英语选修6 Unit 2 词汇完全讲解

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1、Unit 2 PoemsWords & Expressionstick vt. 给给打勾号打勾号 = (AmE) checkTick the correct box for each question.vi. (钟表钟表)发出滴答声发出滴答声The minutes ticked away as I waited.n. (c)勾号勾号() (sing)(钟表等发出的钟表等发出的)滴答声滴答声;(口语口语)一瞬间,一刹那一瞬间,一刹那Ill be with you in a tick.Please wait a tick.Put a tick here.rhyme n. (u)韵;押韵 (c)押韵

2、词Shakespeare sometimes wrote in rhyme.I cant find a rhyme for “orange”.(c)押韵诗,儿歌vi. vt. (使)押韵 rhyme (sth) with sth“House” rhymes with “mouse”. You cant rhyme “box” with “back”.rhythm n. (c, u)节奏,节律,律动 R & B = rhythms and blues= nursery rhymesconvey vt. 传达,表达(想法、感受) express 传递,传播(信息等)convey sth (to s

3、b)convey ones feelings/ideasconvey that/what/howWords cant convey my feelings.Words cant convey how happy I am.Eyes can convey a lot of information.His music conveys a sense of optimism.Please convey my best wishes/regards to her.(formal)传送,输送,运送 transport convey sth fromto Your luggage will be conv

4、eyed by car from the airport to your hotel.conveyance n. (c)运输工具 (u)运输,传递conveyor/conveyer n. (c)运送者,运输装置 conveyor belt 传送带emotion n. (c, u)情感;情绪;感情Love,hatred and grief are emotions.She was shaking with emotion.emotional adj. 令人激动的;易动感情的emotionally adv.feeling n. (u) (pl)感情read a poem with feelingh

5、urt ones feelings(u, 常sing)感觉,知觉 (c)看法a feeling of security/guilt/reliefhave mixed feelings aboutconcrete adj. 具体的;有真凭实据的;混凝土的He gave me a concrete explanation.take concrete measures to do sthconcrete proposalsHe had no concrete evidence.a concrete floorn. (c)混凝土abstract adj. Im interested in concre

6、te objects instead of abstract ideas.specific instructions/examples/orderscontradictory adj. 相互矛盾的;抵触的We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.The witnesses gave two completely contradictory accounts.self-contradictory adj. 自相矛盾的contradiction n. (c, u)矛盾(的说法/观点)I pointed out a contr

7、adiction in his statement.in contradiction to 互相矛盾Your behavior is in contradiction to your stated principles.contradict vt. 反驳;与相矛盾 The witness contradicted the drivers statement. His story contradicts the facts.flexible adj. (人/计划等)灵活的,可变通We can be flexible about your starting date.(物)易弯曲的,有弹性的Rub

8、ber is a flexible material.flexibly adj.flexibility n. (u)灵活性;弹性;柔性 We appreciate your flexibility in dealing with this matter.inflexible adj. 不可改变的;顽固的;不可弯曲的Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care for their children. A. heavy B. smooth C. flexible D.

9、complextake it easy / take things easy放松,别着急,悠着点 (心理上dont worry, relax)Just take it easy and tell us what happened.take your time 别着急,不用慌 (时间上 dont hurry)easy常用表达:I am easy. 我随便。Thats easy for you to say. 你说得倒容易。Easy come, easy go. 来的容易,去得快。-I feel nervous before the exam. -_. It wont be too difficu

10、lt for you to pass.-Just a moment. I havent finished packing my suitcase. -_. Its high time we left for the airport.-Im sorry to keep you waiting. Ill make short work of this. -_. Im not in a hurry. A. Take your time . B. Take it easily C. Take things easy. D. Hurry up. A C D(sb) run out of (sth) vt

11、. (人)用完,用光(某物)(sth) run out vi. (某物)用完,用尽了We are running out of our time.=Our time is running out.She has run out of her money and her patience is also running out.run out of=use sth up/go through sthrun out give outgive out (不指时间)用完,耗尽;(人体)精疲力竭give sth out (to sb) (向不同的人)分发give out sth 发出(光、热、声、气体等

12、) -Im still working on my project. -Oh, youll miss the deadline. Time is _. A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing outrun across sb/sth run into sb/sth run after sb/sth run away (from) run away with run sb down/overbe made up of 由组成/构成 make up sth 形成,组成,构成= be composed of= consist ofThe

13、 medical team _ five doctors and ten nurses will be sent to work in our village.American Indians _ about five percent of the US population. A. fill up B. bring up C. make up D. set upmade up of/consisting of make sth up 编造,编 make up a story/an excuse make (sb/oneself) up 给(某人/自己)化妆 make-up n. (u)化妆品

14、 made-up adj. 化了妆的;编造的make up vt. 补齐,凑足,补上 I saved as much as I could, and my mom made up the rest of the money. Im trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick.make up for 补偿,弥补 make up for lost time Do you think her beauty could make up for her stupidity?make up with sb 和好,和解 tease vi. vt. 戏

15、弄,逗弄,拿取笑Dont be serious. He was just teasing.tease sb (about sth)I was teased about my weight as a child.n. (informal)爱戏弄别人的人The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.make fun of. laugh at play a trick on endless adj. 无穷的;无止境的Possibilities are endless.endlessly adv. She was endlessly patien

16、t.end n. at the end of/by the end of/in the endbe at an end/come to an endv. end (sth) with end in sth end up in/end up as/end up doing sthending n. (c) have a happy ending minimum n. (sing)最少量;最小数;最低限度take a minimum of 5 daysuse the minimum of wordskeep/reduce sth to a minimum 将保持在/减少到最低限度Costs sho

17、uld be kept to a minimum.reduce the loss to a minimumadj. 最少的,最小的,最低限度的the minimum price/wage/temperaturemini n. (c)迷你裙;微型汽车 miniskirt/ minibusmaximum n. (c)最大值,最大量 adj. (仅n.前)最大量的,最大值的 make maximum use of. minimum/min - maximum/maxminimize vt. - maximize vt.translation n. (c, u)翻译,译文,翻译作品an English

18、 translation of the bookIve only read “Gone with the wind” in translation.Much of the books humor has been lost in translation.translate vi. vt. 翻译 -interpret translate the text from English into Chinese vt. 转化为 translate sth into translate ones dreams into reality translate ones ideas into actiontr

19、anslator n. (c)翻译者 -interpreter_ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translatedbranch n. (c) 树枝She climbed the tree and hid in the branches.分公司;分店;分行;分局;地方办事处;分支机构;家族分支;All branches of government are ha

20、ving to cut costs.(某一学科的)分支Geometry is a branch of mathematics.(河流、铁路等)分支,支流,支线The Min River is a branch of the Changjiang River.vi. 分岔;分支;分道When you reach Germain Street, the road branches into two.The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _ all over the country. A. companies B. branche

21、s C. organizations D. businessesin particular 尤其,特别 =especiallyIt was a good concert I enjoyed the last song in particular.I like all the seasons, spring in particular.anything/anyone/nothing/no one in particular Is there anything in particular that you want to talk about? -What did you want? -Nothi

22、ng in particular.particular adj. 特定的,特指的 on that particular day特别的,特殊的 pay particular attention to详细的,详尽的 give a particular account of挑剔的,讲究的 be particular aboutparticularly adv. =especially/in particular not particularly 不是特别; 不太in general 总的来说,大体上 I like meat in general, and mutton in particular._

23、, the pay isnt attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting. A. Generally speaking B. On the contrary C. In particular D. To be honestShe has already tried her best. Please dont be too _ about her job. A. special B. responsible C. unusual D. particulareventually adv. 最后,终于He worked

24、so hard that eventually he made himself ill.She eventually passed her driving test.eventual adj. (仅n.前)最终发生的,最后获得的His foolish behavior led to his eventual failure.同义词/短语 finally in the end at last / at length in time After receiving a degree from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insuran

25、ce firm and _ started her own company. A. gradually B. actually C. eventually D. naturallytransform vt.使改观;使改变;改造transform sth (into)transform ones life/characterHe transformed the garage into a workroom.transformation n. (c, u)(彻底的)改观,改变transformer n. (c)变压器transport vt. 运输,运送 transfer vi. vt. 转移(地

26、方); 调动(工作); 转账; 转让(财产); 转机 transmit vi. vt. 播送;传递,传播 transplant vt. 移植(器官);移栽(植物) In the first several years of our economic reform, many military factories have been _ into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the national condition. A. transformed B. transported C. transferred D. transmittedut

27、ter vt. (formal or literary) (吃力的)发出(声音) 讲,说出 =sayutter a groan 发出呻吟I couldnt utter a word.utter ones feelings/thoughts adj. 彻头彻尾的,完全的an utter fool/failureHe is an utter stranger to me.utterly adv. It is utterly impossible. utterance n. (c)言论 (u)发声,说话sorrow n. (u)悲伤,悲痛 grief/sadness (c)让人伤心的事,不幸to o

28、nes sorrowbe in deep sorrowshow/feel sorrow for/at sbs deathshare happiness and sorrowthe joys and sorrows of lifedrown ones sorrows (in drink) 借酒浇愁sorrowful adj. 悲伤的;令人悲伤的bare adj. 赤裸的(naked); 光秃秃的,叶子掉光的bare feet fight with ones bare handsa bare mountain/tree空的,无装饰的a bare floor/cupboard a garden ba

29、re of flowers be bare of : The room is bare of furniture.the bare facts/truth最低限度的,勉勉强强的,仅仅的the bare bones 梗概,最基本的内容the bare necessities/essentialsthe bare minimumvt. 使暴露,露出bare ones teeth/head/soul/heartbarefaced adj. 厚颜无耻的 barefooted adj. adv. 赤脚的/地 bareheaded adj. adv. 不戴帽子的/地 barehanded adj. adv

30、. 不戴手套/赤手空拳的 barelegged adj. adv. 光着腿的/地barely adv. 仅仅,勉强,几乎不;贫乏地 Her voice was so low, I could barely hear her. appropriate adj. 合适的,适当的at an appropriate momentbe appropriate for/to Your clothes are hardly appropriate for a job interview.It is appropriate that (should) doIt is entirely appropriate

31、that his music (should) be played at this festival.appropriately adv.inappropriate adj. exchange n. (c, u)交换,互换;(c)交易所 (c)短时间的交谈;(u)(货币的)兑换make an exchange of in exchange for 作为对的交换a fair/honest exchangean exchange of fire 交火,交战a heated exchange 激烈的交谈the exchange rate 汇率the exchange of dollars for p

32、oundsa stock/cotton exchange 证券/棉花交易所an exchange teacher/student/programmevt. 交换,互换,交易;调换exchange sth (with sb)exchange gifts/addresses/telephone numbersexchange looks/glancesexchange greetings/insultsexchange words 交谈exchange blows 打架,斗殴exchange information/ideas/viewsexchange housesexchange sth fo

33、r sth exchange pounds for dollarsexchangeable adj. 可交换的,可调换的It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _ favors to them.A.in preference toB.in place ofC.in agreement withD.in exchange forblank n. (c)空白处;空白表格Fill in the blanks with suitable words.My mind is a blank.an applic

34、ation blankadj. 空白的;茫然的a blank tape/page a blank check/chequea blank lookgo blank: My mind went completely blank when I got into the exam room.blank verse n. (u)无韵诗The professor could tell by the _ look in Marys eyes that she didnt understand a single word of his lecture. A. cold B. blank C. innocen

35、t D. freshtry sth out 测试,试验,检测 test The idea sounds fine, but we need to try it out in practice.try sth on 试穿,试戴try for sth 试图获取,争取try out for sth 参加的选拔try ones luck 试一试运气 try doing sth try to do sthtry out/try on/try for/try out for/try ones luckTom _ the school basketball team.She _ the shoes but

36、they were two small.He is _ a job as a research librarian.After his singing career failed so miserably in England, he decided to _ abroad.Jim could hardly wait to _ his new bike.tried out fortried ontrying fortry his lucktry outlet out let sb/sth out (of sth) 放出,释放(从);让(光线、水、空气)跑掉 Quietly, I let mys

37、elf out of her apartment. Close the door, youre letting all the heat out. The kids let the air out of the tires.发出 let out a cry/scream/shout/roar/sigh She let out a scream at the horrible sight.let sth out 泄露(秘密);发泄(愤怒等) Dont let the secret out. She let out her anger on/at her husband. Let the cat

38、out of the bag. (无意中)泄露秘密。let alone 更不用说 The child can hardly read Chinese, let alone English.letalone/be 不打扰某人 leavealone Your mother is tired let her alone. The patient needs rest, so let him be.let sb/sth down 让某人失望;把某物放下来let sb/sth in 让某人进来;让(空气/水/光线)进入let sb off (sth) 使某人免做;免处罚某人 let sth off 扔/

39、引爆炸弹;放烟花let go 放手,松开 let go of let sb go 放掉/放走某人;解雇某人 let oneself go 放松/放纵自己;不修边幅He accidently _ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks. A. let out B. took care C. made sure D. made outWhen hearing the Chinese womens volleyball team booked a London 2012 Olym

40、pic Games ticket, he _ a shout of joy. A. let down B. let in C. let out D. let aloneload n. (c, u)负载, 负担, 负荷; 负载量; 负荷物I asked him to carry that heavy load.The trees bent under the load of the snow.My workload has doubled since Mary left.take a load off ones mind 打消某人的顾虑a load of /loads of 很多,许多a loa

41、d of crap/rubbish/nonsensea heavy/difficult load to bear a busload/truckload/carload ofvi. vt. 把装上/装进;装填;装货load A into/onto B 把A装到B上load B with A 用A装载Bload a gun with bulletsload a camera with filmload a van with luggageunload vt. vi. 卸货upload/download vt. 上传;下载overload vt. 使超载-He says that my new car is a _ of money. -Dont you think those words are just sour grapes. A. lack B. load C. question D. waste



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