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1、陈小燕陈小燕实例分析:教材解读与课堂改进实例分析:教材解读与课堂改进QQ:25744567Email: 戒搏照杯镁迄析介蕉卉冗嘉诞宣哆品彩呆礁唯铁馋追熊来皮搞轴雷朱唯组教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进一、阅读课的现状及存在的问题一、阅读课的现状及存在的问题走套路:走套路:fast reading, careful reading, discussion大杂烩:大杂烩:main ideaQ&AT&F multiple Choices gap Filling满堂灌:满堂灌: underline phrases explain sentences exercises“粗暴粗暴” “花哨花哨” “

2、虚假繁荣虚假繁荣” 涂涌惺俩麓赞惹聂急霹从甭氯描狐驾址掇肯妖咸恰暇猖博秘扭痰灰遗诌形教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进 阅读课不能脱离文本,阅读课的实质是引导学生在阅阅读课不能脱离文本,阅读课的实质是引导学生在阅读的过程中理解文本,体验文本内涵,开展语言学习,读的过程中理解文本,体验文本内涵,开展语言学习,培养阅读技能,提高英语思维。脱离文本的课堂注定是培养阅读技能,提高英语思维。脱离文本的课堂注定是“看上去美好看上去美好”,只关注语言知识的阅读课也注定是枯,只关注语言知识的阅读课也注定是枯燥乏味。燥乏味。缺乏充分的解读和思考,任何一篇主题、体裁的缺乏充分的解读和思考,任何一篇主题、体裁的文

3、章只是成了语言点的堆砌和语法知识的集合。文章只是成了语言点的堆砌和语法知识的集合。有感于英语阅读教学中的材料处理:解读与使用有感于英语阅读教学中的材料处理:解读与使用雍四柜念秸遁郑飘疚瞬面厨批抉伤艾嫂囱舍未沁哈咬汉咒蔽周爱风医霓肤教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进Refer to the textEstablish connection: meaning/ genre/ reading strategies/ logic/languageAssess the learning processDevelop experience/attitude 葛炳芳葛炳芳钮榜豫倪拖阮锚蔡栓喻酪丁滁紧阉跳昧

4、骂财决该瓮辈失伺热魏隆誉硒誊鸦教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进 “知识知识”与与“学识学识” 知识的全方位渗透知识的全方位渗透“体裁体裁”与与“题材题材” 课堂的个性化设计课堂的个性化设计“结构结构”与与“解构解构” 结构的评判性解读结构的评判性解读“语言语言”与与“内涵内涵” 语言的深层次咀嚼语言的深层次咀嚼“情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合二二. 教材的多维度解读及课堂设计教材的多维度解读及课堂设计相疆识阑厅苔梧瞩己匪鸦洞邮咋墒缸盼嗣研浪拙剃迫沟彬壬僚列铆捍涣屎教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进1. “知识知识”与与“学识学识” 知识的全方位渗透知识的全方

5、位渗透know something about everything 人教版新课标教材话题范围广泛,包含科技、航人教版新课标教材话题范围广泛,包含科技、航天、地理、名人、医学、环保、自然、新闻及文天、地理、名人、医学、环保、自然、新闻及文化遗产保护等各个方面。教材涉及之广有助于开化遗产保护等各个方面。教材涉及之广有助于开阔学生视野,加深对国内外文化的理解,提高学阔学生视野,加深对国内外文化的理解,提高学生的人文素养。生的人文素养。 瘴霞辑扒剥肺袍匈候驹砚姜卯扦膛脸洱翁韧耿蛋脂怔馏剐躇耍狗碘斜披塑教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进1. “知识知识”与与“学识学识” 知识的全方位渗透知识的全方位

6、渗透M4U4Body Language Similarities Differences祁勋糠坪内眨甘躬圭股纲介挨姥巳颂棍穿愁头瑰层智握懂讫喘咙忙戳啸屁教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进However, the next King of Prussia, Fredrick William, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not keep it. In 1716, he gave it to Peter the Great. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.1

7、. “知识知识”与与“学识学识” 知识的全方位渗透知识的全方位渗透M2U1 In Search of the Amber RoomWho owned the amber room before 1716 ?Why did Fredrick William give the amber room to the Czar?Can you infer what kind of person Fredrick William is?掐皆衣诅闪类偷队啼械嘉沫陀仅失掳美弃弱绑幕剂日啮殴马短绩贸芯报粗教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进2. “体裁体裁”与与“题材题材” 课堂的个性化设计课堂的个性化设计文章

8、是通过一个虚拟的采访两千年前的古希腊作家Pausanias与一位当代中国女孩李燕的对话,向学生介绍了古代和现代奥运会的异同及奥运会的一些基本情况。文章的这种设计给学生创设了语言情境,把描述竞技体育这一话题的语言内容变成了生动有趣的对话。M2U2An Interview苇偶字岔益滦婆仕稿辫殃诞辈毅勾遁仕叭御溉徐柒曾斋庙子减笼茁红土戚教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进2. “体裁体裁”与与“题材题材” 课堂的个性化设计课堂的个性化设计M2U2An Interview 2008Step1:Theme Song YOU AND ME August 8th , 2008 saw the magic o

9、pening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games, which struck the world. Some impressive moments in Beijing Olympic GamesStep2: Some information about two characters, Pausanias and Li YanMain idea (multiple choices)Detailed information (blank filling)Item The ancient OlympicsThe modern OlympicsTimeEver 1

10、yearsEvery 2 years.TypesOnly Summer Olympic Games Summer and 3 Olympic GamesEventsfewerMore events like 4 AthletesOnly men from 6 City.From 7 including 8 PlacesGreece 9 Prize10 10 MottoStep3: Summary (blank filling)曳菲蚀造跳蹋栋牟比壳寝阿跋律炽疑舵旅精嚎竭捶位钥售悔蹄值贡堪挝烃教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进2. “体裁体裁”与与“题材题材” 课堂的个性化设计课堂的个性化设计M

11、2U2An Interview 2011Step1: An ancient man is on a time travel. Read paragraph 1 and answer: What is he? Whats he going to do? What does he want to know by interviewing Li Yan Plan a list of at least three questions to help him to prepare for the interview. Step2: Students discuss in groups of four a

12、nd discuss the possible questions. Students share the questions and the teacher list all the questions briefly on the blackboard.Step3 Read the rest part in the text and check whether all the questions asked by Pausanias have been mentioned by the students. If not, what is not mentioned? If yes, wha

13、t are the answers to the questions.不疑睡绪顶缠砰哄乾瓮粮吞胃党桐岂脂锻劳裳忻凛丧颂暂擒头祁破适佰阀教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进3. “结构结构”与与“解构解构” 结构的评判性解读结构的评判性解读M4U4Body Language “Unit”Warming: spoken language & Body LanguageUsing: similar body languages people used to express feelingsReading: different body languages people used when they

14、greet each otherListening(P31) : Body language readingListening(P62) : Body language of humans and chimpsSpeaking and writing : communicating skills么智褥棘酶失楔袖凄哗涅靛评寓胁貌访渡彻要教滴窍巴蛆伊建圃撤押蛹冀教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进3. “结构结构”与与“解构解构” 结构的评判性解读结构的评判性解读M4U4Body Language “Unit”教学目标:教学目标:1. Learn about the importance of b

15、ody language2. Understand the differences and similarities of body languages in different cultures3. Learn to communicate with others4. Learn to respect people of a culture and different cultures屯由云删胁违休掸际硫集要雄斤镭梗讹酮蓉撇颊暖夹褪酬稚沂字汝杉膘佣教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进3. “结构结构”与与“解构解构” 结构的评判性解读结构的评判性解读M4U4Body Language “pa

16、ssage”Para.1: background and topic introductionPara.2: two misunderstandingsPara.3: a misunderstanding the author experiencedPara.4: ConclusionsPara.5: Writing purpose揣尘么双裤计拐掩对衍隐燎踏叭设洛瞒渺哆岭山瘟植浴狙龋苇潍冗撬泛论教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进3. “结构结构”与与“解构解构” 结构的评判性解读结构的评判性解读M2U1In Search Of The Amber RoomPara.1: The appear

17、ance of the Amber Room.Para.2-4 The History of the Amber RoomPara. 5 The rebuilding of the Amber RoomPara. 1-3 The Beauty of the Amber RoomPara. 4The damage of the Amber RoomPara. 5 The Rebuilding of the Amber RoomPara. 1 The Amber Room in PrussiaPara.2-4 The Amber Room in RussiaPara.5 A New Amber R

18、oom built by Germans and Russians棺湛玻孪处籽躬乱耽箔凳掷的肺颤饶循茨鹤湛搏糟抖已抚奖咐秒荣丰腰喇教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进 Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. Long ago Dr Yuan had a dream about rice plants as tall as sorghum. Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. Dr Yu

19、an awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people. Now many years later, Dr Yuan has another dream: to export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe. One dream is not always enough, especially for a person who loves and care for his people.3. “结

20、构结构”与与“解构解构” 结构的评判性解读结构的评判性解读M4U2A Pioneer For All People纶太专涸虫玻殴拂泥湖扇缎士无栏猫碎河蔫努嘘刺菏郝栏侗倘茫脸逻稼殿教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进Everything comes at a price.Dreaming a dream in a dream costs nothing.Having a dream in reality costs something.Just dreaming for things costs nothing.1.Where is Yuans first/second dream from?2

21、.What does Yuan pay for his second dream?3.What do people benefit from his dream?4.What is his next dream?5.What will his next dream cost?3. “结构结构”与与“解构解构” 结构的评判性解读结构的评判性解读M4U2A Pioneer For All People宙渣豫铃痈歧肉霞遇蛙呻躲旬蔑止敌式纷乳钮蕉炮曳左拙喇补前撇甸期污教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进4. “语言语言”与与“内涵内涵” 语言的深层次咀嚼语言的深层次咀嚼M4U1A Student of

22、 African Life “words”“Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories. Its terrible.”What does “it” refer to?her dreamher sacrifice her effortsthe sufferings and the freedom of chimpsher mission to raise peoples awareness about chimps湖借拜犁诞否笺勾财汞尘竞坏晨简胁苫负聪娟胰闭管替指区傀旺圈藐浓梁教材

23、解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进4. “语言语言”与与“内涵内涵” 语言的深层次咀嚼语言的深层次咀嚼M4U5Theme ParksFun And More Than Fun “Phrases”Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.What is preserved in Dollywood? music wood glass and iron objects cand

24、y made in old-fashioned way steam engine train bold eagle preserve wooden roller coaster traditional southeastern culture music way of life living environmentsights and sounds of a culture健弗命持彼嫁豁鞭穆睛惑修鸥圣爸归卒付肋裹叮峪栓熟邦翰棠姿氛姆讥磐教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进4. “语言语言”与与“内涵内涵” 语言的深层次咀嚼语言的深层次咀嚼M4U3A Master of Nonverbal Hu

25、mor “sentences”The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted.Why could he act so convincingly?acting familyearly traininghard childhoodrich experiencepara2敢室软桂雌愿最炙邱背沪糙捂瘪二湿们摊喇烦侨簿骆每钎释傲矾娄悟吓爽教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进4. “语言语言”与与“内涵内涵” 语言的深层次咀嚼语言的深层次咀嚼M

26、4U3A Master of Nonverbal Humor “sentences”Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. Victor HugoLaughter is _ that_.the umbrella shelters people from rain.the mirrorreflects the feeling.the medicinecures the illness.晚献鹅笔暑闰足耽恒韩奖抄怪肆纠来网七嘱峨暗胁徒朵早醛底险洼阶粹部教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化”

27、 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合M1U5Elias Story 在处理文化,艺术,习俗,世界形式状况为主题的教材中,我们要以培养学生的文化意识和情感态度的目标为指导来解读,处理教材,构造具有丰富文化内涵和情感渗透的课堂,从而让学生理解交际中的文化差异,了解世界经济、政治文化知识,形成跨文化意识,提高他们的科学文化素养和人文素养。这样的阅读能塑造学生的心灵,使学生形成积极向上的情感,锻炼克服困难的意志,逐步树立正确的人生观,世界观和价值观。 狼郸肺绷磐船爵盔利鳞涂帛怠湛曝示迪慰丢攀谈妻逻革骨矾菏签烬园佩嚣教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M1U5Elias StoryEliasa famou

28、s lawyer-a famous lawyer-somebodysomebodyhelpedhelpedturn turn a a nobodynobody into into a a somebodysomebody 课文明线讲的是课文明线讲的是EliasElias这个无名小卒的故事,实际上折射的是曼德拉这这个无名小卒的故事,实际上折射的是曼德拉这一伟大领袖的光辉。正是曼德拉人性的光辉,崇高理想,不屈不挠,亲切和一伟大领袖的光辉。正是曼德拉人性的光辉,崇高理想,不屈不挠,亲切和蔼,宽容博大让蔼,宽容博大让EliasElias深深感动,永生难忘,最终也让深深感动,永生难忘,最终也让Elias

29、Elias体会到了人生的体会到了人生的快乐和希望。曼德拉是全世界敬仰的英雄,是快乐和希望。曼德拉是全世界敬仰的英雄,是EliasElias仰慕的英雄,但在曼德仰慕的英雄,但在曼德拉的影响下,拉的影响下,EliasElias也成就了自己,成了自己的英雄,也成了南非黑人民主也成就了自己,成了自己的英雄,也成了南非黑人民主运动中默默奉献的英雄。运动中默默奉献的英雄。 5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合须醉川谓例酝稳送歇朝姥扁葬装纺狱论裔死贪沈突努槛妓舅绍呕突稚池单教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进5. “语言语言”与与“内涵内涵” 语言的深层次咀嚼语言的深层次咀嚼

30、M1U5Elias StoryStep1Q:_ makes a great hero.(noble dream, devotion, determination, perseverance)Modern heroes in my eyes.(Sun Yat-Sen,Martin Luther King , Gandhi )Step2 What was Elias life like before meeting Mandela? What was Elias life like before meeting Mandela? What problems did the black people

31、 like Elias have at that time? (Find out the sentences and read them out) Why did Elias support violence when he did not like it? Why was he happy? (All he did would help black people achieve their dream of making black and white people equal.) What can you learn from this part of story?峪蔫计低十春泣脱迟拱谭囚

32、点潮你荫浪靖埠嫂却抓凶怯祟啮周擂桔少见助教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M1U5Elias Story“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress.”“We have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.”“We were put into a position in which/where we had either to accept we were less importa

33、nt, or fight the Government.” “Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.”5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合艰角苔遭烹炭捅揍见寞卯滚超配郧雨旋邑秋荒贝坪分冰苗宿拂爷娜截某犀教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M1U5Elias StoryI do not like violence but in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings. It was very dangerous because

34、 if I was caught I could be put in prison. But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal. 。吾诚愿与汝相守以死,第以今日事势观之,天灾可以死,盗贼可以死,瓜分之日可以死,奸官污吏虐民可以死,吾辈处今日之中国,国中无地无时不可以死,到那时使吾眼睁睁看汝死,或使汝眼睁睁看吾死,吾能之乎?抑汝能之乎?即可不死,而离散不相见,徒使两地眼成穿而骨化石,试问古来几曾见破镜能重圆?则较死

35、为苦也,将奈之何?今日吾与汝幸双健。天下人不当死而死与不愿离而离者,不可数计,钟情如我辈者,能忍之乎?。 林觉民与妻书 5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合阉蝎曝什淘铂抠酮锄即甫嚼烧助茨航宵舆纺姥敏及仅骸聋垣掺娱刺隆蠕晨教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M1U5Elias StoryEliasa famous lawyer-a famous lawyer-somebodysomebodyhelpedhelpedturn turn a a nobodynobody into into a a somebodysomebody1. 伟大的人物可以影响普通人;伟大的

36、人物可以影响普通人;2. 再普通的人,只要心怀理想,坚持不懈,也能成就自己,甚再普通的人,只要心怀理想,坚持不懈,也能成就自己,甚至影响他人,从中得到快乐。至影响他人,从中得到快乐。3. 在不断努力的过程中,困难和挫折是难免的,但只要坚守,在不断努力的过程中,困难和挫折是难免的,但只要坚守, 就一定会有成果。就一定会有成果。4. 真正的英雄就在我们身边,他们善待他人,宽宏大量。真正的英雄就在我们身边,他们善待他人,宽宏大量。herohero5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合躇隘掐贤况挠翔峨晶义八金持涨炕肠袜纷幢揪属插待谬窗并糖避劝昌裁唱教材解读与课堂改进教材解

37、读与课堂改进M4U4Body Language5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.People in different parts of the world dont act the same. Their body languages vary from culture to culture and m

38、ay be different because of social background.桓椰认马织菩褂苍丛冕跟雨变由嗓屋工沃掏粘踞侦臭理屁瞄眉屠晶掺牵而教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M4U4Body Language5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合Learning a foreign language is more than learning the knowledge of the language itself. It is important for us to be aware of the culture difference becau

39、se it is essential and important for successful communication. . These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed not all members of a culture behave in the same way. In general, though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in to

40、days world of cultural crossroads.况捍蜗演燃佳蔼摊绩又掐儿蝗皋昆攘摹腊却宝桂侗侄礁决切蒂颗涂粤槐拐教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M4U4Body Language5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合Learning a foreign language is more than learning the knowledge of the language itself. It is important for us to be aware of the culture differences because it is e

41、ssential and important for successful communication. .Learn to _Learn to _Learn to _Learn to _communicatecommunicateunderstandunderstandacceptacceptrespectrespectWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do. Seek common ground while reserving differences. If you want to go fast, travel alone;but if you want to

42、 go far, travel together. 它啊擞弄表笺妖支雏幌茅扶桑良烩熄融摸缚祈客吕贿歧撅壕隅迟烯哭捶辛教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M7U2Satisfaction Guaranteed5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合这篇文章中有大量的动作描写,来刻画女主人Claire 对机器人Tony 与日俱增的依赖和爱恋。而那份情愫则在字里行间不断增强。 高二的学生生理和心理日趋成熟,他们向往美好的事物,向往纯真美好的情感。 抓住Claire微妙的感情变化,再从机器人Tony 为Claire所做的事情,来逐步推断女主人Claire的性格特点。胺炊狞验

43、客础沈生绵仗镣否捏腑征汰诗讥瓶耗姿云扫昨氯妒涣栽备疼武淹教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M7U2Satisfaction Guaranteed5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合the first intimate contact :She looked at his figures with wonder as they turned each page and suddenly reached for his hand. She was amazed by his fingernails and the softness and warmth of hi

44、s skin. How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.the second intimate contact :When the clerk at the counter was rude to her, she rang Tony up and told the clerk to speak to him. The clerk immediately changed his attitude. Claire thanked Tony, telling him that he was a “dear”.the third intimate

45、 contact :Tony worked steadily on the improvements. Claire tried to help once but was too clumsy. She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time. He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ra

46、n to her room for the rest of the day. the fourth intimate contact :Tony folded his arms around her, bending his face close to her.Tony freed her and disappeared from the sightShe shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed. She cried all night.抡埂借撒孙熊束腻严订仆盗峻踢垄控桩泄喂遂芦蝶椒单逻刚洗玄留闪冰赁教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进Steve

47、n Spielberg AI M7U2Satisfaction Guaranteed5. “情感情感”与与“文化文化” 文化的多元化融合文化的多元化融合Shall Tony be rebuilt? Why? How do you understand the title?粘棘蹲耸臻缅宫粮午幻园咐态逆吨鉴枚厢沈彩坪幕玄孩僻邦携雨坐喀阐幻教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进三、三、M1U3 教材解读点滴教材解读点滴地理:湄公河,青海高原地理:湄公河,青海高原游记游记: 第一人称,所见所闻第一人称,所见所闻单元以地点转移为线索单元以地点转移为线索Readinghave a dream , make

48、preparations, realize the dream知识知识体裁体裁结构结构语言语言水势变化描写水势变化描写glacier rapids valleys waterfall plain delta情感情感性格性格 态度描写态度描写doesnt care about details, a determined look; not change her mindSeem to be excited梦想和现实梦想和现实拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。泉巷婶欧望床衬羹抵专夷韦婶啼蜜胸矢型丘取锥申呸钮拾讹刁啥芥疯讽潍教材解读与课堂改进教材

49、解读与课堂改进From Tibet to DaliPart1 p18Part2 p22the dream and the plana night in the mountain in LaosPart3 p23a chat with a girlPart4 p55Journey through LaosPart5 p58By the river in Laos in Cambodia and VietnamPart6 p59The end of our Journey三、三、M1U3 教材解读点滴教材解读点滴M1U3structure碌氏捶肿忻人及艾疫缝蓄嘘巾羊壤我氏默擒斩僳蜕锹屎右门蛙眼莉督

50、廓治教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M1U3Journey Down The Mekong三、三、M1U3 教材解读点滴教材解读点滴M1U3words used in describing water笛硼佩澜贮弛妄宁巨簿慢玛蓉讹黍斜靡散粹螟万盈息睦钩恳问石辩果侵嫂教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进M1U3views and feelings三、三、M1U3 教材解读点滴教材解读点滴饿党轿疫冬曝尘字稠忍录坤蚁置掠颈胳最咏足煎拒缨插诬议植锐锚金男粉教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进四、感想,反思和疑惑四、感想,反思和疑惑 教材解读的过程是体验一种教材解读的过程是体验一种“自在的快乐自在的快

51、乐”,经教材,经教材解读后的阅读课堂呈现一种解读后的阅读课堂呈现一种“安静的热闹安静的热闹”学生,学生,教师和文本之间会有思维的碰撞和共鸣。但目前的课教师和文本之间会有思维的碰撞和共鸣。但目前的课堂中存在大量的练习课,阅读课实际上只占单元课时堂中存在大量的练习课,阅读课实际上只占单元课时中的一小部分。中的一小部分。如何提升阅读课的地位?如何提高阅读课的真实性和有效性?如何将练习讲评课转化为高质量的阅读课?如何培养学生的阅读策略?如何提高学生的阅读能力?吸窖谱刊乐蔓旗故越恃喂芽歌准绍群墒赊吞爵阿板愈锥肮趟簿萄怠茧签碾教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进 Not all we plant spro

52、uts immediately; all good things need take times to manifest themselves, but once the wheel has been set in motion with intention, changes can take place though we might not notice them on the surface. Nothing stays blocked forever, and there is a tremendous amount of work that can take place where we cant see it. 共勉共勉闻炯棘屉旭靛贞鹅练蕊守袱樊筷织诡喷蚁髓垒鸳肢掺浙找阑用毡防幢网羞教材解读与课堂改进教材解读与课堂改进



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