高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 The United Kingdom课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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1、走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索人教版人教版(课标卷地区课标卷地区) 高考总复习高考总复习 Unit 2The United Kingdom必修五必修五第一部分基础知识聚焦第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 2考点探究演练考点探究演练 3单单 元元 语语 法法 4基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 6课课 时时 作作 业业 7话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵 1高考真题对接高考真题对接5话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵1kingdom n王国2nation n民族,国家3geography n地理4landmark n地标性建筑5symbol n象征6def

2、end v保护,保卫7ancient adj.古老的8traditional adj.传统的9coastal adj.沿海的10historic adj.历史上著名的11at one time 一度,从前12be located/situated in/lie in 位于13be surrounded by 被所环绕14be made up of 由组成15be famous/wellknown for 以闻名16has a population of 有人口(2014玉溪模拟)假如你是李华,你和你的家人去朋友Cathy所在的城市伦敦旅游,回来后你想对Cathy表达感激之情。请根据以下要点给C

3、athy写一封信。1感谢Cathy的热情款待;2.在伦敦玩得非常开心;3.伦敦的风景和美食令人印象深刻;4.邀请Cathy来中国旅游。注意:1.词数100个左右;2.可适当添加细节,使行文连贯。Dear Cathy,问候与感谢How are you? Thank you for your help and good treat while we were traveling in London. You were so kind and friendly to treat us with good meals,and show us around the city.感受及印象It is rea

4、lly nice to visit London, whose beautiful scenery and delicious food gave us a deep impression. We had a good time there and learned a lot about London.邀请和期盼Cathy,are you free these days? I would like to invite you to visit China. Ill show you around the interesting places, such as Beijing and Xian.

5、Looking forward to your reply.Best regards!Yours,Li Hua.完成句子1英国由四个国家组成。The United Kingdom is made up of four countries.2苏格兰一直以令人叹服的自然风光闻名于世。Scotland is always famous/wellknown for its amazing natural scenery in the world.3位于泰晤士河边的大本钟是伦敦著名的地标性建筑。Big Ben located/situated on the River Thames is Londons

6、 famous landmark.词汇翻译1用某物款待某人:treat sb. with sth.2带领某人参观某地:show sb. around some place.一词多译1给某人留下深刻印象give sb. a deep (strong) impression/make a deep(strong) impression on sb.2玩得开心have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself基础知识梳理基础知识梳理.单词速记A识记单词1_ (vi.)组成;在于;一致2_(vt.)澄清;阐明3_(vt.)完成;达到;实现4_(n.)矛盾;冲突5_(prep

7、.)加上;和(adj.)加的;正的;零上的6_(vt.)折叠;对折7_(vt.)使激动;使胆战心惊consistclarifyaccomplishconflictplusfoldthrillB联想串记8_ (vi. & vt.)联合;团结_ (adj.)团结的;联合的_ (n.)联合;联盟;结合;协会9_ (n.)便利;方便_ (adj.)方便的10_ (adj.)粗糙的;粗暴的_ (adj.)粗略地;粗糙地11_ (vt.)吸引;引起注意_ (n.)吸引;吸引力_ (adj.)有吸引力的12_ (n.)描写;描述_ (vt.)描述;形容;描绘uniteunitedunionconvenien

8、ceconvenientroughroughlyattractattractionattractivedescriptiondescribe13_ (adj.)配备好装备的;带家具的_ (vt.)装备;(用家具等)布置(房间、公寓);提供14_ (n.)可能(性)_ (adj.)可能的;合理的_ (adj.反义词)不可能的15_ (vt.)筹备;安排;整理_ (n.)布置;整理16_ (n.)快乐;高兴;喜悦(vt.)使高兴;使欣喜_ (adj.)高兴的;快乐的_ (adj.)令人高兴的furnishedfurnishpossibilitypossibleimpossiblearrangear

9、rangementdelightdelighteddelightful.短语互译1把分成 _2挣脱(束缚);脱离 _3 为 带 来 荣 誉 ; 值 得 赞 扬 ; 在 名 下_4省去;遗漏;不考虑 _5(机器)损坏;破坏 _6consist of _7take the place of _8in memory of _9on show/display _10leave for _divide.intobreak away(from)leave outbreak down由组成to ones credit代替为了纪念展出动身去某地.典句析练1findsb./sth.过去分词Now when pe

10、ople refer to England you _(发现威尔士被包括在内) as well.【仿写】他醒来后,发现自己被绑在了一棵树上。When he woke up, _.2过去分词短语作原因状语_(由于担心时间不够),Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.【仿写】陷入深思之中,他险些撞在前面的小汽车上。_, he almost ran into the car in front of him.3状语从句的省略It looked splendid _(刚建成的时候)!【仿写】明年当这家博

11、物馆完工的时候,将会向公众开放。_, the museum will be open to the public.4what引导主语从句_ (她最感兴趣的) was the longitude line.【仿写】他们最高兴的是他们学校赢得了比赛。_ was that their school had won the game.5It seems/seemed strange that. (should) do .It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism _(竟然在伦敦生活过且在那里去世)【仿写】他竟然在十分钟之内来到这

12、儿,这似乎是不可能的。It seemed impossible that _.答案:1.find Wales included;he found himself tied to a tree2Worried about the time available; Lost in thought3when first built; When completed next year4What interested her most; What delighted them most5should have lived and died in London; he should arrive here

13、in ten minutes.课文缩写语法填空The United Kingdom consists _1_ four countries: England,wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland, _2_ is known to the world in a flag _3_(call) the Union Jack. The four countries _4_ work together in some areas,but they have developed different _5_(educate) and legal systems. Engla

14、nd, the largest of the four countries, is _6_(rough) divided into three zones. Its capital, London,has been influenced by the invaders of England,and you will find the greatest _7_(history) treasure in it. There have been sets of _8_(invade) of England. It is a country _9_ you can make your trip _10

15、_(enjoy) and worthwhile.答案:1.of2.which3.called4.do5.educational 6roughly7.historical8.invaders9.where10.enjoyable.课文缩写语法填空The United Kingdom consists _1_ four countries: England,wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland, _2_ is known to the world in a flag _3_(call) the Union Jack. The four countries _4_

16、work together in some areas,but they have developed different _5_(educate) and legal systems. England, the largest of the four countries, is _6_(rough) divided into three zones. Its capital, London,has been influenced by the invaders of England,and you will find the greatest _7_(history) treasure in

17、 it. 考点探究演练考点探究演练 1clarify vt.澄清;阐明教材原句You can clarify this question if you study British history.(P9)如果你研究英国的历史,你就能够弄明白这个问题。必会clarify ones stand/position阐明态度、立场clarify rights and wrongs澄清是非clarify the situation认清形势He issued a statement to _ _ _.他发表了一项声明以澄清情况。He _ _ _ on the issue of Libya on behalf

18、 of the government.他代表政府阐明了他在利比亚问题上的立场。答案:clarify the situationclarified his stand/position2convenience n便利,方便;便利的事物;便利设施教材原句England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.(P10)英格兰是四个国家中最大的,为方便起见,它大体上分成三个区。必会(1)for convenience为了方便起见at ones co

19、nvenience在某人方便的时候(2)convenient adj.方便的,便利的It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人方便做某事be convenient for sb./sth.对某人/某物方便I keep my reference books near my desk _ _.为方便起见,我把参考书放在书桌旁。Come to my office _ _ _.你方便时来我办公室一趟。名师点拨(1)convenience意为“方便;便利”时,为不可数名词;作“便利的事物,便利设施”讲时为可数名词。(2)convenient作表语用时,主语不能是人,常用于

20、It is convenient for sb. to do sth.句型。_ _ _ _ _ _ the doctor living near us.有医生住在我们附近真是太方便了。When would it be convenient for you to start work?你什么时候方便开始工作呢?答案:for convenienceat your convenienceIt was very convenient to have3roughly adv.概略地,粗略地rough adj.粗糙的;粗略的;艰难的;粗暴的;粗鲁的a rough road崎岖的道路/rough hands

21、粗糙的手/rough food粗粮/a rough idea不成熟的想法/rough weather狂风暴雨的天气/a rough draft草稿There are _ 100 people there.那里大约有100人。Dont treat the lady _.对待那位女士不可粗鲁。答案:roughlyroughly4attract vt.吸引;引起教材原句It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.(P10)可惜的是,这些建于19世纪的工业

22、城市不吸引游客。必会(1)attract sb. to.把某人吸引到attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力(2)attraction n吸引(力);具有吸引力的人(或事物)a tourist attraction 旅游胜地attractive adj.有吸引力的,引人注意的Many tourists _ _ _ this beautiful place every year.每年都会有很多的游客被吸引到这个美丽的地方来。Unfortunately, her works did not _ _ _ in the 1930s and 1940s, even in her ho

23、me country.不幸的是,在二十世纪三四十年代,她的作品甚至在她自己的国家也没引起太多关注。He opened his eyes and enjoyed the _ scenery.他睁开双眼享受迷人的景色。There are a lot of tourist _ in Beijing.北京有很多名胜。答 案 : are attracted to attract much attentionattractiveattractions5furnished adj.配备好装备的;带家具的He had been searching for a _ flat until one day he f

24、ound one that was well _ _ modern _.他一直在寻找配备家具的公寓直至有一天他找到一套备有现代家具装配齐全的公寓。答案:furnished;furnished with;furniture6arrange v筹备;安排;整理;布置;排列教材原句They had no time to arrange their own wedding, so they had it organized by a company.(P13)他们没有时间筹备自己的婚礼,因此他们让一家公司代为组织。必会(1)arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事arrange to

25、do sth.安排做某事;约定做某事arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事(2)arrangement n安排,筹备make arrangements for.安排方法规律(1)表示“安排某人做某事”用arrange for sb. to do sth.而不用arrange sb. to do sth.。(2)make arrangements (for sth./for sb. to do sth.)中 的arrangement常用复数形式。The manager has _ a meeting _ him.经理已经安排了与他的会面。Have you _ _ _

26、Mark this weekend?你安排这个周末去接马克了吗?She helped the librarian _ _ the books on the shelves.她帮助管理员整理架子上的书。I got a taste of that dream in 2001, when my husband arranged for me to ride in a hot air balloon for my birthday.2001年我体验了那个梦想,我丈夫为我的生日安排我乘坐了热气球。答案:arranged;forarranged to meetto arrange7delight n快乐,

27、高兴,喜悦vt. & vi.(使)高兴,(使)欣喜教材原句Her first delight was going to the Tower.(P14)她最先想参观的地方是伦敦塔。_ _ _ _, the boss promised to increase our salary.让我们非常高兴的是,老板答应给我们加薪。Chris _ great _ _ teasing his sister.克里斯特喜欢戏弄他妹妹。Her singing _ _.她的歌声使大家很愉快。What _ _ _ to have a picnic here!在这里野餐是一件多么令人高兴的事啊!We were all _

28、_ receive your letter.我们都很高兴收到你的来信。答案:To our great delight/Much to our delighttakes;delight indelighted everyonea great delightdelighted to8thrill vt.使激动的;使胆战心惊n兴奋;紧张He was _ at the _ sight, which also gave _ _ to us all.看到这让人激动的场面他兴奋不已,这也让我们大家激动起来了。答案:thrilled;thrilling;a thrill1consist of由组成教材原句Ho

29、w many countries does the UK consist of?(P9)联合王国由几个国家组成?方法规律consist of可没有被动形式呦!The world _ _ seven continents and four oceans.世界是由七大洲和四大洋组成的。Happiness _ _ contentment.幸福在于知足。What he does doesnt consist with what he says.What he does isnt consistent with what he says.他言行不一。答案:consists ofconsists/lies

30、 in2divide. into把分成The library _ _ _ three different zones.图书馆被分成三个不同的区。必会divide.between/among.在之间分配/和分担/分配/分享divide.by.用除divide.in half(two)/into halves把分成两部分The prize money will _ _ _ the winners.奖金将由优胜者们均分。30_ _ 6 is 5.30除以6等于5.答案:is divided intobe divided amongdivided by词语辨析divide侧重于把一个整体分成若干部分,

31、其后常接介词into,among,between等separate指把原来连在一起或靠近的“分隔”开来,常与介词from搭配构成separate.from.,意为“把和分开(隔)”;另外还有“离别,分手”之意3break away (from) 挣脱(束缚),脱离,背叛(政党、国家等)教 材 原 句 However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke_away to form its own government.(P9)然而,爱尔兰的南部却不情愿并且分离出去建立了自己的政府。The boy _ _ his mother

32、and ran to the river bank.那个男孩挣脱了母亲,跑向河边。A quarrel _ _, which made him _ _ _ his family.一场争吵使他离家出走了。答案:broke away frombroke out;break away from4leave out省略;遗漏教材原句Which country is left out?(P11)哪一个国家被漏下了?必会leave aside搁置leave alone 不管;不理会;不打扰leave behind 忘带,留下leave for 动身到(某处)观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义。Youve left

33、 out the most important word in this sentence.()No one speaks to him;he is always left out.()Tom has been left out of the team.()Leave me out of this quarrel, please.()答案:遗漏被人冷落未入选别牵扯,不包括5break down(机器)损坏;破坏;(谈判、希望、计划等)失败,破裂;(化学)分解;(身体)垮掉巧学助记写出下列句中黑体短语的含义The car broke down on the way to the airport.

34、()The peace talks broke down with no agreement reached.()Your health will break down if you work too hard.()Plastic bags are difficult to break down.()用break短语填空。Its bad manners to _ _ (插话、打岔)when someone is talking.It is said that the conversation between the two countries has _ _ (中断、破裂)The Second

35、 World War _ _ in 1939.Some robbers _ _ the bank last night.Tom and Mikes friendship _ _ after a serious argument.答案:抛锚失败身体垮掉分解break inbroken downbroke outbroke intobroke up6take the place of代替;取代教材原句Nylon has taken the place of cotton in making some textiles.(P12)在某些纺织品中耐纶已经代替了棉花。必会take place发生;举行(

36、不及物动词短语,无被动形式)take ones place坐下;任某人的职务;取代in place of代替;替代instead ofShe couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant _ _ _ (took the place of her)她不能参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。_ _ _ our advertised programme, we will be showing a film.我们将放映一部电影来代替广告节目。答案:took her placeIn place of“It seemed strange that.”句型教 材 原 句

37、 It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这似乎很奇怪:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。句式分析此处“should have done”结构用来表示“竟然已经;居然已经”,表示说话人对已经出现的事感到“惊奇、惊喜、怀疑”等。 方法规律should常用于主语从句中表示“惊奇、怀疑、惋惜、理应如此”。常用句式有:It is important/necessary/natural/strange that.;It is a p

38、ity/a shame that.It is strange that _.真奇怪,我竟然在这儿遇到她。How strange it was that _ yesterday!他昨天竟然那么粗鲁地对待你,真是太奇怪了!It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once.有必要马上派他到那里去。It is a great pity/shame that the famous singer (should) take drugs.真遗憾,这位著名的歌手竟然吸毒。答案:I should meet her herehe should have

39、treated you so rudely单单 元元 语语 法法 过去分词作宾补1Eric is an early bird and is often seen _(seat) in the library reading far into the night.答案:seated考查非谓语动词。根据固定搭配be seated可知,应填seated,在句中作主语补足语。所给词为sit,该空用sitting形式。句意为:艾瑞克是一个勤奋的人,他经常被看到在图书馆里看书看到深夜。2Children found the lecture so hard _(understand) that they f

40、elt sleepy.答案:to understand考查非谓语动词。句意为:孩子们觉得这个讲座很难理解,所以感到很困。动词的不定式在作表语/补语的形容词后面作状语时,用主动形式表被动意义。3The teacher was a bit surprised since she seldom saw articles _(write) in red ink.答案:written考查非谓语动词。written in red ink是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于which were written in red ink。4 It is necessary that we keep the young

41、 generation _(inform) of the current affairs.答案:informed考查非谓语动词。句意为:让年轻一代时刻了解时事是很有必要的。the young generation和inform之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用informed。5Americans seldom sit down to a regular meal as they like things _(do) immediately.答案:done考查非谓语动词。句意为:美国人很少(好好地)坐下来吃顿饭,因为他们喜欢速战速决。things与do之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词形式。高考真题

42、对接高考真题对接1(2014江苏改编)It was sad to me that they, so poor themselves, _ bring me food.答案:should本题考查情态动词的基本用法。句意:他们自己那么穷, 给我带来了食物,这让我(感动得)心里不好受。should可以用在that引导的从句中,跟在某些形容词或动词之后,表示“竟然,居然”,带有惊讶的语气。2(2014天津改编)The two countries are going to meet to break _ some barriers to trade between them.答案:down本题考查动词短

43、语意义辨析。句意:这两个国家将要会面以扫除两国之间的贸易障碍。break down扫除(障碍),清除(困难),出故障,失败,分解。根据句中的关键词meet(会面)以及barriers(障碍)可知是扫除障碍(break down some barriers)。3(2012重庆改编)Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take _ place of George.答案:the考查冠词用法。考查固定短语take the place of“代替”。2(2014天津改编)The two countries are

44、 going to meet to break _ some barriers to trade between them.答案:down本题考查动词短语意义辨析。句意:这两个国家将要会面以扫除两国之间的贸易障碍。break down扫除(障碍),清除(困难),出故障,失败,分解。根据句中的关键词meet(会面)以及barriers(障碍)可知是扫除障碍(break down some barriers)。3(2012重庆改编)Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take _ place of George.答案:the考查冠词用法。考查固定短语take the place of“代替”。



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