高考英语大一轮复习 结构法记词25课件

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1、1结构法记词-2501010202高考词汇精讲高考词汇精讲use串记 | usual串记 | vacant串记 value串记 | vary串记 | vest串记 view串记 | violent串记 | visit串记 vitamin串记 | voluntary串记 | wage串记warn串记 | weak串记 | wealth串记| web串记 | wild串记 | week串记 | weigh串记高考词汇精练高考词汇精练I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式 II. 写出单词的正确含义III. 根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空V. 介词填空VI. 单句写作2高考

2、词汇精讲3USE串记 use/ /jujuz z/ /例例 use an effective methodused/ /jujustst/ /记记 us(e)ed使用已使用已经经的的例例buy a used mobile phone at a low priceuseful/jujusflsfl/ /记记 useful作用充作用充满满的的例例 obtain some useful toolsn./vt.使用;对待使用;对待adj.用过的,旧的用过的,旧的adj.有用的有用的4USE串记 useless/jujuslsls s/ /记记 useless作用无作用无例例throw away tho

3、se useless thingsuser/jujuz z/ /记记 us(e)er使用人使用人例例 get feedback from usersadj.无用的无用的n.使用者,用户使用者,用户5USUAL串记 usual/jujul l/ /例例 business as usualusually/jujul l/ /记记 usually通常地通常地例例 usually get up very earlyadj.通常的通常的adv.通常通常unusual/ /njunjul l/ /记记 unusual不平常的不平常的例例achieve an unusual successadj.非凡的,不

4、寻常的非凡的,不寻常的6VACANT串记 vacant/vevek kntnt/ /记记 vacant空的空的例例 fill a vacant positionvacation/ /v vkeken n/ /记记vacation空空闲闲名名词词后后缀缀假期假期例例 on summer vacationvain/ /veven n/ /例例 work hard in vainadj.空的,空缺的空的,空缺的n.假期假期adj.徒劳的,白费劲的徒劳的,白费劲的7VALUE串记 value/v v ljulju/ /例例 be of high/low valuevaluable/v v ljulju

5、blbl/ /记记 valu(e)able价价值值可以的可以的例例 valuable things in a safen.价值价值adj.价值高的,宝贵的价值高的,宝贵的evaluate/ /vv ljueljuet t/ /记记evalu(e)ate眼价眼价值值做做眼看价眼看价值值评评估估vt.估价,评估估价,评估8VARY串记 vary/vever r/ /例例vary slightly from time to timevariety/ /v vrarat t/ /记记var(y)ety变变化后化后缀缀品品种种例例 a wide variety of fruitsvarious/veve

6、r rs s/ /记记 var(y)ous变变化多的化多的例例choose from various portable phonesv.(细小细小)变化变化n.变化;种类变化;种类adj.各种各样的各种各样的9VEST串记 vest/vest/vest/例例 a yellow vestinvestment/ /nvestmnvestmntnt/ /记记investment放入背心放入背心穿背心的人在交易所投穿背心的人在交易所投资资股股票票n.背心,马甲背心,马甲n.投资投资10VIEW串记 view/ /vjuvju/ /例例a beautiful view out of a windowpr

7、eview/ /prprvjuvju/ /记记preview前看前看在前面看在前面看预习预习例例 preview ones lessonsreview/ /r rvjuvju/ /记记 review重复看重复看例例 review the last unitn.风景风景 vt.看看vt.预习预习vt.复习复习11VIEW串记 viewpoint/vjuvjup pntnt/ /记记 viewpoint看点看点例例argue about two different viewpointsinterview/ntntvjuvju/ /记记 interview相互看相互看面面谈谈例例 have a jo

8、b interviewn.观点观点n.面谈,面试;采访面谈,面试;采访12VIOLENT串记 violent/vaval lntnt/ /记记 violent暴力的暴力的例例 deal a violent blowviolence/vaval lnsns/ /记记 violence暴力名暴力名词词后后缀缀例例 reduce violenceviolate/vavalelet t/ /记记violate暴力使暴力使暴力抗暴力抗法法违违反反例例 violate a school regulationviolation/ /vavalelen n/ /记记violat(e)ion违违反名反名词词后后

9、缀缀例例 repeated violationadj.暴力的,猛烈的暴力的,猛烈的n.暴力暴力vt.违反违反n.违反违反13VISIT串记 visit/v vz zt t/ /记记visit看走看走走去看走去看参参观观例例 visit a scenic spotvisitor/v vz zt t/ /记记 visitor参参观观人人例例domestic and foreign visitorsrevision/ /r rvvn n/ /记记 revision重复看重复看修改修改例例 after repeated revisionn./vt.参观,拜访参观,拜访n.参观者,客人参观者,客人n.修

10、改;复习修改;复习14VISIT串记 visual/v vl l/ /记记 visual看的看的例例 visual imagesvisa/viviz z/ /记记visa看一个看一个去另一个去另一个国家看看需要国家看看需要“签证签证”例例 get a visaadj.视觉的视觉的n.签证签证15VITAMIN串记 vitamin/v vt tm mn n/ /例例 live on vitaminsvital/vavat tl l/ /例例 hit the vital partn.维他命,维生素维他命,维生素adj.极重要的,生命攸极重要的,生命攸关的关的16VOLUNTARY串记 volunt

11、ary/v vl lntntr r/ /记记voluntary自自动动的形容的形容词词后后缀缀例例 on voluntary basisvolunteer/ /v vl lntnt/ /记记 volunteer自自动动的人的人例例 apply to be a volunteeradj.自愿的自愿的n.志愿者志愿者 vi.自愿自愿17WAGE串记 wage/ /wewed d/ /例例 monthly wagesalary/s s l lr r/ /记记salary盐盐后后缀缀历历史上史上曾用曾用盐盐作作报报酬酬薪水薪水例例 high salaryn.工资工资n.薪水薪水18WARN串记 war

12、n/ /w wn n/ /例例 warn sb of sthwarning/w wn n/ /记记 warning警告名警告名词词后后缀缀例例 sound a serious warningv.警告警告n.警告警告19WEAK串记 weak/ /wiwik k/ /例例help a weak grandmother反反strongweakness/wiwiknkns s/ /记记 weakness弱的性弱的性质质例例overcome ones weaknessesadj.弱的,体弱的弱的,体弱的n.软弱,弱点软弱,弱点20WEALTH串记 wealth/ /welwel/ /例例 Health

13、 means wealth.wealthy/welwel/ /记记 wealthy财财富的富的例例live a wealthy life同同richn.财富财富adj.富有的富有的21WEB串记 web/web/web/例例break a spiders web in a cornerwebsite/websawebsat t/ /记记 website网网场场址址例例click on an English training websiten.网,蜘蛛网网,蜘蛛网n.网址,网站网址,网站22WILD串记 wild/ /wawaldld/ /例例 protect wild animalswildl

14、ife/wawaldlaldlaf f/ /记记 wildlife野生的生命的野生的生命的例例preserve some space for wildlifeadj.野生的;荒野的野生的;荒野的n.野生生物野生生物23WEEK串记 week/ /wiwik k/ /例例 have a review every weekweekday/wiwikdekde/ /记记 weekday周天周天例例be busy with ones study on weekdaysweekend/ /wiwikendkend/ /记记 weekend周末端周末端例例 at/on weekendsweekly/wiw

15、iklkl/ /记记 weekly周的周的例例high weekly salary关关daily,monthly,yearlyn.周周n.工作日,平常日工作日,平常日n.周末周末adj.每周的每周的24WEIGH串记 weigh/ /wewe/ /例例 weigh a huge whaleweight/ /wewet t/ /记记weigh t称秤称秤钩钩钩钩起来起来称称“重量重量”例例 the weight of a steamboatheight/ /hahat t/ /例例measure the height of a skyscraperv.称称(重量重量)n.重量重量n.高度高度25

16、I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ adj.用用过的,旧的的,旧的2_ adj.有用的有用的3_ adv.通常通常4_ adj.非凡的,不非凡的,不寻常的常的5_ n.价价值6_ adj.价价值高的,宝高的,宝贵的的7_ adj.各种各各种各样的的8_ n.风景景vt.看看9_ adj.极重要的,生命攸关的极重要的,生命攸关的10_ adj.自愿的自愿的11_ n.志愿者志愿者 vi.自愿自愿12_ n.软弱,弱点软弱,弱点13_ n.财富财富14_ adj.富有的富有的usedusefulusuallyunusualvaluevaluablevariousviewvital volunta

17、ry volunteer weakness wealth wealthy26II. 写出单词的正确含义1vacant adj. _2vacation n_3vain adj. _4evaluate vt. _5vary v_6variety n_7vest n_8investment n_9preview vt. _10review vt. _11viewpoint n_12interview n_13violent adj. _14violence n_15violate vt. _16violation n_17revision n_18visual adj. _19visa n_20vi

18、tamin n_ 空的,空缺的空的,空缺的 假期假期徒劳的,白费劲的徒劳的,白费劲的 估价,评估估价,评估(细小细小)变化变化 变化;种类变化;种类背心,马甲背心,马甲 投资投资 预习预习 复习复习 观点观点 面谈,面试;采访面谈,面试;采访 暴力的,猛烈的暴力的,猛烈的 暴力暴力 违反违反 违反违反 修改;复习修改;复习 视觉的视觉的 签证签证 维他命,维生素维他命,维生素27II. 写出单词的正确含义21warning n_22website n_23wildlife n_24weekly adj. _25weigh v_26weight n_27height n_ 警告警告 网址,网站网

19、址,网站 野生生物野生生物 每周的每周的称称(重量重量) 重量重量 高度高度28III. 根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式1I do hope these suggestions will be _(use)to you.2They _ (usual) are busy and have barely enough free time to have a good time.3As we all know, time is the most _ (value) wealth that one can have.4When he was a child, he showed a _ (variou

20、s) of interests in everything around him.usefulusuallyvaluablevariety29III. 根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式5He criticized that the government did little to stop the _ (violent) in the country.6In her opinion,it is privilege to do _(volunteer)work.7As we all know, no one is perfect, and everyone has his own _ (weak)

21、8Robert left his hometown as a poor boy and returned as an extremely _ (wealth) man.violencevoluntaryweaknesswealthy30IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Professor Wang, as well as his two students, _ (interview) by the reporter from CCTV-1 at present.2Ive dreamed about _(visit)the Great Wall.3When _(view)from the b

22、and, the tower and the bridges create a vivid picture known as “two dragons playing with a pearl”4The experts _ (evaluate) themselves as ordinary people have made great contributions to our society development.is being interviewedvisitingviewedevaluating31V. 介词填空1. His parents tried to persuade him

23、not to give up his well-paid job, but their efforts were _ vain.2His opinion is considered to be _ great value. What if we put it into use in our plan?3Students are warned _ not being too curious about things they are not supposed to know.inofof32VI. 单句写作1在在这样的情形下,理解我的情形下,理解我们所学所学习的的东西是至关重要的。西是至关重要的

24、。(it is vital to)2相反,相反,这些志愿者些志愿者说,他,他们厌倦了地球上的生活,因此他倦了地球上的生活,因此他们渴望体渴望体验未来火星未来火星上的生活。上的生活。(volunteer)3摄入入过量糖会量糖会导致我致我们长胖,胖,这对我我们的身体有害。的身体有害。(put on weight)In such situations, it is vital to understand what we have learned.On the contrary, the volunteers always claim that they are tired of the life on earth, so they are eager to experience the future life on the Mars.Taking in too much sugar will cause us to put on weight, which is bad for our health.



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