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1、【阅读【阅读 7 7 选选 5 5】专项训练】专项训练1 1Only by overcoming fear of failure can we achieve success in life. Here are some tips onhow to remove fear and focus on success.Understand that at times you make mistakes. _36_ Before any of us learned how towalk, we crawled. We got up, fell down and got up again. We co

2、ntinued the process until wecould walk expertly._37_ Instead, view it as a stepping stone. Make certain that you learn from failureand then apply what youve learned to future situations. Refuse to consider f ailure a characterweakness. Doing so will only prevent you from achieving future success.Rem

3、ember that failure has produced many successes. _38_ Albert Einsteinsteacher told him to quit school and commented, “Einstein, you will never amount toanything! Beethovens music teacher said he was hopeless to become a composer( 作曲家).Henry Fords first two car companies failed.Appreciate the benefits

4、 of failure. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “All life is an experiment.The more experiments you try, the better you make. Its hardly possible for someone toachieve success for the first time he tries. _39_Believe in yourself. Rather than give up when things dont work out, take it as anopportunity to buil

5、d perseverance(坚持不懈). Remind yourself how many failures becamesuccessful because they wouldnt give up. _40_A. Dont take failure personally.B. Work hard and try to avoid failure.C. Realize that you are human and humans make mistakes.D. Believe that youve got what it takes to work through the difficul

6、t times.E. Making the same mistake again can lead to the failure in your future work.F. Consider how many people in history had failed before they became successful.G. In other words, your chances of getting things right on the first try are slim(渺小的) tonone.36. _37. _38. _39. _40. _2 2Reading books

7、 can be a great way to pick up new vocabulary, see grammar in action anddevelop your understanding of a language. _36_For beginners, I would recommend(推荐) starting with something short and simple. Avoid1the classic for now they often use very old English words and can involve complex(复杂的)themes. Chi

8、ldrens books are a great place to start. _37_ Dr Seuss writes his books inrhyme(押韵) and they are very funny. Startingwith something like this means you are morelikely to finish the book and want to read more._38_ The book isnt too long and if youve seen the film it may be easier to follow.If you lik

9、e reading about historical events, Anne HolmsI am DavidI am David is a good read.If you are not quite ready to read a full book, why not try Roald Dahls Revolting RhymesRevolting Rhymes?_39_ Or, try a very short book like one from Roger Hargreavess Mr MenMr Men and LittleLittleMissMiss series. Altho

10、ugh they are intended for young children, they are a good way to pick upsome more basic vocabulary.My final piece of advice would be to read something that interests you. Look at the shortsummary of the book on the back cover and see if it looks like something that you would enjoy._40_ This was, you

11、re more likely to enjoy reading, rather than see it as a headache.A. Dr Seusss books are guaranteed(保证) to make you laugh.B. The key to success is choosing the right book for you.C. Reading can bring you a lot of fun as well as knowledge.D. For more advanced learners, you could try The HobbitThe Hob

12、bit by J.R.R. Tolkien.E. Think about the type that you enjoy in your own language and find one of that type inEnglish.F. How much you can understand a book depends on your vocabulary.G. This book contains lots of short stories, based on fairy tales, all written in rhyme.36. _37. _38. _39. _40. _3 3T

13、ips to Get Your Kids ReadingTips to Get Your Kids ReadingMarch 2nd is Read Across America Day. _36_ Here are 4 tips toget your familyexcited about reading.Start a family book club.Start a family book club.Choose a book suitable for your whole family, and set guidelines(指导方针) about howmany chapters a

14、 week youll read. Then, choose a date to have a favorite family meal, andshare what you liked and disliked about the book. _37_Pick a family-centered book and read a few chapters aloud each evening.Pick a family-centered book and read a few chapters aloud each evening.Make popcorn or hot coca and ge

15、t comfortable. _38_ This is another goodopportunity to join your kids and make reading magical and exciting particularly if youhave kids who arent too fond of reading._39_39_Surprise your kids one day and dress up yourself like one of their favorite book characters.Serve a meal based on something re

16、levant(有关的) to this character and make the conversation2about all things literary(文学的) Be sure to bring your kids to the local library that day, too, sothat they can borrow a new book or two.Read in a new place.Read in a new place._40_ Go to the park and read in the sun. Head to your local bookstore

17、 and let thekids get comfortable in the childrens section. And maybe go to a coffee shop and let them geta hot cocoa and a donut( 甜甜圈) while they are reading. By going to new places to read, kidswill get into the habit of having a good book with them whenever they leave the house.A. Books really com

18、e alive when read aloud.B. Dress up like a favorite book character.C. But we can make this special day last longer than just one day.D. Make your kids develop good reading habits.E. Head out of the house to do some reading often.F. Many people prefer to read books quietly in the library.G. This crea

19、ted a good way for parents to connect with their kids through reading.36. _37. _38. _39. _40. _4 4If tests can make students nervous, anxious and even scared(害怕的), shouldnt schoolsjust get rid of them? _36_ Teachers and schools give students tests for very importantreasons._37_37_ Giving a test is a

20、 way for a teacher to see which students are learning theskills and knowledge they should be learning and which ones are having troubles. Dependingon how kids do on the test, the teacher will know if he or she must go back over some things,or if its okay to keep moving forward.ToTo seesee howhow wel

21、lwell youryour schoolschool is is teachingteaching you.you. All parents want their kids to finallygraduate with the ability to earn a living. _38_ And one way to do this is to have themtake tests.ToTo Assign(Assign(指定指定) ) grades.grades. _39_ Besides your homework, tests are one of the bestways for

22、you to show the teacher that youve really learned whats being taught, and for theteacher to figure out what grade you should get. Grades are also a way to show your parentshow youre doing in school.To keep you motivated(To keep you motivated(有积极性的有积极性的). ). Admit it: you work harder if you know some

23、one ischecking up on your work. For example, ifyour mom tells you to clean your room but youknow she will never go in and check, then you might not do it, right? _40_ Because youknow that youll eventually( 最后) have to take a test on the material and you might be morelikely to give it that extra effo

24、rt and make sure you know everything youre supposed to know.A. To see if youre learning.B. To see if you are totally prepared.3C. Students must work hard to get good grades.D. Well, believe it or not, tests dont just exist(生存) to trouble you.E. Grades are important in most schools, and tests play a

25、big big role.F. So schools have to prove theyre trying their best to educate students.G. Well, tests help make sure that you dont leave your homework behind.36. _37. _38. _39. _40. _5 5No other word carries as much power and importance in our daily lives as the word “no .Indeed, one may claim that m

26、any quarrels and fights start when someone says no. “No is agreat word. If said at the right time and place, it becomes the embodiment(化身) of choosing tofollow an independent path to the one that other people carved for you. _36_ The wayyou say “no may be more important than the word itself. In this

27、 article, I will tell 3 ways inwhich you can say no in an educated and firm manner.The Direct NoThe Direct No_37_ Its pretty direct and you dont need to offer any apologies or make furtherpromises to go with it.“Would you like a cup of coffee?“No, thank you.The Empathetic(The Empathetic(同情的同情的) No)

28、NoThere is pure art in this technique. _38_ Then you make a firm(坚决的) but verybrief refusal at the end.“I know you want me to have lunch with you and the children, Jill, but I cant do it today.“It must have been really hard for you to organize that party, but I cant come.The Reasoned NoThe Reasoned

29、NoThis one is all about being brief and honest. You simply refuse the request. _39_“I cant go out with you because I have to wake up really early tomorrow.“Thank you, but I am not really a big fan of Jurassic World._40_ The old saying goes “One no a day keeps the doctor away. Learn how tosay no, pol

30、itely but firmly.A. The first way is to simply say no.B. Yet we have every reason to say no.C. However, it is not a word to use in wrong ways.D. Then you offer a reason why you are refusing it.E. It involves appreciation of the other persons feelings.F. This technique allows people to say no to a sp

31、ecific(特殊的) request.G. Experts(专家) recommend(推荐) that you say no at least nine times a day.36. _37. _38. _39. _40. _4【阅读【阅读 7 7 选选 5 5】专项训练】专项训练 答案答案1. CAFGD2. BADGE3. CGABE4. DAFEG5. CAEDG【阅读【阅读 7 7 选选 5 5】专项训练】专项训练 答案答案6. CAFGD7. BADGE8. CGABE9. DAFEG10. CAEDG【阅读【阅读 7 7 选选 5 5】专项训练】专项训练 答案答案11. CAFGD12. BADGE13. CGABE14. DAFEG15. CAEDG【阅读【阅读 7 7 选选 5 5】专项训练】专项训练 答案答案16. CAFGD17. BADGE18. CGABE19. DAFEG20. CAEDG5



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