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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂类别新新课程要求掌握的内容程要求掌握的内容话题Music and Musicians词汇relative, interpret, characteristic, combine, depress,compose, ambition, regarding, regulate, voluntary, relief, relax, collection, charm, scene, honour, present, thereforegive concerts, give life to, (be) the same with, make contact with,

2、all of a sudden, come on, miss the point, draw upon, in addition to, on the other hand功能功能Expressing emotions:I think its wonderful.Its ridiculous!It makes me feel very happy.语法法The present perfect progressive tense:Liu Fang has been playing the pipa for the last three hours.Shes been performing con

3、certs every day since last month.1similar adj.类似的,同样的类似的,同样的(与与to连用连用)Which Chinese and Western instruments look similar?哪些中国哪些中国乐器与西方器与西方乐器看上去相似?器看上去相似?知识拓展知识拓展similarly adv.同同样地地similarity n类似;相似点似;相似点same adj.同同样的,相同的的,相同的词语辨析词语辨析similar, same, very, identical, equal1)similar 大致相似的大致相似的My wife an

4、d I have similar tastes in music.我的妻子和我在音我的妻子和我在音乐方面有相似的方面有相似的爱好。好。2)same 相同的,同一的相同的,同一的Men and women should get the same pay for doing the same jobs.男女男女应同工同酬。同工同酬。3)very正是那个;指同一的,完全不差的正是那个;指同一的,完全不差的This is the very book I want.这正是我想要的那本正是我想要的那本书。4)identical 同一的;指同一的;指细节上也相同的上也相同的Our views of what

5、 should be done are identical.我我们对于于应该采取的行采取的行动持完全相同的看法。持完全相同的看法。5)equal (大小、数量、价大小、数量、价值等等)相等的相等的The two boys are of equal height.这两个男孩一两个男孩一样高。高。即学即用即学即用My pen is _similar to yours.AveryBvery muchCquite Dtoo答案:答案:C2relative1)n.亲人,人,亲戚,家人;相戚,家人;相对/关物;关物;语关系关系词He is one of my distant relatives.他是我的一

6、位他是我的一位远亲。Do you have some relatives in that city?你在那个城市有你在那个城市有亲人人吗?2)adj.相相对的,比的,比较的,与某事物有关的的,与某事物有关的(和和to连用用)They are living in relative comfort.他他们现在生活得比在生活得比较舒适。舒适。The facts that are relative to this question are very important.与与这个个问题有关的事有关的事实很重要。很重要。知识拓展知识拓展relatively adv.相对地;比较地;与相对地;比较地;与有关

7、地有关地relativity n相对性相对性/论;相关性,相互依存论;相关性,相互依存(性性)relation n. 联系,关系联系,关系relationship n. 联系,关联联系,关联in relation to 有关,关于,涉及有关,关于,涉及related adj.有关的,有关联的有关的,有关联的be related to 与某人与某人/某物有关联某物有关联词语辨析词语辨析relative, relationrelation 亲戚戚;表表示示特特别亲密密的的,友友好好的的关关系系。relative亲戚戚;单纯的的亲戚戚关关系系。在在法法律律上上两两者者通通用用;在在一一般般情情况况下

8、下多多用用relative,但但表表示示“穷亲戚戚”常常用用a poor relation来表达。来表达。高考链接高考链接The animal with the biggest head _its body is the ant.Ain relation to Bin connection toCin terms of Din the course of解解析析:in relation to与与相相比比,和和联联系系起起来来(in connection with); in terms of在在某某方方面面,以以某某说说法法来来表表达达;in the course of在在期间。期间。答案:答案

9、:A即学即用即学即用Experts believe that large number of cancer cases in this area are directly _ nuclear power station.Arelative to Brelate toCrelevant with Dconnected in答案:答案:A3classical adj.1)(尤指尤指艺术或科学或科学)经典的;典的;传统的的The problem involves classical physics.该问题涉及到涉及到经典物理学。典物理学。The vase is a piece of modern a

10、rt done in a classical Chinese style.这个花瓶是一件以中国个花瓶是一件以中国传统方法制成的方法制成的现代代艺术品。品。2)古典音古典音乐的的He is one of Brazils top classical pianists.他是巴西最他是巴西最优秀的古典音秀的古典音乐钢琴家之一。琴家之一。词语辨析词语辨析classic与与classical1)classic adj. 它的主要意思是它的主要意思是“第一流的,最上等的第一流的,最上等的”。This is really a bottle of classic French champagne.这确确实是一瓶

11、上等的法国香是一瓶上等的法国香槟酒。酒。2)classical adj.指指古古希希腊腊、古古罗马的的文文学学、艺术,意意为“古古典典(文文学学或或艺术)的的”。在在文文学学艺术上上,它它分分别与与romantic(浪漫的浪漫的)或或popular music(流行音流行音乐)相相对。Now only a few people study the classical music of India.现在,只有少数人在研究印度古典音在,只有少数人在研究印度古典音乐。即学即用即学即用单句改错单句改错This church is a classical example of medieval arch

12、itecture._答案:答案:classicalclassic1play the pipa 弹琵琶弹琵琶注意定冠注意定冠词的用法:在的用法:在乐器前要加定冠器前要加定冠词。She plays the flute well.她笛子吹得很好。她笛子吹得很好。He likes playing football while his wife likes playing the piano.他他喜喜欢踢踢足足球球,而而他他妻妻子子喜喜欢弹钢琴琴。(注注意意:球球类和和棋棋牌牌类游游戏前不加冠前不加冠词)即学即用即学即用单句改错单句改错He often goes to play the basketba

13、ll after school._答案:答案:去掉去掉the2more than1)“超超过”,相当于,相当于over。There are more than fifty students in our class.我我们班有班有50多名学生。多名学生。2)不不仅仅是是(表示同一意表示同一意义或或层面上的延伸面上的延伸)Bamboo is used for more than building; the tender young shoots of it are often found in Chinese and Japanese dishes.竹竹子子不不仅仅被被用用来来搞搞建建筑筑,它它

14、的的美美味味可可口口的的竹竹笋笋还经常常出出现在中国和日本的餐桌上。在中国和日本的餐桌上。3)more than happy/glad/willing to do sth.非常非常乐意做某事意做某事Im more than happy to take you there in my car.我非常我非常乐意用我的意用我的车把你送到那里。把你送到那里。4)more than a littleadj.表示表示“非常非常”。Tom was more than a little sad to see his friend off at the airport.汤姆非常悲姆非常悲伤地在机地在机场为他的朋

15、友送行。他的朋友送行。5)more than one 接接单数名数名词作主作主语时,谓语动词用用单数。数。More than one student was absent.不止一名学生缺席。不止一名学生缺席。 知识拓展知识拓展more and more. 越来越越来越more or less 或多或少;在一定程度上或多或少;在一定程度上no morenot any more 不再不再no more than 仅仅not more than 至多;不比至多;不比更更once more (once again) 再,又一次再,又一次whats more 加之;而且加之;而且高考链接高考链接It t

16、ook _ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses. It took brains, too.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than解解析析:考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。根根据据后后句句“也也需需要要脑脑力力。”可可知知要建设节能房屋不仅仅要建设节能房屋不仅仅(more than)需要建筑材料。需要建筑材料。答案:答案:B即学即用即学即用Do you need any help, Lucy?Yes. The job is _I could do myself.Aless

17、than Bmore thanCno more than Dnot more thanThough he started late, Mr.Gao played the piano as well as, if _ Miss Liu.Anot better than Bnot betterCno better than Dbetter答案:答案:BA3come to1)降降临;发生生(多含有多含有较强强的的喻意意)After much thought, the answer came to him.思索了好久以后,他想出了答案。思索了好久以后,他想出了答案。A good idea has ju

18、st come to my mind.我我刚想出了一个好主意。想出了一个好主意。After his parents died, large fortune came to him.他父母去世后,他他父母去世后,他获得了很多得了很多遗产。2)come to也可作也可作“论及,及,谈到,涉及到到,涉及到”解。解。We were just about to come to the question when you came.我我们正要正要谈到到这个个问题,这时你来了。你来了。Jack is not good at maths, but when it comes to English, he is

19、 among the best students in class.杰杰克克的的数数学学不不好好,但但在在英英语方方面面,他他是是全全班班最最好好的的学学生生之一。之一。3)come to还可作可作“共共计,达到,达到”之意解。之意解。How much does the bill come to?一共一共该付多少付多少钱?His earnings come to twenty thousand yuan a year.他一年的收入达两万元。他一年的收入达两万元。高考链接高考链接Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such

20、 things isnt of much help when it _shopping and eating.Arefers to Bspeaks ofCfocuses on Dcomes to解解析析:when it comes to (doing) sth.“当当涉涉及及(做做)某某件件事事时时”。refer to“参参考考,提提及及”;speak of“说说起起”;focus on “注意,聚焦于注意,聚焦于”。答案:答案:D即学即用即学即用I can use a computer, but _ it comes to repairing them I dont know a thing.AwhereBthatCwhenDwhat答案:答案:C



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