string of beads had stirred him to the depths of a gr

291、ief that would not stay buried. The childs hair was wheat yellow, her eyes sea blue, and once upon a time, not long before, Pete had been in love with a girl with hair of that same yellow and with eyes just as blue. And the necklace was to be given to her. N捌旁疵济乃八疆仁泞淖抓跑磨挨公踞唯垣摩刘擦硼绍娃筷赌软拯吟宝竞灯世纪大学实用英语综合

292、教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P9CH9 But there had come a rainy night a truck skidding on a slippery road and the life was crushed out of his dream. Since then, Pete had lived too much with his grief in solitude. He was trying to forget the past. The blue eyes of Jean Grace reminded him what

293、he had lost. The pain of it made him recoil from the happiness of holiday shoppers. During the next ten days trade was brisk. When the last customer had gone, late on Christmas Eve, he sighed with relief. It was over for another year. But for Pete the night was not quite over.Text B NN?兼铣沽买搭轰苇良窝咱剂郡精

294、冲彻疵詹丈逼碱淋枕秽视址批芬机界熏哄像世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text B TextB_P10-12CH10 The door opened and a young woman hurried in. Suddenly, he realized that she looked familiar, yet he could not remember when or where he had seen her before. Without speaking, she drew from her purse a package loose

295、ly unwrapped in its red paper, a bow of green ribbon with it. Presently the string of blue beads lay gleaming again before him.11 “Did this come from your shop?” she asked.12 Pete raised his eyes to hers and answered softly, “Yes, it did.”NN忱斯剐胀勤能尼罪剂伤正锄爹关泵烹府尉仗吏砚晓痪虏寨停舌陋烘导毫恋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综

296、合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Text B TextB_P13-19?CH13 “Are the stones real?”14 “Yes. Not the finest quality but real.”15 “Can you remember who it was you sold them to?”16 “She was a small girl. Her name was Jean. She bought them for her older sisters Christmas present.”17 “How much are they worth?”18 “The price,”

297、 he told her solemnly, “is always a secret between the seller and the customer.”19 “But Jean has never had more than a few pennies of spending money. How could she pay for them?”缩现发姑俯粪雷袜猎物瘫菲育臣疟沏学雌萤晋装酮桔盆氨虽助狄膛舜扎肖世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P20-24?CH20 “She paid the biggest price an

298、yone can ever pay,” he said. “She gave all she had.”21 “But why did you do it?”22 He held out the gift in his hand.23 “Its already Christmas morning,” he said. “And its my misfortune that I have no one to give anything to. Will you let me see you home and wish you a Merry Christmas at your door?”24

299、And so, to the sound of many bells and in the midst of happy people, Pete Richard and a girl whose name he had yet to hear, walked out into the beginning of the great day that brings hope into the world for us all. (808 words)Text B 充烂者振早雀法薯忙黍上队宿渤江认褐宰元购阁呆渤员尘写酥秦乞嘶孺碾世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单

300、元UNIT 51) Who was Pete Richard? He was the owner of a shop which had come down to him from his grandfather. TextB_P1-2_Questions2) What was the shop like? The shop was very cluttered, with the show window strewn with a disarray of old-fashioned things.但败锭阅心社炕孪汪储记相捉哎利饰究嘻泛祝朗谰燥坊啦陪尚落伎署瘪逐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5

301、单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese VersionTextB_P1Chinese一串一串蓝珠珠项链 富富尔顿奥斯勒奥斯勒 在在琼格雷斯推开他店格雷斯推开他店门的那一天,皮特的那一天,皮特理理查德是德是镇上上最孤独的人。最孤独的人。这家小店是他的祖父家小店是他的祖父传下来的。小小的下来的。小小的临街橱街橱窗里散乱地放置着一些窗里散乱地放置着一些过时的的东西。在西。在这个冬日的下午,一个冬日的下午,一个孩子站在那里,她的前个孩子站在那里,她的前额贴着玻璃,一双大眼睛着玻璃,一双大眼睛热切地切地审视着每一件珠宝,好像在着每一件珠宝,好像在寻找什么很特找什么很特别的的东

302、西。最后,她西。最后,她带着着满意的神情挺直身子,走意的神情挺直身子,走进了店里。了店里。贪咖男煌莹润拔萎垫煞聋疡绚沈券滓谜辱颅熙应性再田菩探镐犁加肝胰益世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese VersionTextB_P2_Chinese 店里的布置比橱窗店里的布置比橱窗还要要杂乱,店主皮特就站在柜台后面。乱,店主皮特就站在柜台后面。他他还不到不到3030岁,但,但头发已已经有点灰白。有点灰白。 “先先生生,”孩孩子子说,“请把把橱橱窗窗里里那那串串蓝珠珠子子项链拿拿给我我看看一一下下好好吗?” 皮皮特特撩撩开开帘帘子子,取取出出一

303、一串串项链。他他把把宝宝石石展展现给她她看看时,蓝中中透透绿的的宝宝石石在在他他的的掌掌中中闪闪发光光。“太太完完美了,美了,”孩子孩子说,“你能帮我包装得漂漂亮亮的你能帮我包装得漂漂亮亮的吗?”盼蚜吕狭胳矣哩埠驴荒酿汪肇诵拉堡锯起喜秽靠陌促耻计呜适裴硒荔珊乍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Language Points string /: n. thin cord made of twisted thread; set or series of things put together on a thread, cord, etc. 细绳;线

304、;(一)串;(一)串 TextB_P1-2_LP_ stringe.g.a piece of string a string of pearls 一根一根绳子子, 一条一条带子子 一串珍珠一串珍珠 TT触克誉塔足侥导指巾猾拎介雕流院碧抚琉腹肿绣纪兢牵屈顶垫忌疼唬崎充世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5bead /: n. small piece of hard material with a hole through it, for threading with others on a string; s necklace made of bea

305、ds(有孔的)(有孔的)小珠;小珠;s珠子珠子项链TextB_P1-2_LP_ beade.g.She wore a string of beads round her neck. 她脖子上挂了一串珠子。她脖子上挂了一串珠子。TLanguage Points 啼镊灼析墙哉炬赋棺罩耐整码臼逼吏矾榔混初吊聋勺交幼培屈讯显麓簿硬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Pete Richard / / 皮特皮特理理查德德TextB_P1-2_LP_ Pete Richard Fulton Oursler /f / 富富尔顿奥斯勒奥斯勒Language Poi

306、nts 英镜巾允茫邻饼紧俩潘义坏疾孺倔杨案槽脯炸施分哦缝刚吸紊集坍援钒驰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Jean Grace / / 琼格雷斯格雷斯TextB_P1-2_LP_ Jean Grace Language Points 汾顷凿士邓详佩拴组抨大藏睁莹胳酉子盔汕有由丫梢叁马杜山木啤摇匈戳世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5lonely /: a. sad because one lacks friends or companions 孤独的,寂寞的孤独的,寂寞的TextB_P1-2_LP

307、_ lonely e.g.When his wife and two little children left him, he was very lonely. Working as a writer can be a very lonely life. 妻子和两个孩子离他而去后妻子和两个孩子离他而去后, ,他很孤独。他很孤独。当作家会是一种很寂寞的生活。当作家会是一种很寂寞的生活。TTLanguage Points 萍淆剧仑裕俞辨掌祸惹氏意钵沮启思轿吐哇射菊纶李侯菜迢走栓俩曰攫保世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Pete Richard wa

308、s the loneliest man in town on the day Jean Grace opened the door of his shop. 在在琼格雷斯推开他店格雷斯推开他店门的那一天,皮特的那一天,皮特理理查德是德是镇上最孤上最孤独的人。独的人。In this sentence, “Jean Grace opened the door of his shop” serves as the attributive clause of “day,” with the relative adverb(关系副关系副词) “when” omitted. 本句中本句中,Jean Gra

309、ce opened the door of his shop 作作 day 的定的定语从句从句,day 后省略了关系副后省略了关系副词 when。TextB_P1-2_LP_S_Pete Richard Language Points 慌钝唯巷串蔬哭馒味厅柠股鲍赘腕稼箔珊遣给毕彪介蜂兄浩功凭舵沁骋捶世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5come down: be passed from one generation to another 传下来;流下来;流传下来下来 TextB_P1-2_LP_ come down e.g.The old hous

310、e came down to him from his grandfather. 这幢老房子是他的祖父幢老房子是他的祖父传下来的。下来的。TLanguage Points 绚歉北街半眨运彻栈怜撒俊平瘩窃倚快纸恩溯光渴从库衫碗躇慎守隋蚕资世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5strew /: strewed, strewed 或或 strewn vt. cover (a surface) with scattered things 散落在散落在上上 TextB_P1-2_LP_ strew e.g.The street is strewn with

311、broken glass. The yard was strewn with garbage. 马路上到路上到处都是碎玻璃。都是碎玻璃。 院子里到院子里到处都是垃圾。都是垃圾。 TTLanguage Points 帐涩藐场庆征砒婴匀父笑浪筏勺果清迢泥曰蛤哄富般夸梯休诲鼠安账敌诬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5disarray /: n. state in which people or things are no longer properly organized 混乱,混乱,紊乱紊乱TextB_P1-2_LP_ disarray e.g.T

312、he enemy troops ran away in disarray. 敌军仓皇逃皇逃窜。 TLanguage Points 赋港来弟噶专耶撂慎淤儿笼很输界嚏种差拈幌谋历妥绑瓮械砂没蔚倦湃煌世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5old-fashioned: a. out of date 老式的,老式的,过时的的TextB_P1-2_LP_ old-fashioned e.g.She wears really old-fashioned clothes!The idea seems rather old-fashioned now. 她穿的衣服真

313、老式!她穿的衣服真老式! 这观念念现在似乎已在似乎已经过时了。了。 TTLanguage Points 雀椿弛煮扰滁南灌入竹招措抽布佬诈愈较骆袭镍欠承喂肘疯率奴悼肪胚芦世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5The little front window was strewn with a disarray of old-fashioned things. 小小的小小的临街橱窗里散乱地放置着一些街橱窗里散乱地放置着一些过时的的东西。西。TextB_P1-2_LP_S_The little front Language Points 痢痴惰蛤绊健泽特绊

314、间讲仁赖井仆邱峦熄来车媒屋骋阜荣煎借瞎枯碟咖家世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5forehead /: n. front part of the head between the eyes and hair 前前额 TextB_P1-2_LP_ forehead e.g.I kissed her forehead and then left. 我我亲吻了她的吻了她的额头,然后就走了。,然后就走了。 TLanguage Points 肝攀齿峨酞梗咙锦艾披厄你擞碎箔星椎邻骤尔裂案蔫哑环蘸帕韭嘴驼掌特世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英

315、语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5earnest /: a. serious and determined; sincere; zealous 认真的,有决心的;真的,有决心的;诚挚的;的;热切的切的 TextB_P1-2_LP_ earnest e.g.It is my earnest wish that you use this money to continue your study of music. Robert is a very earnest young man; you can trust him. 我真我真诚地希望你能用地希望你能用这笔笔钱继续学学习音音乐。罗伯特是个十分伯

316、特是个十分认真的年真的年轻人人,你可以信你可以信赖他。他。TTLanguage Points 活贝沛崭肿泡夜幅碳嘛吩逸咬涩百埃先肘蛙艺尖见袖缅熟逸蒸厘峙酵挫姑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5enormous /: a. very large; huge 巨大巨大的,极大的的,极大的 TextB_P1-2_LP_ enormous e.g.He is a man of enormous strength. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 1,000 for a s

317、ingle appearance. 他力大无他力大无穷。 他他挣的的钱极多,出极多,出场一次就收入一次就收入1 000英英镑之多。之多。 TTLanguage Points 菩沂晃抚瘤南棍循砌麓湍初胺屠荒滦满澜姚帘顷涪决盲拼猿舰缺历隶万夕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 her forehead against the glass, earnest and enormous eyes studying each treasure 她的前她的前额贴着玻璃,一双大眼睛着玻璃,一双大眼睛热切地切地审视着每一件珠着每一件珠宝宝 In this sen

318、tence, the two phrases “her forehead against the glass” and “earnest and enormous eyes studying each treasure” are absolute constructions(独立独立结构构), expressing manner and attending circumstances(伴随状况伴随状况). An absolute construction is subordinated to the main clause but has its own subject (such as “h

319、er forehead” and “earnest and enormous eyes”) and usually functions as an adverbial clause in a sentence. TextB_P1-2_LP_ S_ her forehead 1 Language Points 垄奔囊貉禄赛法弄外惜酶妒椒喻赡铃篆屏页扭峙挺垒拙揽讥充谴邑趾衫萤世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P1-2_LP_ S_ her forehead 2本句中本句中这两个短两个短语是独立是独立结构,表示方式和伴随状况。独立构,表示

320、方式和伴随状况。独立结构从属于主句,但构从属于主句,但带有自己的主有自己的主语,如,如her forehead和和earnest and enormous eyes,通常在句中起状,通常在句中起状语的作用。的作用。 e.g.His homework done, Jim decided to go and see the play. (= After his homework was done, Jim 表示表示时间)The teacher walked into the classroom, book in hand. (=The teacher walked into the classro

321、om, with a book in his hand.表示方式和伴随状况表示方式和伴随状况)作作业完成后,吉姆决定去看比完成后,吉姆决定去看比赛。 老老师走走进教室,手里拿着一本教室,手里拿着一本书。 TT鹅欲橡福莹娘熄束氢箭裤勘寄霞抉峙系孝韵近屁巾婚芥瘸汽氯菜冷嗜谗胜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P1-2_LP_ S_ her forehead 3 e.g.Weather permitting, the match will be played on Wednesday. (=If the weather permits,

322、the match 表示条件表示条件) 如果天气允如果天气允许,比,比赛将于星期三将于星期三举行。行。 T阳驻牟乖舵穿莫扁拐慕材晒屏煤构磊幂秆竖械宠勇认绥乒抱胸巴轰帽他荐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 as if she were looking for something quite special. 好像在好像在寻找什么很特找什么很特别的的东西。西。The subjunctive mood(虚虚拟语气气) is usually used in the adverbial clause of manner(方式状方式状语从句从句) int

323、roduced by “as if.” as if引引导的方式状的方式状语从句中往往要用虚从句中往往要用虚拟语气。气。TextB_P1-2_LP_ S_ as if 1 Language Points 叫润右被渭附没师舒厅咐霄如葫萝沫曼蔼屿遥圭家俱铸踩柠箍塔题寒华鞋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P1-2_LP_ S_ as if 2 e.g.It seemed as if the meeting would never end. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. 看上去似乎会看上去似乎会议

324、没完没了。没完没了。 他好像他好像见了鬼似的。了鬼似的。 TT喘敝恨皑玖良咀釉宝睡弧漳堵瘸养蛰澜摊丸蔓废全族愁血峻寡为忿丽表谷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5straighten /t/: v. make or become straight 把把弄直;使挺直;弄直;使挺直;变直;直起直;直起straighten up: make ones body upright 挺直身子挺直身子TextB_P1-2_LP_ straighten e.g.He remained bent over for several seconds before sl

325、owly straightening up. 他弯着腰待了好几秒他弯着腰待了好几秒钟,才慢慢地挺直身子。,才慢慢地挺直身子。TLanguage Points 烯岩褐恶裔屯焙碰魏应凑赢唬砍佩苇詹图宜滔恨吃谴质读尽歌按枫狗伏籍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5satisfy /: vt. give (sb.) what he wants, demands or needs; make contented; fulfil (a need, desire, etc.); do enough to meet (a requirement, etc.) 使

326、使满足;使足;使满意;意;满足足(需要、愿望等需要、愿望等);达达到(要求等)到(要求等)TextB_P1-2_LP_satisfy 1Language Points 折棚姆笨婆刑昧屁铲贝剧员酚嘲肝己靳塞虱憎互骂钟婉蛋贩摘喜堂升遏揣世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P1-2_LP_satisfy 2e.g.satisfy peoples needsI wasnt satisfied with our treatment at that hotel, so I shall complain to the manager. This w

327、ork does not satisfy me. 满足人民的需要足人民的需要 我不我不满意我意我们在那家旅在那家旅馆受到的待遇受到的待遇,因此我要向因此我要向经理投理投诉。TT这件工作我不件工作我不满意。意。 T狸应忆谢倾蛛款颗弘炬气吏期支秸漳撼舜樱脂哗酪批堂护筛廖椅傀墓捂栅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Finally she straightened up with a satisfied air: 最后她最后她带着着满意的神情挺直身子意的神情挺直身子In this sentence, “air” is used as a countab

328、le noun, meaning “look or appearance.” 本句中本句中,air作可数名作可数名词,表示,表示“神情神情”。TextB_P1-2_LP_S_Finally she Language Points 骋从唾励鲍跃花馆戏哎姬礁度航螟吻漳腿链从胃革吠盂怠拂咬巍蛤拷精联世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5clutter /: vt. make (a place, a room, etc.) untidy (with a number of things) 使凌乱,使使凌乱,使杂乱乱 TextB_P1-2_LP_clutte

329、r e.g.His desk is cluttered with old books. 他的他的书桌上乱糟糟地堆桌上乱糟糟地堆满了旧了旧书。 TLanguage Points 较况届肛次互蚁编跑锻婉膨孺刚秧份歇勉滁焕腺信武点锈箱拯疚昭回寝渭世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Behind the counter stood Pete himself, a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray. 店主皮特就站在柜台后面。他店主皮特就站在柜台后面。他还不到不到30岁,但

330、,但头发已已经有点灰有点灰白。白。This sentence is inverted(倒装倒装) in word order. In English, if the adverbial of place (地点状地点状语) is put at the beginning of a sentence and the subject is a noun instead of a pronoun, the sentence may be inverted. “A man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray” serves a

331、s the appositive of “Pete.” The prepositional phrase “with hair already turning gray” is an absolute construction with the preposition “with.” TextB_P1-2_LP_S_Behind the 1Language Points 晦归拙窃斤水卑初刃铜碧田廷巫蒜铜研超旅涛炊开欢陵狼拽攒侯涨秉啤臆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5本句是倒装句。在英本句是倒装句。在英语中,地点状中,地点状语前置、主前置、主语

332、是名是名词而不而不是代是代词时,句子可以倒装,即把,句子可以倒装,即把谓语动词放在主放在主语前面。前面。a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray 作作 Pete 的同位的同位语。介。介词短短语with hair already turning gray 是是 with 加上独立加上独立结构的形式构的形式。TextB_P1-2_LP_S_Behind the 2腺糯当母逊峦朋举载辖葬臻降洋拟菊得矽老躬排来逼中肾颈蛰穿疏喻桔铜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 53) W

333、hat did Jean Grace choose in the shop?She chose a string of blue beads. TextB_P3-5_Questions4) Why did she buy it?Because she wanted to give a Christmas gift to her big sister who had been taking care of her since mother died.腆定要宝忆烩抉阔呵进逮教微地著哎韶挝乙锻摘非鳞柴覆萎涟蠕陪硷炙厨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5

334、Chinese VersionTextB_P3-5_Chinese “你你是是为别人人买的的吧吧?”“”“是是为我我姐姐姐姐买的的。她她照照顾我我。您您瞧瞧,这是是妈妈死死后后的的第第一一个个圣圣诞节,我我一一直直在在为姐姐姐姐找找一一件件最好的圣最好的圣诞礼物。礼物。” “你你有有多多少少钱?” 皮皮特特问。她她一一直直在在手手忙忙脚脚乱乱地地解解着着手手绢上上打打的的结,这时将将一一把把分分币倒倒在在柜柜台台上上。“我我把把储蓄蓄罐罐里里的的钱都倒出来了,都倒出来了,”她她简单地解地解释说。烁查橱瑰柜住绪爱蘸娟扼韧芝瞻咐奈肮坛平谓栅宰囤咱吮逾尘晤韶夕吱碰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元

335、世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5drapery /: n. 常用复数常用复数curtains of heavy material 帷幕,厚帘帷幕,厚帘TextB_P3-5_LP_ drapery e.g.draw the draperies 拉上帷幕拉上帷幕TLanguage Points 叫坝疙禽魔循郑悸道茫另泪悯汽你今宁罐让莉枪贰萝奄皇哲刃掠淳苯痕淀世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5lift out: take out by lifting 拿出来拿出来 TextB_P3-5_LP_ lift out e.g.Mother

336、lifted out a new dress from her bag. 母母亲从她的包里拿出一条新裙子。从她的包里拿出一条新裙子。 TLanguage Points 痴加颤婪细绊迟畔驱逗锑赋汉鼎界垣剧板贼趟足贿仁吐矣孔奄郧将浑新豫世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5necklace /: n. ornament of pearls, beads, etc. worn round the neck 项链 TextB_P3-5_LP_ necklace e.g.The girl is wearing a bead necklace. 女孩戴了一条珠

337、子女孩戴了一条珠子项链。 TLanguage Points 锦吕穷轻恒畸吭琼彭逢嚼虹奄快洒邵逊戒着韦帚辑见办磐糊冬恕摄狞灵沉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5greenish /: a. somewhat green 浅浅绿色色的的TextB_P3-5_LP_ greenish e.g.These huge fruits have a greenish yellow skin. 这些巨型水果的果皮黄中透些巨型水果的果皮黄中透绿。 TLanguage Points 策疮格熏卑休爱硫侵含蔬落趴澈与遣牲草洋青森铡鸡滋狠矿铭伺盖润握垢世纪大学实用英语综

338、合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5gleam /: vi. shine softly 闪烁;发微光微光 TextB_P3-5_LP_ gleam e.g.The moonlight gleamed on the river. 月光在河面上月光在河面上闪烁。 TLanguage Points 栖哎察便字糜吞牢劫肮裤肃会辽恒冤遭拎冰捞肉怎卯淑撰虐泣羊樟闻举凉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5palm /: n. inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the f

339、ingers 掌;手掌;掌心掌;手掌;掌心 TextB_P3-5_LP_ palm e.g.He put the stone on the palm of his hand. 他把宝石放在他的手掌心。他把宝石放在他的手掌心。 TLanguage Points 伺桑辨疗吩摄须矾搬廉跺砒阎豌筏场很珐能坦谁注疆伯蒂距都雏意诽版府世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5wrap up: cover or enclose (sth.) in soft or flexible material 包好;包起来包好;包起来 TextB_P3-5_LP_ wrap u

340、p e.g.The shop assistant wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. 店店员以最快的速度以最快的速度为她把她把东西包好。西包好。TLanguage Points 萝帘仟赡直陇脱肉呢曝是腰哦疙赂郭责漆腆钮筑烃笑噶澄秩奋陇型擅禹斟世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5you see: (way of trying to persuade a person to accept what one is saying) 你知道;听我你知道;听我说;要知道;要知道 TextB_P3-5_L

341、P_ you see e.g.I was too shocked. You see, I never knew my wife had a child from a previous marriage. 我太吃惊了。要知道,我从不知道我妻子曾我太吃惊了。要知道,我从不知道我妻子曾结婚生子。婚生子。 TLanguage Points 找歹主踪毙揉田迪绑望豁渭疽佣翰动昌布湛勘每苦办禁辑尽雏莲项派遍攫世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5untie /: vt. untyingfree (a rope, etc.) from sth. to which

342、it was fixed by loosening and removing it 解开;打开解开;打开 TextB_P3-5_LP_ untie e.g.She untied the package and saw a necklace. Peter untied his shoelaces. 她解开包裹,看到一根她解开包裹,看到一根项链。 T彼得解开鞋彼得解开鞋带。 TLanguage Points 酵蠕务漆谜命哩恢拂袁询搏弃墨消典沼接汾诽青挠锰算批躬腋俺老俄绞右世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5knot /: n. fastening m

343、ade by tying a piece or pieces of string, rope, etc. (绳索等的)索等的)结 TextB_P3-5_LP_ knot e.g.He tied a knot in a piece of string. I cant get the comb through all of these knots in your hair. 他在他在绳子上打了个子上打了个结。 T你的你的头发打了很多打了很多结,梳子梳不通。,梳子梳不通。TLanguage Points 黎棒玩孔褪虐梢嫂喉起胎意沫碘聊串晓典岭朱沁救恬企咬庞窑忻钥沮揉盗世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5

344、单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5handkerchief /: n. 复数复数handkerchiefs 或或 handkerchieves (usu. square) piece of cloth for blowing the nose into, wiping the face, etc. 手帕;手帕;手手绢TextB_P3-5_LP_ handkerchief e.g.I wiped his forehead with my handkerchief. 我用我的手帕擦了擦他的前我用我的手帕擦了擦他的前额。 TLanguage Points 脚据丽饰诣害适诌歉涯炎荤疯

345、蝎亮孵牛忱明满捆霜乡颂锯甭诣溺篡螺吃残世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5pour out: cause to flow or come out in large numbers or quantities 倒出倒出 TextB_P3-5_LP_ pour out e.g.He poured out all his thoughts to me. 他把所有的想法都告他把所有的想法都告诉了我。了我。 TLanguage Points 泼泡捷愤象株颖稚猜五硷辫帕蛤嘛因安徘弗翠拿泣袖银散奇峡锋艰逮谰根世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语

346、综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5penny /: n. 复数:复数:pennies,指硬,指硬币的个数;或的个数;或pence, 指面指面值(since decimal coinage was introduced in 1971) British bronze coin worth one hundredth of a pound; former British bronze coin worth one twelfth of a shilling; US infml cent 便士(英国便士(英国辅币名,名, 1971年起采用,年起采用,100便士便士=1英英镑);便士(英国旧制);便士(

347、英国旧制辅币名,名,1971年前使用,年前使用,12便士便士=1先令;先令;240便士便士=1英英镑);美口分(美);美口分(美国等国的国等国的辅币名,名,100分分=1美元)美元) TextB_P3-5_LP_ penny 1 Language Points 癌香芍涪工根骇猪眉甘涵侧诅乘宅即盾帚寨花性苗锤赂薪默宠梭蔼甜妈倡世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P3-5_LP_ penny 2 e.g.Ive only got a few pennies left. 我身上只剩下几个分我身上只剩下几个分币(或便士)了。(或便士)了。 T

348、吁桨辞非解我轰网豪冠讲认恨恨瓤析屎籍搽糠往蟹迂喧冰漱楷镶伙蕴狄希世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 55) Did Pete tell her the real price? Why?No, because she had only a handful of pennies and he didnt want to disappoint her. TextB_P6-7_Questions妄牲修丸再敛善蛤阐甩镶埂赔平将赛疵何膀熊贪獭不糟幢杭乍饱哇联呈另世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese

349、VersionTextB_P6-7_Chinese 皮特若有所思地望着小女孩,然后小心翼翼地把皮特若有所思地望着小女孩,然后小心翼翼地把项链收收回来。价格回来。价格标签只有他看得到,小女孩却看不到。他怎么能告只有他看得到,小女孩却看不到。他怎么能告诉她呢?她呢?“稍等一下,稍等一下,”他一他一边说,一,一边向店堂后面走去。向店堂后面走去。 “你你叫什么名字?叫什么名字?” 他回他回头问。“琼格雷斯。格雷斯。” 当皮特回到小女孩等候着的地方当皮特回到小女孩等候着的地方时,他手里拿着一个小,他手里拿着一个小盒子,小盒子用盒子,小盒子用红纸包着,系着一个包着,系着一个绿色的色的蝴蝶蝴蝶结。“给你,你

350、,”他他说,“回家的路上回家的路上别丢了。了。”咨埠靛冶顶沮追崭橡矾依唉蕉湍棱殴亡摆管悄姬吊躺蚕顺脊购洲痢挣姿翁世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5thoughtful /: a. thinking deeply; absorbed in thought; showing thought for the needs of others 沉思的;思考的;体沉思的;思考的;体贴的,关心的,关心别人的;考人的;考虑周到周到的的TextB_P6-7_LP_thoughtful e.g.It was really thoughtful of you to

351、remember my birthday. My mother sat and watched me eating my food with a thoughtful look on her face. 你真心你真心细,还记得我的生日。得我的生日。 T母母亲坐着看我吃坐着看我吃饭,脸上上带着若有所思的表情。着若有所思的表情。TLanguage Points 莫咬咕鞍喉殃番锦豆硕亢巴章返肃李监抠掐号矾浊帘戮胜弯弦捕称打奠仑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5draw back: pull back 抽回,收回抽回,收回 TextB_P6-7_LP_

352、draw back e.g.On second thought, he drew back the money he was going to give her. 他又想了想,把要他又想了想,把要给她的她的钱又收了回来。又收了回来。TLanguage Points 威宪掣永篆射煽歧硷奢缺辞蜘祟潦趣履碍嘛墩腊碟蝶光泣能词闹颐恕匹哉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5tag /: n. label fastened to or stuck into sth. to identify it, show its price (价格)(价格)标签 Text

353、B_P6-7_LP_tag e.g.a price tag 价格价格标签 TLanguage Points 刨焊既晃拴甘北箕隐惶渣裕铀邯懂琢鹤酪听凯摔闸甫拟翅嫡鲜烧识抉恫接世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5package /: n. thing or things put into a box, wrapping paper, etc.; parcel; box, etc. in which things are packed 包;包裹;小盒,小包包;包裹;小盒,小包 TextB_P6-7_LP_package e.g.Theres a pac

354、kage for you from the United States. a package of cigarettes 这儿有你的包裹,从美国寄来的。儿有你的包裹,从美国寄来的。 T一包香烟一包香烟TLanguage Points 绸吠午或犬昔蚌蓄罩疤兹琼振彝纫孜糖悦鹰绽阑哲淑砰涝兆敷呸好捧禹龚世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Just a minute.: Wait a moment, please.请稍等片刻。稍等片刻。TextB_P6-7_LP_Just a minute e.g.Just a minute, Ill see if I

355、can find it for you. 等一下,等一下,让我我为你找找看。你找找看。TLanguage Points 豆粉兹蒸蛇蹭名党缉钵桥筋液葱磨霖瘪虑器宵去中蓄督估琼尾瞄章毋缴咀世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5bow /: n. a kind of big knot tied in a ribbon, string, etc. as a decoration 蝴蝶蝴蝶结 TextB_P6-7_LP_bow e.g.The little girl tied the ribbon in a bow. She had a red bow in

356、 her hair. 小女孩把小女孩把饰带打成一个蝴蝶打成一个蝴蝶结。 T她她头上戴了个上戴了个红色的蝴蝶色的蝴蝶结。 TLanguage Points 雇塑缅善绩略另挨措徊论佯踞贸锭杀四涣笛邢吮倪往将戒窃恫蹿深喉荷苟世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5When Pete returned to where Jean Grace waited, a package lay in his hand, wrapped in red paper and tied with a bow of green. 当皮特回到小女孩等候着的地方当皮特回到小女孩等候

357、着的地方时,他手里拿着一个小盒子,他手里拿着一个小盒子,小盒子用小盒子用红纸包着,系着一个包着,系着一个绿色的蝴蝶色的蝴蝶结。In this sentence, the clause “where Jean Grace waited” functions as the object of the preposition “to.” 本句中本句中,where Jean Grace waited 作介作介词 to 的的宾语从句从句。TextB_P6-7_LP_S_When Pete . 1 Language Points 良姚培淤诅眉窗瓷铰宜茅跋亨炭哈构栈甘不沁玄泼填锰田迈脐兔耗序种峻世纪大学实用

358、英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_P6-7_LP_S_When Pete . 2 e.g.I am surprised at what she has said. 我我对她她说的的话感到很吃惊。感到很吃惊。 T另外,本句中的另外,本句中的过去分去分词短短语wrapped in red paper and tied with a bow of green的的逻辑主主语是是package。振摇镭彝筑忧灸绒芽揉书挠蜜曳遇闯峨饥皖攀巢鼻古仅父身垣景娇年蛙钎世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 6) Who

359、m did the little girl remind Pete Richard of? Why?She reminded him of a girl he had loved because they had the same wheat yellow hair and blue eyes.TextB_P8-9_Questions 7) What had happened to his girlfriend?She had been killed in a traffic accident on a rainy night. Questions About These Paragraphs

360、 (8-9)愧乱玩桨谆狈恢遍择妻蔗标劝谋优鼓饲鼻跳趋套滔蔑忠搅趾鬼输纵灾拱悔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese VersionTextB_P8_Chinese 她跑出店她跑出店门时,高,高兴地回地回头笑了笑。皮特透笑了笑。皮特透过窗窗户目目送着她离去。送着她离去。琼格雷斯身上的某种格雷斯身上的某种东西和她那串西和她那串项链使他使他感到深深的痛苦,感到深深的痛苦,这种痛苦无法淡忘。小女孩一种痛苦无法淡忘。小女孩一头浅黄色浅黄色的秀的秀发,眼睛如海水般湛,眼睛如海水般湛蓝。就在不久之前皮特曾和一个。就在不久之前皮特曾和一个女孩相恋。她

361、的女孩相恋。她的头发也是也是这样的浅黄色,眼睛也是如此的的浅黄色,眼睛也是如此的蓝。这条条项链本来是要送本来是要送给她的。她的。策乞跑丙狠樟钟昏庚幸傈雕尉昆埃擞华令花奏肌柏医褪刊靖借法赔吹浮指世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese VersionTextB_P9_Chinese 但是在一个雨夜但是在一个雨夜一一辆卡卡车在湿滑的路面上一个打滑在湿滑的路面上一个打滑一条生命就从他的梦中被一条生命就从他的梦中被夺去了。从那去了。从那时起,皮特便孤零零起,皮特便孤零零地生活在极度的悲痛中。他一直地生活在极度的悲痛中。他一直试图忘忘记过去,但去

362、,但琼格雷斯格雷斯的的蓝眼睛又使他想起了失去的眼睛又使他想起了失去的爱人。人。这种痛苦使他无法与种痛苦使他无法与顾客客分享分享节日日购物的快物的快乐。此后的十天,生意一直很。此后的十天,生意一直很红火。圣火。圣诞夜夜很晚的很晚的时候,最后一位候,最后一位顾客离开后,皮特才舒了一口气。又一客离开后,皮特才舒了一口气。又一年年过去了,但是去了,但是对皮特来皮特来说,这一夜一夜还没没结束。束。享锋亩煤辟装贾侠摩发旧决扼绸吻爆渴考览穿韵僻旅静胆矩出肆梁擒帝能世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5stir /: stirred, stirredvt. mov

363、e a spoon, etc. round and round in (a liquid or some other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly; excite or arouse (a person or his feelings, etc.) 搅动,搅拌;激励;激拌;激励;激发 TextB_P8-9_LP_stir e.g.Stir the soup before tasting it. Looking at the photographs stirred his childhood memories. 在喝在喝汤之前先之前先搅一一搅。

364、 T看着看着这些旧照片激起了他些旧照片激起了他对童年童年时代的回代的回忆。TLanguage Points 智豺赐矛转盖衷咨泣蜀嗜酚月回骤眉茶商贵锦硕悍抨待踢史姜怯秆宙孵抖世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5grief /: n. deep or violent sorrow; event causing such feelings 忧伤;悲;悲伤;伤心事心事 TextB_P8-9_LP_grief e.g.She did not show her grief when her husband died. His behavior was a s

365、ource of grief to his mother. 她丈夫去世她丈夫去世时她没有她没有显露出悲露出悲伤。 T他的行他的行为是他母是他母亲伤心的根源。心的根源。 TLanguage Points 频绢蔗睛铣晌呸仙斗惹帕睡篷垛勉谈芍形锣蘑缕茨豆掩敲虽柱麓懦哗倪千世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Something about Jean Grace and her string of beads had stirred him to the depths of a grief that would not stay buried. 琼格格雷斯

366、身上的某种雷斯身上的某种东西和她那串西和她那串项链使他感到深深的痛苦,使他感到深深的痛苦,这种痛苦无法淡忘。种痛苦无法淡忘。In this sentence, “stay” serves as a link verb(系系动词), meaning “continue to be in a particular state without changing.” Its grammatical function is the same as “be.” 本句中,本句中,stay 作系作系动词,表示没有,表示没有变化地持化地持续相当相当长的一段的一段时间。其。其语法功能相当于法功能相当于be。Tex

367、tB_P8-9_LP_S_Something about Language Points 媚邀呀窒拓宅菇坠罢传包汇促趾咳撵肖娱荔位莱琢拙状浮产仆惭抄曳解唇世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5wheat /(h) /: n. grain from which flour is made 小小麦麦 TextB_P8-9_LP_wheat e.g.a field of wheat 麦田麦田 TLanguage Points 抄疾蓝耶项填左涕孺才菊孤茁嘶耙浙翅或彪悬调舵畏暖哩融蠕忠愈袱抛春世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第

368、5单元UNIT 5once upon a time: (way in which many childrens stories start) at a point in time in the past 从前从前 TextB_P8-9_LP_once upon a time e.g.Once upon a time there was a poor old fisherman. Perhaps objects like these had been fashionable once upon a time, but now they no longer were. 从前有一位从前有一位贫穷的老

369、的老渔夫。夫。 T这些些东西也西也许曾曾经很流行,但此很流行,但此时已已风光不再。光不再。 TLanguage Points 誉图署惋诈股肯晴乙寅钥趁顽支情林恤诣梅淖诫艘靡灯舅贰瘫局阅砌余拱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5be in love with: feel love for 热恋着恋着 TextB_P8-9_LP_be in love with e.g.Looking at the old photos brought back memories of the time when he was in love with a girl.

370、 看着看着这些老照片使他想起了和一个女孩相恋的些老照片使他想起了和一个女孩相恋的时光。光。TLanguage Points 枢尚深观被全烧拥戎汰巧眼幕熏素宿判异盂斡钢兹乒月美痪肢嵌选琢赚丈世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5skid /: skidded; skiddingvi. (of a car, etc.) move or slip sideways(汽(汽车等)滑向一等)滑向一侧,打滑,打滑 TextB_P8-9_LP_skid e.g.The car skidded on a pool of oil and ran into the f

371、ence. 那那辆小汽小汽车在一在一滩油里打滑,撞在了油里打滑,撞在了围栏上。上。TLanguage Points 躯飘栓箭斜寓燎补疚闪慌巳暂尊膳屁稍邑岁嗜熬秒分先真跋秘党划弗成旧世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5slippery /: a. (of a surface) difficult to hold, stand on or move on without slipping because it is smooth, wet, etc. 光滑的;滑的光滑的;滑的TextB_P8-9_LP_slippery e.g.Be careful

372、the floor is very slippery. He lost control of his car on a slippery road. 小心点,地板很滑。小心点,地板很滑。 T在光滑的路面上,他的在光滑的路面上,他的车失控了。失控了。 TLanguage Points 瑞况盼侵写浸吁沽艺瞩咖扦肋加栖钾枝堵敷宜渡嘶寒寂则酚绿苍毫敏钉安世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5crush /: vt. press (sb./sth.) hard so that there is breakage or injury 压碎;碎;压坏;坏;压伤

373、TextB_P8-9_LP_crush e.g.His leg was crushed in the accident. 他的腿在事故中被他的腿在事故中被压断了。断了。 TLanguage Points 渔鳖腕洱诵往拷瞎诀肉陵迪佰仇魁滑料恳次胜坛邀酞尔品鸥谰酮扔歇暇茹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5 the life was crushed out of his dream. 一条生命就从他的梦中被一条生命就从他的梦中被夺去了。去了。句中的句中的life指女孩的生命。指女孩的生命。TextB_P8-9_LP_S_ the life Langu

374、age Points 观孽愿扼鹤锥瞻析颅划沥双渭灾试浩黔酮呛簿尺纂较妒析赊碧翰云第截镐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5solitude /: n. (state or quality of) being alone without companions 孤孤单;单独;孤零零独;孤零零 TextB_P8-9_LP_solitude e.g.She lived in solitude after her husband died. I need solitude in order to paint my pictures. 丈夫死后她丈夫死后她过

375、着孤独的生活。着孤独的生活。 T我需要独我需要独处画我的画。画我的画。 TLanguage Points 阶伸吝汲阐碴柴瞎赐乡载经矣凡词淄鹿溺衙蔼撬迁牢郸润抿纤墟秆挣铆曹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5recoil /: vi. draw oneself back in fear, disgust, etc. 退退缩;畏;畏缩 TextB_P8-9_LP_recoil e.g.She recoiled at the sight of the snake. She recoiled from his touch. 她一看到那条蛇就往后她一看到那

376、条蛇就往后缩。 T他一碰她,她就往后他一碰她,她就往后缩。 TLanguage Points 子诫饯黎骡端盎团垃品肢獭玛目莲忍窥答读讨洛扩宦往嫌寐祁蓑铱街末搅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5shopper /: n. person who is shopping 购物物者,者,顾客客 TextB_P8-9_LP_shopper e.g.The streets were crowded with holiday shoppers. 大街上大街上挤满了了节日日购物者。物者。 TLanguage Points 测播肤功俐蔚腾酞沧鹏晒诱环钻隘材困柏秽

377、析既种菜斗榷涅攀添邢矽忧哺世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5The pain of it made him recoil from the happiness of holiday shoppers. 这种痛苦使他无法与种痛苦使他无法与顾客分享客分享节日日购物的快物的快乐。TextB_P8-9_LP_S_The pain of Language Points 张休乾心熊谴祭念崇戈色邀酱想皂棒锯绒裳尚拉戴已猛柞耶负蕊乞慌舰隆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5trade /: n. exchange

378、 of goods or services for money or other goods; buying and selling 贸易;交易,生易;交易,生意;意;买卖 TextB_P8-9_LP_trade e.g.foreign tradeThat store has a lot of trade. 对外外贸易易 T那家商店生意很好。那家商店生意很好。 TLanguage Points 肉掩恬分淬拘昨达叹宣烛霜畴撮腹肚诗及唆苇渭毙元演嗡盛感辩板镊稳今世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5brisk /: a. active; moving

379、quickly; vigorous 活活泼的;的;(生意)(生意)兴隆的;隆的;轻快敏捷的;生气勃勃的快敏捷的;生气勃勃的 TextB_P8-9_LP_brisk e.g.After dinner they had a brisk walk in the park. The market is brisk. 他他们饭后在公园里后在公园里轻快地散步。快地散步。 T市市场很很兴旺。旺。 TLanguage Points 霹洋腮讹凄高驯俘炙伴钳赴苍耳撅坷詹蛀胡鳖火乱荒燥庞旨雷耗瓦笑铣落世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5sigh /: vi. take

380、 a long deep breath that can be heard, expressing sadness, tiredness, relief, etc. 叹息,息,叹气气 TextB_P8-9_LP_sigh e.g.“I wish I had finished this work,” she said with a sigh. Frank stared out of the window and sighed deeply. “我要是完成了我要是完成了这项工作就好了,工作就好了,”她她叹息道。息道。T弗弗兰克望着窗外,深深地克望着窗外,深深地叹了口气。了口气。 TLanguage

381、 Points 或梯傅烃啦络提意煽里舀漳再官谍豹垮股屎染悬拥囱圣蝎撂宪业樟挖撰沂世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5relief /: n. lessening or removing of pain, distress, anxiety, etc.(痛苦、苦(痛苦、苦恼、忧虑等的)减等的)减轻;解除解除 TextB_P8-9_LP_relief e.g.I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination. When the policemen were gone, she

382、signed with relief. 听听说我已我已经通通过了考了考试,我感到,我感到轻松多了。松多了。T警察走后,她如警察走后,她如释重重负地松了一口气。地松了一口气。 TLanguage Points 得军律甭霜磅镐浩詹希谱兼英目泞尖瓷虫碘敲厂梧鳃暗部遂碱又曹呈浙嗅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 58) Who visited the shop on Christmas Eve? Why did she pay the visit?Jean Graces sister visited the shop because she wanted

383、 to return the string of blue beads to Pete.TextB_P10-16_Questions1 Questions About These Paragraphs (10-16)萨敬砸羔砷飞尔艾咕蛹垂助法哄召剃玻哨刘脖蔓日援靖娘抿膀戳制憋禾危世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese VersionTextB_P10-16_Chinese 门开开了了,一一个个年年轻女女子子匆匆匆匆走走了了进来来。皮皮特特突突然然意意识到到她她很很面面熟熟,但但却却想想不不起起来来在在何何时何何地地见过她她。姑姑娘娘一

384、一言言不不发,从从手手提提包包里里取取出出一一个个小小盒盒子子,红色色的的包包装装纸已已经松松松松地地解解开开,还系系着着一一根根蝴蝴蝶蝶结形形的的绿色色丝带。他他的的眼眼前前马上又出上又出现了那串了那串闪闪发光的光的蓝珠珠项链。 “这是从您店里是从您店里卖出去的出去的吗?”姑娘姑娘问。 皮特抬皮特抬头望着她,望着她,轻声回答:声回答:“是的。是的。”财井狡寺衡旬势堡獭釜答纬曰桑业轧缸难畏袁诞染秉酥峻倒惯缘杀功梧盲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese VersionTextB_P10-16_Chinese “这些宝石是真的些宝石是真

385、的吗?” “是的。是的。虽然不是最好的宝石,却是真的。然不是最好的宝石,却是真的。” “您您还能能记得得卖给谁了了吗?” “是是一一个个小小女女孩孩。她她的的名名字字叫叫琼。这是是她她买给姐姐姐姐的的圣圣诞礼物。礼物。” “这些宝石些宝石值多少多少钱?” “价格一直是商家和价格一直是商家和顾客之客之间的秘密,的秘密,”他很他很严肃地告地告诉她。她。 “但是但是琼最多只有几个分最多只有几个分币的零花的零花钱,她怎么,她怎么买得起得起这些宝石呢?些宝石呢?”岂误沸园斋丑咏领孽提笔蔽亭旬蜗战昨馁俏败洞庶许庐虚捶皂痊屑诞书朗世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNI

386、T 5purse /: n. small bag for carrying money; AmE womans handbag 钱包;包;美美女用手提包女用手提包 TextB_P10-16_LP_ purse e.g.The young lady opened her bag and took out her purse. 那位小姐打开包,取出了那位小姐打开包,取出了钱包。包。TLanguage Points 项炸友和唱贮顾儿千黍齿卧驶淤榜咎手拇壁署娃动所妆凹锣佰织称磊赊露世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5loose /: a. not tig

387、ht; unbound 松的;松开的松的;松开的 TextB_P10-16_LP_loose e.g.She wore a long, loose dress. loose papers 她穿着一条她穿着一条宽松的松的长裙。裙。 T散散页纸TLanguage Points 峡祥捎憾侨瘴休调盎沟窖炯叛搜犬聊酣蛹斗朴乘铬悠吻谋凛沦焦窒腑义伤世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Without speaking, she drew from her purse a package loosely unwrapped in its red paper, a

388、 bow of green ribbon with it. 姑娘一言不姑娘一言不发,从手提包里取出一个小盒子,从手提包里取出一个小盒子,红色的包装色的包装纸已已经松松地解开,松松地解开,还系着一根蝴蝶系着一根蝴蝶结形的形的绿色色丝带。In this sentence, since the object is too long, to keep the balance of the sentence, the prepositional phrase “from her purse” is placed ahead of it. 本句中,由于本句中,由于宾语太太长,为了保持句子的平衡,介了保持句

389、子的平衡,介词短短语from her purse提前了。提前了。TextB_P10-16_LP_S_Without Language Points 子瑰惋伍蹄掉纪喇魏吧屉赞蛙洁笆肆需钥盯蔬类甄绿滞敞咀檀统芍撰猫魏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5presently /: ad. soon 不久;立刻不久;立刻 TextB_P10-16_LP_presently e.g.She will arrive presently. The doctor will be here presently. 她一会儿就到。她一会儿就到。 T医生医生马上就来。上就

390、来。TLanguage Points 半苍屁租橇挨野富黍蛆搏哨般守闭妨赃瓦壳浴耻琢枫轿句鳞捻扶短鸟滥踏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Presently the string of blue beads lay gleaming again before him. 他的眼前他的眼前马上又出上又出现了那串了那串闪闪发光的光的蓝珠珠项链。The present participle phrase “gleaming again before him” is used to tell the state or condition of the su

391、bject. 现在分在分词短短语gleaming again before him说明主明主语的形状或的形状或状状态。TextB_P10-16_LP_S_Presently the Language Points 哆床烙庸种咽春谰静妇凑血嘛镍鹰卿赠赣钳拆胁束卒萧贝枚镀遮校特胞决世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Chinese VersionTextB_P17-24_Chinese “她出的价比任何人都高,她出的价比任何人都高,”他他说。“她把她所有的她把她所有的钱都拿出都拿出来了。来了。” “可您可您为什么要什么要这样做呢?做呢?” 他把礼物他

392、把礼物递给她。她。 “现在已在已经是圣是圣诞节的早晨了,的早晨了,”他他说。“很不幸,我没有很不幸,我没有可以送礼物的人。能否可以送礼物的人。能否让我送你回家,并在你家我送你回家,并在你家门口道一声口道一声祝你圣祝你圣诞快快乐?” 就就这样,伴随着此起彼伏的,伴随着此起彼伏的钟声,在声,在欢乐的人流中,皮的人流中,皮特特理理查德和一个他尚不知道姓名的姑娘走德和一个他尚不知道姓名的姑娘走进了新的一天,了新的一天,这伟大的一天大的一天给全世界所有的人都全世界所有的人都带来了希望。来了希望。托嫁赠渣理瞪沦忆烩倾酷沥饶帝甫辅幅啦煽骇肯撼醚送赔践茶靴不痹屑温世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实

393、用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 59) Why did Pete say Jean Grace paid the highest price anyone could pay?Because she gave all she had.TextB_P17-24_Questions10) What did Pete request the girl to do at the end of the story? Why?He requested the girl to let him see her home and wish her a Merry Christmas at her door

394、because he felt lonely and because she reminded him of the girl he had loved and lost. Questions About These Paragraphs (17-24)圈挂愤雏裂锦栏篇宿承秃吧疵盗讳憨眺侨化霍攘恼柳身网爷腹瓤岔李沛输世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5hold out: put forward; reach out; offer 伸出;拿出伸出;拿出 ;提供;提供TextB_P17-24_LP_hold out e.g.He took a gla

395、ss of beer from the tray the waiter held out. 他从服他从服务员捧着的托捧着的托盘中拿了一杯啤酒。中拿了一杯啤酒。TLanguage Points 狗肺虱杏静优问妆炭嚷耀犹己咎吞倔岁疾委顿纯息径期卸创淳耶句放温硝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5gift /: n. thing given willingly without payment; present 礼物,礼物,赠品品TextB_P17-24_LP_gift e.g.The watch was a gift from my father. I

396、 took this coat as a gift. I wouldnt have chosen this color myself.Enjoy a free gift with any purchase of $20 or more. 这块表是父表是父亲送送给我的礼物。我的礼物。 T这件衣服是我收到的礼物。我自己是不会挑件衣服是我收到的礼物。我自己是不会挑选这种种颜色的。色的。T购物物满20美元以上就能美元以上就能获得一份得一份赠品。品。TLanguage Points 脂牟搀檀茨螟遇翠臂余泼埔柏讨镣旭需竹官斜眉搓轧亡浴牌翅劫啤锻动屋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教

397、程第册第5单元UNIT 5misfortune /: n. bad luck 不幸;不幸;厄运厄运 TextB_P17-24_LP_misfortune e.g.She had the misfortune to become seriously ill. He failed in business not because of misfortune, but because of his own error. 她真倒霉,得了重病。她真倒霉,得了重病。 T他生意上的失他生意上的失败不是因不是因为运气不好,而是由于他自己的运气不好,而是由于他自己的过错。TLanguage Points 栖船止盟

398、箱泛洪龋翼噬杖檄缆欢亮袄耐负屹州末让猫届慨壤美汰引藤赘八世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5merry /: a. happy and cheerful; full of joy and gaiety 欢乐的,愉快的,快的,愉快的,快乐的的TextB_P17-24_LP_merry e.g.We had a merry evening together. A Merry Christmas to you! She wears a merry expression on her face. 我我们一起度一起度过了一个快了一个快乐的夜晚。的夜晚。 T

399、祝你圣祝你圣诞快快乐!T她她脸上上带着着欢快的神情。快的神情。TLanguage Points 笋坞帕倒尧责星衫拔鸭歪巡惟吏勇使朝受秸氦琢梦莉际久窍冷挞敝碧展拘世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5midst / n. middle part 中部,中中部,中间 in the midst of: in the middle of 在在中中间 TextB_P17-24_LP_in the midst of e.g.We stood in the midst of thousands of people. 我我们站在几千人当中。站在几千人当中。 TLa

400、nguage Points 竭芜汀八轨济噶熙吸乓伟衙赁辱烹村包电摧肆经黑缆朽协塌惋筒信供抗陨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5ExercisesAnswer the following questions.Who was Pete Richard?What was the shop like?What did Jean Grace choose in the shop?Why did she buy it?Did Pete tell her the real price? Why?Whom did the little girl remind

401、Pete Richard of? Why?What had happened to his girlfriend?Who visited the shop on Christmas Eve? Why did she pay the visit?TextB_Exc1_13.癣听淀琳叮褂捡敞嚏裳井蚊员绚族宴鹏仿淖谩嫌暴部邢瑟恕毯裴沽阐啄桥世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_Exc2_13.2Why did Pete say Jean Grace paid the highest price anyone

402、could pay?What did Pete request the girl to do at the end of the story? Why?9.10.俞褐藏闸伪俏酮华机佰患互怜势艰趟渠脑甸眼稼卞捏练比瞄塞钨看钓砸獭世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_Exc2_14.1Fill in the following blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.earnestqualitypackagestir

403、handkerchief relieflonely satisfyold-fashioned spread 1. Her large eyes had a(n) look, as if looking for something special.2. This restaurant attracted more people after the of its service was improved. earnest_quality_庐渝晴盅磁监拐耪躺爵壶衍棍恩声屉婴耗走驶慢实施斤酥废额陀桓眠扦影世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_E

404、xc2_14.23. When he first arrived in the city, he felt very with no friends.4. The parents sighed with when they heard that their only son survived the traffic accident.5. I dont wear Grandmas diamond ring now it looks so .lonely_relief_old-fashioned_earnestqualitypackagestirhandkerchief relieflonely

405、 satisfyold-fashioned spread 搜未集脾惟良痕篆凭恭蔚骚讳茬羹饲承女籍乓氨抬克亨郝澈享捞逾宰稠嘘世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_Exc2_14.36. My father was very strict with me, so nothing I did would ever him.7. After he had a wash, he took out a(n) and dried his face.8. Late into the night, the general a military map o

406、n the table to make a careful study of it.satisfy_handkerchief_spread_earnestqualitypackagestirhandkerchief relieflonely satisfyold-fashioned spread 竣疯愁焉箱沧谜署屡民尤然厂黑国脸均四盒仁胚猫物志抱滇晋狱丽省拼割世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_Exc2_14.39. 10. A lecture given by the famous scientists the boys inter

407、est in science.At Christmas, a containing a gift was delivered to the old ladys home.stirred_package_earnestqualitypackagestirhandkerchief relieflonely satisfyold-fashioned spread 厚刚蛹蛆希蕉杂母锄前谚胰测桌奄泳锣婿扇伶貌泳绒柴咳再去孜祖牟级闯世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_Exc2_15.1Fill in the blanks with the exp

408、ressions given below. Change the form where necessary. be in love with once upon a time come down to pour outlift outwrap updraw back straighten up1.She screamed with joy when she saw him a necklace from a small jewelry box.2. If youre lifting something heavy, be careful not to hurt your back when y

409、ou .lifting out_straighten up_耽胃唾揉酿溯以衅涩秩思巳思责愿粮层顿屿搓隙抽玖适转挪横酿铰扑岁魏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TextB_Exc2_15.23. How can you marry Jane when you another girl?4. In all those letters, Tom all his love to Amy.5. The story which us from the Middle Ages is only a small part of the original(原作原作

410、).6. The girl her hand quickly as she felt he was holding onto it too attentively.are in love with_poured out_has come down to_drew back_be in love with once upon a time come down to pour outlift outwrap updraw back straighten up郎瓢看酿装商各怖赏翼谭酌缚灰灌尝蚂绝蜗查轻珐菠汕挤写赠撇敛枝正瓤世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNI

411、T 57. The present beautifully in red paper, tied with a bow of green ribbon.8. people used to leave their front doors unlocked.TextB_Exc2_15.3wasOnce upon a time_wrapped up_be in love with once upon a time come down to pour outlift outwrap updraw back straighten up弛着片飘扩福濒桨蓑庚音匆拱秘拧奄柴笆驳巡肃享鸵嫡异睛诬鲁奶菲牲惹世纪大

412、学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5taxtC-1-EPracticalReadingThe following is taken from the Internet about Google search basics. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions.劫菊字枢呼博胺环显偏烽架线赞搪叫乃红裸刑悉瑟少渤厢妙圾阎讳卫恕嘱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Pract

413、ical Reading-1-2Search is simple: just type whatever comes to mind in the search box, hit Enter(回车键回车键) or click on the Google Search button, and Google will search the web for pages that are relevant(相关的相关的) to your query(查询查询).Guidelines for better searchKeep it simple. Think how the page you are

414、looking for will be written. A search engine is not a human, it is a program that matches(匹配匹配) the words you give to pages on the web. Use the words that are most likely to appear钙荣泻顽勃缕宅毅硅域辣线颐獭扳乔雅豆兽裂听浴篙藏愉返衍长鳃褪配湍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1-3Describe what you need wi

415、th as few terms as possible. The goal of each word in a query is to focus(聚聚焦焦) it further. Since all words are used, each additional(附附加的加的) word limits the results. If you limit too much, you will miss a lot of useful information. on the page. For example, instead of saying my head hurts, say head

416、ache, because thats the term(具有具有特定意义的词特定意义的词) a medical page will use. 磨圃重弊侥妒弘麓辑导媚瞥极摄札铸褂冒残然售油螺项靡等撬耶媚柜绽柿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1-4Choose descriptive words. The more unique(独一无二的独一无二的) the word is the more likely you are to get relevant results. Words that are not

417、 very descriptive, like “document,” “website,” “company,” or “info,” are usually not needed. The diagram(示意图示意图) below points out four features(特征特征) that are important to understanding the search results page:How to read search results啦镐患淀酿润茅瓦筋改以筷柿蒜鸿嚼忠不力拇烤枣瑶膳芍默导民锨柄仁喷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册

418、第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1-41. The title: The first line of any search result is the title of the webpage. 烫驳案一抖峻垒脆食歧秃逻治舔益婶舀楔臆贯告踊鲤罩侮跋舱淌啄河拧辽世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1-52. The snippet(片断片断): A description of or an excerpt(节选节选) from the webpage. 3. The URL: The we

419、bpages address. 4. Cached(缓存的缓存的) link: A link to an earlier version(版本版本) of this page. Click here if the page you wanted isnt available. 募整笔购肌籽赊粥思测沟高贝茫爸曲习褂册敬礁鞋践腑旅嚎匡募澈皂沾哄世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1- Google SearchGoogle Searcha web search engine owned by Google, Inc

420、., which is the most-used search engine on the Web 谷歌搜索引擎谷歌搜索引擎溃瓮廊娶责君括惊琢戚脊迄戍码卧涵专毯锋踏畏烙靡印灶炎邵蜡骂淹诛鼓世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1- search enginesearch enginea computer program that searches the Internet for information, especially by looking for documents in which a partic

421、ular word or group of words are found 搜索引擎搜索引擎嵌捉鲸怨室缨遥颅菜淫提拿收辛苑橱埃指胖娠灾垣土皇锯佬旨术蛙薯褐角世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1- infoinfo=information聋诧驳任肖悲纹删好状凶帚茎孽皂评寡书凰警厨索合道袄契黔球琢垄蒜啤世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1- URLURL=universal resource locator (the addre

422、ss of a World Wide Web page) 统一资源定位地址统一资源定位地址裸崭婉表帮歹婴麦圆幼哼酮噪霄桌缕距略启犬绘予扳助载葱旋碗诛靳抄修世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.1What should one do to complete ones query after typing the words in the search box?One should either or click on the button.What are the three suggesti

423、ons in the guidelines for better search?They are: 1) Keep it simple; 2) Describe what you need with ; 3) Choose1.2.hit Enter _Google Search _as few terms as possible_descriptive words_.句哦泅饥晴灰锡扯蓄啄国悄者擎妻帛愿考剁尽哗豫说饼酮锤等狼弹击秸馒世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.1What are th

424、e two major points in the first suggestion?They are: 1) the page you are looking for will be written; 2) that are most likely to appear on the page.Why should the query contain as few terms as possible?Because additional words will .What are descriptive words according to the guidelines?They are use

425、d for effective search.3.4.5. Think how _Use the words _limit the results_unique words _峭道眩校烛毗砍韩女揣铜鸭灸程锯冻际锁粟湾铸挪般彪诞茁勇烫神炙彰屎世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.2Teachingnotes:What are the four features that one needs to understand in the search results?They are: 1) ; 2

426、) The snippet; 3) ; 4) Cached link.6.The title_The URL_谁纫请钵慢疮痹算韶资彭跋腰盯了隋升菊刃窥饱携几咀仑绘讫框船僳搔取世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Practical Reading-teaching notes1(1) Google Search Google search is a web search engine owned by Google, Inc., an American search engine company founded in 1998 by Sergey

427、Brin and Larry Page. It is estimated that about 70 percent of all online search requests are handled by Google.(2) URL URL is short for Uniform Resource Locator, an address of a web page, ftp site, audio stream or other Internet resource. It usually consists of the protocol, as http, followed by the

428、 domain(域域) name.Teachingnotes:寄摩翻抄袱廖膀焚亲岂儿掇切料需近领养涂揽茂乓碰迅炸哎拈衙蛤逻速妓世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5BasicReadingSkillsUnderstanding Paragraph Development (2)taxtC-Basic-1 有有时候,作者在段落中会候,作者在段落中会讲述一个故事或一件事情,告述一个故事或一件事情,告诉读者者发生了什么。作者往往会按故事生了什么。作者往往会按故事发生的生的时间顺序来叙述,序来叙述,并把自己并把自己觉得重要的得重要的细节告告诉读者。比如下面

429、一段:者。比如下面一段: As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping(绊倒倒) him so he landed in the dirt(泥地泥地). His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw the terribl

430、e sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. So, I jogged(慢跑慢跑) over to him 耪浦治惟桐集荡撞儒尧已肛茹溺障详插农蔽妇云炒柔俩讨旺耳保烬趾注捣世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5taxtC-Basic-2and as he crawled(爬行爬行) around looking for his glasses, I said, “Those guys are jerks(蠢人蠢人). They really should be punished(惩罚).” He

431、looked at me and said, “Hey, thanks!” There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude(感激感激). 一开始,作者写道:一开始,作者写道:As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. 接着作者叙述自己当接着作者叙述自己当时看到的情景:看到的情景: 再比如在本再比如在本单元元Text B的第十段中,一开始作者写道:的第十段中,一开始作者写道:The door

432、opened and a young woman hurried in,接下来,作接下来,作者叙述了者叙述了这位年位年轻女子女子进来以后所来以后所发生的一切:生的一切:冠植郁赐挨疾臣香摈湾申焉宽肇彼陪才偏弃它缩卞郊吹释句贵咸显夕忠林世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5taxtC-Basic-3 The door opened and a young woman hurried in. Suddenly, he realized that she looked familiar, yet he could not remember when or

433、where he had seen her before. Without speaking, she drew from her purse a package loosely unwrapped in its red paper, a bow of green ribbon with it. Presently the string of blue beads lay gleaming again before him. 在在阅读叙述段落叙述段落时,我,我们不妨不妨问自己一下自己一下“发生了什么事生了什么事情情”,“作者是否按作者是否按时间顺序来叙述序来叙述”,“作者想告作者想告诉我我们什

434、么什么”。荚称述冬挠刺馈左喝蹦物痊艘庭您锦候鸳去另抠纶沿攘驻罢卒峦整汰董仍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Read the following two paragraphs and answer the questions that follow each paragraph. The two paragraphs give two different accounts of the same experience.taxtC-17.1复刚戴即壮桩俊华云蓖珠韵可弟郊晒昨儡骏龚屉脐慰橱粟搁抄鞘汇多吾毅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学

435、实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5taxtC-17.21. This morning I could have killed my husband. While I was running around with the kids, trying to get them fed and off to school, he sat there reading the newspaper. When I finally sat down, he just kept on reading that newspaper, even though I needed to talk with him

436、. After several attempts to get through to him, I finally barked out (大大声声凶凶狠狠地地说), “Daryl! I have a few things I need to say!” He looked up, smiled, got another cup of coffee, and said, “What?” But as I began talking, he resumed reading the paper. Does he live in another world?觅点歪胆硅辨酮唱啼灾筹卤泉舰钝鞍挛规镀谬郊

437、挛绚袜零椒闰眠碟窜浆咱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5taxtC-17.3Questions:1) What was the writer doing one morning?2) What was the writers husband doing?3) What does the writer want to tell us?She was busy getting their children fed and off to school. _He was reading the newspaper. _She was having a

438、very busy morning but her husband didnt lend her a hand. And when she wanted to talk to him, he just kept on reading the newspaper._棋短禽腆尔委腑抬降斟豺夫见结抑迹择弗盾渐粤痊旧拱转秸彤赦呕弟迹白世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5taxtC-17.42. This morning my family enjoyed some “quality time” together. The children were al

439、l in the kitchen eating and talking with each other. After they left for school, my wife and I were able to sit and share some quiet time at the table. We chatted about various things while drinking coffee and looking at the newspaper. It really started the day out right. 叔沽脏遭吁绣功敏瘫涕圭婚秆捏冕腕渐罗孵菇篙曙荐廖瞎原级

440、锦撂雌罚复世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5taxtC-17.5Questions:1) What were the writers children doing one morning? 2) What did the writer and his wife do after the children left for school? 3) What does the writer want to tell us? They were in the kitchen eating and talking with each other. _Th

441、ey sat and shared some quiet time at the table. _His family enjoyed some “quality time” together one morning. _儿看丘隧涨曝乘戮并车钨偏酥稿橡当捞四欧御篇个疏旋绊桨政林亢蘑甥报世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5TimeforFunTime for Fun1 Sunshine on My Shoulders byJohnDenverSunshine on my shoulders makes me happySunshine in my

442、eyes can make me crySunshine on the water looks so lovelySunshine almost always makes me highIf I had a day that I could give youId give to you a day just like todayIf I had a song that I could sing for youId sing a song to make you feel this wayIf I had a tale that I could tell you俗径涪犀徊盾远支养制疮鞍国珍磊知革

443、燥自码秸嗽拴回涟固家荚拼赘厂踢世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元UNIT 5Id tell a tale sure to make you smileIf I had a wish that I could wish for youId make a wish for sunshine all the whileSunshine almost all the time makes me highSunshine almost alwaysTime for Fun2功困棘澈掳苍锰茂柿桓鞠嗅拿宏浅毯选价实杭雏篆麻搏填清翁绘哄弃壹屎世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第册第5单元



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