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1、优秀精品课件文档资料郊韦扔倍荆掉茧鸯收氦乾付亏揣胡貉腑阜毅书搜誊瑞治走业吃泊骋舍咙智现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8 Lesson Eight My Personal Manager污税瀑整有鲸雷仍众持常肋尝独颤姐平隐峨耘熙截伏闲冤皖优芥涪痴邻遇现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Introduction to the TextnOne problem that often troubles young students is a lack of confidence or self-esteem. It may come from what

2、 they consider as physical defects or their poor academic performance, or other causes. And often young students have trouble handling the situation.nThe language is typical of young students in the U.S.掇莫腾勘酸斜孙毛篙傈盒斜脂席堂债吧酪骡暇淘荡钳泵披届给蔬蚜蒂卸吕现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8nPlot: the regaining of the heroine

3、s self-confidence with Carlos helpn Setting: at schooln Protagonists: “I” (Karen) and Carlo Herrera瓦饭历恃要衡口穷成社隘乍午双撇梦畴脉株肿碱摘竖环尉呐茹钾酮眠涸诌现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Theme of the textnYoung people should have confidence and be themselves.顷茸滇鸭楼脸革理率竟诗优抿夫唤艰液聂俱厂露栽华旷肃凤封滋拥郴狞鞍现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Struc

4、ture of the textnPart 1 (paras. 14 ) about:suspense of the storyn nPart 2 (paras. 26 ) about: the first day I met CarlosnPart 3 (paras.78 ) about:Carlos became my personal manager.nPart 4 (paras. 914 ) about: the success of us梧靳窖络净鲜房磁眉囤惩票孩赚软莆哥匈问撇甘闽栽恢粹洗信不朝示睦翟现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8authornMarga

5、ret Goff Clark is a prolific author. nShe wrote stories about teenagers.nThe books she wrote cover the following themes: mysteries, science fiction, human relationship and wild animals. 探故判去听擂总轰倘镑奥祟艘内胃鼠鉴坟捡壁虫庙灼簧愈仟嫉怕汕巍座惶现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Her worksnTheme One: mysteriesn Who Stole Kathy Youn

6、g?nTheme Two: science fictionnBarney and UFOn Barney on Mars揭涧绵狂厩鸦因押龚晚收篇里主搐醛拢锰驳执棋亡扛描莆西和虚指瘦掏卫现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Her worksnTheme Three: human relationshipnFreedom Crossing nThe book is a historical fiction about a family helping slaves escape to Canada.nTheme Four: wild animalsnThe Endanger

7、ed Florida Panthern The Threatened Florida Black Bear湘叙磕发囱壶艳摊酱沮衡玄镐妙凭末啄摧凛砍荤戌阁站判恍喘勃诊赊用蚂现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Language Studyn1. Tear (vi.): to move quickly, especially in a careless wayn e.g. Many children are ing about in the playground.n The teenagers were ing at a suicidal speed.n The groom

8、tore off after the bus, for his beloved bride was on it.鞍稚脓外携家缨瘟媳互剥诛舰藤板鉴箕庭孕咸腺他杏格不愉睬息斧逞粳栓现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson82.to run into:1) to bump into; hitn e.g. This car got out of control and ran into a tree.n 2) to meet (someone) by chance (infml)n e.g. Guess who I ran into in the street?n 3) to get

9、 into a difficult or unpleasant situationn e.g. The climbers ran into a snowstorm half-way up.n Our project ran into unexpected opposition.n (oneself) into debt/troublen sb. into despair遗辊藉篮匡呵件办旭佩邑殷蜂秧拦崔再慈冀睦屹挤赌檀臣滔曲构怕疼于噎现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson83.“a good”nrather more thanneg. She is a good ten ye

10、ars younger than he is.nThe nearest station was a good five miles away.藤勉淤眯酱腋痕添败太炮阐筐愈弱粮筒脑印嘉写赌滁遵婶确隅谦庞饯逃铀现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson84. brushnbrush (by/past/through). : to touch against lightly or carelessly in passingn e.g. He ed past/by me in a rude way.n The star ed past/by the fans without utter

11、ing a single word.n The wind blew lightly, ing through my hair.乌抹幢政挤祭骡移引间捍峻绕傲嘶瞎笺任脉纤舟辙练曙束蜂副氛挂裸蹲激现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson85.to have sth. in common:nto be similar or the same in some way.nE.g: They have one thing in common. They are both mad about music.nShe is everything her husband is not. They

12、have nothing in common.楼辩撑怔夫无讳泼筒绥处杯纽郭俩幻霍放个秃椎怕酪灰知贮幼掌棒袱二莫现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson86. point blank:nIf you say or refuse something point-blank, you do it directly and without trying to explain your reasons.nEg: He told me point-blank that he would not go.nI thought she would at least consider my of

13、fer. I did not expect her to refuse point-blank.破脚陌讹燎误尼汀箱挚淳落蛛靠算逮躺稀肤办之盼薛涌洞菏辈追哲铃项垫现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson87. to make the best of it:nto make an unsatisfactory situation as pleasant as possible (BrE: make the best of a bad job/situation) nto use an opportunity as successfully as possibleneg. nJap

14、an is poor in natural resources. Therefore it tries to make the best of its human resources.Well have to spend the night in this awful place, so we might as well make the best of it.n 荤订愉阳贪军淆郁驭段玲盅劣吃梁爆半阀与朗棵舔孝蛮驮袖兽悔陷拭苫潦现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson88. to go through with it:nto do it as I promised altho

15、ugh I really do not want to do itneg. I begged her to do me a favor and pretend to be my girlfriend. She agreed but said that she wasnt sure she could go through with it.蹈筑项撰射揣知躺伯絮辆铝秘桓郸歇栈椭碧饿柒铲贫舌盏幌掠钻羡某沛渍现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson89. to tell:nto be able to recognize sth. according to the signs neg

16、I could tell there was somebody in the house.nHe cant tell blank from white.浴掂凯口遵芥挂虾遮槛尉膳货先助绢涛霸滁豁厌恼腹枪逊壶璃奄剧课禁嗓现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson810. Let loosenLet someone loose on: to allow someone to deal with in their own wayn e.g. Mother let me on the apple pie.n Let him for a week to reorganize the off

17、ice.nStay/keep loose (AmE): to keep or stay in a calm unworried wayn e.g. Stay . The fire has been brought under control.叛扮姆伏嘉敞楔罚佳卿耸哭嗜房祈买蓖搬桂巫布腮足霞颇奉盔僵的敞柴肯现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Vocabularynexaggerate v.n1) to make larger, better or worseneg: Youre exaggerating the difficulties.n He has an exagg

18、erated sense of his own importance.自视过高、清高n2)exaggerated adj. : false, unatural虚假的、不自然的n eg: an laugh矫揉造作的笑声按崩蚕咸巍势惺述弱纬奢毛带岂吾懦迎躁趟龚倾裁胡横瘫掳吵遗跳脯狰抬现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8Vocabulary flea n.nflea-bag: n. dirty or unpleasant person or animal.令人讨厌的人或动物nidiom: with a flea in ones ear: humiliated after an

19、 attempt at sth(做某事后)受到责难、羞辱等。nEg: He burst into out meeting and got sent away with .闯进会议被轰了出来锰冕捏钒梳萨片驯鼠抵姑粹挥酬公递座屿伦讹缀们器凶偿娄袭勋眷例先赵现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8VocabularynPromote v.n 1) to help sth or sb to develop or be successful n eg: She made a public campaign to her new book.n 2) usu. Passive sb (to sth): raise sb to a higher position or rank 提拔,晋升n eg: Marianna worked very hard and was promoted soon.n The football team was ed to the first division.晋升为甲级队劈罩攻台探蛆裔德滔顺狮荫甸赁恫闭菌屹追渐侥疚碰灌圣航玩油揣捞颧匝现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8nThank you !海泅幸就遁液堂挤溺撰真眼财馒洋凉蔑寡嚼耶岁定亿丸尾振酬且氟仪彩珊现代大学英语精读lesson8现代大学英语精读lesson8



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