新编大学英语4教学课件:第七课课件 College Life(附练习答案)

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1、Unit SevenCollege LifeThe Commencement Speech The Commencement Speech Youll Never Hear College: An Youll Never Hear College: An All-forgiving World?All-forgiving World?句句句句型型型型应应应应用用用用Confronting difficulty by quitting leaves you changed. (Line 10)leave sb. + adj./ v-ed/prep.phrase: leave 后可接复合宾语,表示

2、后可接复合宾语,表示“使使处于某种处于某种状态状态”。译译译译 文文文文ExampleExampleThe fox mom went out for food, leaving all her hungry kids waiting at home. 狐狸妈妈外出找食了,狐狸妈妈外出找食了,留了留了一屋子嗷嗷待哺的小狐狸。一屋子嗷嗷待哺的小狐狸。Being in a hurry, he left all the windows open. 因为走得匆忙,他因为走得匆忙,他把把窗子都没关。窗子都没关。译译译译文文文文 Confronting difficulty by quitting leav

3、es you changed. (Line 10)知难而退会知难而退会使使你变成你变成另一个人。另一个人。难难难难句句句句分分分分析析析析 When When you you tossed tossed on on our our desks desks writing writing upon upon whichwhich you you had had not not laboredlabored, , we we read read it it and and even even responded, responded, as as though though you you ear

4、ned earned a a response.response. ( ( Line25) Line25) 译译译译 文文文文本句是一个复合句,主句是本句是一个复合句,主句是 we read it and even responded。句首句首 when 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句, 该从句的谓语动词该从句的谓语动词tossed 在句中用作及物动词,它的宾语是在句中用作及物动词,它的宾语是writing,upon which you had not labored 是定语从句,是定语从句,修饰前面的修饰前面的 writing。主句后面的。主句后面的 as though 引导引导了另一个状

5、语从句,表示方式。了另一个状语从句,表示方式。他们为建造这个体育馆他们为建造这个体育馆辛辛勤工作勤工作了好几年。了好几年。They They laboredlabored for years to for years to build this auditorium. build this auditorium. 我我下功夫学下功夫学了两年英语了两年英语 。I I labored atlabored at English for two years. English for two years.ExampleExamplelaborlabor v. work or try hardv. wor

6、k or try hard 干苦活,努力,多指艰苦干苦活,努力,多指艰苦干苦活,努力,多指艰苦干苦活,努力,多指艰苦、 紧张劳累的体力劳动,也可用于脑力劳动紧张劳累的体力劳动,也可用于脑力劳动紧张劳累的体力劳动,也可用于脑力劳动紧张劳累的体力劳动,也可用于脑力劳动。译译译译文文文文 When When you you tossed tossed on on our our desks desks writing writing upon upon whichwhich you you had had not not laboredlabored, , we we read read it it

7、 and and even even responded, responded, as as though though you you earnedearned a a response.response. ( ( Line25)Line25)当你们把当你们把根本没有花心思根本没有花心思写的作业扔到我们写的作业扔到我们桌上时,我们不仅拜读,甚至批改给出评语,桌上时,我们不仅拜读,甚至批改给出评语,好像你们好像你们值得值得这样这样的的回应。回应。Despite your fantasies, Despite your fantasies, it was not even thatit was

8、not even that we we wanted to be liked by you. wanted to be liked by you. It was thatIt was that we did not we did not want to be bothered, and the easy way out was want to be bothered, and the easy way out was pretense: smiles and easy Bs.pretense: smiles and easy Bs. (Line30)(Line30)译译译译 文文文文句句句句型

9、型型型应应应应用用用用it was not even thatIt was that 根本不是根本不是, 而是而是他解释说,他解释说,根本不是根本不是他睡过了,他睡过了,而是而是公共汽车晚了。公共汽车晚了。He explained, He explained, it was not thatit was not that he overslept. he overslept. It was It was thatthat the bus was late. the bus was late.ExampleExample医医生生非非常常乐乐意意为为病病人人提提供供他他们们想想要要的的药药物物。这

10、这绝绝不不是是医医生生认认为为药药是是最最佳佳治治疗疗办办法法,而而是是医医生生处处理理病病人人更快的一种办法。更快的一种办法。The doctors are too ready to provide patients with The doctors are too ready to provide patients with the medicine they require. the medicine they require. It is not even thatIt is not even that doctors think the medicine is the best tr

11、eatment. doctors think the medicine is the best treatment. It It is thatis that this is a quicker way for doctors to dispose this is a quicker way for doctors to dispose of patients. of patients. 译译译译文文文文对这一切尽管你们可以想入非非,对这一切尽管你们可以想入非非,但我们决不但我们决不是是因为想要讨得你们的欢心,因为想要讨得你们的欢心,而是而是因为我们不因为我们不想受到打扰。一个简单的办法就是作

12、假:微笑,想受到打扰。一个简单的办法就是作假:微笑,让你们轻轻松松都得让你们轻轻松松都得B B。Despite your fantasies, Despite your fantasies, it was not even thatit was not even that we we wanted to be liked by you. wanted to be liked by you. It was thatIt was that we did not we did not want to be bothered, and the easy way out was want to be b

13、othered, and the easy way out was pretense: smiles and easy Bs.pretense: smiles and easy Bs. (Line30)(Line30)句句句句子子子子分分分分析析析析Few professors actually careFew professors actually care whether or not they whether or not they are liked by peer-paralyzed adolescents, are liked by peer-paralyzed adolescen

14、ts, fools so fools so shallowshallow as to imagine professors as to imagine professors care notcare not aboutabout education education butbut aboutabout popularity. popularity. (Line47)(Line47) 红红色色的的部部分分是是此此句句的的主主句句。主主句句谓谓语语动动词词care 带带了了 一一 个个 由由 whether 引引 导导 的的 宾宾 语语 从从 句句 。 peer-paralyzed adoles

15、cents指指“那那些些非非常常在在乎乎同同龄龄人人的的评评价价而而不不会会独独立立思思考考的的年年轻轻人人(青青少少年年)”。 foolspopularity在在句句中中做做adolescents的的同同位位语语, 其其中中imagine后后为为省省略略了了连连词词that的的宾宾语语从从句句。care notbut“关心的不是关心的不是而是而是”。译译译译 文文文文shallowshallow他们就宴会和服装他们就宴会和服装进行肤浅的交谈进行肤浅的交谈。They They carried a shallow conversationcarried a shallow conversatio

16、n about parties about parties and clothes.and clothes.那时我太那时我太年轻无知年轻无知,不懂什么,不懂什么是爱情。是爱情。I was too I was too young andyoung and shallowshallow to understand love.to understand love.ExampleExampleadj. lacking deep or serious thinking adj. lacking deep or serious thinking 肤浅的、浅薄的肤浅的、浅薄的care not about b

17、ut aboutcare not about but about许许多多伟伟人人关关心心的的不不是是自自己己的的利利益益而是而是全人类的利益。全人类的利益。Many great people Many great people care not care not aboutabout their own interests their own interests but but aboutabout the interests of the whole the interests of the whole human being.human being.ExampleExample所关心的不是

18、所关心的不是而是而是译译译译文文文文很少有教授真正在乎很少有教授真正在乎他们是否会受到那些只能他们是否会受到那些只能在同龄人眼中找到自我的年轻人的喜欢,在同龄人眼中找到自我的年轻人的喜欢,这些这些年轻人是一些愚昧无知的人年轻人是一些愚昧无知的人,竟然肤浅到会以,竟然肤浅到会以为教授们为教授们关心的不是关心的不是教育,教育,而是而是自己的声望。自己的声望。Few professors actually careFew professors actually care whether or not they whether or not they are liked by peer-paralyz

19、ed adolescents, are liked by peer-paralyzed adolescents, fools so fools so shallowshallow as to imagine professors as to imagine professors care notcare not aboutabout education education butbut aboutabout popularity. popularity. (Line47)(Line47)句句句句子子子子分分分分析析析析When the When the goinggoing gets gets

20、 toughtough, , thethe toughtough have to get have to get down to work because, unlike what down to work because, unlike what NeusnerNeusner believes, college does not give “painless” solutions believes, college does not give “painless” solutions to mistakes.to mistakes. (Line31, Passage 2)(Line31, P

21、assage 2) 该该句句中中第第一一个个“tough”意意为为“艰艰难难的的”,第第二二个个“the tough” 指指的的是是“顽顽强强学学习习(刻刻苦苦用用功功)的学生的学生”。译译译译 文文文文goinggoing他是我在他是我在碰到困难碰到困难时可以依靠的人。时可以依靠的人。He is the man I can depend on when He is the man I can depend on when the going gets the going gets toughtough. . 她她不不到到25岁岁就就当当上上公公司司主主管管,发展的真不错发展的真不错!She

22、was a company director She was a company director before she was 25; before she was 25; thats thats not bad goingnot bad going. .ExampleExamplen. rate of progress, travel, etc. n. rate of progress, travel, etc. 进展的速度,进行情况进展的速度,进行情况 他们他们对对酒醉后驾车者酒醉后驾车者十分严厉十分严厉。They They are very tough onare very tough

23、 on drunk drivers. drunk drivers. 政府声称要对试图逃税者政府声称要对试图逃税者采取强硬态度采取强硬态度。The government has threatened The government has threatened to get tough withto get tough with those people who try to avoid paying taxes. those people who try to avoid paying taxes. ExampleExampletoughtoughadj. difficult adj. diff

24、icult 困难的困难的困难的困难的; ;费力的费力的费力的费力的 rough and hard rough and hard 强硬的;粗暴的强硬的;粗暴的强硬的;粗暴的强硬的;粗暴的 able to endure hardship able to endure hardship 能耐劳苦的。能耐劳苦的。能耐劳苦的。能耐劳苦的。ExampleExample和他和他很难很难共事。共事。He is tough to work with. 煤矿工人煤矿工人都是能吃苦耐劳都是能吃苦耐劳的。的。Coal-miners are a tough breed. When the When the goingg

25、oing gets gets toughtough, , thethe toughtough have to get have to get down to work because, unlike what down to work because, unlike what NeusnerNeusner believes, college does not give “painless” solutions believes, college does not give “painless” solutions to mistakes .to mistakes . (Line31, Pass

26、age 2)(Line31, Passage 2) 译译译译文文文文当学习当学习进展困难时进展困难时,那些本来刻苦学习的人那些本来刻苦学习的人也也得更加努力学习,因为大学并不像诺伊斯那所得更加努力学习,因为大学并不像诺伊斯那所认为的那样,会给失误提供认为的那样,会给失误提供“省事的省事的”解决办解决办法。法。ItsIts ill-advised for youill-advised for you to believe what that stranger to believe what that stranger said. said. ill-advised (Line 17, Para.

27、 2)你真是没脑子你真是没脑子你真是没脑子你真是没脑子,竟然会相信那个陌生人的话。,竟然会相信那个陌生人的话。,竟然会相信那个陌生人的话。,竟然会相信那个陌生人的话。TranslationTranslation她她太没脑子太没脑子了,以至于会在几天前上了,以至于会在几天前上了一条陌生的手机短信的当。了一条陌生的手机短信的当。She was so ill-advised that she swallowed the bait in a strange short message several days ago. adj. not sensible or wise 没脑筋的没脑筋的, , 不明智

28、的不明智的“ill-” is added to words, especially adjectives and past participles (过去分词过去分词), to add the meaning “badly” or “inadequately” 前缀前缀ill一般与形容词和过去分词搭配使用,意为一般与形容词和过去分词搭配使用,意为“糟糟糕的糕的”或或“不充分的不充分的”。ExampleExampleill-informedill-informed (line 37, Para. 6)(line 37, Para. 6)意为意为意为意为“ “not knowing about s

29、omethingnot knowing about something” (” (无知的无知的无知的无知的) )ill-manneredill-mannered无礼貌的,举止粗鲁的无礼貌的,举止粗鲁的无礼貌的,举止粗鲁的无礼貌的,举止粗鲁的 ill-bredill-bred没有教养的没有教养的没有教养的没有教养的, , 粗野的粗野的粗野的粗野的ill-fatedill-fated走恶运的走恶运的走恶运的走恶运的, , 注定倒霉的注定倒霉的注定倒霉的注定倒霉的 ill-judgedill-judged判断失当的,时机不当的判断失当的,时机不当的判断失当的,时机不当的判断失当的,时机不当的ill-

30、natured ill-natured 脾气坏的,不厚道的脾气坏的,不厚道的脾气坏的,不厚道的脾气坏的,不厚道的ill-timedill-timed不适时的,不合时宜的不适时的,不合时宜的不适时的,不合时宜的不适时的,不合时宜的abuse (Line 18, Para. 2)v. 1) to say unkind, cruel, or rude things to or about 辱骂,诋毁辱骂,诋毁Dont Dont abuseabuse that young man any more. that young man any more. He is innocent. He is inno

31、cent. 不要再不要再不要再不要再诋毁诋毁诋毁诋毁那个年轻人了,他是无辜的。那个年轻人了,他是无辜的。那个年轻人了,他是无辜的。那个年轻人了,他是无辜的。TranslationTranslationv. 2) to put to wrong use; use badly, esp. for ones own advantage 滥用;妄用;误用滥用;妄用;误用n.n. 1)1) 辱骂;凌辱辱骂;凌辱 2)2) 滥用;妄用滥用;妄用ExerciseExerciseThat official was dismissed because he was accused That official w

32、as dismissed because he was accused ofof _ _. . 因为被控因为被控因为被控因为被控滥用职权滥用职权滥用职权滥用职权,那位官员被撤了职。,那位官员被撤了职。,那位官员被撤了职。,那位官员被撤了职。abusing his power_ h_ has become oneas become one of the most serious social problems. of the most serious social problems.滥用毒品滥用毒品滥用毒品滥用毒品已经成了最严重的社会问题已经成了最严重的社会问题已经成了最严重的社会问题已经成了最

33、严重的社会问题之一。之一。之一。之一。The abuse of drugs 请完成下面的句子请完成下面的句子。address (Line 33, Para. 6)那位学者的那位学者的那位学者的那位学者的精彩演讲精彩演讲精彩演讲精彩演讲自始至终让听众全神贯注。自始至终让听众全神贯注。自始至终让听众全神贯注。自始至终让听众全神贯注。That scholars wonderful address drew audiences attention all the way. TranslationTranslation著名作家刘墉上周在我校做了一次著名作家刘墉上周在我校做了一次著名作家刘墉上周在我校做了

34、一次著名作家刘墉上周在我校做了一次成功的演讲成功的演讲成功的演讲成功的演讲。Famous writer Liu Yong made a successful address in our schoollast week. n. 1) a formal speech made to a group of people (audience) who are gathered especially to listen 演讲演讲The old lady forgot to write the The old lady forgot to write the addressaddress on the

35、envelope. on the envelope. 那位老太太忘了在信封上写那位老太太忘了在信封上写那位老太太忘了在信封上写那位老太太忘了在信封上写地址地址地址地址了。了。了。了。 n. 2) the number of the building, name of the street and towns, etc., where a person lives or works, esp. when written on a letter or parcel 地址;住址地址;住址TranslationTranslationv. to direct speech or writing to (

36、a person or group) 演说;作书面谈话演说;作书面谈话TranslationTranslation老板不得不老板不得不老板不得不老板不得不向向向向不满的员工们不满的员工们不满的员工们不满的员工们发表发表发表发表讲话讲话讲话讲话。The boss had to address a hostile crowd of employees. 主教练的话是特别主教练的话是特别主教练的话是特别主教练的话是特别讲给讲给讲给讲给队伍中的年轻队员队伍中的年轻队员队伍中的年轻队员队伍中的年轻队员听的听的听的听的。The head coach addressed his remarks partic

37、ularly to the young players in his team. formulate (Line 11, Para. 2 of Passage 2)v. 1) choose particular words to express your thoughts or feelings 确切地表达(某思想)确切地表达(某思想)请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。ExerciseExerciseHolding the award in hand, _. 在拿到奖项之后,在拿到奖项之后,面对鼓掌的观众,那位演员激动得面对鼓掌的观众,那位演员激动得几乎无法表达自己的感受几乎无法表达自己的感

38、受。The speech lasted nearly two hours, but the speaker seemed unable to _. 演讲持续了将近两个小时,但是演讲者好像没有能演讲持续了将近两个小时,但是演讲者好像没有能够够确切地表达自己在该问题上的态度确切地表达自己在该问题上的态度。formulate his attitude on that issuethe actor was too exited to formulate his feeling in front of the clapping audienceFamous movie director Zhang Fa

39、mous movie director Zhang YimouYimou is is formulatingformulating an unique opening and closing ceremonies for the 2008 an unique opening and closing ceremonies for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Beijing Olympics. v. 2) develop a plan or proposal, and decide all the details that will be done 构想,准备(计划、方法

40、等)构想,准备(计划、方法等)TranslationTranslation著名导演张艺谋正在为著名导演张艺谋正在为2008年北京奥运会年北京奥运会构思构思独一无独一无二的开闭幕式。二的开闭幕式。名名词形式:形式:formula n. 公式公式, , 规则规则go through (Line 13, Para. 2 of Passage 2) 1)to suffer or experience; endure 经历经历, , 经受经受尽管尽管经历过经历过艰难的岁月,他依旧保持着乐观的心态。艰难的岁月,他依旧保持着乐观的心态。 Both countries have gone through th

41、e economic depressions.两个国家都两个国家都经历过经历过那次经济萧条。那次经济萧条。 TranslationTranslationAlthough having gone through hard times, he still kept an optimistic mind. 2) to finish; get through 完成;做完完成;做完TranslationTranslationHis nephew has already gone through the loanbecause of the bankruptcy. 因为破产,他的外甥因为破产,他的外甥已经

42、用光了已经用光了所有的贷款。所有的贷款。动词动词 go 的主要短语包括:的主要短语包括:go after (v.)go after (v.)追逐追逐追逐追逐, , 追求追求追求追求go against (v.)go against (v.)反对反对反对反对, , 违反;不利于违反;不利于违反;不利于违反;不利于go by (v.)go by (v.)( (从从从从. .旁旁旁旁) )走过;走过;走过;走过; 依照;依照;依照;依照; 顺便走访顺便走访顺便走访顺便走访go down (v.) go down (v.) 下下下下去去去去, , 下下下下沉沉沉沉, , 坠坠坠坠落落落落, , 下下下

43、下降降降降, ,;平平平平静静静静下下下下来来来来, , 被咽下;被咽下;被咽下;被咽下; 被接受;被接受;被接受;被接受; 传下去传下去传下去传下去go into (v.)go into (v.)进入进入进入进入, , 加入;探究;变得加入;探究;变得加入;探究;变得加入;探究;变得go out (v.)go out (v.)出去;熄灭;出去;熄灭;出去;熄灭;出去;熄灭; 过时;罢工;倒塌过时;罢工;倒塌过时;罢工;倒塌过时;罢工;倒塌pop into ones mind(Line 17, Para. 3 of Passage 2) 涌现到涌现到的脑海中的脑海中TranslationTra

44、nslationThose past events in her childhood popped into her mind again. 看到那张老照片,看到那张老照片, 一连串熟一连串熟悉的名字悉的名字涌现到他的脑海中涌现到他的脑海中。Seeing the old picture, a string of familiar names popped into his mind.那些童年的往事那些童年的往事再次跃入她的脑海之中再次跃入她的脑海之中。popTranslationTranslationPop down to the supermarket and get some fruits

45、. 那个陌生人刚刚那个陌生人刚刚出去出去不到几分钟。不到几分钟。The stranger just popped out for a few minutes. 到超市到超市去买一些水果来。去买一些水果来。v. 1) to go or come suddenly, quickly, or unexpectedly(突然地)来去,行动(突然地)来去,行动get away with(Line 25, Para. 4 of Passage 2)to do (something wrong) without being caught or punished 侥幸成功侥幸成功, , 逃脱处罚逃脱处罚不要试

46、图欺骗警方,不要试图欺骗警方,你注定难以逃脱你注定难以逃脱(惩罚惩罚)。Dont try to deceive the police; you will never get away with it. TranslationTranslation他从公司偷走了几千美金,他从公司偷走了几千美金,还居然蒙混过了关还居然蒙混过了关。He stole thousands of dollars from the companyHe stole thousands of dollars from the companyand got away with it. . 动词动词 get 的主要短语包括:的主要

47、短语包括:get aboutget about走动;旅行;传开;参加社会活动走动;旅行;传开;参加社会活动走动;旅行;传开;参加社会活动走动;旅行;传开;参加社会活动get aroundget around到处走动;传播出去到处走动;传播出去到处走动;传播出去到处走动;传播出去get backget back回来回来回来回来, , 恢复;恢复;恢复;恢复; 找回找回找回找回( (失物等失物等失物等失物等), ), get downget down( (从从从从.).)下来下来下来下来;吞下吞下吞下吞下;写下写下写下写下;使沮丧使沮丧使沮丧使沮丧get intoget into进入;陷入;穿上进

48、入;陷入;穿上进入;陷入;穿上进入;陷入;穿上get onget on生活生活生活生活;融洽相处融洽相处融洽相处融洽相处, , 进展进展进展进展;( (使使使使) )前进前进前进前进get outget out出去出去出去出去, , 离开;逃脱离开;逃脱离开;逃脱离开;逃脱, , 泄露;摆脱泄露;摆脱泄露;摆脱泄露;摆脱, , 出版出版出版出版get throughget through到达;做完;通过;度过;打通到达;做完;通过;度过;打通到达;做完;通过;度过;打通到达;做完;通过;度过;打通erase (Line 26, Para. 4 of Passage 2)v. remove ma

49、rks or writing so that they can no longer be seen 擦掉,抹去擦掉,抹去机密的信息机密的信息已经被已经被从文件中从文件中删除了删除了。The classified information has already been erased from the document. TranslationTranslation什么都无法从她记忆中抹去非洲什么都无法从她记忆中抹去非洲之行的可怕经历。之行的可怕经历。 Nothing can eraseNothing can erase from her mind from her mind the memor

50、y of the terrible the memory of the terrible experiences in her travel to Africa. experiences in her travel to Africa. 派生名词:派生名词:eraser n. esp. AmE 橡皮,擦字橡皮;擦拭器橡皮,擦字橡皮;擦拭器by no means(Line 34, Para. 4 of Passage 2) not at all; definitely not 绝不,一点也不绝不,一点也不我们我们绝不会绝不会和敌人达成妥协。和敌人达成妥协。We will by no means

51、come to terms with our enemy. TranslationTranslation中国乒乓球队中国乒乓球队绝绝对不会对不会输给任何输给任何对手。对手。By no meansBy no means will Chinese table tennis team lose to will Chinese table tennis team lose to any opponent. any opponent. Keys to Exercises:Page 253 4. 1) Creativity 2) Commitment 3) Connection 4) Confidence

52、5) Courage 6) Cooperation 7) Curiosity 8) Competence9) Consideration 10) communicationPage 265 2. Page 265 2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B1) B 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) BPage 266 Vocabulary 1. belief - doubt dependent -independentdeep -shallow mediocre - excellentlearn -unlearn use

53、less -usefulshame -pride well-informed -ill-informedpolite - rude smart -dullinadequate -adequate painful - painlesssuccess - failure boring -interesting imaginative - unimaginative Vocabulary 2. 1)deprived of 2) for the sake of3) get away with 4) dropped out5) by no means 6) got down to7) distingui

54、shfrom8) look back on 9) gone through10) after all11) be rid of12) on my own Vocabulary 3. 1)choice2) secure 3) hear4) who5) keep 6) while7) now 8) This9) pressure10) expecting11) tests 12) within13) had14) catch15) marks16) Parents 17) obtain/get18) teachers 19) relax20) shapePage 288 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) B 6) C 7) C 8) C 9) B 10) B 11) C 12) A



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