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1、International EconomicsTenth EditionIntroductionDominick SalvatoreJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.CHAPTER O N E11优质教学In this chapter:nThe Globalization of the World Economy 世界经济的全球化nInternational Trade and the Nations Standard of living 国际贸易与一国的生活水平nThe International Flow of Goods, Services, Labor and Capita

2、l 商品、服务、劳动力和资本的国际流动2优质教学nInternational Economic Theories and Policies 国际经济理论和政策nCurrent International Economic Problems 当前国际经济问题nOrganization and Methodology of the Text 本书的结构和学习方法3优质教学The Globalization of the World EconomynA globalizing world provides opportunities and challenges to nations and peo

3、ple in the world. 世界正在迅速全球化,这给全世界的国家和人民带来了很多机遇,也带了巨大的挑战。nFlow of goods and servicesnFlow of labor and jobsnFlow of financial instruments, currency4优质教学The Globalization of the World EconomynThree periods of rapid globalization 三次快速全球化三次快速全球化n1870-1914nResulted from industrial revolution, opening up

4、of new resource sources in “regions of recent settlement” 由工业革命引起,在新居民地地区开发新资源来源5优质教学nMillions of immigrants, vast amounts of foreign investments, increased production 涌入数以百万计的移民、大量的海外投资和增加的产量nEnded with breakout of World War I in 1914. 结束于1914年的一战爆发6优质教学The Globalization of the World EconomynThree

5、periods of rapid globalizationn1945-1980nDismantling of heavy trade protection led to rapid increase in international trade. 严重国际贸易保护的分解导致国际贸易迅速增加7优质教学The Globalization of the World EconomynThree periods of rapid globalizationn1980 to presentnMost pervasive and dramatic period of globalization 全球化最广

6、泛和剧烈的阶段nFueled by improvements in telecommunications and transportation 受益于电信和运输极大改善8优质教学nElimination of restrictions on capital flows led to massive international capital movements 资本流动限制的消除导致了大量国际资本流动nMost countries in the world participated 大多数国家积极参与9优质教学nAnti-Globalization Movement 反全球化运反全球化运动nC

7、laims globalization sacrifices human and environmental well-being to corporate profits of mutinationals 声称全球化为了跨国公司的利润而牺牲了人类和环境福利,The Globalization of the World Economy10优质教学nGlobalization is blamed for: 全球化受到指责是因为:nWorld poverty and child labor in poor countries 世界贫困和贫困国家的童工问题nJob losses and lower

8、wages in rich countries富裕国家的失业和工资的下降nEnvironmental pollution and climate change环境污染和气候变化11优质教学International Trade and the Nations Standard of LivingnInterdependence相互依存相互依存nEconomic relationship among nations国家之间的经济关系nRoughly measured as ratio of a nations imports and exports of goods and services t

9、o GDP用一国商品和服务进出口总值比上GDP的比值来粗略衡量12优质教学nMuch larger for smaller industrial and developing countries than for United States 小工业国家和发展中国家,贸易依存度要比美国大得多13优质教学FIGURE 1-1 Imports and Exports as a Percentage of GDP in Various Countries in 2001.优质教学International Trade and the Nations Standard of LivingnSources

10、 of potential gain for United States:对美国来说潜在得益来源有:nAccess to items with limited availability domestically (such as coffee, bananas, cognac, tin, tungsten, petroleum and copper)可以获得许多国内受到限制商品(如咖啡、香蕉)nAccess to lower cost products可以获得低成本的产品nAccess to greater product variety 可以增加产品的多样性15优质教学nEconomic i

11、nterdependence has been increasing over the years. 在过去这些年经济依存度一直在提高16优质教学FIGURE 1-2 Growth of World Production and Trade, 1990-2001 (annual percentage changes).优质教学FIGURE 1-3 Imports and Exports as a Percentage of U.S. GDP, 1965-2001.优质教学The International Flow of Goods, Services, Labor and CapitalnG

12、ravity Model引力模型引力模型nOther things equal, the bilateral trade between two countries is proportional, or at least positively related, to the product of the two countries GDPs, and the greater the distance between the two countries, the smaller is their bilateral trade.其他条件不变,两国双边贸易是与这两个国家的GDP成比例或至少正相关

13、;两个国家距离越远,贸易额越低。19优质教学nThat is, the larger (and more equal in size) and the closer two countries are, the larger the volume of trade between them is expected to be. 也就是说,两个国家GDP越大、距离越近,则预期两国贸易额越大20优质教学nInternational Trade Theory国国际贸易理易理论nAnalyzes the basis of and the gains from international trade.分

14、析国际贸易基础和所得International Economic Theories and Policies21优质教学nInternational Trade TheorynInternational Trade Policy国国际贸易政策易政策nExamines the reasons for and the effects of restrictions on international trade.考察国际贸易的原因和影响International Economic Theories and Policies优质教学nInternational Trade TheorynInterna

15、tional Trade PolicynBalance of Payments国国际收支收支nMeasures a nations total receipts from and total payments to rest of the world.测度一国与外部世界交易的总收入和总支出International Economic Theories and Policies优质教学nInternational Trade TheorynInternational Trade PolicynBalance of PaymentsnForeign Exchange Markets外外汇市市场nT

16、he institutional framework for the exchange of one national currency into another.一国与他国货币交换的框架International Economic Theories and Policies优质教学nInternational Trade TheorynInternational Trade PolicynBalance of PaymentsnForeign Exchange MarketsnAdjustments in the Balance of Payments国国际收支收支调解解Internatio

17、nal Economic Theories and Policies优质教学nFocuses on the relationship between internal and external aspects of the economy of a nation, and their interdependence with rest of the world economy under different international monetary systems.国际经济学关注一国经济内外部之间的关系,以及在不同国际货币体系同世界其他国家的相互依存性优质教学nDeep financial

18、 and economic crisis深度的金融和经济危机nTrade protectionism in advanced countries发达国家的贸易保护主义nExcessive fluctuations and misalignments in exchange rates and financial crises汇率过度波动和失衡以及金融危机Current International Economic Problems优质教学nStructural imbalances in US, slow growth in Europe and Japan, and insufficient

19、 restructuring in transition economies美国结构失衡、欧洲和日本缓慢增长和过度国家重组不足nDeep poverty in many developing countries许多发展中国家深度贫困nResource scarcity, environmental degradation, climate change and sustainable development资源匮乏、环境恶化、气候变化和不可持续发展优质教学Organization and Methodology of the TextPart One (Chapters 2-7)nInternational Trade TheoryPart Two (Chapters 8-12)nInternational Trade PoliciesPart Three (Chapters 13-15)nBalance of Payments, Foreign ExchangePart Four (Chapters 16-21)nAdjusting Balance of Payments Equilibria29优质教学



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