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1、浅谈初中英语中的浅谈初中英语中的“主谓一致主谓一致”有关“主谓一致”的试题,在近几年的中考英语试题中以多种形式出现。如:单项选择、单句改错、短文改错、同义句转换、时态填空等,题型多样。不少学生对此类试题迷惑不解,望而生畏,不知从何下手。为了使同学们掌握它,现对初中英语中“主谓一致的问题归纳总结如下n一、最基本的主谓一致规则n初中课本中最基本的主谓一致规则是:单则单,复则复,即主语为单数时,谓语动词也用相应的单数形式;主语为复数时,谓语动词也用相应的复数形式。例如:I am a teacher. We are teachers. 但要注意:当表示时间、长度、距离、金钱、度量等词组作主语时,常将其

2、看作是一个整体,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:Two years is quite a long time. Ten dollars is enough.另外,加减乘除也常当作整体对待,谓语动词也用单数形式。例如:Forty-one plus fifty-nine is one hundred. How much is ninety-nine minus sixty-two?n二、集体名词作主语时,谓语动词的使用nfamily, class, team等集体名词作主语时,若指一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式;但若指其成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:The family is very big. T

3、heir family are watching TV now.n三 、 neither. nor., either.or., not.but.,not only. but also.等连词连接两个名词(或代词)作主语时,谓语动词要与靠近它的 主 语一 致。例如 :Neither he nor I know anything about it. Not only the students but also the teacher has visited the museum. there be结构也属于此类。例如:There is a teacher,a desk, a blackboard,

4、 some desks and some chairs in the classroom.但要注意:bothand表示和都,谓语动词一般用复数形式。例如:Both his father and mother are doctors.n四、两个主语用and连接时,谓语动词的使用n and连接两个名词(或代词)作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。例如:Mary and Helen are good friends.但要注意:and连接的两个名词只表示一个概念时,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:A singer and dancer is coming.一个歌手兼舞蹈家就要来了。n五、politics,

5、physics, works, the United States, news, maths等词作主语时,谓语动词的使用n这类形式上为复数,意义上却是单数的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:The news is very exciting. Physics is a bit difficult for me.但要注意有些名词,如:people(人;人们), police等则是形式为单数,意义是复数,谓语动词要用复数形式。例如:People there are very friendlyn六、不定代词作主语时,谓语动词的使用n1.something, everything, anythi

6、ng, nothing, everybody, anybody, nobody, everyone, anyone等复合不定代词,以及either, neither(neither of), each (each of), each one, no one, another等代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:Neither of the answers is right. Something is wrong with my computer. n2.both,few,afew,many,several,others作主语,或它们所修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。例如:Afew

7、peoplecanliveto100,butfewcanliveto150.Bothofthemareinmyclass.n七、with, as well as, like等修饰的单数名词作主语,谓语动词的使用n单数名词作主语,且后面有with, as well as, like等修饰时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:1.The teacher with his students has gone to the library. 2.Is the woman like you your mother? 3.The instrument as well as other spare parts is

8、 going to be airlifted soon. (该仪器以及其它一些备用件不久将空运。)n八、动词不定式(或动词不定式短语),V-ing形式以及名词性从句作主语,谓语动词的使用n动词不定式(或动词不定式短语),V-ing形式以及名词性从句作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:1.To eat in a fast food restaurant is cheap and saves time. 2.Climbing hills is good exercise. 3.What interests the workers most is better wages and working co

9、nditions. (工人们最关注的是好的工资待遇和工作条件。)n主谓一致正误辨析主谓一致正误辨析n同学们在主谓一致问题上经常会犯判断失误的错误,现将有关主谓一致现象的难点归纳如下:n一、主语为单数集体名词,谓语动词用复数的情况n例1警察正在城里搜捕一名小偷。n误 The police is searching the city for a thief.n正 The police are searching the city for a thief.n析 police,people,cattle(牛)等词虽然形式上是单数,但意义上却为复数,谓语动词需用复数形式。n例2在我国老人受到很好的照顾。

10、n误 The old is taken good care of in our country.n正 The old are taken good care of in our country.n析某些形容词前加上定冠词the,如the old,the young,the dead,the rich,the sick等,用以表示一类人时,其意义为复数,谓语动词用复数形式。n二、主语为复数形式,谓语动词用单数的情况n例1纽约时报是流行于美国各地的报纸。n误 The New York Times are read all over the United States.n正 The New York

11、 Times is read all over the United States.n析当表示国家、城市、人名、书名、报纸、杂志及组织机构等的专有名词作主语时,通常把它们作为整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式。n例2这条裤子是他哥哥的。n误 This pair of trousers are his brothers.n正 This pair of trousers is his brothers.n析一些由两个相同部分组成一体的复数名词,如trousers,glasses,shoes等,作主语时,若前面有一条、一副、一把之类的单位名词,则谓语动词用单数,不带单位名词,则谓语动词用复数形式。n三、主

12、语为单数形式,谓语动词有时用单数,有时用复数的情况例1他家里人正等着他。n误 His family is waiting for him.n正 His family are waiting for him.n析有些集体名词,如family,class,group,team,nation,couple等,作主语时,若作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数;如果就其中一个个成员考虑,谓语动词则用复数形式。n例2我们需要许多食物。n误 Lots of food are needed by us.n正 Lots of food is needed by us.n析 a lot of / lots of /

13、plenty of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的数依据名词的数而定。n四、并列主语与谓语动词数的一致的情况n例1那位教师兼作家来参加会议了。n误 The teacher and writer have come to the meeting.n正 The teacher and writer has come to the meeting.n析由and连接的两个(或两个以上)单数主语,指同一人,同一物或同一概念时,谓语动词用单数形式。n例2每个男孩和女孩都有受教育的权利。n误 Every boy and every girl have the right to education.n正 Every

14、 boy and every girl has the right to education.n析由and连接两个单数主语,若前面有every,each等限定时,谓语动词用单数形式。n例3那时,教授带着许多学生正在实验室做实验。误 The professor with a number of students were doing experiments in the lab at that time.正 The professor with a number of students was doing experiments in the lab at that time.析主语后跟有asw

15、ellas,nolessthan,ratherthan,but,besides,except,like,with,alongwith,togetherwith等介词(短语)时,谓语动词的数要与介词(短语)前面的主语的数相一致。n五、几种特殊结构的主谓语一致n例1和这些孩子们交谈是一件愉快的事。n误 To tallk with the children are a great pleasure.n正 To talk with the children is a great pleasure.n析该句是不定式作主语,表示单一概念,谓语动词用单数形式。n例2一切都准备好了,是吗?n误 Everyth

16、ing are ready,arent they?n正 Everything is ready,isnt it?n析everything,something,nothing等作主语时,陈述句部分谓语动词用单数形式,附加疑问句中谓语动词和相应代词都只可用单数形式。不定代词everybody,someone,anyone,nobody等作主语时,陈述句部分谓语动词一般用单数形式。但是,在附加疑问句中谓语动词与相应代词多用复数形式。n巩固练习巩固练习n1. A woman with a baby_ coming here.nA. is B. are n2. The girl as well as t

17、he boys _learned to drive a car.nA. has B. have n3. Whenever anything_, please stay here quietly.nA. happens B. happen n4. Many a man_ the story.nA. believe B. believesn5. A year and a half_ already passed.nA.has B. have n6. Twelve percent of the workers here_ women.nA. is B. are n7. His family_ wat

18、ching TV.nA. is B. are n8. Bread and butter_ their daily food.nA. isB. are n9. Not only a pen but also two books _lost.nA. wasB. were n10. The boy and the girl each_ their own toys.nA. has B. have n11. Maths_ not easy to learn.nA. is B. are n12. To master the spirit of a foreign language_ not easy.n

19、A. is B. are n13. A number of the students_ going to visit the History Museum.nA. is B. are n14. The number of the girl students in that school_ smaller than that of the boy students.nA. is B. are n15. The doctor and scientist_ to the meeting.nA. was invited B. were invited nKeys: 1-5 AAABA 6-10 BBABB 11-15 AABAAn



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