高考英语一轮复习 Module 10 Units 34 Protecting ourselves课件 译林牛津

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1、Module 10Units 34Protecting ourselves Law and order重点单词重点单词1cure n治疗,疗法治疗,疗法 vt. 治愈治愈 【用法拓展用法拓展】 a cure for 治疗治疗的一种方法的一种方法 cure sb.of sth.治愈某人某疾病;改掉某人的某恶习治愈某人某疾病;改掉某人的某恶习 It is my belief that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years. 我相信十年后我们能找到治愈癌症的方法。我相信十年后我们能找到治愈癌症的方法。 A trip was the

2、perfect cure for overwork. 旅游是缓解工作过度劳累的良药。旅游是缓解工作过度劳累的良药。美国传统美国传统 Strong medicine cured the patient quickly. 强效药使这位患者迅速康复。强效药使这位患者迅速康复。美国传统美国传统【易混辨析易混辨析】treat/cure/heal(1)treat 治疗,指接受并诊治病人。包括对伤口、病人进行诊治疗,指接受并诊治病人。包括对伤口、病人进行诊断,制定治疗方案、开药方等。断,制定治疗方案、开药方等。Cancer is difficult to treat.癌症很难治疗。癌症很难治疗。(2)cur

3、e 治愈;治疗,多指病后恢复健康。治愈;治疗,多指病后恢复健康。The medicine cured her toothache.这药治好了她的牙痛。这药治好了她的牙痛。(3)heal (伤口或断骨伤口或断骨)愈合;复原,多指创伤,外伤,也可指愈合;复原,多指创伤,外伤,也可指矛盾,分歧。矛盾,分歧。The wound heals rapidly.伤口很快愈合了。伤口很快愈合了。即学即用即学即用Those students expect their teacher to _ from disease very soon. Acure Btreat Cheal Drecover 答案答案:DHi

4、s doctor promised him that the new medicine would be the cure _ his illness. Aof Bin Cfor Das 答案答案:C2infect v感染感染 【用法拓展用法拓展】 infect sb.with 传染传染/感染某人感染某人 become/get/be infected with 被被感染感染 infection n. 传染,传染病传染,传染病 infective adj.传染的传染的,有传染性的有传染性的 It is dangerous to become infected with bird flu. 感染了

5、禽流感是危险的。感染了禽流感是危险的。 Her optimism seemed to infect all those around her. 她的乐观情绪似乎感染了周围所有的人。她的乐观情绪似乎感染了周围所有的人。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 A computer virus may lurk unseen in a computers memory,calling up and infecting each of the machines data files in turn. 计算机病毒可潜伏在计算机存储器中,依次调出并感染计算计算机病毒可潜伏在计算机存储器中,依次调出并感染计算 机中的每一个数据文

6、档。机中的每一个数据文档。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子We _ _ _ _(不会染上不会染上) HIV by swimming in a pool,or sitting in a bath. 答案答案:cant become infected withPeople who have been infected with a disease must take care _ _ _ _(别感染给其他人别感染给其他人) around them. 答案答案:not to infect othersShe _ the whole class _ her laughter. 她的笑声

7、感染了全班同学。她的笑声感染了全班同学。 答案答案:infected; with3promote v提拔,晋升;促销,宣传;促进,推动提拔,晋升;促销,宣传;促进,推动 【用法拓展用法拓展】 promote sb.to 提拔某人为提拔某人为 be promoted to 被提拔为被提拔为 promotion n提升,晋升提升,晋升 win/gain/get promotion 获得晋级获得晋级 He certainly ought to be promoted.他应该被提升。他应该被提升。 Shes just been promoted to senior sales rep. 她刚刚被提升为

8、高级销售代表。她刚刚被提升为高级销售代表。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 The Prime Ministers visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries. 首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。 Did Steve get/Was Steve given the promotion he wanted? 史蒂夫得到他梦寐以求的提升了吗?史蒂夫得到他梦寐以求的提升了吗?剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子She worked hard and _ _ _(很快被提很快被提 升为升为) to th

9、e sales manager. 答案答案:was soon promotedThe aim of the meeting is to _ _(促进贸易促进贸易) between the two countries. 答案答案:promote trade_ _ _ _ _(为了推销他为了推销他 们的新洗发水们的新洗发水),they are selling it at half price for a month. 答案答案:To promote their new shampooThey are trying to promote the Loch Ness Lake _ _ _ _(推广为旅

10、游景点推广为旅游景点) 答案答案:as a tourist destination4swallow v吞咽,咽下;哽咽吞咽,咽下;哽咽 n燕子燕子 【用法拓展用法拓展】 swallow up 吞没,消失在吞没,消失在中中 swallow ones words 收回自己的话收回自己的话 swallow ones pride 放下架子,不顾自己的尊严放下架子,不顾自己的尊严 He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole. 他把一颗葡萄放进嘴里,一口吞下。他把一颗葡萄放进嘴里,一口吞下。 He swallowed hard and said

11、,“Dad,Ive got something to tell you.”他哽咽道:他哽咽道:“爸爸,我有事要告诉你。爸爸,我有事要告诉你。” I had to swallow my words when the scheme turned out to be a great success. 结果这个计划非常成功,我不得不承认我之前说的话是错的。结果这个计划非常成功,我不得不承认我之前说的话是错的。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 He was forced to swallow his pride and ask if he could have his old job back. 他不得不抛开面子,问

12、能不能回到原来的工作岗位上。他不得不抛开面子,问能不能回到原来的工作岗位上。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用辨别下列辨别下列swallow的意思的意思My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow. 答案答案:吞下,咽下:吞下,咽下She swallowed the insult without comment. 答案答案:忍受:忍受The story about her father being rich is hard to swallow. 答案答案:相信:相信Though she was really angry,she

13、 swallowed her anger and turned to face him. 答案答案:抑制,掩饰:抑制,掩饰There were two swallows nesting above our front door. 答案答案:燕子:燕子Peter booked a long swallow of his drink and then ate some cookies. 答案答案:一口,一次吞咽的量:一口,一次吞咽的量5addictive adj.使人上瘾的,使人入迷的使人上瘾的,使人入迷的 【用法拓展用法拓展】 addict vt.使沉溺;嗜好;使使沉溺;嗜好;使.成瘾,热衷于成

14、瘾,热衷于 addict oneself to 沉溺于,醉心于沉溺于,醉心于 be addicted to 嗜好,热衷嗜好,热衷 addicted adj.沉溺于沉溺于中的中的 addiction n沉溺,上瘾;嗜好沉溺,上瘾;嗜好 Im addicted to(I very often eat/drink)chocolate/lattes. 我吃巧克力我吃巧克力/喝拿铁咖啡上瘾。喝拿铁咖啡上瘾。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 The problem with video games is that theyre addictive. 电子游戏的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。电子游戏的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。剑桥

15、高阶剑桥高阶 Hes got an addictive personality.他具有成瘾性格。他具有成瘾性格。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用He has been _ from a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years. A suffering B addicted C infected D consulted 答案答案:A6.order n秩序,有条理,整齐,正常状况秩序,有条理,整齐,正常状况 【用法拓展用法拓展】 keep order 维持秩序维持秩序 law and order 治安治安 in order 按秩序,按顺序,

16、恰当的按秩序,按顺序,恰当的 in order of 以以的顺序的顺序 out of order 出毛病,没条理出毛病,没条理 place an order for 订购订购 in order to do 为了为了 in order for sth.为了为了 We must work towards a new social order. 我们一定要努力实现新的社会秩序。我们一定要努力实现新的社会秩序。 The teacher found it hard to keep her class in order. 老师发现很难维持课堂秩序。老师发现很难维持课堂秩序。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 His beh

17、aviour in the meeting was out of order(not suitable for the situation) 他在会上的行为不妥。他在会上的行为不妥。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 I agreed to her suggestion in order not to upset her. 为了不让她伤心,我同意了她的建议。为了不让她伤心,我同意了她的建议。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子There is a complete breakdown in _ _ _. 治安荡然无存。治安荡然无存。 答案答案:law and orderThe children li

18、ned up _ _. 孩子按年龄或高矮顺序排好队。孩子按年龄或高矮顺序排好队。 答案答案:in orderI cant find the file I need because theyre all _ _ _. 我找不到需要的文件,因为他们杂乱无章。我找不到需要的文件,因为他们杂乱无章。 答案答案:out of order7hatred n憎恨,仇恨;憎恶;恶意憎恨,仇恨;憎恶;恶意 【用法拓展用法拓展】 have a hatred for/of 憎恶憎恶 in hatred of 憎恨憎恨 hate doing/to do 讨厌做讨厌做 hate to think 不愿意想不愿意想 ha

19、te it when. 不喜欢,讨厌,不喜欢,讨厌,it充当形式宾语充当形式宾语 hate to do/doing 讨厌,不喜欢做某事讨厌,不喜欢做某事 dislike doing 不喜欢做某事,不能用不喜欢做某事,不能用dislike to do He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. 他以憎恨的眼光看着我。他以憎恨的眼光看着我。 They are fighting against racial hatred. 他们在为反对种族仇恨而战。他们在为反对种族仇恨而战。美国传统美国传统 We hate washing dishes.我们讨厌洗盘子。我们讨厌

20、洗盘子。美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子The peasants _ _ _ _ _ the landlords. 农民们对地主怀有刻骨的仇恨。农民们对地主怀有刻骨的仇恨。 答案答案:have a deep hatred for I _ _ _ (讨厌去想讨厌去想) how much money I have spent. 答案答案:hate to think单项选择单项选择 I hate _ when my parents argue about trifles. Athat Bone Cit Dthis 答案答案:C21228offensive adj.冒犯的,唐突的,讨厌

21、的,令人不快的,进攻冒犯的,唐突的,讨厌的,令人不快的,进攻 的的 n攻击,攻势攻击,攻势 【用法拓展用法拓展】 an offensive against the enemy 向敌人进攻向敌人进攻 on the offensive 采取攻势,进攻中的采取攻势,进攻中的 take the offensive 进攻,采取攻势进攻,采取攻势 offence n犯罪;冒犯,违反,罪过犯罪;冒犯,违反,罪过 offend v犯罪;冒犯,违反,得罪犯罪;冒犯,违反,得罪 His ideas are offensive to the government. 他的思想使政府不快。他的思想使政府不快。 His

22、thoughtless remark put her on the offensive. 他无心说的话招来她一通回击。他无心说的话招来她一通回击。美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用There were complaints that the advertisement was _ to women.Aaccessible Bavailable Cflexible Doffensive答案答案:DHe came to know that he had committed an offence _ the will of the majority.Afor Bagainst Cto Dof答案答案:

23、B23249.identify vt.认出;识别;鉴定;使等同;认为一致认出;识别;鉴定;使等同;认为一致 【用法拓展用法拓展】 identify.as. 把把认作认作 identify.with. 把把与与等同起来,与等同起来,与混为一谈混为一谈 identify oneself with 同同打成一片打成一片 identify with 与与感同身受感同身受 be identified with 与与有关系有关系 identification n身份证,证明,确认身份证,证明,确认 Can you identify your umbrella among a lot? 你能在这些伞中认出你

24、自己的吗?你能在这些伞中认出你自己的吗? We identified the bird as an eagle.我们确认那是一只鹰我们确认那是一只鹰.美国传统美国传统 That economist is identified with conservative political groups. 那位经济学家与保守派政治团体关系密切。那位经济学家与保守派政治团体关系密切。美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子Never _ wealth _ happiness.千万不要把财富和幸福等同起来。千万不要把财富和幸福等同起来。答案答案:identify;withI _ _ the hero

25、ine of the novel.我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。答案答案:identified withLiving in the countryside,he _ _ _ the peasants.他在农村生活,与农民打成一片。他在农村生活,与农民打成一片。答案答案:identified himself with25262710. aboard adv.&prep.在船在船(或飞机,车或飞机,车)上,上船上,上船(飞机或车飞机或车) 【用法拓展用法拓展】 welcome aboard 欢迎搭乘欢迎搭乘(航班,轮船,火车航班,轮船,火车);欢迎加盟;欢迎加

26、盟 on board 在船上或车上或飞机上在船上或车上或飞机上 go/come/get on board 上车上车/船船/飞机飞机 on the board 在委员会,董事会在委员会,董事会 abroad adv.在国外在国外 broad adj.宽的宽的 board n木板,木板,(供特殊用途的供特殊用途的)木板,甲板木板,甲板 vt.提供膳食,提供膳食, 上上(船、飞机等船、飞机等) All passengers aboard fell into the river. 船上所有的乘客都落入河中。船上所有的乘客都落入河中。 Its time for passengers to go aboa

27、rd.旅客们登机的时间到了。旅客们登机的时间到了。 美国传统美国传统 Everyone was boarding up the windows before the storm. 暴风雨来临前,每个人都在用木板封窗户。暴风雨来临前,每个人都在用木板封窗户。美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子They were the last two_ _ _.他们是最后两位上船的。他们是最后两位上船的。答案答案:to go aboardEverybody _ _ was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.车上的人都

28、很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。车上的人都很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。答案答案:on board2829重点短语重点短语1lose sb.to sth.因某事失去某人因某事失去某人 【用法拓展用法拓展】 lose to/against sb.负于某人负于某人 lose ones breath 喘不过气来喘不过气来 lose touch with 失去联系失去联系 lose ones way 迷路迷路 lose ones balance 失去平衡失去平衡 lose control of 失去控制失去控制 lose sight of 看不见看不见 lose track of 失去线

29、索失去线索 lose oneself in 全神贯注于全神贯注于 lose out on得不到得不到(需要或应有的东西需要或应有的东西) If action is not taken,more and more children will lose their parents to AIDS. 如果不采取行动,越来越多的孩子将会因艾滋病而失去父母。如果不采取行动,越来越多的孩子将会因艾滋病而失去父母。 He gambled all his money and lost his shirt. 他押上了所有的钱,结果输得分文不剩。他押上了所有的钱,结果输得分文不剩。美国传统美国传统 He lost

30、 out on the opportunity because he did not say he was interested. 他错过了那次机会,因为他没说他感兴趣。他错过了那次机会,因为他没说他感兴趣。美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用用用lose短语填空短语填空_ _ _ the book,he didnt notice what happened to his house.答案答案:Lost in/Losing himself inWhile crossing the narrow bridge,he suddenly _ _ _ and fell into the river.答案答

31、案:lost his balanceHe has suffered a lot since he _ _ in the big fire.答案答案:lost sightGood friends should never _ _ _ each other.答案答案:lose touch with303132332be familiar with 对对熟悉;通晓熟悉;通晓 【用法拓展用法拓展】 be familiar with sth.熟悉某事物熟悉某事物 be familiar with sb.与某人过分亲密与某人过分亲密 be familiar to sb.为某人所熟悉为某人所熟悉 He is

32、 familiar with Chinese ancient history.他通晓中国古代历史。他通晓中国古代历史。 We are on familiar terms with the neighbors.我们跟邻居关系融洽。我们跟邻居关系融洽。 美国传统美国传统 It is a mistake to be too familiar with ones boss. 跟自己的上司太过放肆是个错误。跟自己的上司太过放肆是个错误。美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用Jay is familiar _ young fans and he is familiar _ music.Ato;with Bwit

33、h;to Cwith;with Dto;to答案答案:A3subscribe to 同意,赞成;预订,订阅同意,赞成;预订,订阅 【用法拓展用法拓展】 subscribe for/to a book 订购书籍订购书籍 subscribe to a magazine 订阅杂志订阅杂志 subscribe to an opinion 同意某一意见同意某一意见 We firmly subscribe to the belief that there will be a large market for our new product very soon. 我们相信我们的新产品很快就会有较大的市场份额

34、。我们相信我们的新产品很快就会有较大的市场份额。 I stopped subscribing to the Readers Digest and no longer received their monthly magazine. 我不再订阅读者文摘了,再也不会收到他们的月刊了。我不再订阅读者文摘了,再也不会收到他们的月刊了。 Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil. 弗兰克坚信人类的善良能够战胜邪恶。弗兰克坚信人类的善良能够战胜邪恶。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用The go

35、vernment still _ the view that higher taxes are unpopular with the people.Aadjusts to Badapts to Csubscribes to Dcontributes to答案答案:CHe _ the magazine and is given some money.Aadjusts to Badapts to Csubscribes to Dcontributes to答案答案:D35364.choke back 控制住,忍住控制住,忍住 【用法拓展用法拓展】 choke down 困难地咽下,屈辱地接受困难地

36、咽下,屈辱地接受 choke off 阻止,劝阻阻止,劝阻 choke up 阻塞,装得太满;说不出话来阻塞,装得太满;说不出话来 choke on 噎住噎住 choke to death 窒息而亡窒息而亡 “John has had an accident,”she said,choking back the tears. “约翰出车祸了,约翰出车祸了,”她强忍住眼泪说。她强忍住眼泪说。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 Children can choke on peanuts. 小孩子吃花生会噎住的。小孩子吃花生会噎住的。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 She choked to death on a fish bon

37、e. 她被鱼刺卡住后窒息而亡。她被鱼刺卡住后窒息而亡。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用用用choke短语填空短语填空He didnt like food but he managed to _ it _.答案答案:choke;downThe girl talked endlessly and her mother had to _ her _.答案答案:choke;offHe _ _ and couldnt finish his speech.答案答案:choked upHearing her mean words,I stood there and trembling and trying

38、to _ _ tears.答案答案:choke back373839405relate to 涉及,有关;与涉及,有关;与有关;能理解或同情有关;能理解或同情 【用法拓展用法拓展】 relate.to/with 在思想上或意义上把在思想上或意义上把与与联系在一起联系在一起 relate sth.to sb.向某人讲述某事向某人讲述某事 be related to 与与有关系有关系 be connected with 与与有联系有联系 be involved in/with sth.与与有关联,涉及有关联,涉及 have something to do with 与与有关系有关系 I cant

39、relate what he does to what he says. 我无法把他的言行联系在一起。我无法把他的言行联系在一起。Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.专家们认为,专家们认为,该地区癌症病例的大量出现和新建的核电站之间有直接关系。该地区癌症病例的大量出现和新建的核电站之间有直接关系。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶Many parents find it hard to relate to th

40、eir children when they are teenagers.很多父母感到,当孩子到了十几岁的时候,就很难理解他们了。很多父母感到,当孩子到了十几岁的时候,就很难理解他们了。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用The matter _ your fate can not be taken for granted.Arelating to Brelated to Crelate to Dto relate to答案答案:B416break into 侵入,破门而入;突然侵入,破门而入;突然起来起来 【用法拓展用法拓展】 break up 解散,驱散,分解,分手解散,驱散,分解,分手 br

41、eak down抛锚,出故障,毁掉,坍塌,崩溃抛锚,出故障,毁掉,坍塌,崩溃 break in 强行闯入,打岔强行闯入,打岔 break out (疾病,战争,火灾疾病,战争,火灾)突然爆发突然爆发 break off 中止,中断中止,中断 break through 突破,强行穿过突破,强行穿过 break away 突然离开,放弃突然离开,放弃 break away from 与与脱离关系脱离关系 His house was broken into last week.上周有人闯入了他的房屋。上周有人闯入了他的房屋。 As the presidents car arrived,the cr

42、owd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。总统的汽车到达时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。 She broke off in the middle of a sentence. 她话说了一半突然打住了。她话说了一半突然打住了。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用Burglars once _ our house while we were away.Abroke in Bbroke into Cbroke out Dbroke down答案答案:BIt was almost at midnight that a fire _ in the ne

43、ighborhood.Abroke up Bbroke into Cbroke out Dbroke down答案答案:C42437apply to 适用于,应用于适用于,应用于 【用法拓展用法拓展】 apply for 申请,请求申请,请求 apply oneself to 致力于,集中精力做某事致力于,集中精力做某事 apply ones mind to 专心于专心于 apply sth.to. 把把施于,把施于,把运用于运用于 applied adj.应用的应用的 application n适用,应用适用,应用 The discount no longer applies to him

44、because hes over eighteen. 他不再享受打折优惠,因为他已经超过他不再享受打折优惠,因为他已经超过18岁了。岁了。 You can solve any problem if you apply yourself. 如果你努力,任何问题都能解决。如果你努力,任何问题都能解决。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 Please apply in writing to the address below. 请将书面申请寄到以下地址。请将书面申请寄到以下地址。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子You should _ what you have learnt _ daily work

45、.你应该把所学的用到日常工作中去。你应该把所学的用到日常工作中去。答案答案:apply;toWhat I have said _ _ _ you.我所说的与你无关。我所说的与你无关。答案答案:doesnt apply toThe newcomer _ _ _ _ the job.新来的职员工作专心致志。新来的职员工作专心致志。答案答案:applies his mind toOne should be confident while _ _ a position.一个人在申请职位时一定要自信。一个人在申请职位时一定要自信。答案答案:applying for444546478be faced wi

46、th 面临,面对面临,面对 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 face up to 正视,面对正视,面对 (Lets) face it.实话实说实话实说 face facts 正视现实;正视事实正视现实;正视事实 cant face sth.不想做,不想处理不想做,不想处理 face the music 认错受罚,接受批评认错受罚,接受批评 This country is faced with the war.这个国家目前正面临着战争这个国家目前正面临着战争. Shes going to have to face up to the fact that hes not going to marry h

47、er. 她将不得不接受他不会娶她这一事实。她将不得不接受他不会娶她这一事实。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 I cant face walking up all those steps again. 我可受不了再爬一遍那些台阶。我可受不了再爬一遍那些台阶。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用_ with difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.ATo face BHaving faced CFaced DFacing答案答案:C 489take sb.to court 起诉某人,控告某人起诉某人,控告某人 【用法拓展用法拓展】

48、go to court 上法庭上法庭 come to court 开始审理开始审理 settle out of court 庭外和解庭外和解 pay court to sb.讨好某人,对某人献殷勤讨好某人,对某人献殷勤 I took her to court for repayment of the debt. 我为索取债务而起诉她。我为索取债务而起诉她。 The lack of evidence means that the case is unlikely to go to court. 缺乏证据意味着本案不大可能提交法庭。缺乏证据意味着本案不大可能提交法庭。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 The ne

49、wspaper has agreed to settle out of court.这家报纸已同这家报纸已同 意庭外和解。意庭外和解。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用It took five years for the case to _ to court.Atake Bgo Ccome Dpay答案答案:C49重点句子重点句子1HIV and AIDS are spreading across the world at a frightening rate,with about 14,000 people being infected daily.艾滋病病毒和艾滋病病毒和 艾滋病在全球以令人

50、恐怖的速度传播艾滋病在全球以令人恐怖的速度传播,大约每天有大约每天有1万万4千人被感染千人被感染. 【用法拓展用法拓展】 at a.rate 以以的速度的速度 with 复合结构在句中作伴随状语。复合结构在句中作伴随状语。 with名词或代词名词或代词v.ing分词,其中分词,其中v.ing分词表示主动或正在进分词表示主动或正在进 行的动作;行的动作; with名词或代词名词或代词v.ed分词,其中分词,其中v.ed分词表示被动或已完成分词表示被动或已完成 的动作;的动作; with名词或代词不定式,其中不定式表示将来的动作;名词或代词不定式,其中不定式表示将来的动作; with名词或代词形容

51、词;名词或代词形容词; with名词或代词副词或介词短语;名词或代词副词或介词短语; with名词或代词名词。名词或代词名词。 He fell asleep with his radio still working.他开着收音机睡着了。他开着收音机睡着了。即学即用即学即用用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空With so much work _ _(do),we cant kill any time by playing cards.答案答案:to doWith the problem _(settle),we all felt happy.答案答案:settled完成句子完成句子

52、With them _ _(支持我们支持我们),we are safe.答案答案:supporting usShe died with _ _ _ _ _.她死时儿子还是个学生。她死时儿子还是个学生。答案答案:her son still a pupil50515253The girl entered the room with _ _ _ _ _.(眼里含满泪水眼里含满泪水)答案答案:her eyes filled with tears单项选择单项选择Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry.With so much w

53、ork _ my mind,I almost break down.Afilled Bfilling Cto fill Dbeing filled答案答案:B54552The work of international organizations,such as the United Nations,is even more important when you consider how much more severe the situation around the world could become.当你考虑到全球范围情况会变得多么严重时,联合国当你考虑到全球范围情况会变得多么严重时,

54、联合国 一类的国际组织的工作就显得更为重要。一类的国际组织的工作就显得更为重要。 【句子分析句子分析】 这是一个含有从属连词这是一个含有从属连词when引导的条件状语从句的复合句。引导的条件状语从句的复合句。 主句是主句是The work of.is even more important,句中的句中的when是是 从属连词,表示一种条件,相当于从属连词,表示一种条件,相当于if或或whenever的含义,常的含义,常 用来表示客观事实。用来表示客观事实。 when作连词时的其他含义:作连词时的其他含义: (1)“既然,考虑到既然,考虑到”,相当于,相当于since或或on which occ

55、asion。 (2)“虽然,然而虽然,然而”,表示对比,相当于,表示对比,相当于whereas或或while。 (3)“就在这时或那时就在这时或那时”,作并列连词,相当于,作并列连词,相当于and then。How can I help them to understand when they wont listen to me?既然他们不愿意听我的,我怎能帮他们理解呢?既然他们不愿意听我的,我怎能帮他们理解呢?I had only fifteen dollars on me when the book I wanted cost twenty.我身上仅有我身上仅有15美元,而我想要的字典需美

56、元,而我想要的字典需20美元。美元。I was fishing by the river when someone called for help.我在河边我在河边钓鱼,突然听到有人求救。钓鱼,突然听到有人求救。即学即用即学即用How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen?Ain case Beven if Cunless Dwhen答案答案:D 563It is estimated that between 2000 and 2020,over 68 million people will die of Aids in the

57、 countries most affected by this epidemic.据估计,在据估计,在2000年到年到2020年期间,在这一传染病最年期间,在这一传染病最 严重的国家中,超过严重的国家中,超过6 800万人将死于艾滋病。万人将死于艾滋病。 【用法拓展】用法拓展】 It is estimated that.据估计据估计 It is said that.据说据说 It is believed that.人们相信人们相信 It is reported that.据报道据报道 It is hoped that.人们希望人们希望 此句型可改写成此句型可改写成sb./sth.is sai

58、d/estimated/believed/hoped/ reportedto do/to have done/to be doing.It is reported that over 200,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake.据报道地震导致了据报道地震导致了20多万人死亡。多万人死亡。It is believed that the government is trying to take measures to protect their mother river.人们相信政府正在尽力采取措施保护他们的母亲河。人们相信政府正在尽力采取措

59、施保护他们的母亲河。即学即用即学即用She _ a lot of clothes at a time because she is crazy about shopping.Ais said to be buying Bis said to have bought Chad said to buy Dhas said to have bought答案答案:A 574.an example of which is fraud,a crime where money is stolen by cheating others.欺诈就是其中一类犯罪,欺诈就是其中一类犯罪, 一种通过欺骗他人来窃取钱财的

60、犯罪。一种通过欺骗他人来窃取钱财的犯罪。 【用法拓展用法拓展】 where引导定语从句,本身在从句中充当状语,先行词引导定语从句,本身在从句中充当状语,先行词 不是明显的地点,而是不是明显的地点,而是“模糊化的地点模糊化的地点”。 常见的这样的先行词有常见的这样的先行词有case,point,situation,stage 等。等。 This is the point where I dont agree. 这就是我不同意的地方。这就是我不同意的地方。即学即用即学即用After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she needed

61、to decide what to do.(2007江西江西)Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhere答案答案:DLater in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.(2008江西江西)Awhere Bwhen Cwho Dwhich答案答案:A5859语法精讲语法精讲情景交际情景交际( (二二) )9同意和不同意同意和不同意Agreement and disagreement Certainly/Sure

62、/Of course/I couldnt agree more. No problem.Yes,please./Yes,I think so. Thats true.All right. Its a good idea to/that./We agree(with you) I agree to./thatclause. No,I dont think so./Im not sure whether/if. Im afraid I really cant agree with you.10就餐就餐Having meals What would you like(to have)? Would

63、you like something(to eat/drink)? Would you like some more.? Help yourself to some. Id like. Cake/Two eggs.,please. Thank you.Ive had enough./Im full,thank you. Just a little,please. 注意注意:对饭菜评价可说对饭菜评价可说Its excellent!或或Its delicious. Cheers!干杯干杯! To your health!为您的健康干杯!为您的健康干杯!11. . 购物购物Shopping (1)营

64、业员招呼顾客常用语:营业员招呼顾客常用语: Anything I can do for you?/What can I do for you? Are you looking for some chocolates? What size/colour/kind do you wear/take,sir? Do you like this style? How/What about this size? How many/much do you want? (2)顾客常用句型:顾客常用句型: I want/Id like.How much is it? Do you sell childrens

65、.? Thats too expensive,Im afraid. Will you show me some.?Thats fine.Ill take it.Im just looking,thanks.How are you feeling today?Take this medicine four times a day.(3)病人常用句型:病人常用句型:Theres something wrong with.I havent been feeling well recently.Im not myself today.Ive got a headache/cough.I feel te

66、rrible/bad.I dont feel well this morning.Ive got a pain here./This place hurts.12请求允许和应答请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responses (1)May I.? Can/Could I.? I wonder if I could. Would/Do you mind if I opened/open the window? (2)Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes,please. Of course(you may) Go ahead,please. Thats

67、 OK/all right. Not at all. (3)Im sorry,you cant. Im sorry,but. Youd better not. 注意注意:对对mind句型的肯定回答常用:句型的肯定回答常用: No,not at all./Of course not./No,please.等等 对该句型的否定回答常用对该句型的否定回答常用 Im sorry you cant./Im sorry I cant./Yes,please dont.13提供帮助提供帮助Offering help A:Do you want me to clean the room? Can I help

68、 you with that? Would you like me to help you? What can I do for you? B:Yes,please. Yes,thanks. Thats very nice of you. Thank you. That would be nice/fine. Thank you for your/the help. No,thanks/thank you. Thank you all the same. Thats very kind of you,but I can manage it myself.14谈论天气谈论天气Talking ab

69、out the weather A:Whats the weather like today? How is the weather in.? B:Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy. Its getting cold/warm. Its rather warm/cold/hot.today,isnt it? Its a beautiful day today.15.约会约会Making appointments A:Will you be free tomorrow? Do you have time this afternoon? How about tomorrow

70、morning? When/Where shall we meet? Could we meet at 4 30? Lets make it at 4 30. What time is convenient for you? Id like to make an appointment with Jones. B:Yes,Ill be free then. All right.See you then. Im afraid I have no time then. Sorry,I wont be free then.But Ill be free tomorrow.16打电话打电话Making

71、 phone calls A:Hello!Is(Tom)in? May/Could I speak to.? Is that.(speaking)? Whos speaking,please?Whos that? Whos it(calling,speaking)? Id like to speak to. Let me speak to.please. B:Hello,who is it? This is.(speaking) Hold the line,please./Hold on(for a moment)please. May I have your message?/Can I t

72、ake a message for you? Would you like to leave a message? He/She isnt here right now. Your number,please? May I have your number?注意注意:称对方用称对方用that,称己方用称己方用this。Youre wanted on the phone.有你电话有你电话。The line is engaged.占线。占线。I couldnt get through.打不通。打不通。Put me through to Room 301.请给我接请给我接301房间。房间。语法专练语

73、法专练1If only there were no examinations! _We all need more rest. AWhy do you think so? BFor what? CI think not. DI couldnt agree more. 解析解析:考查交际用语。这里表示同意别人的观点,所以用考查交际用语。这里表示同意别人的观点,所以用“I couldnt agree more”,意为意为“我完全同意我完全同意”。 答案答案:D2May I put my luggage on the seat beside you,sir? _. ASure,with pleasu

74、re BOkay,please CWell,never mind DYes,help yourself 解析解析:考查交际用语。选项考查交际用语。选项A表示愿意帮忙;选项表示愿意帮忙;选项B表示同表示同 意;选项意;选项C表示安慰表示安慰;选项选项D是招待用语。根据语境选择是招待用语。根据语境选择B项项. 答案答案:B3The combination of Chinese culture and modern technologies will make the Beijing Olympics a special event. _.(2010模拟题模拟题) AGood idea BThats

75、 all right CIts fun DI couldnt agree more 解析解析:考查交际用语。对方认为把中国文化和现代技术融考查交际用语。对方认为把中国文化和现代技术融 合在一起会让北京奥运会独具一格,答话人表示完全同合在一起会让北京奥运会独具一格,答话人表示完全同 意。此项是用比较级表示最高级的含义。对方已经说出了意。此项是用比较级表示最高级的含义。对方已经说出了 自己的观点,而不是征求建议,因此自己的观点,而不是征求建议,因此A项不恰当项不恰当;B项表项表 示示“没关系没关系,不用谢不用谢”,假如去掉,假如去掉all,就可以了。就可以了。 答案答案:D4Is it OK to

76、 go Dutch for this great dinner? _. ADont be nervous.Ill arrange BNo,you should go there first CForget it.Its my treat today DOK,its my turn to serve today 解析解析:考查交际用语。考查交际用语。“今天的晚餐我们各付各的钱,可今天的晚餐我们各付各的钱,可 以吗?以吗?”“别放在心上,今天我请客。别放在心上,今天我请客。”A项是中式英语,项是中式英语, 不符合英语习惯不符合英语习惯;B项错在此处不能用项错在此处不能用yes或或no回答且回答且g

77、o Dutch意为意为“各付各的账各付各的账”,而非,而非“去荷兰去荷兰”;D项自相项自相 矛盾矛盾。 答案答案:C5. Would you like to go out for a drink? Actually,_,if you dont mind. AId prefer not BId rather not CI cant DI dont want 解析解析:Id rather not相当于相当于Id rather we didnt go out for a drink;prefer表示从二者中选择;表示从二者中选择;C项为简略的否定回答项为简略的否定回答;D 项中项中want后要加后要

78、加to。 答案答案:B6Do you want another drink? _. AI dont think so BNo way CNot at all DI wouldnt say no 解析解析:考查情景对话用语。语意:考查情景对话用语。语意:“再来一杯吗?再来一杯吗?”“好的,我好的,我 很乐意。很乐意。”此处此处I wouldnt say no表示表示“我不反对,我很乐意我不反对,我很乐意 ( (再来一杯再来一杯)”)”,对问话人的建议表示,对问话人的建议表示“接受,不拒绝接受,不拒绝”。所以选。所以选 D项项。 答案答案:D7Bill,can I get you anything

79、 to drink? _.(2009江苏,江苏,29) AYou are welcome BNo problem CI wouldnt mind a coffee DDoesnt matter 解析解析:考查交际用语。考查交际用语。“比尔,给你拿点什么喝的呢?比尔,给你拿点什么喝的呢?”“我挺想我挺想喝喝 杯咖啡杯咖啡。”You are welcome是对方表达谢意时的应答语。是对方表达谢意时的应答语。No problem是回答对方的求助的用语。是回答对方的求助的用语。Doesnt matter是对方表达歉意是对方表达歉意 时的应答语时的应答语。 答案答案:C8May I open the w

80、indow to let in some fresh air? _ ACome on! BTake care! CGo ahead! DHold on! 解析解析:考查交际用语。考查交际用语。go ahead可以,干吧,开始,进行可以,干吧,开始,进行。come on( (表劝说,鼓励等表劝说,鼓励等) )来吧,走吧来吧,走吧;take care小心小心,当心当心;hold on握握 住不放,坚持,住不放,坚持,( (打电话用语打电话用语) )等一会儿。句意:等一会儿。句意:“我可以开窗放一我可以开窗放一 些新鲜空气进来吗?些新鲜空气进来吗?”“”“行,做吧!行,做吧!” 答案答案:C9Wou

81、ld you please help me with the box? _ AYes,please. BNo,please dont. CWith pleasure. DMy pleasure. 解析解析:考查交际用语。考查交际用语。With pleasure.“乐意帮忙乐意帮忙”,用于答应别人,用于答应别人的的 请求请求。My pleasure.“别客气别客气”,为他人表示感谢时的应答语。,为他人表示感谢时的应答语。 答案答案:C10. It looks heavy.Can I give you a hand? _.(2009全国全国,21) ANo,thanks BYes,my pleas

82、ure CNo,never mind DYes,I do 解析解析:考查交际用语。前句考查交际用语。前句“Can I give you a hand?”表示主动提表示主动提出出 帮助,不需要对方的帮助应用帮助,不需要对方的帮助应用“No,thanks”回答,故答案为回答,故答案为A。回回 应别人的感谢说:应别人的感谢说:My pleasure;告诉某人不要担心某事说告诉某人不要担心某事说: Never mind。 答案答案:A11Hello,Kate.Would you please play table tennis with me this weekend? _,Mike,but I ha

83、ve promised my mother to help her clean the floor and garden. AMy pleasure BThanks CTake it easy DForget it 解析解析:考查交际用语。根据语境,这里表示委婉拒绝,所以考查交际用语。根据语境,这里表示委婉拒绝,所以 使用使用“Thanks/Thank you,but.”句式句式。 答案答案:B 知识拓展知识拓展:在表示委婉拒绝时,常常要用到下列句式:在表示委婉拒绝时,常常要用到下列句式:Im sorry,but./Thanks,but./I really want to,but I./Im

84、afraid I./Id love to,but./I am really not in the mood.我我 真的没有什么心情。真的没有什么心情。/I am sorry to turn you down.我很抱歉我很抱歉 拒绝你。拒绝你。12. Could you be so kind as to close the window? _.(2010模拟题模拟题) AWith pleasure BGo ahead CYes,please DThats OK 解析解析:考查交际用语。别人请求你的帮助时,回答可以用考查交际用语。别人请求你的帮助时,回答可以用“with pleasure”,表示,

85、表示“很乐意很乐意( (替别人效劳替别人效劳)”)”。 答案答案:A13. Were organizing a party next Saturday,and Id like you to come. _!I have another one that day.Thank you just the same. AGood luck BWhat a pity CNever do it again DWell done 解析解析:考查交际用语。由空格后一句可知,说话人婉拒了对方的邀考查交际用语。由空格后一句可知,说话人婉拒了对方的邀 请,故应用请,故应用B。What a pity!“真遗憾!多可惜

86、!真遗憾!多可惜!”用来用来“感慨伤感慨伤心遗心遗 憾的往事憾的往事”,或,或“面对眼前可望而不可及的事情面对眼前可望而不可及的事情”。 答案答案:B14My mother is preparing my favorite dishes.Go with me and have a taste,okay? _.And Ill be glad to meet your parents.(2009陕西,陕西,14) AI think so BId love to CIm sure DI hope so 解析解析:考查交际用语。上文的考查交际用语。上文的“Go with me and have a t

87、aste, okay?”是向对方发出邀请。而对别人的邀请,肯定的回答应该是是向对方发出邀请。而对别人的邀请,肯定的回答应该是 B项,如果是否定的回答,则用项,如果是否定的回答,则用“Sorry,but.”。 答案答案:B15Um.Yes.Here it is,6372562. Well,actually,_.There is no answer. AIve tried that number BI havent found a public phone yet CI forget that number DI havent got it through 解析解析:考查情景交际。通过后面的考查情

88、景交际。通过后面的“There is no answer”可知,说可知,说 话人拨打了电话,但是没有人接听。话人拨打了电话,但是没有人接听。 答案答案:A怎样快速捕捉主题句怎样快速捕捉主题句( (三三) )【方法技巧方法技巧】主题句位于主题句位于however,but,yet等信息词后。你要明白,作者等信息词后。你要明白,作者在文章中突然使用了表示转折意义的副词或连词时,就表示在文章中突然使用了表示转折意义的副词或连词时,就表示作者的写作重心是在后面,而不是前面。所以,抓住这些信作者的写作重心是在后面,而不是前面。所以,抓住这些信息词能使你快速捕捉住主题句。息词能使你快速捕捉住主题句。【实例验

89、证实例验证】In the West,having a successful lifestyle often means having material goods such as a large house (or two),a large car (or two),private schooling for the children,designer clothes,foreign holidays in exotic locations (winter and summer),all mod cons (现现代化设备代化设备)However,it could be argued that

90、this emphasis on financial and material success_can_lead_to people becoming locked into (受困于受困于) an_unfulfilling_lifestyle,though a luxury one,working harder and harder to become more and more successful financially in order to buy more and more luxury items.What does the author want to tell us in t

91、his paragraph?AThe advantages of success. BThe disadvantages of success.CA successful lifestyle. DHard work leads to successful life.答案答案:B【实践应用实践应用】 Imagine youre at a party full of strangers.Youre nervous.Who are these people? How do you start a conversation? Fortunately,youve got a thing that sen

92、ds out energy at tiny chips in everyones name tag (标签标签)The chips send back name,job,hobbies,and the time available for meetingwhatever.Making new friends becomes simple. This hasnt quite happened in real life.But the world is already experiencing a revolution using RFID technology. An RFID tag with

93、 a tiny chip can be fixed in a product,under your pets skin,even under your own skin.Passive RFID tags have no energy sourcebatteries because they do not need it.The energy comes from the reader,a scanning device(装置装置),that sends out energy (for example,radio waves)that starts up the tag immediately

94、. Such a tag carries information specific to that object,and the data can be updated.Already,RFID technology is used for recognizing each car or truck on the road and it might appear in your passport.Doctors can put a tiny chip under the skin that will help locate and obtain a patients medical recor

95、ds.At a nightclub in Paris or in New York the same chip gets you into the VIP (very important person) section and pays for the bill with the wave of an arm. Take a step back: 10 or 12 years ago,you would have heard about the coming age of computing.One example always seemed to surface: Your refriger

96、ator would know when you needed to buy more milk.The concept was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary life simpler. RFID tags are a small part of this phenomenon.“The world is going to be a loosely coupled set of individual smal

97、l devices,connected wirelessly,” predicts Dr.J.Reich.Human right supporters are nervous about the possibilities of such technology.It goes too far tracking school kids through RFID tags,they say.We imagine a world in which a beer company could find out not only when you bought a beer but also when y

98、ou drank it.And how many beers.Accompanied by how many biscuits. When Marconi invented radio,he thought it would be used for shiptoshore communication,not for pop music.Who knows how RFID and related technologies will be used in the future?Heres a wild guess: Not for buying milk.The article is inten

99、ded to_.Awarn people of the possible risks in adopting RFID technologyBexplain the benefits brought about by RFID technologyCconvince people of the uses of RFID technologyDpredict the applications of RFID technology答案答案:D Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and ment

100、al health.(2007江西,江西,23) Aof;at Bby;in Cof;on Don;at解析解析:be convinced of sth.“.“坚信坚信”;the effect on sth.“对于对于的影响的影响”;由此搭配形式可知;由此搭配形式可知C项正确项正确。答案答案:C例例1教材原文对照教材原文对照There are three main classes of drugs, each of which has a different effect on the body. (P46)The study surveyed 500 families and found t

101、he main _ problem people suffered was tiredness,followed by loneliness and anxiety.(2007上海春,上海春,44)Adomestic Bpublic Cpsychological Dbiological解析解析:句意:对句意:对500500个家庭的调查发现,人们所遭受的主要个家庭的调查发现,人们所遭受的主要心理问题首先是疲劳,然后是孤独和焦虑。根据句中的心理问题首先是疲劳,然后是孤独和焦虑。根据句中的tiredness,loneliness和和anxiety可判断本题答案为可判断本题答案为C项项。domesti

102、c家庭的,国内的家庭的,国内的;public公众的,公共的,公立的,公众的,公共的,公立的,公用的公用的;psychological心理上的心理上的;biological生物学的。生物学的。答案答案:C例例2教材原文对照教材原文对照Although these drugs can produce different reactions, they are all addictive, physically and/or psychologically. (P46)Every evening after dinner,if not _ from work,I will spend some ti

103、me walking my dog.(2009湖南,湖南,21)Abeing tired Btiring Ctired Dto be tired解析解析:考查省略的用法。在条件、时间、让步等状语从句考查省略的用法。在条件、时间、让步等状语从句中,当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词中,当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词含有含有bebe时,从句的主语及谓语动词时,从句的主语及谓语动词be可以省略。根据句子可以省略。根据句子意思可知,答案选意思可知,答案选C。答案答案:C例例3教材原文对照教材原文对照although it is legal, it can damage th

104、e liver and do great harm if consumed in large quantities. (P46)This magazine is very _ with young people,who like its content and style.(2007湖北,湖北,21)Afamiliar Bpopular Csimilar Dparticular解析解析:be popular with受受的欢迎。句意为:的欢迎。句意为:“这份杂志这份杂志非常受年轻人的欢迎,他们很喜欢它的内容及风格。非常受年轻人的欢迎,他们很喜欢它的内容及风格。”答案答案:B例例4教材原文对照教

105、材原文对照Moreover, if Company As cars are more popular than Company Bs cars, then Company As cars and the name itself (the trademark) are more valuable. (P62)The openair celebration has been put off _ the bad weather.(2007浙江,浙江,19)Ain case of Bin spite of Cinstead of Dbecause of解析解析:本题考查介词短语。句意:本题考查介词短语。句意:“因为坏天气,露天庆因为坏天气,露天庆祝活动被推迟了。祝活动被推迟了。”in case of以防,万一以防,万一;in spite of尽管尽管;instead of代替;代替;because of因为因为。答案答案:D例例5教材原文对照教材原文对照In 2005 alone, film companies in Hollywood lost around $2.3 billion because of illegal copying and downloading from the Internet. (P63)点击此处进入点击此处进入 作业手册作业手册



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