高三英语 Module 5 Unit 14 Careers复习课件 北师大版

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1、Part1 M5.Unit14Unit14Unit14CareersCareersModule5income, pay, salary, wage, fee与bonus income从工作或其他地方得到的经常性收入;The Inland Revenue Department is responsible for collecting income tax. 税务局负责征收所得税。 pay支付给某人的工资薪金;Truck drivers are demanding higher pay. 卡车司机要求加薪。1、 salary每月发给某人,尤其是专业人员、经理等的薪金,通常直接存入其银行账户;Yo

2、ur salary will be12, 000 a year, with annual increments of 500. 你的年薪为12,000英镑, 每年增加500英镑。 wage每周付给某人,尤其是非专业人员,非管理人员等的报酬;Wages at the cannery are very low. 那家罐头食品厂的工资很低。fee 指从事某些职业收取的服务费;bonus 奖金;红利;特别津贴。2、reward n&vt.报酬, 奖赏 give sb. a reward for (doing) sth. a reward for good behaviour 优秀行为奖 deserve

3、 a reward for 理应受到奖励 offer a reward for as a reward for sb. s service 作为对某人服务的报答 reward sb. for (doing) sth.完成句子。1. 她因自己所做的努力而得到一笔奖金。She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus. 2. 已悬赏 100 英镑寻找项链。A 100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace. 3. 她应该为她的付出得到奖赏。She deserves a rewa

4、rd for what she has done. 4. 因为她工作努力, 经理提升她以作为奖赏。The manager rewarded her with a promotion for her efforts at work. 5. 他因发明一台机器而获奖50万元。He was rewarded 500, 000 yuan for his invention of a machine. 3、charge vt. 控告,搭配:charge sb. with doing sth.;收费, 要(某人)支付,搭配:charge sb. some money for (doing) sth. The

5、 police charged him with stealing goods from the shop. 警察控告他在商店偷东西。 They charged me 10 yuan for taking in my trousers. 他们收我10块钱把裤子改小。 n. 控告, 指控;收费, 要价;管理, 责任 The police brought a charge against the man who stole from the shop. 警察控告那个从店里偷东西的人。free of charge免费in charge of担任;管理;指挥, 负责照料in the charge of

6、由(某人)照料/管理take charge of sth.汉译英。1. 12月份煤气价格将上涨。 Gas charges will rise in December. 2. 这本书是免费的。 This book is free of charge. 3. 我不在的时候由哈利负责部门的事务。 Harry will take charge of the department while I am away. 4. 他离家出走后, 孩子由我照顾。 The child was in my charge when he ran away.aid, help与assist三者一般情况下可以互换。 aid指

7、援助处于困难或危险境地中的人, 强调被帮助者本人在本来可以完成某项工作或任务的情况下收到援助, 含有合作之意, 也指援助某种正当的事业或行为。 help常指较郑重的救助, 有提供主动、慷慨帮助的意思, 而接收人也需要这样的帮助。 assist指协助。 4、in aid of(in order to help)用来帮助legal aid 法律援助come/go to sbs aid(help sb.)帮助某人with the aid of 借助于aid vt.帮助,援助 aid sb.in/with sth.帮助某人某事完成句子。1. The local community aided us i

8、n our investigation.2. I didnt speak French, but a nice man came to my aidand told me where to go.3. He was able to prove the existence of the supergun with the aid of a photograph. quarrel与argue quarrel n. & v. 争吵, 吵架,着重是指对某事不喜欢或强烈不满而发生的“争吵”,“吵架”。常见搭配有:quarrel with sb. 和某人争吵; quarrel about为而争吵; hav

9、e a quarrel(n.)/quarrel(v.) with sb. about (over) sth. 因某事和某人吵架5、 The couple was quarrelling furiously about whose turn it was to cook the dinner. 这对夫妇对该轮到谁做晚饭而激烈地争吵着。 argue v. 辩论, 议论,着重就自己的看法或观点提出论证,同他人“争论”,“辩论”。常用搭配有:argue against辩驳 argue for为辩护argue with sb. 和某人辩论argue about议论, 争论 argue that辩论道 H

10、e argued that the boy should not go on the voyage alone. 他争辩说这孩子不应该一个人去远航。 argue with sb. about sth. 和某人争论某事argue sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事完成句子。1.我们中几乎没人会反对主张有更多选择,更多竞争的想法。 Few of us can quarrel with the idea of more choice and more competition. 2. 他们说服我加入工会。Th

11、ey argued/talked me into joining the union. They persuaded me to join the union. 6、make up 编造, 虚构 The story is made up. 本故事纯属虚构。 组成 Farm workers make up only a small section of the population in this country. 在这个国家,农民只占人口的一小部分。 make it up with sb. 与某人和解 shake hands and make up握手言和 They had an argume

12、nt, but they have already made (it) up. 他们之前有过争吵, 不过已经和好了。make (it) up (for) 补偿, 弥补We must make it up to him somehow. 我们得想个办法补偿他。make up for the lost time/a mistake 补回失去的时间/补救失误makeup n化妆It took her more than an hour to make herself up. 她花了一个多小时才化好妆。汉译英。1. 老师叫我们编一个对话。 The teacher asked us to make up

13、 a dialogue. 2. 他们已经弥补了损失。 They have made up for the loss. 7、basis n. 基础, 根基, 原则 on the basis ofn./on aadj. basis根据;以为原则;在的基础上We drew this conclusion on the basis of experiments. 我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。 on a friendly basis 在友好的基础上;根据友好原则 on a regular basis 定期 base vt. 以作基础 be based on基于完成句子。1. 你们是领周薪的吗?D

14、o you get paid on a weekly basis?2. 该影片是根据辛克莱刘易斯的小说改编的。The film is based on a novel by Sinclair Lewis. believe in, trust与believe believe in指相信某人或某事的本质特征, 即为信任、信仰, 后常接真理、宗教一类的词。 trust指信任, 同believe in。 believe指相信某事或某人说的话属实;8、 用believe in, trust, believe的适当形式填空。1. My husband trusts me and I dont want t

15、o disappoint him. 2. Do you believe in God?3. No matter what you say, I just trust/believe in him. He is always such an honest guy. 9、turn over (to) 翻转过来, 翻身;把转交给A man will turn over half a library to make one book. 一个人要写出一本书来非翻遍半个图书馆不可。与turn相关的短语turn down回绝, 拒绝;把调低/关小turn in上交, 上缴turn sth./sb. off关

16、掉;使(人)厌烦/失去兴趣turn out出席, 在场;结果是, 证明是turn to sb./sth. 求助于 turn up到达, 露面完成句子。1. 他还没睡, 时不时在床上翻来覆去。He had not yet fallen asleep, turning over in bed from time to time. 2. 我们最好把小偷交给警察处理。We had better turn the thief over to the police. 用turn的短语的适当形式填空。3. We arranged to meet at 7:00 but he never turned up.

17、 4. Only a few guns have been turned inso far. 5. The job turned outto be harder than we thought. 6. You should not have turned down his friendly invitation. 7. If you cant understand, you can turn to a dictionary. 10、grasp vt.&n. 抓住;理解On the verge of falling, he immediately grasped a rope. 在快要跌倒的时候

18、, 他立刻抓住了一根绳子。 grasp sb. s hand/sb. by the hand 抓住某人的手 take ones hand in a firm grasp牢牢抓住某人的手 grasp the main idea of抓住的主旨大意 have a good grasp of 牢固掌握汉译英。1. 你必须抓住这个黄金机会。 You must grasp the golden opportunity. 2. 她对我们所学过的知识掌握得很牢固。 She has a good grasp of what we have learned. 3. 这是我们觉得难以理解的一个概念。 Its a

19、concept we find difficult to grasp. 11、commit vt. 承诺, 受誓言的约束;犯(罪、错等) commit oneself to do sth. 承诺做某事Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. 双方承诺和平解决争端。 commit a crime/mistake 犯罪/犯错 commit suicide 自杀 committed adj. 承担义务的;忠于既定立场的 be committed tobe devoted to 献身于, 奉献于 be commi

20、tted to (doing) sth.承诺,保证(做某事),投身于 commitment n. 承诺;奉献a commitment to信奉;忠诚于汉译英。1. 他投身于教育事业。 He committed himself to the cause of education. 2. 她不愿作出任何承诺。 She would not commit herself in any way. 12、existence n. 存在, 生存I was unaware of his existence until today. 直到今天我才知道有他这么个人。 (sth.) come into existe

21、nce 出现, 产生 bring sth. into existence 使产生 be in existence 存在的, 现存的 exist vi. 存在, 生存 existing adj. 存在的完成句子。1. 这是现有的最雄伟的桥。 This is the most magnificent bridge in existence. 2. 这样的问题根本不存在。 Such a problem doesnt exist. 13、hesitate vi. 踌躇, 犹豫If you hesitate too much, you will lose the game. 如果你太犹豫, 就会输掉比赛

22、。 hesitate to do/about doing sth. 对做某事犹豫不决 hesitation n. Without any hesitation, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.他毫不犹豫地跳下河去救溺水的孩子。 完成句子。1. 我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。 I didnt hesitate about taking the job. 2. 有什么困难尽管开口。 If you have any difficulty, dont hesitate to ask for help. 3. 她毫不犹豫地同意了。

23、She agreed without the slightest hesitation. 14、respond v. (口头或书面)回答,回应,搭配: respond to sb./sth. (with sth.);回答说,搭配:respond that从句 She never responded to my letter. 她从来没给我回过信。作出反应;响应:respond (to sth.) (with sth./by doing sth.)How did they respond to the news?他们对这则消息有什么反应? response n. (口头的或书面的)回答,答复;

24、反应;响应 make no response 没作出反应 in response to sth.作为对的答复,回应 a positive response 积极的反应 反应灵敏;作出正确反应:respond (to sb./sth.) The plane responds well to the controls. 这架飞机操纵起来很灵活。汉译英。1. 他对我的提议的反应是大笑。 He responded to my suggestion with a laugh/by laughing. 2. 为回报他们的热情, 我们写了一封感谢信。 In response to their hospita

25、lity, we wrote a thankyou note. 15、envy vt.&n. 羡慕, 妒忌 do sth. out of envy 出于妒忌而做某事 feel envy at对感到嫉妒 envious (jealous) adj. 嫉妒的,羡慕的 an envious look 嫉妒的目光 be envious of sth. 羡慕完成句子。1. 上了年纪的人总羡慕年轻人的精力。Aged people are always envious of young peoples energy. 2. 他羡慕罗莎琳德的青春和活力。He envied Rosalind for her y

26、outh and strength.16、bother vt. vi. &n.烦扰,令人烦恼的情况(之人或事)Oh, well, dont let that bother you. 哎, 别为这事心烦了。I hope I havent been a bother.希望我没有烦扰你。 bother (with/about sth.) 花费时间精力(做某事) Its not worth bothering with( using)an umbrellathe cars just outside. 不必打伞汽车就停在外面。 bother sb. (about/with sth.) 使(某人)烦恼(或

27、担忧、不安);给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦)You dont sound too bothered about it. 看来你并不十分担心这事。 be bothered (about sb./sth.) 认为(某人或某事)重要;关心(某人或某事)Im not bothered about what he thinks. 我不在乎他怎么想。 cant be bothered (to do sth.) 不想花时间/精力做某事 I should really do some work this weekend but I cant be bothered. 我这个周末真该做点事了,可我懒得做。汉译英。

28、1. 别为这操心了。 Dont bother yourself about it. 2. 此信不必费心回复。 Dont bother about answering/to answer the letter. 3. 那个学生挺让我们伤脑筋的。 That student is quite a bother to us. 17、have an advantage (over) 占上风, 优于, 强于He had an advantage over me as he is a male. 他比我有优势, 因为他是男士。 have an advantage over sb. in sth. You h

29、ave an advantage over Bob in being more organized. 你比Bob有优势, 因为你比较有条理。 take advantage of sb. 占某人便宜, 利用某人It never occurred to me to take advantage of him. 我绝没有想到过要占他的便宜。 take advantage of sth. make use of sth. (巧妙地)利用某物 Some students took advantage of the lunch hour to finish their homework. 有些学生利用午餐

30、的时间做作业。 to your advantage /disadvantage对你有利/不利 be at an advantage/disadvantage(不)占优势汉译英。1. 如果你预先考虑过面试中提出的问题,就会处于优势。 You will be at an advantage if you have thought about the interview questions in advance. 2. 但愿我的经验不足不会使我吃亏。 I hope my lack of experience wont be to my disadvantage. 18、in case 以防万一, 以

31、免 后面接从句,常与just搭配构成just in case, 表示“以防万一”。Write the telephone number down in case you forget. 把电话号码写下来以免忘了。 in any case 无论如何, 总之In any case you must arrive there on time. 无论如何你必须按时到达那里。 in case of sth. 若发生某事, 假如Press this button in case of fire. 若遇火灾按下此钮。 in no case 在任何情况下决不, 无论如何都不In no case will I

32、reveal your secret. 我决不会泄漏你的秘密。 in that case 既然那样, 若是那样的话 You dont like your job? In that case, why dont you leave?你不喜欢这份工作?既然那样你怎么不辞职呢? 用case有关短语填空。1. In case of traffic jam, you should walk to school. 2. Its usually not cold there, but youd better take some warm clothes (just) in case. 3. Dont tru

33、st him. He will keep his promise in no case. 4. She said she wouldnt give up in any case. 5.In case I may forget about the appointment, Ive already asked my sister to remind me. 6.In case you need something, please dont hesitate to let me know. ()1. (2010全国卷) Linda, make sure the tables _ before the

34、 guests arrive.A. be set B. set C. are set D. are setting C考查动词set的用法和被动语态。set a table摆放桌子,tables为主语,故用被动结构。make sure后一般接宾语从句。 Make_sure they know what to do.(P22)( )2.(2008陕西卷)The moment I got home, I found I _ my jacket on the playground.A. had left B. left C. have left D. was leaving Athe moment作

35、为连词用引导时间状语从句。 The_instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room.(P24) ()3. (2008北京卷) Did you return Freds call? I didnt need to _ Ill see him tomorrow. A. though B. unless C. when D. becauseDbecause引导原因状语从句。 I never thought about going on TV because my family didnt even have one until I was in junior high school!(P26)



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