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1、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Unit 2 School in CanadaJJ六年级上册Story timeToday is the first day of school. Two boys and two girls meet at the bus stop. Sam: Hi, my name is Sam. Oba: Hello, Im

2、Oba. Al: My name is Al. Neva: Im Neva. S am: Where are you from? Oba: Im from this city. Al: Im always excited on the first day of school.Neva: Me,too.They are waiting for the school bus. They are very happy. Story timeThey want to be safe while waiting for the bus. Al: I am always very careful. I a

3、lways watch for cars and bikes.Oba: And you always play far from the street. I often look to the left and to the right before I cross the street.Sam: Sometimes I take my friends hand. This will keep her safe.It is always good to be careful. Everyone knows that. Sam: Be careful, Neva. Dont stand too

4、close to the street.Neva: Thanks.Neva doesnt like to talk. She never says much. Now, they see the yellow school bus coming. The driver is awoman. She is Ms. Marshall. She is very nice.Story timeMs. Marshall: Hello, boys and girls. Are you excited for the first day of school? Neva & Sam: Yes!The chil

5、dren sit on the bus. Al: Please wear your seat belts. Oba: Okay!Ms. Marshall: Always remember to be safe on the way. The first day of school is always a happy day.Story timeTalk and act Do you know how to be safe on the street?Act out the story.excited / k satd/ adj. 激动的;兴奋的激动的;兴奋的知识点知识点 1 1讲解讲解My s

6、ister is excited at the zoo.我的妹妹在动我的妹妹在动物园里很兴奋。物园里很兴奋。例句:例句:辨析:辨析:例句:例句:excited 与与 excitingexcited 一般指人。一般指人。exciting 一般指物。一般指物。Im excited. 我很兴奋。我很兴奋。The news is so exciting.这个消息很令人兴奋。这个消息很令人兴奋。拓展拓展exciting(adj.)令人激动的)令人激动的before / b f(r)/ prep. & conj. 在在之前之前【三会三会】知识点知识点 2 2讲解讲解Please wash your han

7、ds before you havebreakfast.在你吃早饭之前请洗手。在你吃早饭之前请洗手。例句:例句:反义词:反义词:短语:短语:after(prep./conj.)在)在之后之后the day before yesterday 前天前天hand / hnd/ n. 手手【三会三会】知识点知识点 3 3讲解讲解I have two hands. 我有两只手。我有两只手。例句:例句:形近词:形近词:短语:短语:head(n.)头)头the day before yesterday 前天前天hand,hand 是小手,小手是小手,小手 hand 拍一拍。拍一拍。魔法记忆:魔法记忆:讲解讲

8、解易错点易错点提示提示hand 与与 head 区分区分head 头,头,hand 手,小孩的头,手,小孩的头,head;滴汗的;滴汗的手,手,hand。everyone / evriwn/ pron. 每个人每个人知识点知识点 4 4讲解讲解Everyone is in the classroom. 每个人都在教室。每个人都在教室。例句:例句:同义词:同义词: everybody把单词把单词 every 作为一个整体,加上其他不同的单作为一个整体,加上其他不同的单词组成新的单词。如:词组成新的单词。如:everything(每件事),(每件事),everyday(每天),(每天),every

9、where(到处)。(到处)。整体记忆法:整体记忆法:讲解讲解易错点易错点提示提示当当 everyone 作主语时,动词要用第三人称单数作主语时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。形式。close / kls/ adv.接近接近知识点知识点 5 5讲解讲解Dont come too close. 不要走得太近。不要走得太近。例句:例句:拓展拓展其他含义:其他含义: close(adj.)亲密的;紧密相关的)亲密的;紧密相关的( v.)关;闭上)关;闭上remember / r memb(r)/ v. 记得记得知识点知识点 6 6讲解讲解Remember to write to me. 记得给我写信。记

10、得给我写信。例句:例句:re + member(成员)(成员)= remember加法记忆法:加法记忆法:形近词:形近词:member(n.)成员)成员反义词:反义词:forget(v.)忘记)忘记固定搭配:固定搭配:remember to do sth. 记得做某事记得做某事一、单项选择。一、单项选择。(1)Are you for the _ first day of school ?A. excited B. excitesC. exciting(2) I can finish my homework _ eight oclock inthe evening.A. of B. fromC.

11、 before(3)Three monkeys have _ .A. five hand B. six handsC. a hand习题习题ACB(4) Everyone _him.A. know B. knowesC. knows(5)Remember _ your umbrella.A. to take B. takesC. to taking习题习题点拨点拨:remember to do sth. “记得去做某事记得去做某事”,故选,故选A。CA二、连词成句。二、连词成句。(1)have,big,we,very,study, a(.) _(2)can,home,five,before,s

12、he, get, oclock(.) _(3)stand,to,too,the,dont, close, dog(.) _习题习题We have a very big study.She can get home before five oclock.Dont stand too close to the dog.这个故事是关于上学路上的安全问题。四名同学这个故事是关于上学路上的安全问题。四名同学互相谈话,互相帮助。同学们,安全是我们生活中一互相谈话,互相帮助。同学们,安全是我们生活中一件十分重要的事情,帮助别人也会使你很快乐。需要件十分重要的事情,帮助别人也会使你很快乐。需要同学们能够听懂并理解这个简单的故事,回答关于这同学们能够听懂并理解这个简单的故事,回答关于这个故事的问题,并能够分角色,用自己的语言表演这个故事的问题,并能够分角色,用自己的语言表演这个故事。个故事。 Thank you!



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