2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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《2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第2课时)分层训练课件 新人教版.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 第第2 2课时分层训练课时分层训练Unit10Idlikesomenoodles.第2课时分层训练Unit10Idlikesomenoodles.课内基础自测课后巩固提升. 根据句意及首字母提示根据句意及首字母提示补补全全单词单词1. W_ you like to go to the movies with us?2. What k_ of hamburgers do you like?3. What s_ shoes would your sister like?Size 36.4. Id like a l_ bowl of soup.5Eating too much m_ is bad

2、for your health.课内基础自测课内基础自测第2课时分层训练 ouldindizeargeeat/mutton第2课时分层训练 . 用所用所给单词给单词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. Id like beef and _(tomato) noodles.2. These _(orange) are very good.3. Id like _(buy) a dictionary.4. A large bowl of rice _(be) on the table.5. How many _(potato) would you like?tomatoorangesto buyisp

3、otatoes课后巩固提升课后巩固提升第2课时分层训练. 单项单项填空填空()1. Id like _ some green vegetables for dinner.A. have B. has C. having D. to have D第2课时分层训练()2. Id like my brother _ me a hand.A. give B. gives C. to give D. givingC第2课时分层训练()3. _ is a bowl of beef noodles?Only five yuan. A. How many B. How muchC. How old D. Ho

4、wB 【解析解析】由答语可知问句询问的是价格。由答语可知问句询问的是价格。第2课时分层训练()4. Can I help you?_. A. Thats good B. OK, Ill take itC. Yes, Id like a sweater D. Its too darkC第2课时分层训练()5. Id like beef noodles _ vegetables.Ain Bwith Con DatB 【解析解析】 with 意为意为“有;具有;带有有;具有;带有”。第2课时分层训练. 句型句型转换转换1. There are some carrots in the mutton n

5、oodles.(改改为为一般疑一般疑问问句句)_ there _ carrots in the mutton noodles?2. The girl would like cabbage and onion noodles.(对对画画线线部分提部分提问问)_ _ of noodles would the girl like?AreanyWhat kind第2课时分层训练3. I want eggs and beef.(改改为为同同义义句句)I _ _ eggs and beef.4. Id like a bowl of rice.(改改为为一般疑一般疑问问句句)_ _ _ a bowl of

6、rice?would likeWould you like第2课时分层训练CnoodlenoodlesCanysome第2课时分层训练A去掉去掉toDBsoupssoupeggs and tomatoesegg and tomato第2课时分层训练.完形填空完形填空Do you want to stay healthy?Let me tell you _1_ have a healthy diet(饮饮食食)In the morning, you can eat some bread and eggs.You should(应应该该) drink a glass of milk.Its ver

7、y important for you because it can _2_ you much energy(能能量量)It _3_ good for you to go to school or work without breakfast.第2课时分层训练You must feel very _4_ at lunchtime. So you should have something(某某物物) good _5_ lunch. You can have some fish or chicken._6_, such as carrots and tomatoes, are also very

8、 important because they can keep you healthy.第2课时分层训练In the evening, you must be tired(疲疲惫惫的的)You should eat things _7_ noodles or others with some vegetables.But remember _8_ eat too much because you cant do much exercise in the evening.Before going to bed, you can have a glass of milk.It can _9_ y

9、ou sleep well.At last, you should eat more _10_Heres a proverb(谚谚语语): An apple a day keeps the doctor away.第2课时分层训练()1.A.how Bhow toCwhat Dwhat to()2.A.get Bspend Cgive Dtake()3.A.does Bdoesnt Cis Disnt()4.A.happy BSadChungry DbusyBDCC 【解析解析】考查考查“疑问词动词不定式疑问词动词不定式”结构。句意:让我告诉你如何拥结构。句意:让我告诉你如何拥 有健康的饮食。

10、因此答案选有健康的饮食。因此答案选B。 【解析解析】be good for意为意为“对对有好处有好处”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选D。第2课时分层训练()5.A.to Bfor Cof Dwith()6.A.Vegetables BMeatCFruit DSnacks()7.A.are like BLikeClook like DlikesBAB 【解析解析】havefor lunch意为意为“午饭吃午饭吃”。 【解析解析】由后面的由后面的“such as carrots and tomatoes”可知,此处应该是可知,此处应该是“蔬菜蔬菜”,因此答案选,因此答案选A。 【解析解析】考查介

11、词的用法。考查介词的用法。like意为意为“像像”。句意:你应该吃像面条或。句意:你应该吃像面条或有蔬菜的其他的东西。因此答案选有蔬菜的其他的东西。因此答案选B。第2课时分层训练()8. A. dont BToCnot to D/()9. A. turn BStartCimprove Dhelp()10. A. apples BorangesCbananas DpearsCDA 【解析解析】 remember (not) to do sth.意为意为“记得记得(不不)去做某事去做某事”。 【解析解析】 help sb. do sth.意为意为“帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事”。 【解析解析】根据

12、根据“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”可知,此处是建可知,此处是建议多吃苹果,因此答案选议多吃苹果,因此答案选A。第2课时分层训练. 阅读阅读理解理解McDonaldsIf you are busy and want to have a quick lunch, you can go to the McDonalds. You can also take it home to eat.Hamburger: $1.5 eachFrench fries: $1 each bagFried chicken leg:$2 each (on weekdays)

13、$1.5 each (on weekends)Telephone: 7645321Cici Dessert HouseAfter dinner, would you like some dessert? Please come to Cici Dessert House. The dessert is great. And you can also enjoy music here.Strawberry icecream: 7 RMB eachOrange juice: 5 RMB each glassGreen tea: 10 RMB each cup Telephone: 3678905第

14、2课时分层训练Jiahe Dumpling(水饺水饺)HouseDo you like eating dumplings? Please come to Jiahe Dumpling House. There are two kinds of dumplings and they are really nice.Beef and onion dumplings: 10 yuan for 20Chicken and tomato dumplings: 10 yuan for 30Telephone: 3227228Lanzhou Noodle RoomIn China, many people

15、like to have noodles for lunch. In our room, you can eat two kinds of noodles.Chicken and cabbage noodles:10 yuan for a small bowl and 16 yuan for a large bowlEgg and tomato noodles: 8 yuan for a small bowl and 12 yuan for a large bowlTelephone: 4876590第2课时分层训练()1.How much is each fried chicken leg

16、on Saturday? A$1.5. B$2. C$2.5. D$1.()2.How many kinds of dumplings are there in Jiahe Dumpling House?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFiveAA第2课时分层训练()3.You can call _ if you like eating noodles.A7645321 B3227228C4876590 D3678905()4.If you eat two small bowls of egg and tomato noodles, you need to pay_A¥10. B¥1

17、6.C¥20. D¥12.CB第2课时分层训练()5.Which of the following is true? AYou can call 3227228 for some orange juice. BYou can enjoy music in Cici Dessert House.CGreen tea is 5 RMB each cup on Sunday.DThere are three kinds of noodles in Lanzhou Noodle Room.B第2课时分层训练. 补补全全对话对话(Wwaiter; PPeter)W: Welcome to our noo

18、dle house! 1._P: Yes, please. I would like some noodles.W: What kind of noodles would you like?P: 2._W: We have beef, chicken, mutton, potato, tomatoP: Are there any vegetables in the mutton noodles?第2课时分层训练W: 3._P: OK, Id like the mutton noodles then.W: What size would you like?P: What sizes do you

19、 have?W: We have large, medium and small bowls.P: 4._第2课时分层训练AWhat kind of noodles do you have?BMedium bowl, please.CYes, there are some carrots.DAnd a glass of water, please.EMay I take your order?W: Is that all(就就这这些些吗吗)?P: 5._W: Wait a minute, please.答案答案15EACBD第2课时分层训练.用方框中所用方框中所给单词给单词的适当形式完成短文的

20、适当形式完成短文on, like, buy, food, make, eat, vegetable, all, reason, noI like eating rice, noodles, strawberries, icecream, hamburgers and so on. But my favorite 1._ is dumplings. Every Sunday, my mother 2._ many dumplings for me. If she has 3._ time, Ill go to the supermarket to 4._ some. Dumplings look

21、 5._ white boats(船船). They are very delicious. foodmakesnobuylike第2课时分层训练6._ my birthday every year, I usually help my mother make a lot of dumplings. Do you know the 7._? Because I often ask some friends to 8._ them with me. There are different kinds of 9._ and meat in them. My friends 10._ like to eat them very much.Onreasoneatvegetablesall



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