外研版高三英语一轮必修1 Module 4复习课件

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1、走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 高考总复习高考总复习 Module 4A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood 必修一必修一第一部分基础知识聚焦第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 2考点探究演练考点探究演练 3单单 元元 语语 法法 4基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 5课课 时时 作作 业业 6话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵 1话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵话题:个人环境(2015银川市三校联考)请根据图画描述你的朋友小明发生的故事和你的看法。注意:词数100左右。.头脑风暴,知识链接单词短语1.pregnant怀

2、孕的2pretend假装3destination目的地4symbol象征5civilization文明1.go on继续2as usual像往常一样3more than超过句式1.Xiaoming pretended not to see the woman and went on sleeping as usual but another child beside him offered his seat to the woman.2Maybe Xiaoming was tired, but he should have offered his seat to the woman becau

3、se she needed the seat more than him.范文必背One day, Xiaoming was on a bus to school when he noticed a pregnant woman getting on the bus. Xiaoming pretended not to see the woman and went on sleeping as usual but another child beside him offered his seat to the woman. Soon the bus arrived at the destina

4、tion. It was late before Xiaoming realized.In our life, I think offering seats on bus, a small act though, is a symbol of kindness and the level of our civilization. Maybe Xiaoming was tired, but he should have offered his seat to the woman because she needed the seat more than him. Besides, the old

5、 and disabled should own separate and special seats.基础知识梳理基础知识梳理.单词速记核心必记1_(vt.)打扰;烦扰;麻烦2_(vt.)接近3_(vt.)交换4_(vt.)买得起;有能力支付5_(adj.)有吸引力的;吸引人的_(vt.)吸引_(n.)吸引6_(adj.)幸运的;吉祥的_(adv.)幸运地_(n.)运气;财富bother approachexchangeaffordattractiveattractattractionfortunatefortunatelyfortune7 _(vi.)饿 死 _(adj.)快 要 饿 死


7、sunemployedemployemploymentoccupationoccupyfascinatingfascinatedfascination.短语互译1修建_2到目前为止_3摆脱_4做成;成功_5pay back_6a great many/a number of_7as a result_8go up_put upso far/up to now/till nowget away frommake it偿还;归还许多;大量结果上升情景活用用上面的单词或短语的正确形式填空Many architectures have been _(修建), which are _(相当) _(有吸引

8、力的) and _(迷人的). _(结果),_(许多) tourists all over the country come here to visit.To _(偿还) their debts, many people have found work in factories. So they have _(摆脱) the poor life.The scenery in our city is _(美丽的). Whats more, the traffic is very good. Its convenient for businessmen to _(交换) their goods.

9、Recently, there are more and more people who can _(有能力支付) to buy new cars. Im _(幸运的) living here.答 案 : put up; pretty; attractive; fascinating; As a result; a great manypay back; got away fromgorgeous; exchange; afford; fortunate.典句析练1_we last saw each other, you know.你可知道,自从我们上次见面到现在已经有六年了。解析since引

10、导时间状语从句。仿写我们从一中毕业已经十年了。_ we graduated from the No. 1 High School.2And _ Ive visited your hometown.这是我第一次参观你的家乡。解析This is the first time (that).意为“某人第一次做某事”,从句中要用现在完成时。仿写这是我第一次玩得这么开心。It is the first time _.3_ the climate _?解析Whats.like?用于询问“的状况”。仿写宇宙飞船是什么样子的?_4Cities are interesting, and they can be

11、beautiful, but they are never beautiful in _ that the countryside is beautiful.城市很有趣,也会很美丽,但它们的美永远不会是乡村的那种美。解析that the countryside is beautiful是定语从句,修饰先行词the way。仿写他回答问题的方式令人吃惊。_was surprising.答案:1.Its been six years since; Its been ten years since 2.this is the first time;I have enjoyed myself much

12、3Whats; like; Whats a spaceship like?4 the way; The way (that/in which) he answered the questions.课文回顾This is the first time John has visited Xiao Lis hometownXiamen. It is one of the most _(1)_(attract) places. Xiamen is lively and interesting, lying on the coast. Xiao Li says he feels very _(2)_ l

13、iving here. The _(3)_ of Xiamen is _(4)_ hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in the winter. There are a lot of _(5)_ buildings and some great shopping _(6)_. Now they are leaving the business _(7)_ and _(8)_(approach) the harbour. They see Gulangyu Island across the water, which is a

14、 _(9)_ island with some really interesting _(10)_(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_(5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_(9)_ (10)_答案:(1)attractive(2)fortunate(3)climate(4)pretty(5)highrise(6)malls(7)district(8)approaching(9)gorgeous(10)architecture考点探究演练考点探究演练 1.exchange vt.交换,调换,兑换n交换,互换填空激活知识I am going to travel abroad, so I shou

15、ld go to _ some RMB _ dollars in bank.我准备出国旅游,所以得去银行把一些人民币兑换成美元。Would you like my old TV _ _ _ this camera?用我的旧电视机换这架照相机你愿意吗?答案:exchange;forin exchange for归纳拓展exchange.for. 把和交换in exchange for. 用作交换,换取in exchange 作为交换exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物At the end of the game players usually exchange shirt

16、s with each other.在比赛结束前,选手通常彼此交换衬衫。助记真题寻踪(2014天津B篇阅读)The video exchange between signer and receiver can be recorded on DVD for proof when legal documents are used.录相可以在签字者与接收者之间交换并刻录成DVD,当法律文件使用时,可以用来做证据。2afford vt. 买得起,负担得起;(有时间)做;承担得起(后果);提供,给予填空激活知识完成句子我只买得起最便宜的那一个。I can _ _ the cheapest one.我可得

17、罪不起老板,因为我舍不得丢掉这份工作。I mustnt annoy my boss because I cant _ _ _ my job.我想去度假,可是抽不出时间来。Id love to go on holiday but I cant _ _ _.答案:only affordafford to loseafford the time归纳拓展(1)affordn./pron. 买得起,负担得起的费用(2)afford to do sth. 负担得起干(费用)(3)afford给予某人某物注意:afford表示“买得起,负担得起”,时常与情态动词can, could或be able to一起

18、使用,而不与其他情态动词连用,后接名词、代词或不定式。真题寻踪(2013全国新课标卷,A篇阅读理解)And these days, a good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up.现在,我们很少有人愿意错过这样的便宜货。(2014陕西B篇阅读)She couldnt afford the operation because her family was poor.她付不起手术费,因为她的家庭太穷了。3survive vi.死里逃生;大难不死;幸存vt.在之后仍然生存;比活得长填空激活知识Mr. Green was the onl

19、y _ (幸 存 者 )who _ (在 地 震 中 幸 存 ). He told us he _ (靠生存)a bottle of mineral water. Everyone said his _ (幸存) was a wonder.答案:survivorhad survived the earthquakesurvived onsurvival归纳拓展(1)survive sth. 经历(事故/火灾/地震)幸存下来survive sb. (by.) 比某人活得长(几年)survive on sth. 靠某物维持生活(2)survival n幸存,残存物survivor n幸存者,生还者

20、真题寻踪Only two passengers survived the traffic accident.只有两名乘客在这次事故中死里逃生。(2014全国卷,B)For a time, a few birds survived under human care.有一段时间,在人类的照顾下,一些鸟儿幸存了下来。4contact vt.联络;联系(某人);接触n联系填空激活知识句型转换Its been 5 years since they lost contact with each other.They have been _ _ _ _ each other for 5 years .We

21、are trying to get into contact with the ship by radio.We are trying to _ _ _ the ship by radio.We are trying to _ the ship by radio.答案:out of contact withmake contact with contact归纳拓展make contact with sb. 联系某人lose contact with sb./be out of contact with sb. 与某人失去联系keep/stay/be in contact with sb. 与某

22、人保持联系get into/in contact with sb. 与某人取得联系真题寻踪(2014江 西 , D)When communication becomes more efficient, people are able to contact one another no matter where they are and at whatever time they wish to.当通讯更有效率时,人们就能在任何时间与地点互相联系。5.put up建造;举起;为提供住宿;张贴;提高填空激活知识观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义A new theatre will be put up w

23、here there used to be a temple.()She put up a notice about the school trip to Hong Kong.()Put up your hand if you have any questions.()They agreed to put two foreign students up over the summer.()Is it right to put up the price of houses?()答案:建造张贴举起为提供住宿 提高知识拓展(1)put aside储存(钱);储存以备用;储蓄(2)put forwar

24、d 提出(意见、建议)(3)put in打断;插嘴(4)put off延期;推迟(5)put on 假装;伪装;表演,上演(戏剧);穿上,戴上(6)put out 熄灭;关灭;扑灭(7)put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting.他在会上提出了一个很好的建议。I cant put up with his rudeness any longer.我再也受不了他的无礼了。6pay back 归还(借款等);报复填空激活知识Can you lend me 10 and Ill _ you _ on F

25、riday?你能借给我10英镑吗?我星期五就还你。Ill _ Jenny _ for what she did to me!詹妮这样对待我,我一定要向她报复!答案:paybackpayback知识拓展(1)pay sb. 付给某人(钱、工资等)(2)pay for 付的钱(3)pay sb. money for sth. 因付给某人钱(4)pay off 还清(债务等);成功;奏效(5)pay up 付清全部欠款I have to pay 150 dollars for the sewing machine.我得花150美元买这台缝纫机。All the hard work I had done

26、 over the summer paid off.整个夏天我所做的所有艰辛工作都有了好结果。7get away from摆脱,逃离;离开填空激活知识In modern times, many young people _ _ _home and earn some money on their own.在当代,许多年轻人离开家自己去挣钱。Im too busy to _ _ _ my work at the moment.我此刻工作太忙,抽不开身。答案:get away fromget away from拓展链接get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚get on/along

27、with 与相处;进展get down to (doing) sth. 着手(做)某事get through to sb. (用电话)接通某人;使某人理解真题寻踪The child ought to be punished. You shouldnt let him get away with telling lies.这孩子应该受到惩罚。对他撒谎这件事你不应该就这么算了。8.Its been six years since we last saw each other, you know.你知道自从上次我们见面以来已经六年了。填空激活知识_I left my hometown to sett

28、le here.自从我离开家乡在这儿定居以来已经有两年了。It is three months since he lived here.译:_答案:It has been two years since他不在这儿住已经三个月了。知识拓展(1)Itbe时间段since.句型意为“自从以来已经有多长时间了”。在本句型中从句为过去时,主句常用现在完成时或一般现在时。(2)若since从句中的动词为短暂性的,则表示“从这个动作开始到现在有多长时间了”;若动作为延续性的或表示状态的动词时,表示“从状态结束到现在有多长时间了”。9And this is the first time Ive visited

29、 your hometown.这是我第一次到你的家乡来参观。填空激活知识用所给动词的正确形式填空This is the third time I _(be) to Guangzhou.It was the first time that I _(read) such a moving story.答案:have beenhad read归纳拓展(1)This/It is/was the first/second./last timethat从句表示“这是某人第一次/二次/最后一次做某事”,在口语中that常省略。(2)在此句型中,主句用一般现在时,that从句中的谓语用现在完成时;主句用一般过

30、去时,that从句中的谓语用过去完成时。单单 元元 语语 法法 现在完成时1(2014全国大纲卷改编)The reports went missing in 2012 and nobody _(see) them since.答案:has seen考查动词时态。句意:那些报告2012年就丢失了,从那以后没有人见过它们。since为现在完成时的标志。2Mary, are you sure your aunt _ back from America?Yes. My mother _ me. I am going to see her now.(come; tell)答案:has come; tol

31、d句意:玛丽,你确定你姑姑从美国回来了?是的。我妈妈告诉我的。我现在正要去看望她。根据句意可知第一空应用现在完成时,第二空可用一般过去时或现在完成时,但结合题意可知应用一般过去时。3By the time he realizes the mistake he _, it will be too late for him to do anything about it.(make)答案:has made句意:在他意识到他所犯的错误的时候,再采取任何措施为时已晚。显然,在他意识到犯错误的时候,他已经犯下错误,因此应用现在完成时。4How is your grandfather now?Oh, he

32、 _ for two weeks.(die)答案:has been dead句意:你爷爷现在怎么样了?哦,他已经过世两周了。die是瞬间动词,其用于完成时时不能用时间段作状语。如果题目中确实有时间段的话,则完成时中应用表状态的词,因此答案为has been dead。1.(湖南高考改编)Do you wake up every morning _ energetic and ready to start a new day?(feel)答案:feeling考查非谓语动词。现在分词短语feeling energetic作伴随状语。句意为:你每天早上醒来都感到精力充沛并准备好开始新的一天吗?2(2

33、013陕西改编)I have heard a lot of good things about you _ I came back from abroad.答案:since本题考查状语从句。句意:自从我从国外回来,我已经听说了很多关于你的好事了。由主句时态用了现在完成时,可知时间是“自从过去时间以来”,故选since“自从以来”。若用before,时态要用过去完成时。3(2014江西,27改编)Anyway,were here now, so lets get down_ some serious work.答案:to句意:反正我们都到了,那么我们开始认真工作吧。get down to“着手,开始做”,符合题意。基础知识巩固基础知识巩固(点此链接)(点此链接)课课 时时 作作 业业(点此链接)(点此链接)



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