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1、 Sir Roger at Church Sunday in a Country (乡村礼拜日)(乡村礼拜日)by Joseph Addison1.Background Information2.New words3.Test analysis Joseph Addison(16721719)An EnglishSouthwestern EnglandEssayist Poetry Playwright Politician His LifeRichard Steele 1672-1729 Literary Periodical (期刊)“The Tatler”(闲谈者)(闲谈者) 1709

2、“The Spectator”(旁观者旁观者) 1711CountryCommerceArmy and the townsfolk The Significance of Their Essays- a new code of social morality-social life of England in the 18th century.- the English essay established itself as a literary genre nr 类型,流派类型,流派 Go to Church(做礼拜)The Christian religion 礼拜也就是人们对上帝的敬拜,

3、钦佩,崇敬。礼拜也就是人们对上帝的敬拜,钦佩,崇敬。 1、Barbarian :b:beri:n2 2、hassockhassock : spoil the beauty or perfection of;stain 有损的完美,玷污 His reputation was blemished by that article. 他的名声被那篇文章玷污了。an uncultured or brutish person, a lout未开化的人,野蛮人,粗人跪垫3、Blemish :blem v.4、Reprimand: repr,mnd n. 5、incumbent : inkmbnt n. .a

4、n official or sharp rebuke (for a fault etc.)正式或尖锐的申诉,谴责holder of the office (of clerk)教会中的任职者 ,教区牧师6、tithe-stealers : Men who defraud the clergyman of the tithe (or tenth part) due to him from the produce of the land.偷税分子7、Insinuate:nsnju:,et v. convey indirectly or obliquely; hint 拐弯抹角地表达,暗示Insinu

5、ated that she was lying 暗示她在撒谎8、degeneratedidenreit Losing the qualities that are proper to its kind; falling from former excellence堕落,变坏Barbarian野蛮人,粗人hassock跪垫Blemish有损的完美,玷污Reprimand谴责incumbent教区牧师tithe-stealers偷税分子Insinuate暗示Degenerate堕落,变坏hassockspoil the beauty of;stainBlemishconvey indirectly

6、; hintInsinuatesharp rebukeReprimandBarbarianLosing the qualities that are proper to its kinddegenerateincumbentTest AnalysisStructureLong sentences analysisThe character of Sir RogerThe writing style of the test 早安早安 心语心语Part oneParagraph 1It presents an introduction and a background.Part twoParagr

7、aphs 2 to 5It describes Rogers particularities at church, and a lot of details.Part threeParagraphs 6 to 8It is a comparison and a conclusion discussing the relation between the landlord and the country church.Long sentenceIt is certain the country people would soon degenerate into a kind of savages

8、 and barbarians were there not such frequent returns of a stated time, in which the whole village meet together with their best faces, and in their cleanliest habits, to converse with one another upon indifferent subjects, hear their duties explained to them, and join together in adoration of the Su

9、preme Being.因为毫无疑问,乡间的人很快变得野蛮粗鲁不堪。因为毫无疑问,乡间的人很快变得野蛮粗鲁不堪。如若不是这类节日,不仅不便定期来复,而这时如若不是这类节日,不仅不便定期来复,而这时全村的人都将面带最可亲的笑容,身穿最清洁的全村的人都将面带最可亲的笑容,身穿最清洁的衣着,彼此欢聚一起,畅谈融融,聆听牧师讲解衣着,彼此欢聚一起,畅谈融融,聆听牧师讲解有关责任义务的道理,并一道向着最高神灵倾崇有关责任义务的道理,并一道向着最高神灵倾崇礼拜。礼拜。Feuds of this nature, though too frequent in the country, are very fat

10、al to the ordinary people, who are so used to be dazzled with riches that they pay as much deference to the understanding of a man of an estate as of a man of learning.按这类纠纷在乡村非属数见不鲜,但纠于按这类纠纷在乡村非属数见不鲜,但纠于一般人即长期眩于金钱权势,故凡事尊重一般人即长期眩于金钱权势,故凡事尊重财主之间,而不知道尊重学者之间。财主之间,而不知道尊重学者之间。What is the theme?Character

11、of Sir Roger1. Generous Events:hassockItinerant singing masterSir Roger waswake2.OddEvent:3.HumorousEvent:After the sermon, the one he does not see at the church will be understood as a secret reprimand(谴责).4.PleasantEvent:encourage the young to make themselves perfectCooperate with the chaplain to

12、keep his congregation in good order.Sir roger his chaplain(牧师) Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the study of Addison.” - Samuel JohnsonAddisons writing style.“凡欲掌握随意而不粗俗凡欲掌握随意而不粗俗,典雅而不矫典雅而不矫饰的英语风格者饰

13、的英语风格者,必须日日夜夜苦苦攻必须日日夜夜苦苦攻读艾迪生的作品。读艾迪生的作品。”familiar but not coarse随意而不粗俗随意而不粗俗elegant but not ostentatious典雅而不典雅而不矫饰About Sir Roger at churchthe style of this article.simple elegant concise prose relax feelingLong sentencessimplenever speak loudly.use some right words.Elegantnever use coarse or rude

14、words control Rogers pace and rhythm or moderate his tone. describe Roger as an elegant man.relax feelingThe whole passage tells us lots of things about Roger in church. It gives us a relaxed environment. It just describe how and what Roger do in the church.Long sentencesAddisons sentences are long, about 40 words in one sentence.not difficult to understand .basic sentence pattern is loose sentencesome parallel constructions.Elegant and easy to read.



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