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1、Unit 6新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语ContentsListening & Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8Warm-upTask 1Task 2Warm-1Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match the quality symbols with their meanings. ( ) 1. It is a

2、compulsory conformity mark on many products placed on the single market in the European Economic Area. It certifies that a product has met European consumer safety, health or environmental requirements. ( ) 2. It is a standard for quality management systems. It is maintained by the International Org

3、anization for Standardization. ( ) 3. It is the abbreviation for China Compulsory Certification. It covers 135 products divided into 20 categories, including household appliances, motor vehicles, motorcycles, safety glasses, medical devices, lighting apparatus, cables and wires, etc.BACNotesNotes-1I

4、SO 9000国际标准化组织国际标准化组织国际标准化组织国际标准化组织9000900090009000。ISO9000ISO9000ISO9000ISO9000系列是众多由系列是众多由系列是众多由系列是众多由 ISOISOISOISO(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。 而是评估产品在生产过程中的品质控制,是一而是评估产品在生产过


6、品符合相表产品制造商或服务提供者已确保产品符合相表产品制造商或服务提供者已确保产品符合相应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。Notes-3CCC中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简称称称称 CCC C

7、CC CCC CCC 或或或或 3C3C3C3C。它是中华人民共和国强制规定。它是中华人民共和国强制规定。它是中华人民共和国强制规定。它是中华人民共和国强制规定各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安全、电磁兼容性(全、电磁兼容性(全、电磁兼容性(全、电磁兼容性(EMCEMCEMCEMC) 、环保等方面符合强、环保等方

8、面符合强、环保等方面符合强、环保等方面符合强制要求。制要求。制要求。制要求。CCC CCC CCC CCC 标志的图案由基本图案、认证种标志的图案由基本图案、认证种标志的图案由基本图案、认证种标志的图案由基本图案、认证种类标注组成。类标注组成。类标注组成。类标注组成。Warm-2Task 2 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match the following quality symbols with their corresponding products. A F HB D GC ENotesNotes-1中国质量认证中心中国质量


10、C产品认证、农食产品认证、产品认证、农食产品认证、产品认证、农食产品认证、产品认证、农食产品认证、CQC CQC CQC CQC 自愿性产品认证等)、自愿性产品认证等)、自愿性产品认证等)、自愿性产品认证等)、体系认证(体系认证(体系认证(体系认证(ISO9001 ISO9001 ISO9001 ISO9001 认证、认证、认证、认证、ISO4001 ISO4001 ISO4001 ISO4001 认证等)和国际认认证等)和国际认认证等)和国际认认证等)和国际认证(证(证(证(CBCBCBCB认证、认证、认证、认证、CECECECE认证等)。认证等)。认证等)。认证等)。Notes-2中国质量

11、认证中心农食产品认证中国质量认证中心农食产品认证 中国质量认证中心(中国质量认证中心(中国质量认证中心(中国质量认证中心(CQCCQCCQCCQC)认证的一种。)认证的一种。)认证的一种。)认证的一种。Reading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-howText A-1Product Recall A product A product recallrecall is is defineddefined as the action taken to as the action taken to prevent the distribution,

12、 sales and use of a product which prevent the distribution, sales and use of a product which may may posepose a safety a safety hazardhazard to consumers. Such action may be to consumers. Such action may be taken if there is probability that the use of the product taken if there is probability that

13、the use of the product would cause health consequences, injury or death.would cause health consequences, injury or death. Reading AText A-2 Recalls Recalls are are costlycostly to to a a company company because because they they often often entailentail replacing replacing the the recalled recalled

14、product product or or paying paying for for damage damage caused caused in in use. use. In In addition, addition, there there is is also also indirect indirect cost cost following following damage damage to to a a brand brand name name and and reduced reduced trust trust in in the the manufacturer.

15、manufacturer. A A good good example example is is the the recall recall of of over over 500,000 500,000 Toyota Toyota Tundra Tundra pickup pickup trucks, trucks, which which had had a a steering steering problem, problem, forcing forcing the the manufacturer manufacturer to attempt to to attempt to

16、rightright the problem. the problem. Reading AText A-3 A A countrys countrys consumer consumer protection protection laws laws usually usually have have specific specific requirements requirements in in regard regard toto product product recalls. recalls. Such Such regulations regulations may may in

17、clude include how how much much of of the the cost cost the the maker maker will will have have to to bear, bear, situations situations in in which which a a recall recall is is compulsorycompulsory, , or or penaltiespenalties for for failure failure to to recall. recall. A A company company may may

18、 also also initiateinitiate a a recall recall voluntarily, voluntarily, subject subject toto the the same same regulations. regulations. Suppliers Suppliers are are encouraged encouraged to to voluntarily voluntarily recall recall a a product product as as soon soon as as a a defect defect is is fou

19、nd. found. It It is is in in the the best best interest interest ofof the the suppliers suppliers to to make make sure sure that that these these products products are are effectively effectively removed removed or or prevented from reaching the market place. prevented from reaching the market place

20、. Reading AText A-4 Consumer Consumer organizations organizations often often examine examine products products and and warn warn the the public public of of possible possible defects defects that that diminishdiminish a a products products functional functional value value or or safety. safety. In

21、In the the meantime, meantime, individual individual consumers consumers may may use use grass-roots grass-roots tacticstactics to to bring bring public public attention attention to to corporate corporate misconduct. misconduct. They They may may write write to to newspapers newspapers and and post

22、 post information information on on product product defects, defects, threatening the makers publicity if the faults are not put right.threatening the makers publicity if the faults are not put right.Reading AText A-5 When When it it becomes becomes apparentapparent that that a a product product is

23、is likely likely to to cause cause injury injury or or health health problems problems to to a a person, person, the the supplier supplier should should take take the the necessary necessary steps steps required required to to recall recall the the product product and and control control the the ris

24、k. risk. A A product product can can bebe recalled recalled at at three three levels: levels: wholesale, wholesale, retail retail and and individual individual consumer. consumer. After After assessingassessing the the product product distribution distribution in in market market place, place, the t

25、he supplier supplier should should determine determine the the levels levels of of product product recalls. recalls. Determination Determination of of the the level level of of recalls recalls is is dependent dependent on on how how far far the the product product has has penetratedpenetrated the th

26、e market market from from the the supplier. supplier. An An individual individual consumer consumer recall recall is is the the most most serious serious and and extensive extensive type type and and involves involves recoveryrecovery of the product from individual consumers. of the product from ind

27、ividual consumers. Reading AText A-6 Being aware of product recalls isBeing aware of product recalls is important for the safety of anyone important for the safety of anyone who comes in contact with the product. who comes in contact with the product. Unfortunately, recalls are not alwaysUnfortunate

28、ly, recalls are not always easy to learn about, and companies easy to learn about, and companies do not always do not always publicizepublicize a recall in an a recall in an effort to limit the cost of replacing effort to limit the cost of replacing the product.the product.Reading AA-Trans-1Reading

29、A产品召回产品召回 产品召回是指针对存在消费安全隐患的产品所采产品召回是指针对存在消费安全隐患的产品所采产品召回是指针对存在消费安全隐患的产品所采产品召回是指针对存在消费安全隐患的产品所采取的防止其流通、销售或使用的行动。如果消费者使取的防止其流通、销售或使用的行动。如果消费者使取的防止其流通、销售或使用的行动。如果消费者使取的防止其流通、销售或使用的行动。如果消费者使用产品有可能导致健康问题、身体损伤或死亡,那么用产品有可能导致健康问题、身体损伤或死亡,那么用产品有可能导致健康问题、身体损伤或死亡,那么用产品有可能导致健康问题、身体损伤或死亡,那么就需要采取产品召回的行动。就需要采取产品召回

30、的行动。就需要采取产品召回的行动。就需要采取产品召回的行动。A-Trans-2 对于公司来说对于公司来说对于公司来说对于公司来说, , , ,产品召回需要付出高昂的产品召回需要付出高昂的产品召回需要付出高昂的产品召回需要付出高昂的代价,因为公司通常要替换被召回的产品或赔代价,因为公司通常要替换被召回的产品或赔代价,因为公司通常要替换被召回的产品或赔代价,因为公司通常要替换被召回的产品或赔偿消费者因使用该产品受到的伤害。一个典型偿消费者因使用该产品受到的伤害。一个典型偿消费者因使用该产品受到的伤害。一个典型偿消费者因使用该产品受到的伤害。一个典型的例子就是丰田公司曾召回超过的例子就是丰田公司曾召

31、回超过的例子就是丰田公司曾召回超过的例子就是丰田公司曾召回超过 50 50 50 50 万辆坦途万辆坦途万辆坦途万辆坦途牌轻型货车:由于转向装置存在问题,生产商牌轻型货车:由于转向装置存在问题,生产商牌轻型货车:由于转向装置存在问题,生产商牌轻型货车:由于转向装置存在问题,生产商不得不采取行动纠正这一错误。不得不采取行动纠正这一错误。不得不采取行动纠正这一错误。不得不采取行动纠正这一错误。Reading AA-Trans-3 一个国家的消费者保护法对于产品召回通一个国家的消费者保护法对于产品召回通一个国家的消费者保护法对于产品召回通一个国家的消费者保护法对于产品召回通常都有具体的要求。这些法规


33、相同的法规。一旦发现产品存在缺陷,供应商最好能主动召回旦发现产品存在缺陷,供应商最好能主动召回旦发现产品存在缺陷,供应商最好能主动召回旦发现产品存在缺陷,供应商最好能主动召回产品。有效确保这些产品不在市场上流通也是产品。有效确保这些产品不在市场上流通也是产品。有效确保这些产品不在市场上流通也是产品。有效确保这些产品不在市场上流通也是最符合供应商利益的。最符合供应商利益的。最符合供应商利益的。最符合供应商利益的。Reading AA-Trans-4 消费者协会经常会进行产品检查并告知公众消费者协会经常会进行产品检查并告知公众消费者协会经常会进行产品检查并告知公众消费者协会经常会进行产品检查并告知


35、有关产品缺陷的信息,这样在错误得不社,发布有关产品缺陷的信息,这样在错误得不到更正时就可以威胁制造商的声誉。到更正时就可以威胁制造商的声誉。到更正时就可以威胁制造商的声誉。到更正时就可以威胁制造商的声誉。Reading AA-Trans-5 当某种产品明显可能造成人身伤害或危及当某种产品明显可能造成人身伤害或危及当某种产品明显可能造成人身伤害或危及当某种产品明显可能造成人身伤害或危及消费者健康时,供应商应遵从必要的步骤召回消费者健康时,供应商应遵从必要的步骤召回消费者健康时,供应商应遵从必要的步骤召回消费者健康时,供应商应遵从必要的步骤召回产品以控制风险。产品召回可分为三个层面:产品以控制风险


37、况。从单个消费者层面召回产在市场的渗透情况。从单个消费者层面召回产在市场的渗透情况。从单个消费者层面召回产在市场的渗透情况。从单个消费者层面召回产品最为严重,涉及范围也最广,需要从每位消品最为严重,涉及范围也最广,需要从每位消品最为严重,涉及范围也最广,需要从每位消品最为严重,涉及范围也最广,需要从每位消费者手中收回产品。费者手中收回产品。费者手中收回产品。费者手中收回产品。 Reading AA-Trans-6 充分了解产品召回对于保证接触产品的人充分了解产品召回对于保证接触产品的人充分了解产品召回对于保证接触产品的人充分了解产品召回对于保证接触产品的人员的安全意义重大。令人遗憾的是,消费者

38、并员的安全意义重大。令人遗憾的是,消费者并员的安全意义重大。令人遗憾的是,消费者并员的安全意义重大。令人遗憾的是,消费者并不容易获知有关产品召回的信息,而公司为了不容易获知有关产品召回的信息,而公司为了不容易获知有关产品召回的信息,而公司为了不容易获知有关产品召回的信息,而公司为了控制替换产品的成本,通常也不会公布有关产控制替换产品的成本,通常也不会公布有关产控制替换产品的成本,通常也不会公布有关产控制替换产品的成本,通常也不会公布有关产品召回的信息。品召回的信息。品召回的信息。品召回的信息。Reading An. a request by the manufacturer of a prod

39、uct that has been identified as defective to return it, as for necessary repairs or adjustments Reading Arecalle.g.e.g.The company issued a recall of all their latest hairdryers. v. to ask for something to be returned, often because there is something wrong with it e.g.e.g.The makers have recalled a

40、 lot of cars that were unsafe.v. to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is Some words are hard to defineSome words are hard to define because they have many different because they have many different uses. uses. e.g.e.g. A budget is defined as “a plan of action expressed in money ter

41、ms”.Reading AdefineTran: 一些词汇有很多不同用法,所以很难定义。一些词汇有很多不同用法,所以很难定义。v. to create a threat, problem, etc. that has to be dealt with; to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be painted, drawn or photographede.g.e.g. Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.Tran: 她摆了个

42、姿势微笑着让摄影师拍照。她摆了个姿势微笑着让摄影师拍照。 She posed and smiled for theShe posed and smiled for the cameraman. cameraman.Reading Aposen. something that can be dangerous or cause damage e.g.e.g. Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population. Tran: 每个人都意识到抽烟的危害。每个人都意识到抽烟的危害。

43、Everyone is aware of the Everyone is aware of the hazards of smoking. hazards of smoking. Reading Ahazarda.causing problems or the loss of something; costing a lot ofb. money, esp. when this is regarded as unreasonable or unnecessary e.g.e.g. a costly mistake/failure e.g.e.g. Mining can be costly in

44、 terms of lives. Tran: 卖自己房子是一件高成本,耗时间的差事。卖自己房子是一件高成本,耗时间的差事。 Selling your house can be a costly andSelling your house can be a costly and time-consuming business. time-consuming business. Reading Acostlyv. to involve something as a necessary part or resulte.g.e.g. The work entails driving a long di

45、stance every day. Tran: 这样大的投资不可避免地带来一些风险。这样大的投资不可避免地带来一些风险。 Such a large investment inevitablySuch a large investment inevitably entails some risks. entails some risks.Reading Aentailv.to correct something that is wrong or not in its normalvi. state e.g.e.g. Its a terrible situation and we should r

46、ight it as soon as possible. Tran: 这个错误正在被纠正。这个错误正在被纠正。 The mistake is being righted.The mistake is being righted. Reading Aright (=with regard to) concerning someone or something e.g.e.g. The companys position in regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts. Tran: 关于你近来提交的工作申请,恐怕我们不能提供这份关于你近

47、来提交的工作申请,恐怕我们不能提供这份 工作给你。工作给你。 In regard to your recent application, IIn regard to your recent application, I am afraid we are unable to offer you the am afraid we are unable to offer you the job. job.Reading Ain regard toa. that must be done because it is a law or someone in authority orders you to

48、 e.g.e.g. Wearing seat belts in cars is compulsory by law. Tran: 在许多大学英语是一门必修课。在许多大学英语是一门必修课。 English is a compulsory subject in manyEnglish is a compulsory subject in many universities. universities. Reading Acompulsoryn. a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract e.g.e.g. The law imposes to

49、ugh penalties on advertisers who do not tell the truth. Tran: 逃票旅游的惩罚金额是逃票旅游的惩罚金额是200美元。美元。 The penalty for traveling without a ticketThe penalty for traveling without a ticket is $200. is $200. Reading Apenaltyv. to arrange for something important to start e.g.e.g. The government has initiated a pr

50、ogram of economic reform. Tran: 知识分子围绕恐怖主义的话题掀起了一场知识分子围绕恐怖主义的话题掀起了一场 讨论。讨论。 Intellectuals have initiated a debateIntellectuals have initiated a debate on terrorism. on terrorism. Reading Ainitiatedepending on e.g.e.g. They have authority to decide, subject to the ministers approval. Tran: 我们的计划根据天气而

51、定。我们的计划根据天气而定。 Our plans may change Our plans may change subject to the weather. subject to the weather. Reading Asubject tobeing a good result or an advantage of someone orsomething e.g.e.g. These reforms were in the best interests of the local government. Tran: 为了安全起见,加油站禁止吸烟。为了安全起见,加油站禁止吸烟。 In th

52、e interest of safety, smoking isIn the interest of safety, smoking is forbidden at the gas station. forbidden at the gas station. Reading Ain the interest(s) ofv. to become or make something become smaller, weaker, etc. e.g.e.g. I dont want to diminish her achievements, but she did have a lot of hel

53、p. Tran: 这些记忆不会随时间淡淡消逝。这些记忆不会随时间淡淡消逝。 These memories will not be diminished byThese memories will not be diminished by time. time. Reading Adiminishn. a particular method you use to achieve something e.g.e.g. Different circumstances involve adopting different tactics. Tran: 他们尝试了各种策略来防止醉驾。他们尝试了各种策略来

54、防止醉驾。 They tried all kinds of tactics to stop drinkThey tried all kinds of tactics to stop drink driving. driving. Reading Atactica.(not usually before noun) easy to b. see or understand e.g.e.g. It was apparent from her face that she was really upset. Tran: 很快大家都清楚他不能唱歌。很快大家都清楚他不能唱歌。 It soon became

55、 apparent to It soon became apparent to everyone that he couldnt sing. everyone that he couldnt sing. Reading Aapparentv. to start to sell things to an area or country, or to have an influence there; to move into or through something e.g. The company has been successful in penetrating overseas marke

56、ts this year. Tran: 爆炸的声音穿透了最厚的墙壁。爆炸的声音穿透了最厚的墙壁。 The noise of the explosion penetratedThe noise of the explosion penetrated the thickest walls. the thickest walls. Reading Apenetraterecoveryn.the action or process of getting something back; the process of becoming well again after an illness or inju

57、rye.g. Theres a reward for information leading to the recovery of the missing diamonds. Tran: 父亲从手术中获得完全的康复父亲从手术中获得完全的康复 My father has made a full recovery fromMy father has made a full recovery from the operation. the operation. Reading Av. to make something known to the public e.g.e.g. He refused

58、to publicize his project. Tran: 这个慈善工作通过媒体被大力宣扬。这个慈善工作通过媒体被大力宣扬。 The work of the charityThe work of the charity has been widely publicized has been widely publicized through the media. through the media. Reading ApublicizeA-Task-1Task Task 1 1 Complete the following table according to the passage. d

59、amage to the brand name compulsoryvoluntary consumer organizationsretail wholesale individual consumer reduced trust in the manufacturerReading AA-Task-2-11. What is the purpose of a product recall?1. What is the purpose of a product recall? 2. When is a product recall necessary?2. When is a product

60、 recall necessary?3. What do a countrys consumer protection laws usually 3. What do a countrys consumer protection laws usually have concerning product recalls?have concerning product recalls? Task Task 2 2 Answer the following questions according to the passage.To prevent the distribution, sales an

61、d use of a product which may pose a safety hazard to consumers.When there is probability that the use of the product would cause health consequences, injury or death. They usually has regulations in regard to how much of the cost the maker will have to bear, situations in which a recall is compulsor

62、y, or penalties for failure to recall. Reading AA-Task 2-24. What can a consumer do to bring public attention 4. What can a consumer do to bring public attention to corporate misconduct? to corporate misconduct? 5. Why is it difficult for the public to learn about 5. Why is it difficult for the publ

63、ic to learn about product recalls? product recalls? An individual consumer can write to newspapers and post information on product defects. Because companies do not always publicize a recall in an effortto limit the cost of replacing the product. Reading ABusiness Know-howPromoting Excellence in Qua

64、lity Controll Develop a quality control system that works for the company;l Document the quality control policies properly and keep documentation as simple as possible; l Check the process from time to time to ensure that the policies are being properly implemented; l Train the staff;l Involve the m

65、anagement and staff members in quality control procedures and periodic reviews;l Use standards to specify minimum quality criteria for suppliers and encourage them through some form of recognition.Reading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2Text B-1Reading BQuality Control ProcessQuality Quality is is not not

66、 only only an an attitude, attitude, but but also also an an established established system. system. Through Through strict strict procedures, procedures, our our engineers engineers keep keep control control of quality throughout every step of production.of quality throughout every step of producti

67、on.We We divide divide the the quality quality control control process process into into three three separate separate processes, processes, which which ensures ensures that that specialized specialized professional professional knowledge is applied to each stage of our operation.knowledge is applie

68、d to each stage of our operation.Text B-2Reading BIncoming Quality ControlIncoming Quality Control The The IQC IQC process process conducts conducts inspections inspections and and deals deals with with quality quality problems before the production process starts.problems before the production proc

69、ess starts. Specific tasks of IQC include: Specific tasks of IQC include: Perform sampling of incoming materials; Perform sampling of incoming materials; Perform visual and functional inspection of material samples; Perform visual and functional inspection of material samples; Keep track of quality

70、control chart of inspected materials; Keep track of quality control chart of inspected materials; Inform engineering staff of major deviations. Inform engineering staff of major deviations.Text B-3Reading BIn-Process Quality ControlIn-Process Quality Control The The IPQC IPQC process process control

71、s controls the the quality quality systems systems during during the the assembly assembly process process in in order order to to detect detect and and deal deal with with problems problems that may come up as a result of assembly.that may come up as a result of assembly. Specific tasks of IPQC inc

72、lude: Specific tasks of IPQC include: Perform inspections on assembled and in-process Perform inspections on assembled and in-process materials materials;Text B-4Reading B Use Use statistical statistical control control techniques techniques and and watch watch for for major major deviations;deviati

73、ons; Perform Perform in-process in-process checks checks to to ensure ensure processes processes are are up up to to standard.standard.Outgoing Quality AssuranceOutgoing Quality Assurance OQA is the last process before products are delivered to OQA is the last process before products are delivered t

74、o customers, and therefore is very important to ensure our customers, and therefore is very important to ensure our shipment is defect-free. Numerous redundancies with IQC shipment is defect-free. Numerous redundancies with IQC and IPQC are performed here to ensure the validity of and IPQC are perfo

75、rmed here to ensure the validity of previous processes.previous processes.Text B-5Reading BSpecific tasks of OQA include:Specific tasks of OQA include: Perform visual and functional Perform visual and functional inspection; inspection; Apply sampling based on industry Apply sampling based on industr

76、y standards; standards; Conduct reliability testing; Conduct reliability testing; Submit failure analysis reports Submit failure analysis reports and inform engineering staff. and inform engineering staff.B-Trans-1Reading B质量控制流程质量控制流程 质质质质量量量量不不不不仅仅仅仅是是是是一一一一种种种种态态态态度度度度,而而而而且且且且是是是是一一一一套套套套规规规规范范范

77、范化化化化的的的的体体体体系系系系。通通通通过过过过严严严严格格格格的的的的程程程程序序序序,工工工工程程程程师师师师可可可可以以以以对对对对生生生生产产产产过过过过程程程程的每一个步骤进行质量监控。的每一个步骤进行质量监控。的每一个步骤进行质量监控。的每一个步骤进行质量监控。 我我我我们们们们的的的的质质质质量量量量控控控控制制制制流流流流程程程程分分分分为为为为三三三三个个个个独独独独立立立立的的的的过过过过程程程程,确确确确保保保保将将将将专专专专业业业业知知知知识识识识应应应应用用用用到到到到生生生生产产产产的的的的每每每每一一一一个个个个环环环环节节节节。这这这这个个个个体体体体系系

78、系系也也也也提提提提供供供供了了了了必必必必要要要要的的的的复复复复检检检检,避避避避免免免免遗遗遗遗漏漏漏漏任任任任何何何何质质质质量量量量问问问问题。题。题。题。B-Trans-2Reading B进料质量检验(进料质量检验(进料质量检验(进料质量检验(IQCIQCIQCIQC)IQC IQC IQC IQC 的的的的任任任任务务务务是是是是负负负负责责责责生生生生产产产产过过过过程程程程开开开开始始始始之之之之前前前前的的的的检检检检验验验验及及及及质量问题的处理。质量问题的处理。质量问题的处理。质量问题的处理。IQC IQC IQC IQC 的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括:的具体任务包

79、括:的具体任务包括: 对进料进行取样;对进料进行取样;对进料进行取样;对进料进行取样; 对材料样品进行外观和功能检测;对材料样品进行外观和功能检测;对材料样品进行外观和功能检测;对材料样品进行外观和功能检测; 跟踪受检材料的质量监控图;跟踪受检材料的质量监控图;跟踪受检材料的质量监控图;跟踪受检材料的质量监控图; 将大的偏差通知工程技术人员。将大的偏差通知工程技术人员。将大的偏差通知工程技术人员。将大的偏差通知工程技术人员。B-Trans-3Reading B过程质量检验过程质量检验过程质量检验过程质量检验 (IPQC)(IPQC)(IPQC)(IPQC)IPQC IPQC IPQC IPQC

80、 程序控制装配过程中的质量体系,以便检程序控制装配过程中的质量体系,以便检程序控制装配过程中的质量体系,以便检程序控制装配过程中的质量体系,以便检查并处理装配过程中可能出现的问题。查并处理装配过程中可能出现的问题。查并处理装配过程中可能出现的问题。查并处理装配过程中可能出现的问题。IPQC IPQC IPQC IPQC 的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括: 对已组装好的和正在组装的材料进行检测;对已组装好的和正在组装的材料进行检测;对已组装好的和正在组装的材料进行检测;对已组装好的和正在组装的材料进行检测;B-Trans-4Reading B 使用统计控制技术监控大

81、的偏差;使用统计控制技术监控大的偏差;使用统计控制技术监控大的偏差;使用统计控制技术监控大的偏差; 实施过程检查以确保所有过程都达标。实施过程检查以确保所有过程都达标。实施过程检查以确保所有过程都达标。实施过程检查以确保所有过程都达标。成品质量检验成品质量检验成品质量检验成品质量检验 (OQAOQAOQAOQA)OQA OQA OQA OQA 是产品送交客户前的最后一个过程,因此确是产品送交客户前的最后一个过程,因此确是产品送交客户前的最后一个过程,因此确是产品送交客户前的最后一个过程,因此确保发出的货物没有瑕疵至关重要。在这里要进行保发出的货物没有瑕疵至关重要。在这里要进行保发出的货物没有瑕

82、疵至关重要。在这里要进行保发出的货物没有瑕疵至关重要。在这里要进行进料质量检验(进料质量检验(进料质量检验(进料质量检验(IQCIQCIQCIQC)和过程质量检验)和过程质量检验)和过程质量检验)和过程质量检验 (IPQC) (IPQC) (IPQC) (IPQC) 的多次复检,以确保前两个过程的有效性。的多次复检,以确保前两个过程的有效性。的多次复检,以确保前两个过程的有效性。的多次复检,以确保前两个过程的有效性。B-Trans-5Reading BOQA OQA OQA OQA 的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括: 进行外观和功能检测;进行外观和功能检测;进行外

83、观和功能检测;进行外观和功能检测; 按工业标准进行抽样;按工业标准进行抽样;按工业标准进行抽样;按工业标准进行抽样; 进行可靠性测试;进行可靠性测试;进行可靠性测试;进行可靠性测试; 提交错误分析报告并通知工程技术人员。提交错误分析报告并通知工程技术人员。提交错误分析报告并通知工程技术人员。提交错误分析报告并通知工程技术人员。B-Task-11_ Before the production process starts, the OQA _ Before the production process starts, the OQA process will conduct inspection

84、s.process will conduct inspections.2_ 2_ OSEsOSEs quality control process is divided into three quality control process is divided into three separate processes: IQC, IPQC and OQA. separate processes: IQC, IPQC and OQA. 3_ OQA is the last quality control process before 3_ OQA is the last quality con

85、trol process before shipment of the goods.shipment of the goods.4_ Inspections are required in all of the three quality 4_ Inspections are required in all of the three quality control processes.control processes.5_ In the quality control process, all the products and 5_ In the quality control proces

86、s, all the products and materials are inspected.materials are inspected.Task 1Task 1 Decidewhether the following statements are true (T) of false (F) according tothe passage.FTTTFReading BB-Task-2Reading BTask Task 2 2 The following are some quality control tasks. Decide in which of the three qualit

87、y control processes (IQC, IPQC, OQA) they are carried out.1.1.Conduct the reliability testingConduct the reliability testing2.2.Examining the surface of the material to look for Examining the surface of the material to look for any defect.any defect.3.3.Take out 1% of the finished products randomly

88、to Take out 1% of the finished products randomly to check whether they are packed properly.check whether they are packed properly.4.4.Report major deviations in the quality of the Report major deviations in the quality of the materials to the engineers.materials to the engineers.5.5.Prepare a failur

89、e analysis report.Prepare a failure analysis report.6.6.Find out which step in the assembly process results Find out which step in the assembly process results in the most defects.in the most defects.7.7.Increase the number of material samples for Increase the number of material samples for inspecti

90、on according to the updated quality inspection according to the updated quality standard.standard.OQAIQCOQAIQCIPQCOQAIQCListeningListening & SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5L-Task 1Task Task 1 1 Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. W: We are unhappy with the ma

91、chine we received last month.M: Im very sorry to hear that. We seldom get any complaints about our products or services.W: Your trouble-free machine Lampe 300 has actually being making trouble in our workshop every day ever since it was set up by your engineer two weeks ago. You should either replac

92、e the machine or offer us a credit.M: Well, its not our policy to provide replacements or a credit before any investigation is made.W: I think you have guaranteed the machine for three years.M: Thats right. Anyway Ill send our engineer over to your factory to do the inspections first.W: I hope you c

93、an treat the matter as urgently as possible since we have many orders to fulfill nowadays.Listening & Speaking_声音声音声音声音_being_L-Task 2Task Task 2 2 Sarah is making a phone call about a defective product. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Listening & Spea

94、kingScriptScript_声音声音声音声音L-2-ScriptTask 2Task 2 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音声音声音L-Task 3-1Task 3Task 3 Listen to a journalist interviewing a toy manufacturer on the product recall. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write key words to support your answers. Liste

95、ning & SpeakingScriptScript1.The product is recalled because excessive lead has been detected. True False _2. Stricter quality control measures have been adopted after the recall. True False _design problems; do not have excessive lead声音声音声音声音L-Task 3-2Listening & SpeakingScriptScript3. Matt operate

96、s through its own plants. True False _4. The recall has greatly influenced Matts orders. True False _cooperate with other companiesorders on the rise声音声音声音声音L-3-ScriptTask 3Task 3 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音声音声音L-Task 4-1Task 4Task 4 John is asking his business consultant about quality con

97、trol. Listen to the conversation and tick off the points the woman mentions.Listening & SpeakingScriptScript声音声音声音声音L-Task 4-2Listening & SpeakingScriptScript声音声音声音声音L-4-ScriptTask 4Task 4 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音声音声音L-Task 5-1Task 5Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the bla

98、nks with what you hear.Listening & Speaking In the late 1960s, a large department store in America had a special sale on electric knives. Although they were priced very low, surprisingly, few knives sold. The store then raised the price a little, and the knives quickly sold out. It is clearly differ

99、ent from what _ says. What could explain this strange phenomenon? The most likely explanation for this event is that people often make judgments about _ based on their prices. the demand and supply theorythe quality of items声音声音声音声音L-Task 5-2Listening & Speaking Usually, high-quality items are expen

100、sive and low-quality items are cheap. Thus, when people see an item that appears unusually cheap, they suspect that the item has low quality. In the knives example, people must have thought that something was wrong with the knives because the price was so low. When the store raised the price a bit,

101、people no longer thought that the deal was _.too good to be true声音声音声音声音L-Task 5-3Listening & Speaking It is true that sometimes quality depends on price. For example, consider how parents would act if they had won _ and had to hire someone to watch their baby. Would they seek out the cheapest babys

102、itter available? If they love their baby, they wont act this way. Those who are willing to work for very little indicate that they are unable to get higher wages. They will probably provide low-quality child care. People know what is fair, and often _.a free vacationwork less if paid less and work h

103、arder if paid more 声音声音声音声音WritingWritingTask 1Task 2W-Task 1-1Task Task 1 1 Revise the following inappropriate sentences in questionnaires and explain why.Writing1.How do you feel about our products and do you have any suggestions for our improvements? 2.Dont you think the distribution of fashion m

104、agazines is adequate? 3. Do you think the delivery service is prompt and liable? 1. Doublequestions. The sentence should be divided into two separate questions: How do you feel about our products? Do you have any suggestions for our improvements?Negative question.Do you think the distribution of fas

105、hion magazines is adequate?Difficult terms.Do youthink the delivery service is quick enough?W-Task 1-2Writing 4.In a typical month, how often do you shop online? 5. How do you usually go to work? By bus. By subway. By private car. The question doesnt include all the possible alternatives. Bybus. By

106、subway. By private car. Byship. By train. By bike. On footNot specific.In October, how often do you shop online?W-Task 2Task Task 2 2 Suppose you are hired by the marketing department of a mobile phone company, and asked to prepare a questionnaire to determine college students preference for messeng

107、er products (聊天软件聊天软件). Draft an appropriate questionnaire and use it to collect information from your classmates.WritingYou may consider the following aspects in your study: Messenger brands (e.g. MSN Messenger, Tencent QQ, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, Skype, etc.) Messenger function Reasons for choosing

108、certain kinds of messengers Frequency of using the messengersMiniMini-projectWork in groups. Your company specializes in childrens toys and has lately developed a new product. Search the website of China Quality Certification Centre (CQC), and try to find out the information on the quality certifica

109、tion your new product is subject to. Then report the details in class. Below is the homepage of CQC for your reference. Your report should include the following information:1. Which product certification can be awarded to your new product (e.g. CCC, CQC, CB or ISO)?2. Brief introduction of the certi

110、fication (e.g. CCCs full name, products subject to CCC, etc.).3. What does a sample of certification look like?SampleMini-projectLanguage LabLanguage LabTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5( ) 1. recall( ) 1. recall( ) 2. hazard ( ) 2. hazard ( ) 3. consequence ( ) 3. consequence ( ) 4. entail ( ) 4. enta

111、il ( ) 5. compulsory ( ) 5. compulsory ( ) 6. penalty( ) 6. penalty( ) 7. diminish ( ) 7. diminish ( ) 8. publicize ( ) 8. publicize ( ) 9. retail ( ) 9. retail ( ) 10. recovery( ) 10. recovery LL-Task 1Language LabDDHHAABBJ JC CE EF FGGI ITask Task 1 1 Match the words on the left with their meaning

112、s on the right. A. a result of something that has happenedA. a result of something that has happenedB. involve something that cannot be avoidedB. involve something that cannot be avoidedC. punishment for breaking a law, rule or contractC. punishment for breaking a law, rule or contractD. ask for som

113、ething to be returned, often D. ask for something to be returned, often because there is something wrong with it because there is something wrong with itE. become or make something become smaller, E. become or make something become smaller, weaker, etc. weaker, etc.F. make something known to the pub

114、licF. make something known to the publicG. the selling of goods to the public usually G. the selling of goods to the public usually through shops/stores through shops/storesH. something that can be dangerous or cause H. something that can be dangerous or cause damage damageI. the action or process o

115、f getting something I. the action or process of getting something back; the process of becoming well again after back; the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury an illness or injuryJ. that must be done because of a law or a ruleJ. that must be done because of a law or a ruleLL-Ta

116、sk 2-1Language LabTask 2Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the form if necessary. 1. Many believe that poverty is a direct _1. Many believe that poverty is a direct _ of overpopulation . of overpopulation . 2. The project would _ a huge increase 2. The project

117、 would _ a huge increase in defense spending. in defense spending. 3. The amount of water in the pond will _ 3. The amount of water in the pond will _ as the dry season continues. as the dry season continues. 4. She made a remarkable _ from the 4. She made a remarkable _ from the illness. illness. 5

118、. In this country, _ for stealing was 5. In this country, _ for stealing was death many years ago. death many years ago.consequenceconsequenceentailentaildiminishdiminishrecoveryrecoverypenaltypenaltyLL-Task 2-2Language Lab6. The firm manufactures and _ its own 6. The firm manufactures and _ its own

119、 range range of sportswear. of sportswear.7. The car factory7. The car factory _ all the cars which were all the cars which were supposed to have safety faults. supposed to have safety faults.8. In Britain, education is8. In Britain, education is _ between the between the ages ages of 5 and 16. of 5

120、 and 16.9. 9. Cigarette smoking is a major health Cigarette smoking is a major health _ and and may result in your death. may result in your death.10. Charles was in town for a couple of weeks to10. Charles was in town for a couple of weeks to _ _ his new book.his new book.retailsretailsrecalledreca

121、lledcompulsorycompulsoryhazardhazardpublicizepublicizeLL-Task 3Language LabTask 3Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases. Change the form if necessary. 1. The purpose of this paragraph _ the technical1. The purpose of this paragraph _ the technical term term oscillatoroscil

122、lator. .2. We constructed the railway _ common people. 2. We constructed the railway _ common people. 3. 3. It was _ that the young people had disgraced It was _ that the young people had disgraced themselves and their respective parents. themselves and their respective parents.4. _ your problem, I

123、would like to make a 4. _ your problem, I would like to make a suggestion. suggestion.5. The police at the news conference said the push _ 5. The police at the news conference said the push _ eliminate threat to the city. eliminate threat to the city.is to defineis to definein the interest ofin the

124、interest ofapparentapparentIn regard toIn regard toaimed toaimed toLL-Task 4-1Language LabTask 4Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.Model 1: Model 1: The supplier should take the necessary steps. These steps are The supplier should take the necessary steps. These steps are requir

125、ed required to recall the product and control the risk.to recall the product and control the risk.The supplier should take the necessary steps The supplier should take the necessary steps requiredrequired to recall the to recall the product and control the risk.product and control the risk.1. What d

126、o you think of the play? The play was put on by the 1. What do you think of the play? The play was put on by the students.students.2. She is a nurse. She is trained by ourselves.2. She is a nurse. She is trained by ourselves.3. The treaty was published in 1887. The treaty was not known to the 3. The

127、 treaty was published in 1887. The treaty was not known to the public until last year. public until last year. The treaty published in 1887 wasnt known to the The treaty published in 1887 wasnt known to the public until last year.public until last year.What do you think of the play put on by the Wha

128、t do you think of the play put on by the students?students? She is a nurse trained by She is a nurse trained by ourselves. ourselves. LL-Task 4-2-1Language LabModel 2: Model 2: Anyone who comes in contact with a product should be aware ofAnyone who comes in contact with a product should be aware ofp

129、roduct recalls. It is important for their safety.product recalls. It is important for their safety.Being aware of product recallsBeing aware of product recalls is important for the safety of anyone is important for the safety of anyone who comes in contact with the product.who comes in contact with

130、the product.1. 1.You should read English aloud in the morning. It will do you a You should read English aloud in the morning. It will do you a lot of good.lot of good. Reading English aloud in the morning will do you Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.a lot of good.LL-Tas

131、k 4-2-2Language Lab2. I wont argue with you anymore. It makes me tired.2. I wont argue with you anymore. It makes me tired. 3. Many people dont like speaking in public. Its a challenge to 3. Many people dont like speaking in public. Its a challenge to them.them. Speaking in public is a challenge to

132、many Speaking in public is a challenge to many people. people. Arguing with you makes me tired. Arguing with you makes me tired. LL-Task 5-1Language LabTask 5Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases.1. 1. 1. 1. 我们都要受自然规律的支配。我们都要受自然规律的支配。我们都要受自然规律的支配。我们都要受自然规律的支配。

133、( ( ( (subject tosubject to) ) ) ) 2. 2. 2. 2. 他发起了一场关于开办新学校的讨论。他发起了一场关于开办新学校的讨论。他发起了一场关于开办新学校的讨论。他发起了一场关于开办新学校的讨论。( ( ( (initiateinitiate) ) ) )3. 3. 3. 3. 我们了解所有新老邻居的情况。我们了解所有新老邻居的情况。我们了解所有新老邻居的情况。我们了解所有新老邻居的情况。 ( ( ( (learn aboutlearn about) ) ) )4. 4. 4. 4. 这两家公司虽是竞争对手这两家公司虽是竞争对手这两家公司虽是竞争对手这两家公司

134、虽是竞争对手, , , ,但彼此保持联系很多年了。但彼此保持联系很多年了。但彼此保持联系很多年了。但彼此保持联系很多年了。( ( ( (in in contact with contact with) ) ) ) We are all subject to the laws of nature.We are all subject to the laws of nature. He has initiated a discussion about opening new He has initiated a discussion about opening new schools.school

135、s. We learned about all the neighbors, old and We learned about all the neighbors, old and new.new. Competitors as they are, these two companies Competitors as they are, these two companies have been in contact with each other for many have been in contact with each other for many years.years. LL-Ta

136、sk 5-2Language Lab5. 5. 5. 5. 不不不不让让让让他加入网球俱乐部对他伤害很大。他加入网球俱乐部对他伤害很大。他加入网球俱乐部对他伤害很大。他加入网球俱乐部对他伤害很大。( ( ( (exclusionexclusion) ) ) )6. 6. 6. 6. 你得打电话找名管道工人让机器恢复正常。你得打电话找名管道工人让机器恢复正常。你得打电话找名管道工人让机器恢复正常。你得打电话找名管道工人让机器恢复正常。( ( ( (put rightput right) ) ) ) 7. 7. 7. 7. 这个评委会负责评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。这个评委会负责评定一栋建筑物是否

137、值得保存。这个评委会负责评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。这个评委会负责评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。 ( ( ( (assessassess) ) ) ) 8. 8. 8. 8. 地震后一个月大规模的重建工作就开始了。地震后一个月大规模的重建工作就开始了。地震后一个月大规模的重建工作就开始了。地震后一个月大规模的重建工作就开始了。( ( ( (extensiveextensive) ) ) ) His exclusion from the tennis club hurt him His exclusion from the tennis club hurt him very much.very m

138、uch. Youll have to call a plumber to put the machine Youll have to call a plumber to put the machine right.right. The committee is responsible for assessing The committee is responsible for assessing whether a building is worth preserving.whether a building is worth preserving.Extensive rebuilding w

139、ork was soon carried out Extensive rebuilding work was soon carried out just one month after the earthquake. just one month after the earthquake. EntertainmentEntertainmentBackgroundBackgroundAnother Day in Paradise Sung by: Phil CollinsSung by: Phil Collins 声音声音声音声音Background This song, Another Day

140、 in Paradise, is like a narrative poem, expressing the thought of the sympathy for the weak and the heaven in the dark society. It describes a kind, homeless woman appealed for the passers-by, but got refused. This is a strong and realistic song. The singer Collins was one of only three recording artists (along with Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson) who have sold over 100 million albums worldwide both as solo artists and (separately) as principal members of a band. EntertainmentBackgroundThank You!新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语新职业英语Goodbye



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