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1、 Chapter 4: International cargo transport1Key points:1.Modes of transport2.Clause of shipment3.Shipping documents;1)Commercial invoice;2)Pro forma invoice. .23)Bill of lading;4)Packing list;5)Weight memo;6)Inspection certificate;7)Examples of documents clauses in contract3 Part C: Words and Phrases4

2、Part A:TextI.Modes of transport1.Sea transport Ocean freight is the most widely used mode of transportation in international trade, with advantages of easy passage, large capacity and low cost.5 2.Rail transport Rail transport is a major mode of transport in terms of capacity, only second to ocean t

3、ransport. It is capable of achieving relatively high speed and is most economical.6o3.Air transportoThe most obvious advantage of air freight is quick transit.74.Road transportThe road vehicle is a low capacity but very versatile unit of transport, very flexible in its operation. 8 5.Inland waterway

4、 transport It has advantage of low rate, and suitable for a range of commodities.9 6.Container transport Containerization is a method of distributing merchandise in a unitized form,suitable for ocean, rail and multimodal transport.10o7.International multimodal transportoMultimodal transport document

5、 (under which at least two modes of transport are used) is the only one document used.118.Parcel post transport It is a cheap mode of delivery for small consignments like samples.12II.Clause of shipment1.Time of shipment;2.Port of shipment and port of destination;3.Shipping advice;4.Partial shipment

6、 and transshipment;5.Lay time, demurrage and dispatch.13oSamples of shipment clause:o(1)Shipment During March/April/May in the equal monthly lots.o(2)Shipment During Oct/Nov/Dec in three monthly lots,to be transshipped at Hongkong. (3)Shipment from Shanghai to New York during Jan/Feb with partial sh

7、ipments and transshipment allowed.14III. Shipping Documents1.Commercial Invoice1)Definition of Commercial Invoice An invoice is a statement sent by the seller to the buyer giving particulars of the goods being purchsed,and showing the sum of money due. 152)Contents of the Commercial Invoice the name

8、s and the addresses of the seller and the buyer; a full description of the goods; the price per unit and total cost of the consignment; the port of shipment and the date; the terms of sale; the terms of payment; signature of an authorized employee of the seller. 16o3)Functions of Commercial Invoiceo

9、The invoice functions mainly as a record of the export transaction for buyers, sellers and customs authorities.17o4)Illustrations of an Commercial InvoiceoChecklist;oFormat of Commercial Invoice.182.Pro forma Invoice1)The Definition of Pro forma InvoicePro forma invoice is a document such as an invo

10、ice, issued as a temporary statement, but ultimately to be replaced by a final statement which can only be issued at later date. 19 2)Functions of Pro forma Invoice Primarily the importer requires them to comply with the regulations in force in his country. Moreover, the importer can require them in

11、 advance for information, or letter of credit purposes.203.Bill of Lading 1)Definition of Bill of LadingThe most important shipping document is the Bill of Lading(B/L or Blading).It is a document given by a shipping company,representing both a receipt for the goods shipped and a contract for shipmen

12、t between the shipping company and the shipper.It ia also a document of title to the goods,giving the holder or the assignee the right to possession of the goods.213)Functions of Bill of Lading a receipt for goods signed by the shipping company and given to the shippers; evidence of a contract of ca

13、rriage between the shipping company and the shippers; a document of title.4)Use of Bill of Lading22o5)Classification of Bill of Lading shipped B/L and received B/L; Clean bill and Unclean bill; straight bill and order bill; direct bill of lading, transhipment bill of lading. 23o6)Illustrations of a

14、Bill of Ladingo (Contents of Bill of Lading)244.Packing List5.Weight Memo6.Inspection Certificate7.Examples of Document Clauses in Contract1)Documents2)Documentation25案例一案例一o我公司与外商签订销售合同,出售中国大我公司与外商签订销售合同,出售中国大米米10000公吨,合同规定:公吨,合同规定:“自自2月份开月份开始,每月装船始,每月装船1000公吨,分十批交货。公吨,分十批交货。”卖方从卖方从2月份开始交货,但交至第五批月份




18、物。本案例中承运人的记载收到托运人的货物。本案例中承运人签发的是签发的是“已装船清洁提单已装船清洁提单”这说明承运人这说明承运人所收到的货物是所收到的货物是“表面状况良好表面状况良好”的货物,的货物,即货物未受损、包装也完好。货到目的地后即货物未受损、包装也完好。货到目的地后发行的(发行的(1)、()、(2)两种情况是表面状况)两种情况是表面状况不良好的表现,可见其责任应当由承运人承不良好的表现,可见其责任应当由承运人承担。担。 29案例三案例三o我国对澳大利亚出口我国对澳大利亚出口1 000吨大豆,国吨大豆,国外开来信用证规定:不允许分批装运。结外开来信用证规定:不允许分批装运。结果我们在规


20、不作为分批装运论处。o(3)因此,符合合同规定,银行不能拒绝)因此,符合合同规定,银行不能拒绝议付。议付。31案例四案例四o某年某年A.P公司通过伦敦某银行开来信公司通过伦敦某银行开来信用证,有效期用证,有效期3月月15日。要求投保中日。要求投保中国人民保险公司,保险单一式两份。国人民保险公司,保险单一式两份。我出口公司我出口公司2月月10日交单议付。进口日交单议付。进口方开证行方开证行2月月20日来电提出,我方以日来电提出,我方以保险凭证代替保险单,属单证不符而保险凭证代替保险单,属单证不符而拒付。问:你认为开证行的理由充分拒付。问:你认为开证行的理由充分吗?吗? 32解答解答o保险凭证与保

21、险单的效果虽一样,但保险凭证与保险单的效果虽一样,但保险凭证(保险凭证(insurance certificate)与保险单)与保险单(insurance policy)两者名称不)两者名称不同,按信用证统一惯例规定,其表面同,按信用证统一惯例规定,其表面已形成不符,故我们认为开证行的理已形成不符,故我们认为开证行的理由是充分的。由是充分的。 33案例五案例五o某年某年10月月15日,英国一家银行来证购买粮日,英国一家银行来证购买粮食。信用证中要求食。信用证中要求“中国商检局签发品质检中国商检局签发品质检验证一式三份,在装运时检验验证一式三份,在装运时检验(inspected at the t

22、ime of shipment)。)。”交单议付后,交单议付后,11月月10日日开证行来电表示拒付,理由是品质检验证签开证行来电表示拒付,理由是品质检验证签发日期为发日期为10月月23日,而提单签发日为日,而提单签发日为10月月25日,因此没有做到日,因此没有做到“在装运时检验在装运时检验”,属于,属于“单证不符单证不符”。你意下如何?。你意下如何?34解答解答o货物检验日期与装运日期不一致,货物检验日期与装运日期不一致,就是属于单据就是属于单据“表面上表面上”不符合不符合信用证规定。信用证规定。35案例六案例六o2006年年5月,我国月,我国A 公司与香港公司与香港B 客户成交一批客户成交一

23、批商品,香港交货。合同中的包装条款订明:以三夹商品,香港交货。合同中的包装条款订明:以三夹板箱盛放,每箱净重板箱盛放,每箱净重50公斤,外套麻包。公斤,外套麻包。B 客户客户如期开来信用证。不过,信用证的包装条款为:以如期开来信用证。不过,信用证的包装条款为:以三夹板箱盛放,每箱净重三夹板箱盛放,每箱净重50公斤。公斤。A 公司有关人公司有关人员决定只装箱打包,不加套麻包。在发货后,员决定只装箱打包,不加套麻包。在发货后,A 公公司将全套单据交银行议付。司将全套单据交银行议付。o试问:试问:o(1)议付行、开证行是否接受单据而议付、付款)议付行、开证行是否接受单据而议付、付款?o(2)香港)香

24、港B客户会作出何种反应?请说明理由。客户会作出何种反应?请说明理由。36o(1)接受,因为卖方是按信用证的规定来)接受,因为卖方是按信用证的规定来行事的。行事的。 (2)A、可能拒付,以与合同不符为由,、可能拒付,以与合同不符为由,但理由不充分。但理由不充分。o B、付款,但同时提出索赔,以、付款,但同时提出索赔,以A公司公司未执行合同为由。未执行合同为由。o C、付款。因为信用证是根据买方的、付款。因为信用证是根据买方的开证申请开立的,买方也有过错。开证申请开立的,买方也有过错。37practiceTranslate the following into Chinese:1.Accordin

25、g to the ways of operation, merchant vessel can be divided into liners and tramps.2. Shipment is to be made xx days after the seller receives the L/C.3.Days or Running Days: including bad weather days, Sundays or any other holidays, unfavorable to the shipper.4.A clean bill of lading is the one that

26、 states that the goods have been shipped in apparent good order and condition. 385.Consign note for rail transport services as the contract of carriage between the railway and consignor, evidencing the receipt of the goods and the date of acceptance for carriage by the carrier.6.Whats more, packing lists can facilitate settling insurance claims in case of loss or damage. 39Answer the following questions:1.What contents does the clause of shipment of a contract usually comprise?2.What contents does a B/L normally include?40



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