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1、Bilinguala11a14Bilinguala11a14分析分析2A11Arthropoda n. 节肢动物门chitinous n. 壳质的,几丁质exoskeleton n. 外骨骼molt n. v. 脱皮,蜕crustacean n. 甲壳类millipide n. 马陆,倍足纲节肢动物centipede n. 蜈蚣arachnid n. 蜘蛛hemocoel n. 血腔311 Phylum ArthropodaClassification: Kingdom Animalia, Sub-kingdom Metazoa, Phylum ArthropodaKey NotesFeatu

2、reType of organism: jointed-legged animals with chitinous exoskeletons. They periodically molt, and show a protostome development pattern. Examples include crustaceans, millipedes, centipedes, insects and arachnids.Body plan: bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic coelomates. They have segmented bod

3、ies with two or three distinct parts, and jointed appendages on the segments. The main body cavity is a hemocoel.4A11 节肢动物门分类:动物界,后生动物亚界,节肢动物门要点特征生物类型:有壳质的外骨骼,节肢动物。周期性地蜕皮,属于原口动物。如,甲壳类、马陆、蜈蚣、昆虫和蜘蛛。体型:两侧对称,三胚层,真体腔。体分节,明显地分成二部或三部分。在每体节上连有附肢。主要的体腔是血腔。5herbivore n. 草食动物predator n. 肉食动物be derived from 源自于

4、invagination n. 内陷derive v. 起源tracheae n.气管lining n. 衬里, 内层6Feeding: many are active predators, but they also include herbivores, fluid-feeders and parasites. They possess a complete gut with a mouth and anus.Locomotion: use of jointed limbs for walking. Adult insects use wings for flight.Skeleton:

5、chitinous exoskeleton which is periodically molted. Those internal structures which are derived from invaginations of the body wall have a chitinous lining (e.g. foregut, hindgut, tracheae).7营养:许多是主要表现肉食的动物,但也包括一些草食的动物、流食的动物和寄生的动物。它们有口有肛门的完全消化管。运动:用节肢来运动,成年昆虫用翅飞行。骨骼:壳质的外骨骼,周期性蜕皮。起源体壁内陷的内部结构(如,前肠、后肠和

6、气管),具有几丁质。89malpighian n. 马氏,马尔皮基(意大利生理学家)architecture n. 建筑,体系结构metamorphosis n. 变态10Respiration and vascular system: specialized respiratory organs: gills or tracheae. The vascular system is open with a tubular, dorsal heart. Osmoregulation and excretion: discrete excretory organs including Malpig

7、hian tubules in insects.Co-ordination: the architecture of the nervous system is similar to that of Annelida.Reproduction: sexes are usually separate; metamorphosis is common.11呼吸和循环系统:特有的呼吸器官:鳃和气管。循环系统是开放式的,有管状的、背部心脏。渗透调节和排泄:独立的排泄器官,包括昆虫的马氏管。调节:神经系统的结构体系与环节动物相似。生殖:常常是雌雄异体,变态是普遍的。1213End141514 Phylu

8、m Chordata Classification: Kingdom Animalia, Sub-kingdom Metazoa, Phylum Chordata16无脊椎动物脊椎动物17(sea-squirt)18被囊动物囊=鞘19amphioxus 文昌鱼2021A14metazoa n. 后生动物; Chordata 脊索动物门deuterostome n. 后口动物; protostome 原口动物embryonic a. 胚胎的sea-squirt n. 海鞘,squirt n. 喷水。 P163salp(a) n. 樽海鞘 P165amphioxus n. 文昌鱼 P165amph

9、ibian n. 两栖动物reptile n. 爬行动物coelomat a. 有体腔的2214 Phylum Chordata Classification: Kingdom Animalia, Sub-kingdom Metazoa, Phylum ChordataKey NotesFeatureType of organism: large and diverse phylum, mainly comprising vertebrates; marine, freshwater and terrestrial species. Several groups are capable of

10、aerial flight. They show a deuterostome pattern of embryonic development. Examples include sea-squirts, salps, amphioxus, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.23A14 脊索动物门分类:动物界,后生动物亚界,脊索动物门要点特征生物类型:数量大,变化多端的一个门,主要包括脊椎动物;海生,淡水生和陆生种类。有几个类群可以在空中飞行。在胚胎发育过程中显示为后口动物类型。如:包括海鞘,樽海鞘的萨尔帕,文昌鱼,鱼类,两栖类,

11、爬行类,鸟类和哺乳类。24dorsal a. 背的,脊的 notochord n.脊索 P160pharyngeal a. 咽的25Body plan: bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, segmented coelomates. They possess, at some stage in their development, a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal gill-slits and (usually) a post-anal tail. There are segme

12、nted muscles in the body.26体型:两侧对称,三胚层,分节有体腔(动物)。在某个发育阶段,背部有神经管,脊索和咽鳃裂,通常有肛后尾。机体上有分节的肌肉。27201428invertebrate n. 无脊椎动物, 无脊椎的chordate n. 脊索动物endostyle n. 内柱(见专业书 P163)tryroid n. 甲状腺limb n. 肢,翅 fin n. 鳍 29Feeding: invertebrate chordates filter-feed. Most vertebrates are macrophagous feeders using tooth

13、ed jaws. The gut is complete, with a mouth and anus. The invertebrate chordate pharyngeal endostyle is the homolog of the vertebrate thyroid gland.Locomotion: mostly active swimmers; segmental muscles act against an antitelescopic notochord or vertebral column; stabilizing and controlling paired fin

14、s in fishes evolve into paired limbs of land vertebrates (sometimes further adapted for flight).30营养:无脊椎的脊索动物是滤食营养。大多数脊椎动物是用颌齿食用大颗粒的食物。有口有肛门为完全消化管。无脊椎的脊索动物咽部内柱与脊椎动物的甲状腺同源器官。运动:大多数能够游泳;凭借有弹性的脊索或脊柱,分节的肌肉得以运动;固定并可动的成对鱼鳍进化为陆生椎动物的成对附肢(有些更进一步适于飞行)。3132endoskeleton n. 内骨骼cartilage n. 软骨intersegmental a. 分节

15、的,节间的vertebran. 脊椎(骨)vertebrae (复数)vascular a. 脉管的ventral a. 腹的33Skeleton: they possess an endoskeleton of cartilage, or bone. The characteristic notochord is replaced by intersegmental vertebrae in vertebrates. Respiration and vascular system: aquatic breathers use pharyngeal gill-slits with gills;

16、 terrestrial forms respire using lungs. Usually a closed, high-pressure vascular system with a ventral heart.34骨骼:它们拥有由软骨和硬骨组成的内骨骼。有特征性的脊索被脊椎动物分节的椎骨所代替。呼吸和循环:水生生物呼吸用有鳃的咽鳃裂进行的。陆生种类是用肺呼吸。通常在腹部有心脏,具有封闭的,高压的循环系统。35discrete a. 独立的,不连续的excretory n. 排泄solenocyte n. 焰细胞,管细胞kidney n 肾脏diagnostic a. n. 诊断,确定u

17、rochordate a. 尾索的,有尾索的Urochordata n 尾索动物Cephalochordata n 头索动物Craniata n 脊椎动物 vertebrate 36Osmoregulation and excretion: invertebrate chordates are without discrete excretory organs or have solenocytes; vertebrates possess segmental or nonsegmental kidneys.Co-ordination: hollow dorsal nerve cord dia

18、gnostic of the phylum; the anterior part expands in vertebrates to form the brain.Reproduction: sexual reproduction normal, although asexual budding is seen in some urochordates.Sub-phyla: Urochordata, Cephalochordata and Craniata (vertebrata).37渗透调节和排泄:无脊椎脊索动物没有独立的排泄器官,或者具有焰细胞;脊椎动物拥有分节或不分节的肾脏。神经调节:

19、背神经管被确定为存在于这个门动物。脊椎动物前部膨大,形成脑。神经调节:中空的背神经管是脊索动物的判别性特征之一。脊椎动物的神经管前部膨大形成脑。生殖:一般为有性生殖,但是在一些尾索动物中可见到无性出芽生殖。亚门:尾索动物亚门、头索动物亚门、脊椎动物亚门。38End394041metamorphosis n. 变形,变态motile a. 能动的elaborate a. vt. v. 精心制作branchial basket n. 鳃笼tunic n. (束腰)外衣, test 海鞘的外壳hermaphrodite n. a. 阴阳人,雌雄同体的42尾索动物亚门:幼虫有脊索为特征。当咽部扩大形成

20、精致变态的能滤食的鳃笼时,脊索消失。身体被附有外壳即是(束腰的)外衣。尾索动物雌雄同体,无性出芽常见。海鞘纲:固着海鞘。幼态纲:保留幼虫特征直到成年。樽海鞘纲:萨尔帕,变态后能运动。43cephalochordata n. 头索动物amphioxus n. 文昌鱼architecture n. 建筑(学),体系机构craniata =vertebrate n. 脊椎动物亚门cranium n. 头盖骨agnatha n. 无颚类,无颌类hagfish n. 盲鳗,八目鳗类鱼lamprey n. 七鳃鳗gnathoslomata n.颚形类,“有颌类”44extinct a. vt. (使)灭绝

21、,熄灭armor plate 钢板,装甲板elasmobranchii n. 板鳃类holocephali n. 全头类rat-fish 银鲛ray n. 鳐鱼shark n. 鲨鱼45头索动物亚门:能运动,身体构造不对称,脊索伸延到身体的最前端。脊椎动物亚门:背神经伸至前端,形成由脑盖包的脑。脊索由软骨取代,或由分节骨质单位(椎骨)取代。无颌脊椎动物总纲:有颌的脊椎动物,第一对鳃靶(裂),变成颌包围圆形口。棘鱼纲:有偶鳍灭绝的鱼类。盾皮鱼纲:有骨质甲板象鲨鱼样灭绝的鱼类。软骨鱼纲:有软骨的鱼类,包括板鳃类为(鲨鱼,鳐鱼),全头类鱼(银鲛鱼)。46actinopteryergii n. 辐鳍鱼

22、(亚纲)Teleostei n. 真骨鱼(总目)Sarcoptyergii n. 肺鱼(总目)lungfish n. 肺鱼articular bone 关节骨; quadrate bone 方骨skull n. 头脑,头骨articulate a. vt. 有关节的,用关节连接的,接合hinge n. vt. V. 铰链,枢纽,关键pectoral girdle n. 肩带(胸,带)amniote n. 羊膜动物quadrate a. n. vt. 方形的,方形,使适合47Aves n. 鸟类Reptile n. 爬行类Amphibia n. 两栖类Homogenous a. 同质的,纯系的H

23、omoiotherm n. 恒温动物Viviparous a. 胎生的Mammalia 哺乳类48硬骨鱼纲:具有硬骨的鱼(超过30.000种),包括辐鳍鱼亚纲(辐鳍鱼,包括真骨鱼,最大的类群)和肺鱼亚纲(肉质鱼类矛尾鱼,包括肺鱼)和来自于陆地上脊椎动物进化的类群。两栖纲:有水生形态的幼体,经过变态更适应陆地生活,头部和肩带不相连接。爬行纲:具有羊膜卵多变的种类,具有颅骨的方头骨与下颌的关节骨所构成的关节连接(铰链)。鸟纲:鸟,具有羊膜卵的纯系类群,恒温动物,具有羽毛。哺乳纲:具有羊膜卵(常胎生),有毛,吮乳,具有乳腺所分泌的乳汁。49相关标题:1、体形和体腔2、骨骼的起源3、脊索4、原口和后口动物5、生理系统的划分6、门的相互关系7、发育和生殖8、幼态生殖和土壤发生9、变态505152535455结束!结束!



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