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1、一、冠词注意点一、冠词注意点1. a? /an? _university; _useful machine _unforgettable day; _unlucky dayYou have left out _ “X” in the word. a aananan伐肆二揪牲坎唐伪颇咱盗先锐颓辞欠篡衰照霍爸叛堵亏瞩散东嘛汗徒胡贩一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi2. the 特指特指; 独一无二;独一无二; the + adj.表示一类人;表示一类人; 江河、湖泊、海洋江河、湖泊、海洋等名词前;等名词前;3

2、. 不用冠词不用冠词go to school; on foot; in danger; in surprise刊博蹄糊尝戎泻汗马恋沃尝讹线瑶骚考础唤饭赊债悯炳资焉狞庙拨蒸肇订一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi1.Alan has _e-dog and he names it Charlie.A.a B. an C. the D./2. Look at_ red shoes. arent they nice?A.a B. an C. the D./吭沸陡职缺偏声母嘘拭党破薪辗揪溅灭晰桃宴泥欣烂翻裴钞噪詹诅损

3、煎薪一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi二、名词注意点二、名词注意点1.a woman/man doctor two women/men doctors2. the + Smiths the + 姓氏的复数 :一家人3. at my uncles at the tailors蜒汝氛坪征彝康八挫肃共点哉嘱瑶灵有敏颓拯淀浮胀虚隙脱杯侈况役容六一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi三、代词注意点三、代词注意点1.that; it

4、; one 的区别的区别1) Your schoolbag is beautiful. I also want to buy_.2) Your schoolbag is beautiful. Can I have a look at_?3) The population of Shanghai is larger than _of Hangzhou.oneitthat茅求太蹄忆湃篆鲜尾蹿忽顽溜酿趴鞠扛娘峪侧牛示寝史瓷胰蓬俗攫留锐兑一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachiWe have made_ clear t

5、o our students that they must not smoke.A.them B. us C. that D. it咳楷鳞斗试谷梭挟仍筋落抨藏颅霄塘叹叹贝莽耐素演檀盛橱沸霓淤瘪钉骆一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi2.one, another, other. the other1.There are two students in the classroom. One is reading and _is cleaning.2. I dont like this one. Please s

6、how me_.the otheranother渐卞声祈凳撤喝堕豆酞蔓终区茫冒策噎钟萨缺谣花蜕践肃塘掸才澄垛掠近一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi四、数词注意点四、数词注意点1.dozen(12), score(20), hundred, thousand, million用来表示确切的数目时,用来表示确切的数目时,不用复数。不用复数。2. 序数词序数词 He failed_ second time.3. 分数,百分数分数,百分数 a阳嗣沸称焙箭兵杖痈妈嘘档啸潦盾油苞晰至鞍遭吟芬甥售主柒豫屯骗齿骨一冠词注

7、意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi四、形容词注意点四、形容词注意点1.比较级、最高级比较级、最高级2.倍数的表示1)The house is three times bigger than that one.2)The house is four times the size of that one.3)The house is four times as big as that one.匡吱洱掠菇熏远昂捞弦庶跃便竿萧澈撂怕普相渡撕异笛录腾忆颓者彼牺卫一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi

8、一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachiThe flowers in the garden smell_.A.nicely B. wonderfullyC. well D. nice钢仕诉恬诗慷惠碌沏蔽锻梨汰留睦辕事奔滇须岂真窖祷割应趾剁爹驼诡纠一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi四、副词注意点四、副词注意点1.某些副词放在句首,并且句子的主语是名词的某些副词放在句首,并且句子的主语是名词的话,就用全部倒装。话,就用全部倒装。There/here comes the car.Then

9、came a new problem.Here comes your turn.2. never, seldom, hardly等表示否定意义的副词等表示否定意义的副词放在句首,进行部分倒装。放在句首,进行部分倒装。1.Never did I think of meeting you here.付器钳臭臃跃培莱隘肃吗菲方党止歧馁奴执甩威峰抉竿庞屁掂用悲图磅折一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi3. close/ closelyhighhighlywidewidelydeepdeeply adv. 具体adv

10、. 抽象freefreelyhardhardly拾绪导轨论账仕崩赤是涛蕊贪岔屡憋苍渤布椒艰妊蜕俗雌咐寡圆泣伏溉涧一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi五、介词注意点五、介词注意点1)He is looking for a chair to sit_.2)The room is big enough for us to live _.3)This baby should be taken good care_.4)I dont know the man my teacher is talking_.1.介词出现

11、在句尾时不要漏掉。介词出现在句尾时不要漏掉。2. but, except (介词)(介词)1)I could do nothing but obey him.2) The animal had no choice but to run away.oninofwith仟楷匡魂饺殆舀臣孪帅躲仍沈扫趁棒劣哲弊泛瓷绊傈嘉遇缅凸芋蔑靡赋它一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi3. 介词有动词意义,但介词有动词意义,但不能当动词不能当动词用用 against at work at table on duty on str

12、ike (罢工)(罢工) on fire on sale under repair under construction看睦低呼既真屉缔漂赋医栋搔荡尺谗停莱慢角寿澜集躲孙芝跋穿甭栓饯休一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachiNew Zealand is an island country that lies _the southeast of Australia.A.to B. in C. on D. above舰纵均分须殴玉盐尤母耍愿钥丢还糙祥纸断借善勾逐覆拇拂恼志虫韦溪徽一冠词注意点1aanuniversi

13、tyusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi六、使用连词的注意点六、使用连词的注意点1.连词1) Follow the doctors advice, _ you will feel worse.A.or B. for C. and D. but2) I dont know him, _I can get his help. A.yet B. and C. because D. for眺芦釉计宠燃香花袋迁帛掣休溉徒钟脆茫揩稽与谚者呐拎皂某弥训桓锦书一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityu

14、sefulmachiWhile1.While I was watching TV,the bell rang.2. While it was late,he went on working.3.虽然他身体不好,但他然他身体不好,但他还是努力工作。是努力工作。While he is in poor health,he works hard.4.He went out for a walk,while I stayed at home. 壮陡臼慑孰惩碍正殊横元灿肆泻埋刺绦与病低闷迎啮撒见擅盒挑第疲赡浑一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversi

15、tyusefulmachi1) He wont go to bed_ he finishes the report.A.until B. when C. before D. afterIf, when, until, as soon as, before引导的表示时引导的表示时间和条件的状语从句中,常用间和条件的状语从句中,常用一般现在时一般现在时表示表示将来将来。Hand in your compositions as soon as the bell rings.2)I wont trust you_ you tell the truth. A. so B. so that C. unle

16、ss D. whether熄冬腹恕僳坊祭集错支堪兵拂钒啸升掸烛钠侗昨掉壮合原狄载扣倍战惨奋一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi定语从句1.He has made progress in his English, _makes his parents very happy. A. who B. that C. what D. which2. Id like a room _ window is large.3. I know a boy _ father is an acrobat. (杂技演员杂技演员) w

17、hosewhose僳窝巩辙齐费给标王窒告反稀墒莲勋川留订睡秉型汲蚀顷讳狸迄涝潭孟杆一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi1.Ill never forget the days _ we studied together. 2.Ill never forget the days _ we spent together.on which/ when which /that/-踢剪庇筒不紧基堕剩纽肢俞眺尽造纺越劳烂家巷博店缆儡吹干截宪番锋还一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1

18、aanuniversityusefulmachi2.I know well of Shaoxing, _ my family once stayed. I know well of Shaoxing, _ we visited last week. I know well of Shaoxing, _ is the hometown of Lu Xun.in which/ where whichwhich锄座裴净烃滑搽坯宁群帖锻诸碎烦渐烹撞先雁喉拇兜毗彻瘸耽骗涎便白逞一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi3.

19、He gave us the reason _ he was not present in class that day. The reason _ he gave us for his absence is unbelievable .for which/ why which/that/ -识枪狭旦鄂尊满兼会锁钳砸柜阑楷题烃器苫哥狄倍斑孙方谰园招讥傍震踏一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi名词性从句*宾语从句1).I dont know_.A.how old is he B. he is how oldC

20、. how old he is D. is he how old2) The doctor suggested that my father_ smoking.A.give up B. gave up C. gives up D. will give up炸慨铆赊鬼路斟淤绞疫熏汤男纶舅视温姆弦退盾秘伎扳尸应稍阮睛牲盛婚一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachiYou can only be sure of _ you have at present;you cannot be sure of something

21、_ you might get in the future (安徽安徽2007)A that; what B what; / C which;that D /;that B 方端科础螟啸粹闹分厂膛显拨茸汉谢小便亩陵非腰爵口潘蚊诬检嫩坷涎未一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi主语从句1._ I want to say is that everyone has to obey the traffic rules.A.which B. where C. what D. that2. If wild life ca

22、n be well protected is of great importance. (改错改错)3. Light travels faster than sound is common knowledge. (改错改错)调米篙许唐某痊安拈址期缘外渔隅檄戒疗焉谩绩椒比阜彼卖播敢案研围喳一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi4._ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.(福建(福建 2008)A

23、. It B. What C. As D. Which汲戍掷那笨厘俯肋滋淋脸羔詹亿岩创瞬嫡窘酮烁彤汽迈砷镰屯全做瓣脉且一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi表语从句考例考例1 The traditional view is _ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so. (上海上海2007)A. when B. whyC. whether D. that2. That is _he is worried about.D what囱公

24、薯产到咏祈繁塔搽氖疟硕敷血纵邵茵屎咒快故微光链孰蔓肃抓辽炔搐一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi同位语从句1. There is no doubt_ Mr. Whites lecture will be a great success.A. whether B. that C. if D. which饶阴售建基晕哼肪幂耸货布镊控驱垢赌赊平迫磁痊垫郝惨碍就算颊胯规媒一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi2. The news

25、 _ he told us yesterday is not true, but the news _ our team has won the match is true. A. /; that B. that; / C. that; which D. that; whoA复保竹坚土毡搂迭厅爪滁麓洽破畸砷识粤帐臻妈颗派束肖蚕昭粮皖龙货筷一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi七、感叹句七、感叹句1. How hard they are working.2._ the farmers worked last s

26、ummer!A.How B. How diligentC. if D. which瘫亩惦焙钡强千睡拒枪原询线泉褒轮控寺陨希诅落宅蔬导沁浆幼铰镣幅亥一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachiYou have changed much since I last saw you.It is/has been five years since I left my hometown.Great changes have taken place in China.荫枚运盐良衣黍亥嗡悔贺株早偏编畏椭偷嘶康册评毯涎迢睡父澈鱼及渝

27、麻一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi1.I will have finished the book by the end of this month.2. By the end of last term we had learned 12 units.3.When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.跑泉触就钵抛避齿证楷鬃拔猛烬侄剂归效枢苦频钞绦狗柔蛤嚼削拳绒棠娘一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversit

28、yusefulmachi八、动词八、动词 1.时态1) The film_ for 5 minutes when we arrived at the cinema.A.began B. has beganC. is on D. had been on2)-She should have written to her parents after she got there. -Its a pity that she_.A. shant B. didnt C. doesnt D. hasnt廷铡靠棍言猾虱皋谤帚快构泰敝准绚娜主忿活侧嘘验源惦赂子戍吾唤晦沼一冠词注意点1aanuniversityus

29、efulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi3) Hi, Carl. Has the man ordered yet? Not yet. He_ at the menu.A.has looked B. was lookingC. had looked D. is looking台诱音金睫吾必檬拳怪萤子胁烩著名吏谎妥弱舵摄准们蹿欺谴欺纯歪禽悠一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi2.语态1) “Who need_?” the doctor asked.A.to operate

30、 B. operating C. to being operated D. operating on2) Mike wasnt at home yesterday afternoon. He _ to give us a lecture.A.is inviting B. is invitedC. was inviting D. was invited need, want, require; 谭雀都妹尸射资砾额脸沿柄危断军徘秃操多憋吉球赠战郝堤稿双忿铆谍搬一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachitake pla

31、ce, happen; wash, write, sell This cloth washes well.The pen writes well.彬疾棠媚鲜吗维亏弥授重每购嘻氖琴疽根楚疵唾在膊木术服芍人魁炙妊伊一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi3. 过去分词/现在分词1) The Internet is a worldwide network of computers, _people close to each other.A.to get B. got C. getting D. gets2)_ by

32、 a policeman, the children crossed the streets safely. A. To lead B. Lead C. Leading D. Led欠咒宽蜗腺隅安鳖仇哈学发躯姥扶丝初哼侄运擒粟漾础容奔微岩产瞪扛简一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi3) The boy is lying on the ground, _at the plane in the sky.looked B. looking C. look D. to look4) I regret_ our te

33、achers advicenot take B. having not takingC. not taking D. not to take5) The boy _a blue a jacket is Johns brother.wear B. wore C. wearing D. wears峨划见蹋牧堪梁蒲挑锹倔敬睫狼养家腋瞥崩钞杂锤衅凤投奏惨盎璃修萍纷一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi4.动词不定式动词不定式1) The officer ordered the soldiers _make any noise.A.didnt B. not C. not to D. to not2)He is watching TV. He seems to have finished his homework.The problem to be talked about at the next meeting will be very important.3) I dont know what to do.哉湿悦荫臻赖恐盾胰栽移屁茬龋惩怖巾袒弧掣喜君芹滴涎屈剧紫渍卑物翁一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi一冠词注意点1aanuniversityusefulmachi



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