高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes课件 外研版必修2

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1、必修二必修二Module 6Films and TV Programmes微知识小题练微知识小题练 微考点大课堂微考点大课堂 微考场新提升微考场新提升 微知识小题练微知识小题练 核心练记温教材考点核心练记温教材考点 单句微练1TV programs for children nowadays are much _(entertain)than they used to be. 2While reading the famous novel, I was deeply (move) by the story.3We are both so busy that we only see each o

2、ther _(occasion)4When giving the talk, the speaker told a joke or story every now and then to keep us (interest)5The evidence completely destroyed her (argue)argument more entertaining moved occasionally interested 6I remember my mom making all of us (entertain) at her parties.7These days strange th

3、ings happened (frequent) in the small village.8Although the main (character) in this movie are true to life, they are imaginary.characters entertained frequently ()短语微检1 扮演角色;起作用2 令某人吃惊的是3 出现;出版4 讲述5 吃惊地6 关心;顾虑;在乎7 爱上;喜欢(表动作)8 爱上;喜欢(表状态)9 有时;偶尔10 在岁时at the age of play a part to ones surprise come ou

4、t tell of in surprise care about fall in love with be in love with every now and then ()单句微填1His first novel has received good reviews since it came last month.2Little did Rose care her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.3We were climbing the mountain when, our surprise, we saw some

5、footprints in the snow. 4He left his home the age of fifteen, and has never been heard of since.5Ive learned that no one is perfect until you fall love with them.6You will face some difficulties now and then, but never give up.every out about to at in 微汇积累1形容词/动词变名词有时无规律*bravebravery 勇敢necessarynece

6、ssity 必要discoverdiscovery 发现recoverrecovery 康复honesthonesty 诚实2“有时”词汇occasionally 偶尔(every) now and then 不时地from time to time 不时;有时at times 有时3part 短语play a part 扮演角色play an important part in .在中起重要作用take part in . 参加take an active part in .积极参加1The film belongs to a type of Chinese story called wux

7、ia.【微考点】过去分词短语作后置定语【微仿写】演讲者回答了观众提出的所有问题。The speaker answered all the questions .2Unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most.【微考点】强调句型【微仿写】是这种无私的爱令我们感动。 made us moved.It was the selfless love that raised by the audience 3Brave, good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about

8、 most.【微考点】形容词作状语【微仿写】这些游客们回到宾馆,又累又困。These travelers returned to the hotel, .4But it is generally agreed that he, more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”【微考点】It is过去分词that .【微仿写】人们一致同意要充分利用空闲时间。 free time should be made full use of.It is agr

9、eed that tired and sleepy 巧练笔根据汉语提示补充文章所缺部分,并背诵成文(2015浙江卷)在班级活动中,当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时,你是坚持自己的观点并说服别人,还是尊重大多数同学的意见?请你以“When I Have a Different Opinion”为题,用英文写一篇100120个词的短文。要求如下:1从以上两种做法中选择一种;2以具体事例阐述你选择的理由。When I Have a Different OpinionWe may have different opinions in organizing class activities. We may

10、 _ (有不同的处理这种情况的方法,用不定式作定语). When I have a better idea, I would choose to stick to it. By doing so, I can not only _ (我不仅能和别人分享好主意)but also learn to _(自由地表达自己)express myself freely have various ways to deal with such a situation share good ideas with others Once we were discussing where to go for an

11、outing. Most of my classmates wanted to go to a park while I had an idea of going to _(一个更好的地方). _(我成功地说服我的同学接受我的主意). We did have a good time that day. Good opinions are worth sticking to, because _(有利于我们所有人)they can benefit us all a nicer place I managed to persuade my classmates into accepting my

12、idea 微考点大课堂微考点大课堂 知识学透夯高分基础知识学透夯高分基础 1interest vt.使感兴趣n兴趣;利益;利息微练语法填空单句训练(教材原句)Unusually, it is the female characters that interest (interest) us most.不同寻常的是,正是女性角色最吸引我们。(2015北京卷)If you are interested (interest) in it, let me know.如果你对此感兴趣,请告诉我。(2015广东卷)Recently, she has shown a great interest in ph

13、oto exhibits.最近,她对图片展兴趣浓厚。(2015浙江卷)My old classroom was interesting (interest)我的旧教室很有趣。(1)have/show/take (an) interest in 对感兴趣lose interest in 对失去兴趣with interest 有兴趣地;津津有味地(2)in the interest of 为的利益;为起见places of interest 名胜(3)be/get interested in 对感兴趣微记教师微补充提示interest表示“兴趣”时是不可数名词,但前面却经常加不定冠词an,此时an

14、也可以省略,但如果有形容词修饰,则不能省略不定冠词。She takes (an) interest/a great interest in politics.她对政治(很)感兴趣。2entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的微练语法填空单句训练(教材原句)Do you agree or disagree that advertisements are entertaining (entertain)?你同意还是不同意广告是有趣的?Childrens television not only entertains (entertain) but also teaches.儿童电视节目不仅

15、要有娱乐性,而且还有教育意义。He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.他讲故事,说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。To my great entertainment, he promised to entertain us to ice cream.令我非常高兴的是,他答应请我们吃冰淇淋。(1)entertain sb. to sth. 用招待/款待某人entertain sb. with sth. 用使某人快乐(2)entertainment n. 娱乐;娱乐活动;款待much to the entertainment of

16、 sb./to ones great entertainment 令某人非常高兴的是微记3argue vi.争论;辩论微练语法填空单句训练(教材原句)Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾和你的家人就看什么电视节目发生过争论吗?There has been a heated argument (argue) about whether music should be played during the break or not.曾经关于是否应该休息时间播放音乐有过激烈的争论。Mary arg

17、ued Tom into buying a new car.玛丽说服汤姆买了辆新车。It is beyond argument that Diaoyu Islands belongs to China.钓鱼岛属于中国无可置疑。(1)argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人辩论某事argue for/against sth. 赞成/反对某事argue sb. into/out of (doing) sth. 说服某人做/不做某事(2)argument n. 争吵;争论;辩论;论据beyond argument 无可置疑微记教师微补充4occasionally adv.

18、有时;偶尔微练语法填空单句训练We occasionally (occasion) meet for a drink after work.我们下班后偶尔相聚小酌。I have on occasion visited her at home.有时我去登门拜访她。He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement.他在退休时获赠这块手表。occasion n. 时机;机会;场合on occasion 有时;间或on one occasion 曾经;有一次on the occasion of 在的时候;在之际if th

19、e occasion arises 如有机会的话微记1.There is no point (argue) about what led to the accident.2The film is far (interest) than the films I have ever seen.3It was an (entertain) evening and we enjoyed ourselves.4Tom sounds very much (interest) in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage it.5He argued sm

20、oking, and insisted that it was _argument that smoking was harmful to health.A组高频考点练语法填空单句训练beyond arguing more interesting entertaining interested against 1.The dancers movements are (grace). Everyone there is attracted deeply.2That is a most (move) play so that most people like to see it.3Do you o

21、ften visit your friends? (occasional), because we are all busy with our jobs.4Do you know the (bravery) boy who saved several classmates in the earthquake?brave B组中频考点练语法填空单句训练 graceful moving Occasionally 1.Interesting, it had a connection with the British porcelain(瓷器) industry._ 2Im visiting all

22、the places of interests here._3Im not going to argue you, but I think youre wrong._4At the occasion of arrival of the New Year, please accept my sincere greetings._5These two girls are very much alike in characters._6She is a teacher who often entertains children to funny stories._towith C组易错微练单句改错

23、InterestingInterestingly interestsinterest argue后加with AtOn characterscharacter 1to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是微练语法填空单句训练(2015重庆卷)I was surprised (surprise) to see Alice was worried.我吃惊地发现爱丽斯很担忧。It seems that living green is surprisingly (surprise) easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.

24、看来绿色生活是出乎意料地简单易行。很小的行动能产生很大的影响。His coming yesterday really surprised (surprise) me.昨天他的到来真的令我很吃惊。She noticed in surprise the change in his appearance.她吃惊地注意到他外表的变化。(1)much to the surprise of sb.to ones great surprise 令某人吃惊的是in surprise 吃惊地get a surprise 大吃一惊give sb. a surprise 给某人一个惊喜(2)take sb./sth

25、. by surprise 使感到意外(3)be surprised at sth. 对感到吃惊be surprised to do sth. 做感到吃惊微记教师微补充to ones名词“让某人的是”。该结构中的名词常常是表示喜、怒、哀、乐等的情感名词,常见的有joy, delight, anger, pleasure, regret, disappointment, sorrow, relief, horror等。对于to ones surprise/joy .表示增加强度的方法有两种: much to ones surprise/joy .或to ones great surprise/j

26、oy .与to ones surprise类似的短语还有:to ones joy 令某人高兴的是to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是to ones horror 令某人恐惧的是to ones satisfaction 令某人满意的是to ones regret 令某人悔恨的是to ones delight 令某人高兴的是to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是to ones sorrow 令某人伤心的是2care about 关心;顾虑;担心微练语法填空单句训练They recycle their garbage because they care ab

27、out the environment.他们循环利用垃圾是因为他们关心环境。Who will care for your children when you are away?你离开期间谁照顾你的孩子?You should take care of your niece for the sake of your sister.为了你姐姐,你应该照顾你的外甥女。Take care not to be (be) impolite to others.注意不要对别人无礼。care for喜欢;照顾;想要take care of 照顾;处理take care 当心;留神;保重;珍重with care

28、仔细地;认真地take care to do sth. 注意做某事微记教师微补充3every two days 每两天;每隔一天微练语法填空单句训练He comes to see us every third (three) day.他每三天来看我们一次。Take the medicine every other day.隔一天吃一次药。Every now and then throughout the day, just sit quietly and observe whats going on around you.在这一天不时地静静地坐着并观察周围发生的一切。every基数词复数名词e

29、very序数词单数名词 每;每隔every other单数名词 每隔一every now and then 有时;偶尔微记1.A selfish person doesnt care others.2The result was out of his expectation. Harry looked at the medal _surprise without saying a word.3When I heard her rich soft voice and her guitar, I fell _love with her.4This road is so narrow that th

30、ere are traffic jams every nowand .A组高频考点练语法填空单句训练then about in in 1.When is the EnglishChinese dictionary coming up?_ 2In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled as farther as the local market._ 3Usually John would be late for meetings. But this time, m

31、uch to our surprised, he arrived on time._ 4He said over the dinner that our visit gave him surprise._ 5This film tells the hard life of an orphan._6They have fallen in love with each other for three years._ fallenbeen B组易错微练单句改错 upout fartherfar surprisedsurprise him后加a tells后加of Brave, good and st

32、rong, Xiulian is the character we care about most.我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。微公式:形容词(短语)作状语微练语法填空单句训练The next morning people found the little girl lying in the corner, dead (die)第二天早晨,人们发现那个小女孩躺在角落里死了。Having worked nonstop for three hours in the sun, John returned home, thirsty and hungry (hunger)在阳光下连续工

33、作三小时后,约翰回家了,又渴又饿。Seriously injured (injure), some of the passengers were sent to the nearest hospital at once.因严重受伤,其中有些乘客被立刻送到最近的医院。(2015新课标卷)Unfortunately (fortunate), with the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted.不幸的是,随着工业化的发展,环境受到了污染。(1)形容词(短语)作状语的用法:形容词(短语)作状语说明主语

34、的性质、状态等,可以表示伴随、原因、结果等。通常和句子的其他部分用逗号分开。(2)副词作状语修饰全句时,位于句首,表说话人的态度或看问题的角度。可修饰全句的副词有:(un)fortunately, (un)luckily, surprisingly, hopefully, personally, obviously, happily等。微记1.After the long journey, the three of them went back home, sound but _(tire)2This is the book (borrow) from my friend.3It (agree

35、) that another meeting was necessary.4It was what he said at the meeting gave me a big surprise.5In the last fifteen years, some of his films (be) less famous.A组高频考点练语法填空单句训练have been tired borrowed was agreed that 1.Surprised and happily, I accepted the first prize._ 2It is believed reading is bene

36、ficial to us a lot._ 3The place is believed become a paradise (天堂) if people live in peace._ 4Pride and stubborn, Joe never admits he is wrong._ 5Seize the chance, and you wont have one any more._ PrideProud B组易错微练单句改错 happilyhappy believed后加that become前加to andor/otherwise 微考场新提升微考场新提升 语篇精做强应试技能语篇精做

37、强应试技能 短文改错The person I would like to interview him is Yang Liwei.I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space and also one of the great astronauts in the world. I have long interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from h

38、im about it.If I can interview him, I would ask him which made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he feels in space and whether space travel is so great fun as I have read. Final, I would like to ask a few question about his personal life, which must be very inter

39、esting.教师微补充加练一刻钟12. 单词拼写1There isnt much in the way of _(娱乐) in this townjust the cinema and a couple of pubs.2The _(感人的) story told by the poor girl made people present decide to try to help her.3We were deeply impressed with the _(优美的) movements of the ballet dancers.graceful entertainment moving

40、 4The young man was praised for his _(勇敢) of saving the boy from the big fire.5Charles Chaplin is famous for his _(喜剧)6The smaller animals can easily _(跳跃) from tree to tree.leap bravery comedies .语法填空单句训练1The boys were lying on the grass, _(count) the stars in the sky.2All the books donated by the

41、students from urban schools are said _(send) to the students in rural areas the other day.3When your new book comes _, do tell us about it.4Our parents are doing this because they care _us.5Jane played _ part of Cinderella in the school play.6“What really _ you at this time?” he said, with an _ look

42、 on his face. (interest)interested counting to have been sent out about the interested .短文改错单句训练1We came back from the field trip, happily but exhausted._2The man with whom she was married was a soldier._3She wrote a letter, expressed her thanks for his kindness. _4It was with great excitement the y

43、oung man got the news that he was admitted to the university._5There are many places of interests in China, attracting tourists from all over the world._6To the surprise of mine, he didnt pass the exam._mineme happilyhappy withto expressedexpressing excitement 后加that interestsinterest .语法填空(2016烟台模拟

44、)It is becoming increasingly hard to avoid watching reality television in China, such as the Voice of China, Chinas Got Talent, or Super Boy. In America, Big Brother _(broadcast) five days a week. Survivor Finale appears on the front page of the New York Post after gaining ratings(收视率) that are much

45、 _ (high) than NBA. Americans seem addicted to reality television programs _ ordinary people compete in weekslong contests while being filmed 24 hours a day. But why?is broadcast/broadcasted higher where One of the most commonly repeated “_(true)” about reality TV viewers is that they watch in order

46、 to talk with friends about the show, but the explanation is quite _(correct)In fact fans of the shows have _ much stronger desire for status. They are much more likely to agree with statements such as “Reputation is important to me”. It represents a means to get attention. And more attention increa

47、ses ones sense of _(important). We think we are important if others pay attention to us and unimportant if _(ignore)Ordinary people can watch the shows, see people like _ (them) and imagine that they also could become famous by being on television. _ is the reality TV show that gives them a sense of

48、 being a star in crowd.a truths incorrect It importance ignored themselves 解析:1该空应填谓语,broadcast与主语Big Brother是被动关系,又因全文整体时态是一般现在时,故该空用一般现在时的被动语态。2根据设空前的比较级修饰语much和设空后的than可知该空应填比较级。3先行词programs,表抽象地点,设空后的从句中缺少地点状语,故用where引导定语从句。4根据设空前的one of可知该空名词应用复数形式,故填truths。5根据语境“这种解释是相当不正确的”可知该空填correct的反义词incorrect。6“冠词比较级名词”表“一个更”。7设空前是介词of,故该空填名词importance。8该处是状语从句的省略结构,完整的句子是if we are ignored。9根据语境“看像他们自己一样的人们”可知该空用反身代词themselves。10强调句式结构,强调the reality show。



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