高考英语大一轮复习 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China课件 外研版必修3

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1、Module 5Module 5Great People and Great Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaInventions of Ancient China基础知识基础知识梳理梳理考点知识考点知识导练导练基础知识基础知识梳理梳理 抓主干抓主干 固双基固双基单单词词拓拓展展1.1. /i /ikwkwl l /adj. /adj.平等的平等的adv.adv.平等地平等地 n. n. 平等平等 . .2.2. / /d d/ n./ n.秩序秩序adj.adj.有秩序的有秩序的; ;整齐的整齐的 . .3.3. /k/kn

2、dIndIn/nn/n. .状况状况; ;条件条件; ;环境环境4.4. /stres/ vt /stres/ vt. .强调强调adj.adj.紧张的紧张的 . .5.5. /Imp /Imptns/ntns/n. .重要重要; ;重要性重要性adj.adj.重要的重要的 . .6.6. /fIl /fIls sf f/n/n. .哲学家哲学家n.n.哲学哲学 . .7.7. /ti /tit tI I/ n.(/ n.(常作复数常作复数) )教导教导; ;学说学说v.v.教教 授授, ,教教 . .equalequalequallyequallyequalityequalityordero

3、rderorderlyorderlyconditionconditionstressstressstressed/stressfulstressed/stressfulimportanceimportanceimportantimportantphilosopherphilosopherphilosophyphilosophyteachingteachingteachteach单单词词拓拓展展8.8. /prIns /prInsplpl/ n./ n.原则原则; ;准则准则adj.adj.原则性的原则性的 . .9.9. /rIzaIn /rIzaIn/ vi./ vi.辞职辞职adj.adj

4、.已辞职的已辞职的; ;已放弃已放弃 的的 . .10.10. /k /kntrIbjuntrIbjun n/ n./ n.贡献贡献v.v.贡献贡献 . .11.11. /Influen /Influenl l/ adj./ adj.有影响的有影响的n.& v.n.& v.影影 响响 , ,12.12. / /nIstinIsti/ n./ n.诚实诚实adj.adj.诚实的诚实的 . .13.13. /Invent/ vt /Invent/ vt. .发明发明n.n.发明发明 n.n.发发 明家明家 . .14.position /p14.position /pzIzIn n/ n./ n.

5、 . .principleprincipleprincipledprincipledresignresignresignedresignedcontributioncontributioncontributecontributeinfluentialinfluentialinfluenceinfluencehonestyhonestyhonesthonestinventinventinventioninventioninventorinventor职位职位短短语语记记忆忆1.be 1.be war with war with 与与交战交战2.bring 2.bring 养育养育; ;抚养抚养3

6、.3. conclusion conclusion总之总之4.4. the first time the first time第一次第一次5.be similar 5.be similar 与与相似相似6.become interested 6.become interested 对对感兴趣感兴趣7.7. a result a result因此因此, ,结果结果8.be proud 8.be proud /take pride /take pride 为为自豪自豪 atatupupininforfortotoininasasofofinin句句型型整整理理 重点重点语法语法1.Mencius

7、believed that the reason 1.Mencius believed that the reason man is different man is different from animals is from animals is man is good.man is good. 孟子认为孟子认为, ,人之所以不同于动物人之所以不同于动物, ,是因为人性本善。是因为人性本善。2.But it was also a time 2.But it was also a time there were many great there were many great philoso

8、phers. philosophers. 但那也是一个产生了许多伟大哲学家的时期。但那也是一个产生了许多伟大哲学家的时期。3.Treat others in the 3.Treat others in the you want to be treated.you want to be treated. 己所不欲己所不欲, ,勿施于人。勿施于人。 Defining attributive clauses:ofDefining attributive clauses:of whom/in which whom/in which( (限制性定语从句限制性定语从句:of whom/in which)

9、:of whom/in which) whywhythatthatwhenwhenway way 考点知识考点知识导练导练 解疑难解疑难 提知能提知能1.equal adj.1.equal adj.平等的平等的;(;(大小、数量、程度大小、数量、程度) )相等的相等的; ;胜任的胜任的 vtvt. .等于等于, ,与与相等相等(=be equal to);(=be equal to);比得上比得上 n.n.同等的人和物同等的人和物归纳拓展归纳拓展feel/be equal to sth./doing sthfeel/be equal to sth./doing sth. .胜任某事胜任某事eq

10、ual+equal+名词名词/ /代词代词 (in+(in+名词名词/ /代词代词) ) ( (在在方面方面) )比得上比得上, ,与与匹敌匹敌; ;与与相等相等be without equal/have no equal be without equal/have no equal 无匹敌者无匹敌者, ,首屈一指首屈一指 【巧学助记【巧学助记】英文典例英文典例: :Men and women should be granted Men and women should be granted equalequal status in the home, status in the home,

11、equal equal right to choose their own occupations and an equal right to choose their own occupations and an equal title to family property. title to family property. 男女在家庭中应有平等地位男女在家庭中应有平等地位, ,享有选择职业、支配家产的同等权利。享有选择职业、支配家产的同等权利。I Im sure Barbaram sure Barbaras s quite quite the task.the task. 我确信巴巴拉完

12、全有能力承担这项任务。我确信巴巴拉完全有能力承担这项任务。( (朗文朗文P P628628) )No one No one equalsequals him him inin courage. courage. 在勇气方面没有人能比得上他。在勇气方面没有人能比得上他。equalequaltoto写作联想写作联想: :典例典例其他表达方式其他表达方式No one matches him in courage.No one matches him in courage.No one is equal to him in courage.No one is equal to him in coura

13、ge.He has no equal in courage.He has no equal in courage.2.order n.2.order n.秩序秩序, ,次序次序, ,顺序顺序; ;命令命令; ;订购订购, ,订单订单 vtvt. .命令命令; ;订购订购, ,订制订制; ;点点( (酒菜等酒菜等) )归归纳纳拓拓展展in orderin order井然有序井然有序; ;适宜的适宜的; ;妥当的妥当的out of orderout of order紊乱的紊乱的, ,出故障的出故障的place an order for sth.(with sbplace an order for

14、sth.(with sb.)(.)(和某人和某人) )订某物订某物order sb.sth.=order sth.for sborder sb.sth.=order sth.for sb. .为某人订购某物为某人订购某物order sb.to do sthorder sb.to do sth. .命令某人做某事命令某人做某事order that.(should+) order that.(should+) 动词原形命令动词原形命令 英文典例英文典例: :Without even seeing the menu, I knew IWithout even seeing the menu, I k

15、new Id be d be orderingordering every every tomato on it tomato on it.(2015.(2015全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解B)B) 甚至没看菜单甚至没看菜单, ,我就知道我将要点菜单上每一道带西红柿的菜。我就知道我将要点菜单上每一道带西红柿的菜。Then they call out our names Then they call out our names and we answer yes or no. and we answer yes or no. 随后随后, ,他们依次点我们的名字他们依次点我们的名字, ,我们则回答到

16、与否。我们则回答到与否。( (朗文朗文P P13791379) )The elevator was The elevator was out of orderout of order and we had to walk up to the and we had to walk up to the tenth floor. tenth floor. 电梯坏了电梯坏了, ,我们不得不徒步登上第十层楼。我们不得不徒步登上第十层楼。The old man The old man orderedordered the rude young man the rude young man to go ou

17、tto go out.=The old man .=The old man ordered that ordered that the rude young man the rude young man (should) go out(should) go out. . 老人命令那位粗鲁的年轻人出去。老人命令那位粗鲁的年轻人出去。特别提示特别提示: :orderorder作动词用时作动词用时, ,后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气, ,从句的谓语要从句的谓语要用用“should+should+动词原形动词原形”,should,should可省略。作名词表示可省略。作名词表示“

18、命令命令”时时, ,相关的从相关的从句也要用虚拟语气。句也要用虚拟语气。His order is that we His order is that we (should) not leave(should) not leave until he returns. until he returns.他的命令是他回来我们才能走。他的命令是他回来我们才能走。ininorderorder3.condition n.3.condition n.条件条件, ,环境环境归纳拓展归纳拓展be in good/bad/poor conditionbe in good/bad/poor condition 状况

19、良好状况良好/ /恶劣恶劣; ;健康健康/ /不健康不健康on condition thaton condition that在在条件下条件下, ,倘若倘若out of conditionout of condition身体不适身体不适, ,状况欠佳状况欠佳on no conditionon no condition绝不绝不living/working conditions living/working conditions 生活生活/ /工作环境工作环境 英文典例英文典例: :The car has been well maintained and is The car has been w

20、ell maintained and is in excellent in excellent condition. condition. 汽车一直保养得很好汽车一直保养得很好, ,处于极佳状态。处于极佳状态。( (朗文朗文P P384384) )IIll let you borrow this book ll let you borrow this book you you lend me your bicycle in return. lend me your bicycle in return. 只要你把你的自行车借给我只要你把你的自行车借给我, ,我就会借给你这本书。我就会借给你这本书

21、。ononconditionconditionthatthatHe canHe cant still go for an outing,sincet still go for an outing,since he is he is out of condition.out of condition. 他身体不好他身体不好, ,还不能出去。还不能出去。On no conditionOn no condition does he give in to the enemy. does he give in to the enemy. 他绝不会向敌人屈服。他绝不会向敌人屈服。特别提示特别提示: :on

22、 no conditionon no condition放于句首时放于句首时, ,句子用部分倒装。句子用部分倒装。4.be at war with 4.be at war with 与与交战交战归纳归纳拓展拓展go to war (with) (go to war (with) (与与) )开战开战declare war on declare war on 向向宣战宣战“at+nat+n. .”构成短语构成短语, ,表示表示“处于处于的状态的状态” at peace at peace 处于和平状态处于和平状态 at rest at rest 在休息在休息 at risk at risk 冒风险

23、冒风险 at table at table 在吃饭在吃饭 at sea at sea 在航海在航海; ;茫然茫然, ,不知所措不知所措 英文典例英文典例: :During the Second World War,GermanyDuring the Second World War,Germany almost almost all the countries in the world. all the countries in the world.第二次世界大战期间第二次世界大战期间, ,德国几乎同德国几乎同 世界上所有的国家交战。世界上所有的国家交战。The United States f

24、irst The United States first went to warwent to war in 1775,a year before its in 1775,a year before its independence. independence. 美国的第一次战争发生于美国的第一次战争发生于17751775年年, ,独立的前一年。独立的前一年。The country is The country is atat peacepeace and the people go merrily to their and the people go merrily to their wor

25、k. work.天下太平天下太平, ,万民乐业。万民乐业。 waswasatatwarwarwithwith5.bring up5.bring up养育养育; ;抚养抚养; ;提出提出( (话题话题););呕吐呕吐归纳拓展归纳拓展bring aboutbring about引起引起, ,导致导致( (事故、变化等事故、变化等) )bring backbring back带回带回; ;使回忆起某事使回忆起某事bring downbring down使使降低降低, ,使使倒下倒下bring inbring in引入引入, ,赚得赚得, ,挣得挣得bring out bring out 显现出显现出

26、; ;使发挥使发挥 英文典例英文典例: :Christophe PiresChristophe Pires was born and was born and brought upbrought up in France,but in France,but he he speaks English fluently. speaks English fluently. 克里斯多夫克里斯多夫皮尔斯出生于法国皮尔斯出生于法国, ,并在法国长大并在法国长大, ,但他英语讲得非但他英语讲得非 常流利。常流利。Why did you have to Why did you have to the subj

27、ect of money? the subject of money? 你为什么非要提钱这个话题你为什么非要提钱这个话题?(?(朗文朗文P P219219) )bringbringupupWhat What brought aboutbrought about this astonishing change in me? this astonishing change in me? (2016(2016浙江浙江, , 完形填空完形填空) ) 是什么造成我这样令人惊讶的改变是什么造成我这样令人惊讶的改变? ?Difficulties and hardships have Difficulties

28、 and hardships have brought outbrought out the best the best qualities of the young geologist. qualities of the young geologist. 艰难困苦使这位年轻的地质学家的优秀品质得到了最充分的展现。艰难困苦使这位年轻的地质学家的优秀品质得到了最充分的展现。6.in conclusion6.in conclusion总之总之, ,最后最后归纳拓展归纳拓展come to/draw/reach a conclusioncome to/draw/reach a conclusion 得

29、出结论得出结论bring to a conclusion bring to a conclusion 使结束使结束, ,使终止使终止jump to a conclusion(jump to a conclusion(未经全面考虑未经全面考虑) )匆匆作出结论匆匆作出结论英文典例英文典例: : ,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed ,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. myself today. 最后最后, ,我想说我今天过得很开心。我想说我今天过得很开心。( (朗

30、文朗文P P383383) )We havenWe havent got sufficient information from which to t got sufficient information from which to draw a draw a conclusion. conclusion. 我们还没有足够的信息可以下结论。我们还没有足够的信息可以下结论。I didnI didnt want her to t want her to jump to the conclusionjump to the conclusion that the divorce that the di

31、vorce was in any way her fault. was in any way her fault. 我不想让她草率地断定离婚完全是她的错。我不想让她草率地断定离婚完全是她的错。InInconclusionconclusion7.Mencius believed that all the reason why man is different 7.Mencius believed that all the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good. from animals is that man i

32、s good. 孟子认为孟子认为, ,人之所以不同于动物人之所以不同于动物, ,是因为人性本善。是因为人性本善。 the reason why.is that.the reason why.is that.是一个固定句式是一个固定句式, ,意为意为“的原因的原因 是是”。其中。其中whywhy引导的是定语从句引导的是定语从句,that,that引导的是表语从句。引导的是表语从句。归纳拓展归纳拓展reasonreason常用句式常用句式: : the reasonthe reason后定语从句中的关系词用后定语从句中的关系词用whywhy还是用还是用thatthat或或 which,which,

33、取决于其在从句中所承担的句子成分。缺少主取决于其在从句中所承担的句子成分。缺少主 语、宾语、表语用语、宾语、表语用thatthat或或which;which;缺少状语用缺少状语用why,for why,for which which。英文典例英文典例: : she didn she didnt get the job t get the job was thatwas that her her English was not very good. English was not very good. 她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不是很好。她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不是很好。The r

34、eason for this is thatThe reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle. this plane is also a bicycle. 其原因是其原因是, ,这架飞机也是一辆自行车。这架飞机也是一辆自行车。The reason that/whichThe reason that/which he explained at the meeting he explained at the meeting was thatwas that he he didn didnt catch the first bus.t catch the first bus. 他在会议上解释的理由是他没有赶上早班车。他在会议上解释的理由是他没有赶上早班车。TheThereasonreasonwhywhy



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