Unit 9 On Becoming a Better Student2

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1、Unit 9 On Becoming a Better Student (abridged)Words and Expressions repository n. a place where things are stored 储藏室仓库 补充:(fig.喻)Hes a repository of (= has lots of) all sorts of out- of-the-way knowledge. 他有许多各式各样离奇古怪的知识。partake v. to eat or dink, especially something offered吃,喝补充:1.partake- partoo

2、k- partaken2.(in) to take part (in an activity); participate 参加(活动),参与 receptivity n. ability or willingness to receive new ideas, suggestions, etc.感受性,接受能力补充:receptive adj. (to)willing to consider new ideas (对 新思想等)善于接受的embody v. to serve as a symbol or expression of an idea, quality. etc. 是具体化,是体现

3、e.g. She embodies her principles in her behavior. 她把自己的 原则体现在行动中。补充:(in)to include; incorporate 包括;收录e.g. The new car embodies many improvements. 这辆新车包 含了许多改进的项目。acquisition n. (of) action of acquiring, gaining 获得,取得, 习得e.g. He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.补充: 获得物(者)rigid adj. fi

4、rm or fixed in behavior, views, or methods; difficult to change or unwilling to change (常贬) (行为、观 点等)坚定的;严格的,不易(不愿)改变的e.g. Hes very rigid in his ideas. 他的想法十分固执。补充:rigidity n.yoga n. a Hindu philosophy which teachers control of the mind, senses, and body in order to reach union with God; a system of

5、 exercises for the body and control of breathing for those practicing yoga or wanting to become fitter. 瑜伽ongoing adj. continuing, or continuing to develop 继续进行 的;不断前进(发展)中的discrete adj. separate; having a clear independent shape or form 分离的,个别的,有别的,不连续的e.g. The picture consisted of a lot of discret

6、e spots of color. 这幅画由许多互不相连的色点组成。 mundane adj. ordinary and uninteresting, with nothing exciting or unusual in it 平凡的,平淡的,平 庸的live up to: to achieve (what is expected, especially high standards) 保持的高水平;遵守,实践(原则 等);符合,不辜负(期望等)e.g. Did the film (Mural 画壁) live up to your expectations? (= Was it as go

7、od as you expected?)demon n. an evil spirit 恶魔,恶鬼,鬼 补充:a person with unusual strength, skill, etc. 精力过人的人;技艺出众的人;高手e.g. a demon for work 工作不知疲倦的人 a demon card player 玩纸牌高手Punctuation mark 标点符号. Full stop/ period, comma; semi-colon: colon? Question mark! Exclamation mark/ exclamation point “” quotati

8、on marksrelinquish v. (to)to give up (power, position, a claim, etc.) 放弃权力,职位,要求等。stigma n. a feeling of shame or dishonor 耻辱,羞辱,见 不得人的感觉approach n. way of dealing with a person or thing 方法,步 骤补充:1. 靠近,接近,临近 2. 通路,入口 3. (初次跟人) 打交道,接触precedence n. (over) the condition of being dealt with before other

9、 things or of being considered more important than other things. 优先权initiative n. the ability to make decision and take actions without asking for the help or advice of others.(褒) 自主决断及行事的能力;主动性e.g. Dont keep asking me for advice, use your own initiative.不要总是向我征求意见,发挥一下你们自己的决断能力吧。formulate v. to inv

10、ent and prepare (a plan, suggestion, theory, etc.) 规划(制度等);构思出(计划、 建议等)proportional adj. in the correct relation (to other things); corresponding in size, amount, or degree (to something) 成比例的,比例上的therapy n. the treatment of illnesses of the mind or body, especially drugs or operations (疾病或心理的)治 疗,疗

11、法prior adj. coming or planned before 预先的,优先的补充:adv. 在之前,优先 prior to(+动名词) 在之前pitfall n. a mistake that may easily be made 易犯的错误complacency n. a feeling of calm satisfaction with ones own abilities or situation that prevents one from trying harder. 自满,沾沾自喜,自得e.g. Complacency is a drawback to progress

12、. 自满是进步的 障碍。go out of ones way (to do something) : to take particular care and trouble to do something 特 地,想尽办法,千方百计strain v. to try (too) hard; to make (too) great efforts 使劲, 竭尽全力,(过分)努力补充: strain to do sth. correspondence n. the act of exchanging letters 通信(联 系)cumulative adj. increasing steadily

13、 in amount of degree by one addition after another 积累的补充: cumulative= accumulativelivelihood n. the way one earns money to live on 生计,谋 生pertinent (to) adj. relevant; to the point 相关的,中肯的,切 题的,恰当的scathing adj. (of speech or writing) bitterly cruel in judgment (言词、文章) 严厉的,尖刻的,不留情的unethical adj. wrong

14、 and unacceptable according to a societys rules or peoples beliefs 不道德的badger v. to repeatedly tell to do sth. or ask questions 纠缠 的Pre-reading Questions1. As a student, what is your expectation of teachers? Do you expect them to be omniscient and omnipotent, or as human as you are?2. What do you th

15、ink are the personality traits of a fine student?Para 1 at will: as one wishes 任意地;随心所欲地What do students expect from their teachers?enthusiastic; reliable and knowledgeablePara 2to feel weighted: to feel unhappy and anxiousAll the words and theories and techniques are of no use to students who have

16、yet to open themselves with receptivity and to take it upon themselves to practice.Paraphrase:Not all the words, theories, and techniques are useful for students who are not ready to accept what is taught by teacher and practice in willingly. in a sense: when considered from only own point of view;

17、partly 在某种意义上;在一定程度上Para 3People who learn a great deal in what seems like a very short time embody these qualities. Paraphrase:If a person can learn much in comparatively short time, they usually have these qualities. Para 4Albert Szent-Gyrgyi 1.He was a Hungarian physiologist who won the Nobel Pri

18、ze in Physiology or Medicine in 1937. 2.He is credited with discovering vitamin C and the components and reactions of the citric acid cycle. 柠檬酸循环Para 4The learning is not so much the acquisition of information as it is an investigation-a questioning, a turning over of the object of study to see all

19、 sides and facets. “not so muchas/but rather”= “与其说是不如说是”Paraphrase:Instead of only getting information, learning is more like the process of investigation, in which questions are raised and the object is studied carefully so that it could be understood thoroughly.Para 4It is not knowing in the sens

20、e of having a rigid opinion, but the ability to look again at another time, in a different light, as Szent Gyorgi suggests, and to form a new understanding based on that observation. Paraphrase:Just like what Szent Gyorgi says, learning doesnt mean having a fixed and inflexible knowledge. On the con

21、trary, it requires us to have the ability to look at the same thing form different points of view and thus have different understanding.Para 5Without these, our learning is but froth without substance.Is but: only Paraphrase:If we dont have theses qualities, our learning will only be like froth with

22、out substance. (It would be very difficult for us to learn) Para 5If we can look at out chosen discipline or craft as an ongoing process rather than as a discrete accomplishment, the potential for learning can be infinite. Paraphrase:If we see a subject to learn as something undergoing an infinite p

23、rocess of development instead of a finished product, we will see no end of out learning. Para 7There is nothing quite so satisfying as undergoing a difficult process and after long hard work discovering the of true nature of that process. Noting is soas=noting is morethan此结构具有最高级比较的意思,可翻译为“没有比更为的了”P

24、araphrase: The most satisfying thing in the world is finding the true nature of a difficult process after taking great efforts in fulfilling it.因为最令人满足的莫过于在历经磨难和长期辛劳之后发现这一过程的真谛。Para 7proportional adj. in the correct relation (to other things); corresponding in size, amount, or degree (to something)

25、成比例的,比例上的be proportional to : 与成比例的e.g. 他需要付的钱根据他所造成的损失的大小而定。 The payment he will have to make will be proportional to the amount of damage he has done. Para 7spoon-feed v. 1. to feed (esp. a baby) with a spoon 用匙喂(尤指婴儿)2. to present (information or opinions) to someone in a very easy form that need

26、s no thinking (一般贬) 填鸭式地给 灌输e.g. Successful students do not expect to be spoon-fed, but take their own initiative. (be provide with ready answers and ideas)Pare 8Term: 期限;学期;术语Terms: 条款;关系In terms of : with regard to; from the point of view 至于;关于;从观点来看Para 9Push: v. 推;挤;敦促 n. the achieve will to suc

27、ceed, esp. by forcing oneself and ones wishes on others.(求胜的) 劲头,进取心Still: adv. 仍然,仍旧 v. 使安静,使静止;使镇定 adj. Not moving 静止的,不动的;without wind 无风的; quiet; silent; calm 寂静的, 无声的;安宁的Para 10Pertinent: (to) connected directly with something that is being considered; relevant 相关的;中肯的,切题的,恰当的Para 10Tips for th

28、e aspiring student:1.Be attentive.2.Be seen.3.Be on time.4.Be consistent.5.Listen with your whole body.6.Appreciate constructive criticism.7.Only raise pertinent questions in class.8.Choose proper occasions to express your disagreements.9.Show your appreciation to the teachers.Vocabulary Exercises1.

29、But the ability to view again at another time from a different perspective2.With immense pleasant surprise3. When children enter the school, nobody is sure how they will be; but when they finish their schooling, they have developed their emotional attitude towards life and formed their outlook towar

30、ds the world. 4. Be proved with ready answers and ideas.5. Do pioneering work6. dont let the knowledge you have acquired be a hindrance to your learning of something new.C E Translation1.He felt heavily weighted with such high expectations from his parents.2.He interpreted the incident in a favorabl

31、e light.3.I detest him, for he often goes out of his way to backbite others.4.Many religious teachings urge people to transcend the mundane success.5.Personal initiative is one of the essential elements in promoting your career.6.I dont think it is a good method of teaching to spoon-feed students.7.I will spare no efforts to accomplish the task by the end of the next month, for I dont want to suffer from the stigma of having broken my promise.8.Ive got much information pertinent to the new policies in education.



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